HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-4-28, Page 1PFORTY-SEGO) D Y'zAR---No; 2278. EXETER, ONT,, THURSDAY '''!l t I t MIIIIIIIIiiilii111111le. `° IIIHIIIIIILIIIIIIiIII Illiilll IIIltililll IIIIIIIIIII III I IIIIIIIIIINII II1llLIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIiI III INIIIL NORM = NIMBI ammaa Amon 1.11181111. AMMON AMNON .4111.1111110 ANOMIE • 01. MORRO AMOOM Jones&May: Ladies' and Misses' Suits, Coats and Dresses. We are placing on sale - this week many odd lines and sizes of Suits, Coats and Dresses at real bargain prices. These are up-to-date gar- ments, mostly Nerthway Brand: We can give you a good Suit as low as $25,00. - ANOTHER BLACK SILK BAR- GAIN AT $1.75 A YARD." On sale this week—Another web of heavy. Pailette Dress Silk, 35 in. wide, good fast dye. Specialat $1.75 a yard. MEN'S. AND BOYS' CLOTHING. Our new range of Men's- and Youth's Suits for Spring, comprise everything that is stylish, both in cut and pattern. Nice form -fitting • suits for young men and more con- servative -styles for the older mens We also carry a fine range of suits for boys wanting their first long pants. BLOOMER SUITS -All kinds of these for the boys. We carry cheap suits for school and if you want a real high-class suit for best wear, we can give you them in all wool and in a variety of colors. SHOES OXFORDS Ladies 'Patent, Kid, Brown or Grey, ,fancy ^ slippers in all the new effects. Tie pumps, Colonials, Ankle Strap or Plain .Oxfords. We carry' a big range of the best makes at medium .prices. YOUNG MEN'S: OXFORDS•=We' carry a nice arnge of these in Brown or Black. They will be very popular this summer: Get a pair while we have all. sizes. FOR CHILDREN—Do not forget we are agents for the famous HURLBUT SHOES for Children. This is the best shoe made in Canada for Children. Many ladies in Exeter will have nothing else but Hurlbut or Classic Shoes for their children. Try them and be convinced. PUM1PS.. BIAIDE-TO-MEASURE.\ CLOTHING. We carry an extensive range of cloths for Men's Sake. We take your measure and guarantee a at. PHONE '32• ones & mayPHONE 32 MORNINCar, A'RI 28; 1921' Exeter ' Council Monday, April 25, 19 21 meetingof the unici- A regularM held. Members b • '1 was m cis al al Council 1 .v P t present except Councillor Davis. The minutes of the last meeting. were ,read and approved. Letter with 'a copy` of the' award of the arbitration re boundaries of school section No. 9, Exeter, Ste- phen and Usborne, from J. Elgin Tom, Inspector, Goderich. The costs of the arbitration as assessed against Exeter were ordered to be paid and are as follows: $8.60; $4.60 to be returned to the Inspector and $4.00` paid over to R. N. Creech. Reeve Beavers laid on the table a letter as received from the Goderich Old Home Week Re -Union, secre- tary, Mr. W. S. Bowden, with an in- vitation extended to the people of Exeter and ;community to attend. The following accounts were read and ordered paid: r- G.T.R., bal freight'„acct. on stone, 50c; Isaac Dunsford, 135 loads of gravel, 47.25; Dr. J W. Browning, Board of Health supplies, 39.60; R. MacKenzie & Soli; supplies, cern- eters L50; Cecil Ford, labor, 18.00; Exeter Times Printing, Co., Limited, ; printing ,,acct., 29.90; Jos. Hawkins, fence viewer, 2.00; Geo. Andrew, fence viewer, 2.00; W. J. Bissett, fence viewer, 2.00, par,t salary, 62.50, 64.50; Frank Mallett, labor, R. & B. acct, 12.33; J. Par sons, labor, R. & B. 9.00; Thomas Sanders, labor, R.• & 13., 6,60; Exe- ter C. & P. Co., team labor, R. & B., IMMO lama IMMO MINIUM NOY = C Manna NROINN SEEM 61.161.11111 aMmiaml Emma moan MINEMM SIMONE Mama 11.10 MEMNON IMO MONO 13.00; John, Norry,: labor, R. & B., 7.88; Rd. Quance, ,.labor, R. & B., OMB Ontario Flax Co., team labor, R. & B., 9.75; Wm. Vale, labor, R. & B., .7.00. Carried on ,motion of Elston and Snell. Adjo:rnment by Snell. Jos. Senior, Clerk. 