The Exeter Times, 1921-3-3, Page 7•CONDUCTED ElY PROF. HENRY' G. BELL The object of this department is to place at the sere - vice of our farm reetiers the advice of an eckriovvledged authority on all subjects ipertaining to soils and crops. Address ail questiens to Professor Henry G. Bell, in care of The Wilson Publishing Company, Limited, Toren, to, and answers will eppear In this oolumn in the order in which they are received. When writing kindly men - ;Hon this paper. As space ip limited it is advisable where immediate reply is neceesary that a stamped and ad- dressed envelope be enclosed with the question, when the answer will be mailed direct. , W. S.: We have a 40 -acre field whichwill not raise clover, Do you 'think it "needs lime? Answer:. Five reesons eeellr to us why, clover may - not grow- on your 1. The drainage of your soil may be bad and the water standing in the sell may smother out the .sprouting eeeds. 2. Your soil may be sour. Get 'sheet of blue litmus paper from 4rug,gist and bury small pieces of th paper M several' places in the fiel eat e depth of from 4 to 6 inches, whit ethe soil is damp. When you dig th paper up in about oneehalf hour, i 'it has turnetlepink it indicates that th soil is sour and there ist need of lime If such is the case, apply ground limestone at the rate of 1 ton per acre, 3. The bacteria that naturally- grow a a 0 d e greater quantity in ripened corn, The e• ripened corn makes very much better f feed since it contains much more e, grain. . You can hasten the ripening of corn from 10 days to two weeks by the addition of 200 to 400 Iles. per acre of fertilizer high in phosphoric cid 1‘ Tim amount of salt you mentioned rather to place a lump of rock salt so that your cow may lick it as she desires. • K. B.: Kindly tell me how to feed cowpeas and oats to me- cows in the late summer. Would you advise put- ting it in the silo or cutting it as form a suitable place for the -mould - plant to grow, The red mould inside the lumps you described is simply another form of mould. Evidantly your ensilage has been cutafter a frost when -the leaves were dry and the ensilage' did not pack thoroughly. It is. true there should have 'hgen mere juice among the silage' when; the •silo was _filled and the cut eorn should have been tramped down much more solidly. 'a'he juice of the hninature corn is very largely in the suger stage. Very little has been changed to starch, which is found in much •on the roots of the clover may be lacking. If such is the case, write -the Bacteriological. Department of the 0.A.C., Guelph, for a bottle of ;culture with which to treat the seed Follow the directions closely. 4. Your soil may be packed so closely that the air cannot circulate in the soil, If such is the case, give the field a more thorough plowing and disking and apply strawy barn -manure. • 5. Your soil • may hick fertility suf- ficient te maintain the young clover crop. In eider to insure a good catch, work in about 250 lbs. per acre of a fertilizer analyzing 2 per cent. am- monia, 8 per cent. phosphoric acid, arid 2 per cent. potash. LE you have •a drill with a fertilizer dropping compartment, this machine will make the best application of the fertilizer, if riot, you will have to apply the fertilizer broadcast and disk and har- row it in as you are working down the seed bed. is rather large. I would advise yon g,R. It.: What . makes our silage rnoiTti;• especially when we leave it over a day? All through our silage so ler we find little chunks' of silage and when we break it open it is all red inside and we find blue mould in it. Some folks said there was not enough juice in it. But our corn was riper a year ago than it was this year and it did not mould. Is a small handful of salt morning ,and night fed in the chop too much for a cow? Answer: The spores of mould are ever present in the air. As soon as you expose silage the spores light on this material and the sugary juices needed? Me latter way would take much of my time, which is valuable at that season. - Answer: Peas and oats make ex- cellent green feed for cows during late summer when pastures are fail- ing. I believe you would be wise in using this mixture as a green feed, although reports are on eecord where it has been successfully, put in the silo. H. C.: Kindly give me an estimate of the amount and value of the en- silage in a silo. There are twenty feet remaining in it.. The silo dimen- sions are 33 x 12 feet four inches. It was aued to capacity. The corn was cut on the day following the first ; heavy frost we lead here. The cern was nearly all mature but the foliage and, stalkwere green and juicy. There ghat' peileentage grain. / purchased this ensilage and m hauling it one mile over a good road. I am anxious to know the ap- proximate tonnage and