HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-3-3, Page 8Fresh Groceries at Special Reduced Prices. Highest prices paid for poul Px ONE PHONE /6, is c Misses Coats A most refreshing: collection of; New Spring Styles in Ladies` •and Misses Suits and Coats in all the new and popular• cloths and, styles, You 'tvlio know what .constitutes the best, and who appreci- ate exclusiveness, will make it a point of seeing our complete showing. NEW. SPRING WALL PAPERS. Our range of new Wall Papers for this season is by- far the nicest ever. We can suit any room in your home. They consist of 5beautiful Tapestry patterns in light or dark shades, also plain colorings and nice Chintn' patterns for bedrooms,. e.. See our range before doing your decorating, RUGS! RUGS! We have a choice assortment of room rugs in Wittons, Velvets, Brussels, Balmoral and Tapestry's in sizes 2 a4 yards by 3 to 4 yards by 414. They are in the latest designs. Let us cover' your floor with a rug you will always be proud to look at. ":NEW SPRING GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS ARRIVING EVERY DAY AS FOLLOWS: MEN'S AND BOYS' SPRING CAPS MEN'S SUITS BOYS' SUITS NEW FELT HATS BLACK .AND COLORED SILKS FANCY DRESS VOILES SPECIAL —All Ginghams, in some lovely plaids and checks, at 33c per yard, ieiefe try and all Produce. ewart r wer Farming ectt: res An invitation is extended to you and your friends to be present ata Power Farming Educational ..,,..�.._ z� l Lecture with Motion PicturesQ to be held in Exeter Mon. March. 14th At one o'clock in the afternoon. J. F. CLARK, Speaker. LECTURE TOPICS -(a) Power Farming' Possibilities in Ontario. (b) Preparing the Seed Bed. (c) Application of the Tractor on the Ontario Farm. (d) Purchasing Machinery for Cash. (e) Operating Tractor Implements, MOVING PICTURES—(a) Preparation of the Seed Bed. (b) Growing of the Corn PIant, (which shows the ac- tual development and growth in a perfect and im- properly, prepared seed bed.) (c) Keeping the Boy on the Farm, (d) Buying a Tractor. We Pemonnm especially invite every far mer and U. F. 0 MILO SHELL, Exeter,On te Ford Dealer, member. YOUR DAILY PAPERS Toronto Daily Globe . ...$5.00 Toronto Daily World ........$4.00 Toronto Daily Star ....$3.00 Loado.n Daily Free Press ....$5.00 London Daily Advertiser ....$5.00 Family Herald `& Weekly Star $1,50 Farmers' Advocate ... .. $1.60 Canadian Countryman . ; $1.00 Mentreai Weekly Witness , ...$1.65 World -Wide $2.00 Toronto Saturday Night • $4.00 illacLean's Magazine $3.00 Rural. Canada $1.00 The Youth's Companion $2.50 The Farmers' Sun $1.50 Farmers' Magazine $2.00' Christian Guardian ... „ . $2.00 The Exeter Tithes has a clubbing mate with most daily and weekly pa- pers. To find the clubbing rate add the price of the papers you wish to subscribe for and subtract. 25c. from a /ally paper and 10c from, a week - 'Y paper. FOR SALE—Massey-Harris cream separator, 500 lbs, cap nearly new; Indian pony, 4 years old. Also apple butter and boiled cider. Apply to Seavanus .1. Cann, Exeter. Phone' 115. A quiet wadding was solemnized in Ontario Street Church, Clinton, on February 22, 1'021, when Miss Mary Clete, holland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 0." A_, liolland, bocarrie the bride of ',Mr„ William Merritt Na.diger, son of Mr. and. Mrs, W: J., Nacliger, `They will make their Bonze at Seaforth. Rowe FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR • AND EMBALMER .Embalmer's' License No, 210. MOTOR HEARSE SERVICE Phone 20J and 20W. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cornish, of Windsor, and Mr. Manning, of High gate, attended the funeral of- the. ,late Thomas Cornish on Saturday, last. The Stratford police have on their Iamb a •most ardent admirer of the famous outlaw, Jesse` James,' in the person of John Edward Blackmon, alias John Edward Barky, aged '18, Ile -was arrested at Mitchell on a• charge of carrying concealed weap- ons. Though not out of his teens he claims to have travelled from coast to coast and -to have escaped from Miniico Industrial School on seven occasions, the last being ill Noveni ber. He boasts of having `kread• nine, voiumee of the Iife of Jesse James,'. the famous bandit. It appears that:' daring, the last few days he has been' ivorryiug farmers along the' country ()di 1 road by flourishing a revolver, He of had no gun, bat some ea,rtriclges; .Ain he is when arrested. . I I zu rec, • 0 zd is being looked tip. g Thr ed i THt EXETER• arket Report - True. ioilowfng 1Y the report of the Exeter 11�a k.t corrected'' every Wednesday, Wheat $2,Q0.. Oats 4c. Barley 63 to 75c Manitoba flour $5.05,` Family flour $5,40, Shorts $2.00 per 100 lbs. Bran $2,00 per 100 Ibs. Feed noun $2.73. Eggs 40c. Dairy butter 47c. Creamery butter 62c, Lard 28c, Hogs $12.50.. 149.4.00-40. �, P,ae'..,.,.... LOCAL. ®w®� •s*a.Ni a 1�Ir. Charles Christie, of town, is quite seriously ill at his home. Mr, Alex, Stewart, of London, .vis ited in Exeter over the > week -end. Mr. Lorne Baskerville, of Wing - ham, is visiting town for a few days. Mr. George Lewis, of Arpin, Wis,, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. 5. Hand- ford. Mrs. J. G. Cochrane is visiting her sister, Miss Verda Leavitt, in Wal- kerville. Miss Reta Rowe's room. at the school is closed •owing to the illness of the teacher. Miss Ethel Sweet left last week for Tilsonburg to re -open her_mil'- linery parlors. Mrs, Thornton, of Windsor, visited her. mother, Mrs. S. Handford, over the week -end, Mrs, James Mitchell, of Centralia, who recently half the misfortune to break her, leg, is recovering. Mumps have been very prevalent in the community and several'cas`s of scarlet fever are reported. Advantage has been taken of the recent snowfall to get a number 't logs out of the woods on sleighs. Mrs. Beverley and Mrs. Hy. Welsh attended the funeral of the late Mrs Sural-lacombe at Hensel]. recently. Mr. Leon Viera delighted the James Street congregation on .Sun day evening with a violin selection Miss E. M. Bowey and Miss Fiore Dinney are visiting in London with the fornzer's sister, Mrs. K. G Clarke. Mrs E. Erwin, of London, is visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Bissett, owing to the illness of the former. The children of Miss Kinsman's room at school are having a holiday for -a few days while the room is be- ing disinfected. Mr. and Mrs. Jolla Wood, who have spent the past -' six. months in Vancouver, B.C., returned' to Exe- ter, on Saturday. Mr. W. H. Kay and family of :Far- quhar, have moved to town and are occupying the apartments over Dr. Browning's drugstore. Mr. Charles Harvey and ,Mr. S^ M. Sanders were in Toronto» last week' attending the Provincial, tem- perance convention. Mr. John Gillespie was able to take his place on the bus the latter, part of the' week after being off for several days owing_ to illness. Mr. Wm. Parsons has been seri- ously ill,at • his • home on North 'St. During'�the past few days he has been making progress towards' re- covery. Mrs. Wni. Hawkshaw,' who iias been quite. ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Thos. Newell, fur about two weeks,; is slightly improv- ed -the, past few; days. •Miss Alice [landlord returned home last Friday after visiting for several days at Brookyln, near To- ronto, where she was called'owing to the death of her aunt, Mrs. Lewis. • The trial of Rev. J. O. L. Sprack- lin, of Windsor, was followed with much interest by the residents of this community and the verdict of - the jury of not guilty met with.gen- eral apoval. Mr. A. T. Cooper, of Clinton, Hu- ron County temperande secretary, _conducted the services at - Thames Road' and Kirkton Presbyterian churches _ on Sunday last in the in- terests of temperance. Mr. W. S. Sanders will give his noted address on Song Birds in the Canon Presbyterian Church on March 4th at 8 p,m. Those who have heard hir. Sanders consider it a treat. Good music will also, he fur- nished. .Admission, children 10c, adults 15c. The Methodist church sheds at Mitchell area no* kept » locked and all farmers who have the'right to put their horses in the eheds when they come to town have keys. The same regulations. have been adopted in connection with` Trinity church sheds... Mrs. Richard Davis, who has been in very poor' health, for several months, was taken to Victoria Hos- pital, London, on Friday last where. she underwent an' X -Ray examine, tion with the < hope of locating the cause of here illness. She has the sympathy of many friends in her' ness.• • Bro. S. A. Popiectone, of Blyth, lzas been asked to take part with other Past. Grand Masters in exem- piffyin:g the 1iiitiatory' Degree of the. Fellows before, Granit Sire • the Sovilreig;n, Grand Lodge of erica in the Odd bellows' Temple, onto. 'rhe concleve to be conchici- :itis spring. With the ��tuc�r�hes CAVE' Passu 1I1IRIAN CJIIVROJI Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible classes. 11 a.m.--"Christ's Teaching for the Security of Society." 7 p.zil---,"Silnple, Sloth, and Pre-. , sunzption." Boys Scouts at "y'' Sat. at 7 P.m, JANES STREET Ii TRODIST CHURCH Rev. M. J. Wilson, B.A., castor. Rev, E. G: Powell of Lucan, will be in charge of both services. 3,00 ;p.m. --Sabbath School and " Bible .classes, A" good choir—A hearty welcome, MAIN ST. METrfornST CmJRCi Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. A. (Phone 21, r3.) 11\a.xn,—"Christ's Compassion on the Crowd." 3.00 p.m.-S1!'nday School and Bible classes. 7 pen: ---"An Old -Fashioned Son:" BETHANY 2.30 p.m„ ----"Father." Y P.C.A. Rev. McAllister will give an ad- dress on "Men as Weathervanes," using Baalam is 'an illustration. Messrs. Viera and Welsh will give some selections on the violin. All come on Friday at 8 pen. SALE »OF i3UTTERMILIi. The buttermilk of Winchelsea+ Creamery will be sold by auction on Thursday, March '10, 1921, at the farm of Mr. Charles Upshall, Win- chelsea, immediately preceding Mr. Upshall's asle, Terms made known Upshall's sale. Terms made known R. S. BROWN, Auctioneer Exeter Creamery .Company, Limited, W. G., Medd, Secty.-Treas. SALE OF BUTTERMILK. The buttermilk of the Exeter Creamery will be sold on Saturday, March 12,-1921, at two o'clock at the creamery. Terms. made known at time of sale. C. W. ROBINSON, r S.Auctioneer • Exeter Creamery Company, Limited, W. G. Medd, Seety.-.Treas. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT On Saturday, March 12, 1921, and following days, we will make a special display of Trimmed : Millin- ery and Millinery Merchandise at our showrooms. Thisshowing will be particularly attractive. -T. V. Curtiss. NOTICE We wish to inform the public that the disturbance that has been going on in the Dome Theatre, lately,, will be stopped immediately, and any person or persons who donot con- duct themselves in as sensible man- ner willbe asked to leave the the- atre or else behave themselves. A number of complaints have been made to us along this line and we hope that this will put „a; stop to any recurrence of the same. -Manager. CHINESE FAMINE RELIEF FUND. The treasurer has 'received the following further donations: Sidney Snell $5. A CORR1Ea,CTION. In our report of the oyster sup- per at S. S. No. 3, Usborne, Iast week, the result of` 'a ' sparrow shoot, we mentioned that 'the