HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-6-9, Page 4-9.littilt$DAyt 411./NE 9, 1921. 101-19344., • ensall Mr, [Anis 1\101-cay, who has been attending antYernitY in Toronto, is hoMe ter the holidays, avir,s. It, Pollock is visiting for a few weeks 'Nvitli friends at Battle Cr(ek• Misses Pearl B 1'0\11 and Vera Wejsi of Torouto, have returned to the city after visiting with Mr, and Brow a and other friends and , • James Clark is epending a weekswith her, daughter, 301rn,MasOn, of Belgrave. Mr, and Mrs. Peter Buchanan and and Mr. and. Mrs. S. Bnchanan and family motored up on Sunday last aud are spending a few days with Mrs, Wm, Buchanan and other rela- tives and friends in town, .Mrs. R. Neelands and two children of Chicago, have returned to their home after a pleasant visit with Mr, and Mrs. T. Neelarids. Mr. and Mrs. james Taylor who s with have been spending a 'few day their daughter, Mrs. John Sheppherd of Chisehurat, have returned home. - • Miss. Oneida Graham of the staff al the Molsou's Bank, has been trans- ferred to London arid left for that city oti Thursday last, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Coulter of Wheatley, accompanied by Mrs, Coulter's mother, Mrs. W. B. 111c- Leau, of Seaforth, spent a few days last week with Mr. and. Mrs. Hugh 1VicGregor. Mr. Thos. Parlmer, who recently sold. out his grocery and confecionery store, bas purchased an interest in the clothing and gents' furnishing business of Mr. M. R. Rennie ancl in the future they will be associated to- gether in this business. 47114,t7:' Weyburn -Mrs. N. Baker and Mrs. Snell of Exeter were visitors in this district last week. Mr. and, Mrs. John Sparks and their family, spent last Saturday With Mr, and Mrs. Delgaty, - Miss Hazel , Patterson, who has been working, 'at Grand Bend, has returned to her home here, Mr. E. Bauman, visited Mr. Nickol of Shipka hist week. Our gospel services are well at- tended, Last Sunday eve the scheol- room could not SQE4 all who cans, The sub ect for consideration last Sundaywas "The New Birth, or the New Nature in Contrast with the Old Nature." The necessity for the new birth and how obtained were clearly shown, The singing by Miss Guenther of Dashwood added an in- terest to the service, Next Sunday the subject for consideration will be the five crowns to be given by our Lord at the judgment of believers on His return," These 'Services are interesting because of Bible study and also, because many truths, not well known, are being explained. Service at 7 p.m. sharp, Everybody welcome. (Too late for last week.) Mr, and Mit. 3. S. Delgaty were guests of Mr. and Mrs, T. F, Turn- bull last ;Friday night and also of Mr. and Mrs. A. Turnbull on Satur- day last. Miss Elfreida Schroeder visited in Weyburn on Monday last. A school fair was organized at Grand Bend last Friday night. Sev- eral trustees and teachers were pres- ent. The organizer, Mr. Andrews. of. 'Clinton, was there and a prize list was drafted.. Six schools joined the organization. The fair will be held in September. • Mr, Harris, et " Stratford, has bought, a fine camping ground one •the shore of Lako Huron. He is get- ting the ground in order and erect- ing a fine residence, Thiskimakes uie 5th caropin0 ground from Grand Bend, north, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. TIM/1M1l of Sarnia, are visiting relatives at and near Grand Bend. Mr. Cozin, missionary on furlough from India, gave a fine address last Sunday in Grand Bend Presbyterian Church A special missionary collec- tion will be taken next Sunday in that church for India missionary work. Gospeli:service at Weyburn last Sunday- evening was well attended. Subject: "The Book, of Jude." Spec- ial Bible subjects every Sunday eve- ning at 7 o'clock. Miss Hazel Patterson is visiting with her uncles at Grand Bend. Arrangements are being made this week at No. 12, Stephen, for weekly sports. Tuesday evening, this week a baseball match heads the sports. Some of our rural schools in the vicinity are becoming community centers for the social benefit of our youth. Clean, and edifying enter- tainment is being furnished .weekly. Canada constitutes one-third of the area of the British Empire. Canada, has the largest consecu- tive wheat field in the world, 900 by 300 in4les. Canada possess practically every known mineral. She produces 80 per cent. of the world's nickel out- put. . Canada has one of the highest tides in the world --59 1/2 feet— in Noel Bay, Bay of Fundy. Canada has the largest elevator in the world at Port Arthur;capa- city- nearly ten million bushels. TILE EN1ITER A WAIL IN ONE C0141/31N. Swiped from 4 Swiper.'" Getting Out A Newspaper Or a Monthly Or a Weekly • Publication Is No Joke. If We Print Jokes People Say Wo Are Silly. If We Don't, They Say We , Are Too Serious. If We PulJlis'll Orighial Matter They Say We Lack Variety. if We Publish, Things Froni Other Papor$ They Say We Are Too Lazy To Write. If We Stay In the Office We Ought. To Be Out Rustling For News.. If We Rustle` For News We Are Not Attending to Businesa. At the Office What in 'I'hunderation Is the Poor Downtrodden Editor To do Anyway. , Someone Will Even, Have the Nerve: ToSay We Swiped This. Well, So We Did. Thank "You. —Stoco News. Modesty and humility are the so.. briety of the mind; temperance and purity are the sobriety of the body. ---Whichcote. es!. mgm Tim let4ft.icr;s4g-iggT fflimmEigepso-19 12 EMEMBEIgEi.s.m. zwerale ''&‘ 1-g .11,1tEW,101131.M.EiMprgri - • Egn M.sal!3.7tir FBA 5! .pg'A PrT19221Ev'SEIMP a-j7r7Itsintei • • .