The Exeter Times, 1921-2-24, Page 3Thc Sunday Sthoo Lesson titela 'vj: FiP":43-icet,7 At-,
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einidoete iono thatThe is dxucgey o le
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inir 1X1P li.)4t the bey hae, i1 -re iciee Of ' •
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its meatimg, and to zome extent it le W.: Several of my best iaYlM
seese,e, „
I r2.14: sF:ArEITRHillOTTF
.1, 11,11,nld'frser t, nem..
, , !here. is ti'leeeop. the deAtil
nrge a$
• Vis•e-Velle4ti' 'Of neittrifIlltlegq St - Matt 25., 14,30.. Golden Text , f f-,
t eelle Pelt in • eti ci ye II o 11 tile time hot they • • h irt
pel. what ie being. triOn.e, 114.-1.;:l'nOt t4,1'40, °111(')Ilybljet .aboalact YOU awell.ri:ose,11101
Witktt., ;Zell; 23, der e nave a c...)
ve, '
to rot b1 losL ha to Thee ined l'imie—TuesdaY, Aprft.4, -.accomplis0. ite results.. (.0 it ineerei-e- a matter of routnie and valet to de for 1,here? ' 'relay a tug npon. the )art
Reek no
'A.D. 29; iMount of , with them; has a 'reckoning or settle-
Wtl -3rice is a gilt tile obedinewoeth. inueh to the f th t f
Coenecting Links ---The Parable ofwith them, that master .and eer- The Q -e yo strings..
lithos° teaching it .epplemente, There! Vs: 20, 21.. Five Weide five good for him tied w"1 reciprocate 0 stone bruise or by freenentle farm to vitriol lip settle cattle", In pre_
• • , _
Tic.i7gc'fo 'aris(e'ehreturn, end even repert; -bringing five end five, lie pre- pousibility. nee been (mile( n
rthaeleleast tl'alentedbnee. respon'sible for' ta them to the owriee." :Behold* one writer the "Jew of increasiegere-
" t ' sr rid op 'or- • a41,en if inviting the owner to satisf,,Y ticros.- Juet. „we *lave in.rii3O,neeromP
11°11' I himself by counting, He doee not thrift, and ineeiest )eco 6
*1 The Tre'et 14, . Proleejliresell but lobe...II:be facts speak tioireded, eur-lcnoevledge a,nd faith
, ee.=;$ • • •
the TalGifis is Part of' the eame dis- vant iney each receive the etlimlated - ebild 'to find its 'pax -elite genuinely . hens is called bumbieesoot, It is eem-
I .
r'S Le; that.def the 'reii :Virgins ehare oe the peofite. „ Onehnight miel-Deeember, jove
interested m the thiege they consider ',only caused bee infeetion from. a out Ste/slat' Tode out upon his father'e
na in 1 f more "The first servant gives ins
. 1.
• 1 t d•
V. 14. For, links'the lesson fox'hrn' Well:done. 'T. 'The.eilieter be- grow by ,being veed.
es, which deseribee the suddeliness -etoWs the Well merited Praise. Good; '8. We hold everethilies truet. No
.and imexPeetedriess at Christ's corn-14lighlY efficient and' nientOlY 'descry- inen can say, "I can do as like with
ing. We are now to be told of eonie-iing of Praise. loyal to hie iny own eeealth, ray own voice, or
thing. that „will lmppen When, He , trust, to the latereste of 1-43 Master. etrength." We owe all we `execs. to
contee. Theelcingdone of heaven; Over a few things; 'elTy‘ eomPared the world, and Cod eritruets us with
with what nee about to he entrusted it; we ere stewards in•businees, edu-
erfilly,, "It is .The paeable pictures
the way in -Which the Lord, when Ile to hitn. Ruler over many things. cation, politica, ae-wee ae eeligioe„
collies again, will deal with his ser_l Faithfulness in the use ef our oppor- 4. The ,tenue.tatioli of the poerlY
vats. Travelling into a far country; Utilities, whether. large or small, re- equippedemaii le to evade rosponsibil-
it is blinded, w la a .4 Gt. r..1.1CG is me e
to all of Me! The fell tvlio• have only
"one talent" end do not improve it,
o.L'• regard it as a cared trust, are
liko the deonee fienong the bees. It is
said that the 'working bees have to
feed the drones, but when the summer
season is closing they turn them out
of the hive to die, Or elSe ilnpri,SOn
'them or sting them to death. They
aro east into the outer darkness. Be-
eause they would not work, they must
. The unused 'talent was 'taken
feem .tlie faithless employee. In like
about to go abroad, perhaps on some' sults in more and larger el -Volt -un- ity and de uothiag on the plea -that I manner, any gift which we refuse to
trading enter -arise. Travelling was Wes. • i°Y of thy lord. The he is litierlY ileignilleant. The eye I exercise will droop and starve and fin.
