HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-3-3, Page 1t .,' • , • --9Y7P777"rfl "fi't ,17 '7 1FORTY-SE.00N D rEAR 2218 EXETER, ONTO TITURSI)AY ii/10.UNINQ MOMS 11111M1111, A4•1•11.: I ' ,...' , . Jones ' , • , , = 4e I MARCH 3, 1921', Wif:Ert -C(')UNUrE PVRSE RETURNED' VAN DUZEN Exete'r, ,Pahruary 28, 1021 1 A regular Meeting of the Muni pal council Nv4E, hela with all mei hers present. .'Tho teinutes of the A . lady, who has been a resident 01- of Exeter for only a short time, lest n- her purse pontaining, about $70, It = meeting' held. F',-iliritary 14th were read and contrbied. C'orrespondeuce was read as follows:. A letter from 1.,T, Elgin Tom, Pab- flc School Inspector; notifying the, council 'that the first Meeting of the =1' arbitrators, re:Selloel matters, would =be held WedriesdaY, March 2nd at • 10 ann. in thePublic Library build- ▪ ing. As Mr. Gla.dinan, the appointee --.101 the council as,s member of the committee, is ill and, unable to at - 1111110111 1.1111.111. arim•••• . MIL10001 11011m1LI 0.40111 ..... • 1.11MM = NM= 1•11111.1 MINNI MOM, 'MIMI 4, OM= IMMO' MEM= = 4110m=1 MIMM .tem MEM= MYMM Mmoll dell••• MIMES The new Wall Papers for .1921 are here and are by far the most beautiful selection.we have yet shown, The living -room papers, consist- ing of smart Tapestiy effects, in large leaf, tree and bird designs, will make your home look like new. Also for living -rooms we have the new spain patterns with borders to math. You will find here, pretty Chintz and stripe papers for bedrooms; block -varnished tile papers for bath- rooins and nice Oatmeal papers for the Ritchen. C11161APER, :WALL PAPERS. Many people have odd- bedrooms on which they do not wish to spend a lot of money; or a kitchen hall for which they do not 'wish -,to buy art expensive papernBesides our big selection of the better papers, We have hundreds:of rolls of inexpensive ones which will make your rooms look cheerful at a small cost. We invite you to come in and see • our Wall Paper's whether you buy or not. • ' „, NEW SHOES FOR SPRING Onr. Itew- f)xfords, p,Ups and 4igh7I.a9e Kid Shoeefor Ladies are, • sirriving daily. Also We have the pop tiler 'Brdwif Scotch Brogue "Empras Oxfords, so popular just now. ARCH SUPPORTS AND FOOT EAZFIRS. " If you have foot troubles, don't forget we keep a full range of Dr. Scholl's foot anpliances and we guarantee satisfaction or no chargo. LADIES' AND MISSES' SPRING SUITS, COATS AND DRESSES. We have just received our first shipments of the above lines. A large range of new styles to select from. Prices very reasonable for 5 pring. cAsteVrERp HOSIERY BARGAIN ---Five dozen pairs\of Ladies' heavy black Cashmere Hosiery, sizes 81/2 to 10. A real bargain this inontheat 98c a pair. PHONE32T HONE 32 = °lies & na P tend, Mr. R. N Creech was appoin ed as an altertjative member on nto tion of Davis and Elston. city clerk o London, incloeIngeeopy of the miry utes of the -lnet°1111g l'01'El on Fobru ary 23rd, re-sPecial committee o H . • the London, iron and Bruce Rail way electrificatien r,inatter. Copy o resolution -tva's ordered to be signe by the reeve andeclerk and forward ed to the Department of Railway and Canals andthe Hydro-Eleetri Power CommisSion of Ontario. Md tion by Penhalet and Snell. Carried Per ' Elston and. Penhale—Tha the following (sidewalk) concrete 'pavements be constructed as a loca improvement during the coming stouraere On the 'east side ef Albeit Street beginning 4t the point ii front of John Miner's property, north to' John. Street; ori the west side or Albert Street from James to John Street;; en John Street, north. front William to Carling Street; on .north side of - Sander Street from Main "to William Street. Carried. , •The following.a,ceounts were pas- sed: W. A. Balk:will, rep. to bell tower, $2.25; Exeter C. & P. -Co., Ltd., team labor, 24.00; John Norry, M▪ EM = labor R &.B 9 §0 John Snell, la- = -her R. & 