HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-4-21, Page 1FoRTt-Sic'eN DT,EAii—Nci:' 2278 4.11.111 AMON. .M11211 Jones & May EXETER, ONT.1 THURSpAY 1‘101i/44Ner, APRIL 21, 1921 ' . adios and Misses' Dresses, oats and . ...1•1•11•11 We are placing on sale this week many odd lines and sizes of 'Sults, Coats and, Dresses at real bargain prices. These are up-to-date gar- ments, mostly Nr.rthway Brand. We can give you a good Suit as low as $25.00. - ANOTHER BLACK SILK BAR-- GAIN AT $1.75 A YARD. On sale this week—Another web of heavy Pailette Dress Silk, 35 in. wide,. good fast dye. Special at $1.75 MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. Our new range of :Men's aiy1,.. • Youth's Suits for, Sprin'g, 'dompriso everything that is, stylish, both in cut and pattern. Nice form -fitting: snits for young 'Men and more don - ti• • We also 'carry a fine range' 01: suits tsoe.rr con- servative styles se wantingslesf o the olderfirstmenix. their iag• pants. BLOOMEE SUITS—All- kinds 'of these for the boys. We Carry cheap suits for school and if you want a real high-class suit for best wear, we- can give you them in all wool and in a variety of colors. SHOES OXFORDS PUMPS ' +`:'• Ladies Patent, MU, Brown or Grey, fancy slippers in all the new effects. Tie pumps, Colonials, Ankle Strap or Plain Oxfords. We carry a big range of the best makes at medium priced. •• YOUNG MEN'S OXFORDS -We carry a -nice arnge ;of these, in • Brown or Black. They will be very popular this summer. Get a pair while we have all sizes. FOR CHILDREN—Do not forget we are agents for the famous HURLBUT SHOES for Children. This is the best shoe made in Canada for Children, Many ladies in Exeter' will have nothing else but Hurlbut or Classic Shoes for their children. Try them and be convinced. MADE -TO -MEASURE CLOTHING. • We carry an extensive range of cloths for Men's Suits. We take your measure and guarantee a fit ECLIPSE OF THE MOON, There will be an eclipse of the moon on Friday morning between one and three a.M. LAID TO REST-, The panel -al of the late Mrs. •Rd. Davis was held on Thursday of last week. Service Was held in the Triir- itt Church, conducted bY .• the rector, Rev. A. A. Trumper, at which there Was a • large turnout. -..,, The Rebekah. Lodge of Oddfellows Imalli• of I-Iensall, of whicli the deceased Was a member, attenclecl the sery- ice in a bocly. = PLATE GLASS' BROKEN. ' = .A. large, plate elass window in the store of W. W. „Taman was broken by•a stone thrown by a passing auto. , The car was parlccd. In rront of W. = I S. Col's and just after starting = I away a stone alieut the size of a goose egg was ,-hurled against the = window. "A small hole was made in the glass and the cracks spread out in all directions. . IOWA. Immo .11•11 OFFICIAL VISIT OF D.D.G.M. Rt.-Wor. Bro. Fraser, of Parkhill, = D.D,G,M.,: paid.. his oacial visit to Lebanon Forest Lodge, A..F.&.A.M., -•'" Monday evening. There was a splen- ,— did turn -out of ,the brethren, The work of the initiary degree was ex- , ehiplifted by the officers in a manner' that drew' 'faith great praise from Bro. Fraser. Fdllowing the work' ot the evening a Sumptuous banquet was served in the'ledge room. Bro, „T. A. Stewart; acted.',as toastma.ster. The first; toas:t was4 toast to "The Rang," MOO MEM. ' solo = • — 'responded ,to by singing the National I • "Sr:- Anthem..„A toast to the Grand Lodge .and the Distrfet?..was respon.ded,to in Very able manner by Rt: War., Bro. = Fraser, and Bro. M. E. Eacrett. Can- .., -•-• ada ryas rp.S,Ponded to by Bro. =.• Wethey; the Visitors by 'Bros. Baird ,ofeeLottdon .dia„creR, utherford of Credi- . c'PHONE = PHONE 32 ‘.82 31. . • — MM. .1.111.1 1.0.