HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-8-4, Page 5THURSDAY, Al GU 'E 4, 192 , ,icv t, . Sat the Phonograph. Tod Time changes. So do phonographs. The instrument you would have bought a year is, perhaps, not the one you want today. Come in and see how the different phonographs measure up today. Decide for yourself which is the leader. You can do it—because our Edison Turn -Table Comparison brings together the four leading phonographsain a sciehtifie comparison. J. WILLIS PO YELL, EXETER, ONT. ' Ask for the Edison given only on request • The Western Fair LONDON, ONTARIO Sept. 10th to 17th Seven Fnll. Days This Year. THE POPULAR EXHIBITION OF WESTERN ONTARIO $6,000.00 Added to the Prize List BOYS AND GIRLS CALF COMPETITION SPEED EVENTS — DOG SHOW — AUTO RACES THE WORTHAM SHOWS ON THE MIDWAY Wonderful Progranuue Before The Grand Stand Twice Daily PLENTY OF MUSIC FIREWORKS EVERY NIGHT. Adxnissibn, 10th, 12th, 16th, & 17th -25c. 13th, 14th & 15th -50c. Grand Stand ---Usual Prices ALL INFORMATION FROM THE .SECRETARY. Lt. -Col. W. M. Gartshore, President A. M. Hunt, Secretary Dashwood Mr. Wilbur Ehlers of Indianapolis is visiting at his home ,here. Miss Dora [Craft of Loudon, visit- ed at her home here this week, Mr. and Mrs. Twitcher of London, Visited relatives here Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Greybiel of Woodstock are visiting the former's parents. Mr. Eldon Goetz, who spent the past few .years at the coast, is .visit- ing with his parents. Misses Verda Merner and Susie Schaefer of ,Parkhill ,spent ;the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. G. Merner. Misses Freida Schroeder and Ade- line Rader are attending a Y. P. S. Convention at Tavistock this week. Centralia Mr. Earl Hodgson, of Toronto, is spending his holidays at his home. Mr. Hanlon's family has been stay- ing at Grand Bend the past week. Miss Lulu Dempsey, of Toronto, is visiting her uncle, Mr. John Els- sexy. The Flax Company has commenc- ed pulling .the , crop and soon will be very busy. Mr. Wm. Colwell and others are shipping cattle this week to England. Mr. Colwell left on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin and son, of To- ronto, visited at the home of Mrs. Irwin's brother,. Mr. Andrew Hicks, M.P.P., over the week -end. Rasseldale Mrs. Nicol, of Perth, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. David Dow. Miss Ethel Balfour has returned after visiting friends in Brantford. Messrs. Percy White and Edward Grant, of Toronto, are renewing ac- quaintances in this vicinity. The Misses Gertrude and Gladys Woods, of Stratford, are the guests. of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ruston. • Mr. Doherty has returned to- To- ronto after spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Cole. Miss Verna Pridham has been suc- cessful in passing her entrance exam in the Mitchell High School. We ex- tend congratulations. Sign on butcher shop: I butcher myself every Saturday. In a music shop: "Keep- your eye on the girl you love" and thirty others. HOTTED over 100,000,000 acres of forest, 1,000 men, organized in the employ of the Government of Ontario, are, thiS'.summer,`passing back and forth over the canoe routes and along the railways, watching •out for the tell-tale smoke which is the sign of fire. Regardless of hot weather, black flies, mosquitoes, discomfort, loneliness or monotony, the Fire Ranger makes his rounds, preventing, quenching or fighting fires in Ontario's forests, paying his .own living and traveling expenses, and receiving $3.00 per day for his serviebs. All in all, the Ontario Fire Ranger is entitled to the help and co-operation of everyone. He deserves all the support the people of Ontario can give him. His work is of vital importance. Heed his warnings. Do what he asks. They're yours The Ontario Fire Ranger, during the • danger period of the dry summer, is constantly on patrol to catch fires while they are small. He cannot prevent them ,,.starting, as a ruler He is at the mercy of all types of care- lessness. Thanks to his vigilance, however, two-thirds of the forest fires in the last four years did not spread beyond five acres and of these, half did not exceed one-quarter acre. Most of Ontario's Fire Rangers are northern woodsmen. Contrary to common belief, only five per cent. of then- are students, and these are experienced Fire Rangers or returned soldiers. Rangers travel chiefly by canoe and in 'pairs over a definite.. "beat", the length of which varies according to the degree of danger from fires. Others travel up anddown the forestedrailway sections on hand velocipedes, following trains to put -out fires' set by Stearn locomotives. In all, 2,100 miles of railroad are patrolled steadily all summer. , Two men devote their whole time to