HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-2-17, Page 3re lly,t te gr trthe ProTh r pays mororRed or other 1; aufad a less pro'fite u buy Red THE- QUESTION OF PR LINING _The when, where and how of prim - so eloselY'..:13i ter elated -,that th&Y'' cannot be benclled as SeParate subjects. There are few if any gener- ruies of pruningwhich apply te AbeaitS aso we talte'tiP the varieties.or rather species separately. ' The "when? of pruning depends upon what you are intending to prune, AppleS and pear s may be pruned any or Imelts'avt for pruning tools, ghat low enough so that -the frnit May bo picked from a step adc er,•.but high entingh.:freinithe aaeOuttd, so that the WI ' • 1.en y ground May be :Worked, Tito tree -Which has been beeught: up right hover needs a saw unless a barge 1 eidentaily broken', Yon will need hand-areunMg shears, a two - hand doubleeent pyunhig. shears and a it n •e- os you v �e best. brated, to meat the bridegroom and his view is that the procession of the ' V. 13, W.a c t ' friends. Another of the parable, a warning Lot against bridegroom lead, sleen, but against lack of forethought, • i • t 's luck Clielet will swivel pruning sew with ti eac te g gone to the house of the beide to fetch tust rig ones able blades. NeVer itse a hatchet ax virgins had gone out -to meet the re- turning procession. Vs, 2-5, Wise . . coolie'? no goosi and bad, but prudeot and imprudent, thoughtful and; thoughtless. No oil; no additional supply. Oil in, their ves- sels; an additional Supply ia case of need. The hridegroern tarried; an un- expected delay, due t� some accident of the road. It suggests some delay in Christ's return. All (wise and fool- ish alike) slumbered -and slept. There tr ON 111E, DE HOME YOU GIVE r BY WIGLLA.M EMERSON, M,D, eorne simple punieliment to eorreet the habit, but the ohild should not be led to focus hie attention upon what, he is doing. An older child suffers mere front the ,effecta ,,taf worry tibou.t :+.vhat he fears may be wrong than f roin any other eanee. This worry tis' often There is no royal road to health. Thew ,articles give you the desential points ef a health progrera, but it de - ends upon 'yeti to carry it through and your eucedss will be ie proportion to the deg•ree -of co-operatiou ;between. - you .and yonr children. • Malnutrition 'can often he traced to r • SeriOUS and the air of myetery and faulty home coaditions a.ncl eesea -tie home atmosphme s an in portant faetor euccessful treatmeat -Have you ever stopped to think what is the prevailing ntmosphere of your bonle? Is it positive or negative, a 'in alt secreey with which adults usually treat, the -subject only makes a bed matter worse. It may be comforting to parents to know that in e moet careful linveetiga- • ti i I we have made recently we ter 11;3 own house and, that the surelY e°2r-er-wilea' we ka°w ll°t; h°D1-° oX awns and stimulation, or one en w i et therefore, be alwaYs ready. of repression ancl „fear? Does its tone hay° mtef°and a siligle Instance 'in , r un. which bad. sex habits bad 04used mai. indicate hu-rry, injustice, worry, cle- Applicatioa. 1. The perablo of the ten virgins eePtion, or the eppesita Of these nutrition.. Arriong• children of low mentality, the presence of these hab- shows how eaey it is to miss the desirable ualities e its le an effect of their mental con- dition, and is rarely, if ever, the catee. Much of the eell-indulgence which wastes a child's life grows out of the time after'the leaves have falien and last seunds foolish, biat I have seen before, growth starts next spring. Some experts advise not to piano while the -wood"is frozeu, -but I have never noted any injurious results front, printing 'while the wood) is frozen. Prune any day when it is suffieiently Wa5:111 Or you to work outdoors. I have -worked at pruning with the snow men u Sin g those very tools for their pruning, Cut Cfose tO Trunk. When yen are compelled to saw off , a branch, make a out front the under side first then the branch will not split off when you cut front above. knee deep and blowing so I could Mals. aleclAhse to the truP-'1(.a's • ossihle Paint large cuts with white - hardly {see. • 1) , qencl and oil but never use eeal tar re orations for palatine. wounds., They are poisonous to trees. Thick whitewash will do for painting