The Exeter Times, 1921-5-5, Page 8ti. is fI do PHONE 16, r STEWART' Special urses' Cloths' PuONE 16, We have a complete range in nice dark checks in stripes in Blues and .Greys' The very thing for that new house dress or work apron. They are wonderfulgoods for washing and wearing, Worth 40c, per yard, Special Price, 2Sc per yard. "D & A." CORSETS "BIAS PILLED" We carry a full stock of. D. & A Cossets in .a number of new styles. Also the "Goddess, Laced in Front," The Bias Filled- line in many up-to-date models in all all sizes. All lines very moder- ately priced. ROI•EPROOF HOSIERY. LADIES' MEN'S PURE SILK & SILK LISLE Iir many new shades. Holeproof 4s one of the best Silk Steel Ings for ,sale to the wearer, Buy it pair of this fine make and be convinced of their wonderful wearing qualities. Prices much lower this season. DINNER SETS. Four new designs in full 97 -piece dinner sets; they are very neat patterns. Be sure and see our sets with China Cups. Also a full showing of "Blue Bird" China in some swell odd pieces. LINOLEUMS. We have just received three new pieces of four -yard Linole ums, all in nice new patterns. Also all sizes in .Linoleum Rugs. Let us cover your rooms. Our selection will satisfy every desire. SEEDS!. SEEDS! Now is the time to get your garden supply. All kinds of small garden seeds and mangel and turnip seeds in Steele Briggs and Rennie's best seeds. Fresh Groceries at Special Reduced Prices. Highest prices paid for poul try and all Produce. A. Mewart r agromm� o c - � 4 v -ma k. a w mEz- mi --, :cc ream Separators 0, •4 i3 �. .: Rods -We `1 %\ We have them. Ask to see the new No. 6 with the six -wing skimming device. We also have the famous old DeLaval. Let us prove it to you. i Letus book you for your Rope and Hay Carrier goods. We have the B. T. one-piece, steel track; cars for wood, iron, or steel track; pulleys, floor hooks, etc. Pumps -All styles. Pipe and fittings. Lightning have them. We have a few buggies left at prices that will surprise you. ;/ f !: a nw��, ;ea, maw+ :5 rrShowrooms d: FRANCIS & WILLIAMS PHONE 137. One door south of Central Hotel. l� ��„ �� _ �`-�-moi -�� � �' ��'--r�� � s� i �•� � �i �� �i A AGENTS FOR DOMINION' ELECTRIC LIGHT SYSTEM. estern University London, Ontario urnex School for rts and Sciences July 4th to August' 12th For Information and Calendar write K. P. R. NEVILLE, ,Registrar Mothers' •Day --May - 8th Mother's 'pleasures are simple ones. Give her the enjoyment that a good likeness of her boy or girl will bring. SEND MOTHER YOUR PHOTOGRAPH If you want really goodhotos- icturey p P s that embrace the artistic £eatutes of expert work -let us make them. Our Picture Framing Department is adequately equipped to frame your favorite pictures. We have just the frame to suit. CAMERAS! FILMS! DEVELOPING! PRINTING! ENLARGING! 'he Senior Studio EXISTER ONTARIO :t TH EXETER TIMES Market Report -The *allowing, th ] the report of the xeter Market :corrected every Wednesday. Wheat $1,40.. ettt's 40c. Barley 50e to 60e. Manitoba Flour $5.30. Family Flour $5.10. Shorts $1.90 per 100 lbs. Bran $1.90 per 100 the, Feed flour $2.40. Dairy butter 47c to 500. Eggs 27e. Creamery butter 5Se to 62c, Lard 22c: Hogs $11,00, .***s0.e.4.11,41)4•4P®,1°•is•••.♦ LOCAL • PINEAPPLES! PINEAPPLES! Phone 56 and leave your order for Pineapples and we will deliver when they are at their best and the prices right.` TILSON'S GROCERY and RESTAURANT Mrs. I, Salkeld, of Goderich, is visiting Mrs. Win. Bawden: of town. Miss Hazel Laing has taken a position as clerk with Southcott Bros. Mr. C. J. Kestle, of London Tp., visited, in Exeter the forepart of, the week. Messrs.'By, Elworthy, W. J. Beer and H. O. Southcott motored to To- ronto Monday. Mr.