HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-8-4, Page 8w S Jin t►Y A aL PHQN11 16.. PHONE '16,. EVER YTHING NEEDED FOR YOUR SUMMER VACATION; HIE .ADQUARTERS FOR TRUNKS AND SUIT, CASES.. CORSETS! CORSETS! Ladies Summer Corsets in a good staple style, good quality. All sizes, Regular $1.50. Sale Price. 98c. TWILLED SHEETING Two yards wide, bleached twilled sheeting. .A goad heavy weight, Regular $1,25 per yard. Sale Price. 65e per yard. CLEARING SALE OF ALL STRAW JJATS. All Melt's, Boys' and Children's Straw ,Hats must be sold, therefore, we are cutting the price of every summer hat, WORK SHIRTS Men's Black and White Stripe Work Shirts, nearly all sizes Regular $1.50. Sale Price 98c. Highest prices paid for poul try and, all Produce.. 'tewart '.` Furniture Undertaking COMPLETE LINES IN ALL BINDS OF FURNITURE. MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. ARDINER PHONE,, 74.J; Night call 74W August 9 9 and 10 n� ry Sale August the 8th marks our llth year, We have made good and this year are celebrating by having a Genuine Bargain Sale, which starts AUGUST 8th, 8 a.m. and stops AUGUST 10th, noon. Our of- ferings will be GRANITEWA.RE, CHENT WARE, CONFECTION- ERY, TOILET ARTICLES. A partial list is: - CHINAWARE GRA;\,L LOWARE Cups and Saucers Potato Pots Teapots Preserving Kettles Salad Bowls Water Pails Cream Jugs Our prices will sell the goods if you want them. FREE -To the first 40 customers who buy $8 worth we will give one 6x3 ft. Union Jack Flag, free • Come and see for yourself. Seeing is"believing. of goods we PHONE 55, I's Bazaar PHONE 55 massaramanansaanannualawcaamimatainak The New Diamond Amberola is made under the personal supervision of lir'. Thomas A. Edison, the man who invented the phonograph. Its music, quality, and all-around perfection are what you would expect to find in an instrument bearing the signature of this great inventive genius. Before deciding on your phonograph -come in and hear Mr. Edison's Amberola. Compare it by actual test with any of the so-called "talking machines," and with ordinary phonographs selling at much higher prices. Ask about our offer -Three Days of Good Music Free! 1$2'alce lair prove to ,youthat the. AmberoIa; made by the man who invented the phonograph, is the world's greatest phonograph value. -Come in today - write or phone if more convenient. 4. WILLIS POWELL Dealer EXETER, ONTARIO i TF•13CE1`EF� : TIME$ Market Report The following it the report of the Exeter Market corrected every Wednesday. Wheat $1.25. Oats 40c, Barley 48c to 55o. Manitoba Flour $6.55, Family Flour $5,30, Shorts $1,40 per 100, lbs. Bran $1,40 per 100 lbs. Feed flour $2.00. �. Creamery butter 43c, Dairy butter 35c. Eggs 29e. bard 23e. Hens, 4 lbs, and over, 20c. Hens,under 4 lbs., 17c. Broilers, over 2 lbs., 25c. under 2 lbs., 18c Old roosters, 12c. Ducks, over 4 lbs., 15c. Ducks, under 4 lbs., 12c. Geese 12c, Turkeys 25c, Hogs $12.00. LOCAL s a aevaew� _ ®"ssaeas • Master Clarence Boyle is' holiday- ing in London. Mr, James Creech, of Detroit, is holidaying in Exeter. Mr. Ingram, of Hamilton, visited in Exeter over the week -end. Civic Holiday was observed very quietly in Exeter on Monday. Miss Jessie Manson spent Sunday and Monday with her parents. Mr. Will Brown, of London., spent' Civic holiday at Grand Bend. Mr. Chas. Eacrett, of Sarnia, is visiting with friends in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. May and son, Warren, are holidaying in Toronto. Miss Alice Vincent, •of Stratford, visited her parents over the holiday. Miss Lizzie Frayne, u. London, has been holidaying with friends in Exe- Miss Adelia Chambers, " of Cleve- land, is the" guest of Miss M. M. Bowey. Mr. C. R. Howard returned to New York Monday after holidaying in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Dayman, of Sarnia, spent Sunday and Monday with relatives. Mr. Beverley Acheson, of Wood- stock, spent Sunday and