HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-2-17, Page 7ADE IN WELL SATISFIED WIT ISIMAS TREES BABY'S OWN TABLETS • I Once 0 anOtlier has used 330by's Own - 15 NOT A WASTE OF Tablets for her little ones she -will use • thin else He, r use of then' lceads. -VALUABLE VVOOp. her to believe there is 110 other medie Legitimate Trade That Yields Quick Returns to Fanners and Others. - Each' year, .the question is raised.as to whether it would be in the public -interest to Prohibit the exportation of Christmas trees' from Canada to the I United States. In the firet place, the greai balk of Christmas trees 'S.0 exported are cut from privately ovened lands. In many- easee, they are cut from pasture lands upon Which the farmers 'desire -to eltecle tree growth in order, to main- tain the pasture. In other cases; trees are cut from swamp areas of mnekegs Where ,the growth is very slow, but where growth in the open,is favorable ' to the ,seenmetrical development ,of the tree, thus rendering it particularly 'EllitEible for Christmas tree purposes, o, In neither of such cases .wciuld the prohibierdn of the.export of. Christmas , trees have any notice'able'effe•ct in in- creasing the supplies oil materiel suit- able for pulpwood or lumber. ' It has net been seriously suggested that. residents of Canada should he Prehibited the Use of Christmas trees. - These frees are usually available lo- &illy.- If, however, exportation to,the I_Thited. States were te be prohibited, there would be many farmers or other owners of private lands along the In- ternational boundary whose market for Christmas trees would be cut off entirely ,or greatly reduced._ In such. ,cases serious objection would be raised to the action suggested. The selling of Christmas trees affordslarmers and others an opportunityfor winter work and •reVenue. The sys- tematic growing of trees for pulp*ood. Or lumber involves a „tong -time ele- ment, which makes this usually a matter for governments or long-lived corporations. In either case, it is a business proliosition. • There is no reasena•ble doubt that the farmer can seonre a larger revenue from, the sale of Christmae trees than would be the case were he'required to let the trees grow to sizes suitable tor either pulp- wood ler lumber. Eliminate PulpwoodWaste. As a matter of fact, the Waste. in . connection with pulpwood and saw ,timber operations in aal our forests out -weighs, many thousand times over, any passible less, which can be figured In ccoinectiot with tlib Christmaeetree trade.. .The `annual loss frori preVent- able forest fires, isin'th; same cate- gory. Before. any government can take the matter" of the Christmas tree tmde 'So seriously as to contemplate prohibiting exports, it should provide really effective forest fire protection and, take steles to eliminate unneces- sary waste cif merchantable material conection, with logging operations on Crown timber lands. The agitation for the enforced dis- continuance of "the, Christmas tree trade, in whole or be parte shows a very heelthy,,anxietY for •the public welfare. However, this very com- menda.ble anxiety' would much better be.. directed toward 'promoting in- creased efficiency in forest •fire Pro- tection and a reduction of the truly etaggering . losses --Which take place eachyettr through unnecessary waste of inerchan,table' material, in connec- tion withlegging Operations. VVI-- . sps -of Wisdom.1, The man who does you an injury will remember it long after yon,heve • . forgiven. him. _ ...Remember when. you are right you can afford to keep your temper; When, you are wrong yon can't afford to lose Ari optimist can always see , the bright side of the other fellow's rnis- forteafe, The best education in the world is that got by struggling t� make a Don't think you are a failure be- cause you are not piling up wealth. If You are honest, 1.1*uetriolls, scrilare! if 'you are cheerfuleunder difficultie.% helpful"-Tiard Inspiring to everybody abeuf you; if You are taking every op- portunity to Improve yourself; you. are infinitely more successful than a greedy, hard, selfish By the- Heree. A 1flotOtiEt put up at an English inn, He had just bought the car anifdid not hesitate to brag ahont, its capabiliti4 to the innkeeper: The following enomang, he -Weyer, when he called kr his hill, he, gazed at it in consternation. "Landlord," he called out, "I've been very comfortable here all night, and your charge for bed and, lemakfast is very reasonable, but what'e this -80 shillings for housing my car in your etables?" "Well, zur," replied the innkeeper, not had (MO stop 'ere afere, and I didn't .exaetly !mow what to eharge, and as yer were te•telling 01 that was 40 -horsepower, 01 charged 2 ehilliuge 0 night a horse, as 01 allue cliarge:"-----, • ilvlaide-of -honor to Queen Mary re- ceive the rank a uxortmsvbip" -with .thk1 eocii tatoing - of a baretred 6 clang/Am*, unleea'by irth they already J3) nesucli or hi ert cite to equal them for any of., the many', minor ailments Of childhood. 