HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-2-24, Page 7Sile Gr'2..-N ;ug gitre,ot° enlar ,e-,nert of the tI yfoid land, is of t.ffo serts, simple and ekopiiihalmic, this article eeireetris itSeif only vih simple goitrr, wIlich is. -in. general, the lesaieu The i1.;yroid glan1 is dueness, that its !,-./Ceretion is not emptied through, a duct like the saliva er the bile, lrat Ls ,taken up directly by the lood ami carried to other parbs of the body. where it :is needed. The 'gland coh- tIsts of two lobeS connected with aarrow band called the isthmus. It 'lies ii the front of the heck with one lobe on either side• of the trachea, or windpipe. In this countrysiniple mlargement of the gland is not un- zommon,, but it 'O'ceurs much oftener certain parts of Switzerland, Italy - and Etiglaitd.„ In those comitriesiiine and magnesia; Alte 'water is held responsible or the disease; but the - sporadic' cases of enlargement in Can- . a da rem alit unexplained, th °ugh ;Some authorities attribute them to fatigue. -Goitre, is said to be much mere com- mon among women than among inen, „and 11 orrietimes nuts -in families. In most cases of, siatiple goitre there are no, Symptoms except,a, noticeable swelling in the neck and the disown - fort sometimes cause.d by the' en-, larged ,glands pressing on ,the gullet, the •windpipe or some of the import- ant nerves in the neck, The -swelling may occur in billy one lobe; er in, only the connecting- 'band; ,er it•may• andt the whole .gltnd. When.the,milarged gland extends downward behind the breastbone, it ina,y press, on certain important veins andcause. swelling , of the face, drowsiness or headache AUTO tPAF1 11,A FITS , et, eet ami.rnotels ot epee 011.„ u1U,ii101;,ini -worn-out parf.a rc1aL SLi te or' ur;s describ- ing Mail; you want. -Vie carry the OirO-tral incst complete stock 11) 0,14a,40, sitgitity IleVr oil nutomolltio lIlIn, "Ke- ship aoy V.:here in (iarnida. Stetts- factory 13 refund 'fait (ur motto. 1311a,w1ri Ana" Part. setpetty, 9:213-1)1311. rinffe'rin 5i., d'orOnio, WOrkS. There; aee several ways of d. ()leg tbings , As every one supposes, • , \ ,Some folks turn up tleii" sleeves at; Worlt And sonic Lute up then_ eoses. ^ DielpqiiSin." for Itte& geSt4Ort. . ° 'Tape's 1)1apopsin" is the quickest Surest relief for Indigestion,' Caees, Flatulence, Heartburn, Sourness, Fer- mentation or Stomach Distress eaused by acidify. A few tablets give almost inenediate stone:telt relief and shortly, the stomacla is corrected so you can eat favorite roods without fear. Large eaee costs only 60 cents at drug store. Absolutely harmless and, 'Pleasant. Milhous helped annually. Largest selling stomach corrector in world. --- Adv. • Maskakee Lake, Sask., is being de- veloped for epsom, salts, glauber salts, magnesium carbonate, sodium chloride and potassium salts. The evaperiiting Pant"- will produce from .25 to 30 tons 'of salts evaty''24. hourS, Mlnard's Liniment Relieves Distemper 16i; the ewi)) OUt of your' : ThOtig,h the Voiee. may' Thera ;108tits b-iII, Though the tremulous Bete Betty -thairt throat';Let it Silig; jil yOur tipirit .; Rats That Laid' a Carpet:. An eXtritOirdillarY StOIT ot t" elm` ning of rats is voueled for by one of the 13ritieh Government's rat -experts. Pronriotors of a Leeds factory, to dostrey the rats that infested tlioir premises, adopteil an increasingly itsecl inetbod that consists of laying down attraete halts. and paying the wny to them, with largo, pates dres'secl witti a sticky varnish after the style of. birti-liine. Such plates have caught and held laindrecle of rats, but In the Leeds in- stanee the craf.ty rodents carried to the scene large "rivaritities of factory waste•whice they iala over the var- nish. ' Over this carpet they passed to and from the baits. The latter wereeaten, but the rats eectiped. Have a,.Banana Suit! A French inventor, who has spent many years. in Brazil and Nicaragua, states that women-tvill be able to-nu'chase blouses, junipers ,and- even .cos: tunics,. made of leaves and peeling's. 