difficule eiri those days; mid it was joY which the lova possesses, the sphe is a email member the,hody, but if ally die. ,
necessary therefore, to entrust sorne- ,itual joy_ of the Tealieed kingdom, the -
one with elle management ot his :e n ' 1 1 s , INFroriviirs jilt/At
„slaves, personally his absolute pro- vae,t receives precisely the - same a '
anoney. . Called his own servautsa . 23.
Well done. The second , .
perty, ,so that whatever- they .m.ade praise and reward as the first. His oN cil., N.,
was necesearily his. So deses Himeelf abilities were not so great„ but his 1.1 nit,u r
, , ,
,ould soon depart Tor' heaven, leaving goociffess (devotion) and fidelity were ...
Hie elisciplee to spres.d. the gospel for equal to those et" thedirst seTvant. He
Vho living 'or the world. Henceforth was -not reseonsi e, o ne ma-, •
Unconscious suggestion often leads
;to surprisiiig reshlts: The ten -year-
old son of a friend recently began to
lose weight. Careful incpairy .faitort
for scum time to bring any cause to
light. -When the nfother finally breisted
npon 70n -explanation, she :found the
boy's aeacher had chanced to say, "A
fat nersaan does .not make a good
athlete." The boy had Immediately
reduced the amount of food he' -was
taking,. Further investigation show-
ed that several of his mates had join -
'ed in this dieting with equally bad
hoveceer, were regarded as tre,,,s, sue/anis. Reaping where .then hest reeeits
worthy," and inoee or less eapahle, not sowe; taking a selfish advantage , ' ' .
It was no easy matte,: to convince
Even one talont was a very' consider- of the toil of others. Gathering
lible slim at a timo when the average where thou hest net strewed; that is, tham. that they were in no danger of
iiaY;•fe wage was abont 170. Took hle scattered with the fan as on an Ease,- an obesity which would bar them from
journey. Tbis ends the acehunt of Ole ern threshine,r- floor.-- The produce of success in sports. The mother made
ayereeree action. - his servant's labor he takes for him- an egreement with her boy. under
• re Tr -'din' 16.4s self. All work, ,rto pay. The master which she would pasr him a dollar .11
as a robber, mulching himeell at the mind For his gains, but she was
ee. ;hey...would not see hue with tem bod- iis na iv
-lie eye thoue-h. he would still realfy endevenierits' but Tor a diligent and
;he with them. Delivered; iibt as. their faithful 11F;C: oe hi g opportunities. He,
prepeesty, but as trust to be used for too, receives prordotion. Note, in the'
their owner's -advantage. His goods; case of the two faithful aeivants, that
`gen his capital. He divided kis money. the diligent use of ea -et -real
JAW spnoileet cm...eft-titer selec,ted. ,servants inc..reases [hose abilities, and thus
• :Chet is, slaves); with the idea that beings fitness --for higsher, nabler ser -
they would do their -oast to increase vice.
it. This was not nitusual in the an- Vs.. 24, 25. Came and said. He an-
cient; East. ' ticipatecl bile lord's condemnation. .An.
V. 15. Five talents .. two .. one. hard man; an inlitiinan tyrant, gra,sp-
, The talent was a weight, not a.coin. ing, selfish, actutited wholly by self-
- A talent cf silver wee worth $1,200. interest mid using his advantage to
-Several ability. 'The master judged sqtieeze utrnoet possible out of
each slave's, capacity, and entrusted others, „.The falsenees of thies stands
him, with eneane proportionately. All, out after' the 'words to the other tevo,
By .%,7111.,IAlld LaIEIIS01.4', M.D.
