The Exeter Times, 1921-6-23, Page 6`Drool) es 4,) f the Cucerbits. Although the grower of melons, eta ennbere, squashee, eta, is eepecially lensed with insect pests end diseaeeee yet, it' taken in time, meet of these yield to preventien or eure. Ilkmost; eemmon iesang; which at- tack eacuraits are the yellow ,beetle, the ,smeesh bug, the squash, yiee !altar, end the aphis, or melon louse; the principal diseeeee are the wilt and the . . • The ee.siest way to treat plants for the yellow beetle is to eee sone Vane of repellent. They abhoe duet of any kind, and meny odor's are offensive to thorn. Air-eleleed lime is very com- mis/7y td. It is generally scented adtb kerne tu enthe irearbelic said, As the b;etles spread/ sa rapidly, it is impereant thet the lime be on bless plants all the time. Therefore, they eleauld Ja dustd, When they first epreer and at frequent intervals' thereaftee until the danger is passed. Paris green is zontetienes mixed with the Lime red gets one of the beetles that nee Mine fails to drive away. 0,lear needs are often used in place of lima es land pi:teeter, road dust, to- bacco drist, and ca,yenne peplier. The two latter de Let need anything to acent them with. Tobacco dust is es- pecially goad. Instead cf the duet, tobacco stems last sometimes Med, and aeouad the plants on the gnome Besides acthig as a repellant, they have a high fertilizing value. \noel ashes saturated with kerosene are al -ea used, in this way, but care must be taken that they do not touch the pante as they are rather strong. Instead of dusts, some growers use sprays. The most common is Bor- deaux mixture, whieli is the best, as, it is a fungicide as well as a repellant. Arsenate of lead is usually mixed with it, ebout three pounds Of lead to fifty gallons of 3-6-50 Bordeaux. Linea - sulphur is sometimes used with good effect in comjunetion with the arsenate of lead. A seray nra.de by dissolving a bar of laundry snap in a pail of warm water is excellent. It kills every bug it touches and repels the rest. By pouring a barrel: of water on a gallon, et twe of coal tax and letting it stand a day, then sprinklin,g on the pleats, an effective epray is made. The yellow beetle is usually ready for business at least a week before the vine crepe appear, feeding this time on %other foliage but deserting it as soon as the eueurbits come. Many gardeners take advantage of this and plant early squashes as "traps" foe the beetle. killing them by pouring on pure kerosene or ,scalding water. The squash vine borer is a grub whic.le bores into the stems of melons, cucumberis, and sesizashes near the ground about blossoming time, where it slays until the plants wilt and die. 'nee presence of the grub is indicated Ly a yellowish excrement on the out- side of tire stem. The only way to adn then is to, spelt the vine carefully with a elearp knife and Temove them, cover- ing the wound with fresh eaelle Trap plants are often planted for them as in the case of the yellow beetle. The squash bug, often called atink is fantillar to every -vine grower. He is a bard bug to kill, not swami -lb - Pack up your lot and shilatp us, We do the rest—fair grading -- highest prices—spot cash pay- ment. Try us. WM. STONE SONS, LINIITED WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO Established 1870 ' '47,61•,:t. erican GALVANIZED THE POST WitilOnt a FAULT NO Clips or Staph Neeesgary Manufeefetred By THE CANADIAN STEEL, WIRE C0111,1141.1v11 HAMILTON' CANADA th a to either east of' apray. Vines en ergicli they ale numerous eimuld bo gelled end bereeti. Flat beanie inlay be laid on the groend in the patch, wider! which they etaaeltat night. In the fyarla- morning these may be lifted and the hugs dee/en/ea Wiih kerosene or ecelding watei, The aphis, or melon louse, is very destrective and isemetimee whole fields are in a eritgal eondition from its attack befose the gToever is aware of their presence, They congregate in masses on the foliage, starting with three or four but !soon Mereasing, until the whole plant le covered, with them. They may be repelled with tobacco dust sprinkled directly upon the lice, or hy Whale -so ,siteine placed on tile grounclaround the plants. As they are sucking insects, the poisons that kill the yellow beetle have no effect on them. If a spray is ueede it inest be one that will kill thearaby contact. Kerosene ennesion is' one ed the best sprays. This is made by dissolving a half pound of chipped laundry soap in a gallon of hot weter, and/ adding- two gallons of 'kerosene while it is boiling hot, This mixture Must then be churn- ed 'with a pump or otherwise for ten. Or fifteen Jelin-0es until it is a Creamy mass. When ready to use, pet one part of the emulsion to fifteen or twenty parts