'Men may be offered suits and under- wear of'the seine materials. ..••••••n iv pm aiNIMMIMIMIISMa•MMIN•Mb It maY press on the Pneumogastric 13-"11.-3EilvIll VA CA NEW,M1,,"%a 'MASI V& '21 nerve, causing a rapid' pulse, or on! another nerve, causing a spasmodic cough or difficult respiration. 0 Simple goitre is usually treatedi HEALTH EDUCATION with iodide of potassium or with ex- 0 tract of thyroid gland administered0,11 BY DR. J. J. TelIDDLETON internally or with applications of P Provincial Board of Health. Ontario radium or the- X-rays. Sometimes physicians paint the patient's neck ..gf Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat - with tincture of iodine, on the theory p ters through this column. Address him at the Parliament Bldgs., 0 that the 'iodine at direatly. upon -the On Toronto enlarged glend instead of -indirectlY through the blood, as when -iodide of MILIEL Mk Ink Nia la IBLANk IR-Inte 11110EL 11 potassimn is used. The sufferer It is somewhat of.a surprise to learn but rather to regard his action as a should try to avoid Overexertion from police records that the great misdemeanor which has been commit - either of mind or of body, for, as we majority of highwaymen recently ar-- ted through •thoughtlessness. have already said, fatigue is believed rested in Torontoeand,otheY cities -are The report of the Social Worker to be a frequent cause of goitre. If mere hoes with half -:developed minds: who investigates each ,particular of, the treatment fails, and. the gland Our previous conception of. the square- fence on the part of a -juvenile is an • grows so large 'as to disfigure the jawed, square -shouldered, •hard-visag- elaborate document dealing with everY patient or to give him • great-diecorn- ed, old tough ha's been changed and possible condition and;influence in the fart, a surgeon should be employed. .now we see the pale -faced Tante, gen- child's life. Even -the mother's pre - The operation' of removal is not erally of poor Physique, taking his natal influences are inquired into, and • especiallyserious. place. This career Of crime haseoften whether the child was • nursed or . started with • little " acts- of theft bottleefed. It would 'be interesting •Weddings in .Japan. Which passed unnoticed or un- and instructive, if statistics were at The 'Japanese courting is' a,"a apt to punished * but which, if their- hand, to 'compare the .niimber of Juv- r stead; in allower message afKanyeother ough1ly. investigated, • would have enile Court oases that had been *way, the love-lorn swain indiCaing his revealed an abnormal state of the breast-fed in infancy, to those fed on passion tossing a'pale plum flower juvenile mentality. - the 'bottle.' The child's -record and into the litter as the object of regard If a young Person slips' off with a progress at school are takenrinto ac- , - is carri_eclly hinf: ` If e,:lietosies"it'Out, rocking -horse, a jumPing-jaclii toyconnt and -afterwards a searching his suit is 'rejected', but if she fastens balloon.or sometheigPf that pert from analysis is.rnacle as to the child's men - it "at her'Iciniono 'girdle the affair may a store colinter when nobody is look- tal and physical make-up, including go forward. 'Another method is for ing, he is not doing the right thing. its attitude to other members of the the lover to slip up to hisloved one's, In fact he is doing something that family, to companions, and to social door at midnight and fasten a spray of might be regarded as a theft, although and religione activities: The horne blooming celastrue alatee above the probably it would be unfair to brand situation is also.given attentioneque.s- door. The next morning he walks by the yoffnegster as a thief. The Chief tams even being asked as to the lace - the house. If the spray is still there, Probation Officer •of the Juvenile tion of the house and its surroundings, all is