0011 - darning them Mrs. Eugene Paisvert, East Aldfield Que writes: "My baby was terribly constipated, but after,,the use of Baby's OWn Tablets he is en- tirely well again. I -am so well satis- fied with the Tablets that I lose no op- , portunity in 'recommending them te othee inothers." The Tablets are sold. by medicine dealers 00 by inail at 25 cents, a box from Tlie Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., BrockVille, Ont. His Mistake. Ile longed to find the road to fame, Bat not a highWay bore that name-. He thought to - glory there must be ,A level path' that he should see; 13ut every road to which he came legesessetra terrifying name. He neve.", thought that fame might lur Along the dreary path called work,' 'He never thought -to go and see' What marked the road called' industry. . • I3ecause it seemed eo rough and high 1 -le passed the road' to service by. Yet hall he taken either way I -le 'might have come to fame some day. , •• • *" C - Tape D apeps n orrects - Stomach. " "Pape's Diapeosinii 10 the quickest, surest relief for Indigestion, Gases, Flatulence, Heartburn; Sourness, Fer- mentation on Stmnach Distress caused by acidity.„ A few tablets give almost immediate_ stomaoli relief and Shortly the gtomach is corrected so you can eat favorite foods without fear. Large 'case costs only 60 Cents at drug store., Absolutely harmless and pleasant. Millions helped -annually. Largest sell- ing stomach correcter in woind.—Adv. • ' Thedepth of water under a vessel e - can now be ascertained by the5 hydro - phone, which works on the reflection of the sound of the ship's propeller froni the ocean -bed. Minard's Liniment for Dandruff. To My San. , 1 no. you imow that your soul iS of tayl ul such part . That yob, seem to be fibre and core of ' ..... : my heart? None ethercan ptua me as you, dear,•. '.. can do; None ether eau please me On praise ane as you. kternember, the world will be quick NvILli its blame 12 shadow or stain ever darken your; naearb• I "Like moaners_ like son," is a saying so true: TIie world ylNortiiR judge largely of anottier Be this, then, my taSk, ar task it shall be, To force this proud world to do ladart- age to ine., Be sure it will say, when its verdict you've won, " "She reaps asshe sowed. Lo, thls man is her son!" ---Your Mother. Disposal of Lumbering Slash. The Donainion .Forestry Branch is the pioneer in systematic slash OS- posal in Canada. On -all timber •sale In the Dominion 'forest reserves, this is one of the terms of the contract. Slash disposal is now generally in efe feet in timber sales on unlicensed' lands in the Dominion forest reserves, Operators find that, once their men become familiar with the work arid recognize that it must be done, 'the cosi is by no meats prohibitive and competition with timber cut under other conditions is quite possible. The stumpage revenues to the Government are somewhat smaller by virtue of this requirement, but forest officers regard this as a good investmentee On Dominion Crown lands, under license, slash disposal is not_effective; these lands notebeing under the jurisdiction of the Forestry Branch. In conse- quence, the fire hazard in forest re- serve lands is, greatly increased. In British Columbia considerable progress •has been made toward slash. 'disposal in the Coast regkin, and a beginning ,has been made -in the In- terior. This is largely- the result of co-operation between the B.C. Forest Branch and the operators, though there is now legislation under which slash diAPos-al made be made compul- sory, the cost -for the most part tObe divided between the operator and tine forest protection fund. On the coast, broadcast burning is the rule, this in-- & "IiivElkyn Nza, ma ',mum va sea. ma. mice& ma ma,:c4 0 HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR J J MIDD-LETON Provincial Board of Health. Ontario middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat- fi p ters through this column. Address him at the Parliament Illdgs., 0 ,'Toronto. NEL win en, en v4 