The Exeter Times, 1921-5-5, Page 1ORTY St:;Co'R n YEAR -•-i No. 2278, EXETER ONT. THURSDAY .. I 111111111 111.11111111111111111..1,,, :,..,IIINIIIIIIL�l111111!IIIIIIIIIIIIlIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII111111111{IIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFIIII 1111111IIIHll1 IIII .�, MUM IMMO INN OM MOM MONO MOOD niniMp SIMON • MOON s Jones & Ma We are local selling 'agents `for the celebrated "PURITAN MAID" Brand of Hosiery for Ladies and Children. These are shown in different styles in Silk, Lisle and Cotton. Seeeour window display this, week.' Two Hosier' Specials Half Price Nearly LOT NO. 1. -Twenty dozen pairs of Ladies' Fine Lisle Hosiery in Black and White colors. These were seconds; at nearly half price. 35c per pair, or 3 pairs for .$1,00. LOT NO. 2.-Tendozen pairs extra quality ,Ladies fine Lisle Hosiery in Black only, ribbed ` 'garter top.' These are slightly imperfect but a wonderful value at sale price -49c pair. We also are local selling agents for "NIAGARA MAID" and "VENUS" Silk Hosiery. House Furnishings We can save you money on your House Furnishings. Wehave an enormous stock_of Rugs, Congoleums, Oilcloths, Linoleums, Window Blinds, Curtains, Wall Papers;: etc., at won derfully.,attractive prices.'' - NEW CONGOLEUM RUGS -Another shipment just arrived. Prices much lower than last season. • e.ciai Values in; Cotton Staples You will be surprised to see such large reductions, in the price of our stock of Prints,' Shirtings, Galateas, Ginghams Sheetings, ,Pule w Cottons, etc, Get your supply now. Strap Slippers'- . Oxfords Fancy Pumps We are doing an enormous business in Ladies' Slippers. We have all thelatest styles'. and also have all the sizes. These goods are scarce, hard to . get. We stocked heavily and are able to give younow, when you want them, all styles, all sizes, at popular prices. Clothing! Clothing! Smart styles, nice `patterns, medium prices,; in Men's Suits, Also splendid assortment of Boys'. Bloomer Suits. PHONE,,32 f• ones Mftyo32 IIIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIIII Illlllllllillllll111111III111111111i111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIAIIIIIm1111m11111!1111 olll!lllll , mom mbar 1.1010611. MORNING, MAY5, 1921 Exeter- School Report ROOM I. Sr. 4ti. IIonors: L1 la i rntz 8. George Beavers 80;' Vivian Coiling - wood. 89; Grant ' Collingwood 79; Dorothy Snell' 79; . !Vanda von Wee cinski 77;, May Abbott 76; Verne ftoulston 75; Francis Abbott 75; Helen Wether 75.' Pass -Charlie Gladman 74; i+lo °.eede Walters 74; Ruby Davis 73; Amelia Acheson 73; Kerman 'Gower -69; Clifford Web- ster 67; Charlie ;Acheson�.66; eeleee Sanders 63; Bert. Gardiner 61. Jr; 4th. Honors-, ,Marion Bissett 78; Meta Salter' 76. Pass-Margar et Johns 74; Rancid Whyte 7.2 =, Mildred Murphy 70'; Barry West 69; Walter Spencer 68'; Irene Lamport 67; Lloyd Foote 67; Harold Nelson = 67; Bobbie Gambrill 66; 'Rota El- worthy 65; I-Iarry: Snell 64;• Margar et Harness' 63; Elva kItinkin 60. V Number enrolled 38; average ; at- tendance 36. M. Ilorton, teacher. ROOM. IL Sr. 3rd. Honors -Eugene Howey 90; Hugh Creech 6; Marjorie Clark. 81; Edna Russell;; 76. Pass -Frank Creech 73; Florrie . West 65; John Kuntz 61 111.01101 NONNI 111.11111111111 IVPIIMOM Perfect in conduct -Edna Rus sell. Perfect in •geography -Eugene. I-Iowey and John Kuntz. Intermediate 3rd. Honors-Katli- leen Heaman 52e Edward Taman 80; Marvin . Howey 79; Marjorie Medd 75. Pass 1Vipriel Howald 74;, Lyle Dinney 72e Viola Ford 72; Jack Gambrill 69; ,Muriel Luker 66; Stella Northcott. 66; Reggie Beavers 63; Ida Mitchell 62. Perfect in conduct -Viola Ford. Jr. 3rd. Pass -Donald Gladman 74; Doris ; Salter''•72; Clifford ` Hut- chison 70;';Irene Bierling 62. ,'! Number„ on, roil'. 