large cuts, grafting 'Wax is still better. The idea is to keep the wood from check- ing so that bacteria May enter. Take time to look a tree over before you be- gin -to prune. Each tree is a separate and plums at all than to paune too 'Problem. Before yell make a cut much, .Peac tee lett no pruneci l‘larch or early April. If pruned too early in. the winter, the wood is apt to freeze back. Satnintor priming is not iclvieable as you remove the ...leaves which - are food laboratories. Olaorries ancl plume should be peunecl while dormant but very lightly. In fact it is better net to prune cherries 1 &Tie why you are making it. Pruning is one job dri which hurryine doesn't • IdealS in- Apple Pruning:. n There :are. two -general styles a cause •of lack of experience. Get the Pruning. apple trees; the pyramid and tools- nun g() .nn in To Inmpnnaan peer. Don't he afraid to prune be - the vasetstyle. In the pyramid style, stock advertising phrase, you will the main stem. is allowed ,th. grow UP- earn while Yeu learn." - right to considerable height and the s hould. be rutted during the was nothing wrongin their sleeping; it was only natural after the long night hours of watching. The Greek is vivid; they nodded a bite and. then fell sound asleep and .eontirmed 5,11 slumber, perhams in the shelter ef city gateway. When Jesus comes, as He 'does to every one at death, he may find us asleep, or busy about our daij,y work; but that matters little, if we are trusting in and serving Him. II. The Warning, 6-9. Vs. 6-8. At midnight. So the Mes- siah should come (see 1 Thes,s. 5: 2). . Behold the bridegroom; a brief, rous- ing -cry, heard by all the sleepers. (Compare. 1 These. 4: 16.) Go ye out to meet him; literally, "go forth to meeting." No words- are used. that could be dispensed' with. Arese and golden opPortunity,, through neglect- ing- preparation. Shakespeare makes one of his thaeacters say: "There is a -tide the affairs of men Which. taken at the good, leads on to _. fortune: Onilited, all the voyage of their life Dess aIld `health, as it does in the Is leound he shallows and in miseries." State, and the principle of aell-govern- How important therefore, is it to ment will bring about surprising re- make -the right decision( When the sults in the anatter of health, once war ,cloncis burst over the world in 1914, .what if Britain had refused to make any deciSiiin?. What if Canada had delayed andedebated and hesi- tated? the evays in Can.ada, especially Parting of '1°gano "Be a titan?" Children are na.tural hero worshipPers, and the de - We ai•e standing' at the Do your children hear,. habitually, 'Don't this!? and. "Don't do that!" or "That's a good idea try it out, and see how it works." Good govern- ment. in the home makes for happi- the child's interest, is aroused and, his attention ,directed to the Subject in- telligently. There is much in the Boy Scout Western Canada te-day Shall we sire' to be a good athlete, or to excel commend Christie:nity to the people in genies or other acconmlieliments ;with fresh entheasiasm and. power, or tadmired in others, will make many a In one'e perional life too it tie a ti Id t '1 b ' Shall -we drift vvithethe tide?. boy and girl willingly accept self- , leen> me la con /1.0 easi y e 'great iniportance.to seise the strategic pos d on them. hy others. • opportun y ore How often men and women regret their wasted, yearseof youth: the op- portunity for an education gone; the decided -for Cihristian service delayed. 2. The 'missionary application. of this parable. Missionaries tell us that the nations of, the earth are in a plastic. eonclition, and that such coun- tries as China, Korea, India, are a -wake. as never before, and open th spiritual impeessions. "If we win Convince a child. that a certain pro- gram is worth while, and he will earry it out. A little girl who learned the inmorthnce of fresh air compelled her - b ' fruit is borne upon side ibranches. It winter or nom. early spring,. you unwilling mother to open the I NIT00111 makes a sturdy tree, but has the. clis- sherrld have but one main stem from windows. A small boy appeared reg•u- ' ' oeweerage oe growing' the fru't out the ground up to the supporting wires. larly with his blanket to ask 'his care- less mother, "Isn't it time for me to lie down?" keother