HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-2-17, Page 1`oRmY- SECON D NO: 227.8 IIIIIIII!lIIIlII111III1111 I iIIIIIII�I Jiilllllllplfl{IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111{IIIIIIII{IIIIIIIIIIIIIIf{IIIINIIIIIIIIII { I{ i II I I Illli! fill I I IIID ones .& May ''Froni Lacing, ORSV/T ` E E MINA MANNA m▪ impl AMP MOM IMAM MIMOM • MAMA AMOS AMMO AMMAR REARM AM- UM maIRIM AMMO MANI We continue to feature these original front lacing corsets for the simple and sufficient reason that they continue to give unquestioned satisfaction to our most exacting customers. We also carry NEMO, CROMPTON'S, LA GRACE and D. & A. brands of Corsets. Cossard Cor efs are still nomi- nally priced witbcn the reach of • every woman and you may bay every Cossard with„ our assur- ante that it will be worth every . cent you pay for it—worth it in style, worth it in comfort, and ' worth it in Wart :crate, 1 Final Clearing of Ladies' and Misses' Winter Coats All Coats must go this month regardless of price, We are ly losing money on these coats. - BLUE PLUSH COATS AS LOW" AS $23.00. SALT'S BLACK BABY LAMB AT $25.00. actual NEW MONARCH SWEATER YARN 111 the new Spring Colors in Monarch Down and Monarch Dove.. Prices much cheaper: DOWN AT 50c A BALL DOVE AT 30c A BALL. • PHONE 32 Jones PHONE 32 MORNING, FEBRUARY 17, 1927:, Exeter 'Council Monday,; Feby. 14, 1921 A regular meeting of the mun' '- �g ? mitt � pal contncii, absentjCouncillor Davis. = Theminutes of the meeting held on ae January 24th were read and approv- ed. Letters were read as follows: From the'secretary and treasurer pf the Union and Canadian Munici- ' palities, Montreal. Filed. From the Municipal World, St. = Thomas, re rebate of income tax. Filed. • From City Clerk S,s Baker, Lon- don, re on• don,'re representativesto attend a meeting to discuss the` securing of information on tiie; question of the electrification of the, L. 1-1; & B. The =:: clerk to inform the committee that fourmembers would he in attend -1 ante: E A request from -the secretary of ' a the National Sanitarium Association, E ' Toronto, for the use 'iof the Town Hall on Trinrsday the 17th. Grant- ed on motion of Snell. and Elston. Carried. . A request from the "U.F.O. for the use of the Town „Hall on Friday the E °18th for the purpose of holding a E banquet. Granted- on motion of E` Snell and Elston. Fee, $10. Carried. Letter from the office of the On- " tario Safety League for a contribu- .tion. Friled. Letter from Mr. Saxon Fitton de- clining tire... offer as a inember of„the Board of Health. Per Snell and Pen- = hale—That Mr. C. H. Sanders be ap- E pointed a member .of the local ® Board of Health. Carried. The auditor's report for January was laid on the table and aecepfed ®( on motion of Elston , and Penhale. Carried. IThe following acounts were read ®l and ordered paid:, E Thos. Houlden, phone rent for 6 - months, $11,00; : Advocate Printing E i Co., printing and = supplies, 80.95; =, Grigg Stationery Co.,,'magazines for ® 1921, 61.31; Ed. ` Treble, rep. mise. 6.50: R. `B., 1.25: 7.75; R. G. Sel E don, cement R. B., ',4.40: coal, li E brary, 36.45: 40.85; Toronto Stamp ® and Stencil WorIs, dog tags, 5.00: E badges 3.00: tax and post .31: 8,31; E Geo. Mantle, coal, library, 27.00; MAAR INMAN LONA ROSNO MARIA ARANO ARMIN MINNA MONA AMIN TIMOR MAIM MIAMI IMMIM MAMA ANNA MAMA NANA MAIER N EMO MAWR AMA MORN ARMOR OMAN UmNIIM MAMA REA- RM IMAMS MANN MAIM O RM MARIN :r i11111III IIIIIIIIIIIIillllll�llllllllllllllllllllllllilfll{IIII{IIIQIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllltt16111111111111lllllllllllllllllllliillllllll11111 1 �'�i 5a.��%-.�'C��Iiv � � a'•P� �SU� M3����\ i-C.c:..s' � \ 4' The Satisfactory i'0 ------7--37•4;; ,; ' f2 i ` .A.A.-��:. eg�„z ... d•. r.,.7. » r.4, •.'t+'s.... r. W,A,, , 4hr,i 'J:�a.4, +fiY. �7[r rran:".' /0,i r - and Stove Store %2 IF i L I it%\ :, ,7,:,,,,,,, f%� \1f \.4 BANQUET RANGES ''as cut ..., $115 up High oven ranges, one r � only, at $1.15.00 JEWELL Ranges.... $120.00 90.00 $58.0P 85.00 BORN CARLING—At Centralia, on Feby, 13. 