HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-6-2, Page 3.1' Like .te Live on the..Farm.-
Where there is weric.and more worla
all of it Werth while. and essential.
Where the air is pure and sweet all,
. day, got blanketed with ein04e from.
Where We may see without obstrue-'
tion tne pinks and lavendersof the
rliereetto golds and reds and sil-
vers are Clear and open. 'above the
f,lelds, at ,sunset. • ,
Where ono may see the full caeopy
of stareand moonlight does net have
to rival 'street
Wilerejlie,setands of living and grcrwel
ingefningle. with the ,breath b pine
and maples, not Marred by rushing
traffic honking horns, ev t:ou t s d"
street cars. • •
'Where 'labor is et one's own choosing, at great variety and based upon
ambition for accomplishment and not
"eight nears."
Where women and men are real
business partners, the Women, an•econ-
omic aid and not parasitic,
Where the standard of housekeep-
ing is the pleasure and comfort a the
Where social gatherings are few
enough to promote real joy in the corn-
pany of others --Fun, laughter and
atbry-telling rather than boresome
toleration or keen—competition for
eavors from the other sex.
„f,",cVliere we may dare to eat real but-
ter and cream, fresli eggs and smoked
ham, though we not possess a
single pair of eobweb silk 'hose!
And these are only the beginning of
reasons why L like to live on the
farm.—Lena Martina Smith,
The Festival of the Fire
for 'nost malcce ena models or cars,
Your old, broken or worn-out parte
replaced, wore or wire ' us („loserib,
ing what you want. We carry th§
largest and most colnincto steek,
Canada, of; slf*UtIsc u6e,c1 or new 'Parts
utomobile equipment. 'We shit)
anyw.mere in Canada. •Satis-
facary or refund In ,ruli our, Motto.
Shemeo .Auto ficlavaoe Zet nanan
aaa-931 Dnaerin th., oronto, Joint,
Boy Scout Notes,
week in April a provincial convention
was held at 'Halifax which waS at-
tplioqd by 200 delegates from 411 parts
of Nova Scotia, where the movement
has been spreading like wild -fire dun, 1,
ing the past six months, and a shill- [
• lar rebirth of enttinsiasm le looked
tor in other provinces. WhentheBIOod ecncs 'Watery
'The amis of,the Boy .,Scout move- a Breakdown Follows.
ment are noble and nnassallable at
every point, Its methods inculeate
idealism, and appeal profoundly to the
hbY-teMperament: They , ,stimulate
both mental and physical health and
their entirely -non-sectarian character
creates -the best kind of patriotic in-,
fluenee. Among all the progressive
moveVents in Canada to -day that of
the Boy Scout organization sti;ikes the
public asthe finest, saneSt and Most
definitely useful.'
eic. -----
Campers and Forest Fro-
Sudbury.Scouta are playing a fast
team in this year's Junior Football
Grimsby and New Toronto Seouts
'have recently been the recipients of
-grants from -.Limb- municipal 'councils.
The,Village of Grimsby and the Town-
ship of Grimsby gave $250 and $50 re-
spertively, and the Town of New To-
ror to gave $50. Wiarton, Scouts sirrii-
IarlY benefited from a town grant of
$100. "
Brockville Scouts have something
more than the very desirable badge
awaiting „them vvben they beconie
First Class Scouts, a local merchant
having made a splendid lot of Scout
equipment available for presentation
to the first 19 Scouts to put up- the
"flour -de -lis and scroll."
Wallcin.g.barefooted,through a chaf
coal fire four feet deep and more than
thirty feet long cannot be a pleasant
thiug to do. Nevertheless, it forms a
part of the extraordinary religious fes-
tivities that annually takes place in
honor of a Hindu goddess at one of
the temples in Singapore.
A loud tom-toming,..says. a tourist,
announced the arrival of the fire Walk-
ers. There were about' two hundred
ot them, the men in saffron -colored"
loin cloths, the women in saffron -col-
ored robes. With blazing eyes and
loosened hair, they pressed on, accom-
panied by the weird wailing of pipes.
Some of the walkers fought in their
haate to enter the flames, otherahung
back and'had to be urged forward by
priests or relative's.. Some were pro-
fesSed ascetics, perhaps with a with-
ered arm held aloft and with' a thous-
and silver nails passed through their
skin; others were ordipary folk who
had made avow thus to propitiate the
goddess in order to:secure the birth
'of a son.
