HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-4-28, Page 8i %i ,\a 'PHONE j 16. xA. STEWART PHONE 16. Special "Nurses' 10ths'' We have a complete rangein nicedark checks in stripes in Blues and Greys. The very thing for that new house dress or work apron. They are wonderful goods for washing and wearing. Worth"'40e per yard. Special Price, 28c per yard. "D & A" CORSETS "BIAS FILLED" We carry a full stock of D. & A. Corsets in a number of new styles. Also the "Goddess, Laced in Front." The Blas Filled line in many up-to-date models in all all sizes. All lines very modes- ,ately priced. HOLEPROOF HOSIERY: LADIES' MEN'S ' PURE SILK ; & SILK LISLE In many new shades. Holeproof is one of the best . Silk' Stockings for sale to the wearer. Buy a pair of this fine make and be convinced of their wonderful wearing qualities. Prices much lower this season. DINNER SETS. "Four new designs in full 97 -piece dinner sets; they are very neat patterns. Be sure and see our sets with China Cups. Also a full showing of "Blue Bird" China in some swell odd pieces. LINOLEUMS. We have just received three new pieces of four -yard Linole- ums, all in nice new patterns. Also all sizes in Linoleum Rugs. Let us cover your rooms. Our selection will satisfy every -desire. SEEDS! SEEDS! ' Now is the time to get your garden supply. All kinds of small garden seeds and manger and turnip seeds in Steele- Briggs and Rennie's best seeds. ;;: Highest ....... Fresh prices Groceries at Special. Reduced Prices. paid for poul try and all Produce. Stewart 'e. .� Ontario Dental '!�\�il:C.l�t\P'iy._��\� ..c�� Y �_Gl',.r':� Z _ \,/ �.\ \/ �& i i Cream Separators vtl,,, 7 ' We have them. Ask to see the new No. 6 with the six -wing, •;• .• 'skimmin device. We also have the famous old Delaval. �� g \ f S Let us book you for your Rope and Hay Carrier goods. We %\ havethe B.T. one-piece, steel track; cars for _wood iron,or steel ,4 A ��,y track; pulleys, floor hooks, etc. 1 '4 1 1 Pumps -All styles. Pipe and fittings. Lightning Rods -We �. f have them. y`� 74 We have a few buggies left at prices that will surprise you. A1//1 Let us prove it to you.74 \Q, T AGENTS FOR DOMINION ELECTRIC LIGHT SYSTEM. ?: li PI 1Dlassey-Harris Showrooms ._1: 1 FRANCIS & WILLLPMS / PHONE 137, One door south of Central Hotel. ,,e FURNITURE FUNERAL AND Embalmer's' MOTOR Phone 0 o e DEALER DIRECTOR EMBALMER `EGET EARLY, CHICKS FOR WINTER LAYERS. Starting April 11th and each week following, I have for sale a limited quantity of day old chicks -Barred Rocks and White Leghorns. Can supply mother hens with chicks. Prices reasonable. Phone 33. ' W. A. SAMBROOK CREDITON P. 0., ONT. Agent for Buckeye Brooders, either oil or coal -burning. License No. 210.C HEARSE SERVICE 20J and 20W.Always S T a- R IA '0r Infants and Children hi U efox4OYer° 3OYearS bears .%..�.!��•- the<`�i Signature of e . t: Mothers' DayMay 8th Mother's pleasures are simple ones. Give her the enjoyment that rt good likeness of her boy or girl will bring. SEND MOTHER UR PHOTOGRAPH If you want really good photos -pictures that embrace the artistic features of expert work' -let us make them. Our Picture Framing Department` is adequately equipped to trams your favorite pictures. We have just the frame to suit. CAMERAS! FILMS! DEVELOPING! PRINTING! ENLARGING! The Senior Studio EXETER, ONTARIO • THRng.. ET.I TER Market' Report :The following M the report of the Exetelr Market corrected- every, Wednesday. Wheat $1.40. Oats 40c. Barley 50c to 60e. Manitoba Flour $5,30., Family Flour $ 5.10. Shorts $1.9,0 per 100 lbs. Bran $1.90 per 100 lbs. Feed flour $2.40. Dairy butter 47e to 50c, Eggs 29c. Creamery butter 61c to 63e. Lard 22e to 2'5c. Hogs $11.50. LOCAL 4 PINEAPPLES! PINEAPPLES! Phone 56 and . leave your order for Pineapples and we will deliver when they are at their best and the