The Exeter Times, 1921-3-3, Page 5, TflVflS»A', MARc7U 3, 192 llurondale The monthly meeting of the Wo- inen's Institute was held on leehru- ark 23rd at the home of Miss, K. KeddY. In spite of the unfavorable weather, there was an attendance of twenty-eight. After the'regular busi- ness GI: Cee ;meeting tile programme was given, the opening* number be - flog an instrumental by 1Vliss Pym. 'Excellent papers on the subjects. "In- cieeneTVe'llonleY'Dec'orations," Wer given :by afiV4i18: C. Allieon, Miss J. Strang also gave Ssetsektmeerirese a reeding and the ladles enjoyed Borne community singing after which refreshments were served. The March meeting Will be held. at the tome ef Mrs. H. Strang. ,) Miss. Bella, Winer,. of Fullerton, Was recently married to Mr. Samuel Jordan, of Belgravee Mr. and Mrs. Jordan will reside in 13elgrfave. G. J. Sutherland; of Hensall, ae agent of the executors of the Dent ipqato,, ,liaeeeold the. 50 -acre farm in ti{'Tewnsliip of, Hay to Mr., Nathan Wareener, of Hensell. ' .The corni:ng Vote and Vote: r on Apitirt8 Ontario Temperance Act as a war- time measure was an unqualified success. On October 25„1919, the people of Ontario Toted by ?„n overwhelming majority in favor of the perenanCnt continuance, of the Ontario Tem:. perance Act, prohibiting the sale of intoxicating beverages. , The "Bootlegger" Must Go On December. 31, 1920, came the repeal of the Federal Order-in-Council—which was also a war -time i measure—prohibiting mportetion, manufacture and export of intoxicating beverages. Thus it became possible for individuals in prohibi- tion provinces to import licriors for consumption in the home; thus the "bootlegger" is able to offer the same for sale centrary to law, and thus the expressed will of the people in this province is being defeated. Importation Must Cease • Everything that applied in the last vote against the sale of intoxicating beverages within this province applies equally to the Use of tbern, and their Importa- tion for beverage purposes -should also be .prohibited. Hence arose necessity for farther legislation and • another Referendum. ..1.2111.1331.11092.3.1311=01131.01.14101.111Milletli6COP Shall the importation and the, bringing o/ intoxicating Liquors into the Prbij,ince.bePhillibifrct? Ontario Referendum Committee garffigksswgggm.zkgzEgsm....aizzzammzsn .V" -;-r-#"#•#;`,## 151-A.-#,;71 • ),..‘ te :NEW EDISOPT1 "The Phonograph lath aSour. rtatildsrece7.,,i4,, Time- eeweekt 'Tie" est Your Mood Changes rilIgE13? Nervous? Worried? , Put a RE-CREATION on the /NM .Edison, relax into a chair, let the Music flood the room with melody—and comfort. The music produces a mood change. Mr. Edison has devised arMood Change Chart by which you can register your re- Actions to music. come in and get your supply. Make the experiment in yourovvrt home, Have every member of your family, also your friends fill out charts. It's more inteTesting than the Ouija board. - Mr. Edison would like to study your charts in connection. with -his great research „, into the effectof music on the minds and moods of men; If you don't own a New Edison, come into our store and fill out a Mood Change Chart. Get Mr. Edison all the Mood Chitnge Charts he needs. POW/2?,,le ENETellt, - , ee...,ereee'eeeeeeemzenteene • Centralia Mrs. 5, Jones, ef I.,ondon, s vieit- ing her sister, Mu. Wen. - Mrs. Saxon Fitton, of Exeter, has been staying with her neice, Mrs. T. Carling here the past week. Mr. Thos. BoYle who has 1)oen 111 Lor some days is convalescing. Mrs. Byron flicks and Children who has been visiting her mbther, Mrs, 3. Essery the past ten days, has returned home. me.,,yem. Boyle who for a number of years, las been. M.r. N. Colwell's foremen :in tile; ,West is ViSitiUg in this Viciuity,• Calfax, of Saskatchewan, is calling on friends in this neighbor-, hood. , • , Mr. 