HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-4-21, Page 8I A STEWART PHONE 16,,.. Special PHONkl i 6•; grecs' Cloth We have a 'complete range in nice dark checks in stripes in Blues axial Greys. The very thing for that new house dress 4 or work apron. They are wonderful goods for washing and wearing... Worth 40c, per yard, Special Prise, 23c, per yard. '"D "et A." CORSETS We carry a full stock of D. styles. Also the "Goddess, Laced _,in many` up-to-date models in all ately priced.. "DI:AS EMI MD" & A Corsets in a number of new in Front." The Bias .Filled line all sizes. All lines very modes- -IIOLEPROOF HOSIERY. LADIES'.=. MEN'S PURE SILK ' & SILK LISLE In many new shades._'':Holeproof is one - of the best Silk Stockings., for sale to the wearer. Buy a, pair of this fine make andbe convinced of their wonderful wearing qualities, Prices much lower this season. DINNER SETS. Four new designs in full 97 -piece dinner sets; they' are very •neat patterns. -Be sure and see our sets with China Cups. Also a full showing of "Blue Bird" China in some swellodd pieces. LINOLEtMS. We have just received three new pieces of four -yard Linole- ums, all in nice new patterns. Also all sizes in Linoleum Rugs. -Let -us cover your rooms. Our selection will satisfy every desire.. SEEDS! SEEDS! Now is the time to get, your garden supply. All kinds of small garden seeds • and mange' and turnip seeds in Steele Briggs and Rennie's best seeds. Fresh Groceries at Special Reduced Prices. Highest prices paid for poul try and all Produce. .....Stewort= Sarase 0flee a ,.ae • • iaa o-.; • THt . Market Repot ---x'4a following 1.4the report of the ;4>zeter ilIarkit corrected every "Viredneaday.. Wlieat $1.40. Oats 45e. Barley 50c to 60c. Manitoba flour $5.40. Family flour $5,20. Shorts $2.00 per 100 lbs. Bran $2,00 per 100 lbs. Feed 'flour $2.50. Dairy butter 47c to 50c, Eggs 27c. Creamery butter 61,c to 63c. Creamery butter 61c to 64e. Lard 22o to 25c. Hogs $11.50. LOCAL .• • We have ' in yard one ear of 5X 13. C. Shingles. On this car we' are giving a special price . for two weeks only. If you require Asphalt Slate Roofing, let us quote you. Our stock of lumber is. well assorted. Call and let us estimate for you. ROSS -TAYLOR CO. 4-14-2. Have your potatoes planted scien- tifically this year. Use L. V. Ho- garth's potato planter. Potatoes planted evenly and quickly. -Large or small jobs. Phone- Crediton lSr31: EARLY SEED POTATOES FOR SALE -Irish Cobblers: Apply to Mrs. S. Harness, Main St. Foil RENT --A goad garden. Ap- ply to Mrs. James Pickard. A meeting of the Exeter branch of the Uf.F.O. will be held, Tues- day, April 26th for the transaction of important business. A dance will be held in McDon ell's 'Hall, Exeter, on Wednesday evening, April 27th. The music will be supplied by the Kineto orchestra of Parkhill. Admission -Gents $1.50 including war tax; ladies -lunch. A. E. ALMOND The noted eyesight specialist of Toronto will be a � t the Central' Tao- �� __,i tel, April 29th and 30th Y \At \/ Th theMassey-Harris�./ e Exeter flat mill has closed' �,` down for the present. • Sh/\ Mr. E. Short, who has been seri- g; �� + ously 111 at his'houie, is recovering. \% YOU CAN BUY SECOND-HAND MACHINES\'r/ ANY MAKE ,✓ A , AT PRESENT WE .HAVE: 11 -HOE FERTILIZER DRILL, NEARLY NEW; 17 -TOOTH CULTIVATOR, NEARLY NEW; MCCORMICK AND JOHN DEARING HAY LOADERS IN I GOOD REPAIR AND MANY 'OTHER SECOND-HAND • ;`!; MACHINES %\- WE STILL HAVE SOME PENCE. COME 7 YOUR SUPPLY. eGATES-ANY STYLE. IN AND GET a\ B. T. PUMPS AND HAY CARRIER GOODS ALWAYS ON y HAND, %\ • Specials for the month of Aril P w J %\ : % BEST HAY FORK,ROPE AT 6 CENTS PER FOOT. LEAVE / YOUR ORDER THIS MONTH.lit ETC ALSO SLING. ROPE, TRIP ROPES, y:,; \/• al 4\ 67, AGENTS FOR DOMINION ELECTRIC LIGHT :SYSTEM, . aimavatestansetenamaessmmetesimaarammaasesem il ork Francis. ill ' \ PHONE 137. One door south of Central Hotel. tei�i....