HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-2-10, Page 7ALM CITIZEN 'THE MAN OF MOST USE TO HIS FELLOW MAN, Value That the Son of •God Placed on Human Life Must Be Our Standard. noth the Old and the New Testa- -Monts describe the kind of inaa who is of greateet use, to hat teillow men, • The good nitizen is the man we are hearing a good deal About, of late. "teal Americanism" is heard on the lips of public school teacliere. The good citizen is the man who has a re- ligions background. Long ago, one .student of human affairs put it'so; Who shall ascend into the hill of the Load,, , And who shall stand in his holly- place? He that hath clean hands and a pure ' heart, Who hath net lifted up his soul Unto falsehood, And hath not sworn deceitfully. -The man who keeps up that pace is -none too common even in our so-called ' adiutatian trnas. "l'hie is 'a picture of, absolute honesty, with God and man,' The Standard of Christ. Now, our Lord goes farther than the prophets and teachers of the Old Tea- tament. "Ye have heard it said, man, eye.for an eye and a tooth for astooth, but I zay unto you—." Picea then, Christ trimefers the emphasis from acting to thinking. This is revolution, ary. Courts try men or what they ex tually do, The law-it:sows. nothing ot thoughts unlessthey are expressed. You may think all the criminal libel you please, but.as hang as it is not put Into words, no legal action canbe brought against you.. But Christ . probes into the thoughts,. "As a man thinketh in his heart, gb is he." And He is absolutely right. Out of the heart are the issues of life. The b-,* who reads evil books, looks at salEiti -pus pictures, is feeding his mind on garbage, and garbage always gives oft a stench. Did not the chief of police of one Cf our great cities recently is- sue an order that there were to be no snore scenes of crime shown in the mos -ie houses of that city. One pass- age of the Old Testament says we are to love the neighbor. Another, to love the foreigner. Another, to love you' eervan.t. But Christ commands us to love the itierny. Immorality has al- waysalaeen, among- civilized races, a Plitife sin, frequently punishable by death. But Christ said that to cheeish the though of it was equally bad, In short the'Lord of Life says' to, the man who would be. of service to his generation, he must think right. - It is surprising how humanity will respond, once the opening is made The time was., when the great , Muse - 'lads of London were not apen to the public. The theory was, that the ig norant and common. felk*would deface the statuary, or mar the pictures. But one Sunday the picture galleries and museums were apened to all comers, and a More quiet and orderly stream of people was never seen, than the stream of visitors who that day passed through those treasure -houses. It was said for centuries that the black man had no brains, no soul, and the like. But vviten Livingstone died, in. Africa, a thousand milesfrom the coast, those faithful blacks embalmed the body, and carried it to the coast, through heatile villages, across rivers and over mom:tains. Such lives are worthy of consideration. The value that the Son of God placed on. human life, is not the standard yet. But it must come to be the standard. The socialized ,cltizen is the one who looks upon his. fellow man asof infinite worth. He will not try to hire girls for his stare at a wage on which they cannot live decently, he will not corneal his fac- tory operativeto work with unpro- tected machinery, that may any mo- ment hurl one to death, or leave him disfigured for life. -... True Citizenship. In a little spOnnear the wall of Mule. den, in China, there la, a grave. It is the gru ave of a yong English dootor who went as a iniesionary, in- 1910. One clay it was noised about that the pneumonic plague was corning from the north. The death rate was one hundred per cent ND man, woman or child attacked recovered. When -China heard this, she stood speechless ,with terror. Then Arthur Jackson left his work, went to the railroad sta- tion in Alukden, and erected a barrier between the plague and the helpless MEMOS of Chinese. Day after day he worked, bled in oilskin beota, a white trelae, with a bag over his head, and breathed through a sponge. He visit- ed .every inconaing train; separated the diseased, and unsuspected, until the fatal tide was stemmed. Then he discovered In his own epitum the traces of blood that told him the end was at hand, and in a few hour a the *powerful, Christillt0 life came to a diose. They buried him by night by the city wall. The