gave up tea and coffee, and taught himself to lilts foods to which he had previously had an aversion.. Not long ago a girl came to one of our nutrition clhiies, after an absence of thirteen montiii, to claim the certi- ficate which* we give to children who come up to normal weight for their height. She had been -working by her- self all that time on the instructions given her, andhad succeected in ma:k- ink a gain of 15 pounds, whiCh brought her "over the top.' A boy who met with scene diffieeilties at home in. carryineout his program said, "I'll graduate Or busti" tape ,s trimmed their lamps; by adding oil and, clearing the fibres with a needle. Are gone out; Rev. Ver., "are going out." The foolish virgins were not altegethee unwatchful. They were al- most ready for the bridegroom's re- tain. V. 9. Not so; omitted in the Rev. China, we shall win the world," saad, a . . Ven The refusal -was not expressed, missionary home from Korea, only the but was implied in the -reason given. other, day. . Lest there be not enough. Others con- How eagerly young men and wo- nect with what follows: "Lest there men should present themselves for service in these'.great daysl And should not all church members be in- stant in prayer that God would send forth laborers into, his harvest? We are to "-watch" the ,signs of the times, and. the indications are that the Orient is ready for the gospel as never before. If we delay, the countries in the East may drift into agnosticism, and the supreme el -lance of the cen- turies be -missed. 3. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th chance. In the parable the foolish virgins were shut out in the darkmess. Their chance never ca -me again. There is a cieep and solenm truth in this final of reach. it does not allow of opening on each, side of the head of this stem, the top to admit sunlight. This type cut away all the old wood and all of was generally followed in the. cid the new but two runners. Select run - orchards but is not the best type for ninn. nrinenn nave snort join ts.,ama aim oar eastern orchande. to leave from ten to fifteern buds or The ins° type. of tree has the cene joints. Grapes must be pruned every tral stem eat out and the fruiting winter. Cut away the extra wood branches all originate at the head of the tree a few feet from the ground. In pruning young trees, aim for this type. Thie applies to pear trees as well as apples. Cut out all branches which overlap others. Kee)) the bead of the tree open. Cut out-branchee whieh lare immediately over others as both fruit end leaves must have sun- light. Head back branches which tend to grow too upright, but make the cut just above a leaf bud which will grow outward. Aim to keep the trees prune so severely. for the purpose of securing extra large bunches of superior fruit. The ,stmn is capable of raising just so rnuch sap from the ground. to the head., It remaiese with us whether We allow that sap to nourish dozens of runners and produce a small am- ount of scraggly, err fruit o prune away much of_ the wood ancl thins throw the sap into not more than four Tanners and secure a large quan- tity ef fine fruit. That is why we Sunday. School Les, FEBRUARY 20, 1921 The Wfse and -the Foolish Virgins, St. Matt. 25: 1-13. Golden Text St. Matt. 25: 13. Time and Place—Tuesday, April 4, A.D. 29; Mount of Olives. Connecting Links—Between the last Lesson anol that for to -day, Matthevr inserts eJesus' severe denunciation of the Pharisees (eh. 28: 1-36) and his lamentation over Jerusalem, ch.. 23: 37-39. Other incidents of the sanie day M the temple are narrated Mark 1,2: 41-44, Luke 21: 1-4, and John ,12: 20-50. in the evening, ascending the lfount of Olives with His disciples, Jesns spoke to them about the events -which should occur before his second coming to judge the world (ch. 24, compare Mark, c n and Luke 21: 5-36). The` paraible of the Ten Virgins forms part of this discourse. - asmeadanat. arga •••reea• HIBEI-WOOL-FURSI Always open to buy, and always prepared to give you the highest price alio. a square deal. Try us. WILLIAM STONE:SONS LIMITED WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO ESTABL181.11T.D 1870 The Waiting,' I -5. V. 1. Then; at the time of Christ's coming, referred, to in, the previous chapter. Kingdom of heaven; the adngdom which the