HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-6-2, Page 8PHONE 1 G. PHONE 16. t11 0 Sutaleit 0r' t. June Bride ` <r.W DINNER, SETS 9NID TOILET SETS. NV0 have some swei.l `patterns in Frill 97 -piece Dinner Sets in nice Floral and Gold Band decorations, all in the finest English. Semi -Porcelain China and a, swe11 line with china cups. Also a full range of fancy and plain gold and white toilet sets. S7t`R41W IIA.TS. Secure a nice Sailor or Panama Hat for the hot weather. We have a full range of up-to-date styles. TENNIS SHOES: White and tan In all sizes for ,every, u(ember of the family. Also a full line of sandals in white oir• tan for the "kiddies." This, store will be closed every Wednesday at 12:30 sharp. during the months of June, July and August. Fresh Groceries at Special Reduced Prices. Highest prices paid for poul try and all Produce. St NV a rt THS:: E`XET Market Report --The iqUowing is the report of the nlnetei Market corrected every Wednesday. Wheat $1,50. Oats 35e.te 49e. Barley 48c to 55c, Manitoba Flour $5,55. Fancily Flour $5.30. Shorts p1.65 per 100 lbs. Bran $1.65 per 100 lbs. Feed fiour $2.25. Creamery butter 32c. Dairy butter 24c to 27c. Eggs 220. Lard 1Sc. Hogs $8.00. Hens 15c to 17c.. Ducks 22c to 25c. Roosters 12c. ���,--�....i• ����:�'��� � r � ,© �� i-,�y�--<� `-:-moi �. Doi, ion Light Eliminates Farm . t ccidents Dominion Light equipment upon premises is protection. It" elimin- ates the hazards of unlighted stairways, dark barn lofts or forgot- ten cellar doors by a flood of light, The fire danger is every lantern, oil lamp or match, is banished by Dominion Light, This compact, hard-working power unit pays its own way and earna a handsome bonus in time saving and labor saving. Every part of a Dominion Light plant, from the battery to the 3 S. Ii. F. ball bearings, is the finest made. Dominion Light units have a continuous overload capacity of 2"0 per cent. or more. , Dominion. Light built to the highest standards regardless of first cost, is incomparably the leader in its field. Made in Canada. SPECIFICATIONS. Generator rated at one K.W. (1,000 watts) with a continuous over- load capacity of. 20 per cent. or more. Battery of 160 ampere hours, S hour rating. Air-cooled engine with 3 S. K. F. ball bearings; oper- ates on kerosene. Loads, sixty 20 -watt lights with engine running or thirty 20 -watt lights from battery alone for eight hours. DO1IIINION STEEL PRODUCTS CO., LIMITED Department BRANTFORD, CA1"AD A. Sold' at the Massey -Harris Show Rooms, "If you want the best, buy a Dominion." . t ,sse arcs Sh rooms FRANCIS & WILLIAMS %\ PHONE 137. One door south of Central Hotel. 4 1VJEETIING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. of Tues- day, the 7th day of June, 1921. All accounts against the County must be in the hands of the Clerk not. later than Monday preceding the meeting of Council. GEO. W. HOLMAN, Clerk. Goclerich, May 21st, 1921. ir1A 14 CONTI:ACT. SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be re- ceived at Ottawa until noon, on Fri- day, the lst of July, .1921, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, six times per week over Dashwood No. 3, Rural Mail Service from the 1st of October' next. Printed' notices containing fur- ther information as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be 'ob- tained at. the Post Offices, of ` Dash- wood, Exeter, and Zurich, and at -,alae foltl'ce of the Post Office Inspec- tor: POST OFFICE INSPECTOR'S OFFICE London, May 20tb, 1921. CHAS., E. FISHER, Post Office Inspector. Half a parasol is better than no umbrella in a shower. • LOCAL 4.644.00 seg*w*ss * Mr, and Mrs. W.'S. Cole and son, Harry, visited in Lucan ` over Sun- day. Mrs. H. Ogden, of Stoughton, Sask., is visiting her father, Mr. John Gillespie. Mr. H. 0. Southcott spent the week -end at his home here leaving Monday for the West. "Go slow and see our town, go fast and see our jail," might' be a good injunction to motorists, Miss Ferrol Higgins-, of Clinton, spent the 24th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Fisher, of-Usborne. Today, (Wednesday) is the be- ginning of the weekly half holiday in town during the months of June,. July and August. Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Schroeder and daughter, Doris, of Ballymote, visit- ed at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. John Triebner, of Hay. A number of Oddfellows from town motored to Hensall to visit -the Hensall lodge on the occasion of the visit of the Grand Master. Mrs. (Rev.) E. A. Fear, of Walk- erville, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. S. Howey, of town. Mrs. Fear attended the branch convention of the W.M.S. held at Listowel. Miss Pirt, Government speaker, will address the Hurondale Women's Institute at the school house, June 9th at 3 p.m. on the subject of "Home Nursing ancl. First Aid. All ladies are welcome. Mr. James G. Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Walker, of town, is to be congratulated uponhaving' gr g successfully passed his examinations at the end of his first year in the Dental"College, Toronto. Mrs. Bedford, Mr. Geo. Bedford and Miss Olive and Dorothy Bed- ford, of. London, motored up and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. G. Heywood. Mrs. J. Westlake, Mr. and Mrs. W. Passmore and children, Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Parsons, Master Harold Whyte and Miss Ila Whyte, motored to Wy- oming and spent the week -end with R. H. Murphy having withdrawn the former's son, Mr. Will Westlake. from the Deering agency, the agency Mr. T. Pryde, wife and family of Kapuskasing, New Ontario, are vis- iting the former's brother, Mr, Thos. Pryde, of town. Mr. Pryde is a car-. neater by trade and will locate in Exeter if he can sebure a suitable residence.. The corner stones of the' new Methodist church at Brinsley will be laid on Tuesday, June 14th.' Mr. Medd, of Exeter, and Mr. S. C. Chown, of Lucan, will lay the stones. A supper and entertainment will follow. Mr. John Hunter met with a nasty accident while erecting a windmill for Mr. Nelson Baker, of Centralia -on Saturday last. While stretching a large spring it slipped and the hook on theendcaught Mr. Hunter's left hand, inflicting a nasty wound that' needed medical' attention. Dr. George Seldon, of Vancouver, B.C., `visited at the home of his brother, Mr. R. G. Seldon the fore- part of the week. 1VIiss Marjorie Seldon's many friends regret to know that her condition is quite critical with slight hopes for her re- covery: Her condition is being anx- iously watched by her many friends who hope that site may yet recover. has been transferred to me and I will keep repairs for Deering ma-_ chines at my shops at all times. One good new steel -tired buggy for sale at a bargain. Canadian Steel and Wire Co.'s fencing, gates and steel posts on hand.-WM. WARD. DON'T MISS THE- Ailsa HE- ,ilsa Craig orse, Races 21 Friday, June 3, PURSE $900 2.40 Trot or Pace ....Purse 2.20 Trot or Pace ....Purse Free for all .- Purse $300 $300 $300 FOREST BAND IN ATTENDANCE SEE "THE IRRESTIBLE MAR- MADUKE" IN. THE TOWN HALL IN THE EVENING AT 8.15 p.m. Alex. D. McLean, President Geo. A. Stewart, Secretary L. O. L. MEETING. .A. meeting of the L. 0.' L. will be held THURSDAY, JUNE 9th. Royal Arch Degree. All members request- ed to be present. Rev, A. A. Trurnper, W.M. Furniture Undertak..ing COMPLETE' LINES IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION OIII HOUSE BLOCT, ;DINER With R 1iME THIIIISDAY, JUNE 2nd,; 1021. the churches 111111t11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111i1 1I!111 L 111 ..1..1.11 11.11111___ SOUTHCOTT OS. PHONE 134, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN itTERIAN CHURCH Rev, Jannes Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a.m.-...Sunday School an4 .Bible. classes. Services as usual next Sunday: l3ayS Scouts ,at "Y" Sat. at 7 p.m... A rink of bowlers, composed of Messrs. T. S. Woods, J. A. Stewart, W. J. Heaman and W. W., .Taman ate in London' (today) Wednesday, to compete in the Mintee trophy, at the howling tournament on the' Thistle green. The Mintee Trophy. was won by an Exeter rink in 1918 and again last year. - Owing to the absence of the Rev. W. G. H. McAllister at conference in ,London, next Sunday, the 5th inst., the services id Main St. Meth- odist Church will be taken charge "of by,,Mr. W.' H. Johnston. The,sub- ject in the morning will be,. "The Winsome Jewish Maiden who, Be- came a Gracious Queen," and in the evening, "The Unanswerable Argu- ment." Mr. C. Harness is tearing down the back part of the harness home on Main -street and is having it ren- ovated and veneered. Mrs. Harness;. Sr., is at present living in the cot- tage on William street belonging to Harvey. Bf os. While moving, the top of 'a" cupboard fell over on Mts. Harness, striking her,`in the Mead She was confined to her bed for sev- oral days, but is able , to be around PHONE, 743; Night call 74W et a.9zi: .