Chinese, Vicero7 came to mthe funeral and made' the Prineipal speech. Doctor Jackson wa a. socialized citizen, , Dumb -bells were first used, t la e,aid„ in the time of Qiusen Elizabeth, the estrlier forms being ,aticits loaded with lead at the emits, thew, being bell -like in ehape. PALE, WAN CHEEKS INDICATE ANAEMIA New Health Can be Obtained by Enriching the Blood. when a girl in her 'tem becomee Peevish, listless and dull, when noth- ing seems to interest her. and Wanes do not tempt her appetite, you may be certain that she needs more good Wood than her system hi, provided with. Before long -her pallid' cheeks, frequent headaches; bresahlessnese and heart palpitation will confirm that she is anaemic. Many mothers; as the result of their own girlhood expert Imo% can promptly detect the early signs of anaemia and the wise mother does not wait for the trouble to de- velap further, but at once gives her daughter a course with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills; which renews the blood supply and baniehes anaemia before it has obtained a bold on the system. Among the. many who have benefited by the use of these pills is Mies Dora Karr, R.R. No. 4, Wiarton, Ont., who says: "For a long time Lhad been feeling tired and worn Gut. / was troubled with headache and backache, and would wake up in the morning feeling tired and depressed. I had to walk a considerable distance going to and Pram school and would feel so tired that it seemed I could not go an- other step. About this time aelady doctor came to the ,school, to examine the children; and she told me rr badly needed- a tonic to build me up. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had been used in our home before this and I began to take them. I can only say that they have greatly helped nte. 1 no longer suffer from the headaches and back- aches and I li,toW wake up in the morn- ing feeling rested and refreshed. If ever in need -of a tonic again I shall lose :ao time In fakir% Dr. Williams? Pink Pine." You can get these pills through ally dealer in medicine or by mail- post- paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medi- "' eine Co., Brockville, Ont. Bacon is more than twice as valu- able as rump steak, from the feed point of view. There are over to million people In the woral suffering front leprosy* kflf over held' of the% are in India. at Leominster, in a809. Minard's Liniment for Dandruff. Disease.Carriprs. Health, experta. have been tryllig to fled out whether oar too intimate, friend, the Isetibuta does, as long eus- Pected, toot ,a,e' a carrier of disease. The answer Is PrObablk yea. It may carry relapeing fever, bubonic Plaguo. and poseibly leprosyBut if it does So, allele eases,' are merely accidental, germs acquired, by biting st sick per- son being transferred to a b.ea,Ithy itt- diiridual with another bite, Unlike the malaria mosquito,the dea' and the' louse the bedbug does not serve as an "intermediate host" for the develop- ment of' the parasitic organisdna cep. - corned. On theeother hand, the, bite of thei bedbug is quite poisonotte to sornedpeoe pie. There is ,reason for congratula- tion that the icasect has DO winge, since otherwise there would be no safety frobi it even for the Moat care- fal at housekeepers., It la one of the most intelligent of inseete, EVell bedsteadeof brass and frost do not. insure safety from its at- tacks, inasmuch as -it may find hiding places In such beds or get to them readily from other places of conceal- ment. The best way to get rld of bedbugs la by the liberal use of kerosene. Weighing Air. Until very recently nobody knew how mucla airaveighed. We cannot see the air, and, except wheri the wind blows., we do not feel it, Hence it seems to us to have al- most no substance. Yet it is a rather substantial fluid. When it moves at a rate of 100 miles an hour it uproots great forest trees and throws the watera of the ocean into turnaoll. If our bodies ware empty of air the pressure of the atmosphere surround - Mg us wonid. crush us to an immedi- ate pulp. , A room ten feet long, ten feet wide and ten feet high contaius seventy- five pounds of air. Of Queen.Victoria's grand children, one is a reigr.,hig monarch—King George --and three- are Queen Con- sorts of Norway, 'Spain, and Rumania. The sea -cow, or dugong, is a herb- ivorous water -animal found in the Red Sea and Ehe 'East; from 8 to 12 ,feet in length, :it resembles a small whale. laa, la wt. ma ma tat va Tat wa Ink eta ma lit va HEALTH EDUCATION 111 lammooadvaoasaa.as BL.:1 Ft J. J. 1DDLETON 1 ProBoard of Health. Ontario I 0 Dr. Middleton