HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-7-21, Page 3'''..:72:".-t-""..n.Zl*•"-==-....-...--- ________ ___ ._ .. tik wia. vxv rA. In ,ca rA ftEwB via, VS VSS. NM VA 1E1 i EDUCATION P4C4717,011 a Nww, Forst. ' Pi.oduct. Are Ceseiadiatis too thoil,st? A 'mous .Creeslitsit thinks they are, aide, do while ite, weeld eot like •eo, 4see' theist .1"° become ImeetOre, lie :holds ,theY alaeuld ,st," BY pg:::,J. J. mibDusToN , net, dedbernteiy hide their light. DO 'es• - ' Isi'eeselndlai peseta of ,tignitncintario canatlia.ns, kn.pw that 9iie ofahe recentd'Illz.;'111.attt .-1.1'9beenif(1,Pofie'CTIT.e'101:te.nt yee important cl is cavertes in - tee 1 ettee- - di , .. ' ' - Or Miadleton will -be Watt 'to answer quesetH tonts ma Public ealth liaa • 1 , sr i D • s'e msee -• s t i se • tion of metal ore soas made by castes,' .• p , tens -through thi.s. column. 4,..ddreSedh,lerea, 'S:e),1d,,Pliypateeell4 piesin. [1•••, tteincrease'thandreductien o -f eggs lal ,,ce is ' , diens? When the oil floatation pt Toronto i.lase varying breeds. In the °elites . .ffiis . , . • ceset ere reduett°., en , , ,, e eese nn essads..., I peovinees Many itelit are now layl s 11 was inventedan T ' 41I1O- TilissslOs WO- Vigs 11111•11111,5a Illg "71.!;'!1411`k'411 'MI Van,,,,;,rts '‘." '' '"'''' - from 150 ete 250 eggs annually, whil ;unprecedented 'del -nand aroVe far pine , oil, it peodect of the turpentinendus- , . • • ' the tendeneies of mod- and° help fierw-artiedpiesevety Meatis ill at indian,Head, Sask,, 105 pullets ha rehestq'rice, oe, this Gil srose t•osetwerity are, one thing is Certain, 'cue 'o•t, •e§tUlF f°irtill'Os •etd the elt°411:Y Cub being 292; At, reethb trY of the southern United States, an, 'ern "busineSds arid indnetrial d. • • - - :. , „ ., hearts .. • „ . : es , • , , e , - metheas their Sdr9Wedd '041e-sef the most Inter- an average of 183.7 eidi"clggso tii)rie,palitligehties , . , . wthaeiaies,e;ittise'ededidltghienta:1Cleeeldeati'ideinde:la,eeinuec'enietini° itnhae,'Ille•a701.1 4'cisiVe:plu'itgells!.e.A.ridlldPehesceiaPit6Puidire'e6;;, .arlie•eVanngsti ifl'ileinetrgit.'d.tAi°1T11 '°eforieveenetrifel4n1s- hovaesrbfehe'aPt j'ollfcineirite, oar t'rt'''eSn (jyrsati"Isereaeinti,lileEs3, plants, in .Ontario, British Columbia, that we see So -day are unilateral on ere set; ai,d- erel Mem . ' . . e se bers ,are ea ,.. the Van.ceneet Ieldnd farm one pulle • and's:Sher •adteaspece,seevere at ,times• un- ditiono) diSliked by de e.(rerYbodY-• by their , Cliddissfeert names; After the laid over throe iluedreti eggs. able- as kesaftfi tdieeteranse edeeereTh ,Broeght ineesheing largelseithe clis- 'speis is' seededdthere is a' sing -gang in SeYeral ProMittent British financier mining con -leas -Lies, after spending esee location of the whole' world during Which eveesibody must join. Geed- interested in oil deVe/opment, are e isiderable• money in searching 'for •a the years-- of war, these social els- fellowship, witliput formality reigns, Peeted,in Calgary this surrurieis to 1 bstitute applied for help , to the nor -malities must -pass away. They 'Supt.:en:1.e, Peornates, 'tligeatio,n, and. vestigate not only the Northern o Minter ef the Interior, who directed cannot possibly endure; they anis]. not reSes the mind. for sul hotdr.,roM the fields but the,Preduoing area 01 Sout the Vol -est Products Laboratories of bo tolerated by the thinking peopleS 'veoettes and concentration of bestnese ern Alherti. e r . the leeeeetry Branch to study the 'of the e'arth. , Profiteering and labox or professional Above everYthing W. 4. Matheege and Mayor Hayr. .. , `ereblem. OP.e.af the chernteds.of .these dienutes week towerds. dasertietion, the purpose of the Rotary Club is to of•lfert-Williain, have returned from - laboratories, after working on the butdthe world wants serviee, Every- be of use and seeviee to o•thers and. gold mining 19ceeien, which they hao .cieesteee. for about nine &meths and where We go this 'idea of being ef sen- to themselees. Theis, ceeed is Pros ,t.eiceSt up on the north