The Exeter Times, 1921-3-31, Page 7a
:Daily Guerrilla Warfare 'Against Troops and Police, and
Individual Shooting Not Likely to be Checked by
IVleasures Yet Taken.
A despatch from Tacinclon says:—In
'the five days from Saturday last to
Value/id:qv inclusive'," the casualties
-aported. In Ireland, comprieng the
Crewn forces, Sinn Felniars .and civil-
ians, total '63 killed and 67 wounded.
For every nian executed 'vengeance
Is anticipated, arid as the Government
has in custody many men liable to the
•death penalt-y, anta is sertf to mean to
carry out executions,. !lel piling up of
-doethe en each side is consid,ered here
as inevitable.
No lalig outbreak is thought prob-
able, but the daily guerrilla warfare
,against the .troops and -police and the
individual shooting of poliieemen and
Men suapected" of having dealings
with thmu are considered not likely
to he seriously checked by any Gov-
ernment meges3.11:6S yet tialen.
,s,ensiaitrioptil rescue of Irish Pri-
soners to Place Wednesday evening
in. County Roscommon. A military
"ere ty was proceeding ,tmvancl Long -
ford in two loarlea when It was am-
bushed by Irish forms near Strokes -
town, Capt. Peel of the Ninth Lan -
oars and four soldiees were shot dead
and several of the aolciters, including
Lieut. 'I'lenthat were wounded. The
Irish ttacked from beth sides of the
road and when the tnebps wenover-
th t 1 ad with
earn° the prisonee ss a ey
them were taken away. ,
In the Court of tile 'King's Benoit.
cn Wednesday ate Lord Chief Jastice
granted a conditional order of hahees
corints in behalf of six prisoners
court-marbialed at Cork cei-tlae eha'rge
of leyying war. The applio 'ion was
made on tlte ground that the Court -
1 Tied tic) Alt al
miarea. 1110 „1111_8___C al, 0 " ley
Oornyrus, in making the appilleation,
said that the execution of three of the
men hadalieen fixed for Staturclay..The
Lord Chief jutStiCe said that no exe-
cutions could oecur In the fade of the
courtorder, Wheeli 1,1.1bruld be din-ecled
to Gen. Steickland and the officers of
thte court-ihruitial. •
in the hospdbal. jyj.iee Wood remained
with this hospital until March, 1918,
Canadians are especially interested when elle sailed for Palestine with
in their own workers ,iii the disturbed the American Red -Cross Cernirniission
area of the Cros,ls Roads of the Near to Palestine, which Was sent out
East. The following has been receiv- under Colonel John Finley. Her duty
ed at the headquarters of Armenian to the C,aniniAsion was that of surgi-
Relief:— ' dal nurse, and she acted in this cape -
"Only the quiok work of Miss Em- city in the Anierican Red Cross Hos-
A Canadian in cnnstantinople treatment, Dr- Carrell) himself, being
ma Wood and Miss Frances, pital at Jerusalem. She remained in
its nianagera, saved froin total des: the East until the spring of 1919,
tructiori the Canadian Hospital for 'hen she sailed for Paris
Tubercular-. children at ,Yedi Koul•e; in France a couple of months was
:Constan.aaeple, built by Canadian spent in.:Red Crosa duties., and 'then
-funds, when the building was recent- Miss Wood, with other nurees, left
ly damaged by fire, for Polanci to help in -the fight against
The workers were arousedearly, tYP ns in that country. She remain -
'in h
the morning by the smell of smoke. ed in Poland five months and. daring-
Miss Wood gave the alarm and the this time _had a Irery harrowing ex -
fire was finally located in the store perience in the Polish town of Biota.