value of earne. Answer: There are about 4Q tons of silage in a silo 12 feet in diameter and 20 feet deep. A reliable estimate of values of good silage was given by DireCtor Gorden, Geneva Experi- ment Station, 'a few years ago. He said that when hay was worth 10 a ton good silage was worth $3. a The Sunday School Lesson MARCH 6TH. Jesus Among His Friends. St. Matt. 26: 1-13. Golden Text -St. Mark 14: 6. Time and Place: Tuesday, April 4, A.D. 29. Simon's house in Bethany. • .Connecting Links. -Jesus put very high value, In His teaching, upon the siinple homely virtues of kindness and thoughtfulness. In the last of the three great parables of chapter25He declares that the highest commenda- • tion of Godeand*the richest rewards of eternal life, shall be for those who feed the hungry poor and show hos- pitable kindness to the stranger, and • clothe the naked, and visit those who • are sick or in prison. , Even those who do not know that they are thus serving and ,honoring Christ are in- cluded in His declaration, for, He teaches, they who thus minister to human needs arc truly minetering to Him. • The Plot, vv, 1-6. • 1-2, When Jesus had finished. The last discourses and parables of Jesus have been collected by Matthew in chaps. 20-25, These tire now finished ,and he goes on -to tell of the betrayal and death of Jesus. Mark makes thel transition more briefly in 14: 1-2. After t,wo days. These everds Were spoken' probably on Tuesday and the passover Ives to be eaten on Thurs- day evening, The day set for the passover in theeJewish law was the fourteenth of the month Nieau, which happened in this year te, be on a Thursday. The feast was to be held; in the evening after sunset, and so, according to the Jewish mode ;of HIDES -WOOL -FURS If you have one•hide or skin or a dozen, ship them along. You will receive payment at the veryleighest rna.rket price. Try ug with your next lot, ViiiLLIAM STONE SONS LivoreD wooDsTock. ONTARIO EtliAllaiairig94870 • ereeetable,FerteFlowee Newlenproved Skeane All tested, suee to:tem .0sAitikrealelog D EA:0.9:ST) N 38 42" Jac_gerks- . , . . reckoning time, which made the day begin at sunset. it was in reality on the fifteenth, anciton the next morn- ing (Friday morning), Jesus was crucified. 3-5. Unto the palace of the high priest. The high priest at that time was Joseph Gaiaphas, the son-in-law of Armes, who had formerly held that office and was stilt a person of great influence and. authority. Gaiaphas was appointed in the year A.D. 26 and continued in office twelve ye.ars. The chief priests and elders, some of , whom • were members of the great Jewish council, consulted that they might take Jesus by subtilty. It would, apparently, have beeti easy enough to take Him at any time as He went openly through • the streets or taught in the temple coilitts, but they feared an uprising of the people and the consequent wrath of the Ro- man authorities who would have held them responsible. The city was full of people, assembled for the pass - over celebration, and many were from Galilee and were friends and ;parti- sans of Jesus and His disciples. These, under the leadership of such men as Peter, who, as we know, was quite .ready and willing to fight for his Master, might have made a great deal of trouble, and as a result there might; have been imposed upon the city a severe punishinent or a heavy fine. It is no wonder, therefore, that they proceeded cautiously, and consulted how they might quietly and secretly accomplish their evil purpose, , Mary's Gift of Love, vv, 6-13. 6-13. When Jesus was in Bethany. Just before telling' the story of Judas' treachery, Matthew turns aside th tell all incident of the previous week in Bethany, in which the mercenary character of Judas was revealed, in contrast with the simple and beauti- ful loyalty and self -forgetfulness of Mary. It is not ;certainly known who Simon the leper was. • A similar story is told In Luke 17: 36-50 of a dinner in the house a a Pharisee named Simon, but the woman there mentioned; is calleti "a sinner," ;and can serely not be identified with the gentle and loving eister of Martha and Lazarus. No doubt thia ;Sheen had been healed of his diseeee, otherwise there would not have been held such a feast in his helmet and it is an interesting eon- jecture that Jesus Ilimeelf may have been the healer. With them sat Laz- arus, only a little while before brought back frora the dead. It is no wonder that the heart of title loving woman Was stirred to its depths. Her gift was prompted by gratitede and thaeltfulness for the healing of a friend'and the restoration of a broth- er, tharof the woman of Luke's story" Iby' thankfulness for a life cleansed 'from sin. The alabester box was Probably a bottle or wise with a narrow neck, made out of the sat alabaster stone found