HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-2-10, Page 4RRUARY 10, 1021. WU) EXETER. TIMES Engines and Farm Equipment merit The latestde() on the Canadian Fairbanks Morse Co. engines, 1 1 } horse power $110.00 Horse power:$.1_75:00 6 horse power $285.00 h the Bosch _magneto, the finest ig ?:hese engines are .equipped with uition system. known. Doxb1D gear pump }a k $15.00 Internal gear jack $30.00 CARILIGHTING POWER, 40 Lights, $525.00. Emery stands, saw arbors, pulleys,, belting, hangers and shafting on. short notice. TT11 CASE TRACTOR All makes of engines overhauled, cylinders re -bored or ground, new stops made to fit with rings. Oxy-Acetelyne welding done. Cochrane Machine Works Exeter, Ont. �X 7 ARE YOU A Brave enough to Face the Future? Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? Far-seeing enough to Prepare for Misfortune? Ambitious enough to Increase your Estate Immediately? Patriotic enough to be making a Good Livelihood? Healthy enough to pass a Medical Examination? Then clip this advertisement. Fil1 in the coupon and send to S. C. COOPER, Inspector, the Northern Life Assurance Company, Box EXETER TIMES O/0'1'IOE NA IFiE ADDRESS Date Born, day of in the year AB: t Positive relief is sure, renews@ Iaealth certain. RAZ MAH aestores Normal breath- fng, stops mucus -gather- ings in the .bronchial tiles, givas long nig of quiet sleep. A health -building remedy, put up in cap@u es, easily swallowed, prescribed by doctors, sold by druggists, $1.00 a• box. Ask our nearest agent or write us for a free trial package. Templetone, 142 King West, Toronto. Local Agent—Dr. J. W. Browning TO STA.RT CAMPAIGN aAIIG1 AGAINST 5t RU13 BILL. A. G. Farrow, of Oakville, County Director of the U.F.O. in Halton, attended a meeting in the Depart- ment of Agriculture office at Clin- ton on Friday last for the purposes of organizing the riding of South Huron in a campaign against the scrub and grade bull. Committees were appointed in each of the five townships, and meetings are being arranged for the near future. R, C. Proctor of Belgrave,''W. D. Black, Seaforth, and C. F. McKenzie, B.S.A. of Oal.,viale, were present, and are to take an active part in the cam- paign. Messrs. Black and Proctor are County Directors of the U.F.O. in this county. Tt is hoped to have the south riding "cleaned up" on scrub hulls soon, when a start will be made in the other ridings in the county. Usborne has already reported all clean., MUST STAY AT SC'E.00L. Circulars which are being sent broadcaBt 'by the Provincial Depart - in en t ep1artinent of. Education, announce the Coming into force on. September 1, 1922, of that section 01: the Ado'les- eent School: Attendance Act which provides for the attendance at school of adolescents '.between 14 and 16 years of age. "Inconformity with this section, pupils are expected to remain in fall time attendance at school until they are 16 years of age Unless employed on the ,authoritj. of a Borne peilnit or an employment certificate, as providedfor by the ;act." it is announced thatit is not the ititentiott to make the act retro- ac,f.ivo, by endeavoring to ' compel. those already in reviler , e�nplo-- g , 3 iic;it1,to return to school lir, Gray, a former citizen of Terkhill, died at Acton recently, Ile is seraived by kis widow, on: 4 daugh- ter ,eii.: t..i a_tl e son t ,i. _ n01 -i war; posting : a 7 t.,r. was' . tom 2i: 't11e;`cou.ii,,.i that, .11 tr17;, a Ci•v4'ei _h+ "Over• Vii ?„ fit a,t "Over 1 weighthree it ,: „ said I - bi icC;.- . drC.. 11� 'e clerk, Citi 1 1 , ou'iI 1 ., a ti,tvc; ct'� put an t stamp on it." '`Get. sy r,. said the Trishr-r in tviEli, „, stamp a i'ili. Sure if I`i put another i i g , 1 P at,,n D ori it, wont it be heavier still.?" News of the District The iron work of the big bridge at Grand Bend is completed. A Masonic Lodge was instituted at Ailsa Craig 'last week with 32 charter members. Two flocks of wild ducks were seen flying north, at Bayfield last week. Mr. Jones has sold his farm on con. 4, Biddulph,, to Dan Revington, formerly owned by B. E. Abbott. The' price was over $7,000. Mr. John Gaffney, of Logan town- ship, has been successful in tender- ing for the construction of eight hundred and forty-six culverts in connection with government road work. The cost will amount 'to over $512,000. 