HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-6-9, Page 8PHONE 16, PHONE 16. A Full Range of Suitable Gifts for the Jae Bride DINNER SETS AND TOILET SETS. We have some swell patterns in Frill 97 -piece Dinner Sets in. .nice Floral, and Gold ,Band decorations, all in the finest English Semi, -Porcelain China and a swell line with china cups.Also a,full range of fancy and plain gold and, white toilet sets. STRAW RATS. Secure 0 nice Sailor or Panama Flat for the hot weather. We have a full range of up-to-date styles, TENNIS E SRO S. White and tan in all sizes for every member of the fancily. Also a full line of sandals in white or tan for the "kiddies:" This store will be closed every Wednesday at 12:30 sharp during the months of June, July and August. Fresh Groceries at Special Reduced Prices. Highest prices paid for poul try and all Produce. Stewart Furniture & Undertaking COMPLETE LINES IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. MOTOR NFARSE IN CONNECTION OPERA HOUSE BLOCK GARDIN ER PHONE, 74J; Night call 74W MAN'S WANTS. "IIan wants but little here below, nor wants that little long," the poet wrote, long years ago, and he was headed wrong. Men think that creed has little wort'li, and view it with a grin, for they not only want the earth, but want the fence thrown in. The more a humble mortal gets, the more he wants to own, and even when he's rich he sweats to add an- other bone. This world, would be a sad old vale, and life would be a fright, if people didn't want to nail 'most everything in sight. Invention would be lying dead, it's triumph all unknown; man wouldn't have his folding bed, his clock or tele- phone. Pale Science wouldn't scale the heights where now we see her trot, and we would miss the useful lights that cost so much a watt. All joy would see its epitaph, and noth- ing would amuse, and I would have no phonograph to play "The Fox- trot Blues." Man wants the earth, and it is well that he should for it yearn; that he may see his bundle swell, he makes the pulleys turn; he hooks his wagon to a star, from sloth be turns away, invents a gun or motor car, or paints a "Stag at Bay." When man quits wanting fame and gold, and everything in sight, this planet will be dead and cold, as Luna looks tonight. -By Walt Mason, ORGAN RECITAL. An organ recital was given in the Coven Presbyterian Church on last Tuesday night. Prof. Anderton, or- ganist and choir master of James St. Methodist Church, presided at the organ. There was a large crowd and everybody enjoyed the music. RED CROSS CRUISADE FOR GOOD HEALTH On Friday evening, June 10th, at 8' p.m., in the Town Hall, Dr. Ruggles George and Dr. Abbott, of the Red Cross =headquarters, will address a public meeting. Moving pictures of th.e, peace -time work of the Red Cross will be shown. Admission Free. All citizens are cordially invited. A. A. Trumper, President. At the conclusion of the regular 'church services last Sunday evening a united meeting was held in the opera house, addressed by Adjutant Martin, of London, on the world-wide work of the Salvation army. A large and appreciative audience listened with rapt attention to the story 'of the growth and development in the last 50 years. Reeve Beavers pre- sided. lir. R. Gidley returned last week from a three weeks visit to Windsor, Detroit and Birmingham. Mrs, McCallum, of London, is vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sweet. S----''''''''-'....,, IFyou have denied yourself the pleasure of a good phono-. or graphsim lybecauseyou assumed thataphonograph to be OVERS 1 good, must also be expensive -come in and hear the Amberola ! --Hear its pure, mellow quality of r'epr.u4....:t1oo, bpd c_omi pare it with the metallic harshness of ordinary talking machines.' °' Decide whetheryouldlc© the Amberola, and don't considerthe question of price. When the Amberela has proved itself to you to be a really fine musical inatrnment-- ouwill. . y be doubly glad toicnow that �t �s the worlds graates4 pphonoomph main® and that its remarkably low price may be divided Into