in that country. It was close seeled, and opeued by breaking t neck. Iinmediately the perfume won fill the whole rooni. The fragra, oftg which is called, in Mark 14: "spikenard " was obtained from , Indian plant, sometimes called h eause of its appearance, Indian epik and wae'rare.,,and costly, Given to, the Poor. The objecti was taken onlow ground. The gi of love is not measared, and whe such love as that of Mary abounds t poor will never want. The poor wido gave ,out -of her poverty to the t,rea ury of the temple which she lov and was richer for the giving. "T world is immeasurably richer for, t costly gifts which have been made Christ's church all dawn through t ages. "For the heart grows rich b giving," and it is wealth of heart a soul that makes always and ever where for human' good. - 'For My berial. Jesus malces the a of Mary ;a symbol and prophecy His approaching death. Of cour Mary did not mean it that way, an she must have hoped, when, she Ilea Him say these words, that the day His burial, when it was the custom anoint the body with perfumes, w far distant. Jesus neclares also wh has become abundantly fulfilled, th her simple act if faith and love wi be told wheresoever this gospel sha be preached to the whole world, -Application. • A "beautiful" work was what Jes called Mary's deed anci on two count "Me ye have not always." It is n easy to live as Jesus did surrounde by suspicion and; animosity, to b aware that even in the circle of th most -intnnate friend ,s there was on willing to sell you to your enernie and to have oft -repeated evidences o the dullness and lack of understand ing on the part of those who wer faithful. His heart must have longe for sympathy. How He loved Hi friends and how the thought of leae ing them mast have wrung His hear And here was an outburst of affectio ly he 14n 3, energy. Kitchens Th,at Save Steps Labor-saving leaehens depend upon the ingennitY and talent of the house- wives who administer them. The comfort and well-being a the whele family are largely dependent upon the results of the many hours which the mother must epend in the kitchen. Since it is very difficult to obtain help the greater part of the work must be accomplished 'by one person and by careful phoming and mariage- anent much can be dorie to shorten the hours of work, eecluum ee numbers of steps conserve strength and nervous an The first thing to consider is the e - e, on ft re he 5 - ed he he to he nd y- et of se rd of to as at at 11 11 us. 5. ot s, 11 from one who evidently loved Him far above all earthly treasure. It was a source of strength and sojace. Then too, He read into her action an un- suspected significance. "for my bur- 1VIary had no thought of this. It seemed; a far ery frora the festivi- ties of Simon's house to the tomb hewn out of a rock, yet Jesus was right. And He often surprises those who give to Him with the far-reach- ing issues of their gifts. Even the leasteserVice rendered: ^-thej' "least -of thesev-is "unto Me.", What revela toes await ,generoue Souls in heaven when the story of what they have really made possible is made plain. Plan Now .(or. the Garden. • Every farm family in Canada is entitled to a well -kept, productive vegetable garden that will keep them in fresh vegetables all summer with enough surplus to stock the pantry shelves for the entire winter. Furth- ermore, every farne•family is entitled to enough shrubbery and flowers to furnish bouquets for every day of the growing- ,season. If you do not have such a vegetable garden and such provision for flowers on your farm. your family is being cheated of the good things that should go with farm life. Land and labor devoted to such a purpose return the richest sort of dividends both in pleasure and in actual profit. This has lbeen proved times without number. According to our observation and experience, the time to start the flower and vegetable gerclen is in Jatmary or February. Start with a few postal cerds directed to the res- ponsible seed hoasee asking them for their catalogues. Another card will bring you all the late government bulletins on garden culture. Fortified with this material, proeeed to sell the garden idea to the family. This once accomplished, make the actual, plans for space to be used, varieties to be planted and eare to be given. The more time and, money you spend on the question before' actual planting thne, the more certahe the success of the garden. - Make this a garden year on the farm. Make it such a garden that you will want the neighbors all to come overand. look at it. Make ibs care a job for the entire family. And be sure to have enough flowers to ,supply both yourself and the neigh- bors. If you follow our advice on this question of gardens you will never regret it, • Feed. for ram: During the winter months