sup- per was put up by the side: captain- ed by Nelson Roach. This was an er- rot\ as the side captained by Thos. Ballantyne were the losers and pro- vided the supper. U. F. O. ENTERTAINED. •The Exeter branch.of the U. F. O. was entertained on Thursday eve- ning, February 24th, in the Sunday school room of the Trivitt Memorial Church 'by Rev: A. A. Tru,mper i»n" the way of lantern slides, showing agriculture in» practically all its branches. Tile slides were clear and distinct and were accompanied by a well-prepared lecture,' including a very clear and: comprehensive ex-. planation of each;slide, which made the'Occasion exceedingly instructive as well as entertaining. At the con- clusion ofthe slides, duetts' were rendered by Mr., anti, Mrs. Edward Welsh, Miss Lila Sanders accom- panying them, which' was,.pp a reciat-' ed by `aII present. An invitation was extended to thein for, their return on a similar ocCl,sion. A'hearty vote of thanks was tendered Co.. Mr. Tramper for his kind invitation and splendid entertainment, to t,laicli he replied, expressing h.,,zincere appro- val of the good work tbe,'L'.F.O. are -endeavoring to 'do'fci• the benefit of humanity and front that .sLand point be was ready and 'villin , at all, tinics to' assist any organization. with time abject in view. ¶VRUUSD AY, minotl 3, 1921 IINNIIIIIININIINIIiII I NII Milllllllll111111111111111111111111111111111110111i11111111111IN111A1111111N111A111111111(ilial t = IlllilillliiitllillNIII1IINN.._ OMMIR .0111111101 MON 1.00111 Amum ammo swam Imnirs WORM MOM MINIM MONIS PHONE • 139:. • PHONE 184. rs Men's n Men s Suits Our new Spririg'"Suits are here, They are in models for ,Men ' or Young -Men. This season we are featuring Walter.Blue's fineiclothin g. They represent honest value at an honest price. Easter will ' soon be . here. Make your choice early. NEW HOUSE DRESSES. This week we are showing a fine. new range of house ; dresses: The cloths are better .and prices lower. $1.75 to $4.50. SHOE SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK. LADIES PINE SHOES AT SPECIAL PRICES If you can wear 23 3 or 33/z, we are placing on our tables 25 pairs of Ladies' Shoes in small sizes that sold at $4.00 and.00 $ 5 This is a very special offer. " Your choice at per pair,$2.$ a pair. . 48., m Rubbers to fit while the quantity lasts at perp air 50c. BLEACHED TWILL SHEETING. 85 -INCH WHITE FLANNELETTE Two hundred yards of : White Flannelette, 35 inches wide. A- good weight that has been selling at 40c a yard. While this lot lasts -Special]; at 10 yards for $2.75. If your supply of sheeting is low, come in and see this excellent cloth. Many have beenwaiting-for these lower prices. Buy now. Regular $1.25. Special Price 75e, " • CANTON FLANNEL. In bleached or unbleached, of good weight and durability. These cloths sold for 40c a yard. We have about 80 yards to clear for this week. Special price -10 yards for $2.75. FORTY PAIRS OF MEN'S PANTS WITH FREE BRACES FOR $5.48. From the Tolton Mfg. Co., one of the best makers. These pants,are regular $6.00, $6.50 and $7.50 -values. This week only you take your ,pick for $5.48 and we give you a pair of 75c braces free. outhcoft Bros. ANEW gmloMi immoot illlllliumilli](IIIIII�AiIAI(IIi111Q(III!!lIII(Illlllllll(IlII(II mii111111111(I , �lii(111111(i(1(il(I(III(lllllillllliilllill(illl(INIIIIIIIIINr I. R, CARLING B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer. Solicitor -for the Molsons Bank, etc: Invest your funds in Vic- tory', Dominion of Canada, Provincial and Municipal Bonds, Legal investment for Trust Funds: At existing prices, from » 6 per cegt to 7 per cent can be obtained from : these bonds. Orders received by me. 'Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE— Carling Block; Main Street, EXETER, ONT. FOR SALE—Timber frame,/ 22 by 38 feet, 15 foot posts, bents, suit- able for straw shed or drive shed. Apply to B. W. P. Beavers' hard ware'store. A. E. 