1.40- EdOuance Sr = labor, R. & B., 4.20; Robert Luker labor and. snow' ploughing, 18.56; -John Gillespie, jr., labor, 1.80; Ben. Makins, snow Ploughing, 11.40; Rd. Murphy, labor,.:50. " • Pa,eser. on. intition of EIsten and Was found and returned to her the following Morning before she wits aware she had lost it. GONE WEST. Mr. Ernest Armstrong who has been buttermaker at the. Exeter creamery, has left for WeViflun, Sask,, to take a ,similar pesition. His place here has been Fatten by ,Mr, Howard Taylor, of Winenelsea. VISITal3$' CONFER, 'DEGREE. t A degree team from the. Hen.sall T.a.o.1-4, visited the EXeter lodge on - Tuesday evening and eeteniplified the first degree. There was a, good at- terzdance and the work of the visi-. .*; tors was much appreciated, Follow - Ing the 'business of tbe--evening re- freshments were served. t . , A JOLLY EVENING. The „,``Live Wires," organized class' of boys of Main- Street Sunday school • accompanied by their, girl friends, I enjoyed, a sleighing party on. Mon- day night, and wound up with a sr- cial time and refreshments at the - home of Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Ford. It was a jolly evening for all. Miss, E. Follick is, the teacher of the class Mame .1311=M 1/11.Mod 1•Mmin egg.. ••••• •••••• gmotal • 1•MEM MOMS. MM.= I•MMM 1=mM Mom 61111M111 MOW/ mmm • 11=== =MIMI M▪ OM= =IMO IMM111 ' mom MIMS Maws .011=MI r„gfamc•--I...r.....-L-4*-....-..z.:--..aiob...--s....-r..---4r.m.mttem5:-....,-r...sw-:--5,-z-<4.-m--wf.---7--z.=------vo-m-.---1. . BORN •N X , BAYNHAM—At Centralia, on Feb - , • ruary 26, 1921, o Mr. and- Nits V , The Satisfactory, - , i KI:XINFELDT—At Shipka, on' Feb '1 George Daynham a son • 2 i 26 19 V•..; i • - , '01 Roland Klienfeldt, a son. GARRE'17—In Hensel', on Febru 4 .. i ary, 20, 1921, to Rev. and Mrs. A Hardwarevaild Stove Store 0 y, 4, R. E. Garrett, a daughter. # WEIDO—In Hay Township, on Feb - eta ruary 20, 1921, to Mr. and. Mrs. >-; i, CORRIVEAU—At the 14th conces- ,,,,Elnaer Weido, a son. • •P( ' *siert, Hay, to Mr. and Mrs. Marcil, BANQUET RANGES as te . r Corriveau, a daughter. et out $115 up ALEXANDER—In Tuckersmith, on a . H February 13, 1921, to, Mr. and ) r'i D I-ligh oven ranges, one 0 Mrs. John Ale"xander, a son. .. COLQUI-1015N—In Hibbert, on Feb, only, at $115.00 i ruary 9, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. W. ' Colquiroun, a daughter. % JEWELL Ranges.... $120.00 DEITZ—In 1-lensall Hospital, on February 22, 1921, to Mr. and ' .1 ' Mrs. Wm. Deitz, of Tuckeremith, 41 ' .$90.00 0 a daughter. ./ BAIRD—In Stanley, on February' $58,00 DOHERTY Ranges $85,00 - Heaters from $10.00 up, r 1 Use Royal Purple Stock arid'Potiltry 'Food. ' All sized packages in)stock Epsom Salts, SUlphur' and Saltpetre 10, 1921,- to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baird, a daughter. CASE—In Tuckersmith, Vebru- ary,17, 1921, to Mr. arid Mrs. E: C. Case, a son. Conqnest, 'ask.S, on Feb- ruary 12, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. Elgin 11. Amy, a son. /MARRIED JEEFERY-7CANN — At "Willow Grove" Farm, Usborne, on March 3, 1921,, Miss Itoxie Mae, datigh- ter of Mr. 'and Mrs. John Cann, to Mr, William' E. • Jeffei, by the Rev. W. G. H. IVIcAllister. INEED -eORNISI-1--At Clinton, on Febru- ary 24, 1921, Thomas Cornish, in Usborne, on Sat,tirday, k/ his il8th year. February' 26, 1921, Daniel aged years. - BAIRDL-In Stanley, on February 23, 1921, the infant daughter of Mr. and 1VIra. Thothas 13. Baird, aged 11. days. k eairiaii s Hardware• 27W PHONES •273 4 ,......zi,-,(40.-,:.--_-,-,...-7,----_-#4*- ----,-4410_,-: ,---44.*7i'''""..„-Z".....41b= .-'-''''-•,11At.,'''',_"Z-'-'411,-":1„1"1!„-,'„-A1K`t:.-414'0,4, CLASSES ENTERTAINED. The, young ladies' bihle clas8 and the' yonng men's bible class of the entertained at Die home of M. and Mr. W. F. Abbott on Friday eve- .130Y11/E—Srld:PSON. ring last -Alter a short 'business ies -e-HAMILTON. 