Most of them walked hurriedly
through the fire,' holding a bunch 0.2
neem leaves above their heads; a few
strolled along leisurely over the glow-
ing charcoal. Some carried ia their
arms small children, who cried lustily
from the terrific heat; and one or two
boys and girls .about- eight years old'
went through the, ordeal alone. A
tragic figure wa,s. a 'young girl with un-
bound hair and terrified eyes, who, un-
able to face the fire alone, was per-
sistently pushed forward by an old
woman at her back. Those who have
passed through the fire declare that,
they feel no pain at the time.. They
admit drinking bhang to work them up,
to the necessary pitcli of excitement,
but declare that they rub nothing on
their feet.
Toronto Scouts held an eight
mile bicycle road race on Victoria Day
• for a cup and prizes donated, by the
"Ratepayer" -- a weekly newspaper
circulating in the Beaches District.
Under the heading "A Boost for the
Boy, Scouts," - Toronto's big weekly
,paper, "Saturday Night," said the fol-
lowing in a recent issue:
"lWany circumstances have militated
against the I3oy Scout Movement hold-
ing a large place in the public eye as
It did a few, years ago, but this
Spring and Summer we 'hope to see a
great revival of interest in its highly
effective machinery far the develop-
ment of courage, honor and courtesy
in growing -boys. During the first
Weather Signs.
Flowers, trees and low growing
plants send out storm warnings. Cer-
tain plants and flowers close up tight-
ly on the approach of rain; They give
ample warning. The common dande-
lion does this, and also the leaves of
the white clover. The silver leaf 'pop-
lar gives fair warning of rain by toss-
ing the silver under side of its leaves
upward continuously.
I have always understood that birds
and chickens, oil their feathers before
a rain storm. The weatherwise per-
son is sensitive to the feel in the air
that foretells rain. He can also tell
from, the sounds ,about him—boat
whistles, locomotives, bellsand traf-
fic sounds; all are unusually distinct.
Aching joints and grunabling coma
are signs, in which theht victims firmly
- believe. I once -knew a lady who for
at least two -days before the arrival of
an electrical storm suffered excruciat- lay to investigate the tonal conditions
hag pains in her head. These disap- 1, and analyze the water. The source
peared when the storm had, spent it- of ,the pollution wag found at once.
self. •1 A well located near the Dominion Gan -
For several years a bottle of witch neries Was found to be centaminated
hazel stood on a shelf over my kitchen
Holiday time is approaching and al-
ready some people ale getting then
tents and canoes and taeklwreadY for
a trip in the woods. This open lite iu
the forest, is a toxin of recre,atlon in
regard to wilich Canadians are es-
pecially privileged, and 'it is a pardon-
larlyvalnable and health -promoting
form, in these days, when, so many
peciple live, in crowded cities. Camp-
ing in the woods will 'donbtleas in-
crease in Canada from year to Sr. ear,
and so long as campers are careful
with fire their, pre,sence does the
forest no harm. It has been noticed,
however, in many quarters, that too
often in the past. •the trail • of the
calliper has been marked by forest
fares. If during the coining season
every calliper will determine, that
neither from his cainp-firee nor from
his •pipe will he permit fire to escape
into the fore -s1; a great stride forward
will be made in forest protection. Let
all unite in preservingthis great na-
tural re -source of Canada.