- Morris Wexler, of called on old friends in Thursday last. Mrs. James Taylor Ieft for Wingham to visit. her Mrs. Wm.. Burke. Toronto; town on last week daughter, 'With CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Miillster 10 a.m.-Sunday ,school and Bible classes. 11 a.m,-Mothers' Day Service, 7 Progress. -"The.' Castle of Giant Despair!' Communion Service, May 15th, Boys Scouts at "Y" Sat. at 7 p.m. JAMES STREET MET:IODIST CHURCH Rev. M. J. Wilson, B.A;, rastor. MOTHERS' DAY SERVICES; • Special programme in the Sabbath school at 3:00 p.m. A special' song service by Prof. Anderton and the choir at 7:00 p.m All welcome. MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH /Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. A. (Phone :2,1,,' r3.) 11 a.m. °"How are we saved?" 3.00 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible classes. 7 p.m. --"The ; tragedy of Saul." BETHANY 2:30 p.m. -"Friendship." King X 5,: X081,, X11111111111111111111! 111111111M1111111111 �: 1 1 I1111111111111i1111111l1�11111111111111111111NIIIIII1111l111111111l1111111fi11111111111 � 1 111111l1111l111a11� -. • Y.Y'iCS.A. Ladies' night tonight (Wednes day). Arrangements are going on for tennis, basketball, volney ball and soft ball leagues. Our juniar baseball team have- gone into the Wellington League and will make a good showing. Everybody stand by them. Mrs. Hodgson has returned home after -visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Forbes, of Ailsa Craig.' Miss Alice Vincent, of Stratford, spent the week -end with "her -par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Vincent. Mr. James Walker, who has been. attending university at• Toronto, re- turned home. Saturday evening. Miss Steele and Miss Herbert, of London, visited with their aunt, Mrs. R. Skinner, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Quance and little ; son visited with Mr. and Mrs. S. Dilling of Hensall over the week - Mr. and Mrs. Norman Graham, of London, spent the' week -end with the litter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. ' Rowcliffe.• •' Exeter's silent policemen have taken -up their positions on the. dif- Eerent street corners of town, direct- ing the traffic. Mrs. J. T. Wood, who has been in Victoria Hospital, London, for sev- eral weeks with foot trouble, re- turned home on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hutton :and and daughter, Evelyn, of Brantford, vis- ited with Mrr and Mrs. T. 0. South- cott Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. R. G. Seldon and J. G. Stanbury were in Woodstock on Sa- turday in connection with the wind- ing up of the Thomas Seldon estate of Ingersoll. - Dr. A. R. Kinsman left on Satur- day and Dr. G. F. Roulston left on. Monday for Toronto to attend the annual convention 'of the Ontario 'Dental Association;., Mr. R. E. Southcott left Tuesday for Toronto prior' to leaving. mfor southern Saskatchewan where he will have charge' of a Methodist mis- sion for the summer. Mr. and' Mrs. Perritt have return- ed to Exeter after spending the_win- ter with relatives in England. They are at present visiting with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Davis. Mrs. Thos. Laing and Mrs. Ket- chen of town attended the funeral in Hensall on Saturday Iast of their cousin, Mr. -George Hunt, who died in Halifax, N.S., April 25th. - 11Irs. Emma Coombes, of Bowman - vine arrived Wednesday to make her home with aunt; Mrs. James Pichard. Before leaving Bownvau- eville Mrs. Coombes was honored by her friends an account of which ap- pears on page four. Miss Muriel M. Hogavvh,' who is attending London Normal School, returned to the 'city -after' spending the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr., and Mrs. Fred Hogarth She