36; average at- =9.tendance 32. MONO SIMON MEMOIR 11100101. O 1.1111 AMMON morilmr r the. not Weather Wicks for New Perfection y Cook Stove, 40c each, • %aa\ 1� 4 New Perfection Oil Cook Stoves from $8.00 up. Ovens from $6.00 up. Oil Heaters at reduced prices. Screen Doors all sizes, from $2,75'. and,,up. Screen Windows from 35c up. Screen wire, all sizes, from 23c per yard and up. Screen 'Door Hinges, :. Pulls ' and Fasteners. SAVE THE SURFA,OE. USE LOWE BROS. HIGH STANDARD PAINTS: /\ $5.75 per gal., $2,90 per half gal., '$1.50 per quart., S0 per pint. White, slightly higher. , •» 1 BASEBALL SUPPLIES - -: FISHING MATERIAL A }Leaman's Hardware 7 LOST IN USBORNE-A Dominion nobby tread auto tire, 31x4, with inner tube and rima $5.00 reward by leaving at Times' office. Mr: Peter Case leftMonday to visit with relatives in Toronto. Mr. J:" -T: Wood has purchased a lot on Huron street between the El- ston and Bissett property and he in- tends to erect a bungalow this sum- mer. Nee The silver anniversary of the -W. M S. will be held at Crediton Meth- odist Church on May 11, 1921.. Morning session opens at 9:40. Mrs. Gordon ' Wright of London, the. branch president, will speak at both the afterinoon and evening sessions. Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Powell and. Mr. and Mrs.- John 'Blatchford mo- tored to Liman on Sunday and cal- led on ;Rev, E. G. Powell. Mr. Pow- ell has been in a very critical con- dition suffering from heart trouble. The doctors entertain little hope 'for his recovery. His many friends will hope that he may yet be spared -to continue his active duties in the Methodist ministry. r BORN BAWD'EN-In Exeter, on April 29, 1921 to Mr. and Mrs, S. G Baw- - den, of Edmonton,*`lta„ a "daugh ter. tREAMAN At Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, April 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Iiearnan, Kingsmount Park Rd., a daughter, R Cf ARDS -I r I I u Stephen, on April - 27, pril27 1921 to Mr and Mrs: Leslie' Richards, a soli. HARNESS -In Exeter, on April 30, 1921, to Mr'. and Mrs. Albert Harness' a daughter. DIED ' - 27W PHONES 2731 %\ 7ARROTT-In Exeter, on Friday, April 29, 1921, John Jarrott, aged 82eeeta '/i..' �'�dvi�a���l%s:S:A> l.Li�_: �%is...��r�i�5S�.er:esa:. . Jean S. Murray. ROOM III. Sr. 2nd.' Honsrs4-Greta Bloom- field 90; Jimmie' Passmore 84; Cath- erine Woods 832;;,`, Alda Macdonald 81; Lily ,Payne- 78;' Winnie Bishop 7-6e. . Sydney; Ve,es t Georgina Nel- "sbn" 75:'rPass C idys `H rnkirl. 14; Wm. Etherirgton` 7 2 ; i Baden Powell 72;e' Stanley Walter 69; Alvin Pass- more 60. Class B. Honors -Clarence , Boyle 76. Pass -Wilma Kaye 73; Verne Brimacombe 69; Dorothy Dinney 66; Clifford Lamport 65; Nelson Wells 65; Roy Sanders 64; Russell, Snell 63; Madeline Dearing 63; Geo. Andrews 61. • Class C. Honors. -Dorothy Hardy 80. Pass -Charlie Lodder 73; Kath- leen Reid 71; Wm. Balkwill 65; Harold Macdonald 62. Number enrolled 34; average at- tendance 26. H. M. Kinsman. ROOM V. Class 5, Honors - Mary Cann 84; Wallace Seldon 84; Alnier Hun - kin 83; Helen Stauhury 80; Harold Appleton 79; Jean Penhale 77; Ken- neth Ward 76. Pass=Harry Cole 72; FIorence Cornish 60. Class 4. Honors -Ruth Balkwill Joey .Tack - sonViola Hodgson 77;J y J cl, son 75.' Pass -Teddy Wethey 67. Class 3. Pass-AldIn Appleton 70; Richard Trumper 70; Chester Corn ish%-6$. Class 2. Honors -Allan Quance 84; Vera pestle 82; John Paine 79; Allan Fraser 76. Class 1. Honors -Jack Pryde 80; Graton Cochrane 78; Joe Creech 77; Hazel Andrews 76; Mervin Sims 75, Pass -Ruby Stone 73; Utah Clark 70; Marguerite Cann 69; Con- nie Jennings 68; Lois McDonald 65; Toni Ellerington 63. Number enrolled '41; average at- tendance 33. Olive M. Taylor: ' I%TCR -SQUIRE. A quiet wedding took place at theMethodist parsonage, Centralia, on ,Wednesday, May 4th at 12 o'clock ,noon when Rev. Mr,, Sinclair united. in marriage Miss Verda Maude Hicks, -daughter of 'Mrs. Samuel Hicks, to Mr. Nelson Wilbert Squire, son of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Squire of Granton. The bride was becomingly attired in blue silk, Mr, and Mrs, Squire left on a: short trip for To- ronto, Hamilton and other" places, the bride travelling in a blue serge suit. On their return they will re Sidelon the groom's farm in Usborne. L`IIOMAS‘ COURSEY OF LUCAS EXPIRES. LUCAN, May 3.-T. H. Coursey, aged 63 years, died at his home here last night after a lingering illness. Mr, Coursey has been a resident of Lamar for the past eighteen year, ,, but lived in the vicinity' all his rs Iric„ Mr, Courser was a cattle buyer and was we11-known Ihrenghout Western Ontario. Besides 1,48 wife i one do i" lit „r who lie is survived by t g e , is living in Parkhill, i Ali. D^ --,II � : CO 'W .