The Exeter Times, 1921-2-24, Page 6kd
'orricuFEN, tiEsAN
voys 13,estnne ilegotiations With :Britaxn arid Italy
ew to Opening Lip Trade Communications,
"deeps from Wa 1rgtoxL, D,C,,
-:---The Allied Power e are once
rncre preparing te new trade rela-
tione ssith, according' to dip-
lomatic: advices received, here
the'aaStitte Depaa•tinett. Great
Britain, is expected to be to show
'he -way while Italy will likely follow
:suit. Recent eable advice z from Ja-
pan. were to the effect that that coun-
try r would act in eonsonance -with the
course taken by the European powers.
The probability that differences in
the way cif reepeiling trade relations
airmild be smoothed out was indicated
by the information received -recently
that Iseorid Krassin, the Bolshe-
vist envoy, who negotiated the pre-
liminary trade agreement between'
nritain and Russia, had left Moscow
for London to resume negotiations,
while another Soviet iistadon was
leaving i'doseow to discuss the same
queetion with Italy.
International problems dealing with
the Near and Fire Eat are involved
in the negotiations whielt 1Crazein
conduct. The trade agreement which
he is , anxious to make, if au:elite:I,
woolcl bind the Soviet Governertent to
stop its propaganda work in the East.
•The trade agreement which K vas-
eia negotiated with Lloyd George wee
taken by him to MOSCOW, Where the
Belehevist leaders accepted the agree-
ment in the main, but objected to its
binding agreement that BolshevIstic
propaganda among the countries of
the Near East stop. It is believed,
however, the Bolshevists will find a
_way of reaching an agreement -with
the British, according to the view of
Waehington officials.
Smuts' the ,Dip/ornat.
Premier of the Union a South Afri-
ca, who states, that lie intends asking
General Hartzog, his NationaIlet and
unsuccessful rival, to the next Im-
perial COnference.
under the guise of "commtinism" are
proposine• that a;few shall keep and
many shall go without. That hollow
tieeeption stands exposed,
It is all one world- Hurt it in any
place and in every part -there is a sen-
sitive reaction. More and more for all
the setbacks and all the disheartening-
setauelae of the worst of wars men
a ,
are seeking" out`the'geod in other linen.
signalling, to one another, discovering
and proclaiming their need of brother-
hood. The world is sick of turning
gardens into fields ef battle, killing'
instead of cultivating a field or a
fyiendship; it is tired of suspicion,
jealousy, the song of hate. It 'wants
in ail parts , much the same things,
for under the surface human nature is
, ;sag • 0.
• Wila Explore the Arctic
Sir Ernest Shackleton, Antarctic ex-
plorer, now in C,anada, who states that
als• intericia to, explore the Arctic
regions. His plans are not yet com-
Legislative A.szembly at Delhi
Desires Relations With Em-
pire be Me:intained on
• Racial Equality.
A despatch from Delhi, British In-
dia, says—The Legislative Aasenibly
at a four _hours' debate on Thursday
-;eaution finstla- affrir
"ing that the relations between India
and the British Empire be. maintained
on a basis of equal partnership and
eomplete racial equality; secondly, re-
gretting the application of inertial
law by the adnainistration of. the
Punjaita—this being calculated to
deeply wound the self-respect of the
Indians— and, thirdly, damage com-
pensations for the families of Am-
ritzar viceims on the same scale as
A elanee asking for the punishment
of va'rietas officers-, was withdrawn
Early opening of navigation on the
Great Lakes is predicted.
fern fierer
anifiesi the idalneys s out of order
'the back Is euro to esanne affected_
and dull pains, rtharp natas,_ qrucic
'twinges all point, to the irs,et that the
laidneye need attention.