was accompanied by her friend, Miss Wilson,who is also a Normal student. The second session of the Ontario Legislature came to an end on Sa- turday after sitting for 63 days. It has been notable for the , long sit- tings. Fourteen times the House has sat till after midnight and three times until -5 o'clock in the morning. In all 2621 bills were introduced. Orby Kestle's horse broke loose in the James St. Church sheds on. Sunday morning last duringthe hour of worship. It ran through the lane to the east of the church and the wheel of the buggy struck the. different posts. Every spoke in ono, of the wheels were torn out.,, The hores got free of t:he;btlggy and rah. up town where it was captured. ALFRED W. ANDERTON Professor of Music Cert. teacher T.R.C., London, Eng. rg s o . ' mes St. Methodist Church. Late organist to Lisburn Cathe- dral; Lisburn •Presbyterian Church; Cauir Parish. Chureh;, and music master of Ulster Provincial Schools, Belfast. Successes, in examinations of • Associate Board Royal Academy Music Royal College. Music London College Music, etc. . Terms ,moderate, Tuition commences Monday, April 18 CATTLE WANTED -We are in a position to pasturea few headof cattle for -the summer.,_. to Tuckey and Welsh. WANTED -Furnished" cottage at Grand Bend, • preferably Exeter side or vicinity of -Maple Grove for last two weeks in July and first two weeks in August. Write stating num- ber of rooms, locality, and giving name and , description of ,cottage. Collier C. Grant, 2 Grimthorpe Rd., Toronto. -CATTLE FOR PASTURE- A number of yearling cattle..: will be accepted.,for pasture for ,six months. Lot 5, Con. 9, Usborne`.' Apply to H. Kyle, Woodham P. 0. `. GET EARLY CHICKS FOR WINTER LAYERS. • Starting April 11th and each week following, I have for sale a limited quantity of day Old chicks -Barred Rocks and White Leghorns. Can supply mother,; hens • with chicks. Prices reasonable. Phone 33.- W. A. . SAMBROOK CREDITON P. O., -ONT. Agent for Buckeye Brooders, either oil or coal -burning: • R. N Rowe FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EIM3ALMER Embalmer's License No. 210. MOTOR HEARSE SERVICE Phone 20J and 20W. Kirkton Fall Fair October 6th &7thf '21 .A Baby Beef Competition will be held between the ratepayers of the townships of BIanshard, Usborne and Fullerton. The same amount of prizes will be offered a.s last year. The Field Crop Competition will be held as uSual with fall wheat and oats under the same conditions as last year. Entries for the crop cornpetition to be sent to the secretary before May 24th., Will.: EItOCIK, AMOS DOUI'E, ' Pres. Secty. p t 'PHONE 134. Sld a4 �3COT1 Bi OS. PHONE 134. ieclat Value's New Silks Spot Tokio Jap Silks its A splendid silk for, girls' dresses. This is a good wearing silk, looks; well and 'washe`s well. Very special at per yard . 50c. ew Silk Crepes In shades of.sand, blue, brown, taupe and black. A,' very popular' material this season and one that is bound to give satisfaction. Last year's price, $3.50: -Special Price per yard Black Silk' '36 -inch. h c , Special per and p F y x$1.60:.. We want you to see this Silk.'It is a very special value. Fully 36 inches wide;- good black and splendid weave, and wil lglve good wear. Extra value at per yard . ... $1.60. Congoleum Rugs in all sizes. Get our prices on Blinds and Linoleums.'