�'\�'% �Y� .MI\Q�� �. \\�ji"aratta/ �: ��(iM_�moi/ / Rowe VURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND E&.IBALMER Embalmer's License No. 210. MOTOR HEARSE SERVICE Phone 20J and 20W. YOUR DAILY PAPERS . Toronto Daily Globe .. ,$5.00 Mail & Empire . , . . , . $5.00 Toronto Daily Star , • ,$3.00 London Daily Free Press -$5.00 $5.00 London Daily Advertiser . ...$5.00 Family Herald & Weekly Star $2.00 .Farmers' Advocate .$2.00 Canadian = Countryman .. $1.50 'Montreal Weekly. Witness° . , ..$1.65 WorldiWide $2.00 Toronto Saturday Night $4.00 i' tLean's Magazine ....•.......... $3.00 Rural' Canada $1,Q0 The Louth's Companion . $2.50 The Farmers' Sun. ... . $ .50 Farmers' 'Magazine •. , $2.00 Christian`'Guardian , $2.00 The Exeter Times has a clubbing, rate witii., most daily and weekly pa- pers.'' To find the • elubblag rate add the price of the papers you wish to subscribe for ,and subtract 25c from a daly paper and 10e from a Week- , paper. GET EARLY CHICKS FOR WINTER LAYERS: Starting April 11th and each week following, I have for sale a limited quantity of day old chicks -Barred Rocks and White Leghorns: Can supply mother hens with chicks.Prices reasonable. Phone 33. W. A. SAMBROOIK CREDITON P. 0., ONT. Agent for Buckeye Brooders, either oil or coal -burning. Miss Lulu Hedden, daughter of Mrs. Catharine Redden, Huron St., was quietly married in Regina, Sash., on April 2nd to Mr. Clifford Bridal of Crystal City, Man, . The young couple will make their future home at Coronation, Alta. The bride is well and favorably_ known here and will have the best .wishes of her many, friends. VESTRY MEETING. The annual vestry meeting of the Trivitt Memorial Church, was held on Monday evening last week. The financial report was one of the best in - the history of the church, Mr. Walter Cunningham, Was elected Rector's Warden, and Mr. Wesley Dearing, of Stephen, Peoples' 'War- den. Messrs. T. S. Woods and C. H. Sanders were re-elected auditors, and all the old Sidesmen were re- elected, Mr. T. S. Woods taking the place of the late . Geo, Crawley. Me$Srs, R. Murphy and Adam Case Were elected Lay delegates to the of Miss Grigg has been confined to her room for several days with ill- ness. Mrs. Parsons, of London, is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. Hector Hey- wood. Mr: Geo. May, who has been, ill for the past week and a half is slowly recovering. Miss Marjorie Seldon, teller at the Maisons Bank, is confined to -her home with illness. Messrs. Herman and Amiel Wil- lard left last week , for Eyebrow,. Sank., for the summer. Mr. Geo. Hill of town has sold his residence to Miss Elizabeth J. and Miss Emma A. Hogarth, of Ste- phen. •Mrs. B. Knight and Miss E. M. Bowey were in Brucefield last Thurs- day attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Swan. Mr. Jos. Cobbledick, of Calgary, who is visiting in the East, has been sending a few days renewing ac- quaintances in Exeter. Mr. John Stire, of Exeter North, last week had the misfortune to cut his foot with an axe while splitting kindling. It required several stitches to close the wound. Messrs. Geo. Ford and Thos. El- liott left Saturday for. Flint, Mich., where they were called owing to the serious illness of the former's son, Garnet; with pneumonia. Mr. . W m.L Leavitt is now putting a show on in Hensall every Monday night in the town hall. Fair crowds, have turned out so far. The Dome" Theatre orchestra is'. in attendance also. Rev. H. B. Parnaby, of Elimville, conducted the service in James St. Methodist Church on Sabbath morn- ing, last. Mr. Pareaby-'gave an 'in- teresting prelude on ' prohibition, followed by' an acceptable sermon: A snoW storm visited, this ,section on Saturday last and. on Sunday the ground wad covered with a mantle of white. It soon disappeared on Monday under the 'warm rays of the sun. Little damage is reported to the fruit. Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, of I Windsor, came up last Thursday'to visit in .Exeter, the former spending- a couple of days in, town, while the latter will visit for a couple of weeks with her months, litre. S. 