HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-6-23, Page 5Dashwood; The annual strawberry social held in Gasser's orchard under the aus- pices of the Y.P.A. and Ladies' Aid of >Calvary Evangelical Church was a splendid success. The crowd gath- ered in go9d time from near and fax swelling the gate receipts t'i $126. ,The bazaar was well patronized, the sales amounting to almost $`&O, Art Weiler, <our popular auctioneer, ;wielded the hammer, in the sale' of the quilt. 1Vlany bidders were pres- ent but Mr. C, Fritz, the shoe man, Was, eu eessfall• Riau patting up the - highest bid., Great credit was due to gr. Earl Geiser in .preparing the grounds, . The lighting system was well arranged, by Mr, T, Klumpp, ex- celling any previous year. The various selections of the pro- gram were well received by the large and appreciative audience, The pas- tor, Rev. W. J, Yager at the close of the evening's proceedings expressed his appreciation of the way the mem- bers of the Ladies' Aid and Y.P.A. assisted in making the social a pro- nounced success. Our junior baseball team played a victorious game of ball at Sharon cast Wednesday evening resulting in a score of 18-17. The Lutheran Sunday School pic- nic will be held on the church grounds on Thursday afternoon, Sup-. per will be served in the basement of the church. Mr. Mark Brokenshire attended the funeral of his sister in Michi- gan on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. McNiven and .,-Miss: Thompson of London are visiting at the home of A. E. Oes treiclier The second game of soft ballof the season was played on the local diamond here against Exeter on ' Monday night. The visitors were 'the the winners by a score of 24-5. Quite a number from here attend- ed the entertainment at Crediton on Friday night. Miss Fannie Preeter has returned after visiting for some time in Zur- ich. Mr. and Mrs. W. Graybeil of Woodstock spent Sunday with the '' former's parents, The Y.P.A. of the Evangelical church had a picnic to the Pinery, on. Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Humble of Sarnia, were visitors in town on Sunday. Mr. W. Thaler left for his home in Elmwood this week. Mr. G. S. Howard is presiding at the exams held at Exeter this week. Cromarty A strawberry social will be held on the lawn of Mr. Oswald Walker's; on Friday eve, June 24th, under the management of the "Merry Makers" Society of Cromarty.Broad- hagen band will be in attendance and an exceptionally good program is being prepared by the members of the society. No pains are being spar- ed to nxake the eve a grand. success. Mr. Wm. Henderson .of Manitoba, and family are visiting friends in and around Cromarty. Mr. Render - eon made an unusual motor trip, having motored from Manitoba, cov- ering as distance of some 2800 miles. Mr. Henderson accomplished this trip in about sixteen days. Miss Kate Ewing, of Brussels, is visiting at the li.oxne of Mrs. Duncan McKellar in the village. Mr. James Scott, drover for the V.P_O., made an unusually good shipment of cattle on Saturday last from Dublin station: an exceptional- ly good herd; fed, by Messrs. Louis and Norman Dublin, weighing on an average of SOO each and topped the market at 9%. Cromarty Presbyterian Church is now undergoing repairs, the interior being newly decorated and will be finished this week in readiness for the anniversary services to be held on the Coming Sabbath. Mr., Janis' Cranston of Toronto is to preach the anniversary services, both morn- ing and evening. Mr. David and Will Chappell mo- tored to. Marlette, Michigan, to at- tend the funeral of theirbrother, Simon, on Wednesday last,, On their arrival home they motored to. Wing- ham to attend the funeral of their, uncle, Mr. Mitchell, of that place. Crediton Mr, and Mrs. 