Pdnnday a his home here. Mr. and Mrs. E. Crocker an children of Toronto, visited in Exe- ter last week. Messrs. Silas Reed and Bruc Rivers have returned after holiday- ing in Windsor. Miss Annie Vincent, of Windsor is visiting at the home of her both- er, Mr. L. D. Vincent. ter. t d e Mr. Leonard Abbott, of Centralia, is holidaying at Centralia and called on friends in Exeter. Master Harold Whyte is holiday- ing at the home of his uncle, W. J. Westlake, of Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coates, of Detroit, are holidaying with rela- tives in this community. Mr. Will Crocker, of Toronto, is holidaying with file grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.. Wm. Treble. Miss Olive McDonald has returned home after visiting friends at Port Stanley, Essex and Windsor. A horse belonging to Mr. Frank Squires, of Whalen, suffered a sev- ere sunstroke on Thursday last. Miss M. Purvis, Mr. Gilbert ane son, Jack, of Toronto, are visiting at the home of Mr. J. R. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Northcott, of Stratford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Yellow, Sunday and Monday. Mr., and Mrs. .Winterbottom, of London, were the guests of the Miss- es Sweet, Huron street, Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson and son, Clifford, and Mr. ani Mrs. Ogilvie, of London, spent Civic holiday at Grand Bend. Dr. and Mrs. RouIston: and son,. Verne, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mantle returned Saturday evening from a motor trip to Niagara Falls. Mr. "'and Mrs. ,r. W. Alderson, of Guelph., and Mr. and Mrs. F Calvert, of.Heepeler, motored over and spent Monday with Rev. M. J. and Mrs. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs a R. G. Seldoii and family motored to Kingston last week. Mrs. Frank Newman and child who have been spending the sum- mer here returned to their home. Mrs. D. A. McNicol and family of Toronto, who have been visiting here have lieturned home accompanied by the former's mother, Mrs. J. West- lake, who will remain for sometime. Mr. and Mrs. Anios Wildfong, of Sexsmith, and Mr.. and Mrs. Joseph Wildfong, of Dashwood, motored to Michigan on Saturday to attend the funeral of brother of the two men. Miss Emma Heideman, of Toronto, spent Sunday and Monday at her home here. Miss Edith Heideman and F. Dinuey accompanied her back and will visit in Toronto. Mr. Gerald Fitton, of Toronto,°'has joined his wife and child here and is holidaying with, Mr. and Mrs. S. I itton. lir. Jack Matthews, of Sarnia, also spent several days with Mr, and Mrs. Fitton.. (..-tditional locals on page four) With the c Ch rhes J111111llllllllf fiflN Churches 1 INIpIIIIIINI11N1111111111111111111111111 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James 11!!oote, B. A., Minister UNION SERVICES 10 a,ni.-Sunday School and Bible classes, 11 a•in.-Service in Caven church. 7 pan. ----Service in Main St. church Union prayer meeting in Caven church at 7:45 Thursday evening. Rev. James Foote will conduct all services. JAMES STREET TViETIODIST CHURCH Rev, M. J. 'Wilson. B.A., Pastor. Rev. Irwin Kaine will occupy the pulpit both morning and evening. S. ARMY. 3 p.m. -Sunday' school and Bible classes. MAIN ST. 1VJETEODIS'T CHURCH Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. A. (Phone 21, r3.) UNION SERVICES 11 a.m.-Service in Caven church. 3.00 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible classes. 7 p.m. -Service' in Main St. church BETHANY 2.30 p.m, -Rev, James Foote. Rev. James Foote will conduct all services. Y.P.C.A. During July and August the rooms will be open only on Monday and Saturday nights, but any members wishing to play- can do so any night by applying to Mr. Cole for the keys. SALVATION ARMY SERVICES. Sunday -Town Hall, 11 a.m.; North End, 3 p.m.; Town Hall, 7 p. m.; Victoria Park, 8.30 p.ni. Open-air service in Victoria Park on Wednesday .evening. Capt. I3arr Lieut. Parnell MOTOR BUS ' SERVICE. Mr. Sylvanus Cann is prepared to take picnic parties to Grand Bend and other points during the sum- mer. FOR SALE -New potatoes at 65c a peck. Apply to Thos. Swale, Us - borne. 