HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-4-28, Page 4tl
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:nip puma mingm
Cochrane Machine Works
Exeter, Orpt.
We have invev,ted a machine, fox regrinding' engine cylinders, car
it'tai'-°pzit'd'tra.+Ptor blocks, We make pistons and rings td` fit cyliuci4.4„ ;``°
u r ,,YIilER1ersuare;',ground to) -1000th part of inch,3rarleasi true and ';:ac-
curate as any .manufacturer,
We can makeyew." • engine as good as new.
We make saw mandrels, emerystands, speed jacks, hangers, pul-
leys and have shafting for sale.
We make any of the above to suit the purchaser.,
We also have a first-class welding outfit.
a,) •
Agent for the, Canadian Fairb anics-Morse Company and
Case Threshing Company.
Conic and see us regarding your wants.
r• V ..
he" J. I.
Never run into debt, unless you
see a way to get out again.
Never borrow, if you can possibly
avoid it.
Do not marry until you are able
to support a wife.
Never speak evil of any one.
The Home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
G. Shillinglaw, Tuckersmith Town-
ship, was the scene of a pretty wed-
ding at high noon on Thursday,
when their second daughter, Janet,
was united in marriage to Mr. V,.
Ivan Hargraves, of Toronto. Tale
ceremony was performed by Rev. :if,
McLean,, of Egmondville, , in the
presence of the immediate relatives
and a few friends of the contracting
parties. The bride was given away 1yy
her father, Miss Roxina Brandon. of
St, Marys acting as flower girl. The
wedding march was played by Mr.
Berl Vanegmond of Egmondvillee
The bride was becomingly attired in
a smart travelling suit of beaver
colored duvetyn, with hat of miami
shade, trimmed with French roses,
and carried a bouquet of Ophelia
roses. The happy couple left on the
afternoon train for Montreal.
Auctoin Sale
Village of Centralia
The undersigned will sell by pub-
lic auction on the premises at
SATURDAY, 11IAY 14, 1921
at 1:30 pan. the following property:
Frame House and stable, together,
with land attached immediately in
rear of postoffice; well situated;
good water and small fruits.
coal and wood stove, coal oil stove,
sewing machine, 2 sideboards, two
lo-unges, chairs, rockers, beds and
bedroom furniture, bureaus, dishes,
and other articles too numerous to
in en tion.
Auctioneer Executor
Solicitors for Executor.
• Shorten your worries and' length-
en your life;
Auction Sale
Thomas Cameron has received in-
structions from the public trustee,
of Osgoode Hall, Toronto, to sell by
public .auction on the premises
Lot No. 8, Con. 8, Tp. of Hibbert
FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1921
at 1 p.m.•sharp.
consisting of 100 acres, more or
less, of choice land; 30 acres plow-
ed ready for crop; about 8 acres of
maple and beach; small orchard;
balance in grass. On the premises
there is a first-class stone house;
large bank barn, barn on low stone
wall; straw sIied and drive hoiike; 3
good spring wells, one with wind-
This • is a, choice farm, close to
churches, school and market; rural
mail and: telephone. •
Terms and particulars made
known on day of sale, or on appli-
cation to J. W. Jackson, Sarnia P. O.
or to auctioneer.
K. W. Wright, Asst. Public Trustee
• Thos. .Cameron, Auctioneer, '
Exeter P. O.
rusade for food flait.
The Canadian Red Cross Society is one of thirty-one National Red
Cross Societies engaged in a world-wide d Wlde Crusade for
The improvement of health
The prevention of disease
The mitigation of suffering.
This movement is endorsed by
The Governments of Thirty-one Nations;
The League of Nations;
Medical and;Pubiic Health; Experts Meet-
ing in International Conference at
Cannes, France, . April,. .1919. A
;The Crusade is being inaugurated by a
World -fide Enrollment of Members
M ,.y 22-28
As the outward and visible sign of your personal share in the
movement for good health;
To help create public opinion in favour of sound health measures..
You may enroll with your Local Red Cross Branch or Enrollment Com-
mittee or, if there is no organization ' in your community wifh THE
Ontario ..,Division.
1mporta'tit' 'Events Which Hava
Occurred During the Week.
Tho Busy Weald's :Happenings Care -
>Y Complied and Girt Into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers of -Our Paper -- A
SolidIlour's Enjoyment.
IC ng Tino's Government is on the
verge, of 'collapse.
