HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-5-19, Page 3-8011710N OF IR 4 ROB tu T, ADA :PLA�S HAVY. RE The Eeetions to be Hei May 24 Will Ccmsolidate Sir James Craig's PositiOn. as Leader of Ulster—Five Women Canaidates for Southern Parliainent and Two fOT tile Northern. A despatch from Dublin says:-- the North will be -oil May 24, when. •I‘The end of the Irish question is in Sii• Janies Craig's position as Leader of ['fete'. will be censelitiated. When. This stateMent wa's made to the correspondent on Thursday' •afternoon by Sir "Hamar Greenwood, Chief Sec- reta.ry for Ireland, in an interview. "Ireland under the Horne Role • Act which' is now a lay,t can get all she wants," he continued. "The Whale policy of the British Government ,and my administration in Ireland is to hand over the govern- ment of Ireland to the Irish, and 'after the election -which is now inipendlig the right and iower to ,govern Ire- land ivill-betransferred to the South'- , ern and Northern Parlhantentsr • "The -accepted Leader of the 'South- , ern Parliaments Eat -norm De 'Valera. The Northern Paiiiament after May 24 ewill have as its accepted Leader Sir James Craig. Beni these leaiden clan pledlg•e andbincl the whole of Ire- land. They liaVe alrea,dy 'met and,,ITI -- DarPsoti, '.-14.1xtens,ivo `gold Branci of the 'provincial department • dre•dp'ing itd bY,ti,ratlile 'ope'rettions are a t? griculture. '111-1•^13- i3 pEtr.t. of the beimt, crol.py,,,,d, p.nd., estiinat„,ett 'that ottay,a, ont."—Tlie number el' Cliti, has thc're,been. enforced sue10. -tritIP'elit elas'3 b°°'Itin'gs to Ci:Inadal though :hill!: ' Not within the i at twenty-five years comPanies have accepted no thi'rd- . now 1,1ti'll''.1" wil„1," in. this vicinity, ft is ea.arpoign to etisure a 1,00e seed erop A death -front I don. .,ay ,:— June, for 'which inolith the the gold Yie'ld c'.' lan'i K,,Iondye tti,s ),car vAitvis, a'esid,ent in the United, states , ., . . . . ,. -°' „., ''' r n?outh had seen, a large expdtls, alld test:a:non af emig,iation tioro the „-t h , ; h ,, , Iter IChildrei lied 11. reportea that hri."..tirek, of men are of certified di,sease-rree Potatoes, will aP•PrOfinVilte 4;;,:?.,,V00,000. Aetnai clorIng. Che last, "tee, yCar3 1m,„{ (ic, , ,,,, , t•C. (.,,-n extiocted that ilnirliV,rntion (us( 1,--,i, tigas nhe fiimpbt„, ,o mining ,wili start within a col -11)1e of creased by 87,501, com-Pared with an LTIll'tpd kingdolll to Calladla as is row from Britain to Canada would reach Tb; ,. , ,„, . , .,..,.. . , , weeks. increase ef 27,000 in the pt.eviene de- being carried out by the Canadian record figures this year. . 1' 11. , - in the lie'd thai rap'clly goes to the • Victoria, B.C.---A, new ellal field has' (nide, according, to statlstics Just given inimigu-atIon 'offiele.'ls here, InsIrtic- . In view of, the, Dominlon's policy, ehe ' mi."; o( it ,..1c, i 'tt, 1 t a been loeated at Fiords Island,' oil the out by the United States Census 'Ear. ion 'have been issued this avnek to as inclicated, it is extremely 01oubtfull ' . ' ? l--. s 1 'Unit Is (111'lla lt 7111 be liosili e ol le west coast of Yarcouyer Island, 1t is (,,,,,ti „„ht terca, i ‘ t, , '. 'inunigrAtion agents throughout Gredt hev.- Hon. Mr. Meigheii will at the, sharl)- l'illi gradual:1Y ftc'''"-ses in se'verlt1Y twO iriSlii leaders ,to arl:i1TC at ‘1..1.1 the announcerd intention , r i.Jhe dos _ ;o'er' ei. carirdia'nsin ti,„e sttos ,v,"s firit,ain that applications from arti.. June conference yiew the propos-al on and °cent's in F3O'dden- $1) -`t -sin$• n'greftillent, which w1111 lie endorsed hY Ceverers, J. 114cDonatd, and associated, 1,117,1,36, French-Canadians number sans •and wericinen desiring to go to its agcnda for joint British and .Do- Often vomiting follows a severe the British, bringing peace toeireland. victoria, to 'tie'relop this new fiel,l. 307,681 and show a Toz,„s of 77:40,) in i Canada mut be definitely' rej'ected; minion loans to assist immigration of cote/Wog aral sometimes there 101 Conditions in Ireland. have been better Kelm/v:1'1a Bxj.