Plasters and, liniraetts relieve
for ahort time, but to get ridof these
pains, you must get eight at the seat of
' e tronble. You can. do this by using
osn's Kidney Pills and thua obtain
, peen:tame/at
• Mrs. John Stenhenaon, 115 St,ephen
aat., Kisigaten, One., wrilea:—"/ eintaialy
itat 17011.2 Doante Kidney Pills.
was a, sesTible sufferer from my kidneys.
wollia have, severe pains in. my hack and
awful headachea. became very weak,
na just, felt as if 1 were being di:egged
sart.,JI taloa one box oi' Doarc's Is idney
, and to my surprise felt better. 1
eaula vrork hard all day, and my baek-
; calla not pain me at all. I can't pralat
am too much. • re:
Doan'a ICidney Pilla are 50c, per box
at, all dealers, or mailed strata on reseipt
qf price by The T. Milburn Co., Lbiatt,d,
Toronto, Oat.
rm Her Moneys
Important Matters Await -De-
cision of Council.
A despatch'from Paris sayst—Next
week's meeting, which will be the
first held by -the C-onneil of the Lea-
gue of Nations since the aesiemblyis
adjournment at Geneva on Dec. 17
last, will be attended by Leon Bour-
geois, the Foreign Minister for
France; A. Balfour, Lord Presi-
dent of the Couneil for Great Britain;
Viscount embstaaador at Pails
for Japan; Paul Hymens, former
presider,t of the Counc•il for Belgium;
Count Jose Quinones de Leon, ambas-
sador at Paris for Spain; Dr. 'Well-
ington Kao, Chinese Minister at Lon-
don for China, and art Italian dele-
gate who has not yet been named.
As presiding
officer, Senor da Cun-
ha has the distinction of being the
first non-European to hold that office.
With seventeen separate items al-
ready inscribed an its agenda, the
Council will be called upon to take
decisions more important than any
hitherto recorded. Ambassador !iest
Cnnha estimates that twelve &las
will be required to deal adequately
with the numerous complicated ques-
tions. before the League.
All One World.
Sometimes to the pessimist the
world seems naug-ht but evil; he pass-
es in review, like Solomon, all ,oevern-
ments and govennore ail Men and 1
measures, and in the whole disordered
panorama he finds nothing to approve.
He Rake' you the question, "How is it
all coining out?". But it is a' rhetors
ical question, asked after the mind of
the speaker has reached it own gloomy
answer; and if you do not coincide in
the 'black view of things, your res-
ponse is rejected, with pity for your
blindness to the signs of the times,
your ignorance of the trend of events.
Each man in his place has his part
to perform, and the man who sits in
n observatory merely eomplauig
because the earth is not run to his lik-
ing is performing less than a maisis
Let hira get mit and show "Liliern'l
how "they" ought to do the things
Inc prescribed for them to do. Let
him, instead of bemoaning a decad-
ence. exert an influence. If he would.
impress his leeson, let hint teach it in
the most effectual way—by the cegent
force of personal ex -ample.
We are prone to sit in judgment on
.foreign peoples and to give Phanisee
thanks that Ger ways -are not as their
ways. We pity them for their infer-
iority, theraedi the pity may not take
the form of helping. them up to a
status on a level .with Our own. Pity,
that aprings to no action of allevia-
tion, is the cheapest of emotions. It is
aentimental indulgence that accent-
pliehes 00 good'achen it merely begins
and ends with the sentiment'. A. real
Pity distinguishes between compassion
and condescension; if, IS able to im-
agine another's plight. and to take an-
other's place, and te, feel as another
feels in a given set of cireumstancesint.
and from that :feeling springe the deed
that brings relie.11.