shore of the Sa- eallaborating in the final eases with ,vice to our felo,•ws, is g4ining geou,nd. gieseive and rings; pee. -Here it is: Pawe, Lake,' Isrlheing with them-s•onie experts. in the Mines Branch,discover What a splendid. example of this is "My-elitteinees standiarde 'Shall have in vex Y rick satisPles, of visible gold. The - act that a waste. product. of the wood effordeci. by the RotarY Clubs, a new sblieln a notetof seensiathydfise'our cote- .veinnis a new diacovery in a district : distillation inclue,try, by a little refine orgainization which alreatly,has•jume- mon..biumaniitYed Mydbuisineas dealings, este:see geld- pebViiectors twenty years ' ing; could be made to Sake the place est -into the forefroet of ' the fight far, alithitionseand: r.aliations,.; shall, always ago found some rich ore, and the af the expensiee oil. The result 'is hum in hapieess and dbettermeet, cause see, to -bead' late consideration' oeinsie. said, to be from ten to twenty , . . , , ).'. in•g•this new and gonsparetively ch.eap 4Thineet•of ,etteslarge towns and cities, cdety•-•ato, eeneicter my vocation that ore rediecing plants are. now us., :Tbeke 'SPI.P.natia,eln'bs aro'new fOrnsed ,:iny highestedeties, assamenther•of 'see feet le...Width The feeler:tee production of Canada , " , ,,, - ,produei tcethe ;benefit of-the:whole it- :and r..e's, their. watch -weed is "Service,' werellyeand as saffording me d•istinct Lor the year 1-029 reached a value of , •dustry. . . ,... . . me -drones' or lazy folk are admiteed to •seISISortnnitY, to. serve .soeiety—tie .$,A.,•3.,2,1•°,217,-.0-e,eording to returns just s.-- . issued . by r.tilie :Dominion Bureau of menibership,, , You, muse, be. a weaker et:epee-ye myself, iegrease elY efffs WoOdman Tell That Tree. or you stayseuWde. Even after jo-in- eieseeyeaetapnesiege iny,ser,vice, and by , .Statistiess British. Columbia's fishing One01 the great leaders ,1n ,farest lege if , yea fail sta.? attetid,•the reguler. :4P cloielg,.attese my faith ...... • s: .ieeeee fancies industry accotinted for $22,300,000 of eeeeeeeet-res. eees that the shqst, Meetings Or, rt1)...k0 ;par,t in ,the 'elubi,a,eneetsel priamiple. Of Aatesey, that he , . the totel and that of Nova Scotia for harmful thing ever written about for activities, out yob. go. , .essafits anostayhe aeryes,beet." ' -42,700,-000.-Salmart le by far Canada's •eetry was the eoein beginning: - These elubs-,being non-seetariae, all ,dtir.eIy: neehene, eeele .ee. ,mere -se meet impo.rtaxit fish the lobster cone- 'WoOdmanewoodman, spare that 'tree.' the .mast energetic men in the coat- litte with thesSecial, Serssige pro,gram; ine.seciiiid, and Cod, halibut and herr - This -may seem odd at first 'sight but munity are- eligible for Membershipgf ,Paiblie Health thannsthis creed of 'It in' the order named, NearlY• $2, - the point the forester desired to make and rarely is there any Weethsr:Cause seheelleteeisins. was:theta:he objeat of -forest conserve- that- the.;Rotpasiane • will not endorse an,d 'prosper!' NAY Pbasse eles)ss grew „Qe0,900 ,...seqtth ee Whitefish were mar- , etetatia ' lion is not sentimental but practical. . On board the Canadian Pacific Rall - The forester protects! forests fronrfire - VI r way steamship •Victorian which ar- W. :bad's Biggest Saw. , ..., ! , and (steer enemies not for the sake of rived at 'Quebec eecently wae a party -the trees but tor the eels° of men and There has -just. be•en fashioned for of twenty-eight 'English orphan boys one of the big lumber millsdin 13ritish -women. , When forest trees are ripe en route to 'Sherbrooke, where they Columbia the largest circular sasseev,er they should be cut add put. to, "011104 will be .instructed in the rudiments of !. made.- s -use, as quickly as possible. There is' Canadian farmittg and after a course no more virtuean keeping a forest till To be accura,te, „there are two of of one or-twO months will be sent Gut them, and they have deelgia•ed to it is.over-ripe than in keeping a field to different farme in the Deminion. of wheat uncut Iviien it is ,flt for the meet the special requirements of the Apprexireately $10,500,000 ins•urance reaper. "Until a forest is ready for the mill which is called 'upon.