Georges, Carpentier will sail for
New York on -Mayr' :;
Knights 'of::Columbus hold; provin-
cial reception in Toronto,
A North Toronto man learns he is
heir to a large fortune., ,
Racing in England has been aban-
doned until further notice.
U. S. Treasury agents are after a
ring of- diamond smugglers. '
Chicago ,leads ,the National League
with three straight victories.
The city of Toronto willappeal
against Bell Telephone rate increase.
Striking workers in Toronto pack-
ing house consent to 'wage reduction.
The Hydro. Commission' is given
merely "running rights" on Kingston
Red Star liner Finland returned
to Southampton- With a broken pro-.
pellor. ' : '4'
A bill introduced 'into the'U. S.
Senate to operate the railways as one
The ,Vatican denies that it will
mediate for Germany with the Unit-
ed States.
A meeting of the Allied Council
will be held to take steps on Ger-
ivany's debt:
Engineer F. Phillips of Owen
Sound instantly killed at Palmerston
station. '
Harold Weeden, aged 26, instantly
killed en farm near Bognor, Ont., run
over by wagon.
Meeting in "London of Dominion
Premiers evill discuss Empire land
settlement policy.
Margaret Millar, aged 16, of Ren-
frew, fatally shot
en-frew,'fatally.shot during rifle prac-
tice at collegiate.
Paul Martin was blown to pieces
in explosion at .Dominion Cartridge
Co.'s ,plant,. Brownsburg, Que.
An Australian ,',visitor.to 'Toronto
expresses the hope that Canon Cody
will accept the Melbourne offer.
British mine owners submit new
wage offer. •
Pittsburg defeated •the Chicago Na-
tionals, 14 to 2.
The Carpentier -Dempsey bout will.
be held in„ Jersey ;City.
Denis Tansey is likely to be made
a racing commissioner.
'Lord Finley will preside over Cat-
tle Embargo Commission. • -
Frank Zuna "Wein the American
marathon in -record time.
The strike in: the meat packing
Plants ; of Toronto is ended.
Passage of the Colombian Treaty
by Congress is .now doubtful.
Hardiug has,• approved ' a strong
aeronautical policy for the U. S°
Fines totalling $7,280 for unlicens
ed liquor selling fnipdsed in Hull.
Contractors.willr.I@ay 60 cents mini,
mum wage on civic.works in Toronto.
Many applications, for transfers of
Methodist ministers are. being dealt
Eight thousand 'Dominion Coal Co.
employes at -Sydney have resumed
Mr. Justice Taylor, Saskatchewan,
rules liquor. cannot be used as legal
• Hon. Wm. Respeler, ex -Speaker of
Manitoba Legislature,, dies at Van-
Exploiting of amputation cases
charged before Parliamentary 'com-
Albert Veilleux aged 21, found
hanging dead in the • Y. M. C. A. at
Antonio Cordasco,,' a prominent-
rominentItalian labor contractor, •dies in
Montreal. ' •
Belleville City Council decides on
pay for' members for attending the
Samuel Gompers,' speaking at the
Empire CIub, Toronto, defended the
closed shop.
New York customs agent says the
dumping of alien `goods is small in
the United States.
U. S. Senate passed. the Colombian
The New 'Fork Giants won ,again,
on Wednesday. .
Former Premier Vivian!" has re=,
turned to t'''rance. °
An Optom'etrists', Club' has been
formed in Toronto. "
Meeting of the allied Premiers will
be held on Sunday., ,
The Baltimore Internationals beat
the'`Leafs by 0 to 1.,
The Western Ontario Tennis
League has reorganized.
"Babe" Ruth made his second
home run of the season.
' Milk 'producers decide to make a
drop in prices for Toronto.
Toronto merchants" object to tax
being extended to retail sales. °
• Australian Parliament 'has voted
confidence in Premier Hughes.
The A. A. U. of C. has suspended
Grant Stirrett, U. of T: athlete.
Veterans urge upon Oritario Gov-
ernment appointment: of purchasing
'The Par Eastern Soviet Republic
is asking recognition by the United
States.' ,
The cominittee on C. N. It. and
Shipping held its first meeting at
Christopher- Sutcliffe, Indian Mn -
tiny veteran, , died at Nelson, B.C.
aged 83.
A little sen of Hugo Bergner was
burned to death in a haystack near
Winnipeg. .
Refusal to forego ,their demand
for a National ,Pool id made by Brit=