-room. Courageously entering the At the end of the five months -she re -
:room the workers removed six cans turned to France, sailed for America,
of gasoline. The -blaze was fin,ally ex- and arrived back in Sarnia in the
anguished after it had caused a loss middle of December, 1919.
of two hundred dollars." After a 'rest of three months she
Miss Wood's home is at 221 College 'engaged. with 'the Near East for sea*
AV01111e, Sarnia, Ontario. Miss, Me- vice in the Caucasus and, with others,
Quade is a native of Charleston, sailed for Constantinople in March,
Vest Virginia. 1920. ' The jaiarriey wat made into
Miss Weed is a graduate of the the Caucaitis, lint on account of con
Training seheei far Nurses, Jahnditioni theie'e; the nurses were taken
'Hopkins Hespital, Baltimore, Md. hack to Constantin°0'e last s'llzklmer*
se'll'iFencie 'graduating she has, had quite a
varied •exporience, A , year .was spent
an Pittsburg, Pa., in connection -with
At this time, arrangements were be-
ing made to open up the Canadian
HosPital for Tubercular Children at
Yeah Route, and- Miss Wood. was ap-
pointed 'Supenintencient of tile:hospital ,
and delegated to oversee the' renova-
tion and. 'equipment of the hoSpital,
She is still the acting Superintendent
at Yedi Keule, and from the tone. of
her letters, one would infer that she
very rnuch in love with her work.
Send contributions ,to Mr. D. A.
Cameron, Manager, Toronto Brarde,h,
Canadian Bank of ,Commeree, King
Street West, Toronto.
Ocean Liners Equipped
With Floating Safes
A d°spa t h from The Hagu •e'
ea ao—The Dutch Indian s•team- • • •
When the,Empress of Russia arrived at Vancouver Iroin the, Orient, she
was met halt way between Victoria and Van.cotrver, be a Governnient sea-
plane which scannecl the path ot the liner for runes arotrad. in order to detect
any Small craft that might be ased ,by ,smugglers, to Rick up drugs thrown
Maintain, Also, That Even if
it is Owed, They Can't Pay.
Thousands of British
War Widows einarrying
A despatth from Paris says :—In -.
of the one billion marks gold
which it is demanded thiat Germany
pay before March 23, the Reparations
Cammistsien has received a long note
German. This note avid -three
things: •
Firet—Germany did hot owe the
money asked -for.
Seeond--If the did owe it she
-couldln t pay it.
" Third—However, Berlin would, talk
it over with the allies.
'rhe Reparation Commission drafted
a reply to Berlin saying Germany
Could not v.:is/Weil the figures of the
carnainission ancl had not met the de-
mands to fulfill the treaty terms-. The
conturiesion sent to the allied Govern-
ments notification that Germany had
failed to fulfill the reparation terms
of the treaty, and advialirig action,
. Uncle): the treaty Germany was
pledged to pay 20 'billion marks be-
-TriedMay 1 when and -how the Com-
mission of Reparation should decide.
Against this sum Germany was to be
.erethited with deliveries of property to
the allies after the armisaice. Se-veral
months ago 'Germany announced she
had paid 20 billions. One month able
the Rerparationz Comanisellion complet-
ed its valuation rurd. announced that
Germany had. paid eight hillione, and
thus owed 12 billions moire and on
March 15 sent Gerrnany notice to pay
nip before May 1.
The German note sitheed that Berlin
could not accept the Reparations Com-
mission valuation of its payments,
that, Berlin eati-mated 20 billito.n marke
had been paid, and therefore it owed.
n.either the one bilfion asked for on
March 23 nor the eleven' more asked
for by May 1: The note says Ger-
rrdany is ready to pree'ent further argu-
ments that it has paid up.
Officials of the Repel-at:Ions Com-
misseen state that the cernmizistian was
aovereiga, and that its figures Stood.
Therefore, Germany is in the position
of refusing to fulfill the treaty.
ninil ers have just been equipped with
-floating eafes large enough to con-
tain all of the .ship's valuables and
registered wraith They look some-
thing ,like a cro,ss between a floating
buoy and a submarine, and see e,qu'ip-
ped•to ring bells, shoos, oft earyrockebs,
Miss Emma M. waaa ea sande, flash light and blow horns. The s,ate,
Ontario, Sugerintenident Canadian if cast overboard in event its ship
Hospital for Tubercular Children went down would go floating about
the seas 'attracting •a,beention tO itself
'until its •cloteksvoric ,madhinery, aet for
thirty days, ran clown.