ea vekina mom Ime lisgogipozp, liga, • Good health, strong mentality and fault of his own but frombeing in- adequately and improperly fed during the first few, years of -life. We see so manybeautiful thoughts on paper, with suggestions a's to how to live -to the best advantage, but in real life these -cannot he followed -out except the physical and mental state of .the person concerned is normal pr -as nearly so as possible. , Emerson says: "Life s not so short but there is always time for courtesy." But again, the courteous man is usu- ally the healthy ,man, and lie radiates optimism and happiness with whoin- soever he comes in contact. the physical make-up must be, so Even.thema.tter of temper needs ordered and governed that a Person consideration from public health need 'not lag 'behind in life% race standpoint: . Bad temper affects di - through weakness of the flesh, even gestion and a train of bad symptoms though the spirit is willing to' succeed. result. "Iteinember," says an adage, Wendell Phillips says: "The lest aw-hen you are night, you can afford education" -in the'world is that got by -0 keep your, temper; and when. you struggling to make a living." This is are wrong Yon can't afford to lose it." true if he who is engaged in the strug- Bed ;temper may he hereditary to gle is'tendowed_ among other things some extent, but it can be controlled with a clear mind, a sturdy frame, if an honest eefeeeee made, and a good digestive apparatus. But By even commonplace examples disappointments and handicap e-- at such as these, one can readily under - every turn face the weakling—the stand the necessity of observing gen- man or woman whonhas not perhaps eral rules of health -that help those got a good 'start, and therefore has who -ere well to keep well;and as for been handicapped all through child- infants and foung ehildren to see that hood and the years at school. they receive nourishing food in suffi- Wasted apporttinity it is said, is eient quantity, rest, warmth, and the cause:of -most failures. How often, proper medical and nursing supervl- however; the wasted opportunity sion so that they rnay grow to be arises through inability of the person healthy „,adults and become ' useful affected to grasp the importance of members of .society. A nation's great- the- eituation, on account of dull men- nese depends upon the good health and tality 'resulting perhaps through no education of its people. ' an active intelligent viewpoint on Ii-fe for as many- people as 'possible, are some of the things that Public Health activities are trying to foster and de- velop in this Province at the present time. Success in one's chosen occupation IS the aim of every man and won -Ian of sense, and there are three rules for success. The first of these is: Go on. The second is: Go on. The -third is: Go on. These are good rules, belt to carry theni-out, a man or woman must have the necessary stamina, a-ncl- gaAe Sweetness ac Wheat and Malted. Barley is the sweetness of r ri)e The dslicately rich flavor, n.ataral to the grains, is dweloped through. 20 hours' bakipg. GiapeNuts needs no addea sugar,.and is ri'oh in nour- ishment oC a corm easy to digest. This ready -cooked food, is economical "There :5' a'Reason." eueme.' ." little addition I In tlie eastern proyinees, however, broadcast bapting it IRAfeasible to aity grcat catenl, partly beausecf damage te 010 re:math:lug undo'sizeil tirnbe'r and partiv bee'inse i11 cases the-so/I itself iti highly haflana- , 11 1ifea1);)519's aAs Tl11,1.2811t1 41'.; 1uuder %ue11 eblinice°4111-cilgi: and tills necessarily ievelves materiel expense, in addition to the ecu 01' burning, wIneh lias to be done under , GOOD -HEALTH , 4 AND .GOOD SPIRITS Depend Upon the Condition of the Blood—Keep it Rich, Red and Pure. When a doctor tells you that you are anaemic, he simply means, in plain English, that your blood is weak and watery. But this cendition is one that may easily pass into a hopeleas decline if prempt steps are not taken to enrich the blood,. Poor bloocln weak, watery blood is the cause of heada,chee and backaches, loss of appetite, poor .digestion, rlieumatiem, neuralgia, ner- vouS irrifebility and. many other troubles. To poor blood is due the pimples and bletches, the muddy ceni- pleXion that disfigures so many faces. To have good health, a good complex- ion -and a_ plreerful manner, the blood -must he kept rich, red and purffi, This is easily clone through the use of a blood euridarillg tonic like Dr. Wil- liams' ,Pink Pills. The