payments most convenienttfor you. Come in today and select ,your'Amberola--the goad' phonograph you have been waiting for. J. WILLIS POWEL7, ONTARIO EXETER, Haveyocs heard' ubouf Jur od'fei- 77ikee Days of Good Music -FREE T 1 EXETER TIMES Market Report The tollowing !r► the repert o the Exeter': Market corrected every Wedneedar. Wheat $1;55. Oats 35c to 40c._ Barley 48c to 55c. Manitoba Flour $5.55. Family Flour $5.30. Shorts $1.60 per 100 lbs. Bran $1,60 per 100 lbs. Feed flour $2.10: Creamery butter 32c. Dairy butter 23c to 270. Eggs 26c. Lard 1.8c. Hogs $8.00. Hens 15c to 17c. Ducks 22c to 25c. Roosters 12c. e®* **eonel4 •e••••pe r••`O••4• LOCAL ♦•**•** o***iNoi ex a Mrs. R. Downie -has improved 11 residence by giving the verandah new coat of paint. k * * * Mrs. T. Handford and daughter, Miss La Belle, of Ingersoll, are visit- ing friends in town. Mrs. Essery and daughter, Vera, visited in London during the 14Ietho- dist conference. * * * * * Miss Hazel Steacy, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Comm. Mr. Bert Gillies, of Hamilton, vis- ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Gillies over the holiday. * * * * `* Mrs. J. O. Brown, of London, is. visiting with friends for a few days. a. * * * * • There is a prospect of oil being found on the farm of Mr. William Routley, London Road, south, and. experts are to be engaged to go over the property. * * * * Arrangements have been made for the local branch of the U. F. O. and the surrounding- clubs to attend ser- vice in the Trivitt Memorial Church on June 19th. * * * The St, George's Dramatic Society of London, presented "The Irresist- ible Marmaduke," in the Exeter Op- era House last Wednesday night. The play was, enjoyed very much by those present. * * * :k * Mrs. (Dr.) D. A. Bowerman, of Menomonie, Wis., who has been here attending the funeral of her_.nciother, Mrs. J. C.' Toni, is spending a couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. W. D. Yeo. * * * * * Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Down left on Tuesday evening for Pickering after attending the funeral of 'Mrs. Down's mother, Mrs. J. C. Tom. • * * * * Mr. J. C. Tom, of Golden, B.C., is spending a couple of weeks with his sister, Mrs. W. D. Yeo. * * * * * Miss Gertrude Gould, of London, visited in town for a few days last week. * * • * * Mr. J. W. Powell left Tuesday morning for New York where he will attend a convention of Edison deal- ers. • x * * * A strawberry festival is being planned by the Ladies' Aid of Main St. Church. Full particulars next week. Mrs. Richard Welsh was taken suddenly i11 on Sunday last and re- mains in a critical condition. * * * * * Mr. Ronald Witwer had the mis- fortune to get his hand badly burnt. • * * * Mrs. W. N. Glenn, of Hensall, is in Toronto attending a meeting of. the directors of the Royal Agricul- tural Winter Fair Association. She Will also attend a garden party on Friday in Convocation Hall, Toronto University. Dr. Rollins, of London, visited in town for a few days last week. #.'.; *Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Leavitt, of London, visited at the Central Hotel for a few days last week. * * Mr. ;Chamberlain, teller of the Molsons Bank, has 'received word that he will be transfererd to Wind- sor. ** :* Miss Grace Creech has taken a position as bookkeeper with W. J. Heaman. *" Mr. J. T. Morgan; wlio purchased the residence of Mr. Richard Welsh, is moving in this week. Miss Verda, Leavitt, of Walker- vine, was called home on account of; ilia :!i",0ss of her father, Mr. Wm. Leavitt, who has been Quite ill. fle is somewhat improved. Miss Leavitt returned to Walkerville on Wednes- day morning. :k :k * * * Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Brokenshire, Miss Florence Norry, Mr. Francis ,Abbey, and Mr. Cecil Steele, of Windsor, metored to Exeter on Fri- day Iast,' returning on Sunday. Mrs. 13rokenshire is remaining for a few days. Ji/Irs. Skelton, who has been visit- ing in St. Paul, Minn,, has returned Wt Xfh C�� CoUCGheS CA•VEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rey Jamas Foote, B. A., ,Minieter 10 a,.m:-.