- to hendle ,is .held by Canadtan war yeterans un- easy it should be protected, and when der the provisioes af the Returned giant fir logs, -many of Which ruriefrom fifteen to twenty-five feet in girth: cut down the sail on which it stood, :Soldiers ..Insurance Act, representing if not fit for agriculture, should be left There are millions of acres of fir' about 3,800 policies. There has been in shape for the immediate starting forests in British Coltenbia, there bee ingssuflicient timber in this single pro- -a marked -increase in the number of of anothe•r °crop of trees. Of .course, policies taken out recently since an the e•oininereial forester, while print- amendment to the act arranged for 'yhtee of the Dominion to supply the .arily concerned in growing foreets, for the peyment of total amounts at death. world with all the lumber it needs for the saw, does not igno.ee the Immense , Eleetrieity is being used for the Many generation -s to come. value, both practical first time in New. Brunswick as power •of park and roadside trees. It pains and sentimental, Each saw is nine feet in diameter, and boasts one hundred and ninety de- for ratting ,purposes, by the Nashwook „ him to see a fine tree butchered be- eachable teeth of the inserted. spiral Pulp and Paper Company, at the cause of ignorance or carelessness, type. This is an important ineova- mouth, of the lerashavaak River, where tion, and means that should any of the and he realizes that the cause of rafts of timber are made up for ship - conservation gains retch from ment to Si. -John. A twenty -horse - .teeth get broken or damaged, new the support of men and women whose ,cnies can be inserted without removing power motor and a crew 'of seventy interest is not so much in the forest, the saw from its feanse. . men 'now' do ieffeeerk. formerly requir- ' Each blade 'was cast from ingots as a whole as in d some individual tree ing a crew, Of 200• Men, when the raft - weighing 1,140 lb. After reheating, or grove. Thus all eitieene, weether ing was done by hand. rolling, and teimming, the finished they think of the commercial side, 'or of the' condition of the tree s aro.ued• blades turned the scale at 795 lb. apiece. Great care had to be exercised their homes, can Rijn whole-heattecily in. the work of forest 'conservation. - in tee e.nal. treatment, as they had to be mathematically° tree and perfect, •and. theeseeel of adanifarm quality. Payu.-Ag -WithFish-l-looks. tens giant anrotig • sews is capable en acid -corners of the world anany .of--aetaining, a speed ofone huedred queer things 'are used as money. - and thirtymiles an hour. It can saw . • - • . , . hrough the greatest forest giant that ver grew as easily as one can cut niter with a knife. ro a rn:71, -rt aeii : • "da, S-1 0 teedeAltiodid:dde4.?eiSd"1/dde 'A.e;`'e and- . TROUB UO01) 11- in.9%,;(' Prelsecig,l4),K CP -e. 10- , 15 it-Usuaiiv Di--tppears When BI09(.1 jci Mede Rieh and Red ' ,ThIn -bleed is one of the mast co u. moil causes of stomach trouble. • • - tilt:es-steak? digeetlee very quickly. a Dangerous. TANLAC vvono Mrs 'Arris --"Mrs do ou like OF GPoPe 4}-,1E,SAYS. PiVfPg:;'14y—`‘Apples2 I Pates 'em! "CheMge It Has Made 11.1a Melia ,ne sveuldn,t tat a &apple fps the avoi Id. esiteeripsY onderfilll -Says ° glatide etiat turnesh the cligestive e, re diminished in. their activity, this „nut,. t ' ' etaieraeh muscles are weaketiect a Tommy," seen ale mother, chance to my citse t(} show what cast My old steelier diedsof applesplexy!" Jw ids , • he °r°171 P .WO/USn. C/) d $mall Voice. • "Tantase has certainly had a . goo' °tr there is a toes •61 nerve force. In te , ,. 