HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-6-30, Page 8THc E.XETER TIMES,' inturts DAY, 31/NE 30, 1921.. 41 Market Report ;The following le the report of the ?taeter Market corrected every Wednesday. Wheat $L50. Oats 37c, Barley 48c to 55c. Manitoba Flour $5.55. Family Fleur $5,30. Shorts $1.40 per 100 lbs. Bran $1.40 per 100 lbs. Feed flour °$2.10. Creamery butter 33c. Dairy butter 25c to 28e. Eggs 31c. Lard 18c. Hens 15c to 170. Ducks 22e to 20e Roosters 12c. Broylers 32c. Hog's $11.00. • ..00®os ••••••••••••••• LOCAL • ••••••• O•QIPr•• • Owing to: the drop in raw materi- als we are selling ice cream at -pre- war prices. 25c a pint and 5c a dish. -W. J. STATHAM, SPECIAL NOTICE. -On Saturday July 2nd we will begin a "Big Clear- ance Sale" of all summer Goods', Voiles, Muslins, Blouses, House Dresses, Children's White- Dresses, White -wear, Gowns, Skirts, Cami- soles, etc. Specials each week. - A, call solicited. :Mrs. W. D. Yeo. Miss Ella Ware, of London, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. Pude. Mrs. Earl Spackman and little son are visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. Spaek- roan. Main St. 'Sunday School will hold their anual picnic in Mr. A. Hooper's bush on July 20th. Mr. Ivor and Catharine Johnton, of Toronto, are visiting their sister, Nurse Johnston of town. The members of the parade to Trivitt 1Yfemorial Church next Sabbath` afternoon. • Mr. Hy. Strang -•conducted the"` eve- ning service i7> Caven Presbyterian Church on Sababtlilast. Mr. and Mrs; Se Bagshaw, of --To ronto, visited as the home of Mr. W.. Esagshaw during the past, week.' Mr. Ll`oyo Beavers,' who has been attending the collegiate at St. Marys, has returned to town. Mr. Aquilla Sheere, of Detroit,' and Miss Fern Sheere, of Lansing, Mich. re visiting at the home of Mrs. A. heere. Mr. and"Mrs. Frank Johns, of Tor- onto, are holidaying with the for- mer's parents, Mr: and Mrs. W. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dow, of Salt- ord, visited in Exeter and vicinity ast week, guests of Mr. John Cole, Isborme. Mrs. W. Verity and daughter, of 3rantford, visited the former's nether, Mrs. Rd. Pickard, during he week. Reeve B. W. F. Beavers and Tam- ly attended a fancily, re -union at he home of Mrs. Wm. Beavers of. 3lanshard on Friday evening last. Mr. J., T. Morgan; who recently ncved to town from Usborne,. has ntered into partnership with Wni. Vard in the fano implement bust-. less. Rev. Jas. and Mrs. Foote an iaugh•ter, Elizabeth; Mrs. Foote's nother, Mrs. McDonald; and Root: Johnston, of Detroit, are holidaying at Bruce Beach near Kincardine. With the Ctiu�rches CAVRN PRESBYTERIAN CRURCH Rev. James Photo, R. A., Mh1ster, 10 a.m.-Sunday School and • Bible classes. 11 a.m.---Boy Scouts Service. Mr. Earl II, Dirvison of Headquar- ters Field Staff, Toronto, will speak on, "Citizenship as Built up by the Boy Scouts Program." No Funds Solicited. 7 pan. -Rev. Mr. Chidley, of Thanes Road. JAMES STREET METHODIST Os ,Rev. M. J. Wilson, B.A., rastor. 11 a.m.•-=1``he Silence of God." 3 p.m. -Sunday school and Bible' classes.: 7 p.m. -Earl H. Davison -Headquarters staff of Boy Scouts Services short and helpful. Music excellent. - All welcome, 1►IAIN ST.' METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. A. (Phone 21, r3,) 11 a.m.-Third Mystery of the King- dom. 3.00 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible' classes. 