Messiah came to establish, the- 'kingdom which is 'the rule of God, evhether in the human heart or in society. It exists now, but it has its full eealieation in eternity." Here the Icing -dm -a is regarded as future. Likened unto ten virgins; a round nuraher, as we would say a dozen. Or, perhaps the number "ten" signifies completeness, ten according to Jewish notions constituting a eon- gregaticai. The ten yergres stun up the whole body of Christiaus, of Whom ther,e, are just two classes. The ten virgins, strictly speaking, do not rep- resent the kingdom of heaven, but those Who are „desirous of entering into it. They stand for those who are in the kingdom, so far as it can be enjoyed on earth, but who are on pro- bation -so far as the kingdom. yet to icome is concerned. Took their lamps. [Being saucer-shaped and shallow, 1 these held little oil and, therefore, 1. would sport require refilling. To meet the bridegroom., It. is usually sup- posed the house of the bticle's parents, posed „that the virgins -went forth I in which the marriage was to be cele- not belong to the guests. be not enough .,. go .. to them that sell.'' Go .. and buy. Some take this for -sarcasm. Could oil be bought at midnight? If they went to buy, would they not mise the festivities? As the wedding procession to music and song was very -slow, perhaps there was a chance of their buying and bemg back in time to overtake it. Bruce thinks the wise -virgins simply refused to be burdened with. their neighbors' affairs. Plummer says that "the refusal of the wise virgins to give of their oil indicates, not want. of will, but of power. It is impossible for one per- . son to impart to another the spiritual power which tomes from freqhent exclusion from the light, but itt orda communion with God's spirit. nary life we rria,y recover ourselves somewhat A youth may delay his de- --IIIThe Wedding.- 10-13, " ' ' ision for Christ, and later declare V:- 10. _While. The bridegroom was leiniself on the Master's side. But nearer, er am quicker than even the there loss of course, and his regret wise had thought. Went to buy. Oone- will always be that he postponed his pare Prov. 23: 23. There was no quee- decision. If we have missed the tion abOut the ability to buy. The oil, golden opportunity we must be con - symbolizing a living religion produced tent with the second or third best by the Holy Spirit (see Ex. 30: 23-25, afterwards. 8Q; Ps. -45: 7; Zech, eh: 4) is without What is the opportunity? It is money and without price, Isa. 55: 1; participation in the divine kingdom. Rev. 8: 8. The only difficulty was the We have our Honor Rolls in our lack of time. It was too late. Ready; elmt•ches and collegesof those who the, word on which the whole parable enlisted in the Great War. Shall not turns. To be ready here means to be the Great Master write down our properly equipped. Went in. .to the names, every one, on the Honor Hall marriage; Rev_ Ver., "marriage of the brave and valiant ones who join dm is often pictured as a bariquet in his task of establishing. the king - feast." The bless.ednesss of the king-I:God hin-aelf as his "fellow -workers" o (see ease 8: 11; 36: 29), The door ? was shut.- The guests Wer -e• all sup- posed toe -have ,entered -with the pro- cessienn • Vs. 11, 12. Loyd,,Lord, open tons. Compare ch. 7: 21: They had prob- ably kneckecl and met no response; now the ---fear that they may not be admitted seizes their hearts, and they make aelast urgent,...desperate appeal. The anepeal is -addeessecl to the bride- groom- but it points forwards to the Day of Judgment, and the bride -groom becomes the Lord Jesus Christ. I know you not. There is here a picture of those who are strangers to Christ, not belonging to the number of 1 -lis (this. It needs preparative. Jets a,s true disciples, who alone enter the ! the "wise virgins'; took "oil" with kingdom of heaven-. He infers from( tbern, and -were ready- for .the mai-- their net being on time that they do ' riage feast, so Otto' best leaders must equip themselves for the groat duty of establishing Canadian life on the foundation of Christ. The "foolish" aspiaants for leadership will rush to their task without "oil," without the neees,sary training and years of pa- tient study. The old question rings out: "Who will go for us?" . But what is