8 stAte, of, health nothing will me t' • ' • .. • • quickly restore the apeetite, digestd t 41 no n al n t' t than good ri sie , ,r, -,,, 1,1 i i len 01 • weak nerves, stens-dates tired inue•el re dn't your conscience, bit you. you do' 'fQr t sure had 4 long hard straggiev ea were dotrig Wrong" and ead just about tried everything," ' ch "Yes," rePlied ToramY, `lett I don't saidedyfreaillary Riceards, 251, AShdaiso Dr. Pink Pills act dire° - the blood, makeg it rich. and r a;md-. th-is enriched iilood strength° es, old, reaster,e? • alweye- oet of order, gy, appetitss 'believe everytliirig. neer: Teroatett. .• " tly , • "e leasse leen an, a !ladle run-devisa ed, A, Trucet Like ,Now nen.c1,1.tdell eYer Slao„p I had pneitinente . . eix •yeals ago., ,,My eternech west near- ne Caller—Teat ,tliat picture one a the :and awakeno to normal actiOnd ,t glands that supply the digestive flee , , r 'Thee le shOvvn'by an enproved appeti ancl e.o.oa the effeeesof these bleed e righing Mlle is evident focally:rout e sve,o•le, system, 'You find teat what y eat does ,not aistrese you, and. that y hes. Mee. Newelah-e-T lieliesse 'so but rey'd was s'elvaerY; •P-adtar (tir had to be YarY • iseesibly from Mdigestion bron- chitis in a way that makes it look altruset as • s • ' 1VEts never .sound aad I had. a tired •, •• • nti. nir PheSt CTi:OeraPtifotitlit ,lifeePaidl4algcheaell atieked tetn"ela9k s11)40141,ts and he'd fallen off in ,weight. Is , luts•band had it varnished arid framed i• e .,a 1,a l ate' ae 34fter" a good as new. Will It -Be Fine? Do you know how to tell if it will keep fine, ne ana,teer where yea hap- pentodbe? • It is quite simple. Just wetelr the, bird,s and the animals. Their actions will give you as g-ood a weather fore - east as you need for everyday pur- poses. If you are at the seaside, watch the gulls. When they fly inland you may be sure there will be rain. As the old proverb has it: "Seagulleseagull, sit on the sand, It's never fine weather while you're on the land." Weather changes have curious ef- fects upon cows. A coining shower will make a cow try to scratch her ears. If a thunderstorm is on the way, her tail will thump vigorously against her ribs. 131ack snails on a country road at dusk. indicate ram. The humble rooster, too, is a good we•athercock. He usually can scent a coming shower well in advance. "If the cock goes crowing to bed He will certainly rise with a watery head." It is ea,sy to read the weather signs of the sky. A haloed moon always foretells rain. The stars, too, have a ,misty appearance before a shower. "When the_stars begin to huddles. The earth will soon become a pud- dle." If,: when the rain does come, it ar- ri•ves from the east, it will usually re- main for two day. If rain threatens for ,a long- time, it will rerisain for a icing time. Flying ,Torpedoes. Experimenta throwing a new light on the problems of aerial war, are re- ported as having been taking place with great secrecy near Paris. ln Cbina you may find in circulation t lumps of gold or silver bearing marks e which show that they were first issued b hundreds of years ago. In shape they are square, oval, or oblong, and they weigh anything up'to one and a half pounds. The Chinese use small strips of brass or copper, some of which are N worth less than a hundredth of a pen- e ny. Some of the Mongol tribes pay their bills with little cubes of cone pressed tea. - In Burma. one finds the cowrie shell e used as money, while little porcelain w coins take the place of halfpence. The t inhabitants of some of the districts 1. bordering the Persian Gulf do their buying and sellng with fish-hooks of various sizes, Africa provides a weird assortment. Beads, elephant Melts, and spear heads are all used as coins. In Oceania .thet axes are the most con -anon means of 'exchang-e, but we . find considerable usa made of parrots' feathers woven into ropes. The real wild Red Indian hardly exists now, but in a few remote countries, such as Al- a•ska, he is still to be found using his shell rnoney. Eggs With White Yolks. The secret of obtaining eggs with vhite yolks has beeri salved, it is tated, by two poultry breeders. The yolk , derives its fine, yellow ol.or frain a natural dye, carotin, tech also