7 p.m. -Wrong Handling of Esti- mates. BETHANY 2.30 p.m. -The River of God. Y.P.C.A. During July and August the rooms will be open only on Monday and Saturday nights, but any members wishing to play, :can do so any night by applying; to Mr. Cole for the keys. CARS FOR-,H'IRE-Phone 56. , C. L. Wilson., MOTOR BUS SERVICE. Mr- Sylvanns.Cann is prepared to.. • take• icn' �p zc parties to Grand Bend, on July; -est; or for picnics during the .the summer. • FOR: SALE OR' RENT -The liv- ery stable and, other buildings con- nected therewith belonging to the estate of the.late Wm. G. Bissett and recently.' occupied by Mr. W. II. Hodgert_- For terms and particulars apply to Isaac R. °'Carling. A. E. ALMOND,. 'eyesight special- ist, will be at the Cental Hotel on July Sth and 9th. FOR SALE -Ford Cafr, 191S mo- del, in perfect running order, easy to start. Apply at Times Office. Mr.' J. G. Stanbury was in Goder- ich Wednesday on a:.coJi:rt case. Mr. Ewing and two children of Taber, Alta., are the guests of Mrs. Amos. Mrs. (Dr.) McLennan and son, Jack, of Toronto, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Fitton. A little daughter of Mr. Fred Bloomfield fell while at school, cut- ting her Bead, the w;eulid -being dres- sed by Dr. Graham. `. Dr. Tew, of London, Miss- _ Gra- ham, of Rodney, and Miss Dulmidge of Toronto, were the guests of .Dr. and Mrs. Graham during the past week. . iJ .�nnuNnninn�mmoi m i . � i i�Niru�tu���r�Nan��wm�n�inmN��Nuuuui�rnnmin���i�iii�nn��� �ry rye. .� Sop.: HCo,.L 1 BRO • .111.111* MOM M. PHONE 184. PHONE 134. �Veather Specials Twenty-five pair of Ladies' White Canvas Shoes_ with spool or mill tary•lieels. These sold for $4.00 and $5.00 a pair. For quick Clearing we have reduced the price to pair, $2.48. Ladies' House Dresses Isesides the Billie Burke dresses we handle a splendid range of dark and light house dresses that have good style and are splendid wearers.. Cur out size dresses for tont woolen are big sellers. Prices from $1.00 to $4.25. Thirty-five Pair: of Children's Canvas Sandals at 98c pr. . Regular $1.50 line; sizes 6'to ft);; 11 to `2. This is a splendid, shoe • for children for ;hot weather. , It; is a life we want • to cleat, which is the.• reason for this very low price. Per pair 98c. This store will be closed every Wednesday afternoon and August. during;June, July outhcott-.Bros. /1110101.1 ONISMIL = OPOMMI MMIMIN iimmitiinimiunmminisuu�iu�annunoummian�umuiuiuimmuniim oiiunmmullum cum - • CARLING B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. Public, Conveyancer. Solicitor for the Molsons, Bank, etc. . .Invest your :funds in Vic- tory, ; Dominion of - Canada, Provincial ® and Municipal Bonds. Legal investment for Trust Funds. At existing prices, . from 6 per cent to 7 per cent can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by 'ine. Money to loan at lowest, rates of, interest. OFFICE - Carling Block, Main Street, EXETER, ONT. FOR SALE -Grass farm, rented until November lst, N1/z' Lot 8, con. 13. Apply 'to D. Barrie, Dashwood. FOR SALE -100 -acre choice farm 2 miles from Exeter. Would consider a good .business in exchange. Apply to W. Steele, Centfalia: ,DR. JOHN- WARD Chiropractic and Electrical treat- ments, X -Rays.. Corner William and Sanders. Hours 10 to 12, 2 tod 4, and by appointment. Phone `43. T. 1Ed. ELLIOTT IS OUT' FOR'BUSIN&SS My aim is -Your:. patronage. hfy motto -Service to' the public. PRICES • . , Ladies' Suits, cleaned' and pressed .'.. :.•..