HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-8-11, Page 1:Figostsw"hree- " ••,.)7•:)',1,[17.474141113"r9r, arsffif)
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FoRTy-SEcoND YEAR ---NO. 2278
El°3'TER livELe°1"s
Tac ilowLERs. DEswaoyED )31 -FIRE.
--- Exeter is in the hands of the bowl- During the electrical storm. on
Jones oh may
ers -today (Wednesday). Forty-two _Saturday afternoon last the Oen-
-. rinks are entered in the annual tour-
- nainent, ,on the local greens. The
weather is excellent. The entry is
= slightly under ,laet year.
e c la
Men's and Boys' Suits and Coats
JUST ARRIVED -New Models for Fall in Yqung Men's Smart all -
wool Suits, cut in the very latest style, in a variety of patterns and at a
great reduction in prices. Also a fine assortment of Young Men's Fall
Coats and Hats and Boys' Bloomer Suits.
Bargains for August
Big Bargains this months in Outing Shoes, Black, Brown and White
Oxfords for Ladies. Also big reductions in all lines of Men's heavy
Overalls and Cottonade Pants
Good Overalls, Blue and White Stripe, stifel cloth to clear at $1.75.
Good cottonade pants at $1.98 per pair. Men's Smocks, $1.75 each. Men's
Combination Overalls, best quality, $3.75.
Store closes Wednesday afternoon during June, July and August.
PHONE 32 t.Tones
=, Exeter Council
= A regular meeting of the Munici-
pal Council held Monday, August 8,
= 1921. Absent, Councillor Penhale
and Davis.
1=-1 The 'minutes of the meeting held
July 25thwerey'read and approved.
=1 Letters were,read as follows:
From Mr. Connor to the Reeve j ton of hay and straw in the tower,
= thanking him and the members of carried there by the birds and this
. the Council for the additional holt- was food for the flames. The flames
- ' days granted. ) worked back under the roof of the
--1 Letter from John Kernighan, Esq., church and soon was beydnd con-
▪ Goderich, with an invitation to the trol. The men worked heroically and
succeeded in getting ev4-rything out
of the church. Two pianos were sav-
ed and the seats were removed from
the auditoeium. The windows in the
basement and some of the doors also
were removed. A number who were
passing by. in autos at the time stop-
ped and gave good assistance. There
was $4,000 insurance on the build-
The church was a fine structure
and was the centre'eaf the social as
well as the spiritual life of the com-
munity, it being the only place of
gathering in the village. It held a
tralia Methodist Church was struck
by lightning and completely destroy-
ey by fire. The walls alone remained
standin.g. The lightning struck the
roof on the..north side of the church
making a large hole. It is supposed
that it followed the lighting system
and entered, the tower where smoke
was seen issuing shortly afterwards.
The alarm was given immediately
and soon quite a number of men
were on the scene. On account of the
height of the tower and the lack of
fire -fighting apparatus the fire got a
good start. There was about a half a
- members of the Council to attend a
picnic at Menestung Park, Goderieh,
Thursday, Angust Ilth. Premier
= Drur3e has consented to be present
and will give Mt address, Clerk to
.- reply.
= ' A. circular letter from the secre-
tary of the Ontario Municipal Assoc-
iation withan. invitation to attend
= the annual convention at Toronto.
= Filed.
= The request of the Board of Edu-
cation through the secretary, asking
that a levy •Of twelve thousand five
hundred dollars' ($12,500) be made
for school purposes for the year. Per warm spot in the hearts of Many, es -
Snell and Elston -That the request pecially those who have 'worshipped
= - be not granted and. that the Board
= be requested to reconsider. Carried.
= The following accounts were read
= and passed:
= Frank Mellett, labor,R.B.,*$15.25;
M. E. Gardiner, town hall acct.,
= $1.15, cemetery; $2.00, library, 3.75,
= $6.90; Henry J. Kuhn, tile,.$41.98;
= Cachrane Machine Works, cemetery
= acct., $6.50; W. T. Gillespie, Braying
'= fire hose, .25; Richard Quance, labor
R.B., $15.75; A. E. Moore, meals &
= etc., .90; DaVid Russell, blacksmith-
ing acct., R.B., $26.05; Ceeil Ford,
= labor, cenietery, $30.00; The Mal -
lough -Foundrir itad Mfg. Co....,
tery acct.,
Passed on motion of Elston and
= Snell. Carried.
= Jos. Senior, Clerk.
Protett Your Horses and
Cattle by Using
COW EASE in half gallons at
COW. EASE in gallons at
SPECIAL SPRAYER for applying
I' 750
In Id 2, 3, and 4 -Burners
at lowest prices.
OVENS form $6.00 to $9.00
WICKS 40c.
25o a Ib.
Estinaates furnished.
Store closes Wednesday Oftennotm during June, July and August.
Heaniatt s Hardware
27* PHONES ob „
Over 15,000 veterans are ekpected when he opens the Canadian Na ion-
ta parade to Welcolne Lord Dyne al Exhibtioni Aunt 27th.