Vs. 16-18. Straightway (B,ev, Ver.); eepFnee. of, °the:Ts. was.airaid. His
in the Authoiheed Version placed -rear -was that he might 1050 the talent
v. 15. The word denotes tho zeal of if he traded, with it. Thou host that is
the .trader, He lost no time in. seek- thine,. . forgot that the earning
ing.,6pporternities to ineveaee his Inas- power of the talent, es Well as the.
ter's, money- Other five; 100 per cent.
intrease. The trading, meet have ex-
tended over a long time" -if this gam
wiee enough to. Mclude also a promise
from him that he. 'would : pay -her at
the eerie Date for 'farther losses. As
a result the effect of the urifertienate
but she is Caaeful not to allow it to
be wholly Temoved.,
In tbe. eomplitiated, conditions of
neau'ern life parenthood is mare then
efer an art 'calling for great skill and
judiment. Where- bad control has
exi4ted "for sbme "time, it is some-
times necessary to SeParate a mother
and, child' .0or a shut period, We haye
'had many eases in which children
failed to gain, or 'continued to lose,
while under the care of the mother,
and began at once to climb to the
normal Weight line as'eoon as an aunt
or COUSill or grandmother took them
in charge. .
One mother brotight her little bay
a long distance tosee me. He had de-
veloped such a temper that he would.
actualle attack his mother with fists
and use bad language if she dared to
displease hien It:did, not seem pos-
sible that a .child of nomal mentality
would. conduct himself io badly, but
a mental examination showed that he
had no cleficieney, and when he was
placed in a siieeial- school, where ha
talent, iielonged. to the mastee. euggestion was quickly overcome. -was taught to-obeynhis abnormalities
97 99 W• 1- ' • - ' • " all disappeared. *
e . iceeci; meificient, use- Peehripe ,1110 meet powereul
less -and also morally blameworthy. enee, in a cheeps life is the appwo The principleehen which stoke and
of his aseociates. He is quick to de. crops have been so wonderfully de-
tect what- is considerecl-"good forrn:' veloped are now tarrying over into
in the group to which he belongs, or the erga.-n*at.i'm'cd the farm home, the
wishes to belong. The epleit of cora- rural school, Mid other social units.
, • - Tr •
e on the farm has e.ondelful Possi-
peeitiou inakes a strong appeal, and Ll
what others of his group have ac- Play is Necesears-
a boy will sPur himself Gil to achieve bilities for the Tieing generation.
to Health.
complieheet. This is one of the great - '
NOthing is more 'pathetic than the
*chirdewho hes aceeeteerned to play
00 a
by taking tmeintereste in their aims Jumping from a high perch to a horci
Pare.tion "for a stile to be bele tho.
r . rr, • ,
ana oiehieyeneente if the heine atmose , floor, - next daY. kb rode a horseeeVirieliehe-
phero is one of eo-oPeretion and geed' 1.1.-w swelling Will be faun& to eon- 'mother had. exPreSelV .foroilden
understending• tain c.theesY Pus and must be opened to ride. The horse' shied at sonee-
While yours is the final responsi- and ecra,ped, out. It will riot be of thing, threw the boy into a creek.
',ditty in bahiging, your child -ap to liquid Tarn and so will not.deain out the pasture, breaking his opine and
normal weight, he earl he made an ac- , from a 'sniall incision.' A out must paralyzing his body, froin the hips
tite agent in assisting you to put the be made and not just a Prick in the down. Unable to extricate himself,
progranl through. Put the matter up wound. Joy Stetritt rcrriainecl le the ,iieeek,
ebild must Lake, a personal interest in eolution of iodine and bandage the eb1401PdP°DiteecderibIetrheniicleel'Italullitthirioumgohr:"-lilnagt
to hire with per -fleet frankness. The Then clean Out the wound with a
the subject. IT he. reallzes that en- foot to keel) out infection. Place tile came, :ellen his strength failed and
mel'iffit,ifoirrl,Piln7taQratcie°,111.iteo ciehZtlideey reelno{piY- ,afeficieleteadn baierdpsowsslilloelle.e. tiTleheflowoorulvdilleahne 1,1eDsulirPhPi;,dtdheowiniigtloit,heisitritthhe, aid of
to work out the means to this end. be washed with a two Per cent. ear- a flaishilget, he wrote,messages to hie
to the imagination through belie "acid solution' and then greased
Appeal mother. An the hot -ire passed, and he
reading, and suggest tales of hardi- with vAsejihe and carefully bandaged.