'A. Her - ens. to t e • d. C ha V M .of Mr. R: E.,,Southcott returns home day after completing the year in Neology at • Toronto I.fniversity. The xaminations •finished on Wednes- ay. He leaves ' in May to take harge of a circuit in southern Sas- ,tcliewan. , The engagement.is announced of erns."Beatrice, danghter•of Mr, and rs." Joh x Preszcator of the 3rd con; Stephen, to R, Orville Twitchell, IlenSall, eldest son . of Mr.. and, Synod, With C. FI, Sanders and T M l`lewell .substitutes. The' rectors' sal- Nl' re.' Robert Twitch ll, of llrandoii, ary was increased by $200.00. this month, in., the' marriage to take ,place EXETER TIMES, THURSDAXk APRIL 21i 1931. withthe churches .IIIII�fllllllll11111lilAAlIIIlIlI111111111II111111111111111111111111Ill(lllliiiiillllllilll1111' 11111111iipliliiliilnituit Il1IL..,_ p 7AVET PER SBYTCRIA1d; CHURCH � PHONE 134, S O U ry HC o TT BROS. Rey. James Z+,?ao , Ili. A., MinisterT'HONE 134: 10 a•m•-Sunday School and Bible: classes Rev. W., D..." McIntosh, B,A.,:..-of Brucefi,eld, will conduct the services next Sabbath both morning and eve- f;. ' ' s nin := .. Boys Scouts at "Y" Sat. at 7 p,m. JAMES STREET MF,THODIST CMCIRCII Rev. M. J. Wilson; B.A., Pastor. 11 a.m."Forgiveness." Continue ing the study of our Lord's Prayer.., 3.00 p.m. -Sabbath School , and Bible 'classes. 7 ,p.m•-"Sjy Foot Men and Wo- men." o-men. • 1 MAIN' ST. i,VIETHODIST' CHURCH' Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. A. "(Phone 21, r3.) Ladies' Aid anniversary. -Ladies'. Aid choir. 11 a.m. and ,7 p.m, -Rev. Arthur W. Brown. 3.00 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible classes: BETHANY 2.30 p,m.-Rev. ,4. W. Brown. Y.P.C.A. Tonight -is ladies' night at the Y. Friday night a bowling tournament. Give your name in to Mr. Cole if you would like to enter. Don't miss the season's entertain- ment on ntertainmenton April 27th. See -bills or. programmes for -information. ALFRED • W. ANDERTON, Professor of Music Cert. teacher T.R.C,, London', Eng. Organist 'to.Japaes St. Methodist`. Church. Late :organistto .Lisburn Cathe- dral; Lisburn:_Presbyterian Church; Cabir:.Parish Church; and. music master of Ulster Peovincial Schools, Belfast. Successes' in examinations of Associate Board Royal Academy Music Royal College Music London College Music, etc. Terms 'moderate. Tuition commences Monday, April 18 FOR RENT -Storey and a half brick house on south side of Water- loo street. Apply to Fred Hogarth, R. R. 1, Exeter, or phone 1?r22, Crediton. LOST -A pair of ', spectacles in case; were lost in Exeter . over a week ago. Finder kindly leave at Times' office. County Clerk George Holman, of Goderich, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Rd. Davis on Thursday last. Just About Your. Mother` How .many have good photographs of ' their mothers? Have you? Are we -not apt to think ofmother as be- ing permanently with us? Dear Mother, with lines from care and, lines from joy, and with' Iove shining in her quiet eyes. Have you her picture? <. • THE SENIOR STUDIO Exeter, Ont. Ontario Dental.:: Convention Meets in Toronto MAY 2, 3, 4f 5, 1021 ALL ETHICAL PRACTITIONERS INV:fTgD. Hear all about intelligent dental inspection, ` G]IV9+ :E , i ...a.V.V..It',Y,' f,t<£191ID 1'. ,F+'1?aA1i.. CHANCE. UMW = • Satisfied customers is -what the are .aiming for. We feel that ,you will be one, if you buy your Wall Paper ..from us this :season. We are . showing a big range of new goods and ,will be pleased to have' you in speet. them, Curtain Scrim s and ATets We are showing a special range of neat patterns lower prices, at per yard 40c, 50e & 66c. LINOLEUM all at ' much Pour yard wide Linoleum. It will pay you to get our price before buying your linoleum. Bring in the size of your room and get' our quotations. BLIND$ Dark green standard size seconds. A good •blind at 'a reasonable price. While they last -Special at $1.00. outhcott Bros ammo MEMO ammo OMNI IMMOIS lllllillllll�lilll111lIIIIIIINAIIiIlI1111(IIIIlIII _" Illllllil(ill(I(III(illllilllllllllllilllilll 11illllllllllNllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIlIIIIIIIIIl� I.R. `CARLING B.A. Barrister; Solicitor, Notary ' Public, Conveyancer, Solicitor for the Moisons Bank, etc. Invest your funds in Vic- tory, Dominion of Canada; Provincial and Municipal Bonds. Legal investment for Trust Funds. At existing prices, from 6 per cent to 7 per cent Can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received' by me. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest.' OFFICE Carling Block, Main Street, EXETER, ONT. uaraseammesznismownsimerommonimitimisomr • HIGH INVESMENT YIELDS NOW AVAILABLE. Dominion of Canada Victory Bonds; Province of 'Ontario Bonds, Municipal 'and other bonds. ERNEST ELLIOTT Office -Elliot Bldg., Main Street, IEXETER, ONT. STRAWBERRY PLANTS ;FOR SALE. -Choice: plants; 85c a' hun- dred; $7.50 a thousand. Apply at Pow -ell's Bazaar. FOR SALE -Coupe, slightly used, looks and : works as good as new; will,be sold at sacrifice. Good rea- sons for selling. Apply at The Times' Office. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Three blocks east of Main Street on Huron. One storey frame house, seven rooms, in good repair. Apply to G. A. Vanslone,' Exeter. FOR. SALE -Good building Iot on Main street. Apply to F. A. May. Phone 55 Phone 55 Powell's WEEK -END SPECIALS Fancy milkjg , u s 45c up. Fancy bowls, 25c up. Cut flowers.• ` t Carnations. Tulips. Sweet peas. Violets. Flowers renew friendship, and cheer the sick room. We' deliver flowers ,, anywhere'. town. Step in anytime: POWELL'S AZAAR one tis. he Glome of the New Edison oaa T.' H. ELLIOTT' IS OUT FOR ;BUSINFrSS My . aim is -=-Your, patronage. My motto -Service .to, the public. - PRICES Ladies' . Suits, cleaned and pressed Men's Suits, pressed only ..?5 Men's suits, cleaned • and pressed Ladies' suits dyed 1.00 to" $1.50 $4.50 Men"`s suits dyed Ladies' suits dry cleaned .... $2,00 Men's suits dry cleaned . $2.00 Ladies'- overcoats dry cleaned $2.00 Men's overcoats dry cleaned.. $2,00 I do all kind• of repairing. I also have the agency for the, Forest; City Laundry, London, Ont. At your service. Having purchased a new Ford truck I am prepared to do trucking for parties desiring same. For Sale- Massey -Harris cream separator, 500 lbs. cap., nearly new:' Also apple and boiled cider. Saws gummed, wood turning, wood pumps repaired and accessories on hand. S. J. V. CANN, EXETER Phone 115. AUTO LICENSES ISSUED. Auto licenses are now being issued in Exeter by S. W. Sims1 No need to go out of town. Come in and get yours. THE EXETER TIMES Subscription rate ; $1.50 a year., ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising -Made knows on application,• ' Stray Animals -One insertion 50o three insertions for $1,00 Fa3•rm or Real Estate for sale 50e each insertion for one month of four• insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not pore than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and; found locals 25c. 'Local reading notices etc., 1Oc per line per insertion. No notice lest" than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction sales $3 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion, if under fiverinches in length. Legal advertising 10c and 5c a line. A few choice farms in South Hu- ron for sale. Also dome unincumber- ed farm lands in Alberta and Sas- katchewan will be exchanged for town or village property. Apply to Thomas Cameron, Conveyancer, Auc- tioneer, etc. Box 154, 'Exeter, Phone 21r12. A. E. - TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon Office --McDonnell's Sales Stables on John St. Phone calls receive prompt attention. Phone 26w Our New Spring Goods � Are Arriving 'Every How about that new Spring ;� Ilg. Suit? Came in and see our NewStles Y It's easy to upset good form with an out of form, tie. That's why it so 'often :happens. The reihedy is here in good form Ties, Scarfe and Four-in-hands. Gloves, Collars Shirts, everyythiiig in Men's Outfit tinge correct to the minute. P 0