-' outhcott Bros. moot ionaml IMMO • �Illllllllllllllilllllllllllllllliilllllllllllliilllll111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllll11111 a Illllllllllllllllllir ram. 1. R. CARLING B.A. Barrister, Solicitor;, Notary Public, Conveyancer. Solicitor for ,the Molsons Bank, etc. Invest your funds in Vic- tory, Dominion of Canada, Provincial and Municipal Bonds. Legal investment for Trust Funds. At existing prices, ' from 6' per 'cent. to 7 per cent can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE- Carling Block, Main Street, EXETER, ONT. - tdszennumanton HIGH INVESMENT YIELDS NOW AVAILABLE. • Dominion of Canada Victory Bonds, Province of Ontario Bonds, Municipal and other bonds., ERNEST ELLIOTT Office -Elliot Bldg., Main Street, EXETER, ONT. STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR. SALE. -Choice plants; 85c a hun- dred; $7.50 a thousand. Apply at Powell's Bazaar. A dance will be held in McDon- nell's Hall; Exeter, on Tuesday eve- ning, May 10th. Dancing to com- mence at 9 o'clock -sharp. Admission -Gents, $1.50 including war tax; ladies -lunch. Have your potatoes planted scien- tifically this year. Use. ` L. V: o garth's potato planter. Potatoes planted evenly and quickly. Large or small jobs. Phone- .Crediton 18r31. Phone 55 Phone 55 Powell's Mother' S Day SUNDAY Wear a flower in honor of' Mother, or send her a bouquet. We Will '• have roses and carnations in great profusion. Leave your 'order for out-of-town orders early. Fe have'telegraphic con- nections with- omit -of -town florists so, .that flowers . may be sent anywhere. Flowers- renew friendship, and cheer the sick room. POWELI,' S BAZAAR. Phone 55. The 'Home of the New Edison - T. H. ELLIOTT IS OUT FOR BUSINEfSS --, My aim is -Your patronage. My motto -Service to the public. PRICES Ladies' ' dies' Suits, cls aned 'and pressed $1.50 Men's Suits, pressed only .' .76 Men's suits, cleaned and pressed $1.00 to $1.50 Ladies' suits dyed. i .. $ 4.50 Men's suits dyed $4.50 Ladies'• suits dry cleaned .... $2.00 Men's suits dry cleaned $2.00 Ladies' overcoats dry cleaned $2.00 Men's overcoats dry cleaned:. $2.00 I do all kind of repairing. I also have the .agency for the -Forest City Laundry, London,- Ont. At your service. Having purchased a new Ford truck I am prepared to do trucking for parties desiring, same. For Sale - Massey -Harris cream separator, 500 lbs. cap., nearly new. Also apple and boiled, cider. - Saws gummed, wood turning, "wood pumps repaired and accessories on hand. S. J. i . CANN, EXETER Phone 115. AUTO LICENSES ISSUED. Auto licenses are now being issued in Exeter by S. W. '^Sims. No need to go out of town, .Come in and get yours. THE. EXETER TIMES Subscription rate 81.50 a year. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising -Made known on application: ` Stray Animals -One insertion 60o three Insertions for $1.00 Farm or Real Estate for sale 60o each insertion for one month of four insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five ; lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each ' insertion '50c. - Lost and found ;locals 25c. , Local .readingnotices etc. IOc' per e line per >insertion. No notice lose than,25c., Card of Thanks 50c. 'Auction sales $3 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length. Legal 'advertising 10c 'and 5c :d line. - A few chof"ce farms in South Hu- ron for sale. Also some unineumber- ed farm lands in Alberta and Sas- katchewan will be exchanged for town or village Property. Apply to Thomas Cameron, Conveyancer, Auc- tioneer, etc. Box 154, Exeter. Phone 21r12. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon Office -McDonnell's Sales Stables on John St. •Phone calls receive prompt attention. Phone 26w gamenzemsmmommataimsrammarates ,Our New Spring Goods Are w 4 Arriving Every Da How about that new Spring Suit? Come/in and see our New Styles It's easy 'to upset good fond ,with an out of form tie. That's why it `°so often "lm pp'ens; The remedy,. is ''hore 'in good form Ties,'- Scarfs . and Four-in-hands. Gloves, Collars, 'Shirts, everyything in Men's Outfit tinge correct to the minute. A HONE ' 8 I a , 1