That kind of pity is now reaching
out to take 01 the earth, end it is
bringing nations together against tho
force. of polities or the echemee of
militarists to divide Chem It defies
the fallacious peogeatne or those who
Manitoba witeates-N,o. Nort,liern,
$1,94aa • Ne 2 Northern $1 91%. No
Northean; $1.87%; , .4 wineat; E..gpemliture by PeatasSig339
Manitoba , oats -4o. 2 CW, 49 a'a 0; J---41$1,e'll-AVOIVO4 Sin:lema
No, 3 '0W, eistea No, a'feed • AmOunt ,as i6
4fi%e; No. 1 feed, 4ae;, No. 2 feed:, •
4014e. ,
Manitoba barresida_Na a4tIoessiotle,ree despateh front Loll?.1.00
ale total amount of Owilacia elalin
eeived -,,vesterday,
All of. the above in 'adore et Pert for r4ill'atioils Gerillo-nYewari
William, the, exception oil losses invOlyed IYI
- American covinsairle, neindaed, track,. thea•asinkinils.„ of ehipee which are in -
Toronto, , pint eaipmens, eluded in the Britazia total has been
Ontario oats --NO. 2 vilit'e,47 to 490.' forwanded to. the Reparatione Com-
. Ontario wheats—No, 2 Wihtee, $1.93 Oanaaan Government,
to 41.98 per ear lot; ' No, • 2 SPring, 'Sarlten the„ mirririe losses sare added,
$1..78 "to $1,88, shipping' points, accord-,
int•, about one billion dollars, This en_
' to freight '
•$1,-83 to $1.88; No, 2 (loose wheat,
Canada's Claim Will' ainount in all to
ormous sum, however, if.I• not regard-
'aricY---85 to 90e, according to
freights outside. ed as a peactical figure, litasnmell as
Buckwheat—No. 8, 95e to $1, nom- it will be but one of the items in the
Ne- 3, $1.60 to$i65, nominal, rinitil°11eii
aecording to freights outside,
Manitoba flour --$10.70, bulk, sea- i 6 i
' erable under the peace conference
settlement. Its largest const nt s
board ,
the amount paid out, or to he pzu,d
Qntario flour—_$8.50 bulk aeaboard.
ertialeeed mileasoes, aisatreal out, by the Canada Pensions Board,
freight, 'bags 'included; 'Jaren, per ton, •Which, as capitalized, is assessed ,nt
7 7
SP - or s, Per ton, ...V to $38a, slightly aver five hundred millions af
"8 40. sh t " •
d • ' •
Ch. N
'twins, 81 to 820. •tripiet,., .31.1/2 to been added A third item is the
good fee flour, $2.50 to $2,55 per bag. cl.ollars. For s,eparatioyi . allowance
ease -a- •ew, large, 30 to , c3le; another hunclre,d million dollars has
3214a1 old, large, :'32 to 85e; do, charge for the cif the Can-
32aa , to 351:ae. , ,
adiair isrot:tiodri, af the army oecuPaa
Butter—Freah dairy choice 49 to , .
50c; crearneryrNo. to 59c; fresh, tien• is a 'definite tignro, but not,
, ,
58 to 01e.'„ s lai.• '
tenzained on the Rhine for only i..fes,v
, _Jags—New, laidset48 to 50e; new,
g ,, as she Canadian troops
, • . , e
laid, in cartons. 51 to 53c,
Beans—Canadian, hand-pielsetl,
$3.75 to $4; primee', $3 to $3.50; ,1a
pane, 8c; Limaia, Madagascar, 101A -e;,
California Limas, 12%c,,
Maple products --Syrup, per
gal. $3_40 ,to $3.50; Per 5 gals-
$3.25 to .$'3.4t., I‘lapleiasugar, lb., 20,
b nst to 25c.
strangely sim su. et us e ge Ie,
because we know. so little." Let us be
kind, beeause the need of one is the
need of every one, and •the great4st
need is for a mend.
Premier Sratit's Victory.
The victory over the seceasionists
won hi the South A.frican election bY
Premier Smuts is more than a
umph for a man who has been called
the ablest citizen of the Britisli Em-
pire. It is a success for the empire
itself., a notable registFation in favor
of the unity of the nation.-
Premier Smite is one of the re -
The-Una-di:an marine losses, as ars
ready stated, are not separately men-
tioned in ,the ' Dominion. Goyernineht's
statement ben" include:Tan the Bri-
tish total of over seven Inmates mil-
lion pot:furs. It. would appc .r tLat
Large,s, t
of Slips Not Included itt rus
luded Totol
, cousiderable diffienif,y may later do-
! nvu2e110)1: ro\-,c
this head. ,
Tds mone,y is not to be ,paid oveii shaap, groldnal/saincreasba ia soveriteas
to the companies which owrical the and oocure in IsUdden spaanse,
lost slips, .sninsletereitlheeeyeowinsipreairl:::11)10:- 1.0 d
nor to the
oil by the: payment eif the inadala7lce,. a(l)ftcniir°11111.1nag j'°11('il;"
01, 7.1011g,i , and et1MO, e
lert) ,00,10.
