HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-3-3, Page 4ochrane Machine Works. Exeter, Ont. F have invented a naeiline for regrinding engine cylinders,' car tractor blocks. 'We make,pistous and rings 'tnrtlt cylinder. ` trite ad: ac-, tlindera are ground to 1000th part of inch, and as as any manufacturer. We can, make your engine as good as new. We make saw mandrels, emerystands, speed jacks, leys and have shafting for sale. We make any of the above to suit the purchaser. We also have a first-class welding outfit. hangers, ' i til - Agent for the Canadian Fairb anks-Morse Company and the J. I. Case Threshing Company. Come and see us regarding your wants., ARE YOU A ri or Brave enough to Face the Future? Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? Far-seeing enough to Prepare for Misfortune? Ambitious enough to Increase -your Estate Immediately? Patriotic enough to be making a Good Livelihood? Healthy enough to pass a Medical Examination? Then clip this advertisement. Fill in the coupon and send to S. C. COOPER, Inspector, the Northern Life Assurance Company, Box AB. EXETER TRIES OFFICE sm AME ADDRESS Date Born, day of in the year RURON OLD BOYS' ASSOCIATION FORMED IN VANCOUVER. ,,,,;The following letter was received - by The Times from the correspond- ing -secretary of the above-named or- ganization and is as follows: 1217 Burrard St., Vancouver, B.C. February 17, 1921 .-,Editror'of-Exeter. Tentee, 'Exeter, Ont. Dear Sir; Although: we are a long way from Huron there are still many loyal sons and daughters of the good, old county who do not wish to lose con- nection with all Huron's history, traditions and old friends. So we, in Vancouver, have formed a Huron Old Boys' Association. We have had two organization meetings and at the last enthusiastic rally the follow,- ing officers were elected for the corn- ing year: Pres., D. T. Kendall, (Brussels) lst vice pres., Dr. Feare, (Seaforth); 3rd vice pres., T. G. Donaghy, (Fordwich) ; rec. sects:, T. J. Lawrence, (Seaforth) tor. sects, Miss :lean Cantelon, (Goder- ich) ; treasurer, Mr. Edwards, (Ford- with). Directors: Mrs. Shortreed, Wm. McQueen, Mrs. Humphreys, W. H:, Corby, T. E. Hill, Mrs. Donaghy, Mr. Day, A. Bowles, Mrs. Greig, G. F. Gibson. Thei-e are a great many former. "Iuronites" in our fair city and we are looking forward with great en- thusiasm to a splendid organizatio» which will be worthy of the banner county we represent here:. As you see, I have been appointed corresponding -secretary and it viill he my duty and pleasure to write' back to the countyapers from time D i to time, suchnews of our society and its affairs as we think the people back "home'' may like to hear about. We wish to keepin closer s contact with all Huron's activities and we would like to feel that the people of Huron are interested in this as- sociation and in its activities. Will you kindly insert this news of ' our new association in your paper? We + wish vett continued succors ,1..,CerSill your publication arid we, of .Van- couver, send greetings back to the old " `I-Iome County of Huron." 1 -am Yours sincerely, Jean Cantelon, (Cor. secty, ) Newss r, ar"' i Y.r tty. Logan, cf b has sold 1..,, 000 hundred acre tarzn • in Logan to bir. Jollies Wood, of the sari{; township, for 810,000. The engagement is arlbrncwd of .r ,3o- ;:ice, daughter of rsli. tcl, a Charles Nr _r_•; Irs: , ,,�i:letx, of I, r.ilartor.N to ills. :T:,elbert W. Hastin• r; :. t - g , o, Stix. 