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.,,•ffecte ,,,,,,,aMeetatrrattnettpaierneattene,aen,enann„,teantene•eneeenteneennetenenaitanattoe
TIIURS11).AY, AlP"ItIL 21, 1921,
TUE EinET1134, TSS
Rev. Haugh left on Monday eve-
ning to attend the Evangelical con-
ference, which is' being held in
Stratford'. •
• Mr, R. S. Wilson entertained a
number of little friends of Master
Jack's, Monday afternoon in honor
of his nirehday,
, JOhnson, of n „of
Commerce, left last week for tne"
West, Mr. Keenan of St. Thomas
• 'taking." iiid" Place hone,
Miss Gibson spent the 'Weelt-end
at her home in Blyth, going on Mon-
• day to Toronto to attend the sum-
mer millinery openings.
The executive of 'the Crediton
Amateur Athletic Association have
called a meeting of the citizens of
• ' this village and, all those interested
In rithletics, to meet in the Town
Hall on Friday evening of this week
at 8 p.m,. The, object of the meet -
season and discues then matter of
having another celebration in town
this year. Final arrangements have •
been made whereby the recreationrecreationRev, Mr. Conway will preach atthe afternoon services In the Mettle -
grounds can be traneferrecl by, deed
dist church next Sunday. " •
so that Crediton will be assured ef
permanent grounds fOr all kinds Of
Revr'SatedWdarerststleolniVetrheeCI Refery
ports. Let there be a good attend,- appreciative
endum at Roys Church on Sunday. •
once and everybody come determin-
ed to make the celebration, if such
Is to be held, better than last year.
Pollen—Hunkint----A quiet Wed-
ding took place at the Thames Road
Presbyterian Church on WeddesdaY,
April 13th when Miss Nellie ViOla
Hunkin, third daughter of Mr. and
-married to Mr. John Edwin Pollen,
r. and Mes, W. Elliott Were in
London On Taesday.
Special maple at neXt Sunday eve-
ning service; Choir to be assisted by
singers from WoOdhain.
Mr. Frenk Taylor and Mr. Andrew
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Brook, of Hicks each sang a solo a the Sun -
Winnipeg, Man., are guests at the day evening service; also Miss Verda
ironic of the latter's brother, Mr. Hicks and Miss Marion Neil a duet.
Edward-Colquiroun. High, lifteneSt ellbenn in the'
'A box peeled will be held on, Fri- voting on Monday, The ladies prov-
day.'eve at N. 5 school, • Ribbert, ed themselves egbod and successful
iiiicfdr the auspices of the Jolly Pl Workers.
-• Mr. R. Hicks' sale last week was
, •
The Misses Ethel Celquhoun, and well attended and good prices were
Mary Smith ,of the 'Western Univer- realized. His grey draft team was
sity, Londen, were week -end visitors purchased by a party from London.
Mrs, 'rhos. Hunkin of Usborne, was with the former's parents, he. Mr. John Kent took them to London
ntar edea-Aeseela inn, as
parts' We have nrn• heard of any action by Incense ConlIniesiell an'ainst
damage being done to, fields that errenntnee electors, •
had been seeded. Archdeacon Cody of Toronto con
• Rev, Mr, Wilson preached at Zion siders appointment as Archbigihop of
Sunday morning and filled the bill
to the immense delight of a good
congregation present to, hear him.
Mrs. M. •Heywood was the recipi-
ent of "a pleasant surprise on Wed-
nesday last, when, at the W. M. S.
meeting of Sunshine Church she was
presented', with a life member's cer-
tificate. •,Mrs. I-Ieywood is just, com-
pleting ten years as persident of the
society 'and, the members of the Sun-
shine W.1VI.S. thought it, a good;thile
to show their appreciation of the un-
selfish services she has rendered to
the society.
ae. .
Mr Nesbitt Russell has -purchased
el arra on e . . Mr. John Mc ueen Isa a a a
on Tuesday.
• the Park • f th • tvdr road rhe "W M. ••S held their annual Q t b A sow at Brockville gives birth to Milverton.
• -
Mrn Fred Papiueau of St. JOennllp
meibpuene, Australia, left for DetrOit 011 Tueedar merning,„
chasear goin
mo ttoor w -e at at t 40-milechforrruamt past- Anfeetwh e weeks
.eneekws abtussi 'Stratford,
has; an: opened
The London Police, after a wild Wise Eva Williams, Wile spent the
fatally injures cyclist, Stanley Kram- up. in & Wagner,
er, at Kitchener, and speeds away. Photographers,
of whisky. yin -two cars, with 100 cases
turned home,
The Leafs again defeat Petersburg
by 5 to 4. . • ,,
Greek reservists in Canada called
to the•colors ,
• ,
"MOVie plibtOgraptiere are not made
welcome at Doom.