whole mission of this medicine is to help enrich the blood which reaches every nerve and every .,cegan of the body, bringing with It health,' strength and new activity. That is wily people who occasionally use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills always feel bright, active and strong. Mrs. E. E- Cook, Simcoe, Ontegives strong testimony to the value of 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills when the blood is in an -anaemic condition, she says: "I have been a sufferer for some years fromea, run down condition of the sys- tem. I siifferecl from pains in the back, twitching of the nerves and muicles, my appetite wan poor, I had indigestion and would get drowsy af- ter eating._ My hands and feet were almost always cold, and though I was constantly doctoring, the medicine I took did not help me. I had practical- ly given up hope of good health, until a friend -from Hamilton came to visit ine, and urged me to try Dr. Willianas' Pink Pills. It took some persuasion, but finally I consented to, try them. I have reason to be grateful that I did, for after using seven boxes I bit like a, new person. I have gained ha weight, ,have a better color and my work is now a pleasure. For this con- dition my thanks are due to Dr. Wil- liams' Pink,Pills, acid I cannot praise them too highly." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink _Pills through any dealer in medicine, Or by Mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Ce., Bitcckville, Ont. -.1m14:NY ' SET, 3,5 TIT E".V1°, USED s!Irs 0C I1 Lytles; all 'arS rtga 1,-jub4 to fleli''!;'ery 5e0 mllea, or test rUn cf same d5slitnce if yem, wish, in as c.rder pLi)100513d 00 poi-ebase tIkt N0 mechanic of. yetxr own, ettOtCe 4 to look. them OV err or re. us to tatte any ear to city rettretientatiVta fOr ,intineetlon. Vsry larct titocat- Ftl'CruYZ en and ' Breakey's Used Car Market 402 Tonere Street, wa" As Tune Passes - I know that over yonder, just beyond the cloud so kray, A bird is sweetly singin' of the April an' the May, - With the rainbow lightly Playin' when - the silver showers drop— Keep a tickin', Mr.' Clock—an'. don't you dare to stop. _ I knew that over yonder, jes' beyond the leafleas tree, A garden filled''with blossoms tempts the butterfly and bee, With the perfume of the 1110011flOW'r breathin out a -silent song— Keep a tickin'', Mr. -Clock. The jour- ney's not so long. ' • "Cascarets" If Sick, Bilious, Headachy To -night sure! Let a pleasant, harm- less Casceret -work while you sleep and have your liver active, head clear, stoinach sweet and bowels moving re- gular by morning. No griping or 1 - convenience. 10, 25 and 50 cent boxes. Children love this 'candy cathartic too. 4:4 The Boy Scouts Association. The Tenth Annual Meeting of the Provincial Cain -ten. for Ontario of the Bo -Jr -Scout Aseociatioenbeld in Teronto on Friday, January 2Stli, was the most largely attended meeting that body has ever had, same fifty Members -of the Council and representatives from Various sections of. the 'pi^evInce behag in attendance,- Mr, J. W. Mitchell, Vice -President of ,the Council, pre- sided in the absence of the President, Mr. Gilbert. E. Fauquier, who iS spend- ing the winter in ItalY, • Reports presented to the meeting in- dicated that the orge.nization. in On- tario is now reaching practically 9,000 boys, there having beet 0 substantial increase both in the tumber of troops and hi, public interest in the Seout ineveMent since the early summer, IL was ale° seated that the Peovincial Board of lionour which cleats with all, ,appliciatfons for a-wards,.fee life-saving, etc., dealt with seven meritorioas cases during the firstsix months it was in office, Of these, two were tor •eaving persons from death by..fire, four ,foi• gallantry in water accidents, and one for speeially geed SerVioes ren- dered to the Boy, 'Scout Movement. One boy. saved two childreu from cer- tain death in a flreev,hich destroyed their 116010 in which they were quay - antlered becauee -they were suffering frein scarlet. fevee. The scout not only performed th-e rescue at great elek to ol eanaeheaem, ma ill doing au eontracted a severe attack of the For the yean 11 Nilo Gilbert, IS, Fatiquier, et, Ottawa, wae re-eleeteil President, and Mr. W, 'K. George, of Toronto, Proeineinl, Commiesioner, J. W. Mitchell, of Toronto, and Rev. Fr. Hebert, of Ottawa, are' the Vice - Presidents, affil Meeses, H: A, -Laur- ence and 0, 11. Ross respectively are the Provincial Secretary and Provin- cial Treasurer, .The new Executive Committee consists of Sir John Raton, C. Q. Ellie, A. B. Fisher, J. E. Ganong, J. G. Gibson, Lt.