HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-5-19, Page 1QItTY'.,511 ON D YEAR--- N 11111.•- Exet 11141 tl 1111111111111111It litit111111111111111 11t1l111 1111 111111.... ,., r tllil11111N111 111111.... . . 1111111111111111!111111111.,..:..... . .l11 I 11111 111 11111111 440 Jones. & Mai Mcisaac, / representing Crediton Po- iVillage.—Carried. o- y'i a e.'----Cafried: live 1 r iF g —Sweitaer-- :that the court v Hayes 9x1. Abseil The o 'at rev t Coauici,llars Davie end .i,1sian t Previous council. nio+ \on thei T1 l a- gainst 'Revision to consider appea s the: Assessment Roll for the raved. The clerk was instructed fiv order year 12 1 be held'in the Town Hall, .' 1 Statute amendments cover Crediton, on Thursday, May 26, at a copy = S SA altualiff MONS o -^- ilig period from •1914 to 1920; 1s 2 p.m. olid that the proper notice of ' the r latter from 13, Garrett, i,vv-tn s succi court be advertised in the Ere-•, per and Geo; W vtttlsor W f' ,catlingtor^ Advocate. -Carried. • the Count! re ora ui on Carling Street, clailma; tta tie s rn e following orders were passed was, out; of order' with the result that Canadian,:Bxliress Co. express 'on =lithe cellars were being flooded. Cozen boxings 75e, J, E. Torn,: exp of arb- cies coinmitite0 'will investigate, filed won itrators re Exeter school award $3.' ✓ Complaints60 omin>on ii cit with, refer- , -- an C 'I` .. .._ .. 1 t I a NOWA G Front Lacing SET allarlaM MOWN scccoc .original front corsetsfor the simple se lacing• continue to feature thed satlsfactlon We togive unquestione and sufficient''reason that ther continue to our most exacting customers. 101.10 MIMEO MEMO WARM Gossard Corsets are still nomi- nally priced wit'r.'n the reach of `every woman and you may bug.= every Gossard with oar assur- ance that it will be worth every cent you pay for it—worth it to style, worth (t in comfort, and worth it in wearir,g.sereice. MOEN .11111114 AMMO crIONOS 0 0 Our "Corset Department is becoming sore' popular Can week. La As well as Gossards we also handle the celebrated Grace and D. & ABrands. Ask to. see our "Nuniode" Brassiere. . Final Clearing of Ladies & Misses Spring Suits &Coats Every Coat and! Suit must go regardless of price. We can offer you real bargains for the, next ten days. Men's & Boys' Straw Hats The summer straw hats are here for Men and Boys. Sailors, Pana- mas, etc., at wonderfully attractive prices. New Belts, Ties, Braces, Shirts, Garters, Pyjamas, Hats, Caps, _Clothing, etc., ready for summer selling. LADIES BL&USES---Shipment just arrived. Voiles seandeGeorgettes. Ask tasee our Georgette Blouses at $5.00. They are 1;m - PHONE' 32i d1es ti -a PHONE 32 m in ValloPMIck IMMO Irmlicact have been i D Road Machinery Co o• nce to-ers al the Ca n Ire ctutnpin grader repairs$ citizens 8 , 5 6; Chas. !wick: ones. to -the way ;er, purchase of atheletic field: $850 ^. refuse at the duniliuig ;gro unci. As • = these grounds have `' been recently Fr. Corcorhan, use of hall at Mount cleaned um' it is desiirecl that all rub- Carmel, SB a -c $2, 00; Thomas bash ,be conveyed of the rear .end of Webb, grading, $13.50 ; Jas. , I'ol- lhe field Instead of; thxatsame'lock, axle grease, 50e; R. Warner jus- anssde, the fence. The nxnnicipal Ware was instructed: to collect refuse and others, grading :' $x2,505 .00; Lean and others grading, $ ` IYink charging a small artecl that the Asses- Earl Webb, hauling tile, p4. 50; N. ez7 or had returned the ;assessment roll, . swas taxed for = ch all fee 1.he clerk The court returned HALF HOLI[D:.Y We .the u11dt,rbigttreCt Merchants of the Village of Exeter agree to close our respective places of business at 12 , 30 sharp EVER' Wednesday daring gth e months of June, July and August. I,3. W, F. Beavers. Jones & May W. • W. Taman J. A. Stewart Southcott Bros, R. N. Rowe W. J, Beer G. A. Hawkins S. Martin & Son M. E. Gardiner W. J. Tleaman Ed. Dignan D. Russell Grigg Stationery Co. N. Hockey • T. Elliott ee H. S. Walters J. Senior Jas. Lawson S. Fitton P. Frayne Vincent, dragging and hauling tile 13.00; C.