•.: : ........... $1:50 Men's Suits, pressed only .75 Men's 'suits, cleaned and pressed • $1.00 to $1.50 Ladies' suits dyed. $4.50 Men's suits dyed • $4.50 Ladies' suits dry cleaned $2.00 Men's suits - dry cleaned' . $2.00 Ladies' overcoats dry cleaned $2.00' Men's overcoats dry cleaned$2.00 I do all kind of repairingI also have the agency for the Forest City Laundry, London, Ont. At your service. Shorten your worries and length- en your life. Having purchased a new Ford truck I am prepared to do trucking for parties desiring same. For Sale- Apple and boiled cider. Saws 'gam vied, wood turning, wood pumps re- paired and accessories on hand. S. J. V. CANN, EXETER Phone 115. AIN'T- IT 'FINE TO -DAY. Sure, this world is full' of trouble I ain't sa,id it ain't, Lord, I've had enough` and double Reason for complaint: Rain and storm have come to .fret Miss Gladys and Mr, Maurice Har Mrs. Rev. McAllister is in Brant- ey have returned home from Lon -ford at the semi -centenary of the on where they, have been attending Brant Avenue Methodist Church. he'Collegiate Institute. I-Ier� father- the late David Plewes, nie, Skies s are often gray ,tennis in the was a charter member of this g Y, ' first game of ew tennis league was played be- church. Thorns and brambles have beset In, ween Crediton and Exeter on Fri- After a dry spell 'for.' several weeks On the road -but say, Id evening last. Three sets were" this section has been visited with Ain't it fine to -day. M. op en is ns Phe. crops; especial Mrs. Edgar Fanson, of Usborne, ly tele, roots and vegetables were suf- nee Miss E. Down) has been under fering fors want o1 'rain`. The'fall he doctor's care for several- weeks all d last week was taken.to London iospital where she underwent an operation. Dr. D. M. Ramsay and wife, of oronto, spent several days last eek visiting the former's mother, Irs. Ramsay, who is ill. Mr. and Irs. Thos. Ramsay, of/Hamilton, are isiting here. A garden party was held in the Dome Rink on Friday evening last, y the Trivitt Memorial Church. A cod program was provided by the. Brunswick Trio of London. There as a fair attendance.: At the weekly bowling tourney on ie local green last Friday evening ie prize was won by the rink coin - sed of C. W. Robinson, Geo. An :son an H. Spackman. They won ree straight games. Rev. Stevenson, of Stratford, 6c - pied Caven Presbyterian pulpit on. ibbath morning last and James St. ilpit in - the evening in the inter-. is of. the Lord's Day Alliance. Sub- riptions were taken up. wheat has been coming along fast. It 1S beginning to and h g turn the b pros- pects are for a good crop. The spring grains have not been coining along as well. Mr. James Knight and sen Leslie, of Listowel, accompanied by several others motored over on Saturday Inst and the former are visiting, for several days at the home' of Mr. E. Knight, London Roacl, south. Mr. Knight is a remarkable odd .gentle- man being in .his 92nd year. He is exceptionally hale and hearty for one of his years and be stood. the long motor trip well. Rev.' Russell May' and bride, of Toronto, visited with„ Mr. and Mrs. ,H. Rowe and' other relatives in and around town for'several days. Mr. May addressed the James St. Sunday School -on Sabbath afternoon. They •i wi_} leave Toronto oil. o fo in a.c aIle of 1 weeks for Saskatchewan wherei evan Mr, May has been stationed. Mildred Rowe returned with thein to visit in Toronto for a short'time. What's is h t e use of always ve Y ti epin', Makin' trouble last? What's the use of always keepin', ' Thinkin of the past? Each must have his ioulation-.- Water with his wine: - Life, it ain't no celebration. Trouble -I've had mine -- But, to -day is fine! It's to -day that I am livin'. Not a month ago, Havin': losin': takin': givin': As time wills it so. Yesterday a cloud of sorrow • Fell across the way: It inay rain again'to-morrow, It may rain -but say, Ain't it fine to -clay? --James Whitcomb Riley. Resting after a strenuous but vic- torious election campaign, Premier Martin of Saskatchewan, with his Mr. A.'"Hastings, who has been wife and,son Douglas,' is visiting at tdci• the doctor's s care theii far e oi.ri several, e of l lits arenis Ret an. ontl p d is does improve as rapidly