• re- LT41*--- 410 -Mt ir ten; Lebanoni:pprest• Lodge by Bros. -Heanian, OliOnlan and Stanbury. Bro. W. .R_Eltiott added Much to the..evening'geiirogram by his selec- • tions of , • POS'IlILISTER'RUSSELL DIES. Postmaster William. James Rus- sell, died at his home on William street Wednesday morning, follow- ing an illness of several months. Postmaster Russell was a veteran of the Great War. Since his return. to Canada he has suffered with heart trouble, which later develop- ed. into an affecCion of the lungs, which caused his death. The deceas- ed was born on a farm in Hay Tp., just west of Exeter. In 3,915 he en- listed with the 70th Battalion and after going overseas he was drafted to the "Princess Pats." He had been on the firing line only a few weeks when, on June 3rd,_ 1916,- he was wounded in the left hrin, at Ypres, necessitating the amputations of the a,rin at the shoulder.' 'In , January,i 1917, he returned to Exeter 'and -Wag one of the -first to arrive in town. from the war zone. In July of the same year he was appointed BORN postmaster of Exeter, succeeding the late Edward Christie. In September, 4 / House -Cleaning Kelps HOLMAN—In Goderich, to, Mr. and 1918, the deceased was married to fp Mrs Geo •W. Holman, a son. , IVI.Iss Rose Patterson, of Blyth. Be- sides his bereaved widow he -is sur - ,4 33USWELL—At Evesharn-, Sask., on vived by his parents; Mr. and mrs. 71 FOR SPRING DECORATING USE. LOWE BROS. HIGH STANDARD PAINTS. 41.4 LOWE BROS. MELLOTONE PAINTS.' , April 5,, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. A Wilitam Russell, of 'town; two - E. Buswell..a daughter, (Helen them and one sister: Homer of We taskiwin, Sask., who '` is expected ALABASTINE WALL FINISH, per package MIIRESCO WALL FINISH, per package • 65e. 11. - home this (Wednesday) evening; - 70c. CHI-NAMEL VARNISH. STAINS. Give new comr and new ° gloss With one application —dry -over night. In all col- ors. 35e per can and up. WASHING MACHINES $20:00 ELECTRIC WASHERS ... $125.00 WRINGERS from 87.50 lip. MOTHES 'BASKETS • $2 • . 00 . V, STEP LADDERS ....... 31.25 up , • , , DUSTBA'NE , 85c up. FLOOR MOPS ..............$1.50 up • O'OEDAR OIL 25c & 50e. LIQUID VENEER : . 25c &50c. ., • , CAMPBELL'S VARNISH STAINS fpr Linoleuins at 85c per pint. ' • Tykimones trim] snop. Milton. on the homestead; and Miss Maud at home, The funeral, private, BRIDAL—HEDDEN — In Regina, will be held Friday afternoon Sask., on April 2, 1921; Mr. Clif- ford Bridal, of Crystal City, Man - of Mrs. Catharine Iledden,'of Exe- ' OLD LANDAIARK BE/NG to Miss Lulu Iledden, daughte'r RlEMOVED. • The old foundry thathas been. one , . of the outstanding"-," landmarks of POLLEN—HUNKIN;-.A.t the Pres: E• xeter for many years, is about to byteria,n manse, Thames Road, o11 be demolished and on ,the site sev- April 13th, by Rey. Chidley,• Mret ii new dwellings will be erected. John, Edwin Pollen , 'ok Exeter, T• he property, last week, passed tnto son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Pollen the hands of S. J. V;Cann, who ree, of Farquhar, to Miss Viola Hun- cently purchased the old poWer; kin, daughter_ of Mr. and Mrs. plant on. Main street. This gives 'Mr!, Thomas 1-Itinkin, of Usborne. Cann a 'desirable residence proper- ty facing on three, streets. Of late years the foundry has fallen into a d,elapidated conditicin because of not being used. There is, however, sOme excellent material itt the old build- .•ing %that should serve good pur-I pose. The tearing down of this struc- ture recalls the clays when the toile dry was one of the Chief industries of Exeter. It was here that 'the Verity Plow Company •first made its beginning, which Was later destined to become a flourishing industry in the city of Brantford. Like the 'old• ' woollenmill and the tannery, the foundry lia8 given • Way before •the centralization of industry 'in- the larger centres. After the Verity Plow people mOved,, to Brantford the foundry W18 taken over by Murray and Tait and later by jaine8 Murray, Who sold out to the :Exeter.Mcilitifae- turing COinpany. This last Company was shert-lived, owing to the -busi- ness, depression ,felleWing the out- break of the 'War. Heaman's Hardware..