HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-7-21, Page 1‘4 is xrl FORTY-SEOONDYIEAIi.--Noo 22.78: EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY m�Iliillillllllllli�ilillillllll mffillllllllllli��lllllllll�llllllillli illllllllllilllllliililllll1111111i11lIIIIIIiitIIIIiIIiIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL' Jones&May ummos m▪ ammal alma mmaale r MIMEO :=' maamima maalaM Mmamil i lli i IlPDl �II�iI IIIiI�IfIII i �I�lie�i�0ll���� 11 L Scholl Big Foot Exper COMING Come In and het Him Examine Your Feet and Advise You FREE Bargains This Week If you are tired of being , bothered by 1 hurting, tender feet, here is our chance to get immediate relief and pezanent correc- tion. You are invited to consult this foot specialist while he is here. •- I Ie Will Be Here Thnrs,, July 2 Don't ".wait until.... -the last minute ' note and; maybe, lose your chance to get foot comfort.. Come in any time during business hours. .and talk it over with the expert. Their is a DX Scholl Applicow orRenre jRrEvvFontTm 67e: Thereis s no need to suffer from any foot trouble, any more. Be it ever so simple or ever so serious this specialist, who is a member of the Staff of Dr. Wm. M. Scholl, '° the noted foot authority, can show you the Wayrto immediate relief and to ultimate. Foot Comfort if you'll step in and give him the chance He can tell just what the cause of your trouble is, and he knows the remedy. Improve Foot Appearance No lamer sized or oddly; shaped shoes needed. Wear the kind' you like in perfect comfort. The Dr. Scholl Appliances actua. . improve the grace andbeauty of the' fe `Watch Your Feet' Store closes Wednesday afternoon during June, July and White Shoes White Wash Skirts Middies Voile Blouses Ladies' Vests and Lien's Straw Hats August. PHONE 32 Jones & 1 ayP,HQNE 32 seams Mammal MORNING, ;JULY 21, 1921 ONIONS ONLY HAI i+' .t CROP. `i.[, OO'. LEG(aii RS" ARRESTED The Dutch Set ;onion ere)) doe WITH 11T'1"'O LOAD OP S not ,look very promising, The crop \V1117SIiE'1'. has been partly burned up with the heat. Some of the early sown onions came through not too badly but on the whole will not be halt a crop. fiRM BROKEN BY 'ALL. Eric allt Mas et B'' - Master w' lIl sot r of . Mr. Samuel Balkwill, of .London., who -- has b 1 een ha rd yzzxg" in 'CJsborne, had the tui o Sfortiu to 1'•z <11. t from an apple I '- =' tree titMr. "V1 n Viso .1:.v• I � It i ' u o ,' s on -Mon- day da," tracturing a bone in his right arum and dislocating another,. 40 was brought to Dr• Ilyndnian's hos pital where the fracture was reduc- ed. DIED -IN WINNIPEG • w vas s an t Word was received` in Exeter .on Tuesday of the d a;th of Mrs. James Westcort, t$ho died. at the home ,of her daughter, Mr'S.' Ferguson, of Winnipeg. The deceased had been seriously ill for about a month. Mrs. I-Ccl. Coates, of Usbor•ne, is a daugh- ter. About two weeks ago ashe re- turned from visiting her. brother. Mrs. J. Frayne, Mrs. A. Sheere, and Mrs. Southcott, of town, are sisters. The remains will be brought to Exe- ter for interment ; THE ENTRANCE EXA.,\i5.. The result of the Entrance Exams has been looked for daily since .Mo.n- day: There 'have' been many en - guiles at the Times, both over the telephone and by the boys and girls interested. The Times called up In- spector Torn at Goclerioh' Tuesday evening and he informed us 'that it May be the beginning of next week before the results are returned from Toronto. The returns are late this year, the papers only being sent to Toronto on Wednesday of last week. The list will be posted up in front of The Times office as soon as received - and any telephone enquiries will be — answered with pleasure. Immaa Mamma OMMIMM mamma ..r.. the church and 'the men at once rushed across the street to ileip.They manned the hand engine and suc- ceeded in keeping the fire confined to the building in which it started. The stables were destroyed but; Drummond & Son succeeded in sat- f ing an automobile, a horse and sleigh and other articles in the,, stable. Feed a wagon, sets of darn- i ess, etc., were destroyed, but