1VIrs. W. D. Yeo returned Friday after visiting friends in Toronto and Stratford. Rev. M. J. Wilson, pastor of James Street Methodist Church, is taking his holidays, during the month of August, and during Inc absence Rev. Irwin Keine will conduct the serv- ices. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson intend tak- ing several motor trips during the month; Mrs. ,Fowell, Mrs. W. W. ' Taman, and children, left on Monday for -Toronto where they will spend a month in the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston will occupy Mrs. Fowell's summer cottage at Grand Bend. "Mrs. F. Young, of Strathroy, who has been a guest for some weeks with her sister, Mrs. J.W. JWallace, Elmwood avenue, has gone on to Exeter and Seaforth and will con- tinue her visit to Mrs. Wallace at a later date, also visiting in Toronto before returning to her home."-a-- London ome."_London free Press. A family re -union was held at. the home of Mrs. W. J. Harness on Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harness were here from St. Thomas; Mr. Elmore ` Harness and wife were down from Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Brogan, of Windsor, visit- ed here. Miss Margaret Harness, who has been visiting in Windsor, accompanied them home. Mr. Wm. Douglas, of Granton was also a guest at the home. ANS:C CAMERAS CSPEEDEX AZ PI Picture -taking is not alone enjoyed by grown-ups. The children, too, take a keen delight in if. Nowadays, every- , one has a camera of some sort. For the kiddies, the little BUSTER BROWN is just the thing. Getonc for°your boy or girl. An ideal birth- day remembrance. The BUSTER BROWN camera is made to take real pictures and .frith stand hard knocks. Anyone can take excellent snap -shots with it. Bring the children in to see it. SENIOR; STUDIO and ART STORE EXETER, ONT. THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1921.. IIIIImMIIOIIl111111111111111NIOIIIIIINIIIIIIII111111oIIImfI uo llolimpllllllllllm .�., PHONE 134. SOUTRCO 1 7 BROS. MINIM IMMO 0001101 MOM MEOW WOMB PHONE 134. Fleet Foot Shoes For every sport and recreation. For every member of the fancily. Before going on your vacation be sure to have a pair to take with you. The prices are quite reasonable. FACTORY COTTON SPECIAL Extra good weave factory cotton, old price, 35c a yard. Special "value -10 yds, for $1,75. Special •WHITE FLAN. SPECIAL 27 in. wide, white flannelette, old price 35c. Very good quality, Special Value -Ten ycls. for $1.75 in Men' A yeai4 ago this overall sold 4f ,. and roomy and will stand a lot of s Overalls -41.79. for $3,00. It is a good cloth, made full rough wear. Special value at $1.79. LADIES CORSETS $1.48 Three dozen D & A Corsets. Regu- lar value $1.75. A splendid corset in a good weight for warm weather. Sizes 20 to. 28. Special value $1.48. MEN'S' SHIRTS $1.39. Pour dozen Tooke Shirts. Regular valve $2.00. Sizes 14. to 16. A good shirt for summer wear and extra value at $1.39. This store will be closed every Wednesday afternoon during Jdne, July - and August. Southcott Bros. OMNI NEMO MIMEO 61111111121111 MAIM ffi MAW MOM WIMOM Mmmil - 1 �llllllllillilllllllilllllllll[IIIIIHIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Illllllllllllllf IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111lI11[lilllllllllllll 1.R. CARLING B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer. Solicitor for the Molsons Bank, etc. Invest your funds in Vic- tory, Dominion of Canada, Provincial and Municipal Bonds. Legal investment for Trust Funds. At existing prices, from 6 per cent to 7 per cent can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE Carling Block, Main Street, EXETER, ONT. ameseaasszsme New iron pumps and fittings in stock. Iron or wood pumps repair- ed;. 