Dr. White's Tubercular Sanitarium,
and this work -covered social service
work amongst the poor of the city.
Leaving. Pittsburg, she spent thrree
years in fhe Baptist Saniborium, Dal-
las, Texas. This experience as fol-
lowed by a year in New :York City,
Where she took a course at Columbia
University, and at the •same -time lec-
tured to the nurses in Bele ue
pital, where she resided.
In the fall of 1917 she entered the
War Dernonstraidon Hospital, New
York City, which at that time was a
bianch of the rtockerfeller Founda-
tion. At this hospital she was for-
tunate in becoming familiar with the
Carrell-Dalcin method of wound
A Startling, Innovation..
Wherever, in afily part of Ontario,
twenty or more persons wish to pro-
oeed to a University degree without
discontinuing their employment, facil-
ities to acedinplish their ambition are
offered by the Provincial University
so far as its finances and the size of
its staff will permit.
For years the University of To--
Tonto has had special arrangements
to enable teachers to secure highen
academic qualifications and the degree
of.13.A. without giving up their teach-
ing positions. At the March meeting
-of the University Senate these ar-
rangements were extended arid adapt-
ed. to meet the -needs of people engaged
in any ordinary employment. With
only certain absolutely indisp.ensable
regulations as to size of classes, ean-
trol of staff, suitable equipment for
scientific ,s,,ubjects, and with only ordi-
nary university fees prescriti.ea, the
'opportunity is offered for the estah-
lashment of -what may be virtually 1.0 -
cal ealleges'affiliated with the Provin-
cial Iniverarity. The course thus offer-
ed is bhe "pass" OT "general' eaurse;
the 'subjects of th•e first year being
English, Latin, French, algebra and
geometry (one paper), trigonometry,
and science, and those of the second,
third, •and fourth years being English,
ssaienc.e and any two of his-
tory, peychology, and political
This departure is in accord with the,
well-known democratic policy. et On-
rario's University. Tts d•ertign is to
meee the a.dvantages of higher educa-
tion avdilable throughout the 'Univer-
sity's entire constituency. This is no
611 e aro ening" , of, university educe Li on,
for unaaererty teinma
acarne eine eaaini
tlons will be rriaintalued at the tracii-
Itional high stance -Tit, km- it dors bring
thigher education 'to the people's doors
--sdoorsacial y to ,he dos of those
adult's- who have, fattany reason, fail-
ed to avail themselves of-youtli'e op-
porlan•ity for learning. To obtain a
B.A. degree will involve just as much
work as it ever did, but the extraneous
obstacle's- have been removed.
It is aucli innovatioes ria this, along
With the notable Work that has been
and is being done au 'tne, reglilar, way,
that entitle the Unlyersity of Toronto
to the most generous 'Support of the
Provincial Govermaiente •
HEAfit-nd 'NERVES New Sheep Disease
EIGTHEREb HE in Welsh Thartreget
Hougi!,:vork Elasfed Her out. A despatch from Cardiff s,•ays:---1
Nearly 20,000 sheep have been killed
recently in
Mts. Earl Farr, ogeraa, Sask.,
vvrites:_e e o iwy y
" bo
Three years ago my heart and nerves '1115eage lcnoivr as "ftake'" aaaarding
began to bother me. I could not do my a report' to the.e-Welsih Agricultural
housework without being almost nom- Council. ExPert& saY the Paint of at"
Pletely played out. After 'sweeping a back -,is in a certain class of snail, and
small -room 1 would have -to sit down and that better drainage of the land is
rest and would feel as if 1 could not get time zt piecau on against the di
s -
enough air.