the "kingdom of God"? It is growing in our midst quietly. It is nothing else than the reign of God on the earth, a reign that is to include all nations, kindrecla, tongues; all in- stitutions, and societies; all degislation and industry; all joys and sorrows. There is one rich opportunity be- fore the youth of Canada to-day-ethe life of definite service in building up the-IVIaster's kingdom, and more par- ticularly the career of Christian lead- ership. Fe need hundreds of recruits for the ministry. There is no more patriotic and satisfying service than 1 /ti-viros L1141 NTArtici INGER I Met a Friend the Other Day. met a friend the other day; He liveseinide my favorite book, And f.ritere he waits 'through work and -play, -Safe in his little printed Ifook, To -day, out romping with the -bo -y -s, I thought of him. all by himself; I didn't make a speck of noise, But went and took him .E1'0111 1,11C Shell. And stood him rig'llt -where he cotild look; Becauee it inut be very hard To stay all day inside a book And IleVel' g0 into the yard! Very Deadly a -tai ago I asional Sunday 1 Le family. He lived out of doors, worlaing hard: all day; his food was fresh from 1113 own garden; there was every reason apparently, why be eitould be the, heAalsthinestmnatateur healthy' all the time, aed especially so 011 adonda.-y- after his day of seer, tosRse,cliievintOoTilco PLIETW°1-fili, i»edieiaes of varioue setae 'without result; and as the years went by he grow more de- pressed, supposing himself to be the victim of some obscure and incurable malady. I said to him one day: "I think you eat too =Oar at which lie became lqtlatfilteeevxerereciloine' aanld'eal...leb°dratyt twohaaticIll! ray life weuld eat a great deal also4 it was a fair enough answer; but' self-111dtliqemee of older peoPle" ihe TYhdaregrip°rsolysealwasitrifirColubsyttlinleysaeuiwne. mowoltihweraY'llu"hioe olefitsenhge'rractifillY14111;11heavr6°1wrill° le); the country where we live a, eiraple, -perience. For I have a place up healthful life, and for years I used to wonder why I 'always felt worse on Sundays up there hi "God's out of doors" than I ever felt in the noisy crowded streets of the eity. I found out the roaeon, Becanse vegetableg from your ovine garden tasted so good I was eating twice ad, Much as I would ordinarily eat; and adding to the vegetables a box of Sun- day candy. I was clogging ray fur - taco with extra fuel at a time When I needed less stem», rather than more, because both my muscles and nrind were at rest. A medical journal had some startia ing facts to present on this subject in a recent edit,oriaL "It will come as a surprise to most persons to learn on reliable authority that a single caramel, a nouga.tine or a penny's worth of candy may furn.ish sufficient energy to simply the extra heat needed for walking a mile or more," it sa,id. "We are informed that for a man of average weight th walk from the bottom to the top of Brock Blonument would revile an extra heat produc- tion of 80 calories. The energy ex- pended in this not inconsiderable ef- fort may be eompletely repla.ceol by the eonsumption of less than half a pleasure. By making a pet of him She seeks to make him dependent solely on her for his happiness and. pleasure. She encourages him to come to her with little ailments and, symptoms anstead teaelaiug hint to meet small hurts and clisappointmente without caying. Mothers still expose their children to measles, whooping cough, and other infections with an Oriental fatalism, saying, "They are bound to have it anyway, and it easy eome at a more ineonvenient tinee." The start down -hill of many a child who has been in excellent eondition in infancy was made in an attack of one of these &When's diseases. The thought that even little children. ean do something helpful for ,other members of the family will do away with many tendencies toward. selfish - nese. The child should be helped to the expression of his normal -feeling by directing his activity into useful avenues. His desire to be usiefui and to help. begins to show itself when his actual accomplishment amounts to little, but his attempts should be en- COUTEl'ede His failure to help later when his work would foe worth more may be due to the fact that the earlier impulse had not been turned into habit doughnut, she