of water. Another good sway is made by clisSolving :six pounds of whale oil soap in fifty gallons of water. If the lice have such a start that the plant is beginning to die pull the plant, dseneh it with emulsiou, and bury it right eirhetce it is. The wilt disease of vine crops is often as destruetive as the aphis. AS the vines are likely to wilt from sev- eral ether eauses, it will pay to in- vestigate to find out the real cause. Out across a wilted stem and let the slime ooze out, then touch the slime `i with the finger. If the material can he j drawn nut in a long cobwebby thread, it is the wilt disease, as n!one of the other caus,ee possess this peculiarity. There is no known reTned,y foT this disease except prevention,. A rotation of crops, not planting these !crops in sucicess,ion. on the same ground, will help to prevent it. All tliseasedi pits should be removed! as SOda as they reedy fel, the, t pplice Sem ,ef n enod niece/tit-1de. •Orelle isetrelepn . esTe effeetive sae seta,ine, its killing e'a'n1C11 Tor f,50;'"' if 'there, is eet elentn stf- nntai.41 shede to ' preteet the fowls „and ehieks from the satee, eaSee, 'melte slelltera oi eseth, butlepenoaiele rlereele px ranee Tee eleal weeks,. and in most lecfalities, it is quite. cheep., If iseed as A ST,ray it or.zdt he thin/tee by eddies as 'Feet of lteresene todfeer, parte of the crude it. It might be well to Strain it be- fore 'S,Praying so a.e to remove any widemeath. the eoops ,a- toed feore the • groand ee that the .poultry can find a tgol place foreign particles that Might tend to Water is, very important for old, stock in ell kinds of k4.reeene entulsien, /seed at double the Poultry, .Uniecai they haye ', lo, the aozzle.s. Pure Reran:me or keels and yeegg. strength, ueuttLy applied tO Pl'ant-st w'l ceee ell the time to a fresh, ele-an aup- destyoy any' mitee thet it lilts, but it ,Ply in clean dishes, you cannot expect deesn't penetrate into cracks': very the e,e,i; getsets from your ineestreone readily and so the ,t,,ipplication man is the 'cheeks ,grow theY''require !have to be repeated about .two more coop room and unless more room thee° weeks- When es ravine with an is proyided they crowd at night and matexiel the ehickelle ell'onitl be kept alter:NOW their-Steenseell is decreased. out until lifter it has had e chance tO and their crowth checked, and in some dry. When splaying be sure to bit eases 'actual death re.sults. This is a eVerything, even the ceiling. Before costly way of econoinizine replacing the roosts be sure taat they Do not. let clamp ma,sli 'of pay kind , lave bean irdeea. eoe orog • 1 b t th, isler with re-nain in the tree hs oe dishes eftee some inseetic as to kill the mites hidhvg there. A eeat of whitewash, in . . which five per cent. of etude carbohc acid eresol has been added, will aid greatly after the insecticide has been applied! and dried It not only helps in the 'general control campaign but also gives a clean appearance to the coop. A duet bath for the chickens gives much relief but, at the time they use it there ate very fete- mites on the hens The Undesirable Scrub Bull. That invariably defective animal, the scruib bull, is being gradually eliminated. The Live Stock Branch et Ottawa, by its policy of loaning purebred bulls to specially organized associations in newly eettled districts and in,lbackward sections of the older province.s, is doing much toNvards achieving this end. In the seven years following the inauguration of this policy in 1913, 2,531 bulls, purchased for $368,596, an average of $144.85 per head, had been loaned. Of these, Brit- ish Columbia has had 119, A.lbeata 497, Saskatchewan 539, Mardtepa 220, On- tario 216, Quebec 759, New Brunswick 64, Nova Scotia 79 and Prince Edward, Island 38. Returns substrantiate the atate.ment that where these bulls have been used there has been a consid,er- able improvement in the itock market- ed, and that in many districts to whieh bulls were loaned2 five or six years ago, fanners have felt warra,nt- ed in buying purebred animals of their own. As a re,sult, department - loaned ,sires are releta.sed and sent -to more needy districts. This is par- ticularly noticeable in Quebec, where he number loaned decreased from 200 n 1916 to 62 in 1919, while in Alberta and Saskatchewan the loaning had in- ere,aseci. It is interesting to ,note as evidence of the economy practiced, in carrying out the policy that one year 426 bulls whose usefulness hed econie impaired were sold for an -verage of 67 per cent. of their siginal cost. appea,r. It is spread very rapidly from. i plant to plant by the yellow beetle and ether inseets; hence "get the beetle" should be the 'slogan, of t'he grower. The melee blighite or rust appears about the