'tho,y profited from the war prem- '
tilihneist,a'xbuntayweli• sl ilamIsiedon:tioe btleieuveocip yoa-t"ioi el' tr.....i„EitOintlin„icli',a ett?..,ec te,01:,tiells,,,Ici,oert
cosilt)netertyi ea ifd°1-t!.21.1Iel'l 11)1 eounti5i ill fon' ef o2rfi" 11'11111 :nth
lie expenditures, The difficulty, which pneumonia or consumption, since tho
Promises to arise is over, the question suffererq riower o remittance are often
of vessels oweed in one part of the greatly , weakened by tho violent and
Emp.c'aefthe Canad[an i
r;'ond istered in +the 0., v ,Onthe'.3:17;t1. h, n of a "whoop", Da-
,sels, for inetanee, which are owned in ''''SISdi'°11c'idn't,sltr,(e)d7,`my3 inYru
brouchial tubes a the collected gaseous
anti phlegm.
Mrs. Bution Leopold, New Rose, N.S.,
United Kniisavieww:iehnone. of 4hern
ll ecarcelYbe pou:anCsmad%p
, the Empire. are to share in the twenty- il, helped them., 1 shall alaYab• 'S re011i-
tWo Per cent. of total aGe'rman mena„your wonderful remedy' to oilers."
paynint tor reparation CF-hieh Great Det --Wood's Norivay Tine Syrap is •
Britain is to receive 'has not yet been 35e. and. 60e. a bottle aE all drugglota
jdeeecd-fe(61:This will prohably be a sub and dea1or. 1. P191111'Ilt•Peat°11".11Y‘Q•th°:'11;t°1:bbirtit':
the Conference of Premiers in Lan-
don in June, riew .-lources or Revenue
For Ontario I -louse
Her 3 Chigilog 11Pd it
Vile (teepee begins like a simple .Cold
in the head that rapidlyi„goem to the
chest, Theseeugheie at first short and
Canada but re.gistered in Great Reis
•tain, the conteiiiion adVanced, here is
'that repacatien made to the
.coantr ,,rmist3„-'y 'rather_ than to
%the country of Ownership, especially
.as so much C.P.A. atocleis held in the
Honey -60 and 30-113.,tins, 22 to 24e Large 'vs. Sma Universitie• CAPTURE FORCE
_per Rao Ontario comb honey at i$7.50 , • OF IRISH ARmy
per 15 -section caSe; tins,! Much is said and waitten about the
23 to-25epr' -
Smoked meata--Hams, med., 40 to about students being "lost in the y
57c; rolls, 32 to 33e• 'cottage tolls, 35 .,uestiona 'there are
A. despatch from Cork says:—
advantages o 1. ma • Fifteen Caught b Bla-4- and
41e; b-eavY, 37 "t° 89e; eeciked, 53 to mass" in a large univereity. But to Tans Digging Trenches
sill Near Dunmarrway
to 36ebreakfast I.acon, 45 to 49c; "S) as ° q • '
Two -mill tax on all real e'Ata:te
One-quarter of one percent.
tax on all bank reserve flu -10s.
Extension o.f ammtenient tax to
billiard paylors ,find pool rooms.
breakfast bagon, 53 to 50c; si a- - little consi ese, ion luta a
Itailway taxation incrov.sed
lbeasesi,ts5,5ptraoin5,93b.olie in, 49 to 54c; bone- clear to the t'noughtful eitime that,
even in a large university, classes Beask and Tans surprised ano. captur- frOipiit2a5set-oci $taxes40peunder1.inilt:mining
Cured meats—Long (near bacon, 27 eamilot be larg,e, fog elasi'rooma ecl fiftm
een embf. th
ers of "Irish Re.-
to L2a8red;_elpeaurrel:eltliieate,s‘c, e2s, 21Lo 22e; 6te12,27e.a
minodatte, niaetrgi,isioruenithan s
Imbliaan arY” who wera digging Tax Act
Estimated Increased Revenue:
tube, 221:1.-. to 233,ac.. pails 22 to 2qii. a • • •
trenches, near Dianmanway, Count:'
Cork, or Wednesday night, • •
, A ,des,nateh front Dubilid sayee—An
attempt was made b -Sr Incencliariei to
t '24 idt-t not just one large building—it _con- Property'', tax. ........$ 250,000
Palm s, ‘-• ° eninq's sists of a great number of buildings
14aa • t b '151/ t 16-Y • 16i
to 18e- prints, 16 to 17e.