The loss of population in France
due to the war has been estiniated at
minardts Liniment Relieves Distempe0
zlm.ms.m.ea,m1m, WA113a -C.2", MI III Vi3r. Mal NM NM Mk Vilt)
Provincial Board of Health. Ontario,
21.r. _Middleton -will be glad to answer questions ,on Public 'Health mat, ig
tors through this column. -Address him at the Parliament. Bldg
ail Toronto. .4
"Ma I;Mg VA M.. `4521. y'r,st V,11...1EUDIN Wa TM `En, `1 'GA
with typhoid, evidently from one pr
two flush closets that were in the
immediate neighborhood. The Pro-
vincial Beard of Health forthwith had
the offending well closed, and no fur -
the water used for drinking purposes her cases have occurred. An. inter -
becomes infected there is no telling esting feature of the infected well at
where the damage will end, or trow Jordan was that twelve persons inocu-
many people will suffer, The reason latecl last year with the preventive
for this is obvious. Drinking water
is used by everybody in the communr
ity, and should it become contaminated
is liable to infect every individual
with diseases such as -typhoid fever,
dysentery or cholera. The victims
may include- visitors who. drink the
water, and develop the disease after
leaving the district, thereby causing
•suspicion of the water supply of other
localities where the ,infected persons
actually reside. It consequently is
very difficult sometimes to trace the
origin of outbreaks sach as typhoid-,
and the disease thus gets a chance to
A recent example of this kind oc-
curred in BuEalo Whe're a remarkably
large number of cases of typhoid were
reported. The water supply of Buf-
falo was 'examined chemically and
bacteriologically, ,ancl de,elared. free
If there is one feature of life in
rural districts. that . for, -importance
outweighs everything else from. a
ne health point of view, it is main-
taining a pure water supply. Once
,Every woman's health is dep-endent
upon tbe condition Q! her blood. Dow
inany women c>uffer with hosaaelio,
pain in the back, Poor •aPpeljle• weak
digestion, a constant' feeling of weari-
ness, palpitation of 'the heart, short-
ness of breath, ,pallor and nervous
nese? Of cOursenall these sympteins
may not be present --the more there
are the worse, the condition of the
blood, and the more, necessary that,
you should begin, to enrich it without
delay. Dr. -Williams' Pink Pills are
a splendid blood. -building tonic, Every
dose helps to make better blood which
goes to every part of the body and
:brings new health to weak, despondeat
People. hr. Williams''; Pinkyille are
valuable to all, women bet they are
particularly useful to girls of school
age who become payelauguid and ner-
vous.' There can be neither health nor
beauty without red bleocl which gives
brightness to the eyes and color te
the cheeks and lips. • ' Dr,' Williants'
Pink 'Pills 'build up the blood, as' is
Shown lay' the experience of Mrs. Jos:.
E. Veniotte, West Northfield, N.S,
Who says: "For several years I was
in a bad state of health, I was pale
and, nervous, my apaie-tite was poor,
and I suffered from weakness, head-
achesoand a feeling of oppression. • I
got so nervous that„ I was afraid to
stay in the house alone, All this time
I was taking medicine, but it only did
not help me, but I was growing weak-
er. Finally I decided to try Dr. Wil-
hams' Pink Pills, and after using siX
boxes I felt much better. I had a bet-
ter annetite, slept better and felt
stronger. However.' I continued tak-
ing the pills for a couple of months
longer and now I aria feeliug as well
as ever I did. I give,all the credit to
Dr. Williams' 'Pink Pills, and- hope
that my experience may be of benefit
to seine other weak woman."
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills through any dealer in medicine
or by mail at 50 -cents a box or six
boxes for $2.50' " trona The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont.
typlibid serum escaped the diedase, al-
though they drank the contaminated
water which made the others ill. The
value of preventive 'inoculation.
against typhoid in the country is thus
apparent, and it would be a wise mea-
sure if District Medical Officers of
Health would encourage everyone to
Pc inoculated with the antityphoid
serum; especially during the Fall
months when the disease is especiallY
prevalent, or where the. water supply
is derived from wells or other sources
Which may be liable at any time to
As a further preventive measure it
is wise for everybody' to boil 'their
drinking water if obtained from wells
during the Fall monthS of—the year.
No. matter hew eften, the water is
analyzed, infection is liable to get in
at any time, with serious results. No
from typhoid contamination. Where cesspool, privy or latrine of any lqncl
then -did these people contract the dis- should be tolerated within eighty feet
ease? It was found that one of the of a well, the discharges from a single
patient had arrived in. Buffalo from patient .having been known to perco--
Maryland a week or two before he late through the soil ,and, infeat large
developed symptoms of tYphoid. An- volumes of water.