1921, to Mr. and Mrs, Torn Carling, • a daughter. MARRIED GRAHAM - GRANT — At Becher,_ Ont., on February 9, 1921, Miss Grant, daughter of Mill and Mrs. Neil Grant, to Dr. M. G. Graham, of Exeter, by Rev. ` Taite, of Wal- laceburg. DIED HAWKEY—At St. Joseph's Hospit- al; London, on February 11, 1921, John J. Hawkey, of Parkhill. In- tet•ment at Parkhill. IN MEMORIAM WILSON—In loving ndeinory of our dear mother, Mrs, James Wilson, who died February 18, 1919. Two years have gone, we can't for- get thee; That vacant place that neverfcan be. filled. Our homes are dark without thee, We miss you everywhere. The midnight stars are shining inion. our mother's grave, Now sleeping without dreaming the one we could sleet save. Farewell, dear nnother� In thy silent grave 'sweet thy rest,'' Farewell till in that 'heavenly place We hope to meet again. . —Loving son and daughters. Idorne--In loving remembrance of' Lyda L. Horne; who died one year ago ° February 17, .1.920. ry of as -i ;ch•ild -shall ,we again; behold lied, oe when with .rapture Wild; u' eniifraces w,c again infold tier, shall slot bca, thiol; •air madden in her Filther•'s mansion, >thed with celestial grace; beautiful watth all the souls ex-. passion; all we behold her .face. Municipal World, sithscriptions, 6.00 The tender for municipal printing was awarded to The Times Office on motion of Penhale and Elston., Car- ried. The following accounts for gravel supplied for Wellington Street pave - went were ordered to be paid on motion of Snell and Elston. Carried.. Mrs. Alice Cudmore, 34.40; •- Ni- chol Beavers, 12.00; Charles God- bolt, 4.80; R. R. Skinner, 83.20. Adjournment by Elston. Jos. Senior, Clerk. KITCHENER WINS FROM EXE- TER-ZURICII BY A SEVEN D GOAL LEAIN THE O. . A. SECOND ROUND. - The Kitchener Game., The Exeter -Zurich hockey `team went to Kitchener on Wednesday of last week for the first of tine home and home games in the ; ,0. H. A. second round. The score was 3-0 in favor of Kitchener. No 'goals were Scored in the first period. In the second, Kitchener scored three goals and in the last period neither side were able to force ` the puck past the opposing net tender. The game was fast and clean and was, .a -surprise to the Kitchener fans who, Were expecting the home team to pile up a big lead on the boys frons. Huron. r Before the gape started, Goldie Cochrane, manager of, the Exeter -Zurich .team, was presented with ' a bouquet of flowers by the mayor of his old home town. The boys spoke very highly of the sports manlike -manner in which they were treated. A, • The Exeter Game. • Never in the history of hockey in Exeter has such a large crowd, teem- ed out to'witnessa game as that which packed the Dome skating pelt on Friday evening last when the Kitchener intermediates played the return game with Exeter -Zurich in the 0,H.A, second round; defeating the home team 6-2. Kitchener carne here with a three goal lead and the fans looked'forward to a fast anti interesting game. There were hopes that with the showing the' locals put up at Kitchener that the Exeter- Zurich- team would win on the re- turn game. One hour before tune game 'was \scheduledi to start the eit- izens from town and `oountry ryere headed for the rink and long before the play began every noolty' and cor- ner was filled, It is estbilated that between twelve and thirteen hundred were present and others were turned away, AIong the sides On the rafters supports the fans, were perched. Faces of those 'unable to gain admit - tante Were Seen at the windows, 'Chore Was a -big crowd present from Zurich and all of the places around sent their gitota of infereeted fans It is the first time in many years t�ht the citizens have had the 1)rivi', ego of witnessing trey 0.11.A. game' in town and the fact was demon- stinted that ,the erowds are forth- coming when the boys produce the goods. The visitors were a:little, late in taking tlxe ice and the large crowd was all alert when the rubber disc was faced off at centre. Within 'two minutes after .:the play started” Sie- bert at left brought the puck clown with a rush and on a beautiful shot landed the puck into the Kitchener nets.'The fans found their voices and the din rias terrific. About the mid- dle of the period the score was tied by a clean shot by Shirk, "Babe" Siebert, who was subbing in the other games, was taking Bertz•am's place, the, latter being off' an account of illness. He played a wonderful game in the first period and ° only slackened a little in the others. Time after time he came