'ford, rd, The xn'ar aro-; t0 take place in the :bear future. M.Jesse ..moo r X slier, of Logan, l.as e:,cliairged his farm of one hundred acres.: which: is valued at- $10,000, for Mr, David 1',;ickneeier's fa'rre of fifty acres, valued, at $5,100. This means that Mr. Looker -will return to the home of his' boyhood. The little girl of 11 days old -of Thomas B. Baird, of Stanley, passed away on Tuesday, February `22nd. The sympathy of the community is given to the bereaved parents in ,the loss of this little daughter, - who. brightened the home, for a .little while. "Mr. George Bawdeu owns a cow and the following is a correct state- ment from •lylay 4th, 1920, to Feb, 10th, 1921: Butter 309% lbs. at 60c, $185.55; milk sold and used, $39:20; and still have the calf. The cow is yet milking. From the above we think that a cow would' require the eating capacity of an elephant not to be a money-maker for the owner.": -Lucas Sun. EWS OPI S OF WEEK important Events Which Have Occurred During the Week. The .Uu y World's Happenings Qare, I WIT Compiled and Put Into 4.Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readees of Our Paper' - A Solid Hoeir's, E;njoYment. • TUESDAY. The Ontario Tankard opened in To» Tonto on Monday. Strictly, fresh eggs retailed in Till- sonburg at 36 cents a dozen. • " Fire in Levis County Railway ear sheds did $300,000 damageer The Niagara Falls O.H.A.' inter mediate team defeated Kitchener by 6 to -3. The Ontario Retail Clothiers in convention: in Toronto discuss: the trade outlook. The Ancient Order of Hibernian of Toronto refuse to apologlie for flag incident. ,Removal of snow in New York left by recent storm is expected to'cost over, $1,000,000. • The Dominion senior team won the Toronto Bank League title, beating Commerce, 7 to 1. Tlee bylaw was passed for $5,000,- 000 debenture issue toward the pur- chase' of the Toronto Street Railway. Robert Root, G.T.R. section man at Palmerston, was instantly killed between ,two cars in the yard there. St. 'John's, Nfld., is in the grip of another blizzard, and all railway ser: vice in the island has been suspended. The grand jury brought in a true bill at Sandwich Assizes charging, Rev. T. 0. L. Spracklin with man- slaughter: Count Bernstorff, former German Ambassador to the U. S., has 1 een elected a member of the Reichstag from Schleswig. • The Council ofthe League of Na tions' occupied most of Monday in die cussing the question of publicity - o theproceedings of its sessions. frSeven coaches of a C.N.A. trai om Vancouver to Edmonton ever derailed, two being over turned, nen Bissell, buti,only two persons wer seriously ;injured. Use of the civic lungmotor brought life in twelve minutes to a babe born in Kitchener without signs of lif after half an hour's unavailing effor by artificial respiration. ` WEDNESDAY. The Spracklin trial opened Sandwich. McGill's senior hockey team beat Queen's, 9 to 5. Sir Robert Falconer states sale of West,indies is impossible. • The Riverside Hotel at Cowichan Lake, B.C., was burned down. ,t+� The Senate Divorce Committee starts work on sonie 150 cases. • British steel makers have cut price again from 30 to 60 shillings a ton. Railway signalmen in Britain are demanding standardization of wages. t•Tbe University of Toronto O.H.A. senior team defeated, Kitchener by 5 to 1. Students of the University of To- tonto may 'write thesis, -on fire preven- f lowaEsAYs NA.14 *We OeSe 1104440 'P' 1.%tM 't0 P 1 *ONS i41Mui A a0 'IW,*% 4 0 1101Nty ra,P b *AC ;AOAIseSseiFt11 •1f' 1 WVZ 'tq 0:442,tWOWC QV(.t4 "U,.'1�M` 11r1EV NWT: C4SeP$413e0 1S The TTNB: TO RaN@W. pQp` ". ACOSt Ale. BIZNe Auction Sade FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Mr: Tilos. Cameron has been in- structed to ,sell by:public auction on Lot 16, Concession 1, London Road, Tuckersmith, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1921 At 12:30 sharp the following prop perty„` namely: IORSES Heavy.draft mare sup - n posed to be in foal to Commodore; general purpose horse 12 years old; r driver about 12 years old; gelding coming 3 years old by King Thomas; gelding 2 years 91d by King Thomas; colt about 10 months. old by Commo- e dose: t CATTLE - Thoroughbred ' cow. 