The Exeter Times, 1921-7-21, Page 4CIA!' 21, 1
The council of the Township of
kitephea met .TtITY the Ith, 1921, at
* Pan. .A.11 members were preiseUt.
"the minutes of the previous meeting
Were read and adopted.
P enhal e—Sw el tz er----Th a t .13Yria,w
No, 276 of j92j, be amended -by the
;stalltiug 'oat 'et .the nano of Dr. fl.
4. Eeltert,atid sitliptituting the name
or Efli Lawson in'lien thereof, Car-
' Hayes — Penhale --.- 'nail David
1ebla bee -appointed overseereef the
, eenstruction of ctilveatS' •coiatracfed
ler by Alex. Foster and Bettir'Eliseile.
.' at $3.50 per diem, 'Carried
A eomnritnication was read fano
4.11'. Isaac Oarlfiag writteu on behalf
Of WilliamMoffatt complaining a-
bout a certain dump of cans and
:refuse ou the 1st side -road opposttt‘
let 5. con. 5. The Council imilauetaal
the eterk td Write Mr, Carling ex-
plaining the boundaries of the high-
way in the locality with the request
that Mr. 'Moffatt take his; fence off
the highway and place it on the sprO-
per boundary.
Webb—Hayes—That. the Reeve
and Clerk forward a recfnest en be-
, .
half of this councirto,the Hydro -El-
ectric Power Commission of Ontario
.questing them to send a represen-
Iative to the 'township of Stephen to
explain the method of rendering ser-
ve to rural communities and assist
the eouncil in securing eontracts
1111 intlividuale desiring service,
t ,.. following orders wet:. cussed:
.P rt. v incia I treasurer, hall tax.
ea ; F. McKeever, gravel, $teli.75;
David Sheppard, cium'r, No, 6, S B..
t•-,,i.e..Uti, H34,1k:ild Ryan, :gravel eun-
traet No. 6. 8.13., $123.75; Nieholas
Hettver, v:ork on 3rd S, Rd., $6.25;
Peter McKeever, Held's statuce la -
tier refunded, $4.00; James Willis,'
enlvert 3rd S, Rd., $10.00; Earl
'ebb, statute labor anti rep. roads,
eon 18. $14.00; Henry Clark, gravel
contract No. 6, lst. S. Rd., $39.50;
Michael Madden, comm'r No 6, lst
S, ild„ $5.0u; Ross ce; Taylor. ,cedarl
Poisl.'e' for guards. con. 2, $3.35: Jos,
Wa'a.t. contract No. 2, 1st S. Rd.,
$22.5(fi' A. ' White. grading,. $95„?..0;
flarryf Clark, gravel, No. 6, 1st S.
RC.. 87.50: Louis Schroeider, drain
and eulvert, $34.00; Mich. Finkbein-
er, grading, $;l2.50; Victoria Hospi-
tt‚i, aecount re W. Reeder. $225.50:
Ontario Hospital. . Woodstock, re
Wrliian,s. $19.50; John Willis and
others, work on iron culvert, con.
5. $1.2,5.
The Council adjourned to meet
ttgt....11, in the town hall, Crediton, on
Monday the 1st day or August, 1921,
et 1
Henry Either, Clerk.
During the first six months of the
year, ''rovinclial Officer Pellow, of
ticalerielt. had GS liquor cases before
the eourts. and in all but 11 convic-
tions vere registered. In two case
the parties convicted preferred go-
ing to jail to paying a fine. Fines
agerega.ting $4,565 'were imposed.