'Thomas Willis and 'Win Wm. Moffatt have laid in an abundant iesupr. ply of ice for the. -eoneing sum- n Mr. Wm.' Colwell is shipping a ei load of horses from here to Vancou- ver today, (Thersday.) The Farmers' 'Club unloaded a lead of feed corn on Tuesday. The farmers took it from the car. Cromarty The boys' organized class met at the home ofe Mr. Robert Oliver on Monday eve last. A very interesting debate was taken up by some of-ehe boys. "'Resolved which is the most beneficial—Home or Foreign sion 'WTork.", Mrs. Robert Gardiner who spent e very lengthy visit with her mo- ther at Celedonia, returned home on Wednesday eve. What might have been a very dis- astrous fire was got under control when on Thursday morning. the home of Mr. S. A. Miller in the vil- lage, now occupied by Mr. Elmer, ColquhOun, was noticed to beon fire, Mr. McCullough having noticed the smoke issuing from the rear of the building. It was got under con- trol by the help of quite a 'few men who helmet -fed to be about at the time, or, Otherwise, if it liad:goe, a, little more headway, one half of,' our village would have been de- stroyed. ,The fire -did •considerable damage to the roof of the kitchen. Miss Shaw, of Stratford, who vis- ited last week with Miss Ethel Howe, returned home on Saturday. -4.774•PT • THA'04nu wits •.• • ,r Crediton Mr, and Mrs, A. E. Kuhn and chil- dren returned to their honie kin Ker- robert, Sask., 'rueeday, Mr, ViCtor KeStle and Miss Rena Eieeeee ee Chatham, pewit a few clays last week at tbe home of the former's uncle, IVir. 'I'hes. 1"l'eYe- thick. Miss Mabel Wenzel has returned from Toronto where she lias been mttendingethe opernngs. IVIre:14A, AelaglIni"eanci M14.8"Trellis sPent,a couple of, days this week in London, % Little t Mit3s- Jean- and Meister Jack Lariltineof Lucaue are visiting at the home of their ,grandpa,eezits, Mr, and Mrs. John Young. Mr. Ed. Beaver Was called to Ot. tawa,,last Thursday as his brothel% and presidents Of the Zurich and C. rediton Y.P.A. will also give some WiMlir.ia11•IGhaiamdetbeSewn'ebitalzelrY .1111:sbought 1yrrt./title" r easltsion ggiaddresses. in"teRtee:t.inDgertagdie. tile two farms„ at Crediton. East, be- dresses on "The Heart of the Y.P.A.." longing -,e0 me. Joe Heist. Everyone cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. H. Dark; of. herstburg, spent last week -end With .El. - imville the latter's parents, 1VIF. and"Mrs. C. Steinhagen., • An event of more than usual in- Air. 3. Kellerman attended the terest occurred at the parsonage on convention of delegates at London to Wednesday afternoon when Wre.Ed- discuss electriffingethe L: H. .& B. ward Smith, of Usborne and lia.r.riet railway, Ann Kirk, of Kirkton, were united Mrs. D. McCormick returned to in the bonds, of matrimoey by Rev. her home iii Bridgeburg last' week H. B. Parn.abi;. Thebride Was attend- after visithig her' .fa.ther, F. ed by her sister, Miss Myrtle, whilst Baker, who has been quite sick . the groom had for his aid, IVIr. Mel- ville Gunning. . Their many friends Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morenz, of Detroit, are visiting relativee 111 wish them long life and happiness., Rev. and 'Mrs: Parnaby took the Miss D. Balkwill, of Exeter, visit- Dashwood Tlxe coneert given by the school on Friday leet was it decided sue- cese. So great was the rueh for ad- zilision that only about hall' could be eccommodated so it was repeated oji Saturday night. Each item be the programme was well rendered.' Mr, P. Fa,ssold is 'set present bon - lined to bed with erysipelas. 