examining locomotives to see that screens and ashpans will not permit the escape of sparks and live coals. In the clay belt, a large force of Rangers supervise settlers' fires in land -clearing operations. Don't blame the Fire Ranger if he asks you to be careful. Don't think he is too particular. He knows the risk. Ontario is poo'er by untold millions of dollars through forest fires in the past. Help the'Fire Ranger save the increasingly valuable forests thatl remain, Ontario Forestry Branch Parliatnent\T3uildings Toronto wau ExE 'TWA Crediton Mrs. Walker is visiting relatives in 'Wyoming,. Mrs. (Rev.) Hauch lias returned from Chicago. Miss Pearl Haist returned to Kala- mazoo, Monday, Mrs. R. S. Wilson spent a few days last week in London, Miss Dorothy Mallett, of Loudon, spent the week-end'here. ,i, Miss Verax,Holtzniann of London, spent Sunday at her honie hero. 1 1 Miss:Edith Hill, of London, visited at the home ,of, Mr. Isaac Hill last week. Mr. Herb 13rown,•of Toronto, spent the week -end with his father, Mr. 13. Brown, Jr. Miss Lily Fahner and Mr.. Emery Fahner left Saturday for Toronto and Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader, of Lon- don, spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Trevethick. Mrs. Freeman Morlock underwent an operation in London on Thursday for the removal of her tonsils. Miss Pearl Gaiser, of Toledo, is holidaying at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gaiser. Mr. John Hauch, °7r., of Stratford, nephew of Rev. Hauch, occupied the pulpit of the Evangelical church on 'Sunday. Rev, Otto Braun returned to liis hone in Freemont, Ind„ Thursday, Mrs, Brown aiidtchiidren'remaining here for a time. Mr. Eli Lawson was Galled to Windsor, Monday, owing to the ill- ness of Miss Lily, who is to be oper- ated on for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Schmitt and fancily and Mr. and Mrs, Albert Schmitt of Kitchener spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Kuhn. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark, Miss Laura, left Saturday on a motor trip to Marietta, Ohio. At Walkerville• they will be joined by Mr. Russell Clark, who will accompany then. Mr. Earnest Gettinger timet with a ;very painful accident last Wednes- day. While threshing at Gus Morris- sey's, his hand got caught in the cutting box and it was taken off six inches below the elbow. The Messrs. Carl and Earl Sweit- zer of Kitchener accompanied by the Misses Hoffman and Harper, and Mr. Howard Hoffman of Toronto, motor- ed here for the week -end and were the guests of M. 73. Brown. Rev. Brook left for England Mon- day and will be gone for six .weeks. In his abesnce the pulpit will be oc- cupied by Mr. Stanley of Lucan, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Medd and Mr. South- cott, of Exeter. Mrs. Brook and children are in Sarnia, lensall . Monday, August 1st was Civic Holiday. Mr. Wilson Berry; of Windsor, is spending his 'vacation here. Mrs: Ross, of Montana, is ¶isiting with Mr. and Mrs. 'R.obt Bonthron. Miss Elsie Down, of London, and Miss Florence Arbrust of Welland were guests at the rectory. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyd, of Ni- agara Falls are visiting at the hone •of iVIr. and Mrs. Robt. McArthur. Mr. Frank Manns, of Brantford, visited his aunt and `uncle, Mr. and and Mrs. Fred Manns, a few days. Mr. Geo. Todd, who has+been-visit- ing his brother, Hugh in Bad Axe, Mich., has returned home. Mr. 'and Mrs. Albert Cudmore, of Kitchener, are hoildayrng .with Mr. and Mrs. R. Cudmore. Miss Ida Dick, of Toronto, • is 'at present visiting her mother, Mrs. Dicka and sister, Mrs. Bertha Bell. Mr. and Mrs. James Bonthron and. family have taken a cottage at Grand Bend and will holiday there for two weeks. Mr. Milton McTaggart, after a pleasant visit with his father and sister, Miss C. McTaggart, has re- turned to the Northwest. • Mr. . and Mrs. G. F. Arnold, of Buf- falo, motored here and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arnold. Mr. Arnold conducted a general store here for some years before going to Buffalo. Miss McKinnon' and Miss Sadie McC1oy left for Toronto. From there they will take a boat trip to Mon- treal. Mr. and Mrs. H. ,Conley and son and daughter, who have been visiting at the hoiue of Mr. John McEwen and other friends in• and around town, left last week tor their home in Winnipeg. Zi rich Miss Anna Hess attended the fu- neral of a relative at Flint, Mich. Mrs, G. Stunkh and three sons of Elmira, spent a few days with Mrs. P. 13. Meyer. Miss Verna 1(albfleisch has return- ed to Detroit after spending a few weeks with friends and .relatives. IVCr•. and Mrs. J. H. Smith, of Chat- ham, were visitors' at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J Hey, Jr a few days. Mr, and Mrs. Q. Taggart