walnuts, five largo .Apart from the value of the service, olives or four pretzeixo The physical exandnation recent- In.endeci in the first article of this series offers an excellent opportunity for taking stock of your children's condition mentally, a.nd inoeally as well. If the child sees that both par- ents are teally interested ill this ex- amination and in the weekly weigh- ings that follow, he will repp,..ond with an unusual degree of confidence. There is nothing of greater import- ance to a child than to feel that he is understood. The wise mother knows when a ehild is overtaxed, and makes proper allowance for him. She real- izes that his charaeter changes under stress'and says, truly, 'He isn't him- self." She studies to recognize the oe- easions on which this is a valid ex - =see and: tries to find the cause and retrieve it Home conditions affect all children, hut theyeare of special significance in the lives of the malnourished, who are less able than well children to resist the effects of -bad conditions. _A fre- quent cause of malnutrition is found in the Child's feeling that he has been unjustly treated. The fact that he may be mistaleen makes the result no less serious, We recently had a case in which a little girl failed to make progress under apparently favorable conditions. It was found she was suffering from what She considered an injustice. As soon as an under- standing was reached about the point, she began at once to gain. we should remeraher the importance to hirn-of havin.g a tonstrective and responsible att-itude toward life. How many parente, instead ef giving the child needed instruction, will say, ,,rd rather do it my -self than be bothered with Mini" Self-reliance and readiness to co- operate furnish the best basis of health encl. happinese. Children. 'are naturally self -centre -d, and need ti> be trained to see'thein o dditerest-den rela.tion to others. The "spoiled child" is a nuliance to himself .and to all his associates.. It is astonishing -how many children we find suffering from th.e effects of overindulgence. Thera is nothing more tragic than the home in which a aim has "got the upper hand." This does not mean that he should be re- pressed, for one of the greatest op- portunities a parent has is to aid a• child to come gradually from help- less dependence on others to inde- pendent, co-operative action. Be should be helped to take the responsi- bilities that belong to him, without, on the other hand, having tares put upon hiin before he is ready for them. Among the poor, especially, we find many children who are kept Irma normal growth by worry over such maters as the payment of went, the eare of, youngerchildren the fear of the fatherhs losing his joie But even in the homes of the well--bo-de we breve lerown mealy in.stances in which chil- dren lia-ve come to know too much about the worries and difficulties op- pressing their parents. A mile's walk on a eaauenell Up Brook's Monument on four olives! Consider those medical facts and then, „think what crimes are. .cxnaimitted every Cana:ellen household by the time- honored, murderous stuffing contest known as Sunday dinner. That the average man eats himself to death is no new discovery. Edison discovered it long ago. The reason he ewe work so many more hears than Jeer heetteefeneeaseeeeseteeeteseJeseerneenSehe loads his body -with so little food. Beth' his father and grandfather were very long-lived, and both were very light eaters. - Luigi 'Corner°, the fall1011S Italian, It is important to find out what the ehild really cares for and. fears: In many instances sonie little matter is causing him distress, and is prevent- ing him from coming up to his physi- cal -possibilities.' Ono child had an unreasonable fear that a cat would some into his room at night. A. ecreen placed in the window made sound, un- troubled sleep possible for him. An- other child did not wish his window open, and after 501110 time it Was found that he was afraid of burglars. A plan VOIP madti, in which he had a part, to fasten the window with a screw -which would prevent its being opened more than a certain number ef inches. His fears disappeared at orice. Many mothers are 'much concerned about the effect upon the ChB:Lem-1'e health of bad sex hebits. This Is naturally a matter about which it is