„,_,Fruit trees here aro •the ten ye,ars ivhilo cana-dians' oe - that these from,- inexperienced men ether ilian that 'of ex -sec -rice Men- bleed:* ' the- Vast few daYs and it is honed in1exeelient' eemciel,iece 1,,,,,,,,i,e,o,us hpi.ig. 'other eidg.in no'rn'oer $0050- and shm,',,, wishing ta g0 Oa the• land, arid tlio:nt Canada has so far consistently refus101 m.. or ,bbrici never neglect the that a truce will soon be errectea, The ' frcrn enlerierrced mal.rleci aeuiculturai to pav new citizetil'i to come to her - ' ' s hr 1' . 1 i . • • that rhe the aop be 1,--ivicir than that a lass of 10,090. - • treat:in.- t w coug or it is situation in Bubliri, was so much. irn- 1st' • t b ' Other' Doininions have not been so,rin- serkais 1,3,0st, peo)le r°v°(1 T'llur15-tlY that the eliTC'eliv aPiP1,0 "I'l'arvest in the district beino. 1 957 settiere Were p--11,1,,e"d.'eil Ontario SPring at 1922, and that the Only cla Ss eolunromis1hig in the past, New Zee,- think, as it may be followed by some of: 1019 and iiresent estimates of the, Toronto Oat --In the 1, -ear 19'20 `°1el's mus' e Pe$tPcned nntil the en Wa,5 extended from 10 p.ra. to 10.40 (J00 000'box,,,,,„ over (me hdtvired ac,rei's f'arrn„,. by tile provh,,,Ha' Departr;tent whose entry will be considered he land, however, which a few monthe , grove 1.0.n,„trotlble, auelt, its brpilcliitlit, . • t • pueuinonia or consumptsince the experienced unlearned iarrn worker's ago annoiraced that it woo assiS' in, • . suflerers power. of resis,ance are often p,m..„this of Agriculture. Alieady this year do„iring to go. to ontario, 111anitoba the 'payment of proe,pective. settlers', greatly. ‘vouiconed by the vielent and widow of one of the signatores of the inimigrants of any kind. The effect On trie firSt sign of a "whoop", Dr. Republican praelams.tion •during Eas- Woiid's Nervay_ Pixie Syrup should be . . ter wecle, 1916, and Mrs. P ears e, ninther of Patrielc retiree, who corn - passages; so as to meet the comic 7 ti:on. of, -the Shorter voyage to Caretla, has now, withdraWn its offer, and- is permitting nO larruflgraidell eZ 'PAY mental policy Will be per.ceptible an sort. the Southern P•arliament and, tWO or (du a limited number 'of errseal. 'exhausting cough. of this rigid enforcenient of depart- . administered :is' it helps to clear the FiVe. -Women will be' rierainizte'cl 1 or for the NOrtliena Parliament, Mrs. ClJarke, Quebec.,` , British Cliumbia, 'wishes .ito year. , ' , i more tli'an 1,500 have been settled.. It Calgary,' Alta..-.-WhiAe di,go"-in.g for- iS estbnated that in 1920 Brith,h in:- witer en. his farm 4, shOrt'ClIstance 'Migrants' to the Prevince brought a frorn. liere, 'Win, Ifirahree shopped werlc ' total of half a: million dollars of capi- for a niontent to light hiS Pipe, and tal .with them, ,„ • in stooping down'to,d6 'Sji) fgnited. gas Chatham), On b.—A'Site of about two shot eeveral feet",in ate ail. and was 'iffeaver Garage Manufacturing Co., of only pat ,ont. by 'the. use of s.o'cls 'and Cleveland, on \villa': 'they propose to Tht Lead_Lng r,itatkets.. firsts, $10.50. Rolled oats, 90-n. bag-, ND, Z„: per tort, ear lets, '$23 to '$24. $8. '13ra'n ;$29.25. Shorts, $31.2,5, Hay, Coming froni tire -well, The 'flame acres has been 'purchased 1:y the Was made •at a depth of 130 feet, and garage equtpment, Toronto. l Cheese,- finest -ea.sternsi 22 to 23c. different remedies, but none of thorn earth. • 1 This strike of natural gas erect a plant for the manufacture of is E;aid to be a.wet gas, indicating 'the • S'alult Ste, . Marie,. Ont.