will be giad to answer questions on Public Health mat- ters through this column. Address him at the Parliam„ ent Bidgs0 0 Toronto. __72it Via M 7ffat 111 Ita 111, • Never was there a time wazen the stone will be left unturned to over- come these prejudices. The people want to know how to keep well and be healthy; and the Provincial Board of Health is taking 'energetic eteps to send this information broadcast over the country. With this end in view child welfare demonstrations and baby clinics axe being conducted at VarioUS points throughout the Pro- vince by trained nurses, and the rav- ages of venereal disease are being at- tacked by a network of treatment clinics that are. being established at many centres. The protection from injury, and care of the health of workers in in- duStry is being affected through a Division of Industrial Hygiene which is working to bring =about conditions in factories and industrial concerns of all kinds, that will not injure or be a menace to the health of the em- ployees, especially as regards trades that are considered dangerous, un- healthy or sedentary. The increasing num,bers of women in industrial pur- suits hating an important bearing on the health and vitality of the coming generaeion will he ,given much atten- tion. The importance of cleanliness in the shame, and the necessity for pure food and a good. wholenme water supply for drinking. purposes will also be demonstrated. e. In addition, there will be numerous public lectures and moving picture ex- hibits on general Public Health topics, laying particular attention in someal cases on the vue of the Public -Health nurses who :are now eonduct- ing, clinics all over the Province and doing important educational. work in Infant, and Child Welfare. • pursuit of health and happiness ap- pealed more to all classes of pepoIe than it is doing•to-day. Warm rays of optima= are be- ginning to break through the clouds of doubt and despondenry that follow- ed everywhere in the wake of the world war. We are planning for and looking forward to a better world h,ere on earth—a more civilized world, a cleaner and healthier world. And there is no reason why cur hopes and dreams should not be realized. - How beautifully George B. Shaw expresses this thought in "Gandida," .when he says "Gad hes given us a world that nothing but our own fool-. ishness keeps from being a Paradise,' That is just the point. It is foolish- ness that permits disease germs to spread unchecked in our midst—bring- ing ill -health and misery where there should be health and happiness. It is foolishness and lack of knowledge that is the muse of so much infantile mortality, so many physical defects of childhood, and so much venereal disease in every community. More and more it is ,becorning evident that ordinarily intelligent people want to keep well, want to keep their homes clean and sanitary he every -Way; want to have healthy children and keep them healthy, want to, live healthy lives and enjoy more and more the great blessings of sunshine, fresh air, good food and sanitation. Foolish- ness and lack of knowledge are the two main stumbling blocks in the way of getting all important knowledge of these basic principles of life dif- fused throughout the country, and no( fter a ten- INST instead of coffee,you're apt to wo (ler why you stuck to the coffee habit so long iNSTANT POSTLIM It FDIELICIOUS AND HEALTHFUL MOW II 'There's a A salfssAai 7,,taVdIlr','ZIA%11447 P0011111 trrbt, MY rr 10Iti Adrift. Adrift en the eceatt: No sun by day, nor moon by raght, Ner throbbing stare to guide me eight; Oar and .rudder fail Inc. Terrors grim assail me; Helpleee, by raging wave I'm borne itt tempeet loud in howling etorra, Adrift outhe oceen. Adrift' on life's sea; In the sky no light I see -- Is any there? Alai not for me; , Waves of doubt enfold ro.e; Fears death -boding hold me. No Faith% know—no Hope --no Love -- And yet I cry to God above Adrift on Life's' sea. NTER WEATIldi ON LITTLE ONES Our Canadian winters are exceed- ingly hard ou the health of little ones. The weenie -Ts is often so severe that the mother cannot take th.e little one out for an airing. The con,sequence is that baby is confined to overheated, badly ventilated rooms; takes cold and becotnes erose and Deevish.13abY'a Own Tablets should be givento keep the little one, healthy. They aro a mild laxative whichregulate the stomach and bowels and thus prevent colds. The Tablets are opal by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Resistance of Human Body. The United States Bureau of Stand- ards has recently