not difficult to have a misunder- standing, A feeling of delicacy and reticence often leads to suspicions which cause one to read into eeme simple statement or net much more t'han belongs to it. it is ee.ay to look at these matters frem an exeessively moral, standpoint, and to fail 'to see tbe no,rmat physical arid mental as- pects rchielt may need attention. Boys and girls 04-0, 011 the 'whole, a level- headed iota -and tine, luck at, It is no tem our buelaess to reeep such questions, in a 'healthy -way, our liege healthy that it is to allow With it little child these tehdettales them to keep tle.meelves healthy. ?roe ahould he met in the •.:iame manner vide geed sanitary quarters and they 011•3 -would deal wieleLitIeg nails will do the reet, ea sucking tiaumbe, 11 y -aqu'ree discovered it. The doctors gave him 'up for dead In his forties, but he dived to be a hundred and two. And lais only remedy was to cut his eating to a aninimuna. And Nature discovered it and con- fided. the discovery- to the whole ani- mal kingdom. You can't induce .a sick dog to eat, or a sink cow. Only man. exams himself, sick or wedi, r,4•ard- lest of the amount of work he has to do. Them are many things that will eventually overcame man, but the, deadliest foes of human weal are the eirnple, learxrdesseleeking do- mestic inetiummete—the knife end the fork and the spoon.—B. There are many tendencies in a child which appear quite naturally at a certain age, and would soon disap- pear if properly mei and handled. It Is often Oar 'unfortunate way of in- dulging or repressing thean„ which makes them seem sufficiently useful to the child, so that be persists trl them, and is saddled far life with seine unfortunate or disagreeable habit. Displays of tentp-er, even to the point of "'bath -time," are usually practieed bemuse they have proved, a successful means of getting what the child wants. These is the stm7 of the little girl who was crying lustily for a Second piece of cake. Her father said sternly, "Do y.on know what will happen to you if you keep on making that noise?" "Yes," replied his little daughter, "ill get another piece of cake," Muesli paogress has been made itt the resources that make for health, but there are still enough, ‚battle a to be fought la making it mote natural to be well than to be ill. Malnourished children are especially susceptible to suggestions, land fears once impressed are almost impossible to eradicate. Therefore, do not. allow any niention of definite disease, such as "heart trouble," tuberculosis, anal so forth, to be made in their prezeriee. (Concluded next week.) Thc grass -grown pigs are the (met; that ineke the best breeding animals.. ItSS1JE bOs His Home Orchard Pays. 'Three Years ago, spraying looked difficult to me/' says Fredi H --eaechel, a young farmer, "but now it is as easy as falling Off it log. Then I believed the fellows who said that disease and worm -free apples eouldalt be raised around here. Now I know better. My little orchard was sprayed only twice; , but, even at that, my apples were not wormy, while unsprayed trees in the neighborhood yielded nothing but gnarled, saabby fruit," In Hasehere home orchai-d, there are 13 apple trees of bearing age and 10 young not bearing, Making a total of 28 trees that were pruned alt.el spray- ed. At the verY ieutsriede., this II:Richard does not exceed a quarter of an acre (4:Calanapalarying., there were used: Lime - Sulphur, 15 gallOns, 8.15; eat -senate of lead, 6 pounds, $2,64; "BliiiirrjcaLle. 46,," 1 pound, $2.50. The bamel-opoa.yer witteh Nqs flood oast originally $n, ana, flkuink that It will last five years -it ihas lasted !three :already Without visible, signe of weax---ttlie 'yearly de,preciotion cost wAlTlidal)lsob$O4rApC)Ut on the orchard is as folicraes; Ffrst epray, two man and one horse working .six hours. Second spray, two men and one horse week- , 1h4Thstiextb4,etalllrsiabor exas,t 'O.ii spraying, trimming, and other work was 54 man hears and 12 hotae hours, ,which, eale ettlated eTt aettnal e.ost, makes a total labor cost of $20.70. Adding 'to thiS the ee's is of material and depreciation k we have is total ,of $?3.439. The products ef the 18 bylining teeen) were Ile follows: Apples actually eoldsh $102.10;_, given away, 5 latiehe144 re. Served for home use, 37 btiehals,