HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-6-2, Page 1• tFORTY-SECONI a 'YiEAB— N'Oo 2278 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 2, 1921. n IIIILL Illill IIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIpIIIllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIII ..._ � IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlI11Ill(IIIIIIItlllllll — �,JJIIIIII 111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl11NIIlil11111111 _ =. l a � , moms .mom soom MINIM ammo ammo 100611,11 MINSMI MOM .111.011 tenkall .1111 11110.0 IMMO OMEN arm wecal Values in 5umrner �Ier"c�i�ndise CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES. splendid range of Childre' .ash Dresses for ages have a n s W We from 3 to 14 years. Many of these are in odd sizes and broken ranges at greatly reduced prices. LADIES' HOUSE , DRESSES AT $1.05. Three dozen Ladies' Print House Dresses; sizes 36 :to 44 in a • nice range of colors.Very special this month at $1.65 each. "MIDDIES AT $1.75. Ladies' and Misses' Fine Quality Middies, the celebrated Admiral bran i d• .plain white also with colored trimmings. Regularly up to $2.50 each. Special June selling price only $1.75 each, WHITE WASH SKIRTS Ladies and Misses' White Wash Skirts in tricotines and gaberdines, full range of sizes. Prices much lower than last season. LADIES' GENUINE GLOVE SILK BLOOMERS AT $2.95. These bloomers are 'a real bargain. They are of genuine glove silk, in, flesh color only, worth easily twice this price: Our special .rune sell- ing price, only $2.95 pair. GINGHAMS AT 29c A 'YARD. Hundreds of yards of fine Ginghams in. checks .and stripes on sale this month at 29c yard.. HAIR RIBBONS AT..20c A YARD. Ribbons are much cheaper. We can give you a nice quality of silk ribbon, 31/2 inches wide, in popular colors, j1ist the thing for hair rib- bons at 20c a yard. CLEARING OF EMBROIDERIES AND- INSERTIONS. We have placed on sale two lots of fine embroideries and inset tions..Hundreds of yards to choose from many of these lines at less than half! price. OUTING SHOES FOR SUMER. Oxfords, Pumps, Ties, and` Strap Slippers :in either Ladies' White O . leather or rubber soles. Also the very' latest styles of Black and Brown Kid Slippers, all at moderate.' prices.. MEN'S OXFORDS AND RUBBER -SOLE SHOES. White Oxfords or High Shoes for the warm weather. We keep 'a fine assortment with either leather or Neoli-n soles. Also high grade Brown and Black Oxfords. RUNNING SJIOES FOR CHILDREN Brown.. or White to suit everyone. Shoes or slippers, oxfords, pumps • or strap styles. SPECIAL -Twenty-five pairs of Ladies' Fine Grey Oxfords, regular $7.00 for $4.98. Store closes Wednesday afternoon during June, July and August. PHONE 32 . es ay PHONE 32 ems. I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIh IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiillilll IIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIlIIIIillllll IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII • :. - —r::_i ^Icit 4::DM }5_TA Save the Surface and You Save s>; Exeter Council Monday, May 30, 1121. Revision for o The Court of It r thq t the `Village ,, t o of AS$eSS111el1t. Roll Exeter, met on Monday night, The following ieiuberS took and sub- scribed to the necessary oath of of - flee as follows: B. W. 1. Beavers, J. — Elston, Jos Davis, \17. I3 Peu h ale , Chas. B. Snell. Reeve 'Beavers was -' elected chairman 'on motion of Davis ,- and seconded by Penhale. Carried. The following appeals .W ere heard and determined: 1VIrs,' i\Iary A, Elston, against the divided assessment of her lands and buildings, 1VIr. F. Y. Gladrrran ap- pearing on 'behalf of Mrs, Elston. FE' The assessment ,was sustained on motion of. Penhale and Snell. ® Carried. - Imperial Oil Co., against the as- IVANNIN