—While bor. seemed to lie1p, At last I got 104, 1.)ottlo imw..talten. out a lease for the pet- 6o0 feet, the, oc, Fells Brewing oo, 3$11:1\11:17410a:,virniti:11°.En:Iov$ahl.:—a8--1/1:N;0..:.°.:11.1,0wN.4,(1,Te24tr1157:;ariet';', •••13::"1:1111riit11;;I:::::51';(111;.,b2c:tieos;;37.0cSie'le,:nli:erY1: 30 to o '3');lee'al' it helPcd- th-cal- I shall. alwalY0 rec°m- . ) probability of oil. 11/fr. Embree 'has ing for artesian water at a depth of $1.8414; :No. 2 Northern, $1.8214 r -No. Eggs' fr'll'' 37e. Pc.tatiles' Pe:r bat -1' cifWpasrl-2,1•1\l'lera°t°1-Ya.:0,NrPoliad-Ytorsinegl1S°3wmcl*11-1)'1(1113'fl being m'athe s'l) 'aice to the aitY, is per.. Further development work will be No, 3 CW, 4-3,y2e; ,extra lit,. 1 isect; mecd Your wonderful remedy to others." - Dr. --Wood's Norway Pine SYreP 'ill releinn and 'gas right, and the strike, struck •rieh • indications of native Cep. 'likely to be •vratchd closely. !undertaken .lto ,ascertain the extent of .11-ya.c; ,,ro,3....,feeti, 293,62,c;;Noc 2 fee.d, Silesian' Bid Faith. Co.inro•se Alin —T success of this cll'scevery. . There is the ma.king of fir@t-class ahnlitucireitilleCrs(;., PLutmittped,onITYorbotoT,hcOaTi**,, 35e. and 60c. a bottle at all druggists pioneer bree,ders in 0Anada Of karakul . Quebec, - Queeeiyhe Goventinent ,.._relit,o0ba.:barley--No. 3.•CW, 7744o; trouble in the Silesian situation, --•—• ----- sheep has.xesulted in a ,g'r eat P'c'Pular- : steamer ' "Aretic," 'which veill. 1,eave 'L\1 feea, 58%e. 71%,c; rejected, 59%o; prattically every na.tion having allY- ., .., ,,,,,,,,, ?ULP 1771 1-1.1,TNAMT:71MTIC' it y fey the valuable animal, and. the -here in juty for the markenzie River, „ ..,,, , , . , „., ' thing to do with th. matter is being 1 b,uuu,rur riuloi...wa,u,---) _alb above on store, Fort- William. , , -• - - ' industry is 'aP.kleatling. over:the Do- has been 'fitted rip with rigging and -Ontario wheat—F.o.b. sihipping• "`..11,rged 11'n'th 'LlglY treapber'Y aml bid ON STRI-U.' minlon. T- --K'n'ustud' of this Owl -1i is\ sallq: ,''Tlie ."Areti•E!"- -will be propelled Polnts, accorcli-ng to freights outs..itle taith. lbal-7 seems to be the one ex - secured a. fotmclation stock of twenty her „s„tatiert in ;the maekensie River as , , . , the 'latest i-l0altion to tile Est: intving, by 'steam arid ..iails, antl will 1, head from Dr, P'atrick'S Cal1;arY ,a patrol iie.ssel in connection with the wheat, 'nominal. .. put them in Silesia, They -fought the Difw'n. by Mure I hIrl , aka up No. 2 spring, $1.45 to $1,50; 1`:,re -' .t 1. rr t '1 60. N 2 r,..0; s,e the orders of the Entente Council that' ".""-r11"---*"" - ------------- — - -- . ception.' The Italian forces followed, N,„,,,,,,,..,1,71,,,,,c prnA17,1,,,,„..4.1nn ,,-; Cut Regina', Sask.-11 is reported that st, i,ohrb N.B..._st, John as a p os.. '.i7(). 2 Ye(11°1'; 0-1-1- ba Y PortsJ 71c, nc`m- Ge` rillinnY 'clnirges that Fraroce ''''''''r-ld England knew all about the Polish A de'''''''tch 1110n NeT''' Yerl: 't'-iY. 60 Per Cent. 1 Americ-an corn--Prempt •shipment, inva,sion and they fought to hurt. ranch, oil disnoveries there, . 000 Plant at their 'volics here to utilize engaging the 'attention of oil commit- a4c nacirol°rdin, to fi.e.iglitysill,ouets'ide. n Information ' received here shy union the InVeriaI 00 co. 01111 erect 'a $350,- sible .centre for fuel oil distribution is inakt .. oats—No 3 yt ' 412 t escao.in.- (vas in the inanu,f, act -um of , ies, .•and, in ,a.cliclition o the sinveys .,..arley—lgIting,, 65 to 70e, a,ccord- t tl . - -d plans and dill nothing. It 15 pR.F.7.5ing str.ange that Warsaw should kn,Low no- ,.,00 _arer mill, ‘,..v.orkors in til_ ,e,„....., officials indicated that mere ,than 9, - gasoline> lyPhieli W'ere niadel.by two corporations, ing (3' froig'ilts outside. thing about the. 