e' u s' °- Pals' 4 -which are called callegest, -or which
Good heavy steers, -$9 to $10; but- house different faculties or depart- adtestsiLtilei.ve_iTlea,r1,:oiertiliCerlolni,arce'osi,k11°Llosne
eller steers, choice, $8'.50 to 29.50; do; ments. Really, 3 large university
Thuraday. Cansiderable damage was
done to two rooms en the ground freer
by an explosion, •
There still has been no solution of 1 a'a
the escape of Prank Teeling and two, When Brides Were Smacked,
ether Pi facile'. Cie the Kikolailth
jail.' An official communieation says a The antiquity of the custom --uf
throWing old ehoes at we,ddinge may
fair, and that as a result: of the facts be realized by reference to the Old
aseertained disciplinary action Testament, when) we find- that, when
conceinpiaced' against certain. 1)e.rSea,5.S. I the,. brother pa a dead man. refused to
who erre belie.verl -to have been Tea-Ili/a/Ty the elattee's widow, she Leda
ponSible for the . men eseapin,g. cate•ci her independence by "Ieoeing -
The matter is etill under consider-, his shoe."
ation, it is added, and further details This; Li:oilseed with the fact that it
cannot be given at the present time. was the custota of savage to.
carry off brides by violence—a pro -
Bank reserve fund tax 450,000
Billiard Parlor. tax 280,000
Rallway tax . ... 420,000
marreable men of the age, His work Mining Aet tax 100,000
in England during the war revealed good, -$7.50 to $8.50; do med,, $6.50 to a eollection of seolleges; that is; it is
fo all who were not aseissainfed with $7.50; butchet• heifers, choice $8.50 to a gy p of • szn.l.ler universities bound
so m i i f a'st n_ $9:50; d°, n'sedo V. to $8; ea, cern., •34 tog -ether a common interest, a COM -
g strength of character, pertina.-
U. r ean a TS a mari, o o
city of purpose and inehast-ry. He made
a deep impression on the Peace Con-
ference, in which his opinions were
given_ with, a freedom and el rit- u
usual among diplomats.
By his success ,irt the South African
election Premier 'Saints takes his place
among the statesmen whese political
power has survived participation in.
the Peace Conference, a company
small in mainhee and distinguished in
power, and the gallery of those
Who have seried the British Erapi"re
well in peace and in war.
The United States contains anore
people of British origin than do the
British Isles themselves.
The, Great War caused 70,000,000
men -bo be'mobilizecl • ti° the' -e PO 000 s
000 were wounded and 0,000,000
killed. "
to $6d.50; IsiltehTa. cows, choice, *8 to mon name and a common esprit de
t • 3 50 t butcher b 11- '• '
9. o, me $ to• $7; canners and ' ;el
orpa - Hence any advantage
good, $6 , to, $8; dee-fair, $5,50 to $6; a small univeraity. possese,es is pos-
do 0010.,$4 'to $5; feeders, good, O00 sessed also, by the lai-ge university.
s .• ••• •
lb- $7 to $8-7
do 800 -lbs 50 to $7.1 Besides if university education is a
multera and epringens "eraoice $100 to preparation, for life in the world
$150; calves, ehoitie,i $15 to $16; ao, -should rot uninersify life approximate,
med., $12 to $1 , eo, -. a., le) ta $10,
lambs, $11.' to $12; sheep, choice,, $5 of th 8worid.