'Mayflower 7th; 105839, 7 years old; cow 9 years old due • to calve in t April; cow 7 years old due to calve in July;. fresh cow 7 years old; fresh - cow 4 years old; 5 steers rising 2 years old;`. fat heifer rising 2 years old; 2 heifers rising 2 years old;' thoroughbred heifer' 11 :months old on day of sale,wiIl liave' pedigree on date of sale; 2' heifers 15 months old; .heifer 10 months' old; •3 calves' s 8 months old; 2 calves"'6'eiionths old; 2 calves 4 weeks ,old. - PIGS --Brood sow• due about April 1st';sow due on April40th; sow due in April, :sow with;pigs on day of sale; .11 chunks -about 125 pounds. Two young sows, ;due, in May- Also 90 barred rock hens and pullets. ;. Also a full• line of first class farm ieul)leneents ann`'a quantity of alt, ' i„kings" of .seed' grain. tion. • Dr. W. A: Young of Toronto . re- signs coronership after thirty years' service. Housing loans in 'Hamilton •: last- year astyear numbered 123, and amounted to $487,000. The U. S. markets were closed yes- terday In honor of Washington's birthday. Chicago tenants are conducting `a successful campaign to secure reason- able rentals. A bill was introduced in the Legis- lature to prohibit sale of meat not killed in public abattoir. Sir Thomas Lipton will have : an entry In the transatlantic race, prob- ably the 23 -metre Shamrock. Mr. John Rock, of the fourteenth concession of Logan, met with a ter: e ribie accident last week. He was grinding some grain when the pul- ley on the grinder burst and a piece in cf it struck him on the left side of 0 face, making a very jagged gash of Persian Cossacks have seized the ublic :buildings in •Teheran and turn - d the Cabinet out of office. • Speakers Boldne of the Senate, and Rhodes .of the Commons were sworn as 'members of the Privy- Council f Canada.. . • ' The St. Thomas Collegiate Insti- ute teachers resigned, but' were ask - d to ,withdraw their resignations on ronise of the board to adjust sal - ries as soon as possible. THU RSD:1 Y. about four inches and smashing his cheeck bone and 'nose. Dr. Proudfooi e cf ilton'kton, the attending physician, a assisted by Dr. Hall, of Mitchell, re-. moved his left eye, took out the. 1 d bone and the H )feces of splinters wound had •to be closed' by a nuni- ,ber of stltclieS, Mr. Rock, who is 'a nian. of'forty-Seven years cf a e re ilialage, _'1P. C1 in an unconscious condition 0 ditto: for about forty-eight honrs after thy: accident. The community was deeply'} and s°ac11y shocked ::at the unexpected death of Mrs. John Ryan, who: passed„ away on February 18,:1921, at her home on the South Boundary of; Ste- phen. The deceased had been ill only a short time from an attack of iu finer.ez aalidauab abscess in the throat. Ber condition at :first was not con- sidered dangerous and it was thought she would soon'recover, but, itwas will otherwise ed otlnerov..,e and' death c?chnod her. She was aged. 28 years:: She I possessed a:>indly disposition, and was among the most esteemed and respected of the township, Mrs. Ryan was formerly T S eresa Zi ..oiler; be- ing a daughter of Mr. arld ilrs: •Mal- colm Zilei of Dash wood. � She had "teen married oin.y' a few .months: Be- sides her husband, .site is survived by her .i f ,- at ler and mother, and r• sisters. f" number of brothers and s.a_t.ls. remains ware interred in the Mount C rm cemetery. el eeinet.,ry. The Argonaut senior team beat the aen'iitou Lig •rs, ie to 2 , Y ..'1'ite'cesteuary of:; th.e death of the! Poet Keats was fittingly memorized. A, special lab slative committee is to ' investigate fruit : marketing con-, ditions. The annualreport of the Canadian National Extiibidou.shows 'a steady pi o grecs. Daylight s:•ing` 11 begin in Bri- tain. at midnight April •2 and end at midnight Oct, 2, Senator J. 0. Turriff announced his'intention to support the Farmers' party in Parlia.ment, i Reports received in London say thai; the Georgians have repulsed