'TENNANT THE EXETER TIMES el nal). Surgeon Office—McDonnell's-Sales Stables on John St. Phone calls receive prompt attention. Phone 26w DR, JOHN WARD Chiropractor William and Sanders streets. Tues- days, Thursdays & Saturdays, hours 10 a.m, to 4.30 p.m. Consultation and examination free at office. FARM FOR SALE. One hundred acres, being lot 33, concession'`4, Usborne. On the prop- erty is a good brick dwelling and frame -barn, 34 x 80, cement floors and water inside, 2 never -failing wells one with windmill, 9 acres of wheat in and fall plowing all done. Well tilecl and wire fenced. Reason- able terms for quick sale. Apply on penises to Wm. Somerville or C. V.T. Robinson, Auctioneer, Exeter, Ont..= A few choice farms in, South Hu- ron for sale. Also some 'unincumber ed farm lands in Alberta and Sas katchewan will be exchanged; for town or village property." Apply to Thomas Cameron, Conveyancer, Auc- tioneer, etc. Box 154, Exeter. Phone 21r12< RE -OPEN LIVERY STABLE. BARN FOR SALE—Frame barn Mr. William H odgert wishes to 30x50, good iron roof, also about announce that he has re -opened his 10 tons of hay in Larn. Apply to livery stable for the winter. Phone Milton. Russell, 1-17] or leave orders at the -Central Hotel. HIGH INVESMENT YIELDS NOW AVAILABLE, Dominion of Canada Victory. Bonds, Province of Ontario' Bonds, Municipal and other bonds. ERNEST ELLIOTT Office—Elliot. Bldg., Main Street, EXETER, ONT. AUTO LICENSES ISSUED, Auto licenses are now being issued in Exeter by S. W. Sims. No need to go out of town. Come in and get yours. Phone 55 Phone 55 Powell s Colds. Cough, . loarseness, ,Among old and young are common these days. REMEDY: , r: Our NAMELESS Cataarh Remedy and Cough Syrup is a safe and reli- able cure. Easily used 'and pleasant to take, and guaranteed relief, NAMELESS proved its worth, in teh Great War, many tube was sent overseas and many a comment we re- ceived for'its great benficiai results to the boys who struggled there for our -comforts here. -65c for the two, or by mail, 75c, , Watch11- t rs place weekly for, fur- ther announcements. 'DROP IN OFTEN; Phone r%., The Horne of the New' Edison'' Subscription rate $1.50 a year; ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising—Made, known on application. Stray Animals --One insertion 50a three insertions for $1.00 Farm or Real Estate for sale 60a each insertion for one month of four insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five Iines, For Sale, To Rent. Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and found locals 25c. Local reading notices etc., 10c`a _.- line per insertion. No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. e Auction sales `-$ 3 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent In- sertion if under five inches in length. Legal advertising '10c and 5c ai line.- Saws 'gummed, wood turning, wood pumps repaired and accessor- ies on hand.—S. J. V. Cann, Exeter, Phone 116. ]PLEASE Take time and read this add You will save money just by let- ting T. %I. ELLIOTT clean and press and repair your old suit. Lalso send suits away to be dyed and dry cleaned. Three-piece suit dyed x;4,50 " dry cleaned $2.00 T. 1{. ELLIOTT SUDDEN SERVICE SHOP, Our New Spring. goods Are Arriving ver Day y How rT,.... ,about that new Spring Milt?.. Core in and see o,re , a W Styles It's easy to upset good form with an out» of form tie. That's why it so Often happens. The remed- iiy is here i .good form Ties, Scarfs and Four-in-hands. Gloves, Collars, ... Shirts, everyything , in :Men's Outfit- i',iings correct to, the minute. P 0 N I, 8 Aft