'The marriage of MiSs Adell Ham- ilton, eldest daughter of Mr. H. Hamilton, of Grand' Bend, to Mr, E. B, Van-Thizen son Of Mr. and Mrs. Van -D , of Chatham, was (Inlet - 1y solemnized at St. Andrews' manse, Chatham, at 7 o'clock, WeduesdaY •PehraarY 15, the Rev. A," S. Orton officiating, The bride wore a smart blue satin dress, trimmed 'with, silk net and silver, and a hat to match. The matron of honor was Mrs. Earl FaMbert, the best man, Mr. Earl Faubert. After the honeymoon the happy couple will reside in Chatham. AVIC,1113—,iiitaci.)111ERStl)N The marriage of Beatrice Adah, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund...MacPherson, to Robert El- gin Webb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ste- phen Webb, of Grand Bend, was quietly solemnized at Grace Church, Greenway, at one p.m., Tuesday, February 22nd, (anniversary of h-er parents wedding day), Rev, S. A.. Cree, of London, a form'er rector of the parish, olViciating. The bride, who was ,nnattended,' wore a gown -of blue taffeta With smart rat coat iud a hat of blue silk ancl burnt orange. She also wore a corsage of violets and sunburnt rosebuds. Fol- lowing a Wedding breakfast at the bride's honie, Mr, and Mrs. Webb loft on the evening train for Bay City, where they -will: spend their hony.emonn, the bride travelling in a tailored suit of .navy h1h, Annong the guests whichincluded only the , immedilte relatives of the bride and groom, was TilliSs Eva Gilholm, of Gait. Main Street S. S. .were pleasamtlye • sion the evening was spent in games and amusements followed by i's- freshments, Mr, and •Mrs. Abbott proved admirable -hosts: ATTEND MIDGE'S I.VED13,X/VG. Mrs, A. Hastings, of Exeter aud , d,ary.amee:e.no-rtikfoof • pCeaniiIrearl,tao,nlefrP: •• „ • , Adjourninent by -Snell. • • jos. Senior, Clerk. attend the wedding of their neice, BOARD OE EDUCATION. All members except Mr. Gladmaa were present at the regular meeting of- the Board of Education an Tues- day evening Much general discussion tn.ok „place on the work et the school, the necessity of . further equipment, the matte:: of scholarships to be awarded by the Board, and medical inspection. These questions are to be thoroughly looked intc and further reported upon and discussed. Rev. Trumpet- WaS appainted alternative as re pr es enta ti ve to tire Trustee Associ- ation Meeting. It was decided to -have the yearly medical inspection of the scheol at once. HIP FRACTURED. Mr. George Cudmore, of Huron') Street, had the misfortune to slip and fall, on Monday morning, frac- turing his hip.. Dr. Graham was called and reduced the fracture. He is doingsas well as can be expected. JEFFERY-CANN. "Willow Grove" farm, the hon of Mr. and Mrs. John Cann, of Us - borne, was the scene of a pretty mili- tary wedding on Wednesday, when their daughter, Rorie Mae, was un- ited in marriage to Mr: William E. Jeffery, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Jeffery. The ceremony was perform- ed at five p.m. by Rev: W. Gall. Mc- Allister- in the presence of about 65 guests. The bride entered the 'parlor onthe arm of her father to ;the strains of the wedding march, play- ed by her sister, Miss 'Beta Cann, The bridesmaid was Miss' Perla. Cann, sister of the bride, while th groom was supported by- his brother Mr. Harold. Jeffery. The bride was beautifully gowned in a ' dress of white crepe de chine trimmed With satin and crystal beads. She wore a bridal: veil caught up with orange blossoms and carried a briial bou- quet: of white roses and fern. The bridesmaid was dressed in fawn georgette over crepe de chine and .carried a bouquet of sweet peas. The happy couple stood beneath' anarch of evergreen and flags from Which was suspended a white bell, while red, white and blue bunting t and. flags decorated the yooinsand tables. firing the signing - of the register Mr. Robert Gann, brother of the bride, sang Following the ceremony a bountiful wedding sup- per was served, f011etVedby a num- ber Of. toasts, Rev:. Mr. McAllister acting as tOaatnlaSter. The bride and groom are both popular in the com- munity, the latter ,served with the 161st and in 'France with the 58 Battalion. They were the recipients of ihany - handsome and Costly presmata. Mr. and Mrs. Jef- fery reside on the farm recent, ly purchased from • ;r4r., Waite, Eeddy, Their Many friends jai-, with. The ,,,Titnes in Wishing ti ear fatara haliiiliteeS. 'and prosper117. le Miss Pauline Essery, daughter of Mr and Mrs. A. E. Essery, nursing sister overseas with C.A.M.C., to Mr. Ger- ald Thomas, a lieutenant in the 18th Battalion, having been decorated with 'The M. C. and M. M. The wed- ding took place in St. Paul's church, Palmerston. BEADS THE LIST, Mr. Thomas Newell received a pleasant and substantial surprise one day last week when he opened his mail and found, enclosed a cheque for $250. Mr. Newell is distributor in this district for the Gray Dort auto and be was successful in win- ning first prize for making the larg- est number of sales in comparison. -with his . contract. This speaks well for Mr. Newell's enterprise and abili ty as a salesman. Mr. Newell is in Chatham this week attending a pon- vention of Gray -Dort distributors. DIED IN USBORNE.' Mr. Daniel Hicks, an aged and respected resident of Usborne-, pas- sed away on Saturday last at the age of 85 years. The deceased had been up and around until about two days before/his death, but he was noticed to be failing in health and passed away on Saturday. He is sur- vived by two sons and three daugh- ters, John T. and Daniel E. Hicks, of Usborne; Mrs. Langford, of Lon- don; Mrs. Anderson, of Fullerton; I and Mrs. Cox, of Goderich. The fu- neral was helcten Monday conduetedl by Rev, H. B. Parnaby, interment in the Exeter Cemetery. Ws M. S. ANNIVERSARY & TEA. The W. M. S. ' of James' Street Church held their anniversary on Smida,y last, the pastor preaching sermons appropriate for the occas- ion. Mr. Viera favored the congrega- tion with a violin solo. Oh Monday night a tea was served by the ladies which proved a splendid success. After' the supper ah excellent pro- gram was rendered, consisting of selections from the orchestra, vocal duetts by Misses Snell and Parsons and also by Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Welsh, Violinssolo by Mr. Viera, solo by Ms., Stella Sbuthcott, violin duett by Vierra and Welsh, indtru mental sole by Miss. Lila Sanders and a reading by Miss Lela Sanders. An -unexpected but much appreciated number on tIt6 program WaS an dress by Insnector L E. Tom, The proceeds amodntecl to about $155. The vital statistics of the 'rewit.- Nip of Hay for the year 1020 aro lemr= .tromem as follows: Ttlittlia' registered 01', marriages registered 20; (lentils reg- istered 30; total 114, 13irthe most be registered within thirty days; deaths iintliediately, 'Ilia penalties for aan-''eglstrati°11 are 8ever'6* ,1111111,111111111111111t1111111111111,1111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111,111E A. quiet but pretty wedding wa solemnized at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Moses Simpson, Mooresville on February 23; at 1.-2' o'cloelt, 'whet their yOungest daughter,'Verna, be came -the bride esf Mr. Levi Chester Boyle, of Moose Taw, Sask., the cere mony being performed by the Rev Mr'. Whalen, of Ailsa Craig. The bride, who was unattended l0okeIeiarniingeali 'a, gown -of enavaz satin with hat to match, and carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses. She en- tered the parlor on the arm of her father, to the strains of the "Bridal Chorus" from "Lohengrim" played boyrdMiss Mildred Anderson, of 'Brant- fAfter the ceremony those present, including only the immediate rela- tives of the bride and groom, re- paired to the dinitig-roont, where a dainty we,dding breakfast was serv- ed. The groom's gift to the bride was a handsome set of Hudson seal furs; to the pianist a pearl pendant. The bride and groom were the re- cipients of malty handsoine and use- ful gifts, among them a number of substantial ch'eques, and a shower of cut glass and silver from girl friends the bride. The happy couple left amid showers of best wishes for their future home, visiting London, Toronto, Winnipeg and Regina be- fore arriving at Moose Jaw. For some time past the bride has been residing in London. • DE, GRANT 1'0 ,AIRMESS Tioti,E,RA.N(1,0 mitticKits. • Dr. A., .S. Grant, of 'Toronto, ego- retary oft, the Ontttrio Referenduin Corarniettee„, will addisess a irlaS$ meeting of tenipe-rance workeitsoxi Wednesday afternoon, Marcli 9th at 2 p.m. in the Main ,Street ,IVIettOdist, 'Church, Exeter, perions inters ested from town ands, Surreattidilig• district are asked to be, present. Vote. FARItIWELT.4 GATTIEnING On Fridayeveningcif ,last week a farewell partywas 'given at --thE?' home ' Mr- and, Mrs. -Hy. Strang,. of I-Iiirottclale, for Air. Walter 1..'71ertilY"; aild Mr. and Mrs, who havf3' moVecl to Exeter. A Of fh neighbors assembled a'xid spent , . very sociable CVO/ling. Several speeches and musical se/ections were given. D1E11 IN CLINTON, • The death occurred at Clinton_ February 24th of Thomas Cornish, • in his 88th year; The remains were brought to Exeter on Saturday and interred at Zion CometintY, fu- neral being conducted by Rev, H. B. T'h'e deceased farmed' ITsborne for many years and for sev- eral years resided in Exeter-. His wife predeceased him. about' five Years ago. One son and two da-ugh- ters survive. LIICICNOW DEFEATED. The L-ucknow-Ripley' intermedi- ates hockey team, winners of their district in the visited Exe- ter on Friday last and were 'defeat- ed by the Exetel--Zurich team 13 to , I s 6. The ga,me wasclean and fast throughout; the visitors, being a ' 'fast biuxcli, but . the result wan . 1 never in doubt, the home team lead.- - - all the ,way. There -Was only a: fair crowd. of .. spectators., Goldie -• Cochrane refereed the game and gave good satisfaction. " Mrs. Hugh Norris, of Staffa, has sold her property to Mr. Treffery and bought a house in Mitchell. Mr, John Rowland ,of Mt. Carmel, disposed of his 125 -acre farm to J. Ra,gier, Goshen Line, Stephen, for a handsome figure. Mr. Rowland has purchased the fine residence here of Mrs. Tente Regan, paying a neat price for it. •es , PD-L1-01-..:Alfelcifts'TnI.ZrE 11.:(4"S" W. 11. Daz trate for Mitchell and district for, the past sixteen years, has forward- • ed his resignation to the Attorney:. General at Toronto to take effect immediately. Mr. Davis has tilled the position with credit and 'his de- cisions while on the bench were sel- dom disputed and where appealei were entered, his judgment was a1-4 'ways upheld. Mr. Davis is now, I-4 his eighty-first year and. not feeling as robust as he would like, desires uthiaenia. osition should go to a younger, 51 DOME T EAIRL r'1"4 FREDsIN 8,7 SATURDAY, MARCH 4th and 5th, 191. Charlie Chaplin in • ' OH, WHAT A Nricar.r,, • Third episode of "TILE LOST CITY." Also a Paramount feature. Two hours entertainment. „ • ADMISSION 37c and 27c. Please have the right change. P111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111-111111111111111111111111111U "Ma 11.11.131. ',mom SUE.. SVC., 1.1.21111 M4.1 019 Mat,111 111" MR= Do You Bake Bread Then you want good floor. If you haven't used "MANITOBA'S BEST," Mem= you haven't used the best of flour. Results prove it. ,, Made from high grade Western wheat, hy modern methods.. • Our experience and the popularity of thi.s grade back , it UP. frar. MODEL' is a blended flout and is a general favorite. WELCOME makes that delightful flaky piecrust and biscuits like =, "Mother used to make." Dont be fooled with outide. flours . MUM ours is second to tign.e.. A: On can't = go wrong by asing HARVITlY'S =.1 IL01.711. Try a sack. Harvey c*: , t•. Al 1 t tir,