Sessrnent as made on tanks, claim- ing laiming that though there were three tanks opthe grounds, one was a new tank to replace the old one which is. defective. The assessment was reduced $800.00 and the busi MOSSO Hess assessment Swill; be fixed accord-. ingly, or a total reduction. of $1050. Motion by Elston, seconded by Snell. - Carried., H. J. Nuke, lands: have been sold to Thos. Laing. The assessment was - changed and placed in the name of Thos. Laing on motion of Penhale, seconded by Davis. Carried. No_ further appeals or business be- - fore the` court the same was closed on motion of Snell and Davis. -' Jos. Senior, B. W. F. Beavers Clerk , Chairman The Council met after the Court of Revision. Members all present. The Minutes of the meeting held May 9th were readand approved. Messrs. Pilon: and Foote ask for the privilege tet -place a new 600- gallon gasoline tank udder ground. . at the . Huron garage, replacing ani old one which is being removed. Re quest granted, work to be done un- der supervision of Road Commis- sioner Bissett ,on motion of • Davis and Elston. Carried. ,The municipal team . will again collect ali .old `tills and other refuse intended for the 'dump ground, on, Monday ,anti. Tuesday next, June 6th and 7th. Monday, the team will colt lett on all streets„, , east of Main street; Tuesday, on all streets""l vest of Main street, beginning at the south end of the village. Kindly have all refuse collected and placed in boxes or bags and placed in front of your homes and upon the street. A,small fee will be collected to pay costs of labor. By order. Complaints have been made to members of the council re citizens tieing cows to fence posts and stakes along the streets and allowing them to roam over the.sidewalks to the annoyance and safety of the public. Citizens' are hereby asked to discon- tinue this practise, or summons Will -be issued as it is against the village by-laws. The Clerk was instructed' to .bave a by-law prepared, Prohibiting the sale of :,Firecrackers or ,Fireworks • f -uv and Till descriptions, or the use or ds, c•1, -n at the same any where within WINMNIN gamma PENN NINO MONO MOM moat room All By Using Paint That Endures t4, LOWE BROS. High Standard Ready -Mixed Paint LOWE BROS. High Standard Meliotone Paint In all colors in tins at 45c, 80c .and $1.50 • >vt CHI -NA MEL Varnish Stains .... CAMPBELLS' Varnish Stains . i . MURESCO Wall Finishes 40c per .40c per tin and up .. 70c per package ALABASTINE Wall Finishes . .. , ........ 650 per package tin and iIp 44- g. %.\ .. .$1..50 a gallon. •%i\ $1-.25 a gallon .I \/ ..a 7": \!�fI 4 We sell paint' for a1l`purposes. LOW PRICED MOTOR OIL. r' \' GARGOIL. A high grade motor oil . E. A high grade motor oil POLARIN g ....... ' . CASC ADE. A high grade motor oil .............. $1.00 a gallon Cup grease in 1, 5, 25 and 50 -pound tins, ft rs i store close5 Wednesday afternoon c'thing June, July aridd August. sHardWare 71.0'T WEATHER HARDWARE HAMMOCKS from ........... $4.25 up SCREEN DOORS from . $2:75 up SCREEN WINDOWS from , 35c up SCREEN WIRE. A.B. sizes. NEW PERFECTION STOVES. One, three and four burner. NEW :(PERFECTION OVENS. $6 & $9 HIGH' GRADE MOWERS $12.00, $12.50 Rs $14.75' P,LYIhIDING AND TINSMITHING. Estimates furnished, 27W17 PHONES 270 Vin\ °�-• �./ `,,',mut°:''3,�i!� k”! LTi �, ^'►l �.. �',.., ,.un:�,;�,.