!7.111 for liquor enees,
'When I was young„,th.e women wore
great 'spreading gowns that swept
the .'(lour and gathered dirt and leaves
that raiment of a bygone day is out
of eat:- end •Cione away, and how my
spialt grieves! The sidewalks now
euet a eight, with rubbish lying
let4. rigaia, an eyesore and a crime
v,tunen'e dresses do not sweep
the tentse and the garbage heap as in
the saintly time. When I was young
a dame& wept if peraaventute when
ohe stept, tier ankles site displayed;
she knew the gossips all would hoot
aad give to her a wide repute as bold
aim naughty maid. And ao.tV such
.n.oilesty is lost, the old ideas are a
frOst, a roorbach and a jest: the well-
turned ankle is a siglit that gives ar-
Csik souls delight and soothes the
savage breast. When I was young
tne tt omen laced. until she had an in -
'et 1.'.- Waist, a fragile' thing- to view;
yured think that if a zephyr came
and Caught her fairly onaothe frame,
abed eureiy break in two. And now
the ladies in our grade have Waists
line Mrs. Venus had, au arniful mere
or less; and I am told they do not
arMor plate of bone and steel
that used, to cause distress. And SP,
altheugh. we yip and bray about
*.L. 1.z Iiions of the day, and say 0163-'
us sorb; although the modern
szylis tre etiese; it may be that old
thinee were worse than these, we now
deplore.--e-Walt Mason,
flea Craig Sept 22-23
Pay livid ,, .. . .... . . Sept. 27-28
Sept. 22-23
Exater Sept. 19-20
God erich Sept 6-8
liderion ....... Sept, 30
fa-lt, ea ne SePt, 15-16
.... Oct. 6-7
.. . .... Sept. 27-28
London (Western Pair) Sept. 10-17
Itiliverlon ;ea—a— . ... Sept. ,29-30
' 213-21
Ottawa (Central. Canada) Sept. 13-10
Sept. 27-28
SI. Marys .. Sept, 22-23
ett for 1 h ' Oct, 22-23
trii 1 ford Sept. 19-21
Sirathroy tept, 19-21
"I'lledrord .. gel) 29-80
1'oronf.,0,, Nat, Aug. 27, Sept,10
Wingliaeu Sept. 27-28
Zarieh , Sept, 21-23.
News of the District
Mr. J. B, Hoover„ a. 'termer tinsi-
rtesq man /of Clinton, died at Gaelpit
on July 9111, His remains Were in-
terred at Clinton,
Hoflich, pt 'Mitchell, Sold
a high-class bull dog to a Philadel-
phia man for $1'7.5.00. Mr. Handl
received in. exchange on the draft,
This notice. is Posted 'for the bene-
fit of the 'carel,eee iu a mall teaVil
garage; "Don't 'smoke around.' this
place-,.. if your life worth' any-
thing, gasoliae '
:Mt, August Bauer, oil the Royal
Hotel. Mitchell, nearly had the 'sec-
ond .1inger of his left hand tont off
witeu a horse be. was- leading gave a
lurch and the halter ring caught
114 Illager With the above result.
Wm. Brownlee, a fernier Irving on
eon. 4, Biddulph township, tonna 3
of his finest head of ,cattle lying dead
under a tre,6 after the stotan of a
week ago; Sunday morning. Earle
Haskett, his 'nephew, living on the
same. conCession 8 miles northhad
three struck; one is dead and t3)..
other two not expected to recover.
The Lo artist' Mon ument. Corn inittee
announces that the public subscrip-
tion which Was limited to a stun not
exceeding $5.00 from any individu al
subscriber has realized $35,293 20,
rePrest-suting many theusands of sub-
scriptions. The seuulptors have been
eltosen and the monument on the
grave of the illustrious deceased is
being prepared.
'The remains of the late Mr. Don-
ald' McKenzie were laid' to rest in St.