� ®]liGrl,l%�T A very quiet wedding was sol- emnized at the Main St, parsonage, Exeter, , on Thursday, April 28th at 6 o'clock when Miss E. Mae Hodgert, daughter o3 Mr. and Mrs. William Hodgert was united in marriage to Mr, Roy Coward, son of Ur. and Mrs. George Coward, Sr,, of Us- borne, the ceremony, being perform- ed by the Rev. W G. H. McAllister. The br'id$ was becomingly attired in a navy blue serge suit with hat to match and wore a corsage of sun- set roses.. Following the ceremony the bridal party repaired to the home of the bride where supper was served and a pleasant evening was spent. The happy couple will reside on the groom's' fine farm ten the 8th concession of Usborne. SERIOUS COZ' 1 LAGRA'TION. AT 'HENSALL. A serious fire in Hensall on. Tues- day night destroyed three buildings opposite the station. The citizens were aroused` about eleven p.m, by the sound of the fire alarm when it was learned that fire had started near the forge in Mr. Brock's"black- smith shop and rapidly spread thru Hudson's implement shop and. into Murdock's livery barn.' For a spell it looked as though the whole sec- tion would be Iicked up but by heroic effort on the part of the fire brigade and citizens the fire was confined, to the :three buildings. Mr. Murdock's fine residence adjoining the livery barn was saved by stren- uous work of the citizens. It seemed many times that it would become a pery to the Hames. The contents of the livery were :all saved, but the implement shop and the blacksmith( chop were all consumed. The loss is only partly covered by insurance. Many cars from Exeter, Crediton and Zurich were on the scene. ARMSTRONG-WILLIAMS. A pretty wedidng was solemnized at 11 Cove Rd., London, at the home ;,of Mr. and Mrs.: John. Mc Naughton : a't x'2' o'clock oil Wedries= day of last week when Miss Edna Williams and Mr. George W. Arm- strong were united in marriage by Rev. Robert Millar of Mt. Brydges, in the presence of 35 relatives. The bride was dressed in , a beautiful gown ofwhite crepe, de chine, made with skirt accordion -pleated and waist'also trimmed with pleating. She carried a ,lovely bouquet of white tulips and fern. She was given away by her brother, Mr. , Benson Williams while Mrs. George . Wil- liams played the wedding march. After congratulations a sumptuous wedding dinner was served in the dining -room. Mr. and Mrs. ' Arm- strong left in the,, afternoon for Hamilton and Buffalo. The bride travelled -in suit of navy gabardine with grey crepe de chine blouse. Af- ter spending a 'few weeks in this vicintiy they will leave for Winni- peg where the groom is an expert electrician and will resume his work along, that line. They were the re- cioients of many beautiful gifts. Guests were, present from Detroit, Stratford,-Strathroy, St. Thomas, Springfield', Mt. Brydges, Mitchell and Exeter. A:; FAREWELL GATHERING: On Friday evening of last week a number of the members of the Can- adian Order of Forresters met at the home of Mr. J. Sims to spend. a so- cial' hour with Mr. Geo. Hill on the eve of his departure for Toronto. 11111111 11 111111911111111111111111111MMI� Mr. Hill Is one of the charter mein.11111111I1111111111111111111111111 1 111 11111 A MUSICAL. TREA The .choir of Askin St, Methodist, Church, London, furnished a.l,l;cit treat to o them music c Iover•s of Exeter in James St. Church on Wednesday evening of last week: The choir of 57 voices motored up and gave, a high: -class° i nisical concert; consist- ing of, solos and choruses, readings,. etc a The spacious auditorium was nearly filled and the audience h,eert- ily applauded the different" numbers. The entertainment was under the auspices of the Y.P;C.A, M:r, J. S. Harvey was chairman. Following.the Programme a vote of thanks was tendered the visitors by Mr, F. W. Gladman, seconded by Mr, W. G, Medd. At the conclusion of the en- tertainment the visitors were treat- ed to luncheon in the basement of the church and a sociable time was enjoyed: Among the leading artists who took part in the evenings en- tertainment were: Miss Josephine • Campbell, soprano; Miss Francis Cullis, contralto; Mr. I. B. Dalian tyne, tenor; Mr, G. L. Knapp, bari- tone; Miss