-•-• . ••• /ft' • i?1,710: P.• • Ere.3111114.1101MMIMI. Patron: His Excellency. The Duke of Devonshire, TK.G.,, .Governer -General of Canada. Honorary Committee: Chairman, His Honour Lionel H. Clarke, Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario. glee -Chairmen: • Ron. E. C. TYrury, Premier of Ontario. Etis 'lArorsllip, Tr. L. Church, Mayor of. Toronto. 'lion. W. A. Cheriton, 'I'limnson, OrilIia A. 0, Hardy, 13rockville, Honorary Treasurer: Sir IDdinund Osier Ontario Committee: Chairman T, ii. 12,ussall Vice -Chairman: Lloyd 1fairirix Secretary: ID.-t)anbar rIN November 30th last, the k-jr Muskoka Free Hospital for Consurnptives was destroyed by nre. On January 14, this year, Sir William Gage, founder of the insti- tution—the one man who had con- tributed rnost largely to its support, and for twenty-five years the out- standing friend of needy consump- tives ---died. To -day, more than ever before,. poor, suffering consumptives need your assistance. Give —give all you can --- to the National Sanitarium Association's MCKIE SAYS rf OH% KO 010011,t0)C1, 14404O 01494( %.1149%.11110409.4. Kink140$3 "WON INP4A4,_ 0.4% COMM parnAilw Iwo% oiW DON ',SU* 0000 %NM —-- of Witt:Rs ON We 1161110. 01141%)ftW FIR 1W POONA ‘t• %00-44*W MOMel Western University 41" Zurich Mr. and Mrs'. Jos. Druar aro visit- ing friends at St. Clemens. Mrs. Geo. Merner of/Dashwood visited at the home of W. C. Calfas, recently. M!. J. J. Barry, who . spent a couple of weeks visiting here, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hess, and son, Jack, of London, spent a few days theweek. Mr.home of Mrs. F. Hess, Sr. lweek.. Mr. and Mrs. David Gingerich of .the Goshen Line, south, have re- turned .home from a week's visit ,with friends at Kitchener, New Ham - 'burg, Tavistock and Stratford. Owing to the bad. roads an auto overturned near Forest on Monday of last week and killed three occu- pants and injured one—Mrs. Stanley Wilson and two children, killed, and Mr. Wilson injured. Mrs-. J. B: Dennis of Galt, spent a few days with her father, Mr. G. Holtzmann. We understand that upon their return to Galt, they in- tend to move to Kitchener, where Mr. Dennis has purchased a busi- ness. Dr. O'Dwyer was in London a week ago Tuesday to assist in an operation on Mr. Jocab Schwartzen- truber of the Bronson Line. We are pleased to report that good hopes., are entertained for Mr. Schwo,rtzen- truber's recovery. ' The fewer dollars you send out of Canada, the more dollars you have to do business with, and the fewer dollars you send to the departmental stores in the cities, the more pros- perous will your home locality be- come. THE PURE-BRED IMPORTED CLYDESDALE STALLION. DANDA_LEITH DIAMOND • Imported [22252] (19080) ROUTE FOR 1921. ' MONDAY noon, will leave his own stable, Exeter North, and go to Paul. Shenk's, con 6, one mile north of Crediton, for night, TUESDAY, to Mich. Pletcher's, Lon- don. Road, for noon; thence to his own stabl,e for night. 'WEDNESDAY, to J. T. Morgan's, lot 26, con. 5, Usborne, for noon; thence to William Simmonds', N. T.R., Hibbert, for night. THURSDAY, by way of Cromarty to Thos. Mahaffy's, lot 12, con. 11, Hibbert, for noon; thence to A. Hackney's, N.T.R., for night. FRIDAY, to J. T. Allison's, N.T.R., for noon; thence to his own stable where he will remain till Mon- day 'noon. TERMS—US; payable lst Feby., 1922. Enrolled in Form A-. Reconimend- ed as a Premium Horse for 1922. Consumptives' Emergerx JOHN 3. MILI,AR Million D liar Fu d Proprietor and Manager. HAY P. O. The Muskoka Free Hospital fire on November 30th last, rnust and fireproof. Accommodation is needed at the .Mus_koka Free Hospital for 400 adults in, early stages of the disease. This will restore 250 of them to their homes and loved ones—cured. The remainder will be greatly benefited. ed. few months for each patient soon means thousands cared for. for Consumptives, destroyed by be replaced by buildings, larger Funds are urgently needed for this work. Again --- adults in advanced stages must be treated at the King Edward Sanatorium, on the banks of the Humber, near Weston. Extensions are neces- sary. Many of these patients can be saved. And again --little children— stricken witlithe4iread