other drunk water inc country village By boiling the water or adding,
he had been visiting shortly before he, chlorine in proportions recommended
took ill. No less than fifteen of the by the local Medical Officer of Health,
typhoid cases came from Jordan, On- all bacteria can he clegroyed. Typhoid
tario, and the value of intercommuni- and dysentery bacilli canbe killed in
'cation between Medical Officers of ten „minutes by, the following /method,
Health here becomeb evident, for the suitable for villages; summer -camps,
health commissioner .of Buffalo im- etc. A level teaspoonful of chloride of
mediately notified the Provincial lime should he rubbed into a teacupful
Board of H'ealth, Ontario. As a re- of water. This solution should be
suit, the Chief Medical Officer -sent an diluted with three cupfuls of water,
epidemiologist to Jordan without de- and a teaspoonful of the whole added
to each two -gallon pailful of drinking
water. This will give four or five
parts of free chlorine to a million
parts of water, a very effective germ -
sink and unconsciously, I formed the
habit 'of glancing frequently at it,
Gradually I became aware of the fact
that the north Side 'of tbiS bottle
was sometimes coated with drops of
witch' hazel and at other times waS
perfectly clear..- I began to study the
phenomenon and found that the drops
on the inside of the bottle were a
twenty-four hours warning of rain. 13y
the time thj TP•1.." bottle
was clear -of moisture, Tnis diffefed
from the sweating of water glasses
and pipes, because, the moisture' was
always on the inside of the bottle,
Good housewives 'know that candy
and jelly malting is attefided with dif-
ficulty and Sometimee,,absolute failure,
when.' undertaken • in weather that
iiireatena rain, ,Of'e,otirso this la due
to thebeavineSs o llie moisture laden
air, which reards..beiling,
The CeuntY'ortondon meaSures 117
Square miles, Metropolitan Police
London 690 squaro /miles, and the
City of LondorA, 'under TArd Mayor,1
4Ust over 919t1 $finatre
Ready to at dna
rv it .V4atab1e
is convenient, free ftom waste.
and 'moderate inprice.r
Skilled blending' ana long i;aking
briug out the Eu.1111001. and richly.„
nourishing Qttalities of this creal.
Food, and. make It easy to aigest.
There s a Reason"
orS41e by all' ocet6
Nothing New,
Irate Visitor --"111r, Editor I've been
told tliat you have printed in your
sheet that 1 an the greatest swindler
the world has ever known?"
"‘No, sir! Not hi my paper. It con-
tains only the latest news,"
. -----
Housing Problem.
The Policeman ---"You, follts can't
stay in the park all night. Yotell have
to go name."
Mr. Doubleup---"But it's not our
turn, officer. We share our flat with
another faniily" and they occupy it to -
Cork to Cork.
Three men were travelling in. a train
in Ireland en route for Cork.
The -train was very late, • and to
make matters WOrkS e it was held up fre-
quently- between the 'stations.
At last they ,reached a stationwhere
an inspector came down the train to
exanaine the tickets.
"Where for?" he demanded, as he
looked intothecompartment occupied
by the three men.
"Cork," they replied in unison.
"Tlien,you're all Cork," replied the
inspector wittily.
"Yes.," replied one of the three men;
"and if your train was all cork too
maybe it werild be easier to draw. At
present it's the best stopper I've seen."
He Knew How to Do It.
A. lady took her four-year-old girl to
a photographer. The child couldn't be
made to keep still. Be of the canaera7
was as sauve as he could be, and work-
ed every device of gentle persuasion
to make the little wriggler sit with-
out moving. Finally, he said to the
despairing mother:
"Madam, if you will leave the little
dear alone with me a few minutes, I
think I ca.n auccee*d."
The moth•er had scarcely withdrawn
,when she was summoned back by the
'triumphant photographer, who said he
had taken a satisfactory negative.
When they reached home the moth-
er asked: "Nellie, what did- tb.e man
say to you when I left you alone with
"I10 said," replied Nellie, 'Sit still,
you little rascal, or I'll shake you." -
Hills of Horne.
After long days When I coine
Once more from far roving home,
While I' watch -with eager eyes
Old loved landmarks, friendly -wise
Sudden_ hursting.,into view
Sharp etched o'n the skies' clean blue,
Lo, the of .licane arise.
Always round the curve they lie
Waiting hid as I.'draw nigh, -
Till I pass 'the a'mglecl,bend,
And the last ldng slope ascend,
And tb.e shortening road runs straight
There Ito welcome irre
Hills of home, antliourney's 'end.