Marys ceineterY on Tuesday Of last
Week, Death came to him on Satur-
day night last, after an illness of
many- months. Mr. McKenzie was in.
his 6Sth Year and was born in the
herae from which he was borne
Tuesday. He leaves behind to mourn
Pis passing 111S widow, two sons and
three daughters,
During the progress of the elec-
tric storm which visited Tuckers/fifth
about noon on July 9th the barns on
the farm of Mr. jainies Dallas, on tbe
second concession, were struck. by
lightning and ',aimed. One barn was
44x76 and the other 36x56 and both
Were completely destroyed together
with six pigs. 12 loads of hay, some
implements and _a number of other
articles. Such a loss would be a
heavy one at any time, but it is all
the worse coming at this season of
the year, as Mr. Dallas, will have no
place to house the present Crop.
"- Mr. Thomas McMillan, the well-
known farmer and stockman of Hui -
lett, left last week for the old coun-
try- taking with him 82 head of
prime export cattle for the British
market. The shipment consisted of
his own and some beinging to Mr. W.
Devereux, 01 Tuckersmith. This is
the first shipment for export from
Seaforth for a number of years.abut
since the bottom began to fall out
of the Canadian market, Mr. Mc-
Millan has been in touch with some
old country buydrs and has been
waiting some time for shipping space
from Montreal.
Another of the early residents of.
Blanchard hae passed away in the
person_ of JoShua. 'McKnight, Whose
death occurred at the ,home of his
eon. David, of the Base Line, where"
he was born seventy-three yearsago
and where he resided continuously
until 1908. In that year he Moved in-
to St. Marys where he made his home
until a few months ,ago; His death
followed only a short .illness and in-
terment took place in the family,plot
P1 St. Marys Cemetery. He is Surviv-
ed by two •soas and two .daughters;
David, onthe homestead and Samuel
111 Port Arthur, Ontario; Mrs, Waal.
Balkwell in Manitoba and Mrs. • A.
11. Parkinson Of St. Marys,
Miss Olive Knight, of IIderton
visiting Miss Mildred Harvey.
Mr. James Street, of St. Cathar-
ines is visiting his parents, Mr. and
vcra. James Sweet.
Miss. Gertrude Gallia, of London,
hP:4 been visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, L. D. Vincent for a few
airs. F. A. Brimacombe and
daughter. Alice, of. Hamilton, are
vieiting the forme's sister, Mrs. Rd.
IVet alt,
Mr. and )1rs. H. Triebner, of
Co rTiWaii.. are holidaying -with the
fortner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.
Mr. and Mrs. Hfigh McKay and
two children of 1)etroit motored
over and are visiting with relatives
ill, Exeter.
Miss Taylor, of Cleveland who
lies been viSiling ab the non -ie of Mr,
Robt, ,Gillies, left on Tuesday for
Niagara Falls,
ye. arid Mrs, Fowler, of Toronto,
Pi ted with their daughter, 'Mrs. V.
W. Gladman, in Exeter and Grand
Bend. They returned to Toronto on
Vridtty last.
Me and Mrs Wm. Jeekell and
eeteghier of (Youngstown, Ohio, m0-
lored over and are visiting the for-
iner's brother and Sister, Mr, JeaneS
and Mice L, Jeekell,
important Events Which Hay.
0,ccurre4 Duiing the Week
The Busy World's Happeulugs °emu
fully Compiled and Put Into
Handy end Attractive Shape for
the Readers of Our Paper — A
Sol Hour's EnjoYmelot.
"Babe" Ruth inade..,,,04 22nd
homer. •
The Windsor Jockey Club meeting
opened to -day.
ltimtoring accidents are reported to
Pc increasing.
Chatham suffers from'most violent
storm ef years.
The French Senate ratified the
Treaty of Trianon, 0
Many Orange celebration were
held during the day.
A $100,000 fire took placC On
RiehIllOnd Street, TOrOilt0:'-
Mjss Annie Fortescue, Australian
educationist, visits Toronto.
A meinber of a well-known West
York family is electrocuted.
Carpentier will defend his light
heavyweight title in October.
Miss Violet McQuaker of Owen
Sound drowned at the Sauble.
The Tj. S. steamer Western Front
is afire off Land's End, England.
Three,: boys were bit by autos in
Toronto 'ion Monday; one may die.