hood and vigor like "Lorna Doone" Healing will often take place in a
a•id Cooper's 'The Deerslayen." No- $hort time and the trouble never oc-
thing counts for.,mot'e than the palet- cu7 again if the cane() is Kemoyel
ing of meetal pictures revealing pos-
tsriknici'titietn$ eos! ef'eramTidt'll'att- _ Small Fruits and Garden°
thheethchiVaiiitgiesreiahdyhistoolrwv:rekasteo. make Take time by the 4:ereleek
And plan. your garden now;
When you have.adopted your health When sPring hag come there'll, be ne
Program, :and so aroused tile cirndai time
was legitimate. The man with ta-o
. himself. Thou oughtest .. exchang-
earth; a ("amnion way' bi ancient timesiers; bankers who not only exchanged
o' of keeping money safely. Hid his money, but received it on deposit,
rRsatnency. He *as not dishonest, -
paying interest and guaranteeing re -
indolent and timid. His action was, payment of capital. The servant had
safee but not profitable. The owner
not acted like one who really 'believed
-tould have hid the anouey tor himself.
• m, The Reckoning, 19_30. what he said ab-Olii; his master. 'With
V .0. A ieni tin e. , usury; literally. "with offspring" It d '
1. wieee, Lile pi,,11- . •.- ' a vtintages of , asseciation m .our -eu
Slothful.; the Teel .explanation of his
talents ,was equally industrions andi
.bcandly successful. Digged• in tho conduct; he 1'17as te exert
on. interest that he is ready arid anx- Except for spoke and plow. ,
lotrs to do his part in making it a sue- Beware of faice seed • dealers. Buy
cess, theal only are ,you Tully co-op-
era.ting with that powerful force in
isatnre which 'nal:es, for health.'
• (The End.) '
able deals with the Lord 'coinieg,
the exPression implies that it Will be
delayed for a.long time. In the. story.,
ef the parable is bent delay wee nee-
essery to give time for gee trading to
et-eze- et-eyse. lege
, If you have ene hide or 'skin:,
Or a dozen, ship them along....
You will reeefve payment at
the very highest market price. ,
Try las. with your next lot.
esTautastitn 1870 '
',Jake -gee. ,esseewe
1 Xi
trition clesses. The children ---------Ka' ny neee-eui leeteakdb:Wris are direct-
is a figurative word for interes-t or •
thee eagerly how much they have! 6
money. Banking'was a very aneient
from its possessor. This eie time in his health- had been hard to aeouse et exlent to -vifich ad:Lilts nee. play in
Any gift which io not used passes gamete, once one boy eviiose interese
. ly cause by the failhee to acquire
the ,habet of play in :childhood. The
ion The talent from him. ° ,
CK:ctipal .
TenRules for Livestock Men.
,Be honest.
Choose a Toned and stick to it. •
Breed with the correct type in mind:
Study pedigree for inheriteed
actmlitics, relative merit said value.
ICeep your terdeor flock free from
disease. "
Develop the ,yoieng anheals and
maintain the beeeding; animals
t physical, Comin.ercial, intellectu.aa home, when brought to one of ouT
. their 0-Wri lives makes it ea,sier foe
• -
and moral sphere. Unto him which classes, at once said he wasnt- going
heti"' ten. ..The eneeg-etic worker se- to let those other fellows get -ahead. the, childt staTt r g and o cep
o ht t k
c.ures the chances that ere lost by the e , on the Tight track. .
of - •
he lias hishoevn normal weight stand- groweng child in plaY. Li it the chil-
shall have abundance. This is the la.eV
But even when the child i's aione, is wonderful training Tor [Inc
_idle. • .. rt ,
' Vs. 29, 30.agyery „one ..ifaat. hath
ness. 'IlitProfitable servant; that is, nfidence, and judcgment. The
It holds in religion as well as in hus'ie reason the ,weekl - '
e . ------------------------weigl,- -
, . • , l -and etich other. It develops initiative,
useless. There is no place in this .The father, as ,well as ethe meeherd eyes found td
world, or in the kingdom, for the use- should, show an interest in the child's ,
i in war manoeuvres. er. -
be the basis of success,
realized the end, was appreaelmage
these messages became even more
tender and loving. Through them all
ran remorse that be had brought th13
trouble upon himself and this grief
upon others by disobedience. Like-
wise there ran through them all un--
tonquerehle faith in the k;op., to
he turned in his leisure. '
, "God. blees you, mother, I would 'be
better off if I had always listened to
your advice," he wrote in the early
seeds only from dealers that you hours of the night. Dont worry
know to be reliable; that stands about me, for I feel .ettre -that Gad is
of their -goods, or that advertise' in with me to -night.' Oh, mother, I am
reliable farm ;papers, so glad that I was rormight up in a
Try a .few specialties when order- Christian home," he wrote later on,
the hours wearily wore away, ho
ing farm and garden seed. Tv one As
new vegetable each year. ``. described his positien and his -Suffer-
Hotbed: If your hotbed is in a wet Inge Always lie asked theee who lei,.