'tamable Ior two &v..' s ustateg., -and oanada iveTt on „x,,ke on 3 '-''''''''''''-'• Moose Jaw Sask.—There is an in , with the view 'oo establishing stations Ontario flour—Winter, igrompt ship- 11 after the Poles hacl'thken " - ' - creased demand for eizperienced farm here, one o'n 'ohe 1:Test side and tne ine,nt, straight run bulk, seaboard, 97. bout all the terntory they could. hope of ,,-1;07ur 15 60-0 0,:--L1,,,..., ,,,.-1.0 have ed' aeiny moraine. i1 1)1' a toIal laborers in Southern. Saskatchewan. other in the 'South End, a third :nom- Peas—No. 2, $1.30 to $1.35. I to hold. 1..eie al- 1 ' i ' 1. th-t - 4' ) ' ' - .Manit:ohn, flour—Tracle, Toronto.' the French aTe not averse to Swift Current reports about 85 0e-1 pally has entered the field, seethtt gone .out EIrtee, 2,.i.ay 1 as the iesai t e,. quire& in that loca-lity, whilst several Halifax, N.S.—The , "Bluenose," F$1i0rs.'t Patents' $10.50; s'eatni'd, P'atent's, the Poles hold. all of Silesia they want-. wage' reduci.icns' el 30 Per cent- • Pf°- probable 'Canadian contender for the Buckwheat—No. 21; '10116* to 91 '10 ... ,. .„,,, . , liT'itlielels),arc. ,a7d Tee Peace ,Tof r the s;lat,ucivt,,titaio012., r°:ec_cl,,, b:",,, ,t,,,11,,n,,,In'ill'ac::::ct:re.:37-ed:e:::, 'and other points. The average wage intei,imtiehal „fs,hing, sehrcner tro,phy, nominal, ., 1, ea,e1., ceidare inat the seven mills hundred could, be placed: at Moo'se Jaw beim°. offet-ed 1)y farmers is $60 and has left for the banks„ an.d until the N0-. 2 1;11.36 to $.1.41I. for a. plebiscite to determine whether' .„‘"..4..,,,,l'u..oe 4, 6L0'0'...:oni 02 nc:,:s1:11nt pnv.o.rt, bc'avd. In the Province of Sa-shat- race takes place an the fall will el:gag miufs,ed__catri,„ts, deli,,,,ered, 120... i Silesia should be German or Peltsh, -1'"-`:" ' .1 ,0 . t f-tia chawan during the past; week therel in fesifin,re and justify her existezice, rpeeril't°tcf,iii:131'2119t;s" sble°0211".e,,inplirlxie1tclo1.11,Bsrde!..111:,11pTlie7etybaoilfuticill-tagrge.'ws'aos'f dtrIlilc.,,1;:sr13,,,171ardn.;':biatatli! tdselaltfl'°11,:.1.o'i°:fl'irttP,Ifalot):::,Nto eb17Psr:lier151tceonll'.11.cal.11:1 i: were, 1 156 farm vacancies registered, I not ;s a 'raCine. 'but in. wresting aim ,ef. 1,092 farrn hands who- aPPlied'i its resources from the ocean. ,.., craft, v‘rhite middlings $38; feed flour, $2.15. farfh. on oth acier It -cc s a so Chees,e--New„ large, 24 to 2'5c; ini.xe,d vibetor; lie.; the Gaerin'ansert'211., ...., A ,(116,!P.0a.,tell from Montreal 1191-iIti':— , „ , . „ SYclney N.S.=-'To hel'p its employ- twins, 2i. to 25'h,c; trip,ots., ,..,01-/e. to I stall total af vcyte,s favois.ing, Germany; .11,01-p=a1,, ob' of the Abitibi Pu...ip & i :Paper Mills at Iroquois Falls went en for work 1,049 were, placed,. bronchial ltdbes' of. the collected inucone and pith:ern. nianded, the. Dulolhi Repubileans -on 'Mrs:Burton Leopold, New Ross, N.S., Cectrntesle Georgina Markievicz for v,w1r.ijot(o'sprng'\c/lo3'ilgthhr:oe betidild11;(2 Wtertihie that occasion, 'Will stand with ,the DUhilla seats, tiv opinion, it -is their duty to in,eet S'winey. 