time the melons begin, to b set, appearing near the base of the a Talent in the form of round rust- o colored spots which ra.pidly spread until the lea-ves die. In a week or so the piatch looks as -though a fire had. Tun over it. After it has attacked- a vine, there its but little use of spray- ing. The only preventive is to spray with Bordeaux mixture, !starting when the vines begin to run and repeating every week or ten days until the crop - is matured. Controlling Chicken Mites. Probably one of the worst nuisances that the average' poultrymen has to contend with ihe presence of mites in land about the chicken. houses. It cloresn't take a very exhaustive exami- nation to -find them in nearly all parts of the coop. Therefore, you cannot blame the hen foe not .bng interested hi breaking the egg -laying record. The nest ie literally alive with them and she does net relish the thought of nestling amon,g them. Without doubt, when these tiny pests are num- erous, egg -production is ,gr,eatly re - and the 'gnaw% of the younger chickens retarded as well as affecting the quality of the flesh on the infested birdis. Their presence can readily be de- termined by noticing small areas en boards that have a speckled appear- ance, looking as if dusted with salt and peppeas This is probably their excrement and cast-off skins. The mites themselves are probably hiding in nearby cracks in great members, where their eggs wil oleo be found. In badly infested houses it is not un- usual for the chickens to 'become weak and their coanhs pale, due to the inside yens attack,s of these pests. Many times conditions are so unbearable that setting hens, will desert tfheir nests sed spoil the eeige, andi in,stanees have been known where the hens ha-ve been killed while dn their nests, clue to the attack of thousands of these pests. _About a week is requiTed for the mites to de-v,eslop from the egg' to the adult and each female lays about tvVenty-five to thirty-five eig-gs, so it is seen that the rate of development is very rapid. It is absolutely essential that the mites have bleed during all stages of theit!' growth and this is :taken for the most part at night. If these peat e are at all numerous no half -way measures will give relief. E they- are to be tentrolled, energetic methods mast be pursued. Inasmuch les there are but few (mites! on the chickenis during the day time and as e majority are hiding in -cracks, OT SiTY1.- illar places, the daylight hours are the best time to apply remedial measures, The first thing ta do is to remove the rooste, if possible, as well as all of tbe unnecessary iboaede and boxes, Clean the straw !mall litter droni the nests and ghee. thia is don.e it will be One of the most valuable features of*e-ye as a forage for die pigs is that it furnishes. a supply. of green food during the seasons -when the ordinary the ,poultry has finiehed eating' be- cause it eeon spoils, and reduces the appetite of the poultry and, if they eat it in considerable quantities, claus- es digestive' troubles, Do not feed the young a.nsi old atock in the same place and at the same time; the young ones need all the food that they can eat while the old tones, if given such an opportumty, wiul sometiin-es eat more than is at alil necessary or edvisable. Useful Leg Bands. When birds are not be be trae- aested the colored !single coil spiral bands are all that is necessary. If there are only two classes the pullets can be left unhanded. Then the bands will denote hens and it is onlly necess sally to band hens that 'are retained as breeders. The double eel' epiral band e .sloovv up more pled/11st than the single toil, but they cost more money and the single coil answers all prac- tical purposes. The la.mge numbered, aluminum bands are useful in marking hens to be trapnestecl. Then, each bird must have a nuniber and the bands! must fit very securely so that none wide be lost and cause confusion a the laying records. !Some breeders buy the large numbered hands will& are colored and made of aluminum and celluloid. They are !attractive and seem to add to the wp,peaeance of the flock of pure- bred birds wearing them. Aluminum bands can be purchased which are sealed !with a soft metal rivet. This is of value when shippingl breeding stock to :unknown customers. It is also practically a guarantee that! the bands will not be lost. Bands cost ti more money than formerly and it pays to remove them from birds that are Tnarketedfor meat. When birds are sold SS breeders they can be banded befetre shipment and than the buyer will always be Ole to distinguish them from his owri stock even if the birds are very similar. „ • Do not forget that all kinds of oultry, young and old, require lots of lean, cool water