Drunr- inon & 'Son's los§ is Coveremaam SIVDES '9.ROU � pip, POND 1TE'LS AT 'VD RE\']): Dr. T. W. and Mrs: Harrison, aird two sons, Wilfred and Gerald, of De- troit, motored over and are visiting •Mr. and Mrs. $. Coultis and 'other relatives in Exeter.On Saturday they made a flying trip to Grand' Bend and while there Master Gerald swans from the end of the "dock out to and around the pond nets and back to his starting point. The swim was a "icon stop" affair and we 'consider that a clever performance for a fourteen - year -old lad.' When he returns to Detroit he will enter -the half -mile and the mile contest at the Detroit Yacht Club on July 3Oth and will re- ceive a silver and a gold medal on completing the distance. BOY SCO'FITS ON CXu';1GING, ' TOUR VISIT EXETER Eighteen Boy Scouts from Sarnia, who were out on a cycling tour, ar- rived in Exeter on Monday evening and spent a pleasant time with the local scouts. The boys wheeled into town about five p.m. Together with the local scouts they were pleasant- (ly entertained to tea on the spacious verandah of Mr. T. G. Stanbuiy. During the evening they enjoyed e clip in the river above the daui. The boys were under t]ie supervision of Troup Leader. Homer Harkins. They. spent the night at the Homes of the 'different scouts of town. The boys left Sarnia 'on Friday, wheeling as ^far'as ,Strathroy where they stayed the night and then wheeled to Lon- don. Saturday and Sunday was spent in London, coming to Exeter on =, Monday. They left here Tuesday, for I = .-rand Bend and spent the evening ▪ at Parkhill. A. stop will also be made at Forest before returning to - Sarnia. The boys were feeling fit and With 'a cargo of whiskey both in- side and out and aimed with a large revolver, two wren, driving a ow etftil p Paige g w • eze arrested near Woodham Tuesday Evening and brought to g Exeter e b Constable onsta b1e W. A. Balk will. it v 1. 11Ir. Balkh ill received word that at two men under the influ- ence n$u- en ' ce of liquor •' an driving da big car titre lei Ir the ditch ni;ar Woodham. o dna•. zn• He was soon on the sof and had a the ht< men under arrest. About two hun- dred bottles of whiskey in seven sacks were found in the car: The men and two sacks were transferred to MM'r. L . Ba - lkwil ' lsc car and there - nulling r e nuling bags of whiskey were brought to town by Mr. Mills of Woodham. James Foote later went out and brought in the Paige car. The men were on their way from Waikerville to Sarnia. or Windsor and when found were in a practically helpless condition. In addition to the whiskey they had a 'crate of berries with them; the -clothes of one of the inert ere plastered with the fruit.' The other had lost his coat. The liquor vtransferred to the cells in the Town Hall. Later in the evening In_ pector Pellow, of Goderich and A. T. Cooper of Clinton came down d in company with 11Ir. Baikwill ook the men and whiskey to Goder- ch: BLANSHARD FARMER INSTANTLY' RI -LIMO. R. H: Switzer, aged 69, one of the most' prominent farmers in Blan- shard- township, ' met instant death _Saturday afternoon while busy with the harvesting.' He had driven' tn( with a laod ,of wheat 'and was un hitching the horses from the Load and pulling the tongue out from the : -- neckyo ;e when he fell backward' aa — through an open barn door and land- ed on his '.head on a cement walk ten feet below. Death was due to fracture of the skull. Besides his widow he 'is survived by four sons, and fi ve daughters: Reuben of St. Marys; Everett of Calgary; Dr. John 'ot Erie, Pa.;'William Ti' at home Mrs. Blake of Seaforth; Mrs. Bickel' of Blanshard township Miss Mary at home and Miss Nellie of Tisdale, Sask. Tames Switzer of New Zea- land and John of Victoria, B.C., are brothers. Mr. Switzer was very prominent in 'Orange circles and the funeral which was held on Monday afternoon to Kirkton cemetery, was held under the auspices of the Orange lodge. Miss MacIoline ,Carling, of Toror ' to i , " s rEn r _ g ito iirtoz,a�<Itacl by wine. I t the week -end s,lt en d visiting rela- tives and friends in