With an
the date and title may be
written on each film at the
time the picture is made.
This is accomplished by an
autographic arrangement --
a feature that is exclusively
Photography expensive?
Look at the price tags in
our Kodak window -or bet-
ter still look over the line.
Expensve? You never got
such lasting pleasure at so
small cost.
Aroclaks $9.00
Brozvliies $2.00
W. S. llowey
Stephen •Council
The Council of the To%vrishin of
Stenhen convened in the Town Hall,
Crediton August 1st, 1921, at 1 D.MI.
AIL members were are sent. The in1
uets of the eirevious meeting were
read and adonted.
Hays-Penhale-That the Clerk not-
fy Dr. Orme, owner of the Crediton
Rural Telenhotne System that iris fran-
chise tor oroarating his telephone sys-
tem on the highways in the Township
of Steohen has '',cxpired and request
him to give this his immediate atten-
tion -Carried
Webli -Sweitzer -.That Frederick
Wuerth's .anplication: for Tax Collec-
tor be accented and that he be ap-
cointecl at his former salary. -Carried
The following orders were passed:
London Rolling Mj.11 Co., reinforcing
materiai for bridges, $110.74; The
T, R. System, freight, $14- Faist)
Br' os. clothing for Alma Williams, • '•
$19.05• Baines t& :paavid Co, reinforc-
ng, 11 S.68; ..kuniclinal World, sup -
al es, 812.99; John Jacobs, Com., $5.50
James Wllis, contract 3595;.'' Thos.,
Rawl:mei. gravel, 93.00; also 22.25
os, Harst, labor on road 9.00; R.
Daey, commissioner and labor 7.00;
A. McCann and athers,. grading 18.00.
The council adjetaned. to Sent 6th.
at 1 o.m.
Henry Eilber, Clerk
within its walls for many years. Not
the least among those who will miss
it is Mrs. Baynhann who for years
hastaken a delight in the decoration
of the church and on siecial occa-
sions these decorations have been
most attractive and pleasing to the,
congregation. Air. and Mrs. Baynham
were just leaving the church when
the lightning struck it.
An oen-air service was held on
Sunday evening on the parsonage
lawn and these serviees will continue
each Sabbath that weather is per-
mitting..Sunday school will be held
111 the school buildin;
A meeting of the congregation
was held Monday evening. The mat-
ter of the erection of an entirely)
new building or of re -building using
the old walls, was discussed. A com-
mittee was appointed tointerview an
architect and secure plans and spec-
ifications and report.
The new flax mill to replace the
one destroyed by fire, has been com-
pleted in Exeter North. The mach-
inery has been installed and thresh-
ing operations will be started at
once. About two hundred and fifty
acres were sown to flax in this com-
munity and the pulling of the crop
has been completed. About fifty
Indians from Muncey were engaged
in the work. The season is about two
weeks in advance of other years. The
crop this year will be light in com-
parison with last year. The fibre is ,
short. Following the recent heavY1
rains the fax started second growth.
• -
Mr. Wxu. Andrew met with an un-
fortunate accident on Monday morn-
ing which badly damaged his car.
Fortunately, his family, which were
riding with him, escaped any injury.
Mr. Andrews and family were on
their way to Goderich, While going
down the south side of the hill on
Main Street Mr. Andrews' attention
was attracted by a pail on the rune
ning board of the car and he put hie
hand out to adjust it, The car turned
off the road and struck the cement
curb breaking off several feet of the
curb at the a,ppi•oach to tlie bridge
and finally struek a post. The axle
was bent and the lights and lenders
on one side bady damaged. eir, An-
drews came back and eecured aria
otb,er car and proceeded to Goderich,
Mr. Andrews said it wa.e his day aft
as lie had several bIow-outs before
f•eaching Goderieh.
OWing to the, storm on. Saturday,
the hydro was off for a short time
islit:ittaedt dtuoskiligThuevnietih•celliranotsidetlatietwipisi
and lanterns.
tiset CarsFor Sale
We have the following used Ford ------------ sale and a,re offer-
ing big inducements for -quick turnovers of the following list:
FORD COUPE -Looks like new; has license, shock absorbers,
dome light and other extras.
FORD SEDAN -Used demonstrator in excellent condition; has
shock absorbers, license, dome light, large steering wheel, and new
spare tire.
1918 FORD TOURING with license and other extras; good
1916 FORD TOURING with license and new style engine hood
1916 FORD TOURING with license and some extras.
1916 FORD TOURING with license and shock absorbers, Kalx-
on horn and dash lamp.
1913 FORD TOURING with prest-o-lites.
1913 FORD TOURING with shock absorbers, license, Yale ig-
nition lock, tire holder and spare tire.
1912 FORD TOURING with license. This car is in gobet re-
pair and for quick sale will sell at $185.00.
1913 1 -IUP touring car; motor and entire car has been over-
Two 1913 •STI.TDEI3AKER tourings.
One CHEVROLET 490 touring in good repair and good tires
at $350.00. •
All above cars will be gladly demonstrated to any prospective.'
buyer and suitable terms can be arranged to suit the purchaser.