Thermometer climbed nine degrees
on Monday, with no sign of change.
An auto ran into a milk truck in
Toronto. The milk driver was killed.
The court sustains injunction
against Grain Commission of Inquiry.
Belfast was the scene of one of the,
bitterest fights, in history, during the
Record crowds in
lief from heat at
bathing boaches.
Herman Steppler,
ed for beating his
dead at his home
Toronto find re -
that eity's fine
Kitchener, want -
wife, was found
with his throat
Rev. Peter Campbell, Toronto, one
of the pioneer missionaries of the
Methodist church, is dead, aged 85
Through the generosity of Mr. C.
Coxhead, Mimico, a drinking foun-
tain was installed at Stop 14, on the
Lake Shore road.
Perck Ralph Hunt, of the head of-
fice staff of the Canada Life Assur-
ance Co., Toronto, has been missing
f or several days. 141r. Hunt worked
as uslial last Tuesday, but since that
time he has not been heard from.
A big Orange procession was held
in Belfast.
"Babe" Ruth adds two 'homes to
his record.
Toronto -St. Simon's beat Orange-
ville, 4 to 3.
De Valera and his lieutenants ar-
rive in London.
Suspect foul play in death of
Kitchener man.
Ulster leaders declare against sur-
render of rights.
Best Pal won the Frontier Handi-
cap at Windsor.
Build canals, not warships, says
Sir Adam Beck:
Another series of automobile acci-
dents is recorded.
Torpedoers of Llandevery Castle
on trial at Leipzig.
U. S. Senators fight bill banning
beer as a medicine.
There was a heavy slump in the
price of raspberries.
Andrew Bigger drowns in river
aboc:e Niagara Falls.
Ex-Ald. Rae of Lindsay dies sud-
denly at summer home.
Canada -West Indies agreement has
been ratified by Barbados.
Miss Leitch, British golf cham-
pion, rnay play in Canada.
Toronto baseball team beat Read-
ing in both games on Tuesday. '
yetera.ns discuss forming amalga-,
mation to play active politicaLrole.
Gerald P. Sharkey, Toronto, was
killed in a motor smash at New York.
Orange lodges hold biggest cele-
brations in history of the province.
More small fires are reported in
Northern Ontario, hut nothing ser-
ious. -
John,Goodmeyer drowns while his
wife is helpless on beach at Ward
Island, Toronto.
Yukon reverses prohibition law of
1920, and will revert to the sale of
liquor as a beverage.
Harry Hawker, the first aviator to
essay a flight across the Atlantic, was
killed at Hendon, .England, while
Italian colony in Bea.verdale, Pa.,
driven into the hills by citizens, fol-
lowing the determination to 'get rid
of "Black -handers."
Sinn Fein release ,the Earl of
Storni wrecks ore bridge at Sa-lt
Ste. Marie.
Heat claims several more victims
ill Ontario.
Holland is eager for invitation to
conference. .
Hail cut swath Many miles long
in Southern Alberta. „
Lloyd George and De Valera held
first conference.
Former kaiser refuses to pay
municipal tax in Holland.
Scottish soccer tourists beat Beth-
lehem., Pa., 'eight goals to one.
Guards at Jail Farm foun,d not
guilty of ill-treating prisoners.
David O'Brien, Peterboro', killed
in train -arrepk near Macloc Jurtction.
Duncan and "Mitchell, British pro,
golfers, lost to Travers and lYfarston.
Toronto baseball team beat Iteati-
'Mg twice, winning foar games in two
John McGraw and Charles Stone-
ham have sold the Havana Jockey
Toremto Scottish heat, Fort Wil-
liam 4 to 0,. in the Connaught Cup
Farmers in Western'United States
reap barVest by moonlight Owing to
the heat
Shoe Retalle,ra' Conventibn told
labdr costs control the pride of foot-
The Uni'versity o Toronto al'.