Exeter. Mrs. J. H. Bolitllo and two sruali daughters 'of Rockaway, N, J,, who have been visiting with Mr. and Mass. R1. t Yellow, V left Tuesday ' as Y 'morning for Detroit where they will visit for a w eel tbefore z , eta •' z ilii ' t g home, Mrs. S. Bolitho Irthp a as formerly Miss Lillian Blat ch' tat dar and spent � her • b (' at Exeter, p girlhood Several eras young g znen from n. this rb community who were charged with being intoxicated, went to. Clinton and settled the case with Police Mag- istrate Andrews. It cost each of them something over18.0 0: � Some of the boys claimed they had become drinking g tri d t ze 11. The friends of 111 • Er Agar '1,'ym are glad to see hint able to !ie around again after ,being �eonrined to the, house, the result of being shot in the leg when a rifle accidently dibc.Iizli°g- .,d . Illi•. P ru. had 3 r Y l •i- e• r zaar•r� Y w es- cape a5 the • hullo tt just lag , large artery, r y, . Miss 1 ss R,ut h J . or eI• <ltt h" Y> tEI g of 14r: and Mrs. S. 'Dory, of Stephen, hac1. a narrow v escape from a serious acci- dent last week., She was driving a team of Horses on- a Ilay rape when the horses ran aiyaY, She was drag- ged for some distanceard was some- what bruised but was no seriously hurt. Taxi Service A real service at your: disposal. Regular, day and Saturday; leave Exeter at 7:30, retlir by arrangement, Picnics, Weddings, Funerals and family attention. Call 56 • shaw Leave orders at Wilson's Grocery. trips to the .Bend, 4iTednes- ning at 12.00; other trips driving given otU' special USE A 'REAL SERVICE. 4 ISOtI a iinilllllliiimill!(n I' �° llllil�iilllllllliillellii lII(IIIIIIIIIIIIIII(illlilll I � i IIIiL.w e are.. installing a Receiving Separator FIRE DESTROYS` STABLE AT HENSALL: Timely assistance from the men who were attending a ` strawberry festival in the Methotlist church on Monday evening was largely respon- sible for preventing a'serious lire. The blaze biroke out about nine o'- clock in Drummond and Son's stable north of the Petty 'brick block, and just opposite the 1Vletliodist' church. The fire bells were heard by the guests at the strawberry festival in. d by instil.-- �. ante. - Mr. Petty, the owner of the +. table building, had no insurance. -.t= The Petty brick block was not davi ) aged. There was a high wind atthe.I time and without the timely asaist: ante the fire would have proved more serious. VIII(IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllll(IIII(IIIlllll111llllllllllNIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII evidelttlY were enicYing tlie hike. LOCALS ALS mosommaniama BORN POTATOES ARE SMALL. ALLEN—At Grand Bet] on Friday, daY, Those who have ve been trying out July 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Adel- their early potatoes are disappoint- ed in the crop.' The potatoes are very deceiving. The tops have been com- ing along fainly well but on •'digging. up lie hills only a few potatoes are found and these very small. The potato bugs were very plentiful this year: It is hoped the later potatoes will turn out better. phus Allen, a daughter. GILBERT—In McGillivray, on. ,July 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. David Gil- bert, a son. DIED WESTCOTT—In Winnipeg on July 19; Sophia Oke, widow of the•late James Westcott. The 'remains will be brought to Exeter for in- terment. .1"IOOVEII;-In;Guelph, on _ July 9th, John B. Hoover formerly of Clin- ton, ages] ii 7 years. Mra. A. Poncl anti 4ti1 dr eu of To- ronto, are visiting Mr, and MIS. 