,„•Every few nights 1 would have horrid eizaa'
dreams, such as the well caving in ivhilo
'1 1 water or the
Canadian Wheat Arrives
children, or my husband falliag in, and A reeseaaisnary enee-eneei-ta is acees
anaina Canal I could get no rest as I would b .Riiva which gives
201110 ti1110 n;£ ter. : went to myedaoweta.ocre„ too e far ilnDf.roesstml-,11
and he told me it was my nerves that -
they had been shaken by a previo'us to siamp it out. Discenten'Te
ness. He gave me, some medicine, but the Oeminiseary dirtatore IS
as soon es it was gone I was as bad prevalent, ain't within the last fele:-
tas ever again. I got half' a dozen boxes 2.-eeht in ninnerous eaass hrotmeneut
T- V' P
A' despatch from London say-s:--
Meesrs. Dewar and Webb et London,
the, censigneas of the big wheat ship-
ment, received from the prairie
i'inocaria Vancouver . anci. the Pan-
el= Canal, which arrived in London
last we,elc, have -repotted. t‘hat n,ever,
was any shipment land,ecl in better
condition, and that,the .on the
Corn Exchange have said that the
wheat was about the finest wthielt had
ever 'been received from Canada. I
of Milburn's Heare ancl Nerve Pills, and the inberier ef Russitia. the Extra,cadin-
they helped me so much I got nioreeand ',iv Comm isaion—the 13elahavik ter -
„can truly say 1 have nolack of health `I'z.."..:,co-_,aas ,been aii,aeia,
now, and. t feel so tired after a good . . don'
days work, s 1 did before after sweeping to 11.,,,az c tnio e Ir diced, -the Latra-
orie sine!' room; also have had none of wed:nary Ceranlesion., the terrori-sts
thoSe horrid dreams for months and iatereselves, 'have theee ,r,eizted, and the
ir,onths.” -
Price 500, a box at all dealers, , roe. eta ea 1...'24., Sart. ,....+. 1,4 ,llern en, .,,,e
I al,seekl ia_ssm, aefuie. To -deliver thorn up:
,It's a Great Lifa if You Don't Weaken
The Le', mg
Form. New Proviriee '6f Ndith-1
+ 89% • No 2 Norehern $1.86% • No,
, I •
TertiltOrY., 3 'Nor' therh $1 82% .e No, ay'lleat
lhxfdorzra°P,La:ait'ationh fo"regnf a itTwfrar‘provvalLY::--0„1-' ti 3 c'ellwan, 1.4t,ol,2b12071xe—t,:aNNP-02. 1CWfe,e. nd,74c2; -
Canada canaisting of "all that portion No. 1 feed, 40%e; No. 2 feed, 37e/5c,
of British lie's to the Manitoba ,barley --No. 3 CW, • 811/2-e;
neeith .0a the 52nd perailel of 11101th No. 4 CW, ..701/2se; rejected, 581/2e;
liginbin, and including the Yukon Ter- feed, 08
ritery, "Siabjeat tor the approval of a ot the abeve store at rt.
era:section and ytdcnn manitoba wbeet—No. 1 Nerthern,
majciety of the electors of sail the Witham-
tediniterY monition/ea and determined An -lad -can 00711--960, neatened track,
by a. plebisate," Is being mov-ed. j Itormeto, prompt shipment,
the House of Commons by Col. C. W. Ontario oats—No. 2 white, 43 to
Peck, V.C. and seeondled lay Dr. A. 45e.