'anclo Mrs, Rate 0 Oallaghan, again, and -I hope they will. ley have the powei., and 1 am sure the desire, to bring ,peace to J.:heir own country. If they want the Imperial Government to help in way, that Government will gladly help." The elections in Southern Ireland •were completed. oil Friday, when 125 widevz of the Mayor of Limeriek,twill reM, respectively, in Cork, and Lanier - In Ulster Mrs. Chichester, whose husband', cormitanded liattalion of the Uleter Division in. the war, will be a candidate for Londonderry, and Alderman -Mrs. 1VIcIVIordie, widow of Sinn Fein members were returned un-, a former Lord Mayor of Belfast, will contested. Tile contested elections in retake a, contest for a I3elfast••seit, , EXCHANGE RATES An 1.. MORE FAVORABLE ' Gt..,,rmany's Acceptance of the Allied Ultimatum Has a Beneficial Effect: A despatch frcm New Yerit. says:— International reency marlcets, re- presented by foreign exchange, Were further stimulated on Thursday by Germany's aCceptance of the allie.d reparations -ultimatum. Demand sterling, 01 bills on London„ rose to $4, the highest level reac.heci 1 by that remittance since April, 1920,1 When they made an extreme rise to ' French and Belgian francs at 81/2 cent showed. an overnight gain of about 20 points, and were at inaximura lee -els for ani period ,since the armis- , ar. James Cotton Whose new ether diSeor - 't ' 1 .e13,, 1 has -The Italian lire rose 18. points, guil- been reported, makes any man or w-o- del's, ex Dutch exchange, •gained. 8 man tell the truth. (it will uot be sold paints, and marks or 'German bill- , s, - for household purposes). snld. at an overnight gain of one-tenth. of a cent, rising to..1.70. • ...:—.. _____. .Th,e greatest gain of .any of the •urger ity Sumer minor countries was made by Greece, — - Courses. the drachma scoring an overnight rise thought, they would choke, tried many of *75 P°4111ts 5'80' ' O•nie of the reo,st hopeful ••sig-nsin - the educational world is the irecreas- Moo -se Jaw, .,..B.ask.—The Iniperial i ees__ met the iiiIgh cost, oT li-ving clurine- 26e; old, l.arge, ,.,3 to 3--e, ,), wins, , ., , about „, Optical Co., whose head office is in the pre=ent-period of depression, tli'''e 331,(2. to •341/2c' triplets 8474 to 350' ' -Lry 'tl''° to °Ile' 'slt.h the ° ec' '11- 1`117 .` ' -"'"- ''' ' ` ' "- Toronto, has °Paned a braneh factory Dominion Coal Company in a circidar Nel" SL'ilt°°'., ° here where lensies of all descriptions 1 issued,' offer all employees who desire a survey conducted in the prairie which 'will be Plowed h,arrowecl an,d r N - - 1 'd "2 ''- "" - 1 ' are noir being manufacture,d. . to , make Winnipeg, "IVIan.-1--Aa1the result of . -, onyniner_the ft,te,n,,,,a os, ,c.onipa,ny land, to_43,1ga5cgr",...siacie.inielle,:ei\7:ngtioa2itOc,:t2o08,2a.2,:e...,.0c ..,, new g'avdens durin,, the eorl,Ling 28c; creamery prnits, fresh, No. 1, 33 , . .0 Butter-i--Presh ,dalry,. choice. 26 to >1t.c.,1..trying,,,niaff3.1 odi the agricultural cis- ., . ...., , _ .. . euiVElatrhe.".70N-tephr,auv11:14;:ei°jhjaria.1:deerIcPlr-lobt°tnii,s , ' • ' - . i tric,...s aria mtri,,,..g centr,e. . . wa.4,,,e. i. : . the Entente. The Peles, the losers in '` e.piratl'au cis flic old wage 'ugr,eernent- --ne 12--'13-'-kat° -\'''S lie'ld la 1 '1' Six ,hundi•ed -inen were er,....,aloyed at . .1 the mills ar.d all left work at the. mend tor a 10 per ce.,!... va.....ea,e. 'in ...... 1 stlike On v, enne....,o.,y tO enierce a ire 1 .t ,provirJees by the "Grain Trade. News," fertilize,c1- for thmn at the coninany's laid in cartons,-..-.35,to. 80c. - I the ballet, g ee'aet, a sa.,,,,,rise ma,,.e_f lheY 'are 11"--errlberz c'Z the 3:17-teina:ltun- .... . . . Ti -/1111111.::: lyoadtjTaagletis2cac.er, 7 to Sc; Galdfo,rnia • the Entente elainis th upper sfiezia. App,roxini.ately 7D0 Tn.en,easEretl, 7-orik. men, il.„ - ' ''' 2 al Unlon for Pulp and Paper MI -lain -se it is stated that the ,area of land pre- ex ense Beans— Can hail -picked- bus a , 0 ',at is a mixed invasion instil- ' , , „. pared far seeding this s,prh-lig• is ten 'St. John's por cent. greater than M 1920. With engaged in this spring's seal hunt have . , , „ Nflci'.