PO SI itettIttil Vet
Toro* browvtoo ofiratot cope
vdt1. min ot o or it lOth
'rho dPivtIAJilt,Q for Wokonto durtog
J'une Was the loweat for that Mdratlt
Since 1911,
Ihn Barnes, IJ, S. golfer, who was
detained lay immigration atithoritiett
' Ellis" !Oland, New York, to re-
A bus' ,gold strike is 'made in
r..,4%.9! a. George mr
makes an appeal fo
Pstiit.ri:is oelebrating the fall of the
Tpelappia•innee of Wales is invited to
leTG.epdaoe.a m
ed ile in two mili
Canadiantheaverage.seois at BisleY are be-
lowBaia-vyeyw, 4ie
,in amil-
Durdtp eeaan-1of Windsor,
id-ssvoorn the Provincial
The Leafs defeated tile 'Newark
basdball team, 6 to 2. '
His Honor Lfeutenant-Governor
Lionel Clarke is reported .111.
Premier Lloyd George and Eamon
de Valera meet in conference.
Gas Commissioner names 1.10W gas,
rates for Southwestern Ontario.
A large number of visitors from
the United States reach Teronto.
Georges Carpenter sailed for
home on the La Savoie on Thursday.
Leroy "R'ennie was beaten in the
Canadiau tennis singles competition,
Thb annu,a1-, statement of Tooke
Bros., Ltd, showed 'a sharp drop in
Sir George Foster has been award-
ed an LL.D. by Edinburgh Uni-
An unknown man drowns in To-
ronto bay while his young companion
A Dui•hana county constable was
fined in the police court for a breach
of the 0. T. A.
Toronto. employers and workmen
hold joint discussion of building
trade conditions.
p r ought is 'destroying, harvests in
Swiss valleys.
Admiral Sims gets many letters of
congratulation. •
Pitcher Ogden,' Baltimore, has
won twenty games.
Premier Lloyd George again con-
fers with -De Valera. '
Bratford to pave street 10 give
work to ynemployed.
Electric storm' strikes White
House, Washington.
The public prosecutor at Leipzig
asks for small selte_ces.
Marmara township farmer killed
by lightning in hay mow.
Farmers think grain flattened by
storms will turn out all right.
Bennett and Holmes will play on
the Canadian Davis Cup team.
Over $1,400 was collected at the
Marquis testimonial game.
The Toronto Internationals won
their sixth consecutiye game.
Sir James Craig, 'tflster Premier,
sends to Belfast for colleagues.
Drowning loss in first half of July
in excess Of figures of last year.
All National League games were
Postponed Friday because of ram.
Ward 2, Toronto, assessment fig-
ures show increase' of $9,803,343.
Mother and three daughters are in
Kingston Hospital from poisoning.
Capt. Potts, York Rangers, fined
$400 for breach of temperance act.
Utilities commissions reported to
Lave purchased property adjoining
the Board of Trade building.
The Toronto Presbytery refuses to
act on the vote of the congre,gation
of West Church to retire minister.
Ajona won, the feature event at
Germany is successful in arrang-
ing credits.
Lloyd George meets de Valera
again to -ay.
Ca.nadi n Exchanges were closed
on Saturday.
The New York Kilties a -re half a
game behind Cleveland.
Danger of uprising in Silesia
again reported from Berlin.
Sinn Finn leader issues manifesto
031 self-determination stand. -
The Scottish soccer team won two
more games in the 'United States.
The Toronto baseball team and
Newark broke even on Saturday.
Mary Kane, aged 17, of Windsor,
was drowned in the Detroit river.
Forest fires are raging aroluid
G-lenbirnie, in vicinity of li.ingstoh.
America's big dirigible, built in
Britain, is to cross the Atlantic soon.
Japan is anxious to limit debate
on issues at Washington Conference.
Autb bandits make two hold-ups
in west end of Toronto, but get little.