` Regan, moving grader, 3.00. The: council adjourned to` meet a- gain in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Thursday, the 26th inst at 1 p.m. HENRY EILBER, Clerk MREMI rocOml uramink IMMO revision 30 at 7.30 p.m. d3 The 1 !low g accounts were read The lollottm and passed -S. Martin & Son, supplies 1.00; R, N.,Rowe; paper holders 1.50; Creo, Mantle, coal, library 49,40; Cecil Ford, labor, cemetery 28,50; J. Kydd labor, cemetery 13.50 truant Hunter,ras- s essor and preparing las r's book and postage yarr 140.50; J. ` y, bor 7.00; S. Cann; ,drawing tile 6,00; E. R., (Mance, *labor 10.50; C motionBecr, = Passed on =Ix eam labor 26.00. f Snell and Peirhale. pennies =1 Ad'jourarnent by. 1 Jos. Senior, Clerk. MOO .m .corn. Usborne: ,Council Usborne Council met on May 7th pursuant -to adiottnment. Ail the members were present with Reeve Wm. Coates in the chair. Minutes of meeting of April 2nd were read and` approved. By-law No 6=1921, Re. fixing E price per day to be charged for E Statute Labor returned undone andwas commution of Statute Labor, read and approved. By-laws No 7-1921, and No 8- 1921, Re, the appointment of a Township Road Superintendent and fixing a sum for maintai.nance and repair of Township Roads for 1921 were read, approved and sign) ed by the Reeve ,.land Clerk, copies of the same taina forwarded. to • the Deputy Minister of; Highways. The award of the Arbitrators re changing boundaries of S. S. No 9 Union S.S. as presented to Councilto by 3. Elgin Tom. Relating same, the fnlloWing motion was passed. "That the ' Council express its ,satisfaction at the settlement of the matter, that the copy be pres- erved for future reference, and that au order be issued for the payment of Usborne's share of the expenses $8.'H0." Hydro Electric Ry. Coni. filed together with that of the Soldier's Re-establishment Coin. John Ratcliffe interviewed. the THE LATE GEO. CUD:MORE. Mr. Geo. Cudmore died on May 15th aged 83 years, 8 months and 16 days. Mr. Cudmore several weeks ago had the misfortune to fall and fracture his thigh and owing to his advanced years he has gradually grown weaker:The deceased was born in Devonshire, England, and at the age of 80 came to Canada and settled in Exeter where he has since resided. He was united in marriage to Mary Jane Stanlake, who prede- ceased him in 1888. He is survived by two sons, Wilbur, of Gadsby, who visited in Exeter a short time ago; and Enos, of Sedro, Woolley, Wash., and one daughter, Mrs. Win. Fraser, with whom he has been liv- ing. One brother, Aaron, of Crystal City, Man., and two sitsers, Mrs. J. Johns, of town, and Mrs. Thomas Prior, also survive. The deceased was a member of James Street Meth- odist Church and in politics was a Conservative. Tlie funeral, private, was held Tuesday afternoon, inter- ment-:in tb'e Exeter' cemetery. araniaal SIMON crimaraml COMM ricommis camaiM ormwonit :r cimblan lit[[[It[I[IIiI[mitlttili{tilimililltl11111[tll111111111 mindtttitttlttt{III{iilttt{IIt111mill 1111111111t1x111l1[I[tllititllll{Itllll{[II 1 atu.r a pecia slEt ,./, 0, ,,,, ,4 WeareVer \ lur:hinurn ,., Ware iLUMTi i C'k I UM COVERED I E'.CTLE.--regular Price $2.75: SATURDAY, A $1 9. Bring the Coupon. For BORN CARTWRIGHT—In Tuckersmith on I Assessment Roll fol 10.21 will sit Columbia returning again to Ed; May „10th, to Mr, and. Mrs. A. j it essmville on June 4th, at 2 0' L., Cartwright, a son. clock p.nl. to hear and dispose of mouton, Several weeks ago the de- MASSE—In Stanley on May 5th, ( any appeals in connection with same ceased came east to visit her parents to Mr. and Mrs. James- Masse; a ((( Bills to the amount , of $770,35 and orders issued for REV,- 1 OW'4'i':u. xDtia'S (i'.i` :td't'.tNT. sh„edet tb took place Si T,iic e, taxi Tuesday moron's; mo riinla sit six o`cloclt of ... ai Powell, pasrc • c)i: rho Rev. Ezra G. , Lucae Methodist e,hiti•ch and chair., Mr. Exeter District. , Distzt tle, of 'the l ,c man t Powell put up a brave str'c t)e fol a life, He has s bei r3 ill for several mon with pith heart trouble and a few .weeks ago was given only three flays to live: The 'funeral will be held on Thursday at 1.30 p.m. in the Darton. Methodist church, following which the remains will be taken to London for interment in the Woodland ceme- tery. The., deceased is survived {:i» his bereaved widow and font' chil- dren, Carmen, Earl, Gordon and Blossom, all at home. Mr. Powell had 27 years of ac(ive work in, the ministry. He was an