Hoof beats quickening err the-trail—
Grind pf train whe,els on, the rail-
-Motor swerving sharp and sheer—
Steamboat reaching for the.pier—
Came or,hea,d,land,t break �r' bend '
I 'must piss, and at theand
Stand' the -home hills, clean and
Thus, when fate my spirit brings
To the ordained end of things,
I.shall come as now I come
Through far spaces vvearisome,
Through the shrouding veils that lie
-,'Tvvixt time and eternity;
Till -they blaze 'against the sky
Gold and jade'—the-hills of home.
A War Mystery Solved.
The mystery about the "Big Bertha"
which shelled Paris from a distance of
75 miles during the war, has been
solved. The Allied officers who have
been trying to find out wny guns of
the supposed dimeusious were not
surrendered by the 'Germans under
the treaty, and why they could find no
.trace of them anywhere in the war
area, have at last ctiscovered that the
,supergun never existed. The shells
that fell into the streets of Paris were
fired by ordinary naval guns of twelve
or fourteen inches. The barrels were
strengthened by ititroducing a steel
bushing that reduced the calibre to
about nine inches, ancl the liheches
were reinforced by a massive steel
jacket. In guns thus strenghen.ed
double charges of explosive would be
used; and by making the shells longer
and more pointed, and by grooving
them to fit the rifling, several addition-
al miles were gained. -Guns so built
had never before been used because
artillerists had never before been_
willing to sacrifice accuracy to dis-
tance. The "Big Berthas" were not
accurate and did not need to be, for.
the Germans were firing at a mark
several miles wide. So long as they
hit some part of the city of Paris they
Were satisfied, for their object was
merely to spread terror among the
Parisians. As it was, several of their
shotS missed the target altogether and
fell some distance,away from the city.
wilgratOry Birds.
antandment to the Migratory
Bird s 0)h/cation' Adt increases the
penalty tor violationof the net froin
$100 to $300. Section.12 now reads as
follows: "Every person who Violates
any provis1p-a.02 this .At or any regu-
lation ball, for each offence, be liable
upon stimmaxy coniVietfon, to a ,fine
6tnot more than three Inind.red 42.
larS Land not less than ten dollap, or
to imprisonaten.t for a 'Lorin not ex-
ceeding six' months, or to both fine
and imPriSomnent."
When the 'baby is sick—when he is
cross and peevish; cries, a great deal
and is a constant worry tethe mother
—he needs Baby's Own Tablets. The
Tablets are an ideal medicine for lit-
tle ones. They are a gentle but
thorough laxative which regulate the
bowels, sweeten the stoniach, banish
constipatilm and indigestion, break up
colds find simple fevers and make
teething easy. Concerning them Mrs.
Philippe Payen, St. Flavien, Que.,
writes: "Baby's Own Tablets have
been is wonderful help to me in the
case of my baby and I can strongly
recommend them to other mothers."
The Tablets are Sold by medicine deal-
ers or by mail art 25 cents a box from.
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
Canadian Trees for British
G. W. Logan, Peabody, Kansas, U.S.A.
"Tanlac has completely rstored my
health and I feel finer than in years,"
was the straightforward stateinent
made recently by Mr, George W.
Lagan, of Peabody, Kansas, U.S.A.,
one of the -most prominent stock -deal-
ers in the Middle West.
"It has not only made a new man
of me but I have actually gained
thirty-five pounds in weight and feel
as well as I ever did ha my life. I am
telling all my friends about Tanlac
but they can see for themselves what
it has done in my case.
"When I began taking Tanlac I was
,an awfully run-down Condition. I
was away off in weight, felt weak and
nervous all of the time and couldn't
take any interest in my work or any-
thing else. My main trouble was inch -
The demand for timber during the
war aroused interest in Great Britain
in the subject of forestry. It was seen
that even in the thickly populated
Motherland there were very consider-
able areas which would give a greater
return in growing trees than if hand-
led in any other way. In fact, as
foresters have been pointing out for
years, many areas cannot be made to
produce anything but trees. The Bri-
tish Forestry Commission have under-
taken a programme of planting and.