Mrs.. Martin, of I Dation, for a few his friends would like to see. Miss days. Premier Martin' arrived from Lt Hastings, who has-been engag-`'Ottawa Saturday night, motoring ed in London, returned home hulls- f through Kitchener, where be visited' nosed !list `,reek and: is confined to his brother, and also;, Eiceier, iiis Cie house. birthplace. nMy:Av;x�.bn,nry.xt:.a; N • Rowe FURNITURE DEALER . .FUNERAL DIRECTOR A.N:]) EM-BALMER Embalmer's License No. 210. MOTOR HEARSE SERVICE Phone 20J and 20W. THE EXETER TIMES Subscription rate $1.50 ay ear. ADVERTISING -RATES ' Display Advertising -Made; known on application. Stray Animals -One. insertion 60o three insertions for $1.00; Farm or Real Estate for sale 50o each insertion for one month 'of four insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not snore than five lines, For Sale, To ` Rentr;y, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Loi and found locals 25c:. Local reading notices etc., 10c per line per insertion. No notice leer than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction sales $ 3 for one insertion and $1.50 for 'each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in Length. Legal advertising -10c and 5c a line. - A few choice farms in; South;. Hu- ron for sale. Also some unincumber- ed farm lands in Alberta and Sas- katchewan will be exchanged for town or village property. Apply to Thomas Cameron, -'Conveyancer, Auc- tioneer, etc. Box 154; Exeter. Phone 21r12. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon Office -McDonnell's Sales Stables on John St. Phone calls receive prompt attention. phone '26w No* gods A re A�1 How about ,._� new Suit? . Come in and see our New Styles It's easy, to upset good form with an out ..of form tie. That's why it .o often happens. T'Iie remedy , is Imre ii .• good form .Vies, Scarfs and Your -in -hands. Gloves, Collars, Shirts, everyytliing in Men's 0 correct to the minute. "P I-1 0; N E AMAN J. A• STEvrART PHONE 16. PHONE 1.6.. inner Sets for she June Bride r, Five new 97 -piece Dinner Sets in Porcelain (Aline in very holt lin''rat' and Conventional designs, with or without gold handles, SHOES! SHOES! SHOES; White Canvas Shoes, nearly all sizes in good staple. shapes. Special price for this week $1.69. LADIES' STOCKINGS CHILDREN'S In a nice fine ribbed, for Children and plain cotton in all sizes. This is an excellent wearing stocking. Special -30e a pair or 4 pair s for $1.00. SPECIALS IN CAN SALMON. This is a good pink salmon, solid 'meat, 1 -Ib. can, regular 30c, now 1S0; 6 cans for $1.00. 1A -lb. cans, regular 20c, now 2 for 25c, SOAPS All brands of Laundry Soaps. Special --14 bars for $1.00. i.e. • This store will be closed every Wednesday at 12:30 sharp" during the months of June, July and August, ''' Highest prices paid for poul try and all Produce. J ®. A. Stewart. ,.,.. Furniture Undertaking COMPLETE LINES IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. MOTOR !HEARSE IN CONNECTION E GA 'DINE OPERA IrOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 74J; Night. call 74W - Dr. Hall, Mrs.. W. F. May ,. and ' a s' CAME't1$ .lSPEt Miss May, of Mitchell, spent Sunday with relatives in town. 11Irs. C. F. Hooper was in London visiting her sister, Mrs. Fanson, at the hospital. FOR SALE -A one -storey frame Shouse, v ` 4: _ e r = Y �� it p 18x24 ft.; kitchen, 14x20 ft.; to be moved from premises.. Apply to J. A .Rollins. i" y 1 ,, - - - YOUR DAILY PAPERS "' - ---- Perpetuate your Vdraf6®n iWemories+ OTHING will add more to the permanent en- joyment of your holiday than good pictures of those happy times. They will be a source of never-ending pleasure. There is an Ansco Camera for every requirement, ev- eryfancy and every purse. Come in and see them. SeiNiOR STUDIO and ART STORE EXETER, ONT. The Exeter Times has a clubbing rate with most daily and weekly pa - pers. To find the clubbing rate add the price ofthe papers you wish to subscribe for and subtract 25c from .!ally paper and 10c from a week- - 'v paper. i Toronto Daily GIobe $S.Qp I ; 'Hail & Empire $5.00 f Toronto Daily Star $5.00 • London Daily Free Press I ..