during hot weather nel that unless it is furnished the est results eannot be obtained. Keep he water dishes full. fa crops and pastures are of little value. t Two Farm Ideas I Found hi Europe 'By OHARLES P. HUNTINGDON. During the war I "got across," and 'had an opphetunity to ;study agricul- ture in France am& Luxembourg. Two things made a deep impression on me —things which we Canadians can learn and practice to advantage. The first, and the one of greatest iinportience, is the high value which Europeans pfla.ce on manure. Not a drop is wasted, and it is returned, inf its entirety, praelically, to their fields. The farmers in France and in Luxe-m- bouig do not live on their farms, but in little villages, going to and from their fields daily. Stock, crops, and people are all housed under the same roof. And the manure pile is an omnipresent part of the village home. We used jokingly to say that we could judge whether a family were wealthy or poor by the size of the manure heap. And we were u.slially coerect. When we first noticed the preten- tiousness of these manure piles and the careful Manner in which they were cared for, we though.t that it was due to France's serious food situation, and to the feet that she had heen in the war for four long years. But -wheel asked one farmer if it were a new practice, which they had 'acquired threugh the Stress of war conditions, he replied that as far back as he could remember his father had taught him that his success as a farmer would ,be dependent, to a large extent, on ,his care in handling manure. . Whenever they eleanecl their ,stables they piled the manure neatly, the dung fromi the cattle being mixed with that of the horse, 'swine, and thickens, and, id they had them, that !of the sheep. The pile was always kept in a moist state, water being pourecl on it if necessary. Most of the year they were able to haul it out weekly, 'and' to they had little trouble with fire -fang or be/ming. The liquid drained into a cistern from which it as pumped into large tank -wagons. This most valuable part of the mee mire was thug takendirect to the fields. I wonder how inany such appliances there are on Oena.d,ian farms? Cer- tainly to few. But with the increas- ing cost of every commodity, we too are corning to realize the true value of manure. Proper dreins fot our ,stables, gutters which allow no liquid to run off, ,cisterns, a.nd tank wagons are coming to be a part of our fame equipment. And with these is corning a more prontab'le,and more perrnanent agriculture. Secondly. I was impressed with the care end attention European farmers give their livestock. It was u,ntiring, practical, and almost paternal An animal is, with them, almost a rever- ent being. Onee we had a good night's rest continually disturbed by the fre- quent going out,to the stable of the family with whom we were billeted,. The cause of all this commotion was a mare about to fOal. 'Fanner and spouse rested in turns, for two whole days during this eventful time. The foal arrived: in due time and in ex- cellent eandition. Andat calving timer at lanai:tin tirne and daring the per- iod when the ,s -Wine litters were ar- riving, their eare was equally pains- taking. They lest very few animals, ,and each Ora seemed always in good, healthy condition. They did not have more stock than they could properly care for, ,and so the few head they did possess were good ones. The cattle received their care from tfhe women. Cows were used to eupply milk, to produce a calif each year, and in many instances, to be the beast of burden. •f A sight which I used -190 he extremely interestesi in was to watch the family—old men, women, and shit- dren—go forth each morning to the fields with the family eow leading the exPrteacreshsi:nr. aThl dwashaisuelinrprig setrtowlaegarnon that these cow's, even, after working throughout the day, returned at night with large, full udders. In Oanadla we have always had a super -abundance of things. One cow or a ton 'of inanuee has meant little to us. But -with the skyward trend in the price of commercial feetillizers, with the need that the world has for food, ra.aalure and live:stock have coine to le of allOTe significance to us. And es the populatiert of sue country inereases, and the demand: for food grower, per- hapS we will learn that conservation. pays. And in addition to the profits wthieh those ,practices bring is the joy of making oue farms permanent, a hale tage for our poeterity. Sunday School Les JUNE 23. social Task of the Church (Review). Golden Text— Rev, 21: 3. The great central truth, Whieh has beeis before us in all the leseofesef the quarter is that the Christian taw of love is the law ,of our eonimoa hu- man life. It is the law of living