Thompson, Yukon.' Cal. Pecle's reso- Ontario wheat—No. 2 Winter, a .80
intion reads: , to $
13301.8t5,3 1;1er:757110
1\T'. 0.t;iNo.2 Go2clz.,0
"(1) Whereas, it has been the policy
ef Canadate ealtalothijsth hew aateta,,,,..., $1,66 to $1.70, shipping „points, ae-
is the ecmhtity, djevei eording to freight.
ops, las was done
by the ereation 'ef tho Pravina'-'s °I Barley --Malting, 80 to 85c, accord -
Manitoba, Sovskatelilawan 'and- AllbeTta;' ing to freights outside.
and, 1 Buckwheat—Na. 3 $L05 to $1.10
"(2) ItVihereaa, the natural l'eS1011110- nominal.
es of northern 13ritita.h Columbia and Rye—No. 2, $1.45 to $1.50 nominal
those the Yukon are of a aimilar according to freights outs•ide.
character; and , I Mageltab.a., flour—Ftiest pa, $10.70,
• I second 'pat. 31.0.20, bulk, ,sealiaard.. • i
"(3) Whereas, the.s.e resources are
'being developed .and as a result the Ontario fl'aur—$8.50, hulk, seaboard.
increa,seeaga and $37. to $40; shorts per ton. $25 to $38;
that the cenous to be teken this year' Straw --Car ,lota, per ton, $12 to
Population of this territory
"(4)• Whea' 213, it is 'fully expected good feed flour, 0.25 to $i,50 per bags.
of"al)nleiltailit.G-11Prtoo- $12,50, trac'IC' rjr°r(21°.
is rapidly ireMigihlIftee,i;dag-7 iDacelluivcieerde,:dB, Tr:Mpoztitlall
Hay—No. 1, per ton, $24 to $26,
vinee and; • ; track,' Toronto.
"(5) Whereas, the buildin,g, of the- reseCnilse,es3e4—tNeeweiti1/21°e.ri•gter'ip31,e3t.V2s, 3t4o1/234tco;
Grand Trunle Pacific created a natural eee. ala large 34 to' 35e; do twins,
7 I
pantie/al division— 341/2 to 351/2c• •
"(6) Reaolved, that a new Pravinee 13utler---Fresh dairy, choice, 48 to
be formed consisting o -f 2.1;1 that pox- 49e creamer Ne 1. 58 to 61e• fresh
tion of Britits,h Columbia which lies 60 to 63e.
; Y, •
to the north of the 52nd parallel of Margarine -29 to 31c.
north latitude, anal including the Eggs—New laid, 38 to 39c; ,new
Yukon. Territory, . subject to the ap- 'laid. in carbons, 40 to 42c.
Dr Wo,,,
The terrible, hacbipg, 1;
cough 011i,t, 5ticks to you ici spite ef.eve
thing you Lav done to get rd of it, is n
groat dm -leer to your health, and the'
Joneer it sticks, the e serious th
menace becomes.
The constant coughing keeps the tunes
ancl breach:lel tubes hi reach aa irritated
and beflamed condition they eel,no
chance to lied.
You will find in Dr. Wood'e o
Pine Syrup a remedy that 10050115 tl-e
phlegm and heals mid soothes the lungs,
thereby fortifyieg them, egainesearious
pulmonary disease,
Mr. J. W. F. Whitely, Vermilion, Alta.,
writes:—"I wish to express my tharies for
what Dr. WOOCVB Norway Pine Syrup
has done for me. For a aumber of
weeks I hid beea suffering from: a -very
SOVIJI'e bacitleg- cough, end all the romedies
1 tried failed to relieve me. At It 1
socured a bettla Of "Dr. Wood's," and
after taking it I scerared great relief
Needless to say it is now my- intention
to always keep a supply on hand."
"Dr. Wood's4 is 35c. and 60o, a bottle
at all el/satins. The genuine is Put up in
a yellow wrapper- three iine trace the
trade mark; manufacturedonly by The
T. Milburn. Co., Limited, Toronto. Ont,
The Finest Things.
prevail of a majority of the electors
of all tire territory inentian.ed as de-
termined by a Plebiscibe."
Austen Chamberiam
Who succeeds. Boner Law as feeder,
in the British Commons, of the. Coale
tiOn party.
Many young men are willing to
start at the bottom if they may go
up in the elevator.