'We hope for a speedy recovery. Miss Olivia Welton is visiting with relativein Kitehener and Waterloo. The regular meeting of the. Evan- gelical Y.P.A. on Friday evening, March 4th, will be a hnion. meeting of Crediton Zurich and Daeltwood. The principal speaker of the even- ing will be the conference .bredch' president, Rev. Dengis.The, ministers young people of the Y.P.C.A. corn- ' ed with the Misses Pfaff. pletely by surprise last Tuesday eve- ning and before the hour came for Miss Alice Hoffman was confined adjournment, served an appetising to the house with illnes last week: lunch oE sandwiches and cake, to- Mr. Earl Guenther made a busi- getleer, with a cup of fragrant cof- ness trip to Windsor last week. fee. ' Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zimmer, of The Sunshine -S, S. will hold their Stratford, spent last Sunday in town. monthly teachers' meeting at the home of Mr. and 1VIrs. Cecil Camm DASHWOOD SCHOOL REPORT on Thursdayenight, DIerch 3rd. The following is the February' Ree Rev. W. G. ff. McAllister will nent of our school. It is based . , on preach educational sermons at Elim- wee'cly and daily marks--Gtem., Arts; ville on Sunday morning, March 1 Hist., Alg.-Sr. 5-E. Ho'Svard 79 per „ He will also preaCh. at Sunshine in • rctesut5';Nfs'anTieer:Irslaullbje7c4sC-IFS.teHitalliratlgeeibu 68°j the afternoon.E. Guenther 78, M. irennison 78. :NE 'Harold Taylor, who has been as- .2'.111me? 78, A. H°'Erman 69' P. Kle le. - , sistant buttermaker in the Winchel- Yt'Sever69, J• Gueenher. 65. I. Ravelle Howard will be much missed around Jr. 4; same subjects -L. Reid 9i, .N will go 52 ' r• '4; Grains A -I, Ef.st., _A.rith. 7'. sea Creamery the past year, to Exeter Creamery for next year. Rader 61, O. Snell. 60, 1'. Willert: 30- L. Tiernan, 91, Le ‘Eveland ,75, 'A,i Winchelsea aft Sunshine, but every- Rtes. 90, V. Baker g, E. Ziminer 7 body wishes him success. L. Baker. 69, E. Graupner 68, A. Kel There are rumors of more wed- tlerrrian 40*, ;GI. RiS.11Hkeorwa3r6d*. Principe -Wevburn . , . dings in the near future. They may ' be just rumors, so 'nuf said. ' Rc-o'ra II- , Our school has organized a -liter- ary society. ..The following :officers Mamils seem to be fashionable a- S.r. 3; total marks 700-11 Keirter 1;urnbull, vina-pres., Grace' Turn - were elected: President, Fergus hasn't had 'era 1s'' inedangtir of hay- sea.ki-leaT'Ale'em'bet141962'1,Jrk .3,;•rit,eomtrieleimarks 7H° round tkese parts.1, Everybody who , , t este. • • ' Meta 553, C. F'sher 491,, L. Wishner 48 ibull; secretary, Marion - Turnbull; ern. ' ...• , , Ilettina,n, -5 15, *sEe. Wain 408, G. Guen eerecutive committee, Hazel Patter- - Rev. Mr. Parnaby was a pall, the 458, F. Klanstiver, 447, A. Stein son, Ruth Turnbtill, Nettie Kenney,' bearer at the funetal, in Exeter, of hilarge'l 41-5' A- Mlle' 37°;. Leslie Turnbull and Eddie Turnbull. the Rc-v. Mr. Tyler, on Tuesday af- 2_94, °E. Wilds 219. Sr. 2; total mark A literary programwill , be given' .ternoon last. Mr. Tyler, at the time , r25.E. Hart'c'b •388, M. White 370 very Ftiday Tient 3‘to-'4*p.m. • ' st)f his.'death: . E. 1 ernes , ., urma.ster 360 A E \I 370 - C. Et' ' ' e was in Hamilton con- Resiemever 353, E. Harnaelesr '352 ference, but was- fgrine"rly-, station- Jr 2; total marks 470-1'. Hayter 46( ed in the London conference'. , Twc, sales that will attract a big croWd are Sam Brocres and Chas. Ile�sall The ItcY, 3, P. 