}TA.vn...A Rolm, EVERY' • • • • PEW MILES. DONT' :BUY A BATTERY WITHOUT A HOME. 27W PHONES 2573 2.: The Reeve requests that all p aces o usiness in Exeter be closed on Friday, from 2:30 •• to 3:30 p.m. in honor of the late Postmaster, W. J. Russell. B. -W, F. EEAVERS, Reeve W. M. S: The Women's Missionary Society of Main Street Methodist Church held their annual meeting on Thurs..: day of last week'. The ' society have had a most successful year. The report showed that over $300 d' had been raiseand the returns are not all in. Mrs. Wm. Ward was elect- ed a delegate to the branch conven- tion to be held at Listowel and Mrs. E. Dignan to the district convention at Crediton. The following officers were elected: Pres., Mrs. E. rollick; vice pres. Mrs, A. Ford; rec. sec., Mrs. Hy, Welsh; cor. sc., Mrs. Lamport; treas., Miss L. Sweet; supt. of systematic giving, Miss Stewart; strangers sec., Mrs. Dig- nan., The Women's 'Missionary Society of James St. Methodist Church held their .nnual meeting on Thursday of last week when the following- of0.- cers were elected: Pres., Mrs. J. D. Kestle; 1st vice pres., Mrs. C. Hoop- er; 2nd vice, pres.,Mrs. (Rev,) Wil- son; recording secty., Mrs. Rout - tor assistant rec. secty., Miss An- na Bell; cor. secty., Miss Lewis; trees:, Mrs. S. ;•M, Sanders; supt. • of Christian stewardship, 'A o'Ars. John- son; musical coin.: pianist, Miss: An7 na Bell„;; asst., Miss B. Andrew; supt, of .Associate Helpers', Mrs. R. Welsh;, Supt. of Supply Com., Mrs. Sntton; supt. of Little ,Light Bearers, Mrs., I Mr. Thos, Hawkins, of NVindsor, is visiting with relatives in town. Mr, Nelson Prior, of Portage la prairie, Man., who was en a Pur- chasing trip, visited, his sister, Mrs. W. H. Kay, of town, leaving Monday to visit his sister, Mrs. E. Beebe, of Windsor. While in -Exeter Mr. Prior was ill for several days with' a sev- ere cold. „ The feneeviewers of town met tli.0 • • officers' of the .Exetor AgriculturaA Society and ;Mr. 1. :. Dow on day „evening: in the Carnegie Library, in reference to a new, -wire fenee that ,was" recently erected. between - the society -'s grounds and the Dow, fa,rin. The fenceviewers decided 1ha4 the codt of building •the new fenee• should be'horne by the Agricultura4 Society. The case. may be appealed: Tile McLaughlan Car THE CAR OF IJNUSUAL BEAUTY AND REFINEMENT; LUXII- IOUS IN. ALL ITS APPOINTMENTS AND VERY REASONABLE IN See us before buying a car. We have something very interesting to tell you. •' ' ' „' S. AL ,SA.NDERS, .Dealer. • -• ' ALEX. l'URDON SileS •Manl er Iv.... Jehns;. sapt. px Strangers ,eom., .r,, ,, • . i, - .,, . ,Mrs. E: Rowcliffe; asdt., Mrs.. W •. ,!... - • Snell:. Thecontributions for the.year , . .., . , . .. are :not all in and will be reported I, later The district convention will be, held in Ci-editen, „sometime in May. TELE VOTE IN HERON. •.Ontario has declared for a "bone. dry" provin.ce with a majority that is expected to reach. 200,600 when.- the vote as all in. Out of '25 cities in. Ontario 14 voted "dry" and 1,1 "wet." In Exeter the temperance forces were well organized and a big dry vote was polled. Following was the result in Huron County: Maj. Maj. Yes. No. Yes. No. Goderich 1069 677 392 .. Seaforth 801 -144 ,357 Hensall 364 " 80 284 .. Wingham. 743 225 518 • .. Bluevale -130 15 115 .. Turnberry 552 89 463 .. Clinton' 631 270 361 Exeter e , 695 136 589' .. Bayfield ...... 134 62 72 Goderich Tp .. 367 78289 Hay . 477 463 41 .. Hullett ' 299 110 189 Stanley . . . 541 164 377 Stephen 842 343 199 Tuckersmith 488 148 340 734 92 642 -.. McKillop ...„ . 