'Alf. Redfordof Lon- don spent the week -end with the latter's brother-, Mr. Ezra Lamport. is s >exaing•' her Miss Lily Lawson l. � vacation with her sister, Mrs. Joe Brokenshire, at Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. C. Zwicker, accom. panied by Mr. and Mrs. Everett Fah- ner, motored to Tavistock Sunday. The Sunday School picnic of the Methodist church was held at Grand Bend Saturday. The weather was ideal and every one reported having had a splendid time. The Orangemen of the Crediton lodge ' will march to the Methodist church Sunday evening when, Rev. Brooke will address them. Mrs. Sweitzer and daughter of near Ilderton spent the week -end with her father, Mr. Michael Fink- beiner. Mrs. Edward Fahner met with :a veryainfui acicdent last week when openifig a can of chloride of lime. It exploded burning her eye badly. Weyburn Our burg was taken by - surprise last Saturday when about forty of Mrs. Delgaty's relatives from Clin- ton, Lununer `Hill, Tuckersmith and Michigan picnicked here in Weyburn park. A splendid day was enjoyed in sports of various kinds and a joyful re -union was enjoyed by all. The occasion was for the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. Delgaty, prior to their re- turn to Manitoba in August. Mrs. M. Moore of Gladstone, Mich. and Mrs. J. H. Palmer of the Soo, Mich., are guests of their sister, Mrs. Delgaty this week. The Weyburn trustee board have engaged. Miss E. Guenther of No. -12, Stephen to succeed Mr. J. S. Delgaty as teacher of their school.'The sal- ary is $1200 iter annum. Our school board are fortunate to 'secure the service. of Miss Guenther ,who comes highly recommended. Miss Guenther is a citizen of Dashwood and is a lady of rare talent and will be an asset to the community. Mrs. McKee and her sister, Miss marks, of Toronto, attended gopsel service here last Sunday eve. Misses A. & M. Sparks and.. Mr. J. Tlarstird also took in our gospel service here last Sunday. The gospel services will come to a close next Sunday when Mr. Delgaty will .preach his farewell message to the people of Weyburn. Weyburn candidates for the de- partmenal exams write at Dashwood !!!!!! this week and next week. Centralia The Centralia baseball team play- ed the Farquhar team last evening at the garden party at Thames Road Prealxterian church. Byron Hicks returned from :the West last week and reports the crops in the southern parts of the three western provinces looking fairly well. Mr. James Delgaty, who taught school at Fairfield about twenty-five years ago, preached here Sunday morning with great clearness end power. Mr. Delgaty's many old friends were glad to see him again. The Centralia choir had charge of the singing at the Whalen anniver- sary services Sunday. The mothers' choir taking their place here. Mr. Thomson, our station" 'agent, was married in Brantford on Wed nesday, Rev. Mr. Sinclair assisting with the ceremony. Thinki pm o ra Our 1dison fie pa brings together the four leading phonographs' and „compares them scientifically. Hear it. 3, WILLIS POWELL., li;:V:l+:'1`Iel;, - - 0NTAli10 omemumonwts Russeldale Mies Margaret Donee of Kirkton, was the guest, o,f iier friend, Miss O. Laing on Sunday. Mr. Alex. Park is visiting friends in Toronto.: Miss Marie Hodgert spent the week -end in Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ornes. Miss Irene Jefferson, of Stratford, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Dow. Mr. and Mrs. Copeland and family of London, spent the week -end at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Phail. Mr. and Mrs, David Dow and Mr:, and Mrs. Siinon Dow attended the funeral of the late Simon Mitchell of Wiugham on Thursday last., Thames Road Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McLagan and children of Logan, visited rela- teves in this neighborhood on Sun- day. Miss Joy Whitlock spent the past two weeks in London. Mr, and Mrs. ,Benson ` Williams and Rollie were in Stratford . on Sunday, Mrs. Stanley Wenzel and son, Jack, returning with them. Mr. and Mrs. John Cann and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Pass- more were at Whalen on Sunday visiting relatives. Zurich Mr: and Mrs. Thos. Johnson, who haves been on an extended trip for several weeks with friends and rela- tives at eastern points, have return- . d home. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. Ohlert are taking up rooms for housekeeping at the hone of Mrs. L. Jeffrey. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf of IK.itchener, visited the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson. Mrs. L. Geiger and Mrs. C. Hey - rock, Misses Elva Heyrock and New- ell Geiger were visitors to Goderich on Sunday last. While loading gravel at the pit on his farm in •Tuckersmith, on Mon- day, Mr. Henry Volland slipped and suffered a fracture of the leg. • The strawberry social held on the lawn of the Lutheran parsonage on Monday evening last was in every way a decided success, although the weather was cool, the attendance was all that was expected and the eatables were abundant and' of the very best. Hensall loss' her bereaved husband and lit- tle son, Thomas Harold; also her mother, Mre, W. 4. Miller and two brothers, Earl and Roes; one sister, Marie,Marie, all of Windsor. rp WE BUT XsNI+w. If we but knew what lies beyond the hills That mark the boundary of this lite of ours; If webut kuew:what all that vast space fills, What knowledge and what un- suspected powers; If we but knew,how far our;lightest thought Transcends the limit of this earth and time; If we but knew with what our lives. are fraught, With what eternal consequence sublime; If we but knew that in our deeper mind The longings that we foster or repress E'en now are forging linked chains to bind Our spirits into gladness or dis- tress— Think you that we would waste the precious years That we , may pass upon this pal- try earth, ' And freely give our labor and our tears For vanitiesthat perish with their birth? Or think you that the very richest prize That earth alone can furnish to the soul, -Can compensate as if the spirit dies, Or fails at last to reach its destin- ed goal? —Los " —Los Angeles Times. Somewhere we read that simple goodness is of far greater worth than all genius, s knowledge and power. Have you known some of those simple' folk. Sexsmith Mrs. Williaxrl Northcott and daugh- ter, Mary, have moved from. Exeter and are living with tile former'e son, V4'. J.' Northcott on' the 2nd con- cessmion. Messrs; Milton Russell and Wil- liam Gould motored to Stratford on Sunday 'last and visited with their brother-in-law, Mr. : Melvin Gould who is seriously ill at present. A serious accident happened at the home of Mr, Albert Geddes ou-Satur- kday last when Mrs. Geddes' soother, Mrs. P. O'Brien, who is over ninety years of age, had the misfortune to fall; breaking one of her thigh bones. Road work is the order of the day in these parts at present, (National Crop Improvement Service.) `Building the weather out is fully as important as maintaining...a fire in the furnace. In the old days when we scorched our faces and froze our backs at the open fireplace, we went shivering to bed and breathed icicles on the.coverlid. "We have learned to plaster our houses inside and out, but in frame' construction we have always bad dif- ficulty :through expansion and con- traction of preventing the plaster fro cracking an scalinz.,piY.....-- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell are visit- ing friends and 'relatives here this week. Mrs. Thos. Murdock who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Foster of North Tonawanda, for a few weeks, has returned home. Mr. Geo. Dew and his niece, Miss Flossie Hunter, of Exeter, visited friends in town recently,' Mr. and Mrs. Donald Urquhart and daughter, Miss Beatrice, left on. Tuesday last for a motor --trip to Chatham, where they will visit with friends and ielabives. Mr. and grs.Harry,, Arnold left last Week on a three week'. auto trip, visiting in London, Toronto and other points in Ontario: During' -Mr: Arnold's absence Mr. G. P. 'Marshall will have charge of the Molsons Bank. Misses M. Wilson, Martin and Sly - ford, and Mr; W. Beck, of Loudon, spent the week -end here as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'J. McDWi1- son: Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Quance of Exeter, spent 'the week -end at the house of the latter's parents, Mr. and. Mrs'. Dilling.