—The iiine steamers $2.90 to $3; prime7s, $2.40i to $2.50; rectaon• mid riot. Such authority as A despatch: from Sudbury ,says: -- the lamely:1i ex.ee711ent contbriOn the fEllr :returned to pert with a total. catch of 1 We„siesday inornir:g at tale spano,a area, it is expected, will - be success- slightly less than 100,00,0 seals. The ..1aple pro,clucts-:-Syrup, per imp. has lieen flouted. Entente forces 'have T. mill of the Spanish Pulp & Pa:Oer CO., , • gale $2.50; per 5 imp. gals., $2.35; been driven out by the Poles, Arial:beet. in service ler summer 'cou'rses, that. fall'''. s'°w111-1 ll'IL,2111re°°1'd cf: the fleet secured bY Maple: sugar, lbs., 19 to 22e. . Korfanty, a s.ort of iizivi,,t,oatorvao: tit:lel - , ; .,,,, 1 I. s 11. SI. m . 1r eliclinw settlement of differences with will enable them to inprove their/ 1 -wino . 1 tie company. dipeg, Man. -Nine carloads or the "Thetis," 19,000;" ,the "Seal," 19,- Haney -60 -30 -lb, tine., 19 to 20e per 'Italian D'Annemzio, .,i, academic 'and •profeseionar tr,aining certified Irish Ccbliler potatoes have DOO; 'and the "Vikin'g," 17,000. A no lb.; 5-21/2-1b. tins, 21, to 22c per lb. e,h,arge for Poland d,,,,,ing the iiie,„b_ 2-5- aes'Pe-tcl- lerfl Sani' -e• arle, This denia.nd .seems to bebased on the been distribute ' among tv,,o thousand ticeable 1 ea ture of th,is year's hunt Ontario comb honey, at $7 per 15 -sec- • . lqcate is leading the inva,d.ers a -id ria' °flt" '''-''sT5'---TwentY-°1-1° hlinclrea and 1 1 - • - cr ' - , ing demand on the part of teaChers Not Appetizing. "Get Bobbie'!" called his mother from the bottom ot the stab's. "You know the early bird gets the worm." "Is that all you've got for _brealt-' fast?" replied Bobbie; sleepily, as lie turned over for another snooze. etc2====77,,,,.....L.M173.1.=%2W.E1.1:riire.12=2 stipatiarri eadaches. . When your liver gets 'sluggish and inactive your whole - health suffers Your bowels become constiatecl, head aches tongue coated, breath bad, speolci float 'before your eyes, you 01516 bilious, „ have heartburn, water )Drash, jaundice, - S5' ' I L' ' •• ill Use dburn s Jaxa-. iver P s to make the liver resume its proper. functions. by removing the bile that is circulating in the blood and poisoning the system, Mr. Le Roy Allen, Springfield,, N. S., writes:—"I desire to express my,thanks for the relief Milburn's Lexa,Liver Pills•have given me. I had been sufferin from constipation. for 1, lee y'-.`,.` ", , D.Paeel. A comp: ehenseve ca en La of remedies boa got no 'relief', ilil0.tmY .- - • - , , ,, , ,.. - , ,,-, .,,,, t r , t , • second box, I began 10 1000 some relic, so , volutionary -• ii - else -read bad headaches. I tried all sorts ha: s,, ,b ee.,t a. s ,,,ne[d , ,,,,iyin,a. full, p-arf.itt., ° P °Ill° ,e,,, a tie , Plro a-.1" continued to use tlicni accor'cline' to grandfather tol me ab`pht your . pills; ist'll-11--3 c'I bot1.1..,,c,f, these courses.' . ganda. Edw'atcl Snortt, 'Secretary f or etrection4 end now - 1'.. Ihried them and soon got relief, and. noic• 1, ' In' Otli'lling: 't .^il. ''' of Ontario --tli, proyi ,,ii 1 Jlorne Affair,s, special facilities . , ... • • ' . , , 1 ,ain, perfectly well. ' to 'I'le .int in tJhe House of Cominores.,,on 10f) pounds, now I' weigh •,117 and feel Thursday, in answer to a que•stron. * ' 6611Tyleilabristrchf'sagieft:a'rt-1'ancl. Nerve Plils are c%1111ret‘r1:91'11'3111LS'S 799'50' ' ''Plurel.'2" , — ... iita,c,::e this armounde- • ;Before using therpills,, I never weighed , Football in. various forms has 1locen 500. P. box at all dcaler,s, or mailed direct Montrcal. ple,yed for neaidy. 