arclet)t• tem- perance worker. After the passage of the Scott Act in Huron Sir. Powell was 'appointed secretary of t"he Hur- on County Temperance Aesociatioli resigning his work as pastor of the Main Street Methodist "'eh -arch in: Exeter to ' take on the new duties. He conducted a strenuous campaign' against the liquor traffic and it was largely throngh his efforts -.that the county was cleaned UP. Mr. Powell recently accepted an invitation to the Essex pastorate for the coming conference year. FU UI.E+ N UNITE WITH CHURCH. At the morning service in Cavell Church on Sunday last the 'Sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper was ob- served by a large number of com- municants and fifteen united with the church by certificate and by profession of faith. MRS. S. G I3AWDEN DIES. The news of the quite sudden death of Mrs. S. G. Bawden, which took place in Dr. Hyndnian's hospi- tal„on Thursday evening of last week was received with much surprise and 'regret by her many friends in town. The deceased was getting along nice- ly and on Thursday was feeling bet- ter than she had for several days. During the evening site was stricken with heart trouble and passed away in a few minutes. Besides her hus- band an infant daughter two weeks old survives, Mrs. Bawden's maid - Council re securing Hydro Power. en name was Mildred` Victoria Mar- A suggestion was made that if the 1 tin. She was a daughter of Mr. and Farmer's Clubs were willing to as - Mrs. S. Martin and was in her 36th same their share of the `corp in I year. The deceased spent most of connection with the canvass and her life in Exeter where for a num- survey of the Township, the Coun- cil were more than willing to en- courage the scheme and assist. The Court of Revision for th bout ,1, years -ago she was married to 51.. Bawden and about two years after they moved to Edmonton, Alta. For some time they lived in British McLaughlin. UNUSUAL BEAUTY AND REFINEMENT; LUXUR- THE CAR.or VERY . M ttAPPOINTMENTS AND i ERi REASONABLE. IN IOUS INS ALL TPS PRICE. See us before buying a car. We have something very interesting to tell you, S. M. SANDERS, Dealer ALEN. PURDON, Sales Manager Office , and garage—James Street, Exeter. daughter, were passed =I Ste hen on May'6th WALPER n p 1 e a a r o: to Mr. and Mrs. Geo WalPer , a son, • BECKER—In Stephen on May `9th to Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Becker a 'daughter. MARRIED SHADDOCK--. NEILANS—In Olin - ton, on May 11th, by the Rev. J. E. Hogg, Rachel,' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex., Neilans.- to Will - '1P iii All members were present. Township. The minutes of the previous meeting Ili I4iONTGOMERX' ROMPfIF d 'rucl adopted. Council adjourned to meet at Township Hall, June 4, 1921nat 1 o'clock p.m. HENRY STRANG, Clerk. Stephen Council The council of the Toj7n}f;p•' f Stephen convened in the Town Hall editor, on Monday, May 2nd at brother and one DOME THEATRE Tonight only—Douglas Fairbanks in "THE NUT.” Full Bring your girl to the theatre before going to the dance. besides whom, one Wilbert and Louise 1 Clinton, on May 10th, by the Rev, were rea " Jane Paint- il'Ir• incl IlIrs, Glias Zwicker and T. J. Snotivdan, Mabel Mrs. Daniel Nlclsaac, repiseziting the ciao Roinphf, to Amos Harvey different associations interested in Montgomery both of SeaYorth chase of an athletic field r DIED, waited upon to -In Exeter on May 12th ed then! to • were of Um AWDEN Mildred Victoria Martin, Uelovtiect pay: over to• the Stephen slthe saini • of 1' of "WEAR -EVER" COUPON. In order that'the factory may have an actur_ Eve ate record of the number Of these"Wear- Ever" We r" utensils sold at the special price, we are required to return to the factory this coupon ',with purchase x• s name and ad diess written thereon. Name • Address • City . Date . Northern llnniuuuCo., Limited, Toronto. Gillette Razors I $5.003,75 -SATURDAY. Regular for Genuine Cayborunduni sharpening stones. Regular $1.25 for Gone 1:00. /\ ell i \ r Hardware s. r \el/27W PHONES 273 i ,a s w -Gv..:a ice.... FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MAY 20th and 21st, 1921 Alice rads. "Sinner of mirth. 14th episode of "THE LOST CITY" Usual prices. Usual comedy. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, MAY 23rd, '2-Et;h and :=45th "Kismet" sister survive, i er The floral tributes] TIS SKINNER.' Spectacular drama of the far aver i. O positively both of town. 1 Featuring were many vd vfin west Special music: As this picture consists of ten reels there will po Bawden arrived from the on be one show only, coulnicziaing sharp a f;S:30. Advance prices -25c and Monday, the. funeral, private,. being 5Oc inclttdizig war tis. held 'Monday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Foote, Rev. Mr. Wilson and Rev. Mr, 1111{III111L = McAllister assisted a the .Alla-...111111111.111111111111111111111111111111111111111H11111111111111111111 Susanna Fanny t service. The little daughter, z " was christened the sante afternoon. • the phi - n the council and inforin- that they wee e pi epared B wife of S. G. Hamden; in her . 36th township the purchase of the field year. $850 for situated in the village, of Crediton POWE'LI.—In Lucan, on May 17th, estecl that a by-law be requested. ti Rev. Ezra' G. Powell, pastor Of the and., 1 iiarchase the field in the Lucan Methodist church, and passed to file Municipalityhasehand a cli.Lirman of the Exeter district. mine o C'UDMORE—Iii Exeter, on May 15, George Cudmore, aged 83 years S months and 16 days. CARTWRIGHT•-•-In Tuckersmitli on May lith, Elisabeth Scales, wife The bereaved have the sympathy o many friends. CONFERENCE, MEETS IN LONDON`' JUNE 2nd The 38th'annual session of the London Conference of the Method- ist church will assemble M. Aspin St, Methodist ciutrcli, London, 11 on Thursday. June 2nd. The morning devotional address will be given by. Rev • Colvis G. Chappell, Washing- ton D.C. Rev Geo W. Dewey will have charge of the singing at the Morning devotions a Jtiile 5th On Conference Sunday e 4ei enc London n can ministers of the_ of will occupy the pulpits in many appointed. th ei e- the churches in London. Rev, M, 3 board of directors Wilson will preach in Hyatt e far`, , Ilaycs_Penhale, Thal the request, church at 11 1 in to deputation be granted and'a One of the theyo in g monstersMethodist be of the for by } ordained at provided o { n iia, a SI. of by-law be lta;,secl t71t I•Confe;ence which meets in of Amos L. Cartwright; raged '° 40 years and 4 Months. CARD OF THANES. Mr, S. G. Bawden and Mr. and Mrs: S. Martin arid family express their grateful appreciation to the many v friendsnos for kindness in ne s s and d s Y n- patly shown, during their recent be- reavement, also e- leavemeit,'also for the many floral tributes. Tbe Community Hall . Act for purchase of the land to establish an. athletic field and that the following persons, comprise the Board of Di- rectors, viz: Alex.,Neeb, reeve, and David Webb, . deputy -reeve, •epre senting the township council; Ezra, Foist, president of the kretlitoii base- bait. aInt7zia Oestreilet, score - tory of the Crediton 1matetnAth- letic Association; Mrs, Chas, Zwick er, president 01 the 'Women's lit stitute and Cites, :?wicker and Daniel in June is Mi'. Rngsel May, son of Mr. and Mrs. John May of Toronto and formerly of'Exeter. MrMay has just. completed. his theologicall studies. at Toronto University. His cout;se at the University wee inter- rupted, he having enlisted and. sexy cd Some tone overseas. He We, .1 the e Eo ices at the front when with hed t•atc td n. ai armistice Wes signed with tltervietorious troops into Ger- man territory= Im▪ am 1.111111,71 is▪ scrwri maga coolnior mows icoartml Mese Crows M.. n Nalcrezet lorECINNI1.10.11 MONO noPmfl 111.001 Ilirrceecd Nmol+. OM., Good News for Bread Makers and Bread Eaters Wyoming, On May- 6, 1921 Harvey Bros., 'Exeter, Ont., Dear Sirs: Inclosed you will find a Cheque for $103.00 in payment of flour shipped me on April 12th. Your flour is giving good satisfaction; hope it continues the same way. 7 `am 150W 'supplying nearly every far finer in my district. One man told. me flour made the best -flav- ored thissthinkeased bread be ever ate anti' I , "will nlinosi; every -riser of your, Boer soy the Caine. Yours truly; I . A.. W•, 'Make your ~pate happy by taking g home ,n supply of- Flour made by arve 01,80011 ..10603 eutaelkof RINIVMA TOT a l Its I[11 1111!1 111111 {lilltll11t1111 a 11111x11111 1.1 etre 11111111111a111x1t1 IIt11111111111 r :