41"light; of Milvar- ton, a former pastor of the Metho- ;,dtisetaClihutorCItlhaet NykleensiSeayll,clilleuSrorehCeived Cal- gary. poienoteu dale one e)r 0.1-11 itgigiejuLdwitoors wiaosapr tle County Iof lifuron,ewas••in Goderich assisting the audithig of the books of the county. Mies Nora McEwen who has been in Toronto fore, the Past few weeks, has returned lionie. Mr, W. T. Reynolds left for Til 'sonbeOgewIlerette7he has secured good poeition. Mrs. Kate 13e11, who pent some months with, her sister, Mrs. Iturn. meston in Pennsylvania, has re turned home. a After a few weeks illness Eliza Jane Taylor, relict of the late Robert Newell, passed way at her home on Sunday, at the age of 80 years and 6 months. Deceased was one of the pioneers of this district, having lived at Chiselhurst for over 36 years. Mrs. Newell was born in Ireland, coming with her parents to this country and settling near Port Hope and later moving to a farm in Hib- bert. A few years later she was mar- riacl to Robert Newell and moved to a farm near Chiselhurst where, they lived for many years. After the death. of her husband, fourteen years ago, she moved to town where she has resided with her daughters. She is survived by: Four daughters, Mrs. N. Horton, of thee -Boundary; Mrs. McCraig, of Chieelhurst, and Eliza and Jane at home. Sisk sons: James of North Dakota; John of Goderich; William and Calvin, of Stewart, B.C., and Robert and The's. -,of Denhohn, Sask. The 'funeral took place, on Tuesday for interment in Hensall Union Cemetery. The sad death occured on Thurs- day, February 17, 1921, of Agnes Whitlock, widow of the late W. Smallacombe, Hensall's oldest- resi- dent aged 76 years and 6 months. She was taken with pneumonia, and although everything was done that could be done for her, she grad- ually grew worse, passing away on 'Thursday. Mrs. Smallacombe was born in Devonshire, England, com- ing to this country when only three years of age and with her parents settled in Hampton, Darlington township, later moving to the 2nd 5. concession of Hay, near Exeter, - some sixty years ago. She was mar- ried 54 years ago to William Simne- 1, combe, who predeceased her several years ago.' They moved to Hensall in _ 1876, the year Hensel' was, started, 8; at that time there were only four 0 buildings: one hotel, = blacksinith . shop owned by Mr. Richard 131atche ford, and two houses. Mrs. Sr/mile-1 4:71,n0a; ,Pasaect , , , weely on Friday evening the Ali* at • oe, age'oS 413. year's and t )v.0, p,101,440.. Mr. Kyle'e period Pi were three Kyle was born on the,' 'hotne- stead ill Stanley Whieli is now owneal,hy 3,1r. wpdter and ' was ,a son. (ff• the late Wna• nY19: wbo''died :1 8' yeare ago, He was the - youngeSt or the family •of tie, Attest est; eons and eight.daughters. Interment •tholt place in Daird's 'Cemetery, . , A quiet wedding took place at tile ilMethodist parsonage, Mitchell, when Mies Sarah Squire, daughter of Mrs. John'Squire, and Mr. George Looker, of Logan, were united in rettrriage by Rev. Mr, Vren, pastor the church. On their return. they will reptde on the groom's faxen on the 3rd calicos- sion of Logan. Previous to their marriage the bride was employed in the,' Bell Telephone office at Mit- chell. PROVINCIAL ESTIMATES, In the supplementary estimates totalling $4,1 7 9,45 6, placed before - the Ontario Legislatui-e by the Pro- vincia,1 Treasurer, Smith, was an item of $9 0,0 0 0 for the enforce-. :merit *of the Ontario 'I'emperance: _Act, indicating that the war on rum- runners is to be prosecuted with vigor by the attorney -general. One of the tbigegst items is -that of $3 5 