place, dig a trench around it to carry ed him net to grieve. Always he was
away the water. Get your excavation remorseful lhecause Inc was disobecli-
made, and when you are ready to vat. Always That faith in God ran
make your hotbed much time will be through the painfully scrawled lines,
eared. A ehort time betore morning, when
Some nice day put on a pair of the inevitable was almost upon him,
longeerristecl leather gloves and trim he roused himself enough th -write:
the raspberries and blackberries. Cut 'MaYbe somebody will see my flash -
through wise 'feeding and manage_ out all dead or unthrifty :canes en- light and come, i° fnegoirig to keep up
(in_ as long as I have strength. I do want ,
nient, tirely, and prune back the °there
moody. ' third. Burn the trinhnings emd thus verse keeps running through TnY head,
c_udine, side branc'nes) about one_ to aee you ail zo much."' There is a
Boost better livestock in your come ' '
Ade -el -Ilse judiciously. and it is so beautiful: 'God so loved
e'et rid. of disease and pests.
Exhibit at the county, provincial, the woeld, tha kb gave His only be-
-Test all old seeds before planting.
Make a tester from two dinner plates.
Put a piece of moist blotting -paper
In one plate, place some seeds on it,
put another piece of moist blotting -
Paper ove,r the seeds, and invert the
.other pla.te over all. , In a few days,
rennoee the plate, turn back the.blot-
ting-paper, figure the percentage_ of
germinated seeds, and if below ninety
per cent., buy new seeds.
Garden calendar for March: Pre-
pare manure for hotbed work. Wash,
paint„ and repair old hotbed sash.
Build hotbed.; if you have no pit'clug,
a surface holibed will do. When soil
temperature in hotbed has dropped
to S.3 deg. F., sow eabbage, cauliflow-
er, head lettuce, and prize -taker on-
ions; these enay Inc SOWD. in flats or
directly in soil of hotbed,
When feeding ground oate to young
pigs it is better to sift the oats and
throw out the hulls.
and other livestock shows.
A satiafied purchaser is your 'best
advertisement. Therefore, be prompt
In registering and transferring, ani-
mals, and make good all guarantees.
Now is the Time to
Make a hotbed.
Clean seed grains. ,
Burn charcoal fOr pigs.
Cut trees for .fence -posts.
Spray trees for San. Tose scale.
Order specials from seed catalogs.
Swat the rats and English spar-
rows. '
Get up wood, so it will season for
next winter"e use.
Drive a nail int,o the coTk in the
bluing bottle and when bluing Is
wanted remove the nail and pour fluid.
of the "multiplying power of capital aid with whieh to compete. Foi, this, dren learn to discipline themselves 1 out through- this small hale.
be made something of a ceremony. i •
' same strategy worked out in games
less man; his place is in the outer Anel the man who neglects
his opportunities in .any•realen-- buel-
1 nese, letters, religion—soen finds him-
self "out of it" --411 the outer dark -
Here is What Application.
StnjeyMrr2fl, LIh,got
from. Fertilizing Potatow.
.Yfeid Per ,okr.xe pr ppytiga,11,
The parable of the talents was
oil meant to encourage those who were
slenderly enelowed, not to lase heart never forget that punishment is al -
1 1 because the kingdom was delayed, ways an individual problem. A little
While this was its general putpose, a study of a 'child's nature will show
number of other suggestions he on
the surface. -
1. There is inequality of endow-
ment, or, what Paul calls diversity
of Otto." The danger of people who
75t talk much about "democraey" is that
they -overlook this feet-, and the nee-
casity ofnspecially qualifie•et leader -
eve , 8,4ip. Even' Gorky hoe turned again,st
TadriM and Trotsky in. Russia because
they have slaughtered so many of the
so intellectual leaders of., the nation.
They want to reduce all to a dead
progress, and the health program
through the .week should be made
easier by,heing tied up with the -re-
cord 'of the Weight chart.
"Wroreg Methods of Punishment.