�'�a Mr. Andrew Hicks, ,M.P.P., will give an address at -the regular meet- ing of the Thames Road club on Monday evening, June 6th. POULTRY CULLING DEMONSTRATION. A: Poultry Culling Demonstration will be held by. the Ontario Dept:;,of Agriculture on Tuesday, June 7th at. 2 p.m. at. L. V. Iiogarth's_^farm, lot 13, co; '3, Stephen. Anyone interest. ed;in poultry, welcome. COMING That farcial play "The Young Country School Marm" will be given in the Exeter Opera House on Wed- nesday, June 15th by. the Chisel- hurst'Dramatic Club, tinder the aux pices of the' Stephen and Usbor•ne Junior Farmers' Association. Fur- ther notice next week. Mrs. Chas. Grafton, of London, is visiting at the home of Mr. Win., Leavitt. Mrs. Gus Ferguson, of Toronto, is visiting her -parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Sweet: The many friends of Mrs. James Snaith of the London Road, south, who has been so seriously ill with pneumonia, will be glad to know that she has taken a change for the better and her condition is improv- ing. Her children, Mrs. Aitken and Mrs: Richardson, of Toronto, and James of the States, have been at her bedside. BORl4 JOFINS—In Ilsbor•ne, on May- 23, 1921, to *Mr. and MTs. Ed. Johns, a daughter. DH6» 0M—In Exeter; on. Moddy, May 30, 1.921; Margaret Jane Green- way, relict of the late ,john Charles Tom, aged 84 years and 1 month. "EXETER J'UNIORS 1.11))0EAT CLINTON. Exeter ball fans were treated to their first game of ball on t e local diamond 'this season when Exeter and Clinton met for the first. time in the North Wellington junior series. A spectacular finish. won the game e for the locals, the visitors ors leading until the winning run cros— sed the plate in the ninth. The score was 6 to 5, The Exeter battery is one that the fans are deservedly. proud of. "Cap," :Harness in the box had the visitors guessing all the time but his support.in the field was at tunes heart -rendering. He had seventeen strike outs - to lus credit. In the first innings Bawdeu for Clinton, the first man to bat,' struck out. The : next man walked,: the third man got a hit and the next ina:n walked. With three bases full Hovey of Clinton made a hit and let in the 1st run. The next: plyer struck out, and the third man was put out at home. In the first innings for. Exeter they succeeded in getting two men on bases wlien Lawson flied out. Clinton scored in the second on an -`error. Three men struck out. Statham for Exeter made a two -base hit but' was put out steal- ing third. Clinton scored in the third and added two more in the`'Sth: The visitors found stealing bases fairly easy and in. the first half of the game the fielding of the infield was poor. The locals, however, be- gan to warm up in the sixth. In this inning Lawson was caught' napping after making third. In the seventh innings Exeter added three runs. In this innings Balkwili made a pretty hit that landed on the fence. In the last four innings for Clinton only 14 Hien faced the pitcher. In the 9th innings for the locals with two men gone. Thompson hit a two -bagger and was let home by Piriconrbe tieing the score. Lawson also made a two- base hit and Pincombe• scored the whining run. The line-up: Clinton—Hawden, Anderson, Mc- Taggart, Hovey, :Hovey, Munn, El- liott, Norris, Livermore. Exeter Polland, Balkwill, Thompson. Pine5mbe. Lawson, IIar- ness, Statham, Medd, Rivers. the. Lrriits of the Corporation. The Fre. Chief was ,instructed ,to procure, 150 feet of new, fire hoses Car the. department. Per Elston and Davis—That a :;ra:n.t. SOFT BALL AND TENNIS LEAGUE be made to the Band .af $300 f.:or the year. The Band to pro -vide 16 open A lawn tennis and a soft ball DED IN MICHIGAN. lVtO 1GAN-- 'I.T' , } � �, �1t5 S'q le i?J. TIA.u. Amid a profusion of flowers and i'erns, a pretty Jude wedding tool place on Wednesday at `Too a - wY1de , the home of 111r. and 11Irs, J. T. Allison,- ' of Usborne,, when their daughter, Jean Eleanor, was united„ in marriage to Mr, Archie W. Morgan; only son of noir. and IVfrs.. J. Io' T, iV �, an. Thee • g ceremony was• � •- er el yl fanned at three p,in. by Rev. G. M. Ckridley, pastor of the Thames Road. Presbyterian Church, in the = pies nce of the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. The