'Sas. rrdyne. Miss Ariel :Beverley has returned hoine after holidaying for' two weeks In Cleveland; 11Ix. Linden Harvey, B,A.,'conduct- ed the services in Hensall Methodist Church on Sabbath last. Mr. ,Harvey will supply the Methodist pulpit at Iroquois Fails fax the month of August. Mi'. ad Mrs: Clubine, of 'Tofonto, and Mr, Hy. Parsons- 01hath a C ti ]n, is ve been,Visiting • 'with Mr. and M • 1 g Mrs. Hy, Parsons, "'of town Mr: •Clubine and Mr. Parsons pial e arp r' t.. to Chicago. Mr. S, J, Pym, of Thborne, Mot With an unfortunate accident last week which laid • him off work for several tai da n l Ys during the busy ha,i•vest season. .He was assisting to unload some railroad ties when one of them Struck him on the ankle spraining ( Wiarton Echo commenting on, this it badly. He was able to be around !says: "The general consensus of op- by the use Of a walking carie. inion is that a financial venture such. Several from town Ieft on Tuesday .Sarnia where they will take the iand that it as the Chautauqua should 'stand on the pro- boat up the lanes. Miss M. motors desire to "play" a: town, they ts own bottom Y Horton ler Sarnia and hernephew, Harold, lett' for Ed- monton, should 1.E prepared Ed to tale their' Alta.; Mrs, Fer arson wlzo chances in the same mariner as any has'heeri v. other Croup. The Salle feelilr visiting her parents, "111 g seems to prevail this year and Mrs. C. Burr3 in St. rev, is returning to Winnipeg. Mrs, ltd. Delbridge left; time a111a.as iand it looks at the present the Soo to visit her daughters. f. Chautauqua' would have to g tern. I take equal chances with the local Mr. McCorkinclale of Detroit who managersiz • if they are io"'"` wait, St. underwent a serious operation at the Marys next year. , The prograr:nime, Presbyterian manse last fall, passed however, was an excellent 1 tt OIrC awl through Exeter last week ac o p n- . y' c mpan the patrons of the z1 Eels s entertain- pied by Mrs.. 4TcCor1cintlale on theit' ments were delighted with then. way to Bruce Beach St. Marys Journal -Argus. 'vacation. Mr, McCor•lcinda,le spent f The C p � guarantors of the Lh<iutauritia the winter in Cal iforn iia'and seams Mat week weeat Carleton Place were e to have recovered from his recent compelled to put their ]rands in their illness. pockets. A "WOR:!) ABOUT CHA.1UTAIJQU A. "Thern e eighteen Clra.nta,iiciva ..guar- antors at Wiarton had to dip down'. in theftjeeps and pay .$20 each. The Mr. and Mrs. Geo. s Weekes and granddaughter of Cincinnatti, visit- ed isiteti Mr. and Mrs. II, Spackman and other ei r 7< 1tr. E Y" ' ES in Exeter leaving g here 10 visit in: Guelph. -' I. Mr: Wilbert Martin, of S. Martin. & Scan, is holidaying this week. Mr., and Mrs. Martin and: family motor- ed to Kincardine. and Goderich last,. week and this week they are enjoy- ing' a short motor trip. Mr. F. A. Chapman, manager of the Cauadia11 Bank of Commerce,. and Mrs,Chapman and son, Forbes, are holidaying at .hi.. Stanley for a Month. Mr. V. i4r, Bray is y acting rnariager during his al:,sen,ce. Bev. and Mrs. ,lulls Foote and children,< returned last aveek after holidaying at Bruce Peach near Kin- cardine, Mrs. ilcDoneld. and Master 'Robert Johnston, who wore the g a S fi e t et Mr, an airs, b d iV s. I oote, ha.Ve Y'eturnecl to their homes in W.ifidsor and Detroit, Mr. Fooi.e conducted 'll Um ' , S tl ,services in ;a� .i 1 C e ,. C rtii`ch on ,un- 'I� , day, and will be shut down F for >w... or three ammm ammo IMMIMM MaIMMM ramimeell mama We have anticipated your wants and have in stock a good supply of our splendid Flour; also an assort- ment ssortment of Feeds. Prices of Feeds based on buyer's hags. r y . ti r•w Iliiliilili(l((IIIIIII!IIIJI(IliillllIIl1111!111(((IIJC!(11(llII � (Iilll(IIIIiJ)IIIlII{ , C:�. :, M!,'•J 555 awl.,1MYS;"'<r 1•Yl1n...4E�.: Cl! s:r ".i" Protect ur Horses and Cattlee Using COW EASE in half gallons at .: :..:..... . ......: $1•1 COW EASE in gallons a.t .:... $2.00 DR. WILLIAM'S FLY KILLER., half g'ailoii ...: ..:...... .......... 90c DR. WILLIAM'S 'FLY KILLER, in gallons $1, 4 5 IIEIOLZ Irlr FLY ST(OOT, per ear 75c SPECIAL SPRAYER ER, fol• applying ..ac. 'NEW Pie Rb'Et7T1oi C STOIT.Es , In 1, 2, 3, and: 1 -Buri at lowest GSs 0 t OVJ,NS fonli $6.00 WICKS H11'i 1011lo ftCIPE, GOLD MEDAL B}..]8T MAN TLLAC,.I ` � D li ,.. .. . SISAI, ROPE o $9,00 10e, ....... 20'c ;r: Ib, 2: :.5c' a. 1 lY 1'Iit%LI31 AND TINS:il1'.t`1DINO. :Estimates *furn.ished. talar"» 17 11r.ikin.isastrrttmmewrsgrnr", 1.3r .1%... i.izrcav rc,...1+ w*e. -0, . .rtm„ertmiacxmwmn.+Mx..aa,izi Stole Closes Wednesday* 11101 n y oon during lune, ,lul ” y and Atagtasty my r1 ea 1 f.t 71V xt,P' n''iliON3?;S sio ,ware 27J i';