over. But if it has been taken Court‘th Toronto calls .a.first theft by conditions in the home, and the gen- in, or if it has been watered, he knows a boy•or girl as an "occurrence," and eral type of people in the community. the maid is his. . does -not take 'steps to have the child An iinportant point that has 'a The actual actual terms of the marriage brought up on any ,charge �f stealing. tinct bearing on a ehild's make-up is settlement are earning on by a go- Instead he 'brings the youngster to his the preseriee or . absence of over- - between, always a man. A "eomplie office for -a chat, `finding out all the Crowdirft M the home. The injurious mentary iiresent" is then ,sent, and if circuMstances of the case and What effectof oYercrawciing from a heAtti it is accepted the bride and her entire motivegbrought ahont the act of theft. standpoint as well as fro1n social and f.aiiiily inin honorboundto go forward This little conference is.very informal moral aspects, cannot be tOo strongly with the ceremony: The groom then and has in view the ohtainingof in- emphasized. : • sends hersixty prescribed gifts, that formation as to the mental calibre of The hnpression. might -be -conveyed includesilk of a certain length and the Child, and whether he knowi right by these neniarks lbat the Juvenile folded in, a,.certain way; garments, silken bags of rice" and • sweettileats mad barrels of wine; , The latter the bride, as a yule, pre: seats to her parent, and the contents. are drunk in -cups little larger than a thimble. The groom also sends -a long piece of white silk for the wedding garment, and a piece of very fine gold, embroidery to be used as a marriage girdle. The wedding day is often picked by a soothsayer, and -there are scores of days" that are prohibited. from wrong, or what the taking of things that de not belong „to him, actu- ally means. lie also gives the.delin- quent a warning as to the risk he 0 running of committing a theft, and ad- vises him not to"repeat such an act. If a second theft is committed the ease Court was ,willino. or anxicius to blame 'e-Keeybociy everything for 1 i an offence'reit ming person who actually ccmalt Thisis not - , the case: It Is oi $4: enaitse we are beginning to egioliele nit heredity and environment, play a large, part, in the is brought to the juvenile Court, but _mental and physical calibre of a child, before any action is taken, all the dnd its tendency'to crime, that these circumstances, of' the case. are gone influences are,' being inquired into. A into' in detail: The schoel record of chilci's - hereditary tendencies to the child 0 taken, its home conditions wrong -doing cannot be much changed and .surroundings are ,investigated, ex-cePt through the, develonment of te and particulars are even obtained as self-control. Bet we can, at least, Why, Stars Twinkle. , i to when itstarted to walk, talk, etc. 'bring about conditions where,by fur - Stars are really suns which are con- It is then examined thoroughly as to tiler handicaps may not be imposed . its mental dondition, and inquiries are by bad influences and unsanitary Sur - made as to the possibility of its hav- roundings. The responsibility of the ing inherited, venereal disease. These State in these matters 1-.,•ecomes more, investigations are all completed. and and more apparent. The Dominion, reports handed hi before the Child's the Province, the municipality and the case is dealt with in ethe 3m-enile rural district will have to talce con - Court. certed action to bring about a general The motive Underlying all these rise in the mental and physical condi- preliminaries is to avoid making the tion of large numbers of the popu- child_ appear, as a budding criminal, lation. r r— tiunally throwing Off light. This light passes through different . layers of'air and vaPor before it reach- es our eyes. These layers, being of various degrees of density, make the „ light of the star 'appear tio tickee or -twinkle