made some interest- ing experiments for measuring the electric resistance of the human body. They were made for the first time in such a way as not to include the re- sistance through the skin (a variable factor) where the current enters and leaves the body. The measurements showed that the electrical reeastance of the sante part of the body in different individuals may differ by ratio of 3 to 2, or even mare. The resiatance of a person -changes-from day to day, and often by small amounts in an hour. Also the resistance depends to some extent up- on the pokition of the body and the de- gree to which the muscles are relaxed. It is *thought that •a knowledge of the resistance of different parts of the body, exclusive of the skin, may be of interest to those concerned with life hazards .from high-voltage circuits; since when accidental contact is made to such eircuits the skin is burned at the point of contact and therefore largely -loses its protecting power. "Pape's Diapepsin" for Ina- , gestion. "Palette Diapepsin" is the quickest, surest relief for Indigestion, Gases, Flatulence, Heartburn, Sourness, Fer- mentation or Stomach Distress caused by acidity. A few tablets give almoit immediate stornach relief and shortly the stomach is corrected so you can eat favorite foods withoutfear. Large case costs only 60 cents at drug store. Absolutely harmless and pleasant. Millions helped annually. Largest selling stomach corrector in world.— Adv. Hot Ice. 'Water has always been regarded as an- incompressible substance. Never- theless., a Washington scientist, Prof. P. W. Bridgman, has succeeded in re- ducing it to four-fifths of its normal volume by subjecting it to a pressure of 150 tons to the square inch. Most remarkable, however, is the act that the water thus compressed be- comes a solid, turning to ice, though nearly boiling hot! By the uae of high pressure Prof. Bridgman has converted water into four new kinds of ice, each having its own peculiar properties. All four are more dense than ordinary ice and, therefore, heavier. They are so much heavier that cakes of theta will ac- tually sink in water instead of floating, - Land -Going Warships. There is a new type of armored craft which in war may be utilized on land as well as on the water. If is an armorclad motorcar mount- ed on the deck of a boat, the propeller of which it drives, by the help of suit- able gearing, with ite own gasoline en- gine. But, if there be occasion, it can rim off of the boat and. operate in the ordinary way as an armored motor-, car, One use suggested for this amphibi- ous vehicle is that of transporting troops from vessels to the shore, the ear being provided with a machine gun for defensive or offensive pula poses. Water Curtain. The Cincinnati Fire Departmen.t has beea experimenting nritli a new kind of fireproof euit which a supplemented by a helmet to contrived as to ells - charge a curtain of water downward overr the body of the wearer. Thue equipped, the flre-fighter can with safe- ty verutnre into the midst of flames. The suit is made of fireproofed oara Yea and Is of two thickneasesebetween whicIP (conveyed by a tube) water flows, Thia keeps' the wearer cool, and is in itself a probeetten, nut tho defense is made complete by a braes: perforated pipe which, anoiral the helmet, diseharges all around i0 sort of veil or elaewintath ot water. T.ised as it Our() or "aeokts" the ducking-stoGi Wass a chair fastened at the end of a long beam over a amid or river. The last,record of its use was AUTO '.REPAIR PARTS' for most roakits and znodele oS ears. Your old; brokers or worn-out . parts replaced. Write or wire re deport!). lila what you want. We carry the largest and most complete stoeltIn Canada ef onghtly iiget, or new parts and automobile &Intim-lent. We Shia C.O,D. anywhere, in Canada. Satis- factory or refaud in full our motto. 8haW,0 Auto 'Salvage Pert ami)41Yr $23-931 Bafferitt Bt., Toronto, rot. What Is a Boy Scout? A Boy Scout! He enjoys a Walk through the woods more than he does the excitement of the city streets. He learns the facts about the winde, the Stars, the trees and all living things— and becomes "master of himself" in the open. A Scout cantle a knot that will hold, he can swim, he can patch a tent, he can mend a tear in his trousers, bo can tell you what weeds are poisonous and what are not; if living near the ocean, lake or river he can reef a sail or pull an oar. A Scout does not run away wheh an accident occurs. If a persem, has been cut he uses his first aid knowledge in stopping the flow of blood; if a person has been burned