Since the first of January we have sold over 100 ears. This amount
of' business should be proof enough as to the•satisfactory dealings.
that our customers secure from as. We also operate our own repair
shop and therefore are prepared to give our customers the very
best of service on both new and used cars.
Allhina.kes of cars brought to us for repairs will rece11-Th
most careful and skilled mechanics' attention, And you will find any:
repairs brought here will be done satisfactory to you. Call' and
look over the above list of cars; we have a large assortment to',
choose from and we shall endeavour to satisfy you in every- re-
Gasoline, 36e a gallon; and best Polarine heavy gas engine o .
at $1.25 per gallon. •
TIRES -301137A non-skid, guaranteed 5,000 miles, $16.75.
Ribbed tread, guaranteed 1,000 miles, at $15.50; while they last'.
A real service at your disposal. Regular trips to the Bend, Wednes-
day and Saturday; leave Exeter at 7.30, returning at 12.00; other trips
by arrangement.
Exeter defeated Centralia in a - Picnis, WeddingS Funerals and family driving given our special
game of softball on the local dia-
mond on Friday evening last, score USE A REAL SERVICE.
-16 to 14. This was the closing,
game of the 'series and the win for!
Exeter made a three -cornered tie for!
first place between Crediton, Con -1
tralia. and Exeter. In the play -on it
was decided to play home -and -
home games. Crediton drew a bye. Call 56
Exeter team went to Centralia Mon-
day evening and defeated that team
18 to 13. The game created not a
Ushorne Council
Township of Usborne met
Gth pursuant to adjotirnient. All I
The Municipal Council of the
Leave orders at Wilon's Grocry.
11111 1111111111
onAugust!few disputes owing to the decisions
members present except John
of the umpire. The return game will
gan. Minutes of the meeting of Tuly
lbe played in Exeter on Friday eve-
2nd read and apprOved,' •
A reduced schedule of rates for
the township having been forwarded
by the Hydro -Electric Commissiou
Harvey Bros. have made smile ad-
the clerk was authorized to write to a
the commission asking for the serv-imill that should prove a benefit to -=
ices of an engineer to look over the • the farming cornfliuflity. Since this=
township in view to securing electri- firm took over the milling business
cal service. The reduction in rates ' in Exeter they have not been slow dee=
amounts to about ten dollars per to adopt any new ideas to keep it d
year on each item as previously pub- s ----------------, es and th
provem on ts wi
g st
e new Ian
Before this paper reaches you again we expect to be
running at full rate.
We have installed a RECEIVING SEPARATOR
which is intended to clean grain that is reasonably clean
right from Ithe machine. This relieve farmers of
cleaning grain intended for sale and we believe will be
aPpreciated by them. The system bas been installed so
that the farmer will have his screenings to take home.
11 ndoubt cost a few
As this will give no cleaner wheat we expect oui- offal in
13ylaw No. 9, 1921, re, borrowing pennies They --------- stalld a new
aml approved and signed by. the of grain t tl
money for current expenses was read " t
attire will contain less impurities.
receiving separa or for the cleaning = c
reeve and cleric, at the mill. To niake room for this
The following rates were struck new machine it:was necessary to re-
None need fear delay as the SEPARATOR has a -.-
apacity of 500 bushels per hour.
Tho installation of the STafetkRATOR will not change
oar chopping arrangement as grain for chopping does =
= not go through it,
„ This has entailed considerable expense and we solieit
= your patronage in the sale of your wheat,
During the time the has been shut down it has
= - been put in first-elass repair and We are looking forWard
to a Banner Year the next twelve Months. We shall do
E 0111' hest b3 careful and prompt attettion to business to hr --
merit the esteem and patronage of Mir large Miele of
friends and CUSt011ArS.
for 1921 taxes: move the 'office and occiipy
County rate, 0.8 mills on the dol- pacThe ese.ffihas been moved to
lar; Good8 roads rate, 2, inills; Town- the annex recently erected in.
ship rate 1 mill; General sehool rate, hection with the auill, The grain 18
3 mills; and that the required thrown into the hopper. and is ee-
amount for each school section in the vated to the separator whe • 't
townShip be levied by Special rate, cleaned. After being cleaned it IS
entered on the colleeter's roll and again elevated to the ho pe • t 1
• . p o
collected with the other taxes; and weighed, The farmers will receive
that a bylaw be drafted confirming the screenins. to take home with
the Same. 1 theme The Zeparator haa a, capacity
Bills to the amount', of $134,46 of Some 50:;) lenshols per hour. It is
3. arvey ros.
were passed and orders issited for operated by a separate eleetric M =
in the Band competitions at the
Over $3,000 in prizes
ItIne PaYrnent of same, tor, Th
be e ma,chine has alrea y been
will given
Connell adjourned to Meet Sept, installed and the mill will be running
nd, 1921. in a feW days, after being
Canadian Nati°na'l 1 Henry Strang, Olorl, I down for a eottple of Weeks, closed
' • , , •
' •
• „' , , • .,