in a sinrilan- manner:to a mo- tionglictitTh ten which is run too slow- . The light is reduced in intensity by one layer of air and 'increased by the next,' with tli.e result that it appears to shiver—a condition which we have described by the word "twinkle." Dust, in the air causes this twinkliai,g, to be magnified or accentuated. Dust also gives rise to rain, as each Particle forms the nucleus for a raindrop. Slightly Mixed. "Monsieur ; rectuires---" askeci ,tb e French gialter, vainly endeavoring to induce his ,stubborn customer to sneak Thiglish Voulez-vous," began the customer for tee twentieth time; while* tile • • waiter's head swam. , !At last, a tourisit'oPPosite loolccd, 111) • from his Anglo-French pocket diction - "if 1 may aesist you •' But the c,ustoiner, swelling with im- _ , periaece, veiteed hint hattghtsly "1<inelly allow me to use, my own /trench," he snapped. " ----By all ineans, answered the tour- ist, bland'ly' "But 1 wish to point out that you ax0 askingfor a staireaSe, when all yeti reqiiive' 0 a spoon.", The Savhig In Heakh alopg ,riak the saving m cost, attracts many- a tea or coi.c.kee d.riuker to go` Try- a t 'tlmCnreUContp4V 1,414 Orhkri ' easali! 11;1" PoStifin • /1.11i1s 'hall devised a machine ;eat e..iteapt, yeeti1'iet.4 001313tI5 kroin ia4nanest,plectapplete, and ethee ebeeose eentirg• roe en:slide, tee leaf pf the wild pimiento gives a thr,;ad. ever IWO YardS lona", , • Jie bones later to be ablo Utilize ;Ale 011115 01 ine,ny other fruits, '11 ..to, be hoped 'that he succeeds, fOr -the cost of c.lothes will be emseidetably lage, than' teese made of presentdaY im'tatiOn st1c� and merberized COV., Otis. • !'S fl 11 Moet Troubleg Afflictirite ec,e0titori Are .Dtte to Poor 1310::(1. To every woman belongs the right to enjoy a healthy, active life; yet nine out, of ten suffer from some form of bloodlessnese.' Teat is why one sees on „every side pale, thie • cheeks, dull eyes and drooping figurers—sure signs of headaches_ weak backs, aching Hulls and uncertain health. All weak women shouldewie the right to be•well by refreshing their weary bodies'with the new, rich,' red blood that promptly tra.nefoems them into healthy, attrac- tive woinen. This new, red blood is suppliell by Dr. Williams' Pints: Pill, Which reaches every organ and every nerve' in .the body. Through the use of these pills thousands of women have' found benefit when suffering from anaernia, indigestion, general weakness • and those ailments from -whicb women alone suffer. AM011g" the many wenien who tell of the good Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills have done them is Mrs. L. Hicks, Round Hill N.S. who says: "I became very mucl run down in health; my blood seeme weak and watery, my strength failed and 1 was so'easily tired that my wor was a burden. I had often read abou Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and decided to- try them, and I can tidily say that after using three boxes I found my- self gaining, and undee a further use of the pills aliens, old-time energy and vitality wee, restored. Out of my own experience I pan strongly recommend this medicine." Nen can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 fl'om The Dr. Williams' Medfclne Co., Brockville, Ora. The,,Bad Boy Proposition. t , of all types, fill rgirt; sold sub-, :-Ject to delivery up to 300 (mien, or „test rua of distance, i2 yini wish, 1.11 ai floo'l 'order as purchased, or put -cause 01) 011 ,efa mechanic or own 51101051_Li, to look then, over or to , - • Iiike any car to city „rolprefientalivc for Inspection, Very 'large stock fiend. ' ' Breekey's Utsed, Car Market 402 If orni,e, street, weereing4 v TOM PE &T Wait Awhile., La Sootsman stel/Ped iato one of the Edinburgh seeps, and asIced to, be shown a certain kind of overcoat. "How much?" he asked the shop - man. "Five guineas," was „th.e reply. "Nothing doing! `fake it away," said the Seetsman firmly, "Why, you can • afford that," the