000 to pay allowances for the re- mainder of the year under the Mo- thers' Allowance Act, with an ad- ditional amount of $3 4,5 0 0 for the cost ofeadministering the act. Other estimates provide for an expenditure of $2 9,3 4 7,0 0 0 by the Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Whiclt $2 1,- 7 0 0,0 0 0 is put down for the Chip- pewa Canal development and $5,- 1 1 5,0 0 0 for the Niagara system. There are grants to teachers engag- ed in model school training in differ- ent places of $3,0 0 0; grants to care- takers, $8 0 Os to supplement grants to' teachers in model schools, $1 0,- 5 0 0: For the T. & N. 0. Railway and the Nipissing Central Railway, e1,4 4 9,2 8 3 is to be spent. Farmers Attention NOTICE. Lumber has dropped in price. Let lite quote you prices. Big reduction in price of Cedar Fence Posts. • Watch this space . prices on - Wire Fence and Fertilizer. , combo 'was a Methodist and a life- long member of the Woman's Mis- pee -0,--/E 2. • The fierce blizzard that blew from the east last Saturday almost cut off the, traffic entirely from the Lake Road, yet our brave maiV' carrier made his regular trip. e Upshall's. The former is on the 31-(1 and the latter about the 10th. Mr. A musical treat was given by our local orchestra in the home of Mrs, and Mrs. J. Schroeder one evening last week. Upshall, we understand, will move Mr. and, Mrs. T. F. Turnbull were Mrs. _ to Exeter, ha.vIng sold his farm. Mr. on March 1 7th. Melville Heim is also having a 'sale M. Graupner 575, M. Fassold 506, F. guests at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. John R -outlay has been con- We rt 471, W. Eveland 451 E Wet - James Delgaty on Thursday evening fined to her room with sickness for re, 439 P. B der 433 S.' GI; th -r of last week. t several weeks, but we trust she will -, L. 3se''' L 'St b en 304 A. Stire eu294. Mr. and Mrs. Treffery, of Stella, ' ' S-. PL 2-aEu. uksisaft '6.31 H. Nadlgies soon be out and around again. ' ' • ' re 624, E. R.nker 558,- sW. ,M in 489, I. visited Weyburn on Monday of- last :P,ev, Mr. Parnaby" had quite an Guenther 476. M. Pt. Z -G, White 398, week.. They were guests of Mr. and addition to his faintly on Friday last V. Krai:l 363, R. Statton 3e3, A. Mar - Mrs. H. Schroeder, ' when twelve tittle chicks came into ars :228, R. Vincent 295, A. Mason291, On Friday evening, March 4th, the this strange world; but the old hen 0. Stabus 285, P. Schade 236. Jr. Pt. :metillvre of the U.F.0..,chtb are put- trod on one and now there are only 2-R. lele..nsever 516, B. Edighotffer tingesn a debate.Subject: "Reeolv- eleven. Mr. Parnaby is in urgent 50,5, Z..Nadlger 484, V. BurrneSster 435. Pt. le -E, F:scher 447, Sl Stire 440, V. 'ed that rural telephone is of great- need of some:stocking fette Anybody, ICraft 381, E,' Held s376, M. Klumpp er benefit to the community than the having any to spare will' confer a 319, AI. Resiemeyer 292, H. Miller ZOZ, rural mail." Ott the same -evening , r,ural , . N favor by letting him know. Hush O'Connor 171. Class A, -M. our U.F.On'cluls will be given 'an '''' The home of Joshua, and Mrs. . Wh ts 1-'40, H. Schlundt 200, I. Cruen- ttistrated" address ' by a Speaker of lisl e: BO, H. Renker teti. . , Johns is passing through a. time of , Pearl Tiernan, Teacher. the Ontallo Agricultural Depart- much. sickness. Wilfred came nine ment. The purpose of these addressee and took a severe cold which laid • are to eliminate strilb anitnals from hint up 'for a few days. Then on Sa- "LETTERS FROM THE FRONT." , the. farmers' stock, in order to en- . ' turdaY Miss Alma took' sick and at I - I sure