prices right. WILSON'S GROCERY and RESTAURANT The 'Oddfellow-s will attend service in Main St. Church 'on Sunday even- ing, Maty 1st, meetting at. the Lodge Room at 6.30 sharp. Visiting brethren welcome. R. Wi. Fuke, N. ' G. St. Marys tax rate has been fixed at 39% mills. Mrs. W. J. Bissett is visiting a few days with her sister in Paris. The plum trees are out in blos- som and the tulips are in bloom. Miss Lulu Hastings, of London, visited her parents over the week- end. Mr. E. Treble is improving his residence by the erection of a new verandah. Mrs. Reg. Elliott, of Norwich, spent a few days with her sisters, the Misses Carling. Messrs. Merner Bros. have sold their flax mill and farm in Clinton to Mr. H. B. Stothers, of London. Rev. Mr. McIntosh, of Brucefield, occupied the pulpit in Caven church last Sabbath, preaching acceptable sermons. - , Mr. and Mrs..W. D. Wood, of Windsor, who have been -visiting.the latter's father, Mr. John Gillespie, have returned to their home. Considerable rain fell in -this sec- tion for several days and fields were like small ponds,, Farmers who ha seed in were beginning to get anxi ous. One of theoldest voters in thi" section to east a ballott in the re cent referendum campaign was Mrs E. Williams, of.:Usborne, who is 9 years of age. Messrs. George Ford and Thos Elliott returned last week fro Flint, Mich., where they were calls owing to •the illness of the former' son, Garnet. The latter is improv' ing. Mr. David Elston of, --Calgary, and sister, Miss D. Elston of • Stratford, visited over Sunday with their bro- ther, Mr. J. Elston and sister.,. Miss Anne Elston. Rev. E. G. •Powell, of. Liman, is quite seriously ill at his home. Rev H. B. Parnaby, of Elimville, took Mr. Powell's work on Sunday. Mr, R. E. Southcott took the work on the Elimville circuit. Mrs. James Grieve spent th week -end with her son, Latimer, o: Strathroy. The latter recently pur chased a drugstore in that place: H reports that he is well satisfied witl the business, and he is having thf store.redecorated. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hill, who !after returning from, their weddint trip, have been spending a few day with the bride's parents, - Mr. an Mrs. Thos. Bissett, left on Tuesda! for Edmonton where the groom is engaged on the railway. Gordon Veale, a farmer livin€ near Strathroy, had his barns an contents destroyed by fire Frida night, and he was unaware of th loss' until he left the•,. house the fol lowing' morning.'' The barn was 5( yards from the house. Four horses 10 head of cattle, together witl the -implements and other content were destroyed. On Sunday while Mr. E. Pym 'as driving on Main Street, north of th river, he had the misfortune to rur into a buggy in which was Miss E Welsh and her little neice. 'Mr. Pyn was turning out to pass the rig. b,uggy and an auto '• were • comin from the opposite direction. In turn ing back, his auto struck the, whee. of.-M.is5 - - Welsh's buggy and the wheel collapsed. TIMES With the Churches d s 2 m d s e CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CRURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a.m:-=Sunday' School and Bible' classes. ' Rev." Mr. Lundy of Kippen, will preach next Sabbath both morning and evening; - • Social evening of the Guild, Fri- day evening. Boys Scouts at "Y" Sat. at 7 p.m. JAMES STREET T METHODIST CInat'CH Rev. M. 3. •Wilson, B.A., rastor. Sacramental service next Sabbath, morning and evening. . 3:00 p.m. -Sabbath School and Bible classes. Good- Music -All welcome. MAIN ST. METHODIST COIIRCH Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. A. •,(Phone 21, r3.) 11 a.m.---''Atonement. Sacrament of the Lord's 'Supper after pub- lic worship. 3.00 - p.m. -Sunday School and Bible classes. 7 p.m. -"David' and Jonathan." Service for ,the Oddfell.ows. BETHANY 2.30 p.m.