mats e•eneral characteristics to the life
Inc outn who is train-
to $7; clo, heavy and bucks, $4 to $5. e' '3. '''''
and watered, 318.75; do, off 'cars, $14;
l, ed in. th-e large university learns to
do, yearlings, 31."0 to $10.5b; hogs, lea -
do, f.o.b., $12.75; do, to thos farmer, compete with. the best, he leaens to
know all types of hunian nature, And
$12.50, . d, who succeeds like the Mail or woman
Montreal. , , who really studies and knows human
Oats, No. 2"CW, 0,9e; No. 3 CW 05e. natune—that most fascinating of all
Flthar;. Mara Spring wheat patents, studies? In the large univereeity the
student brushes shoulders with the
keenest intellects there are, he learns
to take his place amonganen, he learns
something of the,obenpations,and aims
of others of his kind, Here -are pros-
pective clergymen alongside of pro,s-
peetive engineers journalists mingl-
rs s, i1U.ti). Itonel 00 10, bag
$8.40. Bran $3825. Shorts, 336.25.
Hay, •No, 2, pee ton, car lots 326 to
$27. • ,
Cheese, finest eastema, 27 lo 271/ac.
Butter, choicest creamery;53aft to 54c.
Eggs, freers, 54c: Potatoes, 'per "bag,
cal loo s 95c -
Med. cows- and heifers', $(3-50 to
ing with budding doetora and law-yers,
$7.50; canners, $3; bulis, $o to $6,50. , teachers with foresters, dentists,
vzoos it Good veal, $14 to a16;erned.,- US" chemista, and arehitecte. Such daily
Palpitate? $7. I-Iogs, salehts, $16; -sows, $12. is in itself. one of the ,beet phaseof
eaR,i $13, Lambs, gaod, $12.50; coma $6 -to contact kills riarrow prerVillelOISM and
The corupoaent paias af Millatirn's
with genena'l knowledge thus ola-
ae-ariescia s I tiallh'S tallied, with the prestiie degree
enoe*ren to tetanssori from an immenee inatitution, is to go
out equipped par excellence for a sue-
•Reast and Nerve Pills are indicated to 7
do away with Palpitation and other
heart' weeknesSee and thus strengthen
both the heart and nervea.
Mrs. F. X. Gauthier, Tilbury, Ont.,
weites:—,"During 25 years past 1 vvas
greatly troubled with palpitation of the
ne stcl soinetime so ea, h that
those aroun.a• me thought I- would -die
at any moment, being eonnieh weakened
by the shainness of the 13:irritation
which would -Iasi, sonaetimes up to three
hours. I had the doctor .who kept me
-taking his mecheine to oveLeome the
disease, -bat to no effect. There was
no change at all for the better. ,
Two years ego a friend advised me to
use isliiburnis Heart, and Nerve Pills. -
:i began to use them est once, and at the
scioond box I be to feel Borne relief, so
1 oontinued to use them according .to
directions, and now I am perfectly well.
Before using the pills, I never weighed
100 pounds, now I weigh 117 and feel
SA if I were young although fasn wear
66 years, of age." • • ,
Milburn's Heart and ;Nerve Pills -are
50e. a box at all dealers, or mailed direct,
on.receipt of price by The T. Minna.*
Co L'
St.) t aalP*5'
A despatch from Ottawa,- sayer—
The 'Privy Con:lair of 'Canada has is-
sued as formal vote of thanks tei Vil-
Warmer Stefauseen, the Arctic ex-
plorer, acknoveleclginge, on . behalf of
the -Canadian Government' the alervica,
which Mr. StefanS8 00 ,.,has- rendered
the nation in'exploring,. n charted •Can-
arlia,n lands. The istateMent observes
that in three expeclitiene 'in the last
eleven years the esapiere'reu4s add.'ed
greaf,ly to mar knowledge of lands al-
ready known. to exist and has dies:sly-
ered lands' of large' area 'previo-usly
unknown, thereby extending the boun-
daries of Canada." •
Mr. John Stanfield, Ceichester, N.
S., has been appeinted to the Senator-
ship left vaeaat by the death Sen-
ates' Wililani'Dentia:af Halifax,
it's a Great Life if You Don't VVeaken
%NA 54t
ik.)61-' Do
cesssul career.