110 Mamma Mamma swum 10111 MIME anialan IMNIOR MORON maw again NUMB ININMS ROOM a Sawa. IIII III{ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111lIIIIIIIUI1111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII r _ i(LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iiIi1 II11IlI11IIIlIIIII11lIl(lll11llil li el House -Cleaning Hs p FOR , SPRING DECORATING USE. LOWE BR:OS.. HIGH STANDARD PAINTS. LOWE : BROS. MELLOTONE PAINTS. ALABASTINE WALL FINISH per package .............. 65e. MURESCO WALL FINISH, per package .. . ,70c. :i rf • y1 CIH-NAMEL VARNISH STAINS. \e/ Give new cotar and new ,/ gloss with one application r• —dry over night. In all col- \ ors. 35c per can and up, 7 A CAMPBELL'S VARNISH STAINS for Linoleum'.'' at 185e'' per mint.. WASHING MACHINES .... '$20.00 ELECTRIC WASHERS $125.00 WRINGERS from .. $7.50 up CLOTHES BASKETS ... $2,00 STEP LADDERS ....... $1,25, up DUSTBANE".......... , . 35c up. FLOOR MOPS , $1.50 up' O'CEDAR OIL ........ 25c & 50c. LIQUID VENEER 25c & 50c. n H. ain . Hardware 27W PHONES, 27a a- ice.MA. :.takl' P-Kei ea- eaJaia » -r1 ..v.. +i .eta_ ,BORN HERN--In Usborne, on Sunday, Apirl'24, 1921,,,:to'Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Hern; a daughter. SIMMONS—In- Hensall, on April 20, 1921, to . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Simmons, a son (John Frederick.) SKINNER—In Usborne, on April 22, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner. w t ins'(son and (laugh- ter.) FAIST—At Crediton, on April 22, 1921, to Mr. , and Mrs. Moses .Faist, a son. LAWSON-At Crediton, on' April 20, 1921, to Mr. and • Mrs. Elmer Lawson, a son. WOLFE—At Crediton, on April 11, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wolfe, a son. BUCHANAN—In London, on Mon- day, April 18, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Buchanan, a son. MARRIED HAAIST—WILLERT—At the 33van- gelical parsonage, Crediton, on April 16, 1921, Miss Irene Louise daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Willert,' to Mr. Wellington R. Haist, by Rev. S. M. Haugh. FERGUSON---PARSONS----In Stan- ley township, on .April 19, 1921, by the Rev. RJ. L. Foster, of- Varna, Margaret - Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parsons, to Joseph • Calvin Feta guson, of Usborne, son of Mrs. Ferguson of Exeter. TWITCIIELL — PRESZCATOR — At the :lames Street parsonage, on Wednesday, April „27th, by Rev. I.I. J; Wilson, Miss Verna; Beatrice, daughter of Mr. and Mir. John Preszcator, of Stephen, to Mr. Robert Orval Twitchell, son of Mr. Itobei't"Twitchell, of Hensallr DIED ISAAC ---At Greenway, on April 20, 1921, Eliza Carnm, beloved Wife of Heiny' Isaac, aged 74 years, and 4 niontbg, TRIBUTE TO LATE POSTMASTER Exeter paid. ,a tribute to the late William J. Russell,postmaster of town, when all business was -sus- pended for an- hour 'as a mark of respeot, during the time of service on Friday Iast. The' tags' of town' were at half mast "The. service was conducted by -Rev. James' Foote. Six ex -soldiers in uniform acted as pallbearers, viz.: Reg. Knight, C. P. bIarvey, W. Sims, N. Hockey, Wm. Davis, Walter Harness. Interment was made in Exeter cemetery. k`.ERGUSON—PARSONS. A quiet but pretty w.edding was solemnized in the township of Stan- ley at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Parsons on Tuesday evening, April 19th, at six o'clock, when their daughter, Margaret Elizabeth,, was united in marriage to Joseph Calvin Ferguson, of Usborne Town- ship. The marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. L. Foster of._ Varna, in the presence of rela- tives and friends. The bride was be- comingly attired in