351 57 294 .. Blyth 241 101 130 Brussels . : 355 95 260 . Wroieter .162 25 137 .. . 442 38 404 Colborne • • • Grey Usborne '-GtMtisica1 Entertainment Fifty-ninig Voices From London • The Askin Street Methodist Choir with Violinists,Soloists, ' Quartettes and Choruses. and Elocutionist, will, on • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1921 under the auspices of the local Y.P.C.A., give Exeter a treat hard to excell. JAISJES ST. METHODIST CHURCH has been secured because of space, that all lovers of the best may have an opportunity. Programme at 8:30 sharp; admission, adults 35c, chil- dren 25c. This is the Season's treat. Dont, miss it. DOME THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY APRIL 22nd and .,23r1:l. World Pictures present Evelyn Greeley "The Oakdale Affair" 699 73 626 Amystery play that affords real•entertainment; comedy. and thrills 662 123 539 • galore; evena bear plays a prominentw role in Miss Greeley's nev, pin- Howick 97817P 808 Morris . E. WawanoshW. Wawanosh . La,nary ..... . -201 14 187 tare "Tho Oakdale Affair." .. • 764 300 464 .. 10th episode of THE LOST CITY Comedy--Mollie's Mumps. 237 60 177 .. ADMISSION 37c and 27c. The result of the Referendum 'was received with much satisfaction iby — WID1T THEY SAY. FA • mallY °I the cidzensii°f' t"is c°111- M111111111/111111111M111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111111111/1111111111111111111& inanity. Sey,eral of t_e past:ors, and eeei Mrs. McAllister, editor of the White Ribbon Tiding, • have expressed themselves as follows:. • REV': M. J. WILSON, We, have passed -our Waterloo and brifish principal and honor has been upheld'. We have laid the founda- tion.for 'civilizing, Canadianizing and Christianizing the incoming foreign- er. Thank God for the backbone of our farming and rural population; they have proved the saving salt of Ontario. And thank God fo - tito grants of the chinches such as Bishop .Sweeney of the Anglican; Father Minehan, 'and thousands of others of the Presbyterian, Methodist and other denominations who had vision • to See past their OW11 - cellars and personakliberty to indulge their own , appetite. Ontario stands for the prin- cipal uplift and help -the weak Thank God—Thank God. , REV. JAMES FOOTE The .Referendinn upon the need (ion of the importatien qi: intoxicitt- Mg liquors.15o the ProVince of On tario for beverage pitrposoS has been taken and the results show that in mem moo St p! Look! Listen AS A CAMEL TT_TRNETH To- , ,ERT FOR WATER, SO A MAN Wes WARDS THE OASIS INTI -IE DES - GOOD BREAD; BUT TIOW CAN LOOKETII TO HIS WIFE FOR SHE PROVIDE, IT UNLESS SHE HAS GOOD FLOUR? ',CHF, WISE MAN PURCI-IASE'll-I. . somE OF HARVEY'S -1PLOTIII, AND HIS WIFE 1 -..APPY AS. • 'omens ' SI -IE I3EHOLDI6TTT--. • TI -IE LOAVE S RISING IN THE.I OVEN. = THE N'TSF MAN IDATP::TI-1 rectree. o far 48 the franchise of the 'people =. was eXercisecl in the matter, the THEItEOP, GOETII FORTI-1, AND LO! ITE FRAISETX-I THE CLEVER. vvirn -T.E1AT PEEIJETH., . 4 . • Verdict is fOr the abolition of such importation by a censiderable ma- °'itinUed (311 page ftmur ° 4111111110111M110101101110111111101110111111111IIIHNOOMMOIlla __ •__.„, - -....e.- .---- li . rii , i --. Tile McLaughlan Car THE CAR OF IJNUSUAL BEAUTY AND REFINEMENT; LUXII- IOUS IN. ALL ITS APPOINTMENTS AND VERY REASONABLE IN See us before buying a car. We have something very interesting to tell you. •' ' ' „' S. AL ,SA.NDERS, .Dealer. • -• ' ALEX. l'URDON SileS •Manl er Iv.... Jehns;. sapt. px Strangers ,eom., .r,, ,, • . i, - .,, . ,Mrs. E: Rowcliffe; asdt., Mrs.. W •. ,!... - • Snell:. Thecontributions for the.year , . .., . , . .. are :not all in and will be reported I, later The district convention will be, held in Ci-editen, „sometime in May. TELE VOTE IN HERON. •.Ontario has declared for a "bone. dry" provin.ce with a majority that is expected to reach. 