down the ice and shot on the goal only to be turned aside. His checking, too, was - effective, The second period was a great per- iod. for thespectators who were on edge all- he time. The .first goal was scored by Kitchener. In a scramble in ,frontof the nets oneof the 'Kit- chener playete kicked the puelts iti.to the Exeter nets. The referee -rang the bell and faced the puck in front,,of the goal and the visitors scored. Shortly after the home team tied the score. Near the end of the -period Erb for the visitors, shot the puck from left. It, looked like and easy stop for McGough, who was playing a `,great game, but the puckstruck a little on the side of his pads and glanced in. The period ended with Kitchener, one goal up in the game" and four on the round. In the last period the visitors had the b t. of the play andadded three more tallies to their count while the home team failed to locate the hit,, thenen nets. The first two goals tr,; this period were scored by Krug. Fo the second tally Krug carried` the puck clean through on a rush. Erb scored -the last goal. The Exeter - Zurich, players were beaten by a team of more finished players but at that it was not a walk -over by any means. The weakness of the locals was possibly in shooting 'from out- side the defence. Time after tmie the forwards shot on the Kitchener goal from outside the defence, but the shots were easy: picking, for the Mt- ! k chener iiet tender. Both Robinson and Siebert played a great game. They back -checked in a- most effect- ive manner. Krug and Erb starred for the visitors. The game was the finest exhibi- tion of hockey that the local fans have witnessed. It was clean from start to finish' and not 'a single man decorated the boards. Exeter -Zurich team were a little unfortunate in their grouping in both leagues as they were picked to play two of the fastestteams in the province. The fact that they were able to put up such a showing for i the first year in the O.H.A. demon- strates that•Exeter and Zurich haV•e the material for a Winning tears. The locals were strengthened by W. McKinnon of near Parkhill, who acted as sub, and when given a chance played a fast game. The line- up: • Kitchener—Goal,Schnalz; defence, Masters and Gildner; centre, Shirk; wings, Krug and Erb subs, Schram and Sengbush. -~ Exeter -Zurich— Goa.1 McGough defence;' Hindmar•sh-and:C. Hoffman; centre, Clarence Hoffman; wings; Robinson and Siebert; subs, Calfas. and McKinnon. Referee—Thos. Munro, London. :FANCY PRICES FOR PURE EREDS. Fancy prices were realized at the auction sale of pure-bred Hereford cattle of Mr. John Delbridge on Thursday of last week. Mr. Delbridge has a wide reputation as a breeder of white faces and this was evidenced by the fancy prices paid at the sale.' A four-year-old cow brought txe highest bid, $302,; paid by Mr. Wil-: son Ha,`ivkins; (n two-year-old was sold for $285, and Mr. Wellington Skinner pui•chaased a cow for $260. A pair of two-year-old steers brought $209 and -a pair of yearlings, $184: A heifer calf 9 months old was sold ,Lor_ $150. The average price of the E r pure-breds sold was $204, There NAM Was a large crowd at the sale; some of the buyers coming from Sebring- ville, Clinton, Dublin and Corbett. Mr..C. W. Robinson was the auction- E eer. At an auction sale in Toronto the clay previous, the average price paid for : imported. Duritauns was $185.00. Mr. Delhridge has every reason to congratulate himself on the success of his sale. R.tam L v OZI; SE CA IDT � SMISS7S,;I) A liquor case was -heard :in Exe- ter on, 1"1" --de's. '•ri on a busineas mar afro In n.rasnwood appeared on a charge under the O.T.A. The case was dismissed, Police -Magistrate An- drews, of Clinton, tried the case, and Crown Attorney Seager prese-` cuted, and Lawyer .MeDermid, of Lu- can, appeared for the defendant, A SURPRISE PARTY. "Should :,id acquaintance be for- got and never brought t'e inin.d? No! That Was 'the verdie.it'rendered at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Dearing in town on Thursday eve- ning of last week women between twenty and thirty of their old neigh- bors : and friends planned a surprise for them. Someone remembered that it was Mr. Dearing's birthday and', they assembled at his home with a pail of oysters and milk enough' to drown them