-C'ol. Hendrie, John G. Kent, Lt. -Col. Noel Marshall, -0. 13. McNaught, John A. NorthWay, A. J. ,Mitchell, J. F. M. Stewart, H. R. Tud- hope, A. J. Gough and J, 5. Vaughan. Messciss. Frank' Arnold, K.C.,"' H. A. Laurence, T. Albert Brown and A. T. Reid were re-elected to the Board of 1-leneue. His Hearing Restored. The invisible ear drum invented by A. 0, Leonard, which is a miniature megaphone, fitting inside the ear en- tirely out of sighf, restoring the hearing Gf hundreds of people in New York City. Mr. Leonard invented this drum to relieve himself of deafness and head nolees, and it does this so -successfully that no one eould tell he is6', deaf man. It is effeCtive wben deafnesfe-is caused by catarrh or by Perforated, or whollyedestroyed natur- al drums. A request for information to A. 0. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City, -still be given a prompt reply. advt. For Future Canadians. A country with forests—and no country is more richly blessed in this roga,rd than Canada—has a distinct obligation to see that these forests are conserved so that future generations shall not seriously lack one of the most important contributions to cui ture and comfort. Finlanli can teaeh. us a good lesson in the proper care of the-• forests. Finland, like Canada, mat depend in a large measure on the product of the forest to maintain and improve her economic status. To neglect this cource o wesailth is ,to in- vite national bankruptcy. astonishing to us tharCanadians have so largely failed to realize the abso- lute necessity for a proper forest policy for the whole DOMilliOn. Miriara's Liniment Relieves Distemper For a Chinaman to wear spectacles in company is considered an act of discourtesy. In the French war zone, Arras now has a population of 41,500; Bethune of 20,000, and Lens of 9,000. thfsahn.•"17.•VNI.V,V,APROWt FREEZONE. Corns Lift Off . with Fingers "4"0"..""""01"01010,,14"..,,..F•d‘oho%W.WC. Drop a little "Freezone" on an ache ing corn, instantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right 0211 with ffngers. It doesn't hurt a bit. Your druggist sells -a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn laetweeri the toes, and the cal- luses, without a particle of pain. t Cause of 1 Early .0Id Age r The celebrated Dr. Michenhoff, sin nutho_ity ,ort early old age, ; says theta is "caused by poisons generated in the intestine." When your stomach digests food - ei properly it is absorbed without A forming poisonous matter. Poi- 'V sons bring on early old age and premature death. 15 to 30 drops (IF of "Seigel's Syrup" after meals makes your digestion sound. to # ii1Pq1070<te,0"-le,etb.,,Z:,0.v....,,,t,vitts41, ASPIRIN "Bayer" is only Genuine Warning! It's eriminal to take a chant* on ony substitute for genuine -"Bayer Tablets of ASpirin," prescribed by physicians for twenty-one years and preYed safe by mftlions., Unless you see the mate "Bayer" on package or on iablete you are not getting Aspirin at all. In every I3eyee package are directions kr Colds, Headache, Neur- algie„ Rheumatism, Earache,. Tooth Lumbage and for -Pain. Handy Un boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents, Druggists also sell larger peckagee. Made in Canada, Aspirin. Is the trade mark (registered i(3 Canada), of Bayer Manufactif re of Monoaceticacideeter '71 111 ROM RE &111 A mistake, (10,,enel (who suffers with cerns)-- "nook here, sergeant, I believe you base man named Smith who ia a chiropodis ?" Sergeant-- "Alisinfor d Charon of Blighted.' - New to Him. "Have you any wortlewhile books in here?" asked the superior person. "We have, tholieantle of volumes, sir," ye:plied the clerk. "I'm sure there 'ie something in our stock 10 suit the 'nest exacting mete, What do yon re- quire?" . "I want 'anbook on „synonyms." "Just a moment, sir, until I speak tp the boss. I don't believe we have any of—er•Synonyan's works." Belled .Locomotige. Picking her way daintily' through the locomotive plant, a young woman - visitor viewed the huge Operations with :awe. Finally, she turned. to Young man who was showing her through, and asked: "What.le that big thing over there?" "That's a locomotive -boiler," he' re- plied. She pnekeredher brows. "And -What 60theyboil locomotives for?" ' "To make the loconeotivei tender," and the young man tent]: the office never smiled. A Purchasable Article, A Belgian woman, who lost her hus- band in a