he knows just what to do to alleviate the, sufferinge; sold should anyone be drowning, his train- ing helps him to meet the e.mergency, to sW1m, with all clothes on if necea- saz7, to the person in danger, and to bringhim back to safety. And when the drowningopersou Ls pulled ashore, he doesn't stand around waiting for' somebody else to do something. He knows, how to apply artificial respira- tion and sets to it at once because he knows that not one moment can be lost. A Scout is kind to everything that lives. He prides himself upon doing a "good turn" every day—for which he, of course, will not accept a tip. A Scout promises to do his duty to God and his country, to help other people at all trues, to obey the Scout law, a,nd at ell times undertakes ao do his best to keep himself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight. - Any boy, twelve years of age or over, May become a Boy Scout by joluing a troop that has already been started. In case there is no troop in his neighborhood, or if for other rea- sons it is advisable to form a new, troop, this may be done after consul- tation with Scout Headquarters in Toronto. Bat in any case, the consent of the parent or guardian must be shown on the enrollment blank. Islands For Sale. Almost any ialand sounds attractive, which probably accounts for the fact that many famous specimens have re- cently changed hands for quite large sums, irrespectfve of their actual worth. Henn anti JethoU, in the English Channel, are rented by Mr. Compton Mackenzie, the well-known novelist; the Shetland Isles of East and. West Burry—the latter closely associated with Sir Walter Scott's novel, "The Pirate"—will also probably change hands shortly. The Pembroke Ielands of Skomer, Graseholm, Gateholm, and Midland are another collection which should not lack bidders, particularly among na- ture lovers. Besides their scenie beauty, they are the home of rare sea- birds; rabbits; seals, and the elusive porpoise. From Italy comes the news of yet another island purchase. An enter- prising firm of cinema -producers have bought Monte Cristo, immortalized by Dumas' novel, and propose using it for filming purposes, MONEY ORDERS. Buy your mit-of-town supplies with Dominion Express• Money Orders. Five Dollars costs three cents. Auto-Batterg,r Service Kit. All the necessary paraphernalia for giving service enautomobile storage batteries are kept conveniently to- gether, ready for use, by means of .a portable kit. The enameled -steel case, 22 in. long, 12 in. high, and 6% in. wide, contains a rubber jar for dis- tilled water, a hydrometer Gately held In a clip, a three -compartment sliding tray ter extra terminal nuts and vent caps, and a full set of tools. The kit, which weighs 10 lb., is easily carried by the long bar handle at the top. • Mineral's Liniment Relieves Distemper France's birth-rate of 7 per 1,000, with infant mortality at 20, per cent,. Aith 'Of births; compares badly with ,Gest- att many's birth-rate of 20 per 1,000; with infant Mortality at 10 per cent. a births. Slow Work. Guide—"This wonderful redwood tree ha.a taken centuries to grow to its present size.°' Tourist—"No wendert ' It's on a government reservation." All Wrong. A party at the Zoological Gardena stood puzzled before a bird. "It's a leeagle," said one., "Lt's not," said another; howl." They appealed to a bystander, "Both wrong," he said enortly; "it's a navrii!" $L 'a a A Speedy Poet. A New England,teacher avers that the subjoined ie an actual composition on Longfellow, the poet, oompeeed by a fourteen -year-old pupil: "Hattiy W. Longfellow VMS born ih Portia.nd, Maine, while his parents ware travelling ia Europe. He had, =ay feet friends, among whom the fastest were Phoebe and Alice Cary." 'The Modern Maid oft.All Work. MrS. Sutton advertised for a woman to do general hensework, A colored girl assailed for the pine. "Are you a good cook?" asked Mrs. Sutton, "No, indeed, I don't cook," was the reply, "Are you a good ieundresee "I wouldn't,do washied and trollied; it's too hard on tbe hands." "Can you sweep?" asked Mrs. Sut- ton. "ND," was the answer. "rm not strong enough." "Well," said the lady of the houses quite exasperated, "may I ask what you can do?" "/ dustita' replied the girl placidly. The first colors used. by Artists in the early history of the world were made from various colored owths, bound together with honey or one of the gums. DANDER1NE Stops Hair Coming Out.; Thickens. Beautifies. Classified Advertitregueiitt, TtB51a TORONTO iranz near Weston, ontarto, affaia, h Bellevue and, Allied liospital),42 'Zook, offers