The River St. John. in New B1'11RS-
wick, 400 miles long, is called the
Huesca or Rhine of Canada because
of its 888110 beauty.
Goad seeds are uniformly bright
eclored, whereas seeds that have been
exposed to moisture or that are dead
are duller and darker in' color.
Pimplest blotches and all other un-
sightly skin troubles are caused by the
blood being in an impure condition.
Those little festering sores, appear on the
forehead, cm the nose, on the chin, and
other parts of the body, and although
the,yr are not a dangerous trouble they
very unsiglatly,.
„There is only one way to get rid of
them .and that is by purifying the blood
Burdock Blood Bitters is without a
doubt the best remedy for this purpose
This valuable medicine . has been on tha
market for the past 42 years and its repu-
tation is such that you aro not experiment-
ing with seine new and untricd iemedy.
. Miss Marguerite 13rigley, 61 Maine
Ave., ITalifex, N.S.,_ writoss--"I have
suffered. very mud, during the last two
years, from pimples 'ng
them all over my face., tried aifferent
remeanes without IVRY relief. I was
advised to try Burdock Blood Bitters,
which I did, aid after takbag just twc)
°ales 1 have been, as 1 belie, e, perman-
ently relieved, as I haven't had a pimple
or blotch sinc,o. can highly recom-
mend Burdock Blood Bitters.
B.B.B. is put up only by The '1',
Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Beans--Canaeliaa, hand-picked, bus.,
$3.50 to $3.75;.primes, $2.75 to $3.25;
Japans, 8c; Limas, Madagasear,
101/2c; California Liniae, 121/2c.
Maple pre.ducts—Syrup, per imp.
gal., $3 to $2.25; per 5 inrp. gale.,
$2.75 to $3. Maple so,gar, lb., 19 to
Honey -60-30-1b. tins, 22 to 23e per
Ib.; 5-21/2-4b. this, 23 to 25c per lb;
Ontario comb honey, at $7.50 per 15 -
section ease.
Smoked meabs—Hams med 35 to
36cr heavy, 27 to 29c; cooked, 50 to
55e; foils, 31 to 32e; cottage rolls, 33
to 34c; breadcfast iacon, 43 to 46e;
fancy breakdast bacon, 53 to 56e;
backs, plain, bone in, 47 to 50.c; bone-
less, 49 to 53e.
Cured meabs—Long clear bacon, 27
to 28c- clear bellies, 26 to 27c. -
La—Pure tierces, 19 to 19%c;
tubs, 191A -to 20e; pails, 19% to 20a4e;
prints, 201/2 to 211/2e. Shortening
tierces, 12 to 121/2,c; tabs, h_21/2 "to 13c;
Pails, 1-3 to 13c; prints, 141/2 to 15e.
Choice heavy steers, $l0 to $11.50;
good he,avy steers, $8.50 to $9,50; but-
chers' cattle, choice, $9 to $10; do,
, good,'38 to $9; do, med., $6 to $8; do,
eG$7rLit"o a$47t.50$; 6d; bte
o,ugolle,clra'86 to 7
cons.. $4 to $5; butchers' cows, choice,
$7.50 to $8.50; do, good, $6.25 to $7; I
'do, com., $4 to $5;feedere, $7.75 ta;
$8.75; do, 900 lbs., $7.25 to 38.25; do,
800 lbs., $5.75 to $6.75; do. corn., $5 to
ao, cenn,ers, and cutters, $2.50 to $4.50;
milkers, good to choice, $85 to $120;,
do, cent and med.'$50 to $60; eheivel
apriagers, $90 te 8130; lambs, yearil-1
ings, $10 to $11; do, spring., $13.75 to
314.25; calves, g•oect to choice, 315 to
$16,50; s.heep, 35 to $9; hogs, fed and
watered, 315,50 to $15.75; do, weighed
off cars, 315.25 to $15.50; 10,
1$14.50 to 314.75; do, celmtry paints,
$14.25 to 314.50:
Oets—Cain. Weete No. 2, 64 to G5c;
No. 3, 61 to 62c. F1atur--3.1an. Spring
wheat pats., firsts, 310.50. Rolled
oats—Bags, 90 Itlas., 33.35 to ` 33.40.