seeding„these. It has been found that
certain Canadian trees do well in the
British Isles, and through the Forestry
Branch of the Department of the In-
terior, a quantity of tree seeds has
been collected and forwarded for sow-
ing on certain areas,. These shipments
have been sent for several years in
succession and have amounted to as
much as half a. ton in a year. The
trees most favored in this connection
are Douglas fir and Sitka spruce and
a recent visitor to Enigland reports
the plantations of these species as „do-
ing remarkably well. Some sonsign-
rnents of Canadian tree seeds haVe
also been sent to Belgium to help reg
store' the devastated forests of that
Remit by Dominion Express 'Money
Order. If lost or stolen you get your
money back.
gestion. Nothing seemed to agree
with me. At tines I would have dizzy
spells and at other times my back
would ache so bad that I, could hardly
get up and down in my.chair. This is
just the condition I was in -when I
started to take this medicine. It took
just six bottles 'to make a well man
of me. I now have a Inc appetite,
everything tastes good and my diges,
tion is perfect.
"My wife was also troubled with
digestion at times and it relievedeher
the same way. You- may 'publish my
statement wherever you like and it
anyone doubts it, just tell them to see
Tarlac is sold by leading druggists
Walk With Your Feet Pandlel,
Advises Doctor.
Mothers who train their children to
walk with tees pointing outward and
counsel their little girls never to wear
high heels when they grow up have
been told tbey were all wrong by Dr.
W: H. The:the:wan, orthopedic surgeon,
in an address at the Institute of Hy-
giene, in London.
"To walk properlY," he said, "the
feet should be kept absolutely paral-
lel. The 'quarter to six' attitude is
one of the big mistakes of physical
training. Three minutes to twelvR
and three minutes past is what you
want when standing.
"A long stride is not good for the
feet. A slow, short step is 'better, for
it makes you rise on the toe.
"Never discourage a 'child who is
turning his' toea A unless he has an
actual deformitt, of the foot. He is
probably trying to cure himself of
knock-knees or weak ankles."
Reasonably high heels are very ex
eellent things, the surgeon said. Low
heels are all right for children, or for
adults with a perfect foot, but unfor-
tunately na loot is perfect.
Good Pasture.
Smithson called one day on an, old
school friend, and was shown. into a
room where his chum's sister was
busy arranging some dried grass She
had collected.
"What a quantity Of dried grass you
•have collected, Miss Ritchie!" he
Then his humor _burst forth. "Nice
room for a donkey to get into."
"Then make yourself at homeMr.
Smithson," said the girl, pleasantly. -
If all the houses and buildings in
London were placed side by side in a
long line, they would reacla acroes the
three great continents of Europe,
Asia, and'America.
Canada has a Vast coal depOsit on
the upper Mackenzie River that was
on fire when Alexander Madketzie dis-
covered the river hi 1789, .and it has
been urning ever since a Seam more
than u mile long,
Chinese make pineapple cloth from
the leaf fibres of the plant, extracted
by hand labor, obtaining' about a
pound of fibre.fronn, each 100 pounds
of leaves.
Be,sicle3 a salary of $45,000 a ylear,
the PreSident of the United ,States haS
traveling expenses atlitl the Upkeep of
White Rouse paid for him.
,Atriard'S I-halm/ant for Dandruff,
"Bayer" is only Genuine
Lifelong Health Conditions
Noted in One Certificate.
A very comprehensive term of
health certificate is proposed -for uSe
in Germany. If adopted, it would
from a record of the health of -each
individual at any stage, of life, and at
death -would furnish a coniplete his-
tory of that individual's whole physi-
cal life. This record would -constitute
a single health certificate, in which. I
would be combined the certificates of ;
birth, of vaccination, the health- re-
ports of school naedical examiners, andi
in later life the, reports of bealth-ina
surance societies, in which all Ger-
mans in industrial life are registered.
The result would be of value, during
the life of the individual, 111 furnish-
ing Kny attending physician with a
complete family history; and after
death, these certificates -would be col-
lected in a central bureau, where they
-Would furnish material for the study
of. heredity.
At the Yarmouth Y.M.CA. Boys' ,
Campeheld at Tusltet Falls in August,
beneficial for sunburn, an immediate
relief forcolic and toothache.
General Sec'jr,
America's Pioneer Dog Remedies
Book on
and How to Feed
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