bride, who was given away by her father, joined the groom in front of an ar- bor of ferns, " flowers' anti ribbons. She was dressed in Alice' blue tat tette, with an overdress of embroid- ered georgette. She carried a bou- 2luet.of bridal roses. Both bride and groom' were unattended. Miss Myra•, 'Morgan, sister of the groom, played the wedding. march. Following the ceremony a buffet luncheon Was served: The bride was the recipient of many beautiful veclding'pr•esents. The groom's gift to the bride was a string .of pearls; to the pianist he gave a green cameo and pearl ring with .Viarquessee setti.zg Mrs. M.or au left the, s t, - tavel Aiir; for Muskoka where tleey Lvill spelrC2 a short honeymoon. The bride" e.1 led in a navyblue tricotxnt ext t with lint to inateh. On their, re- turn they will reside on the ;;room's • farm: Froththe bride and groom are• popular in the coi?imunity, tlee u for- { er being a talented 5 oloz, azid � 'i : A the lx, lett)ad member of t c 1 x_xcs '2>ad holt. They will have the bast tivisires of a host of friends with who -u The Times joins, for a happy and pros- perous wedded lifer Mr, Melville F. Giadrnan has :heeu,, successful in passing his, second- Year exarns.•in the 41,rts course at' the ,Western University, taping, honors. 'Me. and Mrs. John llunkin and. Mr, and Mrs. Sylvanus Cant 'and family spent. Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Will Horney of ICippen. The engagement is announced of Edith Marion, danghtex• .oi` Mr. and Mrs. C. Hodgins, of London to Mr. J. Harold Dupla; of London, son of Mr.. and (late) Mrs. C. II. Duplan formerly of Centralia, the marriage• to take place in June. The Second Annual Celebration Mr. and Mrs: Michael Fletcher re- turned last Friday after attending the funeral of the, .litter's sister, Mrs. John Lews, of Crosswell, Mich. The funeral was held on May 24th. The maiden name of the deceased was Elizabeth Capin', for a number of years a resident of Usborne. She is survived. by four sons_ and one daughter: Her husband predeceased her. Four brothers and two sisters, also survive: Charles and Richard Canrm, of Usborne; Albert Camm, of town, and Thomas of Michigan; Mrs. M. Fletcher, of the London Road, south, and Mrs. Win, Gray, of &VIicb. This is the second sister to pass away within the past 'month. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Camra, Mr. Richard. Camra and Mr. Hy: Isaac also attend- ed the funeral. a`.. concerts`.—Carrrre•d. Time following accounts were read and passed :-_ os.s-Taylor Co., sup- ri1'es, $25.70; L. Day, labor, flowers and supnl':es, 522.50; P, Hern, 'trees, 55(3.25 C. Ford, lobar cemetery, $3990 5. Kydd, do., S31..50 ; ' Barrett Co. Tar-, via,` $47.38; W. re. election 1920 $3.25; Exeter Canning Co., team work $3.25; C. B,ec.hier, do., $45.50; Ezra Willer't, da., $21.75; R. Quance.l "iber; . 12 ; f. Pnrs.ans, ' do., 5.1.3,50; 1 4a_•ry, da., $14; F. Mallett; da.,; W. 1•V%esicott, da:, $550; W. ,Creech, dn.., $3.75; R. E. Davis, team ancllabor, '53.25 , A. Moir, do,, $29.25; S. `Cann, drawing tile, 52.50; Ontand Flax Co., tern ,and labor, $2.9.25; J. Walper, cla., $t> 1. Sanders, labor, F3'; 5. Weekes, ars drawing .tire ,hose *2.00; H. Bier - leg er- 1:ng team labor 2 months, $200; Seldom soft coal, 1920, $58.40, Passed on motion of Elston and Davis. Jas. Senior, Clerk. AGED LADY PIES. Mrs. John Charles Tom passed away at her home in Exeter on Mon- day at the age of 84 years and one month. :Deceased had not been well for some time. Mrs. Yeo, of town, is a daughter. A full account of her life will be given next week. The funeral, private, will be held, Fri- day afternoon. This weep we are laying aside the cares of business for a couple of weeks and for the pen we are sub- tituting a camera and a pair of field glasses and are linking for the Pacific coast through the Rockies, Next weep the "staff" will furnish The Tithes' readers with the news and the follzwing week (June 180) been a r - prevailed Rev. M. J. Wilson. hhas1. 