Three little girls were drowned
,near Island Cottage on the Ottawa
Thomas Gnadinger and team was
killed by lightning at Aberdeen,
Sask. .
Toronto Scottish beat Fort Wil-
liam 11 to 0 in a Connaught Cup
The naval inquiry on the United
States policy upholds Admiral Sims'
stand. .
Blood poisoning from- a bees
sting causes death of'Newboro, Ont.,
Last -hour rush 'toefill cellars be -
`fore to -night taxes capacity of cart-
age men.
A wily prisoner in Toronto ebtairus
detective's confidence and makes
Daniel McDonald, aged 60, .of
Gra,venhiirst, was struck by a train
and killed.
Alice Roy, aged 24, and two
nieces, aged 8 and ,6", drowned in
Ottawa river.
The discovery of a body solvea
the mystery of the missing timber.
probe Witness,
The Italian Catholic Church In
Toronto obServes the rostivai 01
Mount Carmel.
The schooner Dowdoin, with the
Donald B. MacMillan's explOring
party, has left fof Baffin's Land,
The steamer Rapids King) ;with
3339 Passengers; is on the rocks;
the passengers web() taken ashere.
have received instructions to
sell by public auction on the prem-
ises on
TUESDAY, JULY 26th,' 1921
at 2 o'clock p.m., sharp, that choice
farm being composed of
Lot No. 11, ConceSsion 12
in the Township of Hibbert in the
County of Perth, Ontario, contain-
ing one hundre'd acres, the property
of tile late/JaMeS Campbell.
On the premises there is, a good
frame house, kitchen and woodshed,
bank barn and drive shed; good well
with .windmilt;,. a nice ' hardwood
Mil), and although this farm is noW
and has been in grass for a few
years " it is well suited for mixed
Positively no reserve.
Terms and particulars made
known on day of sale or on applica-
tion to Thos. Cameron, Auctioneer,
Box 154, Exeter, Ont., Phone 211'12.
Clerk's Notice of First ,Posting of
Mmticipality of the Village of
Exeter, County of Huron
'Notice is hereby given that I have
transmitted or delivered to the per-
sons mentioned in Section 9 of the
Ontario Voters' List 'Act, the copies
required by said sections to be trans-
mitted or delivered of the list, made
pursuant to said Act, of all persons
appearing by the last Revised Asess-
ment Roll of the; said Municipality
to be entitled to vote at elections for
members of the Legislative Assem-
bly and at Municipal Elections and
that the said list was first posted up
1. niy office at Exeter on the ,1310
day of July, 1921, and remains -there
for your inspection.
And I hereby call upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to
have any errors or \omissions correct-
ed according to law.
Dated this 13th day of July, 1921.
Glerk of the Village ,of Exeter.
In a greenhouse at Kew Gardens
near London. Eng., are growing
three new plants which may possibly
prove of considerable edonomie value
in the near future, remarks the ivrOm-
chester Guardian. They belong to a
species now styled Stevia Rebaudi-
ana, which was discovered about 20
years ago by an 'Italian botanist, Dr.
Berton', in Paraguay, where the
leaves are used by Indians to sweet-
en tea, coffee and other beverages.
The leaves are remarkable for their.
extraordinary sweetness—said to be
about 200 times greater than sugar
—and they are easily prepated. All
that seems needed is to collect the
leaves, dry them in the hot sutror
moderate oven and reduce them to
a powder. This powder, it is claim-
ed, can be kept dry for an 'indefinite
period without losing any of ita
sweetening properties.
By Henry Abbey.
What do we plant when weplant a
tree? -
We plant. a ship which will cross the
We plant a mast to carry the,sails,
We plant the beams to withstand
the gales—
A keel, a keelson, and prow and.