'Officials of the Anglican Church are proposing the building of a Parish Hall, Granton,",to he used a5 a place for large gatherings connected with the church, and would also be at the service of the 'community., Such is a very needed convenience' in Granton. Mr. William Henry, of Hensall, but who has been a resident of the' West, `purchased the farm known as the Torrance Farm, east of Clinton, from Mr. E. L. Mittell for $13,000 and pays $2,500 for stock and imple- ments. Ile gets possession this month, Mr. Mitteli ai t4 'farnaly 'vid1.11 move to Clinton.'',, ,si The Goderich Salt Block was, the scene of a fatal accident', last; week when Walter Oram, aged '40, dr•,op7 ped 60 feet to the ground, landing on his head. He was assisting in`tak- ing down, one - of the ' smokestacks when it buckled. He was a war vet -, of the' 71st. Battalion. A widow and three young children survive. • There passed away guile" suddenly at the Stratford General Hopital,,,on January 24t1i, Mary Thomas Haynes, wife of Gerrance Haynes, of Fullar- ton. Mrs. Haynes had been in "failing health for some time, but her many. friends did not expect the end to be so: near. An operation performed :at Stratford did not prove of any avail and after a:str.ong fight she passed away. Huron sends 125 students to the University of Toronto this year, ac- cording to an official statentent re- cently issued. Only four; counties send a larger number; Siincoe, 189; Welling Lon, .142; �rWen tworth, 169 York, 182. As this county sends also a considerable ntiniber o1' students to the Western University, London, its standing at Toronto' is evidence of Huron's devotion to higher edu- cation. r Ititrs, Janles ;W.cUi inept and lir, y Robert Hayman, of Ki i* eir, were Id halted 1: . � Dotr'i, last week ,� o f 3t e t owing 10 ,1 17� ., .r ,< death 0f their sister, Mrs. Tia- . f el t e o e s cr ie e c . that .it ' The cl..,c:,a,,etl 1 y ivas before $tr marriage,l;notivit as "Maria Daman, s 3 "ill t ayiiiai and was of 1., children, She was a daughter of the Elizabeth late Peter and �.liiairetli Ila nrano� Y Tuckei•sinitlr: Mi`a':Latrili. had > elieeu ill for some time with disease of the spine Her husband anti one ciaUgh- NEWSTOPICSOF VIEEK ter survive, A sad, death occurred • in. Parkhill azz January 26th at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Steeper, when lvlrs. Steeper's father, •Mr, James Mothers of McGillivray, succumbed to the effect of burns received ten days be- fore. He was 66 Years of age. He dived alone in one-half of a house the other half of which was occupied by, Mr. auid•"Mrs., Gardner. On the morning when he was" burned, he was overcome with weakness and fell on the hot stove. The occupants of -the other,part of the hoose, smel- led the clothing burning and tried to get in but the door was locked.. Mr. Mailers got up off the stove himself and removed his > burnt clothing replacing it with other 'i clothing before letting :them in' to assist Jeim. All through the suffering which followed, he showed the startle unbreakable courage, enduring bravely until death relieved him. LOCALS Miss McLaughlin of the High School staff spent the :week -end at her hone in 1Zringliam. Mr. 0, Birney is preparing to erect a fine dwelling on the corner of Gidley and; C sling streets. Miss Alice Vincent of Stratford, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. 'D. Vincent, over the week -end. Miss. Janette Cochrane, of Kit- chener, who has just returned; frons Vancouver, is visiting her brother, Mr. J. G. Cochrane. We understand that Mr. Russell Hedden, of •Winthorst, Sask.,' who has been visiting in this coni nunity, has ptircliased the farm of Mr. A. Dow, of town. Mrs. Amos was in London recent- ly attending the Dominion Conven- tion on Social Service work. A. num ber• of prominent speakers were pres- ent and the discussions and address- es were timely and interesting. Funny stories are told' about' Arch- bishop Trench, who, seeing one day in Dublin a little girl trying to reach a. door -knocker, came to her assist - ante_ "Rap :hard! " said the little iat- nocent; He did so. "Now run like the very devil!" said she. Mrs. Henry Andrew, of Hamiota, Man., died on January 30, 1921,. fon- lowing a short illness. The deceased was 51 years, 5 months and 12 days of age. Her bereaved husband, who is a brother of 111rs.-3'oshua. Johns, of El%ina*ills, and six chidlren sur - rive. Mr. John Murray, of Hamiota, Man., passed away oil January 27th, after a months illness. The deceased Was in his 63rd year, He'was born in Scotland and at the age of three came to Canada with his parents. He lived at Farquhar on the Mc - Nicol farm for several years. Calgary has passed .a bylaw pro- hibiting `chickens from running at large within tite municipality. Such. a measure night be considered by every municipality. There is little encouragement for householders to beautify their surroundings by. plants and shrubs when chickens are ailova- ed their freedom.' The Library Board met' on Mon- day evening and organized for the year. Messrs. W. S. Howey and J. M. Southcott are two new members on the Board this'year. Mr. John Taylor was elected as chairman and ]Tr. H. E. Huston as secretary. Sev- eral committees were formed. One interesting feature. that is being ad- ded, is a story -telling hour •.for the children, to be held Saturday after- noons. This will be conducted by some