1 i yriled upon, to occupy .fhte sanctum -s anctor- unr and net as editor et al. If. Mr, Wilson can write as well as he can preach our readers may wish the editor to prolong his vacation. league have been formed by several of the neighboring municipalities and the following •,schedules have been drawn up. LAWN TENNIS. - In lawn' tennis there are four 'Vil- lages represented and twelve games will be played. Three sets comprise a game and the total number of sets declare the winners. There will be six players in each game. Each town will look after their own finances. The visiting team will furnish a referee. June 24th—Zurich at Centralia. Crediton at Exeter. July 7th.—Exeter at Zurich. Centralia at Crediton. July 14th.—Crediton at Zurich. Centralia at Exeter. July 21st.—Centralia at Zurich. Exeter at Crediton. July 27th—Zurich at Exeter. July 29th—Creditoli at Centralia' August 5th.—Zurich at Creciiton. Exeter at Centralia. SOF.' .BALL LEAGUE SCHEDULE June 6.—.Exieter at Zurich Centralia at Crediton June: 13. --Zurich at D.oshw\ c:,od Credionv K•yt 1✓xcter. June 2,0.—Exeter at Dashwoocl Centralia at Zurich fuse 2i:—Crediton at Zurich Dashwood rat Centralia June 38, Dasliwoocl at Crediton fitly 1 --Exeter at Centralia, 1(1,30a.m, July 4,—Crediton at. Centralia. Zurich at Exeter July 11—nashtvoo.d at Zurich Exeter ot. Crediton, July .18 D'ts].a,ivoad tit 'Exeter � Zurich a•i Ct.ntt .Iliia July 25, Ctirlii encritili 1t Da hood Aug. 3.—Ce!iatrallat at Exeter - Credit n, Kn. Dashwood i Fiv: teams 20',ganes. i ,une 3rd UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE 0,• A. A. A. IORNING, 9 O'CLOCK Grand Parade, led by the Band, Galithumpians, .Autos, Tradesmen's Floats, School Children. Winners will receive Iiberal :prizes. 10:30 A. M. - Exhibition Baseball Game.—Creditou'vs. Zurich League 'Teams. Ad- mission 25e and 10e. AFTERNOON, 1:30;^O'CLOCK.-- Field 'CLOCIi—Field Sports, consisting Of Races, Jumping, Putting Shot, Tug oi'. War, etc. Liberal prizes. 3 : 3 0 P. M. League Baseball Garvie.—Crediton vs. Zurich_ A Battle of the Giants. Admission 25c and 10c. EVENING, S O'CLOCK.— Grand Concert in Town Hall. Program will consist of Choruses, Readings, Dialogues, Drills, etc., by local talent. Orchestra in attend- ance. Plan of hall at Dr. Orme's Drug Store. Admission 50c and 25c. REFRESHMENT BOOTHE ON THE GROUNDS PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED TO THE BEST DECORATED PLACEf OP BUSINESS OR PRIVATE DWELLINGS EVERYB0D n COME FOR THE- EVENT OF THE SEASON GOD SAVE THE KING 0 EATRE FIHDAY AND SATURDAY, JUNE :3rd and 4tl1, 1921 11 RY MILES 1IENTTER "Ann of Green Gables CHARLIE CHAPLIN —In - ".e FloorWalker" Usual admission 27c & 37e. 9 7�y a 4 i �.4 IIIIlIIIlII III{I!!!IIl1!!IlIIlIII!!!l,IIIIIIIIIIIII!_ �.�IIIIIILI1illlIll�I�III�IIIIIII�III I e� Oen raMmilf mormes Maga 0111111.1 MOMS A Superior Flour ao At a Fair Price . Do Yon. Know That Exeter Is Noted Throughout Five 'Counties for the Splendid Flour lltinufactnred Here. Our Flour at fairly priced. Its value is based on cost plusa manu- facturing profit. It ni far to you and fair to us, We 'could, eharge more but we couldn't make ottr Flour, bet- ter. You ca•n pay more, but you can- not buy better o1• get better service. You owe it to yourself as well as Lo �,hioni us to use. Eac,tei Our Peed Flour is ittst what you need to finish those lean hogs. larvey. R . 4 , s IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII L IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I IIII II II I I IIIIIIIII IIII1111 III � �IIIIIII II MINIM moor