$5.00 i London Daily Advertiser . . $5.00 i Family Herald & Weekly Star $2.00 Fanners' Advocate ......... $2.00 Canadian Countryman .. $1.50 ' i Montreal Weekly •Witness .... $1.65 c World -Wide .... M.. $2.00 ' Toronto Saturday Night •.... $4.00 1 1,1acLean's Magazine $3.00 Rural Canada $1.00 Phe Youth's Companion $2.50 .1 fhe Farmers' Sun $1,50 f Farmers' Magazine $2.061 . . .. .... Thristian. Guardian ........ $2.00 •is a...,. Ea �' rte. d ? t i' a . - c t �..�l �,M , I i3 /y ( �4 1•�}. `P f f,n 1• l P . i5 � .ham: • 1 ,. b qi • 'i r' / �i �,�illl���"'� � .•_4 Sr c..� i� ! 1 � and = R. EDISON has said '. that there should be ood music in every Name- 11 this three -day -trial offer I\ et. /(. _ is our way of introducing v Bite �iI' `--'i goo music into home. your Talce advantage of it! c.^' Absolutely no strings con- b x /,': r ; y / netted with this offer -no �' ' l r� �Y obligations of an kind. e g y Come in to day-selectyourAmber- `��l'`' ola and any twelve records. 'We will deliver ,r. }.i er them to you ti ti --..�r at our ea e7z,se. If, three _ after ti ____„-^•-•••-...„7"".1.-_-_,,..._. days of good music;.yau decide 1 i keepthe -. ,,..4, r tis ,y, �.. J off, ,�? 3 `�� , f. ,,. .� not to ,mberola` - , 9 cl will call for..," !t and thank. 3 your courtesyin zw.• zn 1 to trial. ]d 1 et J. WILLISr s POWELL, EXETER, ONT. pi i ... J;�-- es .-. y� N.Y•A'At-r 4.P•.k irk .love i" ' 4 )4,,....: sc tea. an ..: .. resn .i , .V' �g �5 t: # x.. in a L. 41 Market Report ;The following le the report of the ?taeter Market corrected every Wednesday. Wheat $L50. Oats 37c, Barley 48c to 55c. Manitoba Flour $5.55. Family Fleur $5,30. Shorts $1.40 per 100 lbs. Bran $1.40 per 100 lbs. Feed flour °$2.10. Creamery butter 33c. Dairy butter 25c to 28e. Eggs 31c. Lard 18c. Hens 15c to 170. Ducks 22e to 20e Roosters 12c. Broylers 32c. Hog's $11.00. • ..00®os ••••••••••••••• LOCAL • ••••••• O•QIPr•• • Owing to: the drop in raw materi- als we are selling ice cream at -pre- war prices. 25c a pint and 5c a dish. -W. J. STATHAM, SPECIAL NOTICE. -On Saturday July 2nd we will begin a "Big Clear- ance Sale" of all summer Goods', Voiles, Muslins, Blouses, House Dresses, Children's White- Dresses, White -wear, Gowns, Skirts, Cami- soles, etc. Specials each week. - A, call solicited. :Mrs. W. D. Yeo. Miss Ella Ware, of London, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. Pude. Mrs. Earl Spackman and little son are visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. Spaek- roan. Main St. 'Sunday School will hold their anual picnic in Mr. A. Hooper's bush on July 20th. Mr. Ivor and Catharine Johnton, of Toronto, are visiting their sister, Nurse Johnston of town. The members of the parade to Trivitt 1Yfemorial Church next Sabbath` afternoon. • Mr. Hy. Strang -•conducted the"` eve- ning service i7> Caven Presbyterian Church on Sababtlilast. Mr. and Mrs; Se Bagshaw, of --To ronto, visited as the home of Mr. W.. Esagshaw during the past, week.' Mr. Ll`oyo Beavers,' who has been attending the collegiate at St. Marys, has returned to town. Mr. Aquilla Sheere, of Detroit,' and Miss Fern Sheere, of Lansing, Mich. re visiting at the home of Mrs. A. heere. Mr. and"Mrs. Frank Johns, of Tor- onto, are holidaying with the for- mer's parents, Mr: and Mrs. W. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dow, of Salt- ord, visited in Exeter and vicinity ast week, guests of Mr. John Cole, Isborme. Mrs. W. Verity and daughter, of 3rantford, visited the former's nether, Mrs. Rd. Pickard, during he week. Reeve B. W. F. Beavers and Tam- ly attended a fancily, re -union at he home of Mrs. Wm. Beavers of. 3lanshard on Friday evening last. Mr. J., T. Morgan; who recently ncved to town from Usborne,. has ntered into partnership with Wni. Vard in the fano implement bust-. less. Rev. Jas. and Mrs. Foote an iaugh•ter, Elizabeth; Mrs. Foote's nother, Mrs. McDonald; and Root: Johnston, of Detroit, are holidaying at Bruce Beach near Kincardine. With the Ctiu�rches CAVRN PRESBYTERIAN CRURCH Rev. James Photo, R. A., Mh1ster, 10 a.m.-Sunday School and • Bible classes. 11 a.m.---Boy Scouts Service. Mr. Earl II, Dirvison of Headquar- ters Field Staff, Toronto, will speak on, "Citizenship as Built up by the Boy Scouts Program." No Funds Solicited. 7 pan. -Rev. Mr. Chidley, of Thanes Road. JAMES STREET METHODIST Os ,Rev. M. J. Wilson, B.A., rastor. 11 a.m.•-=1``he Silence of God." 3 p.m. -Sunday school and Bible' classes.: 7 p.m. -Earl H. Davison -Headquarters staff of Boy Scouts Services short and helpful. Music excellent. - All welcome, 1►IAIN ST.' METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. A. (Phone 21, r3,) 11 a.m.-Third Mystery of the King- dom. 3.00 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible' classes. 7 p.m. -Wrong Handling of Esti- mates. BETHANY 2.30 p.m. -The River of God. Y.P.C.A. During July and August the rooms will be open only on Monday and Saturday nights, but any members wishing to play, :can do so any night by applying; to Mr. Cole for the keys. CARS FOR-,H'IRE-Phone 56. , C. L. Wilson., MOTOR BUS SERVICE. Mr- Sylvanns.Cann is prepared to.. • take• icn' �p zc parties to Grand Bend, on July; -est; or for picnics during the .the summer. • FOR: SALE OR' RENT -The liv- ery stable and, other buildings con- nected therewith belonging to the estate of the.late Wm. G. Bissett and recently.' occupied by Mr. W. II. Hodgert_- For terms and particulars apply to Isaac R. °'Carling. A. E. ALMOND,. 'eyesight special- ist, will be at the Cental Hotel on July Sth and 9th. FOR SALE -Ford Cafr, 191S mo- del, in perfect running order, easy to start. Apply at Times Office. Mr.' J. G. Stanbury was in Goder- ich Wednesday on a:.coJi:rt case. Mr. Ewing and two children of Taber, Alta., are the guests of Mrs. Amos. Mrs. (Dr.) McLennan and son, Jack, of Toronto, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Fitton. A little daughter of Mr. Fred Bloomfield fell while at school, cut- ting her Bead, the w;eulid -being dres- sed by Dr. Graham. `. Dr. Tew, of London, Miss- _ Gra- ham, of Rodney, and Miss Dulmidge of Toronto, were the guests of .Dr. and Mrs. Graham during the past week. . iJ .�nnuNnninn�mmoi m i . � i i�Niru�tu���r�Nan��wm�n�inmN��Nuuuui�rnnmin���i�iii�nn��� �ry rye. .� Sop.: HCo,.L 1 BRO • .111.111* MOM M. PHONE 184. PHONE 134. �Veather Specials Twenty-five pair of Ladies' White Canvas Shoes_ with spool or mill tary•lieels. These sold for $4.00 and $5.00 a pair. For quick Clearing we have reduced the price to pair, $2.48. Ladies' House Dresses Isesides the Billie Burke dresses we handle a splendid range of dark and light house dresses that have good style and are splendid wearers.. Cur out size dresses for tont woolen are big sellers. Prices from $1.00 to $4.25. Thirty-five Pair: of Children's Canvas Sandals at 98c pr. . Regular $1.50 line; sizes 6'to ft);; 11 to `2. This is a splendid, shoe • for children for ;hot weather. , It; is a life we want • to cleat, which is the.• reason for this very low price. Per pair 98c. This store will be closed every Wednesday afternoon and August. during;June, July outhcott-.Bros. /1110101.1 ONISMIL = OPOMMI MMIMIN iimmitiinimiunmminisuu�iu�annunoummian�umuiuiuimmuniim oiiunmmullum cum - • CARLING B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. Public, Conveyancer. Solicitor for the Molsons, Bank, etc. . .Invest your :funds in Vic- tory, ; Dominion of - Canada, Provincial ® and Municipal Bonds. Legal investment for Trust Funds. At existing prices, . from 6 per cent to 7 per cent can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by 'ine. Money to loan at lowest, rates of, interest. OFFICE - Carling Block, Main Street, EXETER, ONT. FOR SALE -Grass farm, rented until November lst, N1/z' Lot 8, con. 13. Apply 'to D. Barrie, Dashwood. FOR SALE -100 -acre choice farm 2 miles from Exeter. Would consider a good .business in exchange. Apply to W. Steele, Centfalia: ,DR. JOHN- WARD Chiropractic and Electrical treat- ments, X -Rays.. Corner William and Sanders. Hours 10 to 12, 2 tod 4, and by appointment. Phone `43. T. 1Ed. ELLIOTT IS OUT' FOR'BUSIN&SS My aim is -Your:. patronage. hfy motto -Service to' the public. PRICES • . , Ladies' Suits, cleaned' and pressed .'.. :.•..•.: : ........... $1:50 Men's Suits, pressed only .75 Men's 'suits, cleaned and pressed • $1.00 to $1.50 Ladies' suits dyed. $4.50 Men's suits dyed • $4.50 Ladies' suits dry cleaned $2.00 Men's suits - dry cleaned' . $2.00 Ladies' overcoats dry cleaned $2.00' Men's overcoats dry cleaned$2.00 I do all kind of repairingI also have the agency for the Forest City Laundry, London, Ont. At your service. Shorten your worries and length- en your life. Having purchased a new Ford truck I am prepared to do trucking for parties desiring same. For Sale- Apple and boiled cider. Saws 'gam vied, wood turning, wood pumps re- paired and accessories on hand. S. J. V. CANN, EXETER Phone 115. AIN'T- IT 'FINE TO -DAY. Sure, this world is full' of trouble I ain't sa,id it ain't, Lord, I've had enough` and double Reason for complaint: Rain and storm have come to .fret Miss Gladys and Mr, Maurice Har Mrs. Rev. McAllister is in Brant- ey have returned home from Lon -ford at the semi -centenary of the on where they, have been attending Brant Avenue Methodist Church. he'Collegiate Institute. I-Ier� father- the late David Plewes, nie, Skies s are often gray ,tennis in the was a charter member of this g Y, ' first game of ew tennis league was played be- church. Thorns and brambles have beset In, ween Crediton and Exeter on Fri- After a dry spell 'for.' several weeks On the road -but say, Id evening last. Three sets were" this section has been visited with Ain't it fine to -day. M. op en is ns Phe. crops; especial Mrs. Edgar Fanson, of Usborne, ly tele, roots and vegetables were suf- nee Miss E. Down) has been under fering fors want o1 'rain`. The'fall he doctor's care for several- weeks all d last week was taken.to London iospital where she underwent an operation. Dr. D. M. Ramsay and wife, of oronto, spent several days last eek visiting the former's mother, Irs. Ramsay, who is ill. Mr. and Irs. Thos. Ramsay, of/Hamilton, are isiting here. A garden party was held in the Dome Rink on Friday evening last, y the Trivitt Memorial Church. A cod program was provided by the. Brunswick Trio of London. There as a fair attendance.: At the weekly bowling tourney on ie local green last Friday evening ie prize was won by the rink coin - sed of C. W. Robinson, Geo. An :son an H. Spackman. They won ree straight games. Rev. Stevenson, of Stratford, 6c - pied Caven Presbyterian pulpit on. ibbath morning last and James St. ilpit in - the evening in the inter-. is of. the Lord's Day