a better dais of catile. • the present time is sttffering, from'an The Canndian Dank of e•bminercet attack of pleuro-pneurnonia. .Mrs. has recently pubilshed a very unique I , Miss Elfrieda Schroder succeeded, Johns has also been laid up fOr I and interesting volume under the : in passing the 2nd grade in theory some time with a crippled knee, 'Sol above name as a raemorial of the at,her munic exam in London Con- all things put together it is a• most part played in the Great War by the servatory. She passed with flying anxious time for them. 'They will officers of the Bank, 1701 of whom honors, having obtained 100 per have -the prayers and geed wishes of took up military duty and 259 of cent. Miss Schroder is the first pupil the, whole community for 'a speedy whom laid dawn their 1:ves. The vol - taught by Mies,L, Coates, hence the recovery of all concernede, , ,ume consists of letters from these success is not only au honor to Miss men while serving at the front and SchrOder but a great recommend. to Daniel Hicks passed away on Sa- I is enriched by finely' toned portraits her teacher, Miss L. Cables, of Eke- turclay last at the age of 85 years. of the dead end of the many surviv- ter. Mr. Hicks was one of the pioneer , ors who gained military decorations. - residents of this community and his sionary Society. Two daughters, Mrs. &J. Wm. MelCaY, of Hensall, and Mrs. G. E., Walker,'of Guelph, anw two son,§ (RANl'ON e Fred ,of Bonscarth, Man., and G. Bender Deader 326, G. Burineister 311. M net, of Guelph, survive. Sterner 301, L. Zimmer 250: I. Lip-' pert367, F. F Guenther 353; L. Bends'- 326. Those pup:1s whose names are mark- ed Shell iness•ed one or mare exantle nations during the m.onth. C. Edmesten, Teacher.. Room L I Grectlway passing means another lariclmarl Ss". one. Re', H. D. Parnaby- conduct- ed the ,fueitral on MoittlaY afternoorr, interment tieing 111 the ,Exeter, Cern- Master Elmer Shepard has boonetery. - somely "bound and , contains first - tinder the doctor's care with a severe hand evidence of the emotiOns ,Vvillich attack of jaundice. , Revs Di' Graillvti,nobttilliteERxeetfeerreolit-). swayed our banker-so/diers and of Mrs. mitece is cei tee ,sick leit. aunt Committee the manner in whiph they fought, Mrs, Foster is visiting her sit -ter, l'"V•ednesdaY afte1.11°°11""31et at 1\19111: endured and died. .& casual quota - et shipee. Street Chard). ter a conference. ' All tion from one letter i11ustrate:3 the The sincere good wishes of a host who are interested ilt the success of feel that animated all: "War and she corning referendum should make of friends are extended to Miss Ailah • , bank,, 2110, are very ditTei:ent, and IffaePhersou., who was quietly mar- an ent. ffort to be prese we will all be mighty glad t...0 return 'tied on. Tues'clay to Mr. Elgin Webb. Mies Jean Ready entertained a to the gentle ort of finance when We She has been popular with young- number cf her frieerls et the hoille get through, but none of tte, rest and old and always' wliling to lielp oC Mr. and Mrs. J. VT, S.:clutter on asoured, are Coming back. uetil the in any church or stocial event. Prides/ night hist• A very deligh161books xire balaxxced i .s." " Letters Mrs. A. M., Wilson/ attended a 111110 was spent and a mostappet,s- , From The Front" ;las net been pub- / insethilof the W. 51. S. executive in ing lunch Was served 'at the close. • itshed for general zaie but as a gilt_, London last week. s" • Senshine people were' glad to wel- , book for the relativeof the fallen s The young ladies' class in the .come Miss Dnvies beck to the 00111- and tile equally