white silk, trim- med with bugle beads and carried a bouquet of daffodils. She .entered the parlor on the arm of her father and the ceremony was per- formed beneath are arch of ever- greens. After a sumptuous wedding dinner and a social hour spent in musical entertainment, the . happy c t le f o f left for their new home on' p . the groom's farm in Usborne ' town- ship. The bride's going -away dress was of pale green taffeta. On Thurs- day evening a reception was held, at the home of the bride and groom. There were about 100 guests Pres ent and the evening was spent in games and vocal and instrumental music. The , bride received many ,beautiful and useful presents. Their many friends join in wishing them. a long and happy wedded life. MAIN ST. MISSION CIRCLE. Under the pilotage; of Mr. ,W. ,Johnston, on Monday .evening, the Mission Circle of Main St. Methodist Church enjoyed a real unique treat. Andrew Carnegie devoted $22,000,- 000 of his vast fortune to the'estao lishment of a foundation for the in- vestigation of unknown features in 'the various siences. The non-mag- netic yacht "Carnegie" is engaged in navigating the seven seas, calling at different points on the,, con- tinents and islands to further the Carnegie founclation. Mr. Freeborn Johnston, son of Mr. W. H. John- ston, is one of the investigators on.. board the yacht and has matte a large collection of curios represent- ing customs; costumes, products, habits and life of the various people from Hanimarfest to Capetown and from Alaska to New Zealand. The hundreds of objects, on exhibition. Were a great surprise to the audi- ence. Tliey comprise a . regular museum. Musical nuintiers added to the pleasure of the evening. Mrs, R, Alexander of near Latin ley' spent the past week with her sister, Mrs, Thos. Kernick, of Ex,o-• ter. ARMSTRONG—WILLIAMS. Messrs, Ben. and George Williams and a number of relativesmotored to Lo do n ned W nesday to attend the marriage of their sister, Miss 'Edna' C. Williams, to Mr. George W. Arm- strong of Winnipeg: REV. S. A. CAi411IERE 'CHOSEN MODERATOR. Rev. S. A. Carriere, of Grand Bend, was, on Monday, chosen mod- erator of - the Presbyterian Synod of Hamilton and London, at the annual session being held in Chatham this .week. E AIST—WILT,PRT, A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the Evangelical paronage, Crediton, on Saturday afternoon, April 16th, when Miss Irene Louise, daughter of Louis J: and Mrs. Wil- lert, was united in marriage to Mr. Wellington R. Heist, the ceremony being performed by Rev. S. M. Haugh. The bride was becomingly attired in navy blue georgette silk. Her sister; Miss Myrtle Willert, act- ed as bridesmaid, while - Mr. Fred Seebach assisted the groom. Follow- ing the ceremony' the bridal party repaired to the home of the bride where supper was served and a pleasant evening was spent. Mr.. and Mrs. Haist will reside on the groom's farm near Crediton. Their many friends will join with The Tini:es in extending congratulations. ATHLETICS FOR EXETER. An athletic association for the summer season's sport at Exeter has been organized: There are four di- visions: That of baseball; 2nd, that of tennis and volney; 3rd, that of basketball; and 4th, that of soft ball. Convenors to arrange league series, of games in each division have been appointed and are out on the job. It is expected that a num- ber of surrounding places can be interested and a real interest arous- ed. A fee of one dollar ,for member- ship for gentlemen and , fifty cents for ladies will be charged and this will entitle the member to play on any ofthe divisions he may see fit. hurry and get your name in and no- tify one of the following what you would like to plays F. Boyle, base- ball; W. Cole, soft ball;; Clyde Nea- man;