Woman Appointed.
to Universgy Chair -
•A despatch from London says:—
The' London University :Senate has
appointed Mise Anne Louise Mellroy
t�' the University chair of obstetrics
and gynaecology at the London School
•of. Medicine for,,Women. Miss McIlroy
wee educated . at the Universities of
Glasgow', London, Berliti;rVienna and
Paris. '
Mr. -John, A. Macdonald, President
of the • Amherst Piano CompanY, Inc
been appointed -to fill the vacancy left
by the death of Senator Peter Mc-
Sweeney of • Moncton, -N.13.
. $1,500,000
military court has, investigated the af-
ceocling followed by the
casting of missiles of a-ariotra kinds --
proves that the evaateetion toewteen
old ,satoesa and marriage dates back al-
most to the dawn of. his -tory.
In fact, Urquhart, in his "Pillars of
.1Ieretatai," states,: "At a Jewish auto-'
tatage 1 was, staivling beside the bride-
groom when the bride entered. As
..S11.0 creased. the threshold ha stooped
down, slapped aft his ghee, a
her with the.beel on the nape e± the
neer>. i at Once S e:AT the Laterpecta-
tawa of the passage in Scripluro res-
pecting the transfer et the sh,on to an -
'other. The, slipper, being faiten off
used :Hm Horace it is as elg31 0±
indom% adm;nil-tcr con
supremacy of the Irusbarscia"
Life tolociaianee, or the' wife mei the -
Airplane- Scpiadrons
Guard French Borjtr
Die,tiriguishecl Lady Viaits ,ana a.
C d /I despatch from Pails .s.eys:--...... .
Miss Caroline, la. Ill, Spurgeon, Presis Freud h Government' ie. eatiabliehine
dent of the Iiiterhational Feaeration aeveral airplane squash:a:re Lo estaani
t , a ,, ea - , , i 1113,5.1,the frontier.
alluelina, Late:Attila in the Theis -easily These sq.uadrona N'T/P be kinoivn as
of Lona:au, Fellers of Kiess'a foe i tha. "custoins police," and will aid tills
'Women, -Lceelien itaitiverieltya and Ireis Customs authorities tia enforcing the
low ,dill the rims -al Seibielisy 'ef,Litettilure, ,revenne laws, They will he under
wile ree'antiat arrived lit Canada. , the direction and. coal4nauct of the ,
trained .in European waya 111 I3,ralland,1
wealth -y pdtentates of the Dutch Idatet
favor of his ekleat .eon; the Crown
Java, one of the two payserful ,and el•i4se fugitIves fr____°11 ja'stIm'
nes g ged Sultan ' of' treitaitelibctial,111)1.cleltililuvli,'116tilee'n6)-vt:;-117‘e"e'es:lal-flY vil'
penice oa, joky:Ike:eta,' who has ia,ecre
Indiee, haa decided to alalleate .in
Ey '..iiick -
, , ..
VONT V*4 E1NKet4
, When your liver gate &tesIsla and
Inactive your whola asse ittt ers
Your bowels ,become constipated. IteaS
acheaatongue coatedebreath bad; lspeela ;
roat btiore your eves. ▪ 0..'je: Mii011f:e,
latve, hearth:are, water beaslairtundiea
, Milbtaia's Las:a-Liver., Pihe
make the liver reaome its psopar.,i'iteefiait
by reMe73.0.4 the hIll that:, 0-
½ the bleed, sad poisamieR the aseaeto.,
Mr. Le Roy .illieu"; Speinallia tr,. N. S.,
'i•-• es • •'-• -1
- dealie 1, ,caratese te,„ Li attal
for the relief larilhiniti'a ,
Pill; have Oven me, I isii
frOM couslination Ter t hace vars., ane
alaarhad beet headaelies, 1 i :if•oll sins
of remeclies b4 got no eolier, mail my
grandfather told me alaiat rate pills.,
1 -tried theta and soon „e;ei, a:Mar, and alias
1 would, hit be; Ilelatoul
Milburn's Lassa -Liver Pine inc
and eaS7' to Lake, de not gelpe, weeloat f.te
sicken like 'ale (teeetie purgala yea do,
Paige 25e. a vial dealese, tat
ailed direct on reeelPt of price by.3.111
Istilblira 00,1 LiirtitA T Or,t0