-Sunday School ansi Bible classes. Services as usual next Sunday. Boys Scouts at "Y" Sat. at 7 p.n. JAMES STREET MI6THODIST • CHURCH Rev. M. J. Wilson, B.A., .castor. 11 a,m.-"Amen," Closing of the Lord's prayer. 3 p.m. -Sunday school and Bible classes. 7 p.m. -"Leadership." Sermon to young people, MAIN, ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. A. (Phone 21, r3.) 11 a.m.-Rev. Robt. Stevenson. 3.00 p.m. Sunday School and Bible classes. 7 p ni.-."The Presbyterian Assem bly'and Church Union. BETHANY 2.30 p.m. -Rev. John Henderson. Y.P.C.A. Don't forget that Crediton will be at Exeter on Monday night to play a game of soft ball. Zurich will' also go'to Dashwood the same eve- ning. CARS FOR HIRE -Phone 56. C. L. Wilson. MA it' CONTI*ACT. SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be re- ceived at Ottawa until noon, on Fri- day, the 1st of July, 1921, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails,' on a proposed Contract for four years, six timesper week over Dashwood No. 3, Rural Mail Service from the 1st of October next. Printednotices containing fur- ther information as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be ob- tained at the Post Offices of Dash- wood, Exeter, and Zurich, and at the office of the ;Post Office Inspec- tor: POST OFFICE INSPECTOR'S OFFICE London, May 20th, 1921. CHAS. E. FISHER, Post Office Inspector. DR. JOHN WARD Chiropractic and Electrical treat- ments, X -Rays. Corner; William and Sanders. Hours 10 to 12, 2 tod 4, and by appointment. Phone 43. FOR SALE-100-acrechoice farm 2 miles from Exeter. Would consider a good business in exchange. Apply to W. Steele, Centralia. RECRUITS WANTED -For the Huron Battalion tocamp at Carlings Heights, London, from June 10th' to 18th.' Apply to W. J. -Neaman. PROMOTION EXAbIINATIONS. The uniform- promotion examina- tions for the public schools of Huron will be held on June 24th and. 27th. Teachers should at once, send to their' school inspector on' a card, the number of papers required 5 for second, third and junior fourth classes. WANTED -Agents inevery town- ship in Huron County for a propo- sition that every farmer is instantly interested in. No cash required. Ex- perience not necessary but desirable. Agents choose their own territory. For appointment write to W. R. Mc- Kewen, 434 Piccadilly St., London. June Is the Month For Brides - No gift could please a -bride as„much as something artistic•.to beautify ,her new . home. 'e What could be more ap- propriate or more pleasing than a pair of - Pastel pic- tures in: rich walnut fraines or a beautiful • piece ' of stat- uary? Conte in and see what we have to offer before decid- ing, upon a gift. The SENIOR STUDIO and ART STOIt-E EXTER, ONT. THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1921. N NtmiliIIImullomoolllt�000 I I t o mm o f `:- 11NtolAl#NONtIHI1tItltltNltitL NltNtol��IINIfNNNtllllttllNlllrttttl� PHONE 134.: = NIEMEN NONNI • SOUa rrCOp ' PHONE 114, Fieet=Foot Shoes. For every member of the:'fantily, Fleet .Foot Shoes have proved so popular and are in such wide demand that the styles have been multi plied to meet every summer need, These shoes are restful and '0 able, and are just the thing for summer wear.c mfoxt styles.' Let us show you the new "BillieBurke" House -Dresses For porch, house or street wear. These dresses are made from 'good quality good washing ginghains and come in very smart styles. They are priced at $4.50, $4.00O to. 7+7.;z0, Y Twenty Dozen Black Cotton Hose Sizes 81/2,, 9, 91/2 and 10. These hose sold last season for'50c' a pair. For quick selling we have marked them at the low price per pair, 2ric. This store will be closed every Wednesday afternoon during June, July and August. Southcott Bros. WINONA 111101111110 = .11111011 IMMO MOM L gins llllllllllllllllllnithlll miiiiiimmiiiii llllltllifllllIIIIIIIIIONIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIimmiIIIIIIrrldIIIIIIHmIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIu r I. R. CAR.LIN.G B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer. Solicitor for the Molsons Bank, etc. Invest your funds in Vic- tory, Dominion of Canada, Provincial and Municipal Bonds. Legal investment for Trust Funds. At existing prices, from 6 per cent to- 7 per cent can be. obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loan •at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE - Carling Block, Main Street, EXETER, ONT. *sousweesimi R. H. Murphy having withdrawn from the Deering agency, the agency has been transferred to me and I will keep repairs for Deering ma- chines at my shops at all times. One good new steel -tired buggy for sale at a bargain. Canadian Steel and Wire Co.'s fencing, gates : and steel posts on hand.-WM. WARD. FOR , QUICK SALE -One good range, coal or wood, with high shelf. Price $10. Apply to Mrs. D. Braund, Exeter North.,, NOTICE TO WATER USERS. Please take notice that your water service was installd for your own use and iiot your neighbor. Custom- ers using water other than specified Will be charged/ accordingly. PUBLIC UTILITIES COM. Lost -A black sow on Monday May 16th. Information gladly re- ceived by Archie McCurdy: Kirk- ton P. O. Phone 34-14. FOR SALE -A one -storey frame house, 18x24 ft.; kitchen, 14x20 ft.; to be moved from premises. Apply to J. A. Rollins. FOR SALE -Tomato plants, 10c a box; cauliflowers, 15c a doz.; cab- 'bage plants, 10c a doz. New potatoes in 2 ;weeks. 400 quarts strawberries by` phe latter part of this week. As long as Ihey last. THOS'. SMALE. N. Rowe FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL' DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Embalaner's License No. 210. MOTOR ,I•IEARS +I SERVICE Phone 20J and 20W., • T. • H:' ELLIOTT IS OUT FOR BUSINItSS My aim is -Your patronage. My motto -Service to the public. PRICES Ladies' . Suits, cleaned and pressed - $1.50 Men's Suits, pressed only .. .75 Men's suits, cleaned and pressed $1.00 to $1.50 Ladies' suits dyed $4.50 Men's suits dyed .$4.50 Ladies' suits dry cleaned $2.00 Men's suits dry cleaned $2.00 Ladies' overcoats dry cleaned $2.00 Men's overcoats dry cleaned$2.00 I do all kind of repairingI also have the agency for the Forest City Laundry, London, Ont. At your service. Shorten your worries and length- en your life. Having purchased a new Ford truck I am prepared to do trucking for parties desiring same. For Sale - Apple and boiled cider. Saws gum- med, wood turning, wood pumps re- paired and accessories on hand, S. J. V. CANN, EXETER - Phone 115. LOST -A sum' of money, between the Main' St. Church and T. Elliott's shop, on east side of street. Finder rewarded by leaving at this office, THE EXETER TIMES Subscription rate $1,60 a year. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising ---Made known on application. Stray Animals -One insertion 50e three insertions for $1.00 Farm or Real Estate for sale 50e each insertion for one month of four insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, . To -Ren - Wanted, each insertion 500. Lo; and found' locale 25c. Local reading notices etc., 10c per line per insertion. No notice Teen than 25c. Card of Thanks 500. Auction sales $3 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length. o• Legal advertising 100 and 5c d line. A few choice farms in South,Hu- ron for_sale. Also some'-uniucumber ed farm lands in Alberta and Sas- katchewan will be exchanged for town or village property. Apply to Thomas Cameron, Conveyancer, Auc- tioneer, etc. Box 154, Exeter. Phone 21r12. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon Office--McDonnell'sSales Stables on John St. Phone calls receive prompt attention. Phone 26w Our New Spring Goods Are Arriving Every Day How about that new Spring Suit.? Come in and see our New Styles It's easy, to upset good form with an out of form tie. That's why it so often happens. The remedy is here in -good form Ties, Scarfs and Four yin -hands. Gloves, Collars, -Shirts,' everyything in Men's Outfit- tings correct to the minute. A NI A PHONE 8 1 a