'ran, 336,25. ei s, .
No. 2, per ton, ca -r lots, 324 to $25.
Cheese—Finest eas,terns, 291/2 to
30e. Btltter---01104CCS t creamery, 57 to
58a. Eggs—Fr esh, 41e. Potatoets,
per hag, car lots, $1 to $1.05.
Calves, $8; ewes, 37 to 38,50; lambs,
good, 312.50; common, 311, to 312.
Med. light hogs, 3141; heavies, $2 less
;than selects; mixed lots containing
heavies, 315.50 be 315.75. Sows, 312.
---- as— •
Widows' Pensions Budget
Lower in Britain
A despatch from London says
• British war widows are re -marrying
so rapidiy that ture Chi -el iior cape& s
to be able to reduce peneions a,r,,pro-
prianions in this year's budget by
-410 000,000 starlit g. This, however,
ie crers en- o the eater, conairbusahe
to the anticipated reductions, but it is;
el sited that thousands of woin ell made')
widows by the wee: have again liaeome
wives; . a ad thus, have . auto rn attic:ally
'ti_aken their names off the pension list.
• libe pc:orients- granted to \tit dOWS of
en/leases who used in atcseve esrviee are
•xithel lawnvelsen are Wit.131.ts remarry,
- By,..41.1Ck E. a 1413 i
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There is not room in crowded life
for everything, and, one must cheese.
Harder than the distinetion between
bad and good is the differentiation
between the good and better, or the
better paid beat. 'When eme has seen
and known the best, one is less likely
to be tempted into aceepting the
What are the finest things? Cer-
tainly not those that any one car" buy
for money. You cannot buy a friend.
You cannot buy the goodness and
greatness %of human f.ellewship and
the inspiring s.c.aial contacts.
A rich man purchases- feed and
flowers and the service of an orcilie,stra
pin -chases the presence of others .
•at his feas•ts.and dances—but he can-
not - purchase 50 eaety, f or society is
not a matter of goageoue and cestly
entertainment; it is an affair of COO -
genial and cordial affirdation. You
may have far better se,c;iety at a fire-
side in a woodland camp, or among
primitive n-ornads than in the -a-ophisti-
catect air of a•Tiell mat's pelade.
Personality 18, one of- the treasures
'of lifeeths.t are -worth more than roper
of pearls, We are so eonstitated that
we look to others foretlie lift we de
not find within cars:elvers. We take
heart ag-ain from the shining face as -
:Crone the glowing weed of the preach-
er. We read cf sonic one who lime ,
up and strugp,aed an in the face of
all har-d -conditions and we say, "If Inc
did that, I can!" First among the,
finest things of life let us set down .
the good influence one human being
may have upon another. That is .
fundament -al to all ellsie.
The things that 'are enjoyable—lit-
erature, art, music;, horses a,nd
gaff and baseiaall; the sheer delight in
a clay of a glorious sky and a beauti-
ful earth—all these things are twice
as rnuth to its When we divide teem,
with another.
The first instinct of the soul in the
presence delight is to share it, autd.
by the sharing to enhance it. A pic-
ture or a book, a sermon OT a play,
or a symphony, is less to vs in the
absorption than M the commu-nication
to a kindred spirit. If you do not
feel liice, sharing it at once, the thing
you have is lees precious to you. The
first inspiration of a true professor, of
religion is the feeling, that what he
lias is ,so precious that he must not
hug it to himself, but pass it Orl. The
finest things of life are those we want -
to give away.
A party of sixty British
with Sl35,000 for investment in land
havesailed for Canada. The major-
ity are:bound to the ,LIoydminSter
triet in Alberta.
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