Light, vote on the referendum go
far in advance, polls.
New plans 'show live stock arena
much,reduced in size. •
,Telephone conversations held be-
tween Ottawa and Cuba.
Mr. John Galster left for Kit-
chener last week where he has ac-
cepted a good position.
Mrs. J. B. Dennis, of Galt, was n•
visitor at tne, 'keine \of. her father,
Mr. G. 1-Ioltzzim.nn, for a few days.
Mr. John Deichert spent the week-- -
'end at New Haven, to visit his bro-
ther; Mr. Henry Deichert, who is
Mrs. C. L. Smith and little' Mae,
are, spending a fear weeks at the
home of the . former's •parents, at
•Pollen, of Farquhar, by 'the Rev. 6. in Downie which the late Mr. Milne meeting in the school room of the record. litter of 20 pigs. Mr. and Mrs. Con. Thiel of ea(
M. Chidley. After the ceremony they / , • around again.'
Mr. Robt. McLean is home from
London and is getting along fine
after his operation. •
Mr. Pete MIN ht
had rented. We are serrY to lose church on Tuesday afternoon. All
motored to Stratford. Mr. and Mrs.
the officers were re-elected, namely
such desirable citizens from our vi-
cinity. . Mrs. Brooks, pres.; Miss Wilson,
treas.; and Mrs. W. Oke, sec. Mrs.
Oke gave a apprecited • r a.ug on, whohas
Paper on Christian Stewardship. been laid up from poison ivy this
week, is getting better.
ing is to reorganize for the coming Pollenewill 'reside in Exeter.
Western University
London, Ontario
Summer School
For Information and Calendar ''rite
K. P. R. NEVILLE, Registrar
rt,s and Sciences
July 4th to August 12th •
• James' much•
Inspector Tom, of Goderich, visit-
ed Weyburn school last Thursday
Measles are on the increase in this
section; consequently, public 'schools
and Sunday schools are light in at-
Mr. J. Guinan, assessor of Ste-
phen township, visited our school
.last Wednesday and spent thenight
with our :teacher, J. S. Delga.ty.
A gospel service was held in our
school last Sunday evening, but the
attendance was very meagre owing
to the epidemic of measles. Godgel
services will not pe held here until
May 3rd when an address will be
given on "The Next Two Great
Events in View.”‘
Dia Cornish left last week for Kit-
chener where lie hoped to put in the
Geo. Jacques and family motored
to London on Saturday last. It rain-
ed as usual.
Mr. R. E. Southcott is expected
to assist Mr. Parnaby in the serv-
ices on Sunday.
A'good, congregation turned out
Sunday night to hear the illustrated
story in Elirnville Church.
Polling day passed off quietly in
this village. • Prohibition received
the handsome majority of 341.
The inclement weather of last
week stopped 'field work in these
The phonograph you buy today is the,
phOnograpla you wiltilisten to for the
,est of your life.
You can't investigate too thor-
• Before you'put down your money
for any instrument whatever, you ought
to know you are getting the one
best 'phonograph. This knowledge
, should not be 'a„. "hunch" or a "guess"
in your mind. It should be based on
the actual facts.
Where are you going to get, the
actual . facts?—except by hearing our
Edison Turn -Table Comparison: It
is the only scientific phonograph com-
parison in town,—the only way you
can hear, four leading phonographs
in the same room, from the same po-
sition, playing recordings by the same
artist. )
We are offering our Edison Turn -
Table as a free service to all music -
lovers. Come in Ask for it 1 There's
no \obligation to buy from us,—or say
anything more than "thank you."
J. Willis Powell, Exeter, Ont.
Ask for the Edison Turn -Table Comparison. Given Onlyon Request
The talking machines, used them,, to regulate them, or to substi,-
these tests, are kept by us in. the - tute other Machines, of the same
'best possible condition. „ ivianufa.c- make, o their own ,selection, o
turers of such machines, or their rep- '...equal Or greater value, at any time
resentatives,'.are invited to inspect during business hours.
••••• " nee .ii'C k 100 0, "r!' : ""Nt$4.4.4V1" '
, , •
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pybus were to
Exeter last Friday visiting Mrs.
Q' -
Mew York lea.ds the National 'forth spent a few days in the' village
League with two straight awins.
Lithuania says Poland is mass-
ing troops in Vilna area.
Turkieli troops have bottled up a
Greek army in Brusa,
Banks are underwriting credit for having won' several firsts and 'one
Cuban owing to sugar slump, second at the spring fairs. The corn -
Fresh offer to negotiate has been petition Was as high as eight in' meSt
made, by the British miners. cases. "
Pybus' father and mother, Mr. and.