of South Beucl, Ind., are visiting relatives and friends here. They motored over. Mr, Nesbitt Woods it taking a short course at the 0. A. C., Guelph.. The Misses Lily and Ora Hoffman of Tavistock spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. aud Mrs, Sol, Mallen, Babylon Line. lir. and Mrs. Schltichter, of Illit2- ois, and Mr; and Mrs. S..Schlunch- tor, of Pigeon, Mich„ visited with Mr, and Mrs, J, Preeter. The dwelling property and land of the estate of the late J. II. Schnell iise recently been sold to Mr. Conrad Schilhe of the 14th Con., Hay, who gets possession on .August l 5th, Mr, and Mrs. Percy Clarke and fancilytivesherofe. Windsor are visiting rela Miss Streeter, of Toronto, .spent the week at the Evangelical parson- age. Mrs, S. Brown and daughter, Er- ma, of „Kitchener, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. Preeter. Miss Lottie Galster, who has been at Kitchener for some time, has re- turned to her hone here. iVIr. N. E. Dahnis, former principal of Zurich Public School, has been engaged by the Dashwood School Board as principal of that school for the conning year. HAVE YOU READ THESE (.Being, on this occasion, adver- tisements and signsfound at various tunes in various newspapers and places, and which were funny with- out the authors' -intent.) Wanted --Real Estate broker, de- sires partner, automobile preferred. Middle aged man of no habits wishes position. First-class ready to wear saleslady wanted. $250 buys a late model—This car won't last a day. Annual sale now on. Don't go else- where to be cheated. Come in here. Wanted—Toon, by two gentleman about thirty feet long and twenty feet broad. Brown the furrier begs to an- nounce that he will make up cloaks, caps, etc., for ladies out of their skins., Bulldog for sale; will eat any- thing; very fond 'of children. Wanted a boywho can open oy- sters with reference. Bella Meads Sweats in the Corner Drug Store. Clothes pressed while you wait. Please don't stand in the doorway. Sign on a restaurant: Closed. Gone home to dinner, Wanted—A boy to be partly out- side and partly behind the counter. GRAND TRUNK M The Double Track Route BETWEEN Montreal Toronto Detroit and Chicago Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night trains and parlor cars on principal day .trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Hor- ning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. N. a. DOIUIT, Agent, Exeter. Phone 46w. Two thousand red, cedar fence posts that will sell at 25c, 35e and 40c each; also 9 and 10 It, anchor posts. WIRE FENCING Six -strand wire fence at 42c per zci. Seven -strand' wire fence, 47c per rd. Eight -strand wire fence, 63c per rd..; D. L. & W. Scranton Coal. Buy your next winter's supply before prices advance. PHONE 12. A. J. CLATWORT Y GRANTON GODERICR OLD; BOYS Ai!'D GIRLS COMING 1IO111E. It now rests with the weather man. alone to make the old'hoine week in Godelich on August 7, 8, 9, 19' and 11 the most successful event ever attempted in Goderich. A complete program' of all kinds of amusements, athletic games, horse races and music has been provided for. Special services are to be held in all the church on the Sunday, with old home boys as preachers. Premier Drury, whoais to speak at the annual' '• U.F.O. picnic at Menisitung Park on Thursday afternoon, will also appear in the morning program at the Ag- ricultural Park. -.Purses of $2,000 are given for four speed contests, and judging by the entries promised the races will be better than ever held ,here.. Already many of the old boys and girls are gathering and it is believed that some 2,000 will re- turn hone for the festivities. WEDDING AT MITCHELL. A fashionable church wedding took place in the Presbyterian church, Mitchell, at high .noon on Wednesday of last week when Lily, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kroke, of Mitchell, was united in marriage to H. J. Campbell, of Hib bert. Rev. J. W. Gordon, pastor of the church, officiated, in the presence of a large number of guests. The church was beautifully decorated with flowers and ribbons and was filled to capacity. After the ceremony a, sumptuous weding dinner was par- taken of at the home of the bride's parents. The young couple left en the afternon train for a short wed- ding trip and on their return will reside in Mitchell. STOP THE PAIN Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatic, Back- ache, Sciatic and Ovarian Pains. One ortwo DR. MILES' ANTI -PAIN PILLS, and the pain is gone. Guaranteed' Safe and Sure. Price 30c. Sold in Exeter by W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B. WRITE FOR BOOKLET AND PRICES, ST. JOHN'S CANYON IT IS A LOVELY DRIVE FROM BANFF, ALTA. S 'IRA.;Cr .TU16'iVEL, 'I>!i IEH1 QCI{'1€'.1))..ti."i.`.d,it ii .'_t 31 A;L1iy ii, (;.