700 years in Eng_ on' ieceipt, of price by The T. Llimury, Cats—No. 2 ow, 57e; No. 3 CW, -00 five hundred Uaniteba fanners for was that of the 1,600' men engaged not. tion case. • Smoke,d meats—Hanes; med., 37 to ' ". I a reettit of the elo.sing ,down of the ers He openly 'defies the Entente fifty ineri are out of eirdoloymerit seed purPese§, by the .Extension one met with mishap of any nature, feeling that a new era is dawning 111 education and' tilia,t those who have ambition fcr advancentent must be -prepared to talee a.dv,anitage of the larger op,portunities that will- be Again, -progressive teachers must realize what a crime it is to waste the long :two monthe' vacation "just loafing"; they know that a head - thy parson does net r,equire eight Weeks of "rest"; sled theY are also; fully •a -ware that no successful -man or 'w&nilan in any walk of life can ,afford to cease to be o' sty.dent. Toproyide facilities- for teachers of this type the Univereity of 'Toronto cantina:as, for five weeks ,i JUly and Angust a milliner sessith in arts and pedagogy. The summer course in art of Money for Reds' provides a means of siectiring the B.A. degree will -mitt attendance .at riegular university sessions, while he -A.,le.,13Qtc-Ilrefe ss—The 211111111. Goo is .considering,the course in peagogy leads to...the pas 1possibility of ifitrodtting, legislation gratl,uate 'degree's, of B.Paed. and . .to .probibit,th,e 'receipt of ' .foreign money' in the United. Kingdom, intend- Speaker's Chair Gift of United Kingdom despatcfrom Ottawa says:---:, Friday, 1Vlay 20 has been fixed as the clay for presentation of the Speaker's chair, whick is the gift ef the United Kingdom branch of -the Empire -Par- liamentary Association. " Former Spealec.r Lowther of the British House will make the presentation. Britain to Stop Entry 39c; heavy, 31 to 32c; cooked, a506 ttoo .saYs that be is ready for a gmerrin,a iiir,e .„11.1.0 and paper mills of the 55c.,- rolls, 29 to 30c; cottage roll's, 30 lwyriairif_marZn'Tet.lanin•Isitn Entente troaPs and'. - . •,nt1' '^ * , -) I * to 31c; breakfast 'bacon, 38 to .4...c, army of occupation snparnen RiN el leer) & Paper Ca. in 1 g Does at special brand breakfast bacon, ... 'el 30,000 men. , Falls. In cone,ert -with all the paper the Sault, Erroanola and Steen it yakpitite? 4b8r:iciiellp,e,',1:',Ispi.l'oal„n4(..4.3°7•4•" in' 4:3 t° 44°' ii,r0S,bilae-i'iy1°- ils*ilia‘-`,Dhl::-' largely. Slay an" mills throughout Canada and the Germans "Thai' kavelprited State,, the mills here will "re - won by trickery, and the.y probably -. - • • The component parts ' of Milburn's b°C;381'cleint.,161'ala'sh----?lili'l'°°'31''1'8e.,16.t,atl-T,1137.°Cc°,.11, 4,17. eAd. But the'Urialiner ofwin:. a. c., .i,, , main closed until the settlement re- do away with palpitation and other Lard--eure tierces, io-.o ..e, be det,srin:.n,&i,6„.by the authority, that . 1 1 nl- 'linrn-il ..-irditio• wages is effected. A (..espeatcli fram Ottawa. says :. -- Heart and NErVe Pills are indicated to heart weaknesses `arid thus -strengthen tubs, 14 to 141/2c; pails, 141/2 to 14.3rc; authorized the hall othig and n'o't ' on e . The situation at th,c E. B. Eddy mills, both the heart, and nerves: prints, 151/2 to 16c. Shortening' tierces, 111/2 to 12c• tubs 12 to 121,4c. palls of the interested partie.s. A Polish . Mrs. F. X. Gauthier Tilbury Ont 121/2 -to 13e; prints, 14 to 141/2c. writes:—"During 25 years past I was Choice heavy steers, $9 "to $10; good ,greatly troubled withertalpitation of the heavy steers, $8 to $9; butchers' cat - heart, and sometimes so Muth so that tie, choice, $9 to $10; do, emu, $6 to those around me thought 1 would die $7; ,,doo.nett,,,,,$7,.to,,ss; p,utelje,r.sl lnifis., ot any moment., 1:cing so muoli weakened citc,i'd6;, l$9".tf),- $1.0 1 -gOod, ,$6 to 87" by the sharpness of Am palpitation et.0, opm.Btruc,has , .,_, , , , „ , W00011 would last sometiMes up. -to three oboioo,, $7,50 to $se75; dos, good, $6.50 not i-orano. snarl make the final ad- . where the employees have been On adventurer .sili