disease— must be cared for at the Queen Mary Hospital for Consumptive Children, near Weston.. Nk,ety per cent. of these are savedAo become healthyrnen and women. Funds are urgently needed to cover the cost of extensions. Further, funds are urgently needed to carry on the work of The Gage Institute in the City of Toronto, where the needy poor come for free examinations, in- cluding X-ray, and for medical and nursing assistance, Fifteen khousand need CCM'. samptives have been cared for to date at the hospitals con- ducted by the Associati b • NATIONAL SANITARIUM ASSOCIATION Headquarters: 46-48 King S. East, Toronto--OPPosile King Edward Hotel To,ephones; Man 4148-4151-6353-4.5-6-7. " ".Every Needy Canean2ptive Mlisrt Still be cared for" • tibt407;4t14..'"gt4t,' , • 4," arG, /g.: +14..A,C* 41:14.4xi YOUR DAILY PAPERS Toronto Daily Globe $5.00 Mail & Empire 'Toronto DaillStar • .... $5.00 London, Daily Free Press $5.00 London Daily Advertiser $5.00 Family, Herald & Weekly Star $2.00 Faimers' Advocate $2.00 Canadian Countryinan . $1.50 Montreal Weekly Witness $1.65 World -Wide ... $2.00 Toronto Saturday Night ... MacLean's Magazine $3.00 Rural Canada ........„ $1.00 The Youth's Companion .... $2.50 The Farmers' Sun $1.50 Farmers' Magazine ........ $2.00 Christian Guardian ........ 'The Exeter Times has a clubbing rate with most daily and weekly tie- pers., To find, the ,clubbing rate add the price of the papers you 'wish to subscribe for and subtract 25c from a laity paper end Inc' from a 'v paper, paper, London, Ontario Sumrrier School and Sincos tjut.IY, 4t1r.-to -Atgust 1-2th For Information and Calendar write K. P. R. -NEVILLE, Registrar Pain is an Indication of interference with the normal functions of the body. It is a sign of trouble, and if allowed to continue, causes itself still further disorders. Common Sense and humanity agree that relief from pain should be the first step in the treatment of any disease which is present. Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatic, Backache, Sciatic and Ovarian Pains, ONE or TWO • DRPain Pilis. ...1411ES' HEADACHES AND Rill/ENAM Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills and the pain is gone. Guaranteed Safe and Sure. Price 30c. a Sold in Exeter by W. S. HOWEY, Plun. B. GENUINE ASSISTANCE TO FARMERS That this Bank is anxious to assist the agri' cultural development of Canada is shown by the fact that two-thirds of our borrowing customers are farmers. An application for credit from you will be given the most considerate treatment. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000 EXETER BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager. 11111•1•■• INCORPORATED 1855 OVER 130 BRANCHES elm asmartrigoilistare•Off,, THEEMOLSONS BANK CAPITAL AND RESER17E $9,000,000. The Molsons Bank wants every farmer to feel that he has a real friend in the Manager, that he will receive a hearty welcome and can safely discuss with him his money needs. "SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES AT TH E EXETER BRANCH." T. S. WOODS, MANAGER, EXETER BRANCH. CENTRALL BRANCH OPEN FOR BUSINESS DAILY. THE USBORNE AND HIBBERT VA.RMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY. Head Office, •Farquhar, Ont. President, THOS. RYAN Vice -President, -- JOHN ALLISON DIRECTORS WM. BROCK J. L. RUSSELL ROBT. NORRIS, JAMES McKENZIE AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Hibbert. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan. W. A. TURNBULL, Secretary -Treasurer R. R. No. 1, Woodham. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter. DR, HENRY A. CORSAUT Veterinary Surgeon Office=Baker's'Livery on James St. Calls promptly attended to day or night. Phdue 8. DR. A. R. KINSM.AN,D.D.S. Honor Graduate of Torotito Ijuiver- Si ty. DENTIST. Office over oiadmaii & Stanbury's • office, Main Street, EXeter. Advertiee in the Tiraes, It pays. Iti4000: MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties, at lowest rates of in- terest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solieitors, Main St. Exeter, Ontario PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Auc- tioneer. Sales conducted in any loc- ality. Terms znoderate, Orders left at Times Office will be promptly at- tended to. Phone 116, Kirkton. Address Kirkton P. O. DR. G. F. ROUISTON, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST Office over I. R. Carling's Law office. ' Closed every Wednesday afternoon. USE "DIAMOND DYES" Dye, righti Don't risk, your material. Bach pack- age of "Diamond Dyes" con- tains directions so simplo that any woman caa. diamond -dye a new, kick_ color into old garments, draperies, coverings, every- thing, whether wool, silk,. linen, cotton or mixed goods. Buy "Diamend Dyes"—no- 'other kind—then perfect re- sults aro guaranteed even if you have never dyed before. Druggist has "Diamond Dyes, Color Card," -10 rich colors., •