the Bolshevist attack on Tiflis. The Painters' Union of Toronto' suggests technical scholarships for building ,trades' apprentices:, a Geo. -McMillen, about 26 ,years old; was instantly killed at a, sawing bee on a f0r:m !sear Dorchester, Ont. I+ire d Oz•eliarci Hoitse, part, of .the Ontario Hospital at Hamilton; but the 355 inmates were rescued. Vienne, huts , entered suit against foi'mer "Emperor Karl to secure .t e `'e i enurn of the Austrian` crown jewels. The British' Gov'ernnient bill in- creasing unemelaynrent insurance le payments passed ifs second reading 'in tlitQ, House of Comnions. ',\tilfrid' NI' a,'. { M ,, and .�.d. C. Dicken- son were committed for trial on the char.g., of murdering r'e•• ing k, `J.:,. 'Whit:: worth, V „ at,rinbr•ook, Dec. 23, /7.110 Board o. Conciliation an the., r,. p Codi.IVate with t its 'enIlo es ,has awarded the latter For Infants an:Ctldre:l an increase in Wages c f between - s r. En Use F ,,...,,�+3: � ;-ars $130,000 and $X35,000: 1Uwa,�s bears• F 1IT13:.,". " °" The Quebec I i uor Eill; becomes a.c'rafurc of ,�. ,., � . •-..r . No reserve as the ,proprietor has sold his farm. TERMS -All sums of $10 and un- der, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on ap- pccve.cr joint notes, or a discount of 4 per cent. off for cash. Thos. Cameron, Taeoli Detweiler Auctioneer •' Proprietor olaiter J. Scott, a traveler,-. son of W. L. Scott, of Winchester, Ont., was found dead in bed at; a. Calgary boarding house. The Montreal Herald, now In its 110th year, is to be controlledby an ,advisory board of ex -service men,' to give;enzployment to returned soldiers, and to devote its profits, to cases of need among soldiers. • MONDAY. • ; F census wi• ll be taken on March 5-6 Dr. N. A. Powell. is retiring,,from lectureship in Univeisity,of Toronto. A T., & N. 0. brakeman named Sharvolle .was killed at New Liskeard. A Russian claines he'w,as accost ll by a stranger • in 'Toe•onto'- and 'shot in the leip i.r'`' Reports, o •nih f..Tt it ei an: s3. tree`. r f' 't 'L 1 Armenian:•by .Turks Have ,• reached.,, Lonci'on. South Wellington Liberals Lebo ccs _a1 d Farnie s are unable to effect • !asks Peterson died•"suddeiily while toil;ing wish fellow-workncen in Hamilton. , A '!bronco prcacher.censures the Ucverniyent for failing to;,iiivesfigate 'pr:ciiteerirg." Tae 'Toronto once Seized ` thou- sandn s... 'dollars' wortii of opium, .mor- phine and cocaine. Freight eaLts on. liqucir..in ,Canada are to be increased shortly, says an Ottatra, despatch.:' - The Aura Lee d. H. A. ,junior team of Toronto beat Belleville in a stud= cl cit ' a tli game by 6, to 5. , .t � atf � . i, it Y ui ai efockey`'League re- sults on Saturday were:: St. Patrick's` •,01,L awa 2; Cuiiadiens 13,'.Haunil- ton 6.:• 1'iie'Wceter'n Ontario Collegiate In - entitle teal;: taliiisiieda ltew record for thio f; ur-,retie relay rata) at .Balla-, nroi:a Ilardilig left 1'loi+- r1<r liiaL ev:;;tung fol- !!rasion; -where be VIII iitliv r 1i:i'al • ft•oilt-porch '1'LLC 0'. 8.nnnibl<.f - n I tiou Bill bas bosh al'aroved oy 'LAW C'['t7.Congrros, n 1 wide be sent Le the President for igrraiute. ' Toronto 1 ai onto hockey team \v" tree L ,rcrcollegi:ite cham- prosiiiU, in the tidal game by 7 to 1.! It is state, trI<,4 u,:i• Edgar iV'altoii a wealthy British. South A?ridan newspaper 'proprietor, has been ap- 1>+ i it the new Ifigh C10:nirtissior er tor 2fn11l.Afl+ica, iii stueessioer LoAli'e late'111,. Ilon. 6V111ian� Sclaraiiter, Auction Sale .. DUAL PURPOSE AND SCOTCH SHORTHORNS C, W. Robinson has received iu- structions from Melville L. Horn to sell by Pi blic.Auction on InCapio View Stock Farni, Lot G. Concession 8, !Usborne on THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1921. At one o'clock aharp the following; PURE BREDS,-Florence,, 139- 345, 3 -yr, -old, „clue in Sept.; ` Usborne Beauty, 102461, 8 -yr; -old; with hei- fer calf, -re -bred;' Mag1e•I:ovell*, 148- 902, "5•yr.