to- gether. God' keen and we meet have: "Gad' is lave, and he that dwells/eh in love dwelleth in Gad sand Oat in N.M." The,1ife and ministay cif Jeaus Christ was at the ,same time a revelation of God and a revelatica of love. He, loved us 'and gSesre Humseif for ' is. The Christian, who belive in Christ, ' who seeks. to follow Christ, who takes! !Christ as his ,example and id sal, will I therefore desire to be governed by the same law of love. Love will be his -weed', his inspiration, his life. others he will never Rae the sense of ' comradeship. He will regard he,aellay and hong/able rivalry as is foam of co-operation, in buskie.se as, on; the ethlfsalrllyansi jwitly He plifiythe game ansi' play j We have learned also that the fol- lower ,of Jesee Oluiet will -be interest- ed and a,ctiv,e in all efforts to Make the home, the, eeighbetheed, the ,business community e:nd the whale world .1/otter, Not sueerficiellity ar c.arelestsly, but as a dillagene andearnest student he will look upon the eeeiall and ,econeinic mievements, ed his time, Ilewii not be, a mere partieon, or 'blind fellewer of Some Social creed. He will be will- ing lea,re,„ even if learning some- timecompels,t change of view. What is tree, and jetet, end right he will always be eeelting; whet is false only "I say to thee, do thou repeat To the first man whom thou dost meet, In lane, highway, or open street, That he, and we and alt men, move' Under a canopy of love, As broad as the blue sky above " . The Christian whose life, is thus governed by love will seek Worthiness as well AS usefulness. For love, if it it be true and strong, ennobles the one who loves. He will desire to be true that so he may speak truth to be strong that he .may help the weak, to be good' that lie mast do geed. And po, the Christian man will seek for him- self, as well as for others, goad health, and knowledge, end friendships ansi recreation, and, work in, which he may exereise his powers—everything, indeed, which makes for a full, and rich, and happy life, He will avoid the habits and indulgences which axe hurtful, the recreations that debase, and the work which is destructive ef character and lhonor. Be will not seek wealth at the expense of a good con- science, nor success by dishonest means. Always, while seeking what is beet for himself, he will be regard- ful, an the 'largest way, of the inter- ests of others, and will be content to sacrifice gain, or property, or even life itself, if by so doing he can help others to greater good. The "Christian will be 4 worker. Ohmist Himself, both in the carpenter's craft and His later ministry, was a strenuous anduntiring worker. His follower cannot ,am,cli will not be idle. The possession et wealth can be to hem no excuse for idleness. He will find happiness, health, and true nobil- ity in labor. Moreover 'he will gladly learn to work -with, others, recogniz- ing their tasks important and honor- able as hie own. He will find filen and true comradeship and brotherhood in labor. Even in competition, with Application. There is no limitation in the Plan cl redemption which God, has for the w °Ad. What has been the experience of multitudes, 'of men "old tines are passed away; behold all things, are hee Donne new" is to b,e, the final result even with the ended. All that has to do with the min and ings,ery of men will disappear and in rite place there wlll appear a new world beautiful with the likenese of Paradise. Th,i,s. vision 'granted to St. John se many centuries ago is still the animating purp,ese of the Church. Daily millions of men pray, "Thy king,dcen eome; Thy will be done ,on earth as it is in Heaven," and dab by day the mairslialle,d/ hosts of the Christian amy- seek to secure that for which they Pray - Lest ;by reason of -the slew matur- ing of God's plans, we grow sceptical of the 'success of the program and set- tle dovm to be ,content with things es they are, flet us notice that first named arnen!gst thoe who shall have no part in the New Jerusalem are two classes, whose only fault has been; that they have been "fearful, and unbelieving.' They doubted Gods !ability to bring His great designs to pose. Bemuse they doubted they were not ptrepared to give themselves heartily to serving those high 'pians. They have their part "dos, the lake whieh burnethe" Donald Mulkey ,said, "Religion is just betting your life that there as a God." Thiart means not only beleving it with oneds ,neincl, but "flinging ouradves and our energies after our belief." Diffi- cult as the task inary be, let us ea - member that "all pewee," has been committed to the Saviour of the world, and that with Els Father, who ie our Father tailicl our Helper, "ale things are possible.' My Farm Map Helps Me. can't expect to make my farm produce and pay me profits as it should, unless I know my soil. In my bookcase is a good-sized map drawn to an accurate scale, and, on this map is an entire centaur of my farm which tells me what I want to ,Imew. No matter how dark the night or how stormy the day, I can go to this map and tell exactly where each tile drain has- its source, and just what kind off soil it is trying to drain. On this map is an. 