cult? ' not be allowed to '1' stilee for a weelc,, remains unchanged. dictate what shall be clone. The Eddy employees walk -ed out when. On the face of the situation, Ger- the -management announced a t-wenty n-tany is right in claiming all this con- per cent; -reduction in Nvages, effective stitutes a violation of the Treaty. It May 2. About 850 :nen are affected. is on the point that the Entente and ..:*---- hotirs. I'had tho doctor- who kept nie to $7.50; do, com...; $.d. to $5; feeders, ,justment that the Entertto inuist assert taking his medicine to overcome the $7:'- to SO. do 900 lbs. $7.26 to itself. Order must be restored in disease, but to no effect.. Melt was $835; clo, 800 llis., $5,1'7,5 to ,$6.75; do, :Two years ago a friend advised me to cern no chang,e. at all for the better, use Milburn's Heart add Nerve • Pills. 1 began to use them at once, and at the $7,5 to 1$1.00; do, ;.0.111. and Med., $50 to $00; c mice springers, $8,5 to $110; larothe, ye'arlings, $10 to $11; do, spring, $13 to ,$14; dp, ne•W' crap, each, $10 to $15- calvs,, good to choice, $1,1 , Silesia, the `catintry put back where it was before the Folis.,11 mole, or the 'Entente nu s ail init that it cannot enforceits own orders, or that if does not core to do so in certain instances. Soviet,. Offers Amnesty to Wrangel's Soldiers A 408pin:tell from Riga says:—The Russian Soviet Government leas offer- ed amnesty to all •the officers ,and sol- diers of the 'arneY cif 'General Virangel, Betty's Derinition. former anti-B.2.1,sle-vilci leader in South to $13.50; sheep, $6 th $9.50; hogs, "What," asked 11,1iss Jones 01 one of Crimea-incAl. 1:11*uvlaang thelr 611r - Russia ho are now hiding in the fed an,c1 watered, $10.50; do, wolg.hed errible Snitirer Her Kidneys. When the kidneys get out of ordek the back is sure to beconio affected, and dull pains, sharp pates quick twinges all point to tho fact that the kidneys need. atteniti.on• Plasters and lonments may relieve for a short time, but to get rid of these psine you must get right at the seat ol tlic) troUblo. You can do this by using 1,)otiti's Kidoey Pills and thus obtain peril:al-lent relief. John Stephenson, 115 Stephen isri'ltel 1V—I(N.*".1 CCAM,IXas pr,ilso your Doan's 'Kidney Pilo. wau n, I eTFihla stitCerer from my kidneys, 111,1111 wve, seve ptts in my b acle 01111 aw11-.1.11- stlaclizs. I -1)c.,,:,e'to.e. very v,-calc, 1ttd"3110. felt, as if bbing very down. Cried one box of Tiotin's Kahle./ 111 lo my surprise I felt bellcr. coldd vk hard nod my back would -1,A pain Tic at oil. I can't praiso aro 50c. per box p11 1al1', (7 1111111'7d 015101, 1501 ,1 ,14 iu'a by The T. lobiiburu Go., lindiedi CO'L ,752 l'orou(o, 010, 1 wouid not bo 'without them, In my. honie," ' ' Milburn's haxa-Liver are small and easy to take, do not gripe, weaken or sicken like tho drastic purgatives do. Price 25c. a vial at all dealers or mailed 'direct on receipt of price by e T. Millmen Co.. Limited. Totoiito„ One, sity of Toronto. UniverstitY1. IS„. through these teacitera, benefiting the youth of the whale, PrOvince--merely :another. proof; if such,were needed; of the thoroughly democratic :character' of the , as if 1 were young although sun over 0 r-5.' do f 9 75- do, lier pupita, -clo We me. render tb'em -nos before May- 20.. an )y the word ' . Co., Limited, Toronto, Out.- .52o, Flour Man; Spring wheat pats... land. It's a Great Life If You Don't Weaken By Jack Betty 'responded promptly. "By the plural of. a word we mean , the same'thing only more. of V,.11-16\11500‘('. \iE '1/41(ou Gcg i'l\ca,750001/41e2.0A1? "OCAls. . R1.0P.C.Q0ViZr7- :6,005t5' adi,j2.111ING'S GOT OM\AOVNT.. .S5Et:\ls 0Jt4iVs 0'6-CP0%1 po-rotAuBvt:E. 11 rft;;) A 6RSPda UfSL,, liF 'WO tOki kAtikKO,iy , Ailesleorte neellef1