200,600 when.- the vote as all in. Out of '25 cities in. Ontario 14 voted "dry" and 1,1 "wet." In Exeter the temperance forces were well organized and a big dry vote was polled. Following was the result in Huron County: Maj. Maj. Yes. No. Yes. No. Goderich 1069 677 392 .. Seaforth 801 -144 ,357 Hensall 364 " 80 284 .. Wingham. 743 225 518 • .. Bluevale -130 15 115 .. Turnberry 552 89 463 .. Clinton' 631 270 361 Exeter e , 695 136 589' .. Bayfield ...... 134 62 72 Goderich Tp .. 367 78289 Hay . 477 463 41 .. Hullett ' 299 110 189 Stanley . . . 541 164 377 Stephen 842 343 199 Tuckersmith 488 148 340 734 92 642 -.. McKillop ...„ . 351 57 294 .. Blyth 241 101 130 Brussels . : 355 95 260 . Wroieter .162 25 137 .. . 442 38 404 Colborne • • • Grey Usborne '-GtMtisica1 Entertainment Fifty-ninig Voices From London • The Askin Street Methodist Choir with Violinists,Soloists, ' Quartettes and Choruses. and Elocutionist, will, on • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1921 under the auspices of the local Y.P.C.A., give Exeter a treat hard to excell. JAISJES ST. METHODIST CHURCH has been secured because of space, that all lovers of the best may have an opportunity. Programme at 8:30 sharp; admission, adults 35c, chil- dren 25c. This is the Season's treat. Dont, miss it. DOME THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY APRIL 22nd and .,23r1:l. World Pictures present Evelyn Greeley "The Oakdale Affair" 699 73 626 Amystery play that affords real•entertainment; comedy. and thrills 662 123 539 • galore; evena bear plays a prominentw role in Miss Greeley's nev, pin- Howick 97817P 808 Morris . E. WawanoshW. Wawanosh . La,nary ..... . -201 14 187 tare "Tho Oakdale Affair." .. • 764 300 464 .. 10th episode of THE LOST CITY Comedy--Mollie's Mumps. 237 60 177 .. ADMISSION 37c and 27c. The result of the Referendum 'was received with much satisfaction iby — WID1T THEY SAY. FA • mallY °I the cidzensii°f' t"is c°111- M111111111/111111111M111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111111111/1111111111111111111& inanity. Sey,eral of t_e past:ors, and eeei Mrs. McAllister, editor of the White Ribbon Tiding, • have expressed themselves as follows:. • REV': M. J. WILSON, We, have passed -our Waterloo and brifish principal and honor has been upheld'. We have laid the founda- tion.for 'civilizing, Canadianizing and Christianizing the incoming foreign- er. Thank God for the backbone of our farming and rural population; they have proved the saving salt of Ontario. And thank God fo - tito grants of the chinches such as Bishop .Sweeney of the Anglican; Father Minehan, 'and thousands of others of the Presbyterian, Methodist and other denominations who had vision • to See past their OW11 - cellars and personakliberty to indulge their own , appetite. Ontario stands for the prin- cipal uplift and help -the weak Thank God—Thank God. , REV. JAMES FOOTE The .Referendinn upon the need (ion of the importatien qi: intoxicitt- Mg liquors.15o the ProVince of On tario for beverage pitrposoS has been taken and the results show that in mem moo St p! Look! Listen AS A CAMEL TT_TRNETH To- , ,ERT FOR WATER, SO A MAN Wes WARDS THE OASIS INTI -IE DES - GOOD BREAD; BUT TIOW CAN LOOKETII TO HIS WIFE FOR SHE PROVIDE, IT UNLESS SHE HAS GOOD FLOUR? ',CHF, WISE MAN PURCI-IASE'll-I. . somE OF HARVEY'S -1PLOTIII, AND HIS WIFE 1 -..APPY AS. • 'omens ' SI -IE I3EHOLDI6TTT--. • TI -IE LOAVE S RISING IN THE.I OVEN. = THE N'TSF MAN IDATP::TI-1 rectree. o far 48 the franchise of the 'people =. was eXercisecl in the matter, the THEItEOP, GOETII FORTI-1, AND LO! ITE FRAISETX-I THE CLEVER. vvirn -T.E1AT PEEIJETH., . 4 . • Verdict is fOr the abolition of such importation by a censiderable ma- °'itinUed (311 page ftmur ° 4111111110111M110101101110111111101110111111111IIIHNOOMMOIlla