-old, bull"calf '.at' foot; Ina. llth, 143272, 4 -yr. -old, with. heifer calf; Lavinia .21st, 143271, 3 -yr. -old, with heifer calf, re -bred; Rosa Cleo- patra, 143270, 2 -yr. -old, bull calf at foot; Snow;brop Duchess, 143273, 3 -yr. -old, bull; calf at. foot;re-bred; Pearl Duchess, 148901, 2 -yr. -old, due in October; Iva Cleopatra, 167- 460, 1 year old; Roan Duchess 7th, 167459, 1 year old,, - BULLS -Newton Pride, 143859, 1 year ; Newton Reflector,• 145.365, 1 year; Newton Crystal 2nd, 145364, 11 months. GRADE DURHAMS-Two renew- ed cows; 2 cows due at time of sale; 1 cow due in "Sept.; 1 'cow due in October;1 Holstein cow, 7 -yr. -old, due in Sept. ;1; Holstein heifer,_ 2 -ye. - old, old, due in October; 2 Durham hei- fers, 6 months old; 1 Durham steer 6 months old; 1 Durham calf, 4 months old; 2 steers 2 years old; 6 steers rising 2 years. HOGS -One Yorkshire sow due in April; 4 •Yorkshire sows due in May; 1 Yorkshire hog 8 months old. HORSES ---One agricultural,horse, 8 years old. 75 bushels , of good seed bar- ley, No: 21; 50 bushels good seed oats, Grenary File. Present herd sire -General New- ton, 119976, ewton,.119976, son of Newton Loyal- ist, 107293, (Imp.), a .Cruickshank Lovely. TERMS -Ten months credit given on furnishing approved joint notes, or a discount of 4 per cent. off for cash. C. W. Robinson, Melville 1. Heim Auctioneer '• Proprietor Frank Coates Clerk EXTENSIVE CLEARING Aluction Sale. OF FARM, e FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS, HAY, GRAIN AND ROOTS, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND REAL ESTATE. The undersigned has received in- :structions to sell by public auction on'the :farm of • Charles • Upshallti Winchelsea on • THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1921 At; 12• o'clock sharp, the following: HORSES -Two nares, 7 years old; mare rising 5 yrs.; mare 12 yrs. old, in foal; 2 geldings rising three years; gelding rising one year. CATTLE -Cow due in March; 2 cows due time of sale; cow due on March 27; cow due April 19; cow due April 22; farrow cow; 5 two- year-old steers; 3 2 -year-old' heifers; 9 yearlings, calf 2 months old. HOGS AND POULTRY -Sow. due April 6; sow due March 23; 10 pigs about ' 15'0 lbs. 125 Black Minorca hens. HAY, GRAIN AND ROOTS -20 tons hay; 185 bus. seed barley; 900 bus. oats; several ' hundred bushels turnips 'and mangolds. IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSE; HOLD EFFECTS -M, -H. binder, 7 - foot; McCormick mower,;,5 foot; M. - H. hay; loader, nearly', new; .;M ,H. , hay iteddei 1N1-..4. hay' rake;° Cocl.- shutt fertilizer drill, .nearly •new;, cultivator, disc; harrow, roller, -,Cock- shutt ridingow, two walking g plows, set iron ltarorws,, 2 two -fur- row plows; 2 scuffiers, turnip drill, manure spreader, light wagon, two 'wagons, slidi.ug"rack,cutting box, 7 horse -power Chapman engine; Johi- et grinder, 9 -inch plates root put- per, -2 set bobsleighs, Clinton fan- ning ,mill; 4,000 ib.' stock scales; 1,000 lb. Beales 30 -foot extension ladder, bag truck, water trough, horse clipping "machine, De Layal- cream separator, 2 oil tanks, - p k , stone )oat 2 set double harness,set single Jg harness set sling ropes, whiffletrees, f feo�.l boiler, ro ).es and pulleys, two 1 leys, °ravel boxes' circular saw; 48 ft. 0 -inch rubber belting; 16 feet four inch leather belting; 40 feet of 4- inch rubber belting; 16 feet 3 -inch leather belting; beach and vice; 500 three-inch tile, forks, hoes, shovels; etc. Steel range. lounge, secretary's rt'e h, table, churn `aii.d many oilier household' articles. REAL ESTATE -Nifty acres of land, being S, 1/2 lot 13, con. 8, Us borne. all under grass;:4 acres bush and good ,frame Karn thereon. TERMS, -$10' and tinder, cash; over that amount 10 mouths' credit:. on furnishing approved