to young women desOetla of bocerranas qualified, nurses a three, year COUre16 01 eenerai training; etiraa.t tivo residence; single roonut.. Por eosin* andether ineortpatibe. apply Lady Sup* ()riff ten d en t, ann onto Frac noopitak, Wester), sentario. a le IgioNVAN'ITI2: prom ref/DIV-0? ConstiA,rtifson, aInredIgeOsTic."tkur' IniseUecuesto, Rheurnationa Kidney Troubles, et fa Well-known, having been extentavoty id- vertlsed, since it was firet rnattufauturedl In 1855, by distribution of large quantl- tiee or J.Unianacs, Cook Books, 1fcalt14 Books, e to., which are f urnis had t* agent) free of charge. The remedies at sold at a price that allows agents to double their money. Write Alonzo 0. Bliss Medical Co., 124 St. Paul SL vast, montroo,i, Mention thiS paper. / Blistered 1E'oei4 Bore 7eet. teLred 'P00% Burning and Aohlna Peet. Atter it hard day's work or a long tramp 9).nd your feet are completely used up,, bathe them in hot water, then rub. tliertf.' well with MINA,RD'S r.aNnvEsINT, Will relieve you and you will never tei without a bottle. The three Prairie Provinces have 2,600 elevators that hold. 110,000,000 bushels of grain. A nexierate gale has a velocity of between thirty-nine and f orty-sitx miles an hour, a strong gale betweea forty-seven and fifty-four miles per, hour, and a allude gale between fifty- five and ,sixty-tlaree miles per hour. L.F.400.4.2%4^,A CORNS Lift Hight Off without Pain 1 ssaeasea-asseaseetsealea,eatatataaaa Magic! Drop a little "Freez.one" ea an aching cora, instantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with. fingers. Doesn't hurt a. Your druggiet sells a tiny bottle of "Lareezone" for a few cents, safacieat to remove every hard corn, soft corm or corn between the toes, and calluses. Amertoatst Pioneer, Dog Remedies DOC DISEASES and FLOW to Peed Mailed Pre() to any Ad- dress by .the Author. 12E. Claw* *lover Co., Tao. 118 West Elst Street New York, U.S.A. A few cents buys "Danderine," Af- ter a few applications you cannot find a fallen hair or any dandruff, besidea every hair shows new lite, vigor, brightness, more color and. abundance. OUCH! iOT MATT THEN 'California Syrup of Figs Child's Best Laxative Get busy and relieve those paws math that handy bettleof Sloan's Liniment Tir THAT Sloan's does, -it does there oughly----pegatrates bioig to the afflicted part and promptly relieves most kinds of exter- nal pains and aches. You'll find it clean and non -aide -staining. irceP is bandy for sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia ovenexerted muscles, stiff -johns, back: ache, pains, bruises, steams, eprabase bad weather after-effects. For 39 years Sloan's Liniment has helped thousands the world over. "V-ou arentlikely to be .an exception, it cot% tainly does produce results. All druggiste--35ce ibia, 41-40. Accept "California" Syrup ea Fagg only—look for the name California ott the package, then youare sure your child ishaving the best and most barraIess physic for the little stbruach, liver and bowels. Children Love ita fruity taste. alult clirecttone, on each bottle. You rauet say "California," In 1914 the Arras region of France had 41,000 tows; to -day there are only 8,000, including 5„000 isupplied by Germany, of which 50 per cent. are effected by the foot-and-mouth dia. ease, Chilblains, Frost - Bites -and chapped , hands use or Immtcliateyelief try a • eacity and 4econvince IIEWARE OF suBs.nrints tfolfax THE LEEMINE iii14i 110.. LTO, weaves/id. ArantsIor Dr. ttulera Detuato RELIEVES PAIN mmas tea eteeejaeand ASPIWN Only -Bayer" is Genuine raanno ",1 u, cLo t)iJ ocIsLesl, saa- Warning! Take no channea with aubetitutes for,gensetne, "Bayer Tablets of Aaphin." Thaleaa you see the Marne "Barer" On package or on tablets ;you are not getting A.spirin at all, In oven, Bayer package are drectiona tar Oolds, Headache, Neuralgia, BIM.' latEttlet14; ruche Toothache, Iamb 0 and' for Pain Handy the, bOxos twelve tablets out, feW Mate Dreg"' date also eel/ larger Paeltainm Mao in 'Canada, ,A.spirin is, the trade mark (regisitered tin Ceteada), of Bayer Menu - facture eit Meneacetitachleater of Saitcylleaeid. ctrricEJ A SOOTHES SKIN THOILIBLES Bathe with plenty of Cuticttra Soap and hot water to cleanse and perk- fy Dry lightly and apply Cuticura Ointment to soothe arid heal, Cuti- cure Talcum eeetliee and cools tile Oldn and overootnes heart. perapl- ration. Delicate delightful clistInguo. Swap 2k inIntmortt 25 ktxt4S0c. TCAlcom 25c. 8 -Id throtighOutthoDominiOn, CanedianDePou atujimitad, S44 St, Ppol Si., in'. A Mout:eat "TiCtxticuraSonp aitterefsvitheat mitre, Net