censtitutes the pigment of Small heavier-than-air machines, erects. This carotin produces, as really.torpedoes wita.,yeings, are sent ell, the intense yellow coloring in up into. the air under their Own power, he beak, the earlaps, and the legs of and entirely pilotless, and are tlaen eghorns, an Italian breed. contralle•d byewlreless. telegraphy. - By eliminating all carotin from the Machines, are flown for considerable ead it was poesible to produce ppr- distances „and ,ma,de to carry Out feetly white Leghorn hens, and these meeseuvres„ while under wireless di - hens in turn laid eggs with white rection from the geound, yolks; their fertility was not, how- A seeseer,deVeloPment contemplated ever, limited in the least. is for a method to be. pereeeted by The frequent disappearance of the means of atrhich a pilot' in an awes yellow -pigment' from, carlaps, legs, plane eau doe -Reel the movements of etc., which has been obeerved in Leg- one of tante air terp,etioes. hams during the laying period is Plans would mean theasater a tor - caused by the fact that during this pedo ha.d been launched and controlled time carotin is excreted, first of all in up to a certain height by the land sta- the yolk. tion, its direction Would be taken ovet In the case of laying hens which by a pilot in a special areoplane, who produced eggs with white yolks, ehe would s•end it oft ahead until he had carotin contents of the different feed's guided it to ite target he himself res could be examined very easily. It preyed that carotin is contained in greatest amount in Indian corn arid green feed. Growing Pine Trees Under Glass. ' In the last few weeks items have been going the rounds of the Canadian . „ , press doubtless clipped from United States papers 'advising farmers to stop , erosion in the gullies on their farme and render these waste places produc- tive by planting longleaf and shortleaf pines. The advice in regard to the gullies is good but if the farmers want to grow longleaf and shortleef pines *hey will have to put a glass roof over the gullies and apply artificial heat. 'd The native home of these Pines is ' "way,down in Tenne•asee" and they do not grew satisfactorily north of Vir- ginia, But Canadians need not be downhearted, because they can grow better trees than these southern piece. • . There is a large amount of information available in Canada as, to what trees to grow. Provincial fares•ters are glad to give information'aed the Dominion ForestrY Branch has published two bulletins which_ may be had feel upen ;application to the Director of ofestry, ' Ottawa. ' They are No-. 1., "Tree Plant - on the Prairies," for the Prairie „I'dovincee; and No. 69, "Care of the OctediPt," Or the other province. INA. are believed to have a keen ',/ „ Homo Q. smeli. manneg at some di.stance, The 'U.S. navy b•as now in its ser- vice 2,600 carrier pigeons. - _Xi Gift front Natures Storehouse The delicious, crisp firauules of the wheat and barley food r rie wt•ts amtain. a.11 the in values of 'thP intneral salts so essential to healt,h. A, food 6ufted' to he rekuirements of yaup.g: 474 old "There's a Reason"kiGrapelats Sold. by OrocerS everywhere 4D HOT JOIN DAYS ARD ON THE BABY July—the month of oppressive heat; red hot days and sweltering nights; is extremely hard on little ones. Diar- rhoea, dysentery, colic and cholera in- fantem carry off thodesonds of precious little lives every slimmer., The mother must . be constantly an her guard to prevent these troubles or if they come on sucidenly to fight...them. No other medicine is of such aid to mothers during the hot sunmer as is Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate' the bowels and stomach, and an occasion - el dose given to tlae Well".dchild will prevent summer .coniplaeet, or if the trouble does come on, 'seddenIy will banish it. The Tablet.s are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 Cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • Wanted a Change. A somewhat befuddled guest ap- peared (before the desk of a smart hotel and demanded in thick but firm donee that his roam be changed. "I'm sorry," the clerk told him, "but all the roams ere taken." "Mush have eloteer T09111., insisted the guest. ' "What's the matter with the room you have now. "Well, if you mush know," explain- ed the dissatisfied tenant, "ish ori fire!" Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere Digging for Fish. Izaak Walton would scarcely believe. his eyes if he were to :walk through New Smyrna, Florida, and encounter Negroes •d•igglxig Hire' fieli from. the 'ground as if they were potatoes, . A certain variety of mud flees: found ie. nearly all pa.rte• of the State is re- Spo•nsible for this state of affairs, ,This. queer member , 'of the finny .tribe inhabits, streams; ar ponds which have mud banks or. bottoms, It is ;black, and weigher up • to five or :six. •pounda. When the water in a pond 'evaporates, aef• it .deps during certain, 'Se.' titans ofethe year, leaving only a 'mass, of mud, which on -the sureace le ,aleaost dry, it does0 worry the fish, , The fish merelyeburraw into ti?.0 Mud to wait for rain., and apparently „Continue to live as ',gag ae the earth wet. The Negraes locate tihe fish ht exploring the mud with t4p4r bare fee . 2., The fiall is 0C111)10, 6,1,1.t‘ not a fa- Vorite 'because of its; Stringy end coarse It is much °asses' te keep up than to catch uP• • a•ke"1:%, he are vigorous instead of irritable a listlese. If your appetite is fickle, you have any of the distressing pains and symptoms of indigestion, you should at once ta,ke Dr. Ni:rilliams' Pink Pills and profit by the better condition in which they will put your These pills are sold by all dealers in medicine, or you can get them by mail at 50 cents a box Or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr.'Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. ou Took Pity ore hi im. Olt "Darlitig," be,ertee, itt toneq. of deep nakemotion • "at laqt•you ere safeiY- la Ink if arms and .4ofaingseltall,partsU.S Mere." . . r1„..he object pf his touching weras and passionate embrace matte no re- . . . . , ., , . , • spaese, bet rentatesea gold and. eilent. Tears welled Mee lihe eyes. . . . , "Dearest," ,he cal:termed, `taw can I prove sny love?. Is Shere no sacri- fice -I can make ear. yoeir sweet sake; no suffering. I can .endnre?" This final appeal lirb,S irres,istible. "The hest thing you can ' do, my a poet and led hire silently away. s man unfestened him from' the lamb - man," said a gen_ff vaiee, "is to condo along with me," and a brutal police - Sams Old Things. • With the Boy Scouts. "What the Bay Scout training doe for me" is the subject of a letter con petition being co•nducted for Sarnia Boy Scouts by the local Association. Prizes of Scout books and subscrile dons to Canadian -Boy' the boy Scouts' Megazine, will be awarded to the boys writing the best letters., and a number of these letters will be Printed later in lee Scout Column of the "Canadian Observer." It is interesting to note that the team which won the Ilosvison trophy in the Brockville -junior baseball coni - petition was entirely composed of Boy Seouti. While Brockville Scouts seem to make baseball their athletic specialty, Sudbury Scouts go in for football. Two games with their chief opponents, the Copper Cliff Cadete, recently re- sulted in a tie and a 2-1 victory for the Semite. "Mother has joined the Scouts!" But on investigation we found that she really hadn't. What she did join was the Ladies' Auxiliary of the 51st Tor- onto Troop. The Scout Mothers re- cently held a garden fete in aid of the troop camping fund. A epee program, in which decal artiste co-operated with talented members of the tro-op, netted the treasury over $170. •The Catholic Boy Scouts at Es- panola participated in the ceremony of illuminating the statute surmounting the soldiers' monument on the Sacred Heart grounds. They acted as a guard of honor and gave the full salute as the lights were timed on. Scouting grows. Amongst the most recent troops, to receive