Only one game was postponed in
the major leagues yesterday.
last week. Mr. Thiel sold his 'dwell-
ing to Mr. Sam. Beacon.,
Mr. J. Decher, Sr;- cap be mond
of his four-year-olde colt, Roadster,
Mrs, Johns. H. H. Dewart, MiP.P. introduces
The young people who have been
practicing a play entitled "The
Young County Schein Mann," are
putting it on in Chiselhurst Metho-
dist Church on Tuesday, May '3rd
at 8 p.m.
Mr. Stanley Mitchell', son of Mr.
and Mr.s John Mitchell, ran a nail
into his foot some time ago which
is proving, very serious to him. He
has been taken to London Hospital
•and the doctors have pronounced ft
lockjaw. He is in a very serious con;
dition at present. We hoe lie will
Mrs. H. 'Smale of Cromarty• Visit-
ed with Mrs. W. E. Pfaff.
Mrs. Flett and., two children of
Grimsby, visited- with M.r and 'Mrs.
Alf. Taylor.
Mr. C. A. Redmond of Dorchester,
renewed acquaintances in Hensall
last week.
Mrs. Dr. Herbert Bell of Reading,
Mich., is the guest of. Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Montgomery.
Mr. G. C. Petty has purchased
the property of the late Mrs. Small-
acombe on Mill street. 4
Miss Vera Geiger has returned
home from Toroneo where she visit -
drastic amendment to 0. T. A.
Workers, suggest plan of ending
strike in Toronto packing plants.'
,Building costs have declined 20
In the passing of Jessie Lehman
at the home of her' daughter, Mrs.
H. C. Zaplie, Blake, another of Hay
township'sntrioneers leaves us. De-
ceased had been ailing a -number oft
years of which time she as mostly
per „cent., says Toronto contractor. • bedfast, and e the end came only to
Premier, and Hon. Mr. Grant give relieve her of her sufferings. Sonia
some encouragement 'to universities, sixty years ago she and her hueband,
Pour thousand houses have been the late Abraham Lehman, gettled
destroyed by a fire in- Hokodate, and cleared a _home on the Bronson
jaP'Laonn. gshoremen and othe'r port
Line, where they lived for forty -
workers at Montreal to have wages
Spanish River Pulp & Paper Mills,
Ltd., ask employes to accept 30 p.c.
wage cut.
Seed potatoes offered at Milton at
20 cents a bag; .e. year ago sold at
$5 to $9. -
• Riverside • A. C. entrants scored
heavily in -the Ontario boxing
Toronto' e tax rate for 1921 is 33
Seeding has started northwest of
Regina. .
Montreal Anglican Synod oppose
Another rebellion is about to start
in Mexico.
Rene Viviani will sail for France
this week.
New York and Chicago lead the
National League.
More than 25,000 returned soldiers
settled on farms.
The Triple Alliance in Britain has
been split by strike.
Silk production is to be taken up
ed friends for three weeks, on a4arm near Simcoe..
Truant officer finds 12-yee.r-old for-
eign-bornParlmer girl married.
spending a few weeks holidays with • Germany 'will peesent new repara-
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Pare -
Mr. James Parks, was last week
appointed a member of the London
police force and commenced his
duties on Monday last.
Mrs. Eliza Jane Coleman, relict
of the late Francis -Coleman, passed
away on Tuesday of last week at
her home at the advanced age of
83 years and 22 days, her husband
having predeceased her 16 years
ago. The deceased was born in'
Vaughan Township near 'Toronto,
and Caine with her parents when she
was seventeen years of age and set-
tled on a farm on the Parr Line,
Stanley; a year later she was mar-
ried to the late Francis Coleman and
also settled on a farm on the Parr
Line, Stanley, where they lived for
many years, coming to Hensall about
13 years ago. Surviving are four
sons: Thos. of Tuckersmith; George
on the homestead in Stanley; Fran-
cis- of Stanley; and Rev..Oliver of
Manitoba. Also four daughters: Mrs.
John Shannon and Mrs. H. Williams
of Bay City, Mich.; Mr's : John Elgie
of Winnipeg; and Mrs. H. Ortwein
of town.
Important Events Which Have
Occurred During the Week.
The Busy World's Happenings Care-
fully Compiled and Put Into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the Renders of Our Paper — A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment
The U. S. Congress re -assembled
The Leafs beat Rocky Mount, on
Monday, 11 to -2.
Athol Gow has been elected presi-
dent of the T.A.B.A.
Mail service is resumed with Rus-
sia, postmaster announces.
McConkey and Coyne, Toronto box-
ers, were beaten at Boston.
David Balasco, the actor, is ill in
New 'York with pneumonia.