We plant a ship when we plant a
What do we plant when we plant a
We plant the houses for you and me,
We plant the pillars, the shingles,
the ‚floors, ,
We plant the studding, the laths,' the
The rafters and roof, all parts that
We plant a home when we plant a
What do we plant when we plant a
.A. thousand boons that we daily see.,
We plant a spire to out -climb the
We plant a staff for our country's
We plant a shade, from the fierce
sun free;
We plant all wealth when we plant
a tree!
The Exeter Times has a clubbing
rate with most daily and weekly pa-
pers. To find the clubbing rate add
the price of the papers you wish to
subscribe for and subtract 25c from
a daily paper and 10c from a week-
ly paper.
Toronto Daily Globe ........$5.00
Mail & Empire ....... $5.00
Toronto Daily Star $5.00
London I)aily Free Press .....$5.00
London Daily Advertiser .... $5.00
Family Herald & Weekly Star $2.00
Farmers' Advocate .........$2.00
Canadian Countryman $1.50
Montreal Weekly Witness $1.65
World -Wide $2.00
Toronto Saturday Night .... $4.00
MacLean's Magazhie $3.00
Rural Canada
The Youth's Companion ....
The Partners' Sun $1.50
Farmers' Magazine $2,00
Christian ,GUardian ........ $2.00
They had Stopped on a lonely
read, while the young man worked
feverishly with the car.
"I can't start the engine," he said
wearily, "the thing won't spark."
"Just like some people I know,"
she replied with a smile.—London
Free Press.
, Your re looking poorly; old chap,
Why don't you go and see a doctor?''
"I did. I saw one this morning,"
"'What did, he
yOU can't do justice to yourself in business, social or home life if
or any of the thousand and one pains with which all of us are
you sutler from headache, backache, neuralgia, monthly pains,
afflicted at one time or another.
These pains indicate a very real physical danger. But there
are very few pains of any nature that are not promptly relieved by
Dr. Miles' AntiePain Pills.
Get them, in
handy boxes at
our drug store. A
box is insurance
against head-
ache, gar sickness
neuralgia an'd
pain of almost
any nature.
There are no disagreeable after effects. Dr. Miles' Anti -
Pain Pills '
without upset digestion, drowsiness, buzzing in the head, or danger
of forming a drug habit. Guaranteed Safe and Sure.
Sold in Exeter by' .‚
W, S. I(OWEY, Phut. B.
Harvest tinae brings expenses which must
be met with ready money. Should you
need an advance to help you over this busy
searon; interview this Bank. We are pre-
pared to help all responsible farmers., NA
PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND - $15,000,000
EXETER BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager.
The Molsons Bank wants every farmer to feel that he
has a real friend in the Manager, that he will receive
a hearty welcome and can safely discuss with him his
money needs.
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
President, THOS. RYAN
Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON,
JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for,
Usborne and Biddulph.
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for
Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan.
Secretary -Treasurer
R. R. No. 1, Woodham.
Solicitors, Exeter.
Veterinary Surgeon'
Office—Baker's Livery on James St.
Calls promptly attended to day or
Phone 8.
Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer-
Office over Madman & Stanbury's
office) Main Street, Exeter.
Advertise 10 the Times. It pays.
We have a large amount of private
funds to loan on farm and village
properties,. at lowest rates of Ina
Barristers, Solicitors,
Main St, Exeter, Ontario
PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Alia.
tioneer. Sales conducted in any loc-
ality. Terms moderate, Orders let%
at Times Office will be promptly at-
tended to. Phone 116, Kirkton.:
Address Kirkton P. 0. .
Office over I. R., Carling's La'V
Closed every Wednesday afternoon.
Dye right! Don't risk
your material. Bach pack-
age of "Diamond Dyes" con-
tains directions so simple
that any Woman can
diamond -dye a new, rieli
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draperies, coverings, every-
thing, -whether wool, silk,
ootton or mixed goods.
Buy "Diamond Dyes' --no
'ether kind—then perfact,b re-
sults are guaranteed even if
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Druggist has "Diatnond Dyes
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