'wells pumped out or . cleaned. S. J. V. CANN EXETER Phone 115:' DA. JOHN WARD Chiropractic and Electrical treat- ments, X -Rays. Corner William and Sanders. Hours 10 to 12, 2 tod 4, and by appointment. Phone 43. Miss Fern Sheere, of Lansing, Mich., who has been visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. A. Sheere, has returned to her home. She was accompanied by Mrs. F. M. Boyle on a visit. The annual bowling tournament on the local greens wii be held on Wednesday of next week.- Great preparations ` are being made to make this one of the best tourna- ments held here and the prospects look good. Union services by the congrega- tions of Main, St. Methodist and Caven Presbyterian churches will be held during the month- of August, conducted by the Rev. James Foote, of. Caven church. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. rollick and babe returned to Hamilton on Satur- day last after holidaying with rela- tives in town. They, went to I-IanriI ton by way of auto with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Penhale, who visited in Hamilton and Niagara Falls, Major Byers, of the Salvation Ar'm'y, Stratford, visited the local corps in Exeter on Thursday last and addressed an open-air service in Victoria Park in the evening, He spoke of the Salvation Army work and its possibilities for Exeter. Mr. C. T. I3rooks leaves this week for Winnipeg, Crystal City ;and Mor- den, Man., where he Will visit 'vela - ties. His sister-in-law, Mrs. _ Brooks, Of Crystal City, is quite 111 with lit- tle prospects of recovery. During his absence Mr. Wel. Johns will act as mail carrier. Rev. W. G. H. McAllister, pastor of Main St. Methodist Church, and Mrs. McAllister have taken a cottage at Grand Bend for the month of Au- gust. Their son, Fred, wife and babe of Ottawa, are -visiting with them, Miss Stewart of Nor• l.n Carolina, is also holidaying with her si ter T. II. ELLIOTT IS OUT FOR I3USINFssS My aim is -Your patronage. My motto -Service to the public. PRICES \ Ladies' Suits, cleaned and pressed $1:50 Men's Suits, pressed only ..... .75' Men's suits, cleaned and pressed' $1.00 to $1.50 Ladies' suits dyed $4.50 Men's suits dyed $4.50 Ladies' suits dry cleaned $2.00 Men's suits dry cleaned $2.00 Ladies' overcoats dry cleaned $2.00 Men's overcoats dry cleaned$2.00 I' do all kind of repairingI' also have the agency for the Forest City Laundry, London, Ont. At your service. R. N. Rowe FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Embalmer's License No. 210. MOTOR HEARSE SERVICE Phone 20J and 20W. MOWN mina THE EXETER TIMES Subscription rate $.1.50 a year. ADVERTISING RATES Display .Advertising -Nada known. on application. Stray Animals -One -insertion 50a three insertions for $1.00 Farm or Real Estate for sale 60o each insertion for one month of for insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and found locals 25c. Local reading notices etc. 10 line per insertion. No Thanks less c per ice than 25e. Card of notice 60c: Auction sales $3 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length. line.Legal advertising 10c and Se a A few choice farms in South Hu- ron for sale. Also some unincumber- ed farm lands in Alberta and Sas- katchewan will be exchanged for town or village property. Apply to Thomas Cameron, Conveyancer, Auc- tioneer, etc. Box 154, Exeter. Phone 21r12. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon Office -McDonnell's Sales Stables on John St. Pone calls receive prompt attention. Phone 26w Our New Goods Are Arriving Every Day How about that new Suit? Come in and see our New Styles It's easy to upset good form with an out of form tie. That's why it so often happens. The remedy is here ht good form Ties, Scarfs and Four -in -Bands. Gloves, Collars, Shirts, everyything in Men's Outfit- tings correct to the minute. HONE