joint notes, or a discount of 5 per cent. per; an- num off for 'cash on credit aenotmts. Terns of Real Estate made known oil day' of sale. Hay and 'grain, :cash. Positively no reserve as the pros pri00tor has sold tree farm, 1t. S."13t1OWNr : ' CHAS. urguALT Auctioneer Proprietor' Children Cees, or Fletcher's Scoria 1,, sttidtl e a''rePud foilinfants an' zi y • Foods are ,spracially* prepared #or"babies, A baby's ined.ici ►e. evepi' more eSsential. for Baby Re�nedies'priinaril. prepared nest ,istftchzigiale It:^ was t e';z� eod4k i x a' -e nedyfor"„the co`minon ailmentsof Infants and' ''C Huron' that brought Castoria before the public after years of research; and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven, hat i CAST Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It, is pleasant. it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor:: other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort -The Mother's. Friend. GENUINE :a; 4 T ' IA rAL Bears tht , Signature of 4i� AYS;, er 30 Years L e For v THE CENTAUR COMPANY.. NEW YORK, CITY. Recording Milk Production O1 each cow in your herd earn her keep? The Milk Record Book which will be given to you by any of our branches will help you fo keep track of the milk production of your ani>auats. THE CANADIAN BANK. OF- PAID-UP, CAPITAL ` „ 150. . $, .,.00.. 000. RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000 EXETER BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager. INCORPORATED 1855 OVER 130 BRANCHES THE MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,000. The cost of living is failing, also the price of food , stuff. `This necessitates increased production. Produce more and deposit your surplus in The Molsons Bank where it will be ready for any call and :yet be earning interest. • "SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES AT THE EXETER BRANCH" t T. S.:WOODS, MANAGER, EXETER BRANCH. CENTRALIA BRANCH OPEN I'OFt. BUSINESS DAILY. , I'RE USI3ORNE ANI) II1I3EERT tr i,' t'S .. ,, dit IFI.... 1 .fY'1LdL' b'I1:E'LLtiSUii• ANCE COMPANY. Head Office, Farquhar. Ont. ?resident, THOS. RYAN Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON DIRECTORS WM. BROCK J. L. RUSSELL ROBT. NORRIS, JAMES McKENZIE AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia. Agent for Usborne and Hibbert. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro,Agent g r. Hibbert, Fullerton ,.and Logan. W. A. TURNBULL, Secretary -Treasurer °' y e R. R. No. 1, Woodham. GLADMAN AN Rc STANBURY Solicitors. Exeter. ; IDI.+ HENRYRY A. C: OItSAL 2 Veterinary Surgeon Office Baker's Livery on James. mss• St: Calls promptly attended to day or night. Phone 8. OR. A. H. KINSMAN, L'.I,.D., D.D.S. Honor Graduate of Toronto , Un :ver= SitY DEN Ti9T Office over Glad , mon Rc Star3b ury's office, 'plain Street, Exeter. Advertise in the Tii'n,es. It pays. MONEY TO L61/4' We have a. large a mount of private funds to loan on farm and village - properties, at lowest rates of in- terest. G•LADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Main St. Exeter,a Ontario PERRY F. DOUPE Licensed u A em tioneer. Sales conducted in -any ality. Terms moderate, Orders 1oc.» left at Times Office will be promptly at-- tended ttended . to. ' . Phone 116, Kirkton.• Address Kirkton P. 0. Pit. G. F. ROULS'TON, L.D.S. D.D. • DENTIST Office over I. R. Carling's Lav' once. Closed every Wednesday afternoon. USE E YES Dyo right! Don't ristc your material. Each pack- age ack-a e of "Diamond Dyes" con- tains directions ,so simple that any woman cam dit inondelye a new,, rich r color into old. garments, ch aperiea, coverings, e1ery- thing, Whether wool,sil`ik., l iadn, eotton or-enixed goefle- I3uy "Diamond Dyes'' -no other kind-thenperfectre- sults re- s gilts are guaranteed even if you 'rave never dyed hefeee. Druggist bas "Diamond Dye Color Card" -15 rich celors: