The Exeter Times, 1921-2-24, Page 8•'•'" TH EX1R 1711)etg. A4 STEW*ART PlIoNe 16 PHOIVE 16. Tiffs IS THE LAST ivEgx OF THE GREAT PRICIE-S'ICIASII. ING SALE. IlAVIE YOU FILMED 'YOUR NEEDS? IF NOT -DON'T DELAY. N SpringewGoods rriving Every Day LADIES! SEE OUR NEW FANCY COLORED VOILES. THEY ARE SWELL AND ARE IN ALL THE POPULAR SHADES AND THE VERY LATEST NEW YORK DESIGNS AT VERY LOW PRICES. a LADLESAND MISSES' SPRING COATS. WE HAVE A COUPLE OF SHIPMENTS, OF OUR NEW SPRING COATS AND SUITS. THEY ARE IN THE NEWEST MOD- ELS AND UP-TO-DATE CLOTHS. SERGE! SERGE'. LADIES, REMEMBER, YOU CAN STILL BUY OUR PURE WOOL SERGES AT EXACTLY HALF PRICE. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY OF SECURING ENO UGH FOR YOUR NEW SPRING DRESS OR SUIT, ALL SHADES TO PICK FROM. 44.00 SERGE NOW $2.00. GIN -GRAMS! GINGHAMS NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SUPPLY OF GINGHAMS. WE HAVE A COMPLETE RANGE IN THE VERY NICEST COL- ORS IN ALL SIZES. CHECKS AND PLAIDS. THEY WERE REGULAR 50c AND 60c A YARD. SPECIAL SALE PRICE 336 A YARD. Highest prices paid for poul try and all Produce. J. Stewart M2EatEEM aersaar eseaea ^ treaa-44+44.144/4eaieCaleataieaaleaeleafolea4/444aaialaelefaaieleielek++++ '4+ 4 4' :50 to 5 000 . , 0. .„ 9 r 4 4, ,,.. , r 4. 4. A YEAR. FOR LIFE + + + A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY PROVIDES IT .1. 4. 4 4 4. -No better life investment available -No better security obtainable 4. -Cannot be seized or levied upon for any cause -Will be replaced if lost, stolen or destroyed 4. 4. 4. 4, • • 4. 4. -Not affected by trade depression 4.-- -Free from Dominion Income Tax- -No medical examination required Anyone over the age of 5 years resident or domiciled ib Canada may purchase. Any two persons may purchase jointly. Employers rnay purchase for their employees -school boards for their teachers -congregations for their ministers. 4. 4. 4. 4 4. + Apply to your postmaster; or write, postage free, to S. T. Basted°, Super- intendent of Annuities. Ottawa, for new booklet and other information desired. State ser and age last birthday. YOUR DAILY PAPERS Toronto Daily Globe . . $5.00 Toronto Daily World ........$4.00 Toronto Daily Star ......... $3.00 London Daily Fiee Press .... $5.00 London Daily Advertiser .... $5.00 Family Herald & Weekly Star $1.50 Farmers' Advocate $1.60 Canadian Countryman $1.00 Montreal Weekly Witness ....$1.65 World -Wide . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 Toronto Saturday Night $4.00 MacLean's Magazine $3.00 Rural Canada $1.00 The Youth's Companion $2.50 The Farmers' Sun $1.50 Farmers' Magazine ........ $2.00 Christian Guardian ........ $2.00 The Exeter Times has a clubbing rate with most daily and weekly pa- pers. To and the clubbing rate add the Price of the papers you wish to subscribe for and subtract 25c from a laily paper and 10c frOm a week- '' paper. BUYS PASTURE FARM. M. Milton Russell has purcbased the 100 -acre pasture farm on the Blind Line, Hay, from Mr. Frank, Wood. INVITED A THIRD YEAR. .At the quarterly board meeting of the-IVIitchell Methodist Church at which there' was a large representa- tion of the offialals present, the pa - tor, Rev. Herbert J. Uren, was unan- imously invited to remain for a third year and the salary placed at $2,00. The invitation was accepted. TENDERS WANTED For the eredtion of a church at Brinsley, Ontario. Bulk or trade tenders accepted, Plans, etc., may eas be seen at R.oss-Taylor Co, Exeter; eaa. Gibson & Sons, Lucan; J. Treve- Brinsley; Marks Lumber CO., Parkhill. Tenders received up to 6 February.,28, 1921., Address to T. T. George, Parkhill. R. N. Rowe FURNITURE DEALER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR • AND EMBALMER, Embalmer's License No. 210. MOTOR HEARSE SERVICE Phone 20J -and 20W. HIGH INVESMENT YIELDS NOW AVAILABLE. Dominion of Canada Victory Bonds, Province of Ontario Bonds, Municipal and other bonds. ERNEST ELLIOTT Office -Elliot Bldg., Main Street, EXETER, ONT. AUTO LICENSES, ISSUED. Auto licenses are now being issued in Exeter by S. W. Sims. No need to go out of town. Come in and get yours. The meeting of the Exeter U. F. 0. has been changed freyfn Wednes- day to Thursday evenifig at 7:30 p.m. in the Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall. Lantern slides on agricultural lines will be shown. -E. J. Shap - ton, secretary. S. 5, NO. 3, STEPJEIEN. School report of S. S. No, 3, Ste- phen. Those marked with an aster- isk were away tor some tests. Sr, 4th. ---Frank Parsons 84; R. 'Tory* 82; Harold Penhale 71, Jr. 4th. --Alice Preszcator 70; G. Knight 61. Sr. 3rd. --Mildred Joey 78; Marfe Willis 77; Stella Dearing* 72; Rose Dearing 64, ; Late1laegtah16.ke- .56; E. Christie 50, Jr. 3rd. -Stella, Box 58. Jr, 2nd -Ella Dearing 78,. lst claSe-Earl Christie, Margar- et Penhale, Bernice Sanders, Greta Dearing, Murray Scott. Market Rellort tOILIOwing lo the report 'Of, the Breter Market corrected every Wednesday. Wheat $1.90. • Oats 45a/ Barley 65 to 75e Manitoba Ilona $0.65. Family flour $5.40. Shorts $2.00 per 100 lbs. Bran $2.00 per 100 lbs. Feed flour $2.75. Eggs 35c. Dairy butter 47c. Creamery butter 62c. Lard 28c. Hogs $13.00. 44. • 4.4.4. 4).•...qoP•••••••• LOCAL nootivtoes sea****** - NOTICE -Far two weeks; Febru- ary 24th to March 10th, Mrs. "i'S D. Yeo. -will allow 20 per cent. discount on the entire stock of staple and fancy- dry goods, including new spring goods, also 10 per cent. off on every dollars worth of groceries. The W. M. S. of James.StaChurch will hold a missionary •tea on /Mon- day evening, February 28th, from 6 to 8. p.m., followed by a good pro- gram. Admission, children 25c; adults 50c. Miss Margaret Moodie visited over the week -end with Miss. H. Laing. The Times' bird man reported seeing his first robin on'February 22. Miss Margaret Penrice, of ,Strat- ford, visited her mother over the week -end. Mr. James S. Petty, of Hensall, attended the funeral of the late G. H. Bedford on Monday. , The Misses Richardson of Hensall, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perkins during the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart left on Monday for a short, visit with relatives in Nev York. Miss Olive Knight and Miss Mil- dred Harvey spent the week. -end at the former's home in Merton. The Clinton junior hockey team visited Exeter on Tuesday night and defeated theljuniors of town 5 to 3. The Hensall and Zurich U. F. 0. have purchased the warehouse of the Simmons estate, just west .of the track. Mr. W. S. Cole is able to be on duty at his store after being con- fined to his home for a couple of weeks through illness. Miss Armstrong and Miss Mc- Donald have, returned from - the - millinery openings and are, prepar- ing to re -open their millinery stores. Rev. James Foote and Mr. James Jeckell were in Hensall on Tuesday attending a meeting of the Huron Presbytery in Carmel . Presbyterian Church. Miss AIice Handford.has been vis- iting for over a week at Brooklyn, near Toronto, where she was called owing to the death of her aunt, Mrs: Lewis. Mr. F. W. Gladman who has been ill for a couple of weeks, was able to be up last week but again took to his bed on Monday. He is ill with pleurisy. Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Cornish and family, of London, visited the for- mer's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cornish, in town; and visited' relatives in the coinmunity' during the past week. The. trial of Rev. S. 0. L. Sprack-: lin, who is charged with "killing and slaying" Beverley Trumble of the Chappell House, Windsor, on the night of November 6th, opened in Windsor on Monday. At a meeting of the official board of the Methodist church at Green- way, Rev. Mr. Williams was _given a vote of appreciation for services rendered and a Unanimous standing vote to remain for another year. This section was visited by a heavy fall of snow on Tuesday eve- ning. On ,,Wednesday morning the hydro power was off, there being trouble on the line between here and Lucan. It was located and the power turned on again at noon. Mia Leon Veira, who has taken a position in Mr. A. Paul's butcher shop in town, delighted the jamas Street Sunday Sehool and„, the con- gregation of Trivitt Church last Sabbath with selections on the vio- - in. postmaster N. J. Ruasell, who has •been ill for several weeks 'owing to heart trouble, has been advised by his physician to take a cornPlete rest. He hag taken to, his bed ancl will remain there for a few. weeks. His many friends hope this will have the desired result and that he,, will soon be around again. . Among those from a distance who attended the funeral of the late G. H. Bedford on Monday' were Mrs. Bedford and daughter, Mrs. Mame and Mise Gretta Bedford, of Sarnia; Mr. J. T. Weetcatt, of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bedford, of Lon- don; Mr. J. T. Bedford, of Credi- ton; Thomas Wilson, of London, and Mr. McIntosh, of Strathroy, "The other day a former citizen, who had not visited the Old -town for twenty-eight years, got off the train here and as goon as he landed was, charged by Constable White - dee, who came up with iurn, with aving liquor in his posseesion and e was a'raught, before Magistrate ndrews and fined $200 or thirty tjTS."Cjiton FOR SALE-Massey-a:Terri§ erearii Plainer --Lelatid JorY, 'Willie at 'separator, 500 fbs, '6:),Po• fieda"I'Y new.; Stanlakes ' h Itidichi pony, 4 years old, Also apple on roll, 20; average at h _ butter and boiled cider. Apply to tende.nee. 19 5 - A i . SYIvantis J. Cann, Exeter. Phene 115, Lola B. Sanders. ' d Withthe es CAVEN YTHI/SIIYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. flames Foote, D. A. Minister 10 a.m.-Sunday School and Bible classes. \ , 11 a.m.-"Christaand Society." . The Minister. 7 p.m, -"The Man in the Iron Cage," The Minister, Mr. W, E. Sanders, of London, tae well-known student of song birds will give his rioted address in Cavan Church on Friday, March 4th at 8 p.m. Admission, children 10c; adUlts 15c. Good music by local tal- ent, Those who have heard Mr. San- ders consider it a great treat. JAMES STREET METHODIST CHURCH Rev. M, J, Wilson, B.A., rastor. The subjects --missionary. - The services of the day in behalf qf \the W.M.S. 3.00 p.m. -Sabbath School and Bible classes": •s• A eood choir -A hearty welcome. MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. A. (Phone 21, r3.) 1, a.m. "The Appearance of God's Grace." 3.00 p.m. -Sunday' School and Bible classes. 7 p.m. --"The Old. -Fashioned Fa- ther." BETHANY 2'.30 pan.: -"Hone." Y.P.C.A. The subjects for the men at'the '"Y" next week are "Men as Wea- thervanes," taken. by. Rev. McAllis- ter, B.A. eAll should hear this sab- ject. A singsong at the close. Don't forget' the union meeting of ladies and gentlemen 'this (Wednesday) evening,. - Phone .15 Phone 55 Powell's Colds. Cough, Hoarseness, • Among old and young are common these days. REMEDY: Our NAMELESS Calaarh Remedy and Cough Syrup is a safe and reli- able cure. Easily used and, pleasant to take, and guaranteed relief. NAMELESS proved its worth in teh Great War, many tub -e was sent overseas and many a comment we re- ceived for its great benficial results to the boys who struggled there for our comforts here. ---65c for the two, or by mail, 75e. Watch this psaee weekly for fur- ther announcements. DROP IN OFTEN.' POIVELL'S BAZAAR Phone The Home of the New Edison The Hensel). OcIcIfellow.s will Exeter Lodge on, Tuesday evening oa next eveiek, T.Nflarch 1st, and 'confer the First Degree.' TI11.111S1).A.I", FEBRUARY 24, 1921. laTIMPOIll!IlIM191111110,11011111011WHIPAIMO1014101111101111110111.011011110111001101111.010111111001n111111.101.1101101. SOUTFIC OTT: • V; -BONE .134.• • • . . . . . . . . . . Boys', Meii's, and Youflg1 . . MINNOW.... • . . . . S ui-ts 1 MWM =WM Aro MOMM =WM , =MOO MONO. Our new Spring Suits are here. They are in inOdels for Men or Young Men. mis season we are featuring Walter 13Ine's fine clothing. They represent honest value at an honest price. EaSter will' soon bo here, Make your choice early. NEW HOUSE DRESSES. ; This week we are showing a fine = new range of house dresses. The MOWS cloths are better and prices lower: $1:75 to $4.50. OMNINWI •MmIN MOON! IONNINW r411MMIN MOM= MOM Name INNNW INIMMO MOWN MIMEO. =NOW ANIONV WNW/ MONO MIEN. MINION MONO .1MONNI MOW. MOWN MINIM WNW= MOWN/ WINN= NIMMO /IMMO 35 -INCH WHITE FLANNELETTE Two hundred yards bf White Flannelette, 35 inches wide. A good weight that has been selling at .40c a yard. While this lot lasts -Special at 10 yards for $2.75. 0 SHOE SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK. LADIES FINE SHOES AT SPECIAL PRICES If you can wear 2%, 3 or 3%, we are placing on our tables 25 pairs of Ladies' Shoes in small sizes that sold at $4.00 and $5.00 a pair. This is a very special offer. Your choice at per pair, $2.48. Rubbers to fit while the quantity lasts at per -pair 50e. = BLEACHED Twirm, SHEETING. If your supply of sheeting is loW come in and see this excellent cloth. Many have been waiting for these lower prices. Buy now. • Regular la $1.25. Special Price 75c." CANTON FLANNEL, MONA In bleached or unbleached, of good weight and durability. These cloths sold for 40c a yard. We have about 80 yards to clear for this - week. Special price -10' yards for $2.75. FORTY PAH1S ,OF 1'.JEN'S PANTS WITH FREE BRACES FOR $5.48. From the 'Tolton. Mfg, Co., one of the best anakers. These pants are regular $6.00, $6.50 and $7.50 values. This week only you take your pick for $5.48 and we give you 'u pair of 75c braces free. Sou' thcc)tt Bros. 1. R-. CARLING B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer. Solicitor for the Molsons Bank, etc. Invest your funds in Vic- tory, Dominion of Canada, Provincial and Municipal Bonds. Legal investment for Trust Funds. At existing prices, from 6 per cent to 7 per cent can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loan at lowest rate a of interest. OFFICE - Carling Block, Main Street, EXETER, ONT. FOR SALE -Timber frame, 2,2 by 38 feet, 15 foot posts, beats, suit- able for straw shed or drive shed. Apply to B. W. F. Beavers' hard- ware store. BARN FOR SALE--Franie barn, 30x50, good iao,of, -also _about • a . 