shoji said, unwilling to lose the sale. "Ay, I can," replied, the Scotsnian, but Ah'm nae that colcii" His Last Sentence. A. very nice story the Prisoner was telling of an offence alleged against him, of which he was wholly guiltless --he, a man against whom there had never before- been a breath of sus- picion. • "Prisoner, pardon me one moment," interrupted. the judge. "You InliSt 4pea1 a little louder; I cannot Catch what you say. What was your last nflord," came the 1 sentence"?' d "Six months, There 'a•Ite ,210 bad boys. We make this statenacent confidently, knowing that it will be endorsed by educators andeall,who have spent their lives in working on the boy problem. ,We wil defend it in spite of all the broken windows, stolen apples and canned dogs in Christendom. There afe•Weak boys, boys who lack o,s resolircefuInezsy boys 'whoss- ideas of right and wiong Are dietorted, but there never was a‘boy who did not ea_ turally—conecionsly or unconsciously do things that he believed to be right. • - The trouble comes when parents, teachers and others, who are respons- ible for the youngster's development fail to•fill his time with'useful activity. The forces of nature niust operate. We cannot stop them while we take our afternoon nap. ' The wind must blow, the water must flow, and the boy's brain and muscles' must work. We put a wind -mill in the path' of the wind and it draws water as joy- ously as it upsets •the chairs on the verandah and whisks the'family wash- . from the line. We pet a water -wheel in the stream and it grinds the grain with the energy which it could other- wise dissipate in " slang- out its banks and rooting out the trees,. These. things we "know; yet we too often permit youthful energy, our most valuable asset, td run riot. We even attempt to dam it and then complain because it slops over and does dam- age. The Boy Scout programme is the mill in the stream of boyhood. It pro - Vides something, for every bpy to do every minnte: Knot tying, first aid and bandaging, signaHing, trailing 'and tracking, fire:building and ex- tinguishing, camp cooking, swenniing, 'earning and saving money, hiking, map making and ma,p reading, practi- cal study of flowers,. plants and trees, earth and sky, are included in, the Scout'e programme, for the year. Af- ter these a much beoader field is open- ed, including foundation work, in all the principal trades and professians. A boy's first idle moment is the starting pint of whatever trouble he makes M the world. It is also the big opportunity of the man who is wise eniongh and patriotic enough to turn natural energy into eonstructive chan- nels. Already over 250 ,Scontmasters axe directing the activities of eome 9,000 boys in the province of Ontario, and the movement is only a little more than ten years old. Men interested in devoting "part of their leisure time ta this "nation building". • work should write to 130y Scout Headquarters, Bloor and Sberbourne Stse, Toronto, for further 10 5011)10) 1 ion 1 The aVera,ge man is a poet judga el his own 'importance, Princess Mary ,of England receives ari anneity of $80,000 a year. , , The earliest 001111011 were, made of 'leather or wood, strengthened Intel' on with 'beeds ef iroe, 'To Change the eature of a plant," Weiler Burbank: says, -"you nsug change its enviroenneet, for every- thing is more or less a slave to its Or ron din ghS." aniazing reply, . One Never Knows. A company of merchants were being shown' over a large manufacturing es- tablishment. Aniong them was an out- spoken and „.blustering man, who en- deavored to impress the others with a sense of his importance. "I should not be surprised if that man over there is making something on my account," he said. "Indeed," replied one of the party, greatly impressed. "Let us go and see what it is." They went over. "My good man," began the self-inportagit one, "what is it you agemak- ing? Anything for my use; eh?" "Shouldn't wonder if It 'was," re - Plied the workman; "lt-'s a pair of handcuff R." "Cascarets" To -night' For Constipation Just think! A pleasant, lia,rnile.ss _ Casoaret works while you sleep and has your laver active, head clear, stom- ach sweet and bowels moving as re- gular as a clock by morning. No grip- ing Or inconvenience. 