Counter-.e.ugges-tion is much niere
effectie-e than repression. One should.
1,9etbs. Pi
.rt Pays to Fertilize
Gel Yatir ouRidy aarty; gave
moll maks Inte.hritire profits id
11111 Tempt* Buildbag, TORONTO
level. This is the fallacy at much
present day agitation also. The facts
are as indicated in the parable—a
great variety of endowment. One has
the gifts of Lloyd aeorge, the other
of Foch, the other of the. obscure, but
worthy echeol teacher in is Ruthenian
settlement in the West.
s 2. Although there is divemity of
gifts there is the sarne reward for
faithfulness. The Condemnation of.the
"lord" wae the earee—further Nee-
-2 Se
0 trimst
• .`"ttitlE.A, Li. 0
• -,---,16..+6rXI •
how to be just and fair to him: "Only
on that basis --can one retain the
child's ,respect and affection. After
all, nothing is better than to make it
easier for 11101 to do what is beat
than to. "have his own -way"..and do
. Games interfere with the farmer's
plans, perhaps, yet sine- cthey are of
value in the education. and health of
the boy, is fit not worth while to make
_a place for them in the day's pro-
gram? No achievement is of greater I
importance than to establish right!
ideals for a child to grow"up to, and(
to:. afford him associations which hei
-will carry through life with setisfac-1
tion and pride. ,
I remember one evening walking up
the Toad in a Swiss enllage, and stop:,
ping to Gee the enjoyment a group
of young farmhande were getting
fronl some simple gyrimastic appar-
himself harm. • ,attts placed out of doors in the sonool-
wrong methods of pnnigement aye yard. Night after night thee- came
fTequently the cause of malnutrition.
In -ideal homes theTe is is healthy,
normal attitude, whieh seems to keep
a child away from acts that call -for
punishment. When the need does
come, it is met tn-a constructive spir- communitY singing that would. have
it, with no evidence of retribution -or clone credit to profesaional- groupe,
bad temper.
One of the most, serious cruelties
practiced upon a child is -Withholding
an expected puniahment until the fol-
lowing day. Punishment ehould be
for doubt never sacrifite justice for
promenness. To pumah justly one
there :and went throne stunts and
contests which brought into use mus-
clee not exercised in.the day's been -
potion. %twice a week • the bus
parior,, they joined.. wittb- others 14
These experiences 131701.1g.11t to Mind
„the loafers around the canon -stone m
aome of vier awn rural ..conmeunities
—as fine young en, potentially, as ,
one could know, but rio one lias pro-
duced thee,inachinery to. affordthem
the relnafation, fun, and'healthy exer-
nrest know what the reactions of the
else that were so 'conducive to roevtli
ohnd will be, veieceetinately,. ritneh and cle-velopmeut over 'there,.
penile mepe 14 gie en as a matjter o A Reason for Bvery,Aet,
form, 'with little- 'Mere then There is an old stony Of an inland -
ficial results. It le well 'to keeto
well -tried and safe methods, but many
InotheTS show is singular' lack of lin-
aginatien when confronted, by a'situct-
tion. 'requiring discipline,
fernshome fromwhichrene. son- After
another ran away to geseeThe parents
could not emit:rel.-and Whatthere was
in their 'life whiclu bedtheir boys to
make thie'eholee. One day a vieltor,
Physic ti f-..puniehimente is rarelef knowing •whtit had hieopenece pointed
eeeeestery and should' Inc need erperi- to enettire On the Wall sof -a ship at
inentally,*tted es, a last resort: , When
11 ie really needed) and is well used,
it may preve, vere,eitective. ,
The practice of sbnding a child to
;bed witliont supper is,inexcueable, and
is particularly utfortenate lathe case
of, the eniluovrrielied ',Child, On the
&thee hatid,, talii away peivilegoe
hes many advantages. One voy,
sible reothee ncquiree liee boy to go to
bed at en , etrelier hour than .esual
evhon needs dieeipline. Elepeelelle
.good. eanduct may bo recognized., he
:full ,eail, which. during imp,ree-
aionable 'yearsof boyhood, hars."Anrcd
to set up in their minds' the idea of
a ;life at gee ne a relief from the
monotone tied dredgevy which the
0,:epeso ss,,,tivel"e; e•y: [heir‘,,alen D re 1.1 e e
that thoee parents ehouldbe shown
What it wee in tee 'home that the boye,
wished to eeeape, thanthe associa-
tion which offered Chem the 'way 'out.