the grain for a ram should not exceed one pound daily. In the spring of the year, feed no grain if the pasture is good' and the ram is in good physical condition. Beets` and cabbage are greatly rel- ished by the fowls during the winter months, but care must be exercised to avoid feeding too mutch green feed. Mangel whiizels yield larger crops than table !beets and fernish equally as desirable feed for the flock as table beets or;cabbage" A small plot will furnish sufficient green feed for a good-sized fleck throughout the winter. Small potatoes bolted and fed alone or with a rnasle will proVe valuable oddition to the ration, but only smell 'qualaitiee should be fed at a time, and care ehouId be taken to see that the mash "is not allowed to become too sticky, size of the kitchen. The size will be ;determined by the work to be carried; on there: • A Idtehen used for ;food preparation, dinieg-room, wash -room and separator , work, will have to be larger time one used for food prepare- tion.alene. • The fewer things we have To show how the steps are saved, route the preparatioe and eerving ef an apple pie. Here are the steps in preparing the pie in the first incon- venient room, a. Go to wintry for spoon and pans. b. A trip is inade to the cellar for apples and fat. c The apples are washed at the sink and pared at the table. Cold water is carried to the table. d. The flour, eugar,-Salt pie plate and serving dishes are brought from the pantry. c. The The pie is prepared at the table. 1. The pie is baked in the oven. g. The pie is eooled on the talele and served. Steps in clearing away after serv- ing the pie: a. " The dishes are removed to the table and scraped. - b. The water is pumped at the sink, acerezetieree PORCH. Counter, - RITC iSturs **1.,q.c • Coat heehe Zow inanzr steps will it take to make back and forth and then to do in the kitchen, besides simple cooking, the :smaller the kitchen can be mede and the easier the work will be.. A kitchen 10x12 or 9x11, feet is a moderate-sized, kitchen, easy to ar- range, ;and while small enough to require few steps is large enough for comfort. In this /emu where we spend se much time and work so hard there should be plenty of light ancl as few doors as possible. Doors cut up the tvalt space, making it difficult to ar- range equipment. If posible the kitchen shouldnot be used as a passage way from the front door to the back door. This also interferes Witlehe convenient arrange: merit' and elheVs. ,niuch dust and- dirt to be carried into the the kitchen. The housewife should, just as fax as she can, plan her kitchen, keeping constantly in mind the various tasks ;she performs there'and centreing her plans around the taske of most im- portance and those which are carried on with most frequency, such as meal preparation, serving 'the meals and dishwashing. The kitchen should be made convenient for doing these things since they recur most often in the calendar off: houselold duties. The woman who must use a kitchen which is already made, has a more difficult problem to meet but not necessarily' a hopeless one. She ,can do much by rearrangement. The best way to consider a re - PIE41144 ROOM. a j:de in tb.lo kitchen? Vollow the arrows look at the diagram, below. carried to the stove, heated and brought to the table. c. The dishes are washed, drained and wiped at the table. d. Finally the dishes and utensils are placed in the pantry. Now notice these figures very par- ticularly: Number of feet traveled in prepar- ing the pie, 96. Number of feet traveled in the clearing away process, 42. Now study the first diagram and notice the broken wall space and lines of travel forced on the owner of this kitchen by the four doors. Make note of the number of extra steps neces- sary when everything is done an one table. Utensils and food • must be brought to the table anti after being used, carried back again. This results in mere or less confusion and weari- ness. Now let us compare the different handlings and walkings required in this samekitchen with a few changes and additions of equipment. Diagram II, is a rearrangement ef Diagram 1 and shows again the rout- ing in the preparation and serving of an apple pie. a. Go to the ea -billet for a spoon and pans. b. A trip is made to the cellar for apples and fat. c. The apples are washed andepared at the sink. d. The apples and fat and cold 10% -calor; otove. , t ,s% Lavglo):51- `,.111T t4tN., 07^ Li% t - • \ I t L •, Tolle DINING ROOM. t onteaeo ems ;Learrealgee kitchen with the atageam above. Here the vie can be mado with feVVOT feet walking tha.0 in the other kitchen. arrangement of the kitchen, is to analyze the work ;connected with food preparation. It divides itself into two parts, that of food preparation and clearing away after meals. tet The food