in and other good things to eat. The,;surprise wascom- plete and a. nxost pleasant• evening was spent. GRAHAM—GRANT. Amid profusion of flowers that decoruel: Mi. and Neil Grant, of Becher, Ont., the marriage took place of their daugh- ter, Beulah Jean, to Dr. M. G. Gra- ham, of'Exeter, on Wednesday, 'Feb- ruary 9, 1921. Thebride was attend ed by Miss Bessie Scurr, of Wallace, burg, while tlxe groom was support- ed by a college chum, Dr. Angus Mc- Kay, of Toronto, Rev. Taite, of Wal laceburg, performed the ceremony in the presence of about 35 guests. The wedding march was played by Miss Grace Graham, sister of-th groom. Dr. and Mrs. Graham spent a short wedding trip in Toroiit.; and arriv- ed in Exeter on Tuesday evening where the.doctor has a large medi- cal practice. Duizicng his' absence Dr. Lindsay has been in charge. Their many friends join with The Times in extending congratulations. TO Titial F0''I"-GBApUtI''llE COURSE. v Dr. L'.,; Ii . ind sa of .ark _t ask. > S a who lias been visiting at the home of Mr.' A. Dow, of town, left' on Wed- nesday for England, where he has received an appointment on the great 'Ormond • St. " Hospital' and he will take a post -graduate, course in children's diseases. Mrs. Lindsay ac- companied him as far as Toronto. PART1:CIt';ATIO's; C +:RTU ICATFS. The Canadian Wheat Board re- ports' that there are still a number of the board's participation' eertifi- cates .outstanding, although these should have been surrendered to the board on or before December 31, 1920: Holders of certificates are be- ing asked to surrender these to the board immediately, when considera- tion will' be\gi.ven to the matter of making payments thereon. PROPERTY ; CHANGES. .S-.iu .•,u.0 inus .,�. ,ia rest- den.ce, ina Exeter to IVIr. Chas, Up shall„ of Tlsborne, and in turn had purchased the Dearing farm from lIa.rr•y Dier l -<'g. i e ,n:13 -,:stand Mr. Bierling has purchased. Mr. H. Pi iohr's home in 'Exeter North. ENGAGEMIdN'T Mr. and Mrs. ,John Cann, of "Wil- low Grove Farm," Usborne, announce the engagenu..oi: of their' daughter Roxie Mae, to Mr. William E. Jef- fery, the marriage to take place early in March. The Thames Road Farmers' Club will hold a stock -judging contest, conducted by Mi. Strothers, district representative; at the barn of Mr: George Monteith, on Monday after- noon, February ;21st. In the even- 'lig Mr.. Strothers will give an 'il lustraa :d address in the- public hall,. Elimville. Everybody welcome. DOME THEATRE Free MAtinee Satufda atterr1oor� for" J School Children only ADMISS1ON--ADULTS 37c, CHIL- DREN 27c. Tax included. GREAT NEWS FOR EXETER. MOVIE FANS. The manager of the Douse Theatre; has secured for immediate produc- tion the wonderful million -dollar, serial `i "TMle LOST CITY" ,A story of love, intrigue and:. wild' adventure..lDense jungle scenes with crawling, fierce animals: Yon can- not afford to miss one episode. 13E- GIN RIGHT. See the first episode shown mere I1`Ei3RUAR; loth and .1It th. CF In addition, Bessie E1 instate irk the drama "ETERNAL" life's twist, and. 'a roaring •comedy; "FAIR .E:+CB13_Nkl E" featuring the world's greatest, 'comm- edian "CHARLIE CHAPLfl " The best ,program ever shown in Exeter. The patrons are assured of the best productions as the serial r hili 15 weeks and a gripping feature and. comedy accompanies each, episode. Ei111111111111111111i11111111111U 191111111111111111111111111111111li111111111111111111111L RAMA RAM SAAMA MAMA RAMMI UNCLE !CUM'S CABIN. On Tuesday evening Stetson's 'pre- sented Uncle Tom's Cabin to a fain audience. There were several other in gal going' en Tuesday Dight. winch hindered a larger audttuce, Uncle '.Con's Cabin his been shown in this town a good many limes but Stet son's is the best yet i.+lycry part Was played well. A sinal, three-piece or- chestra famished excellent music '-broughout'the phi.y and dnringthe intermissions. MAIM DRUM the World ger, You Can't SEAT Harvey's Flour We shipped sixty-seven. hundred to a, farmers' club recently, and the secretary in his comment about the same, said, " TTa'Ve used several bags of your Manitoba and Model' and cannot speak too highly of them." Jou cannot buy better ---why' not buy from your honile mill. Omen • 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111;111111111111111iiillilli(ll i