their Charters from headquarters are organizations having their headquarters in Blyth, Niagara Falls, Essex, Elk Lake, Wino- na, Egauville, Metcalfe, Dutton, Bridge - burg and Preston. Taking up the slack In a boy's lei- sure time is one of the most serious problem's of the home. The Program of activities of the Bo -y Scouts Ass•ocia- tion has stood the test of toirelve Yeers as 01.?e of the Mostsnractieal. scluti,mis of the problem ever deyieed. Sopae men accept lieerally the bibli- cal warning: Spare the rod and spell the child. Others prefer the promise: Train 'up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not de- part therefrom. The Bay Scout Move- ment based an the Iatter peineiple and should be encouraged through_ in- creased leadership by men able to de- vote time. to this great work. Canadian Forest Investi- A Cambridge undergraduate, con- trary to regulations, was entertaining _ his sister, when they heard someone on the stirs. Hastily 'hieing his sis- ter behind a curtain, he Went to elle door and confronted an ageddinan who was revisiting the Scenes of :11,1s youth, and was desirous of seeing his old rooms. Obtaining permission, he looked round, and remarked, "Ah, yes, the same old room." Going to the window he said, "The same old view, and peep- ing behind the curtain, he exclaimed, "The same old gams!" . "My sister, sir," said the student. ''Oh, yes," said the visitor, "the same old story." Think over the acts of Your life carefully before you ask fat exact • justice. galions. While in all districts where there are technically trained foresters lo- cated there are observations being made and investigations of a more or less detailed character being carried. on, the organized scientific work in these directions has, been mainly cen- tred at the forest experimental station at Petawa,wa, Ont., and at the eforeset nursery station at Indian Head, Sask. At Indian Head, a large number of plantations of small area, in SOMO cases of single species and in other cases of various. mixtures; have been In existence for sarne years, Careful record e have been kept fromeyear to year of the growth° and development of the trees and there is being steadily accumulated a store of info -malice. that, will be of the greatest value in futures planting work on faerne or in the torasts.—Annual Report, Director of Forestry, Ottawa. • MONEY 'ORDERS , A Dominion •Exprees, 1VIoney Order for five 'dollars, costs three cents. At Regular Rates Miss Margaret Moore hung on the arm of the oditer of the Titusville Leader, to whoin 'she had been engag- ed foe three years,iand, endeavored to turn his gaze. tow'ard ,t$e sky. notkee the inoon, 'Oarpneel" she said,. in a melting voice. . "At the tisual rates Margaret I Shall be happy to do s'o,'" he a.•eplied. , ^ Canadian expenditures on naval and military defence are the lowest of any country in the world, exeoidin.g to the sbatement of the Minister of Mil- itiaein the House -of Commons, the- per capita eXpencliture for defence, in- cluding that for militia, naval and air forces, being only $1.89. The per- centage of annual revenue to be de- voted to defence purposes this year is 3.5 per cent. Anterriea's Pioneer PoBooak RoT:n=a DOG DISEASES „ and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad. threes by the .Author. Itiii019,awyeestloaviesrt0sorreIast. New Tork, I 00A13SE SALT LAND SALT Bulk V.arluts TORONTO SALT WORKS , °'! To!i9trro 411111Ellnimmilalmmemms YARMOUTH, N The Original and Ordy Genuine Bdeware of Imitations sok; °retire merits of MLNARD'S LINIMENT ASPiRill Only "Bayer" is Genuine Warrsingl Unless, you see the name "Bayer" on, eackage or on tablets you are not getting Aspirin, at all. Take sio•Pirin only ab told in the Bayer pack- age for Colds, Heed.ache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain. Th•en you will be foliating the direptions and dosage wayked .out phYsiclaris during twenty-one years, and proved 'safe bY Titulay tin box -es et twelve Bayer Tabl,ete• Asilien cost few cents.' bruggletse al -So sell larger pack- ages. made in Canada. Aspirin 14 the trade mark (registered in Canada), of DaYer Manufeeture of Mandaceiti fulinard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia est'4r f Sali�yllcaold. was §cag03,m900 B41 -9r - thy formei'. self and I was abs,olutely .unelt.eor. Wok'of arieditinct " • "Rut, `Pardee has° doe° me° a world of good. -My stomach is in tine eon- - • eitiOdd and' eet want 'aria 6fery7 th.j4i,g- agrees with "MO perreetly. AIS„ , . ref achee'ided Paine' are a thing of the • , .