preparation involves the collection of food from its place 'a storage, the preparation of food for storage, the cooking of the food and the serving, The clearing away means remov- ing dishes from the table, scraping and stacking the dishes, washing and wiping and putting the 'dishes in the cupboard. The equipment for this part of the work should be arranged so that the worker chn follow a path, as short as possible, without needing anFyreorre°8tshetxtaicils. icteshe gathers the foOd material from the storage, through the food preparation and cooking to the serving of the food, e.ach preceas should carry her nearer the dining room table without retracing her sterePisla" aecenepanying illustrations show a stepefaving kitchen versue step making kitchen artangemenu. water are,carried to the cabinet. e. The pie is prepared at the cab- inet. 1. The pie is baked in the oven. g. The pie is cooled on the shelf and served. Stepa- in clearing away after serv- .ing the pie: a. The dishes are removed to the right shelf of the sink and scraped and stacked. b. The dishes are washed in' the sink, . c. The dishes are drained and wiped and placed on the shelf to the right. d. The utensils are place/ on the shelves under the dealt boards and in the ;cabinet. •- Now let us estimate aecuratele-, how We have teaveled; The ratudeer of feet teaveled in pre - peeing and serving the. pe, 66. Number of feet traveled in the clearing away process, 16. Number of feet eaved in -preparing and serving the pie, 30, Number oe feet sweed ta the elate.- ing away process, 26. Total nurnhee of feet saved, 66. CILEAMINESS IS MAUI' 9 1111.;CriniS • is one of the • moot useful anti econovnicalartitle$ cattle market. Ginettdye dote/1,4 a common expression among thooe that are familiar with its many noes. Rale" die directions under thevirrappet Here is a little problem in simple arithmetic' for the young folk of the family: IfMother saves 56 feet, in making one pie a week, how much traveltwould she save if she made one pie a week for a year, in this re- routed kitahen? The answer ;comes out a little over half a mile or, to be aceurate, somethin over .55 of a mile! You can cerry this oat as far as you wish: steps saved in cooking three meals a day for seven times fifty-two weeks in a year --mounts up, does -it not? And the figures are no joke. Life is immeasurabiy precious and sacred. It is measured out to us in eleasuree of time and strength. We can actu- ally, by making changes in our ways of working, save these priceless hours and this priceless thing called nervous energy. Nlet as study the diagrams once more: Notice the changes in this kitchen. A. window has been substituted for • the outside door which was not need- ed but which creat -ed a line of travel across the kitchen. This change pro- vides more wall room, and light and a clear, unbroken working space. A portable cabinet has been added and everything necessary in making the pie, with the exception of raw; materials, is kept in the cabinet so' that no walking is necessary to gath- er materials and utensils. When the pie is baked., it is cooled and served from the shelf, which is convenient: to both the serving dishes and the dining room. The drain boards provide ample space for the clearing away process. Shelves at the right of the sink and very near the dining room provide space for china which. forieerly was kept in the pantry. Shelves underneath the drain boarde provide space for pots and pans which are used in cooking. These additions greatly simplify the clearing away process, and as a result, dishes are handled only once. A hot water boiler has been in- stalled which saves the carrying of many 'pails of water to be heated. The fuel bog has been equipped with casters, which is a great con- venience. A wall wash basin has been put in the kitchen which makes a very satisfactory arrangement where it is impossible to provide a separate wash rsotiotmute Alidfoghkroneofosfhetootihalsowbeekh nit:aebn- chairs. -- GROCERS TAKING LESS PROFIT ON MANY LINES Red Rose Tea People Make Further Statement. some of our friends among the grocers, in speaking of our letter to the pre.3is an grocers' profits have in- dicated, that apparently it has been construed by some readers to mean that Red Rage Tea was the only ar- ticle on which the grocer takes a smaller profit, In orderto give his cus- tomers a higher quality. It was not our intention to convey such an impression, ais we know that most grocers soli well known brands of other goods at less profit than they could make on same brands emu -ale well known, and for the same reason that they recommend Teed Rose Teao imply to give thole customers the hent possible value. In our letter we mentioned Red Rose Tea beeatee it naturally mine filet to our nand and because we knew that