'ace/nate outline of each field ;showing just what kind of soil is in each sectiore of each field' and just what -condition, this soil is in. If it's, 'sandy lo,atre it is so an,arkede if thin, well -mellowed, well -fertilized, but not sudficiently drained, it is thus marked. If it is heavy clay, under- laid with harclp,an, or if a washed hill- side, or if a depression exists, these features are recorded. And so I have a complete picture 'of the farm before A little clock grew weary, As it sat upon the shelf, 'Twas tired of ticking all the time, And murmured to itself: "There isn't anybody else That woeke so hard; Pm blest If I don't think it's time that I Should take a little rest." And so it stopped, and M,rs. Brown Took all its works apart And oiled thern with a feather, , But she couldn't make. it 15tart, So, when she found her little clock Had really stopped for geed, She threw it out among the junk Behind a pile of weal!. me at ,my fireside. This map -making has eaused me to study closely our entire farm, and it makes it easier to plan how deep or Shallow it should be draiined for best resqts, just what crape to Plamt in different fields, and just how to fertil- ize certain sections ef these fields to get hest results,. • Thus I grow barley fin black loam because I Imove it will .1.grow barley best, following corn stubble; I grow oats on a sandy loam soil, following corn stubble, because it will produce oats better than barley. I grow my sugar -beet tercet in a black, loose sandy loam, following clover, .because it gets use the greatest tonnage; and I grow our potatoes in a yellow sandy loam plot because I get a good -yield of smooth -tubers, with a flavor that the black looSe loam will not give. I can put this, map on the table dur- ing a wet, stormy day, mei te1,1 almost to a point orf. 'accuracy how much water this tileglradu outlet is carry- ing, and just how much that lateral in the back fi,elicl, is deawing from that swamp Where I never used to grew anythi.ng but tadpoles and mosquitoes,. / can. also Toad on this map just the acreage :for wheat, or that best for oats, 03: anly other crop, without going over the farm to hunt the spot. And there it lay anti pondered, Doing nothing all the time But thinking, thinking, thinking hard Among the dust and geime, Until it SSW the folly Of the thing that it had done, And then it felt so Sorry That it started in to run. When IVIrS. Bro-wn came out next day To get a load of wood, She heard the ticking of the clock And gladly cried: "Ohl Good! My little clock is running now." And, with a beaming face, . 'She took it back into the house Ancl put it in its place. e And, now the elock is happy For thio secret it has found: "There's lots more dun in working Than there is in loafing round." e E. M.: What can be fed to veal calves to fatten when I am shy of milk to feed them? Mere really is no' 'substitute for whole milk for making veal.You can grow calves fairly well with substi- tutes. There are some calif Meals Trade into gruel that calves do very well on, and in a little time the calves get so they eat dry food, like crushed oats, clover hay, and grow up to be !good thrifty calves, but they never make veal calves. If you want fat veal salves at six or eight weeks olci I know ef nothing that wile take the place of Whole milk, but with plenty of Keep the the little thickens out of the dew -covered tress!, especially on viol mornings, as it may chill them,. Brooder chicks have no mother to talk to them, but their wooden /nether never Tuns away from them Denizens of the poultry yard will benefit from good pasture ele lw'eall an the larger live .eteek on the farm, In many ' cases it, .will pay to provide small patches of alfalfa, ,olovers, or Some quick -greeting p.afiture crep, milk and oil meal or flaxseed meal with other, grain, you on get la calf whenale is four or five 'months -olcb to isa pretty good baby beef, but a veal call is supposed/ to be six or eight weeks old Wheit he is fattened arid it takeS whole milk to do that. If you weald have healthy end eine orals tattle, have the barn well light- ecl and ventilated, ' Have you cane -seated theirs that .rtetel cleaning?, .Sponge with soapy hot vEttor to both. cleanse ,and tighten. "LOOKING UNTO JESUS." Ile was a god Teenier; the furrowai 1/1 the