-S•acramerit of the Lord's Supper. Y.P.C.A. "Y" closed tonight, (Wednesday) on account of entertainment in the James St. -Church. `ALFRED W. ANDERTON Professor of Music Cert. teacher T.R.C., London, Eng. Organist to James St. Methodist Church. Late organist to Lisburn Cathe- dral; Lisburn Presbyterian Church; Cabir Parish Church; and music master of Ulster,_ Provincial Schools, Belfast. Successes in examinations of Associate Board , Royal Academy Music ' Royal College, Music London College Music, etc. Terms moderate. Tuition commences ,Monday, April 18 FOR RENT -Storey and a half brick house 'on"'south*'side. of Water- loo street. Apply to Fred Hogarth, R. R. 1, Exeter; of ,,,.phone 17r22, .Crediton. ' • Have your potatoes `planted scien- tifically"°this year. UST L. V. Ho- garth's-potato ,planter. Potatoes • planted evenly and . quickly. Large or small jobs. Phone- Crediton 31 18r. ,1 , .. EARLY SEED POTATOES FOR ' SALE -=Irish Cobblers, ' Apply to Mrs. S. -Harness, Main. St. We have ,ig yard one ,car of 5X s B. C. Shingles. On thiscar we are giving a special price for two weeks ; only. If you require .;Asphalt` Slate Roofing, let us quote you. Our . stock, of lumber is well assorted. Call and let us estimate for You. • ROSS -TAYLOR CO. 4-14-2...., ' U. F. O. MviEbTING. •. A meeting of the members of the ` U. F. O. will1 ,be held on Saturday, 30, at, $ ,p.ni;., to nlace orders fors corn , and ;transat other important business. Kirkt'on-Fall- Fair , October & 6th. � 7th '2:1 f. A Baby Beef Competition will be held between the ratepayers of the ',townships of Blanshard, • -Usborne and Fullerton. The same amount of prizes will be offered, as last year. The Field Crop Competition will • be held as usual with 'faIl wheat and oats under the same' conditions as , last year. Entries for the crop competition to 'be sent to -the -•,secretary before May 24th. WM. BROCK, AMOSDOUPE, r Pres. ., : Secty. 'e. .� Ontario Dental Mr. James Campbell, an employee of; the Ontario Hospital, London, and formerly of the -Thames Road, met, with a, very serious accident on Friday afternoon last. While in the act of . opening a keg of boiler compound the contents exploded, the contents burning him terribly about the head and face. Fears are entertainedthat he , may, lose hiS eyesight. ,The doctors have hope for the right eye • but none for his left .eye. He is confined. to the hospital and latest reports are that he is. .resting easier. His brothers, Wesley Iand William, • reside at London. MrS. James T. Sdott of Granton is a Convention Meets in Toronto MAY 2, 3, k, 5, 1021, ALL ETHICAL PRACTITIONERS INVITED. Hear all about .intelligent dental • GI' nspectio'n.'', VERY CHILD A FAIR CHANCE. •sister: , ... * r w �; 1► '.t'IIIIRSDAY, ,APRIL 29, 1921. �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIiI I II II , `:. �'. �. 1111 III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiI Milli 111 llpoifiIIIIIIIIINIIIIIMUIgIIIIiIIIItIIIIIIIIIIiIIionoIIAIIltII11111NIiIIL• PHONE 1 S O U a HC O 1 1 O a? r PHONE 184. ,C V NOMA MONO MENU 111101•1116 : MOM WALL PAPER Satisfied customers is what we are aiming for. We feel that you will be one, if you buy your Wall Paper from us, this season. We are showing` a big range of new .goods and will be pleased to have you in- spect them. Curtain Scrims an ' Nets � etS We 'are showing a special range of neat patterns all at ' much lower prices, at per yard 40c, 50c & OOc. LINOLEUM Four yard wide Linoleum. It will pay you to get our price before buying your linoleum. Bring in the size of your room and get our quotations. Dark green standard size secends. A good blind at a reasonable price. ` While they last -Special at $1.00. Southcott -Bros. III11111111111111111111111111111NIIIIIII Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllll �111I1111 