grocers were selling it at a less profit than they make on other teas. -- T. II, ID s tab roo k8 Co., Lihnite 0. Toronto, Ont. Broken eggS° cannot be mended, said Abraham. Lincoln. Neither cell. 1,Veed-ioTown garden be expeeted to 411 the cellar with vegetiihice. issue No, 9-21. hat! Littie .14inny Dugan?' sited once the boyhood hqme o a Tglii'seantaeolaaene.vill, not go don 1 the historiee, but he has made e Medi place for himself in 'his Profession, and in ev;ery city important people aro glad to be counted aniong his ileo ells.lee of this to one of the resi dents of the village who occupiedea reserved seat in front of the livery F3table. "It must be a matter of great pridc to your town to have produced a nian like that," I said. "You mean John Hinkei ?' he answered. 1 nodded, and he uttered a scorn- ful little laugh. "Folks hereabouts don't think so muck of Joe Hinkel," he eommented. "We never supposed he'd amount to • any -thing. Why, gosh, 1 knew him when he was runnin" around with his pants held up by one suspender!" ef found more than oue man in that eireenitinity to echo ‚the sentiment,. raTiveyeactooditliellotthocitil,iitlet iithrel%oilaeieli)eoytie \;eer-049-- had been one of .thernselves should hare so littera yv scars aogof a,fAr shr..1e40 u ler in tile. Val."-JeVilie Ilet4r:05.IL re- counted the achievemezits of a cer- tain Sohn Dugan, and after each ncredulotis exclemation, "What! Lit- tslteac,nLjzioathtlnetnhye jor,chhuilogrna;, ?broke in with an i Detgar,-that little fellow that used to he around here, iyiaosu bdeoenn't nianmeainnatteoci teflac Tame a3,trloiar,t he elected manager of a bank, or called to the pastorate of a great church! Not our little' Johnny Dugan! It can't be! Why, we knew hire when-" The sang reflected accurately the attitude of too many home towns to- ward their boys. Many great men have suffered from • that attitude: Jesus of Nae-areth suffered:perhaps, most keenly of all. After He had begun His ministry, after He bad performed a few mir- acles in the cities near at hand; and gained a consicievalite repatatime, "He went back to Nazareth, where He haciebeen brought up," One can picture the anticipation. with whieh He turned His face iu that direction. He could imagine the evarinth, of His °Id neighbors' greet- ing-, the pride they would feel in His success which had 'brought credit to the town, But there was no warmth. Only skepticism ond jealousy and scorn. It was as if their faces cried: 'We know you. Why, of the the carpenter, Jo.sephi You may nave looted them in Capernauni, but you can't fool us." And there were tho.se among them whose envy and bitterness would have led them to hurl Him to death. There are two ways to look at the folks around us, and particularly the younger folks. One is to get into the habit of re- garding them as just common people, destined to failure or to only mediocre things, and to be surprised when they exceed our expectations. The other way is to form the habil of thinking of them in the biggest and best possible terms, of holding up the vision of large achievement be. fore thein and letting' them under- stand that we ex:pect them to climb high. NIrhichever attitude we adopt we're bound to suffer certain disappoint- ments, but personally I prefer to be disappointed by news of failure rather than hy news of success. When 1 hear that Johnny Dugan has been sent to jail- for forgery 1 expect to exclaim, 'W1aat! Little Johnny Dugan?" But when they tell inc that he has been selected for the Lieutenant - Governorship they needn't expect rue to express surprise, even though he as red hair ancl never owned two uits of clothes as a boy. Lieut. -Governor Johnny Dugan --of course: I always said yea couldn't keep that boy down. To fatten fowls ii a short tawe.,.... feed ground rice well scalded with ,milk, to which add some coarse ,sugar. Give them this in the daytime, but not too much at one time. Let it be rather thick. To be a geed termer you must feed your mind, your body, your soil, and your soul. They are merely engines that will run if you enough of the right kind arid will stop and rust if youogfidvo;nutethi:ona Score one, foe junior projecE week: A New York farmer got up in a faent meeting recently and said: "Pm seventy-one years old, and have fed hogs all of my life; but I learned more last year watching my girl feed het pig than I've learned the eeneety years I've lived." A set of good wrenches is as nee: essary in elle fai•tu shop as is a cook etove itt the kitchen,• Cheap w-renclice that break or spring whee uF$ed oii tough olbs are an abornination-elot to Mention the bruised knuckles that aeoceepaily breaking and aprineine With a Set of goad wrenchee, inuelt repair work on pow, cultivators, wheel-Itoeeo and other implements, cen be done In the sho-p 'before spring