railroad accident, received from the company $2,000 by wa compensation. Shortly afterward! read of a traveller getting twic. much for the loss of a leg,. She to the company and protested tha.t the difference was unfair. "Madam," said the official, "the two awards are perfectly fair. Four thous- and dollars won't provide the man with a new leg, but for $2,000 you can easily get a new husband. MONEY ORDERS, The safe way to vend money by mail is by Dominion Express IVIouey Order. A Kindly Word. "Oh, let the sympathy of kindly words Sound for the poor, _the friendle,ss, and the weak, And I -Ie will bless You! He who struck these chords •vrineseisnitte,s.another when In turn you. seek." Women in the United States now number nearly 3-0,000,000; MOTHER! "California -Syrup of Figs''' Child's -Best Laxative • . Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver and towels.Chilfieen love its fruity taste. Full 'directions on each bottle.' -You must say "California." America's Pioneer Dog Remedies Book on DOG DISEASES and How to reed Mailed rree to any Ad- dress by the Author. Olay Glover Co., Zne, 118 West alst Street' ew York, (L.A. "Paies en —171 say it is! WREN you want. outelt cam- fori:zrur relief from stir 'external" pnin, use Sloan'e Liniment. Itdoesthejobwith- - out staining, rubbing, bandsg- ilw. Use/recto f-orrbeurnatisra. neuralgia, aabea and painS, ' sprains and strains. backache, gore muscles. ••• CiisHid Advertie, 'TsintoWno, plot% P(tar Wof;ton, OtitattO, 10 exinintion 1313 B.olle,vue. and' A„utc,a 1-iolta1, '3e York, offers ce young wereee desire -as , of becoming ileatitied misses a three, . year, eoures, er tranuttnn attra3) 5110 )'19ids1(03 13311510 1001118, Jeer sapiry .and oilter ,thf011nation ,01-7013' ,L?,(117 SUO- erIntenaent, 01000110 Free -',E0o,l)13.41, Weston, Ontario.. , • • -RHEUMATISM , Lomb)) go, 'Neuralgia, or arty 001er pain! apply 111,1nar3's Liniment' to the aehing spot and get !quIcIt. relief. Nlinard's Is tlio rornedy your gruntirnother 'used. Where Is nothing to eclual lt. FOR SALE li7VITRYNYTEIIRE. The New Car. Pedeetrian (couvereing with friend automobile)—'ie it a self-starter?" e- "Nood have to crank the old -boat. say she's a self -stepper, though." Wily Tommie. Tommie—"Grandma, if I was in- yited out to dinner some place, should. I eat pie with a fork?" Gran.dena,---"Yes, indeed." Tommie—"Yen haven't got a piece of pie around the house that I could. practice on, have you, grandma?" Although ducks, of which there are nearly 200 species, are the most num- erous in northern regions, they are found all over the world. relieves pain -of headache, neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, rheumatism. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES ;Loa a tube. THE LEEMINC MILES CO., LTD. MONTREAL 559110 1301 Dr. Jules 59111119 FiELIEVES PAIN 'DAN DERI1N E" Girls! Save Your Hata Make It Abundant! . . Immediately after a "Danderinen massage, your hair takes on new life, lustre and wondrous beauty, appearing twice as heavy and plentiful, because each hair seems to fluff and thicken. Don't let your hair stay lifeless, color- less, plain or scraggly. You, too, want lots ofiong, strong, beautiful hair. A S5 -cent bottle of delightful "Dan- derine" freshens your scalp, Cheeks dandruff and falling hair. This stimu- lating "beauty -tonic" gives to thin, dull, fading hair that youthful bright- ness and abundant thickness. --All druggists! :HADSIONTROUBLE:.. On Face and Hands, -idled and Burned, Cuticura Heals "My baby was only a month old when her face and hands started to get red end scaly. The eczema started in the born e"J of water blieters and itched 'ss"' kg and burned. She was so - cross and fretful she could ' not eleap. tr,:,14:5,7-' "This lasted nine, months *ellen I tried Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and I used three cakes of Soap wait tteo boxes of Ointment when she was healed." (Signed) Mrs. °seer. Mon, Arnherteburee Ontario, Mey 7, 1018. Cuticura 8op, Cintmere and Tel - cum are ail you need for all teleel engs. Beene eale Oaap, sosene seen Ointment, duet 1(110 cast.u.n. So0 2511, Oirtmcnt 25 r...1.1 831, throughout theDoieilniort C 11111301111 tylricorls, Limited, bt. Paul Lt., Mont:CAI. 3io40 elttivcel,,'ithout nntE. Send for„list of inventions watieu:i by Manufaeturers. IzovtuneS halm been -made fioin ;3imple id6asi °Tattent Proto9tion", booklet and "rroof of Conception" oo request HAROLD. C. SHIPMAN i CO PAithiT kercfriktyz7, 0:64wmAN emAmerne:„cr''' A . esiNIMA I Ss U No,