Winnie Dobbyn, reader; Miss ' Verna Dobbyn, pianist: Mr. E. W. Goethe Quantz presided at the organ, and Dr. James H. Smith, con- ducted. The proceedsamounted to $150.00. Mrs. Nathan Hooper of Tara, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs, Sid. Davis on Wednesday of last week and was ac= companied home by her mother; Mrs. Harris. OD13li,b;LLClWS ATTEND 1' The anniversary^, of the 1 C.O,F, was ceclbi atecl on Sunday 7vlien-'the members of Exeter lodge„ together with a number of brethren from l-ensall and London, attended 'di- vine worship in Main St, Methodist. Church at the evening service, Over 80 of the brethren were in the par- ade and they occupied the centre pews of the church. Rev: W. C. ;Ix; McAllister, the pastor -of the cherch, welcomed the brethren and preach ed an excellent sermon. In welcoming the brethren the speaker said that Oddfellowshin wea a. by-product of Christiewty, as all lodges are. Characters are selected from the scriptures and their char- acteristics worked out. Mr. McAllister took his text from"' 2 Sam. 1; 26. -"Thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of wo- men." He said that the lives of David' and Jonathan fell on teorible- some times. We cannot understand them unless we understand the times in. which they lived. Saul,' the king, was ushered in under most auspicious circumstances. Behind the king was Samuel the prophet, Who brought him to the throne,. world would have had a•dilt'er'ent history, if Saul had allowed Samuel to keep the Lord's light beating on his throne and path, shining in the camp and palace in his private and (Continued on page five.) Mcidaughlin THE CAR OF UNUSUAL BEAUTY AND REFINEMENT,• <LUXUR- IOUS IN ALL ITS APPOINTMENTS AND VERY REASONABLE IN PRICE. See us before buying a car. We have something ,very interesting to tell you. S. M. SANDERS, Dealer ALEX. FURDOIl, Sales Manager Office and garage -James Street, Exeter. 0 THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MAY 6th and 7th, 1921 Virginia Hammond and 'Earle Vletcalfe. in "The Battler" 12th. episode of THE LOST CITY. Comedy -"Speed." Usual good music. Usual prices. POUR IPTG SPECIAT,S COMING. "KISMET,'' May 23rd and. 24th. Charlie Chaplin in "THE Matheson Laing in "MR. WU," "MADONAS AND MEN." Prices will be raised- for these pictures, ber of the order in Exeter and from reere- the clay of its inception has been one of the most faithful attendants. Sev- eral weeks ago Mr. Hill suffered a paralytic stroke from which he has partly recovered and in com- pany with his son„ William, of To- ionto, lie left for that city on Mon- day. The Forresters served some light refreshments and in the course of the evening the following address was read: kftboeNt � MOWN Exeter, April 29, 1921 Dear Brother Hill: On hearing of your intended de- = pasture from among us we felt it our duty to call said bid you fare- well. We hope you will enjoy your- self in your new home, As you have been a faithful attendant' at our lodge meetings and filled an office for So many years we feel in a sense, very sorry to see you leave, but hope e that the change is all for the better, and that you will, spend the re- mainder of your days in happiness and comfort. We will have pleasant memories of our meetings together here and -hope if we do not meet again on earth we will ell meet you 'in Ilcaveti 'whore partings will be no more. May God' lie with you. and, = bless you, Signed On behalf of the officers and.. brethren, '1" Asa; J. Penitalo, C.R. Are You A Flour ongurner Do you know that ii -ht `iii yopx' own town and vicinity is manufac- tured FLOUR, of the finest quality? For those who want a Western Wheat Flour we have MANITOBA'S BEST, made from the finest hard - ivIieat grown in our Prairie Piny- . imes. For those who like a blended Flour we have MODEL. Both arc equally _good. Sonic prefer one; some . the other. Vol? that rich flaky pieci'lush, such as mother uesd to make, we recoin- mend WELCOME Flour, which is truly' welcome with all those who use it None e better, few as good; why consider ri;ir:y other? arvey ONELIPIN 0/111.111 1i.1111111111111111111111111111111111I 111111111II911111iIIII1....111111IIII1111111111111III q�. q�?