-! r 6 '",'..,;`. JAMES STREET METHODIST ICELTIRCH Rev. M, J. Wilson, B.A., r°astor. 11 a,m. "Song Service," by Prof. Anderton,. 7 p,m.-Rev., Wilson or one of the Conference ' ministers will preach. MAIN ST? METHODIST CRiTRCIT Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. A. (Phone 21, r3.) 11 ann.-Mr. W. H. Johnston. 3.00 p.m.Sunday School and Bible, classes. 7 p.m. -Mr. W. H. Johnston. BETHANY . 2:30 p:ni.-Mr. W .1?, Johnston. Y.P.C.A. Ladies night to -night at _ Y. Open every evening. CARS FOR HIRE -Phone 56. C. L. Wilson. 10 MW .r. ISMS TO VISIT SCOTLAND. Mr. and Mrs. James Irving, (nee Edna Luxton); of Grenfell, Sask.,' left Sunday for Montreal to spend a few days with ]dr. and Mrs. Bert Luxton, before .sailing on the "Mel- ita" for Scotland, where they will spend the summer.' Mr. and Mrs, John May of Toron- to are visiting, relatives in Exeter. and vicinity. Messrs. Wxn..Johns and S. Pym, of Elimville, are in Toronto this week attending Grand Lodge of the,,,,C.O.= C.F. They will also attend the Lon- don Conference in London, the lat- ter part of the week. Miss Olive Knight, of Ilderton, who has been attending high school in. Exeter, leaves this week for Guelph where she will take a course tic science course at McDonald In- stitute., Mr. and Mrs. E. Howald and Mr. W. Newcombe of town; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ilowald, of St.' Marys and Mrs. Rupp of Detroit were in Zurich on Sunday, attending the ordination of Mr. Ferdinand Howald Into the Lu- theran ministry. Mrs. L. Day, who has been in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, for sev- eral weeks undergoing treatment, returned to her home' here on Wed- nesday of 'last week, her condition being much improved. Miss Ethel Day is spending a couple . f weeks at her home. Mrs. Enoch Rowcliffe received the sad news of the death of her, sister, Minnie Bell, beloved wife of Mr. G. Reevely, she having "passed away at her home in Ingersoll•, on May 17th. Deceased had been a victim of creep- ing paralysis for about five weeks. Besides the sorrowing husband she is survived by her aged mother and seven sisters. Mrs. Reevely was born in the Township of :Usborne. where her girlhood days were spent. Her remains were interred at Ingersoll. Mrs. Rowcliffe attended the funeral. Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Southcott are leaving today (Thursday) for Van- couver to attend the annual conven- tion of ;the Canadian Weekly News- paper Association. A special train bearing members and their wives from Eastern Canada will be made up at Toronto. The trip out is by G. T. R. and C.N-R. and -stop offs will be made at North Bay, ,Cochrane, , Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper Park, and Kamloops. The re- turn will be over the C.P.R. stopping at Lake Louise, Banff, Calgary, Re- gina, Fort William and Port Ar- thur; They expect to be home on June 20th. IIx june Is the z Month For Brides" No gift could please a bride as much as something artistic to beautify her,new home. What could be: more ap, propriate or more pleasing than a pair of Pastel pic- turesin rich walnut frames or a beautiful piece of stat- uary? - m Come in and see what we have to offer before decicl- ' ing upon a ->gift. The SENIOR STUDIO and ART STORE EXETER, • ON'i ., • PH0Nl9i 1.34. _ Fleet -Foot Shoes AM For every member of the family. Fleet Foot Shoes have proved' so popular and are in 'such wide demand that the styles have been multi- plied to meet every summer need. These shoes are restful and comfort- able, and are just the thing for sunxnier Wear. Let us show you the new styles. ii,1ii. mouse Dresses For porch, house or 8tvoet wear. These dresses are made from good quality good washing ginghams andcome in very smart styles. They are priced at $4.50, $5.00. to S7.50. U For Twenty