10 tons Of hay in Larn. Apply to Milton Russell,,.. • aae: -;-":. -„„ . ; ,,..__ .AGEINV"):170IXTEDI. , MAN OR WOlVIANO REPRESENT us 90 days'; earnings guaranteed; good chance tb 'make $500. Spare time may be 'used. Experience un- necessary. Particulars one applica- tion. Winston Co., Dept. A., To - Big February Sale 44 Furniture Now is your Opportunity to Buy , Furniture at a Big Saving We are in the swim with a big Reduction Sale and for. February only, we, are offering 'our entre stock of Furniture at a -, Special Discourit IT WILL MEAN MONEY TO YOU TO BUY' YOUR FURNITURE NEEDS THIS MONTH. OUR. STOCK IS LARGE AND`UP-TO-DATE. COME IN AND SEE WHAT WE ARE OFFERING. M. F „ PHoNgs 74 W& 743. OPERA noun BLOCK A.' E. TENNANT Veterinary- Surgeon Office -McDonnell's Sales Stables on John St. Phone calls receive prompt attention.. Phone 26w DR. JOHN WARD Chiropractor ,• William and Sanders stre4ts. Tues- days, Thursdays' & Saturdays, hours 10 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Consultation and examination free at office. FARM FOR SALE. One hundred acres, being lot 33, concession 4, Usborne, On the prop- erty is a good brick dwelling and frame barn, 34 x 80, cement floors and water inside, 2 never -failing wells one with windmill, 9 acres of wheat in and fall plowing all done. Well tiled and) wire fenced. Reason- able terms for quick sale. Apply ,0m pernises to Wm. Somerville or C: W. R,obinson, Auctioneer, Exeter, Ont. A few choice feriae in South Hu- ron for sale. Also some unincumber- ed farm lands in Alberta and Sasr,, katchewan will be exchanged for town or village property. Apply to Thomas Cameron, Conveyancer, Auc- tioneer, etc, Box 154, Exeter. Phone 21r12. RE -OPEN LIVERY STABLE. Mr. William Hodgert wishes to announce that he has re -opened his livery stable for the winter. Phone 117J or leave orders at the Central Hotel. woommommenta, THE EXETER TIMES Subscription rate $1.50 a year. ADVERTISING- RATES Display .Advertising -Made known on application. Stray Animals -One Insertion 60o three insertions for J1.00 Farm. or Real Estate. for sale 60o each insertion for one month of four insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wantea, each insertion 50e. and found locals 25c. Local reading notices etc., 10c per - line per insertion. No notice lest than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction sales $3 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequenCin- sertion if under five inches in length._ Legal advertising 10e and 5c a line. Saws gummed, wood turning, e wood pumps repaired and accessor- ies on hand. -S. J. V. Canne,Exeter, Phone 116. PLEASE Take time and xead this add You will save money just by let- ting T. H. ELLIOTT clean and press and repair your old suit. 1. also send suits away to be dyed and dry cleaned. Three-piece suit dyed dry cleaned $2.00 T. H. ELLIOTT SUDDEN SERVICE SHOP Ift=111123NEMMiaalsztagallatealiciaeses attilIMMIalia=zammueramil Our New Spring Goods Are Arriving Every Day How about that new Spring Suit? Come in and see our New Styles 44e It's easy to ttpset good form with an out of . form tie. Taa t's why it so often happens. The remedy is here in good form Ties, Scarfs and Pour -in -hands. Gloves, Collars, Shirts, everyytJijn in VIen's Outfit - taiga correct to the minute. T PHONE 8 a RararniMalreSTIIMMIETNIEMEXTIViR741 '17