brave members, or , methodist S. S. organized last .Satur- monity, °Vert though tt was only set, the staff who Were fortunate enough da' with InisSidite'as their special a day or two. 11'17:SS Da,Vids was a fOr'" to surVive, Taidag it in all ill's vol- olt'ect. ' '% I mer teacher n 1 tlie ',AV: nail olsen, vane 'le pre beely 1 b0 rnest a [Jerome - 1,1r. A. TSc,c,k has been able to be school, 1 -,),4,- fe.; 1,',-;# c*-1±#,,,,drf i'l, air, ate Ine,„,•0,,,,,,1 ,,,,,erk. in connection .1 around On crat.elles'aiter Ides, .recent 'gesn ahersI aari '''l ,,--;01,1 t'zt,,,oglit, of with cie c.tett ,,,-,7,-.r that lees tiemi 0 'aciden.l.. t, ' ie. that cc -am keel f e. , In addition there are prefaces by Sir t John Aird, the General Manager, and, by C. L. Poster, the Editor of the book. The volume ie very hand - Zurich 'Mrs. W. C. Wagner and son, Leon- ard, have returned from a few weeks visit at Detroit. Miss Semima Johnston recently purchased the dwelling Property owned by Mrs. E. Otterbein and has moved her household effects there. A. very interesting event took place at the Lutheran parsonage on Tuesday evening, February 22nd, when Rev. H. Rembe united in mar- riage Mr. Andrew Price, of the vil- lagenand Miss Amy Wilson, of Lon - ;dare and late of England. The young couple have the hest of wishes thru life from a host of friends. Notice has been received by the 'Township Council of Hay of .the a- mount of the Provincial subsidy on expenditure on township roads dur- ing the year 1920. The total amount of expenditure on maintainance and repair was $7,852.55; repairs to ma- chinery $5 4.2 1 : total $ 7,9 0 6.7 6, on :which amount a grant of 20 per cent, is made 'which amounts to $1,5 S L35. Superintedance cost $1 9 9.5 0, on which a grant of 40 per cent is made amounting to $ 7 9.- 3 0; total grant $1,6 6 1.1 5. The amount spent ort- snow shovelling was $1 63.7 5, but the Department of Public Highways does not make any grant for this purpose, so this a- mount is not figured in above. A cheque, for the $1,6 6 1.1 5 will he serif to -the treasurer of I -lay Town- ship in a few days. Miss Maida Routledge attended thei millinery openings •at Toronto. Mr., Charles F. Rey, of Dad Axe, Mich., who -visited relatives and friends here for several weeks, re- tnrned to his honte or, Friday last. Mr. Williarn Mere has sold his farin and stock which he recently purchased from hie father. Mr, I). 1VIero, to his neighbor, Mr. Alex. bliallett, who gets pOssession this spring. The farm is situated on the Sauble Line, Stanley. The trustees of the Zurich Public School have engaged Mr. 52. 0, Milli- , ren, of Parkhill, ns principal of the Z.P.O. in place of Mr, 1,1. B. vho has resigned. Mr, 1\tillilten will begin his duties on Titesday, Ilferch 1st. Mrs, l'erntrue, has me:oh:Teed idle 'esidenco of the 1a fa Tesestes erellsed f Crard puox,rnr'x , -GRAI4D-TRUNKIAyilTwxtr The Double Track Route BETWEEN Montreal Toroutt) Detroit and Cliicado Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Hor- ning, District Passenger Agent, Toron to. X'. J. DORE. Agent, Exeter.. Phorte 46w. ,r)CENTRAL inseiss4/: • TiTIPAStIN'Wilfc1 ,WESTERN ONTARIO'S BEST COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. ' Our winter term commences Tuesday, January 4th and ' students may register in our Commercial, Shorthand and , Telegraphy departments a,t , any time. Our conrses: are thorough and practical and, 'w(I assist graduates to posi- • tions. Get our free cata- logue. , 1). A. ISte'LACTILANT Principal For Infants and Cbili,lren ItSie For ()Vet' ZZO‘ret'S Alwayis pears ;siet, Signature of • r