10, 25 or 50 cent boxes. -Children love this candy cathartic too. Lined with leather a nietal tube has been invented for rolling. umbrellas tightly and, neatly. Astronomy has the glory of being the oldest of sciences. It was by watching the s.pangled heavens that inan first got his conception of an ordered universe, and from that the . idea of other things governed by law. MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Accept 'California," Syrup of, Figs only --look for the name California on the package, -then you are sure your child 1 s having the best and most harmless physic for the little stomach; liver and bowels. 011110:fen love -its fruity taste. -Full directions on each bottle. You must say "California." Those flaying Sick Animals SHOULD USE Good for al throat and Chest dfSeftiieti, Distemper, Gai-got, Sprains, 13rul.se,,,, Colic, Mango, Spavins, Running- Seres, eta, etc. Shoulil always be in the stable. SOLD if,VIORYWEI ORE. &nterlca'a pioneer Dog RemedieS 130014.- on :DOC DISEASES' and,,w to ned. FreeMaileS to tons Ate, • dress by the Author. 02,, clay eklo*et, 'Coe race 119 "tVeet Stet 1tret New voik 1138A. ravels, at a apid p11013, leads us ;ill 14 merry chase. We telluw on• and dare not, stemfor fear Olip i.1,11a go kerflOP- I8 is a in:eat:bless task (21 hont to plug- along mut lcoep abreast, dud vcrrY efte13 do we find that we are running far beli.ind. .‘r() e471U.it the yortr-untrl,s as tbey fly, aii,1 watch 1110 'days go i-coctirig by. They beat no hastY a.retreg it ihakes ttS LIP,6,zy in the feet, ' If we would keep abreast of lime, It means a hard and sti.',,,ady cliinb; lie never sl'aCketta up Ws gait 01, waits tor ;,. those who come too late. ^ Toisiolerro FRDE SIT)PHY - a' ,,,.-13ellevue and Allied rfo-pit- 1 New riear Olitarle 1,4 affilie tion 4.$ off ,rs to votanc^ 4)e1113•0115 Ad ' It .1.35,. lit,"(...ffilltii .! wa,nte! '.t. ep.oh3"k14 Ol,i.told 11(111 iniii,..ce 10/11lr41YwIlP°314' 1:011t,,,.„a11)-t08ate hi °eN,')Ar- r10 14 eli" e,stiw);,tk4ttdel1s.1,)I.I0,..),,..,2,i• i ' te C13,-iere11 Serst,Nrelle.): .E8.,1,F,5 '":.'',:i:Alt_XY:4T2 ..4-.3k. Herbs is 1001111(15 for t.t./ ri.ltetiot• .101i11it,on, 2ridIft'e4,liau, esitiousilOsi l)l!ell Ilizt.V.i.$P.1, '10(.114)^y 11 01113100 o vell-knitivn, baiting been cl;:tensili§11 '44,„' in 1808, by distribution of li,:sq,ia ,., . All, 4.- 'seri:testi, :sees it \vas tlrat leenteeko. ii,rt.e. 110* 01 ..("4-1'040 04100, 0V-1 c 1.10 l -eat. 0.40i..•.-,', 11 Deoirg., etc., syllich. aro flxrd$1.0 to agents free of charge- rille remediee eve eoid at ii price that allows rtgelits to d(rubie their isoii.4.y, . wrtt(3 ,.:.,,,ians). 0, . )3liss 1\lcdical Co., 144 St. Iiitul St. lpact. Tdotitreal. M:ention 81115 pilfer, ., ViinCEtirihrTMOUtl, BABYHARD ON The stormy, blustery weather which we have during February and March is extremely hard on children. Con- ditionmake it necessary for tho mother to keep them in the house. They are often confined to overheated, badly ventilated rooms ,and catch colds which rack their wtole system. To guard against this a box of Baby's Own Tablets" should be kept in the house and an occasional dose given the baby to keep his stomach and bowels working regularly. This will not fail to break up colds and keep the health of the baby in good condi- tion till the brighter days come along. The Tablets are sold by medicine '-dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. -Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Greek and Roman Doors: In the early days of Greece and Rome al the doors of dwellings open- ed outward. A person passing out Of the house 'mocked on the door before opening it. Minard's Liniment for Dandruff. By the use of the latest invention, the telemegaphone, one person can speak simultaneously to an audience of 150,000. BENGUE has inunettate effect. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES " ;14.00 a tube,. THE Lama Mtn Ca, LTC. MONTREAL Agorta ice Dr. Juice Bowil6 RELIEVES PAIN CORNS Lift Right Off „ withou Pain ji Drop a little -Freezene" on an ach- ing corn, instantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you, lift it right off with fingers. It doesn't hurt a bit. 'Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for_ a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the cal- luses, without a particle of pain. f7ii`-',„-„eit6,,;i, • DON'T DO THIS! LEONARD., EAR" ail: RELIEVES DEAFNESS and STOPS HEAD NOISES. Simply Rub it Bath of the Ears and Insert in Nostrils. Proofof sue-. eezu ' will be giveit by the druggiet. ftliAllIE IN CANADA ARTHUR SALES 10,, Ssths Agents, Toronto A. O. Leimart1,-I5r.,1 Mfrs.; 70 519 live., 9, 9, city ' Make Shaving a PIea m' With Cii6cori Talcunl Aner eeheitig With Dutiettra Soap the WaltCUtieurn Talcuril la an dispeirrble aaftinct. Antiseptic and pro- phylaclic, it :14 soothing nnd refr,:zhing to tile most terider LlenpVie. Oigrath1.2.5:1:..41150e. T13,11O211, Sold throughout theDorelnion. Cansdia 11pr:wt.: 1. mane Linv1te4, 344 St. Pas! tit., W. Mentreq. ,c4664rei SAtp ehastte‘vithout Tung. oqua n SOS a 1bree^ year course ,of general training; attrac- tive residence; single roomsS'or aalal an11 other information artply Lady Slip- ' crintendent, Toronto Free Hospital, es on, mtar o. f becoming1111 u' • Missionary Aeronaut. A missionary preacher in the far Northwest makes his visits to remote communities by airplane. Unless the weather ie unsuited he needs no pul- pit, for he makes use of the cockpit of the madhine for this purpose. It was the terminal. examination, and a budding philosopher condltidid his essay on "Mother Earth" with this startling statement: "The earth re- volves on its own axis three hundred and sixty-five times in twenty --four hours. This rapid motion througgi spate causes its sides to perspire; this is called deer." Send Order. •MONEY -0 R RS. a Donainion Express Money Five Dollars oasts three cents'. If all the -gold in- the world were melted intig,ingots; it Might le ,eon- tainecl in a 1TOM 23 'feet semare and 16 feet high., --- Di 11DERINE Stops Hair Coming' Out: Thickens, Beautifies. A few cents bays "Danderine." Af- ter a t eve applications you e,anno-t find a fallen hair or any dandruff, besides every Ilan' shows new life, vigor, brightness, raore color and abundance. USE SLOAN'S TO WARD OFFP. You can just tell by its 'healthy; stimulating odor, tliat it in going to do you good IF I only had some Sloan's Lini- ment!" How often you've saki that! And then when the rheu- matic twinge subsided—after hours of suffering—you forgot it! Don't do it again—get a bottle to- day and keel) it handy for possibla"use tonight! A -sudden attack may come on—sciatica, lumbago, sore muscles,' backache, stiff joints, neuralgia, the pains and aches resulting from expos- ure. You'll soon find warmth and re- lief in Sloan's, the liniment that pene- trates without rubbing. aean econom- ical. Three sizes --35c, 70c, $1.40 lArti Litnirnen ha'ff' ASPIRIN Only "Payer" s Genuine Warning! 'Unless yon see the name "Bayer" on Package or on tablets 3rod are not getting Aspirin at 'all. rfalre Aspirin only as told in the 'layer Paoli - age for Colds, 'Headache. 7,1euralgin, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache./ Lumbago tied Pale, Then you will be following tile tilted:lees aed dosage WorkeiI tett by ph esi clans during twenty-one yearand proved safe by millions, Handy tit boxes, of twelve Bayer ifabletS "af Aspirki cost tow cents. Druggists aleo, eell Jaeger peek - nese leItgle in OR118(la A spieiu is Om teade mark (registered,in (ianada), a BtY3,-er 114E1 nut' Rattir 0 Of Manoamtfc- acidest-or of Saliceelleaelf/4 0,