field he wee plowing stretched! like railway !backs to the fence se quarter of a mile /seven. a "IIew do 'you awake such straight feTrowe ?" I asked. "You see that elfeadeT pole with fat white rag tied to the top of it?" lia, said tin reply. "Well, I set that pole at the point' where I 'Went eny furrow ' to end. If I keep my eyes oe it all the way across, I can ineko a furrow: almost as straight'es a crow can fly. • Everything depends on the first fur- row; if you get a /rook in the first, ene, the rest have to follow it, for' the .gulding wheel .of the plow runs in the old! furrow, Get your first one. .steaight, and the rest will he straight too." I reflected that as much depends one the first furrows in life as on the, first furrows iui the field. As I lookedr back over my own life and saw he it the many etretehee orf erooke,i plow- ing, and remembered that they all be - gen with a crooked furrow, I cleopeti- ecl, of making it lake the field of the plowmen. Then I rememberedi the siend,er pole -with its fluttering whit:* cloth ancl again heard the plowman < 4 saying, I keep my eyes on it all the Way across." New I endeatatood.. The crooke,d far - /mows had !come when my eyes were not on Christ, 1 1 -evolved, that, God helping me, I would, plow my funawe straight from than on, and that I would do it "Inking tint° Jesus, the author land finisher of meefaith." • Plan Work to Save Labor. Every year since I've farmed, I have tried to have my hands do less and i-ny brains more of the labor, co as to ble-Ne some spare time to do certain beautifying that every farm needs, and also to get away for a little va- eatione I haven't alwaye succeeded. Yet there are some things that have helped. ,Ohores, are a ;big jeb for most a us on woxildng clays. I once saw a man feed over a down 'horses, making a separate trip to the oats barrel for the ,gallon that each horse ate. I've tied to keep away from that sort of time waste. Nearly four yeaxs ago, When we came ,on this farm, I arranged all/ the buildings, except the barn, as we wanted them. There are no long walks in doing the work around our farmstead. Me workshop lies b tween the tool shed, the house, and the barn. The automobile is kept in that Shop, The brooder house is within 60 feet of the kitehen window, though the chicken peak is -blues times as far out as it should be. I have water piped into the barn,. I do not use an engine for pumping, as I plan. to use a motor when the pow- er lines reach us. Instead, I have a handeptimp in the barn, which saves lots of water carrying and: leading the animals to water. Nor do I need to stand out in air kinds of weather to • use the pump.. I have saved a good deal of time clewing by using a self --feeder for the hags. A hog's time isn't worth even the five cents as hour that 1 as a farmer realize for my work!. For field work I have a tractor for this season: I don't know that I savo much labor with it, excepting in getting a field prepared and seedect when in prime condition, which will sennetimes , save doing It over again. I have tried Ifitc.hing a hanaw a roller, but that is too hard on a team. The tractor clues that job easily. That eaves labor. OUTS is a one -men tam, so the help question doesn't concern ree much, unless I'm sick. When I hire a man I find he does his best id he w'ork's his own. way. I tell hire to put a field in corn. 'I then let him deoide how to plow, prepare. and plant it. This troa,t- men,t gives him a keen interest in the job. I figure out ways to save minutes on many minor jobs, like unharnessing a team. I find it saves a little time in harrowing or fitting a piece of land to start a few .feet back from the end. 'Dhene when turning, the end space isn't harrowed, six or seven times more than is necessary. I'm still leaening that I do lots of fool things that ijake ininutes. But labor saving elepends more on good management ttan on handy de- vices. Planning CIXTS to suit the fermi th.e toole, and the local markets is the best way to save labor. The fanner who 1.T5ies hie head to figure out these things is the ene who gets ahead. Garden Notes. Make plantings of carrots, beets ancl parsnips during June for winter storage, 'Ile roots ,a -re ueually mon) tender ,ancl of better quality than those frern the ealliee plantinge. When raspberry plants appear to be "sick" and there are ear indications, of insect ta-oubles, the safest plan is to dig out the diseased plants, and, burr) them, F03.' plant lice on roses and ether plants, r1.1SO "Black Leaf 40," or fenne other reliable beand of nicotine stele pleat°. Ilse One teespooniul in three quarts of water and add a little soap to make it spread .better, When using flee euro that the instate are actually hit with the rnixtu.