Dozen lack Cotton Mose Sizes 81A, 9, 9% and 10. These hose sold last season for 50c a pair. quick. selling we have marked them at the low price per pair, 25c. This store will be closed every 3 Wednesda r afternoon during June, July y and August,' - roma outh ott wawa • Oneion mama smioMN AMMO : IiIIA111111111111111111III1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111E IIP:. I.R. CARLING B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public,- Conveyancer. Solicitor for the Molsons Bank," etc. Invest your funds in Vic- tory, Dominion of Canada, Provincial and Municipal Bonds. Legal investment for Trust Funds. At existing prices, ' from 6 per cent to 7 per cent can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE - Carling Blocky Main Street, EXETER, ONT. COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE' Notice is hereby gl.sen that a Court of Revision of the .Assessment Roll of the Township of Usborne for 1921 will sit at the . Township Hall, Elimviile on Saturday June 4th, 1921 at 2 o'clock p.m. HENRY STRANG, Clerk FOR QUICK SALE=One good range, coal or wood, with high shelf. Price $10. Apply to Mrs. D. Braund, Exeter North. NOTICE TO WATER USERS. Please take notice that your water service was installd for your -own use and not your neighbor. Custom- ers using water other than specified will be charged accordingly. PUBLIC UTILITIES COM. Lost -A, black sow on Monday May 16th. Information gladly re- ceived by Archie McCurdy. Kirk - ton P. 0. Phone 34-14. T. H. tLLIOTT IS OUT FOR BUSINPrSS My aim is -Your patronage. My motto -Service to the public. PRICES Ladies' Suits, cleaned and pressed $1.50 Men's Suits, pressed only .75 Men's suits, cleaned and pressed $1.00 to $1.50 Ladies' suits dyed $4.50 Men's suits dyed- ..... - ' $4.50 Ladies' suitsdry cleaned $2;00 Men's suits dry cleaned $2.00 Ladies' overcoats dry 'cleaned $2.00 -Men's overcoats dry cleaned'$2.00- I do all kind of repairingI also' have the agency for the Forest City Laundry, London, Ont. At your service. Having purchased a new Ford truck I am prepared to do trucking for parties desiring same. For Sale- Apple and boiled cider. Saws gum- med, wood turning, wood pumps re- paired' and accessories on hand. S. J. V. CANN, EXETER Phone 115. RIGH INVESMENT YIELDS NOW AVAILABLE. Dominion of Canada Victory Bonds, Province of Ontario Bonds, Municipal and other bonds. .. lERNEST .ELLIOTT Office -Elliot Bldg., Main Street, EXETER,ONT. GET - EARLY CHICKS FOR WINTER LAYERS. Starting April 11th and each week following, I have for sale a limited quantity of day old chicks -Barred Rocks- and White Leghorns. Care supply mother hens with chicks.. Prices reasonable. Rhone. 33. W. A. SAMBROOK . CREDITON P. 0,, ` ONT. Agent for Buckeye Brooders, either oil or - coal -burning. R. N. R ®wQ FURNITURE DEAY.ER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Embalmer's License No. 210. MOTOR HEARSE SERVICE Phone 203 and 20W. i THE EXETER T12IES • Subscription rate $1,50 a year. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising -Made know on application. Stray Animals -One insertion 50o three insertions for. $1.00 Farm or Real Estate for sale 50e each insertion for one month of four insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. ' Lo and found locals t ls 25c. Local reading notices etc., 10c per line per insertion. No • notice less than 25c. Card 'of` -Thanks 50c. Auction sales $ 3 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length. Legal advertising 10c and 5c >t A few choice farms in South Hu- ron for sale. Also some unineumber ed farm lands in Alberta and Sas- katchewan will be exchanged for town or village property. Apply to Thomas Cameron, Conveyancer, Auc- tioneer, etc. Box 154, Exeter. Phone 21r12. A. E. TENNANT. Veterinary Surgeon Office -McDonnell's Sales Stables on' John St. Phonecalls receive prompt attention. - Phone 26w y Our New r'i Goods Are Arriving ver a , e How about that newSpring Suit? Come in and see our New Styles It's easy to upset good fbrni with an out of forth tie. That's why it so often happens. The remedy is here in good form Ties, Scarfs and Four-in-hands. Gloves,` Collars, Shirts, everyythiug in Men's- Outfit- tings correct to the minute:' W. PHONE M a animematrzaansimeaselatommampaim