When Lunn lila is disagemitible 11 is
let... 8-‘-'21,
Tedue,iiig the early -to -bed eentence,
• .
101 -real'
Horne mad,t, bread is without
doubt the ch,apest and most
healthful :food that can, be
produced for hunian con-
stunption. It is the most
completely digested solid
food in the world. over 90%
of it being transformed into
health and strength. It yields
nearly twice as. much nour-
ishment as rice or potatoes.
and is ten times as nourish-
ing as an equal value of meat.
No bread is more truly whole-
some or more perfectly satis-
factory than that baked at
home in Nirhich Royal Yeast
Cakes are used.,
Seieritleti gii&eaverritt At, now road
' .truly wonderful use for **yell Ireaat
Calm PhysValanaare.preseribint 4..*litla,
remaikajg.* avocets for e.riditterik ikitri-
buted to poOr blood conclitioris. foak. a
.,, cake of,Ro3rel half gl% hattr. in
a t.ti, of luhts-warna water with ons tea-
spoon, sugar ,- thin stir win
ell and stra,"
, Once or twigs through trosalin end. drink
the liuiqd. BETrElt remits will be ob-`
, tainod by allowing it to sank ever night
and dring half "an hour ht)for e break-
fast. RePeat as often AK 'deOred, Sen
nnie and *sicken fr
for ee booklet en-
1titled "Royal Yeaat for Better .1-lealth."
E. W. !Pill ett CornlianY toirtlit a
Toronto, Catt%4A
.., ..*,
lytwitia in. *dia.
gotten Son, that whosoever beheveth
in Him should not perish, bet have
everlasting life.' n And then, at the
last, "Well mother, dear, it will soon
Inc over. 1.'ro. in a hurry to go nova
My suffering will soon be ever:" _
0 Disobedience, how much suffer-
ing eornes from thee! 0 Faith„ how`
much solace comes from theel Dis-
obedience sent Joy Sterritt to die in
his father's pasture. But Faith bore
him up, in the aero hour of the early
morning, cmd took him to his Father's
That Neighborly Spirit. -
Some "new folks" moved_ into the .
neighborhood. They did not have
much to do with their neighbors for
a long time, seeming to look on there.,
as superior folks, who. would. not want'
to be neighborly. ,
Then the mother of the home got -
sick. The neighbor folks heard ef it
and turned in to do all they could to
make the siclk woman corafortab'e
and to help on the man who evaa
struggling all by himself wiffi a lot
01 worrisome little ones. ,
That cluanged. things. The new
folks and the old folks became the '
best of friends. It was the beginning
of a new life for the strangers. They
began to see what real Canadianiea-
tion means, and from that time on
they climbed toward the sunny peaks
Of good eitizenship. Tide 13 the kind
of treatment we can all offer *so
men a the other blood 'everywhere
about as and it will my,
Memorial for Bernardo Boys.
A memorial ho emoted for the
6,500 boys from. the Barnarsdo Home,
who mutilated ire the C.E.F. Of those
who served., 570 Iost their
The word develop le often ease
used for the word fatten. This IA
o rnistake. In order to develop a pig
he must have -suitable food to Itev
hp a good growth of bons end nausele -
and regular exencise to give lain%
strength and vigor.
There is a general opinion that
varieties of small fruit, mob. ,
peaches, peeze, plums, oh
will thrive better when set out on
land that hats a north or northeastern
expos -lire, The TetISOU for this -Wet
so is that the buds will' hot start to
early in the spring and get eau& by
the first frost atter worm weather
\comes for a 'few days,'
Broad without flour is ti st8Vf
no wheat first goes Into ca troUg,,
that 'contains hot water, wheat it IS!
shaken until tile husk la leosenett,,
Thenee it gees into a res.arvoir t '
clean Teeld water, where th,e lee& an
the icern,e1 are separated, then Sire
granite rolls 40 be cruehed into a atie
homogenems dough. Bread Is ,lnatta '
at once, direat .f_rom the defigia, tba
usual way. The loaves APPEtirt atAet-,
ly like ordinary lotiveie, le -tet the
gestive eyataannt oacearecognizea eleie
difference, foe '[he remogsl, 'of the ytk.',
digestib3,e leteelt and fib cratOlon
ithe valuable alheenineete matt 3Putl.
111 bean give 'the hple.4 V47,V,`