Toronto book binders want wage
•increaees and 44 -hour week.
A Government caucus discusses
matters affecting the Hydro.
Edmonton's high school teachers,
755 in nember, are on strike:
Roy Harris, 'who clattered to have
murdered Elwell, was released,
Negotiation e over' the miner'
strike situation in Britain are still on.
Harry Greb knocked out Soldier
Jones in the fourth round in Toronto.
Squadron Leader Keith Tailyour,
A.F.C., C.A.,E, of Edmonton, Vinod.
WM. Donohue, Hamilton, ap'po'int -
•ed Mining Recorder at Soh irt
Toronto City, Council Makes an-
other vn
'vote of money for uelaploved
tion proposals to France. „
Archbishop Mannix says Vatican is
behind Irish independence.
Regina teachers given salary in-
creases amounting to $7,500.
A drop in our prices may bring
a reduction in the cost of bread.
Race mdetings in England are
postponed owing to labor trouble.
Squaws and boys had a hard fight
with timber wolves near Cochrane.
Indications are that Jersey City
will get the Dempsey -Carpentier
bout. "-
The shipbuildersstrike in Toronto
has cost the International Union
A course 'has been organized for
training teachers in Canadianizing
A high school will be built on the
corner of Jarvis and Wellesley
streets, Toronto.
Attorney -General Raney refuses to
apologize or withdraw statements
regarding J. L. Counsell.
The Leafs beat Norfolk on Satur-
day by 3 to 2.
Sterling closed in New York on
Saturday at $3.921. '•
A -thousand Irish enrigrants have
left for the United States.
C.N.R. raises the wages of steam
shovel men on eastern lines.
Mothers' pensions investigator in
the north finds worthy cedes.
B'oston won four games out of five
from the Brooklyn Nationals,
Daniel Davis, for 22 years police
magistrate of Cornwall, is dead.
A bill in Congress seeks to pro-
hihit the sale of medical beer.
Mexico City is unalarmed at re-
ported revolt of Gen. Gonzales.
Damaged' totalling $13,000 award-
ed to five Hamilton Italian families.
Jose Capablanca defeated Dr. Las-
ker for the fourth consecutive time.
The Mayflower has been found to
be eligible for the fishermen's race.
Owing to poor weather many soc-
cer games were postponed Saturday.
Monster rallies in interest of both
wets and' drys close Toronto cam-
Prod Bell, aged 7, of Orillia, was
drowned off a raft in Lake Couchi-
Large crowds pack Parkdale Tab-
ernacle, Toronto, for "laying -on of
t John Valad, a young farmer near
Riversdale, Ont.,. was found dead in'
his buggy.
Tablet to the officers and men of
the Queen's Own Regiment of To-
ronto unveiled by Premier of Canada.
Stanley R. Cole, aged 20, of Tyen-
dinaga, died in Belleville as a result
of injuries received when the horses
he was driving ran away.
Dr. t .R. Lancaster, of Tillsonberg,
whoSe back was broken three eveeks
ago when he was hit by a M.C.R.
passenger, train, died from his jar
Inrios. .
The Department of Trade and
Commerce bits received 'notification
Iron Pert of Spain,' Iriniclad, that
the new tariff bill hae been passed,
giving Canada a, preferential tariff of
atty. per cent.
seven years, then moving to Zurich
where deceased resided until throb
years ago, when she made her home
with her daughter, Mrs. H, C. Zapire.
She was 83 years, 8 months and 23
days. Deceased was predeceased by
her husband by eight years, and.
three of her family have also -passed
aWay$ There remains te mourn
lessone son,' Mr. William Lehman
of Caledonia, Mich.; three daughters-
-Mrs. H..C. Zaphe of Blake; -Mrs.
C, Bossennerry of Fairgrove, Alta.;
and Mrs. RallsSeau of • Fargrove,
Mich. •
Joe—"Even a policeman cannot
arrest the flight of time ". •
Pete—"Can't he? Why, onlyethiS
morning I saw a policeman- go into
a store and stop a few minuteS,"---
Boys' Life. "
For Sale By "•••;•1-
Double Track Route.
Unexcelled dining car service.
'Sleeping cars on night trains and
parlor cars on principal day trains.
Full information from any' Grand •
Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Hor-
ning, District Passenger Agent,
N. 3.•DORIE, Agent, Exeter.
Phone 46w.
, OITIAntrPORP),,, annnliT•,ae-ea
Our winter term commences .
Tuesday, January 4th and
students may register in our
Conimercial Shorthand, amid
Teiegraphy departments at,
• any time. Oui• courede are
thorough and practical and
we assist graduates to positions. Get out free cata-
' ' moraialeatrameamesuitliedinen;emematiamenatianatatte
tr, •tit'
5 .