IIIIIIIIIIl111111111111111111111111)iI1111Ulllllllllllllllllllllllili L I ..CARLI.NG WA, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer. Solicitor for the Molsons Bank, etc. Invest your funds in Vic- tory, Dominion of Canada, Provincial and. Municipal Bonds. Legal investment for Trust Funis. • At existing prices Troth 6 per cent' to 'T per cent can be obtained from theses bond. Orders 'received by me., • ' Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. _. OFFICE - Carling Block, Main ' Street, EXETER, ONT. • HIGH INVESMENT YIELS NOW AVAILABLE. Dominion of Canada Victory Bonds,, Province of Ontario Bonds,• Municipal and other bonds. - _ERNEST ELLIOTT Office -Elliot Bldg., Main Street, EXETER, ONT. STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE. -Choice plants; 85c a hun- dred; $7.50 a thousand. Apply at Powell's Bazaar. FOR SALE -Coupe, slightly: used, looks and, works as' good as new; will be sold at sacrifice. Good rea- sons for selling. Apply at The Times' Office. A. E. ALMOND The nbted eyesight specialist of Toronto, will be at the Central Ho- tel, April 29th and 30th. FOR RENT -A good garden. Ap- ply to Mrs. James Pickard. Phone 55 - Phone 55 Powell's WEEK -END SPECIALS i . Fancy milk jugs, 45c up. ,Fancy bowls, 25c up. Cut flowers: Carnations. , r Sweet peas. Violets. Flowers -renew friendship, and cheer the sick room. _We deliver flowers anywhere in town. Step in anytime. POWELL' • BAZAAR Phone 55, The Home of the New Edison T. lH, ELLIOTT IS OUT FOR BUSINIISS My aim • is -Your patronage. My motto -Service to the public. PRICES - Ladies' Suits, cleaned and pressed $1.50 Men's Suits, pressed only . .75 Men's suits, cleaned and pressed $1.00 to $1.50 Ladies' suits dyed $4.50 Men's suits dyed . , 134.50 Ladies' suits dry cleaned $2.00 Men's suits dry cleaned •...:$2.00 Ladies' overcoats dry cleaned$2.00 Mews overcoats dry cleaned. $2.00 I'do all kind of repairing. I also have the, agency for the, Forest City Laundry, London,: Ont. ' At your service. Having purchased» a new Ford truck I am prepared to do trucking for parties desiring same. For Sale - Massey -Harris cream separator, 500 lbs. cap., nearly new. Also apple and boiled cider. Saws 'gummed, wood turning, wood pumps repaired and accessories on hand. S. r. V. CANN, EXETER r Phone 115.. AUTO LICENSES ISSUED. Auto licenses are ndw being issued in Exeter by S. W. Sims. No need to go out of town. Come in and get yours. THE EXETER TIMES Subscription rate $1.50 a year. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising -Made knows on application. • • Stray Animals --One insertion 600 three insertions for $1.00 Farm or Real Estate for sale 600 each insertion for one month of four insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent„4 Wanted;, each insertion '50c. Los .and found locals 2.5 c. • -- Local reading: notices etc., '10c per line per insertion. No notice less than 26c.,Card of Thanks 50e. _ • Auction sales. $3 for one insertion and $1:50 for each 'subsequent- sertion if under five inches in length. Legal advertising 10c and 6c id line. • A few 'choice farms in South 'Hu- ron for sale. Also- some unincumber- ed farm lands in Alberta and Sas- katchewan will be exchanged for town or village - property. Apply to Thomas Cameron,, Conveyancer, Auc- tioneer, etc. Box 154, Exeter. Phone 21r12. A. E. TENNANT , - Veterinary Surgeon Office -McDonnell's Sales Stables on John St. Phone calls receive prompt attention: Phone 26w Our New -,Spring GOOd Ar Arriving Every, DAT How ' about that new Spring -Suit? Lorne,.,. and see our New Styles It's easy to upset good form with -an out bf form tie. That's why it so often .happens. The remedy 'is here in good form; Ties, Scarfs and Four-in-hands. Gloves, Collazs Shirts, everyything in Men's Outfit- tinge correct to the minute, . r PHONE a 1,A