Alliance. Sub- riptions were taken up. wheat has been coming along fast. It 1S beginning to and h g turn the b pros- pects are for a good crop. The spring grains have not been coining along as well. Mr. James Knight and sen Leslie, of Listowel, accompanied by several others motored over on Saturday Inst and the former are visiting, for several days at the home' of Mr. E. Knight, London Roacl, south. Mr. Knight is a remarkable odd .gentle- man being in .his 92nd year. He is exceptionally hale and hearty for one of his years and be stood. the long motor trip well. Rev.' Russell May' and bride, of Toronto, visited with„ Mr. and Mrs. ,H. Rowe and' other relatives in and around town for'several days. Mr. May addressed the James St. Sunday School -on Sabbath afternoon. They •i wi_} leave Toronto oil. o fo in a.c aIle of 1 weeks for Saskatchewan wherei evan Mr, May has been stationed. Mildred Rowe returned with thein to visit in Toronto for a short'time. What's is h t e use of always ve Y ti epin', Makin' trouble last? What's the use of always keepin', ' Thinkin of the past? Each must have his ioulation-.- Water with his wine: - Life, it ain't no celebration. Trouble -I've had mine -- But, to -day is fine! It's to -day that I am livin'. Not a month ago, Havin': losin': takin': givin': As time wills it so. Yesterday a cloud of sorrow • Fell across the way: It inay rain again'to-morrow, It may rain -but say, Ain't it fine to -clay? --James Whitcomb Riley. Resting after a strenuous but vic- torious election campaign, Premier Martin of Saskatchewan, with his Mr. A.'"Hastings, who has been wife and,son Douglas,' is visiting at tdci• the doctor's s care theii far e oi.ri several, e of l lits arenis Ret an. ontl p d is does improve as rapidly Mrs.. Martin, of I Dation, for a few his friends would like to see. Miss days. Premier Martin' arrived from Lt Hastings, who has-been engag-`'Ottawa Saturday night, motoring ed in London, returned home hulls- f through Kitchener, where be visited' nosed !list `,reek and: is confined to his brother, and also;, Eiceier, iiis Cie house. birthplace. nMy:Av;x�.bn,nry.xt:.a; N • Rowe FURNITURE DEALER . .FUNERAL DIRECTOR A.N:]) EM-BALMER Embalmer's License No. 210. MOTOR HEARSE SERVICE Phone 20J and 20W. THE EXETER TIMES Subscription rate $1.50 ay ear. ADVERTISING -RATES ' Display Advertising -Made; known on application. Stray Animals -One. insertion 60o three insertions for $1.00; Farm or Real Estate for sale 50o each insertion for one month 'of four insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not snore than five lines, For Sale, To ` Rentr;y, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Loi and found locals 25c:. Local reading notices etc., 10c per line per insertion. No notice leer than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction sales $ 3 for one insertion and $1.50 for 'each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in Length. Legal advertising -10c and 5c a line. - A few choice farms in; South;. Hu- ron for sale. Also some unincumber- ed farm lands in Alberta and Sas- katchewan will be exchanged for town or village property. Apply to Thomas Cameron, -'Conveyancer, Auc- tioneer, etc. Box 154; Exeter. Phone 21r12. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon Office -McDonnell's Sales Stables on John St. Phone calls receive prompt attention. phone '26w No* gods A re A�1 How about ,._� new Suit? . Come in and see our New Styles It's easy, to upset good form with an out ..of form tie. That's why it .o often happens. T'Iie remedy , is Imre ii .• good form .Vies, Scarfs and Your -in -hands. Gloves, Collars, Shirts, everyytliing in Men's 0 correct to the minute. "P I-1 0; N E AMAN