• Master Milton Boyle, Who under- Went an operation in rLOndon on Sa- turday last for appendicitis is pro- gressing favorably. Mayor Brandon and Mrs. • Bran - dolt, 'of St. Marys spent Thursday last the guests of Mr. .and Mrs. Manns, the latter returning with them to spend a few days in the stone town. Mr. and , Mrs. John Elder on Thursday last visited Mrs. A. Moir, of tlsborne, who is in Victoria Hos pital, London. Mrs. Moir has been seriously ill and rete"ntly underwent a serious operation. Her many friends will he pleasedto know .that 'she is slowly improving. The work On. the new blacksmith. shop of Mr. George Brock is now al most completed. Carpenters have been busy this week laying Boors„ putting in windows and hangixg the., doors. The shop ise large two- storey building built of cement blocks and is a decided improve- ment on the old shop, Mr. Brock expects to be ready for work by the first of next week. The death occurred iii Victoria • Liospital, London, of Nellie Mae 11lille beloved wife of Mr., Thomas I. Sherritt, ;Tr., on Moliday, June 14th, 1921, at the" age of 26 years Ind 6 months. Mrs. Sherritt had ( aeon ill for over a year. paring the past two Months She has received :i'ea.t.nient iii Victoria Hospital but, A11 to no avail. The' deceased was a Intl -ye of klensalt and spent her life acre and was a Member of the Pres' : yterian Clttirch and war a, favorite With' all. She leaves to inotlrn her -Bet tate introduction'orttaugular steel reinforcement and the improve- ment of outside plasters has•correct- ed this evil and a house now could be tumbled end over end and its plas- tered walls remain intact,"' says Mi'. R. S. Rider, president, Canadian Steel & Wire Co. • "Another feature is that reinforced stucco never has to^be painted, which Is sonething'every home owner - will appreciate.00 NJP°11116" 111.".:04b iii 011.I �..rma olijM p 11 (National Crop Improvement Service.) In the summer time when the thunder caps appear in the sky and the storm sweeps down on the farm, the farmer thinks less of his safety than he does of his live stock. When the stock is in the field dur- ing the storm It inay happen that the animals drift against the wire fence, which may be heavily charged with electricity, and are ehocked to death. The ordinary fence built on wooden posts should be grounded every sixth post by means of a wire six or eight feet long twisted around all of the line wires of the fence and then secured in a hole in the ground. The hole should be dug deep enough so that the wire comes in contact with moist earth. A fence so ground- ed offers no danger to live stock dur- ing the thunderstorm. The wire fence built on galvanized steel fence posts is already grounded' at every post and no thunderstorm with its discharge' of lightning can injure the cattle enclosed by such a fence. Saye Whoa Youare young spend when you are old. A smile is always worth its lace value. The ,mouth is the gateway of life. Keep it pure. That doesn't mean to keep it pure only from lies , and cursing or the telling of filthy stories. It 'means that it should be always properly cleansed and the teeth looked after. If you allow 114tx <' to collect in themouthhow can you have pure clean thoughts? It is ins to it that the gateway of ills is, ever clean. BY GOLLY SMITH'S ROSETUCK Bagdad Cigars ARE 00013. "TRY THEM. 7c EACH -4 FOR 25c. SMITH BROS. LONDON, ONT. Steadied. by Music A Bad Jolt in the Market It is an established fact, that good music has the power to steady the nerves and calm the agitated mind. Mr. Edison spent 3 millions of 'his dollars and over 7 years of his time in research work to develop ,an instrument of such absolute realism, that the true beauties and full benefits of good music could be enjoyed and utilized in every home in the land.` Edison wants a phraseofnot.more than 4 or 5 words, which will emphasize that the, New Edison is not a mere talk- ing machine, and which will distinguish the New Edison from all other sound re- producing instruments. Ask us for folder giving full particulars of prize contest. If you do not own a New Edison, mail or bring us this coupon and we 'will gladly loan you an instrUlllent for three days, in order that you may experiment with it in your own home and learn what music will do for you. This experience may make it easier for you to win a prize. quickly,c kinstruments which we can lend, is limited. Act as the number of 1 �.. W . Remember you assume no expense or obligation. Willis Powell, Exeter, Oto • Three Day Free Trial Offer Coupon ' You may deliver to my home a New Edison and a program of RE.CREATIONS for a three days free trial in order that I may learn what music will do for me. It is understood that I assume no expense or obligation whatsoever. NAME A00PKan