„ past Send stronger than I've beeit 'in a long time. in fact, Tenlachas the • 'sanietts Mend a flew peta.taid'of"me, for can, da my housework with ,ease' add my Trien6 are;taliting Mime; the' won- derfal Change that has come over Inc. I".thitt't believe Oven° *leo 'gaffers' Oi I did can° do beetee than take Tanla.c." ' Tarlac Is sold by leading 'druggists every"wher.e. " ' sedlets Not for Vulgar Eyes. There must he Many Ja,panese still - living who can remember when their eountrymenewaeld have regarded with horror the matmer which the Crown Prince allo-ws himself' to be gazed ne- on by foreign crowds. So late as 1867 tie Japanese was al- lowed to look upon the Emperor, who lived a life apart in the seclusion of his palace. All that was seen of elm by those who waited_ on his com- mands was his back. When the rubs was first modified to the extent of hiss leaving the palace all shatters had to be pet up , all blineds drawn, and even the crevices covered with paper, and no ane was pernaitted in the etreate. Vaet chranges heee taken plea° since then, but even to -day it. is apt coesid- erred' elate proper and respectful by the masses of the people to look at the Erapero.r or his heir when they drive through the streets. CUTE N BABY'S KAP Face,Necki Arms, Terrible Sight. Itched And Burned. Cuticura Heals ftimmi t. Baby was two months old when I noticed little pimples on hm• head. They kept getting worse and spread till her head, face, neck and arms were onemass Of eruptions, burning, and. bleeding. I was told it wee ecuteeezerna. hadto sew up her -attrissand legs in linen. She was a aerribla sight. For one year I had no rest night or day. "We got Cuticura SoaposadOiest- ment. In less than two weeLai Ghe began to mend and in a few montha she was healed." (Signed) rase. Doorman, 243 McDonnell et., Pcs="-, boro, Ont., April 10, 1019. Stop the use of all doubtful soaps. IJse Cuticura for all toilet purposca. Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 60e. Sold throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepot: Lyma...ne, Limited, St. Paul St.,IVIontrerd. Cuticura Soap ahaves VriThout ilA$ NO PAW What Lydia E. Pinkhards Vegetable Compound Did for MIN. aker and Mrs. KRever„ • Vancouver, B.C.--"I am pleased. to sa,y that Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable Compound has done me a lot of good. 1 ca,n now walk about without the aid ole support and feel real strong again. A nurse advised me 1..,e take the Vegetable Coriapound. and i his certainly helping me. It seems like. Heaven to he relieved after months of pain." -- Mits. H. W. BAKER, 8874 10th Ave. West, Vancouver, 13. C. Albert Co,, N. 13—"I have taken Lydia ,,E; Pinkham'S medicines end they have done me a lot of good- Since then I have been able to do my bonne - work and 1 have a lot of ysork to do as we live on a farm. Seeing your adver- tisement in the papers was what made no think of writing to you. 1 hope .- 1 11.1 illness-'11:4'etyb ..irafillt :_,nitsci t de fgroodm t'll t,1-;a79bii17D'Ae^tACe;o1ntl?Ip'''"?'oleut.iriLrol;!'grlai.:71:ubd'esoll?iih;girntahrntiela:It7Vh-earifirrsder‘ I ia.'ift e:W• It eli e , tillisthelnLayYdijaleElp. Pisn.a,omItlavm' °Mil:thee:se:C:0 newa Meng to other suffering women that they also may be relieved. not understand writh to Lydia E. Ha- llam Me'dicine Co., Lyda, Mesa. ' If there are any complications you do Mits. Wm. B. ICrivert, Upper New I -Tortoni Albert Co,, N. 33. The reason women write such letters ISSUE No. •fiikle-',21 - .