of the teachers from the ,school staff. , A11 citizens in the Federal Riding ..of South Huron'in sympathy., with the principles -of the United Farmers of Ontario and the Canadian Conn-, eti of Agriculture, are invited: to meet the. Town Hall, Hensall, at. one o'clock, on Friday, February 11, '1921, to complete a Political Consti- tution and erect an organization for political purposes alone. All friends of the movement should not fail to attend as this' meeting will be one of the most important ; ever field in the riding and the 'invitation is not ,"eonlined to farmers only. �i3OCIA,L E VEIN I1 G. A very . successful evening was held' in the "Y" rooms 'on Wednes- day evening of last week, when the lady members met with the men' and enjoyed a social evening. Gaines and amusements were held and were entered into in a most sociable man- n.er'and all reported a pleasant .tinge, OBJECTS TO EXTRA COST. Theimc o S oe County at its recent session passed a resolution calling upon the Government to re- fund to the municipalities the extra cost of •'printing the voters' list owing to adding the names of legislative voters other than those on the ,mu tacit/al lists. One 'member said the voters' list for the big towns would cost $1,200 to $1,5,00. He figured out that the Government, 'even if it paid the municipalities for the extra P printing, would save at least $125,- 000, as compared with specially pre- pared lists got out under. Govern- ment, direction;' 1P M0VIt+iCI L CONVENTION 11i'. ITS IN �' TORONTO c�.0 PER. 22nd. A Provincial , incial Prohibition c on ven.-' tion will be licld in'Toionto on Tues- day, d ay; ti, educ:sday .incl. Thursday, Feb- ruary 22nd 23rd and 24th. ,?;ver° J Church congregation in Ontario, and. cror9 .,oi,-ety dr a s,ociction ofcitizenr; Whatever 2ga ,r. of Corin or o.g.-nixation c. name, which LS itt favhr of the tato', sii,ppress on of ,tho, litiuor tragic, i;n iii d e t tie and is �%n�`itcd to appoint delegates to this convention. dttced railway rates will be given. Important Events Which Have Occurred Out ing the Week, The Riley World's Happenings Care. • fully Coniiiiled and Piot into .Handy and Attractive Shape for. 'the Renders of Our Paper .— A Solid. Boar's Enjoyment. ''1i,TEsDAY. Bread at Belleville dropped. from 24c to 2,)c a three-priand loaf. A strike of free 'old is reported at the Rex Mine, Herb Lake, Man. The Canadian Allis -Chambers Co. announces cut in employes' wages. The touring Canadian curlers won two matches in Scotland yesterday. A Toronto girl missing nearly a Week is' located "resting" in a city hospital. An alert conductor prevents small- pox case reaching Toronto from Beaverton. President Wilson has refused to. commute the prison sentence of Eu- gene V. Debs. Italy is likely to purchase fish from Newfoundland under the revised re- gulations. The Greek Premier will be a dele- gate to the conference in London on the Sevres treaty. A despatch to London. says the Moscow Soviet' is expected to ratify the trade pact with Britain. Mrs. James 3r3. 0 -lever and 'three children' perished in a fire which de.: stroyed their borne in T.flindon. The embargo on unvaccinated per- sons traveling frons -Ottawa, Hull and elsewhere into Quebec Province is in force. Brampton O. H. A. intermediates put St. Francis of Toronto out of the running, by beating them Monday, 5to1. Interprovincial • liquor in traffic in the Provinces of Alberta, Saskatche- wan and Manitoba ceased to be legal at midnight: "Tex" Rickard is :now sale pro- moter of the proposed Carpentier - Dempsey heavyweight championship boxing heal,. St. Michael's College O. H. A. jun- iors won the "Prep" School Group title, by beating University of Toron- to Schools, 5to 0; Clifford Hough, 13 years of age, saved his four younger brothers and sisters from. a • fiery death in their home at _Ross Flats, near Edmonton. Walter SY�aver, license inspector of, North Oxford since April, 1905, and of Oxford since 1916, is super- annuated, and ex -Chief of Police Wm. C. Killing succeeds him. WEDNESDAY. A, merry bread war is on in Belle - . of Anglican clergy is noted in Toronto diocese. The Queensland domestic loan of two million sterling > has failed of flotation. The touring. Canadian rinks de- feated` the northeast province link by 147 to` 38. Mrs. Ruby Cross, shot during a struggle between the Haslam broth- ers, is 'dead..' Angus M. Lott, of Sarnia, died while watching a hockey match at 'Owen, Sound., ' The University of Toronto senior team beat Argonauts in an 0.- II. 'A. game by 7—to 4. English :crews are unlikely: to com- pete in the international regatta at Poughkeepsie in June. Rev. John Semmens, a pioneer Methodist missionary in „Northern Manitoba,. is' dead, aged 7.2.' Pope Benedict received .Archduke Joseph Franz of Austria,` to whom royal honors were accorded. An organization is • being formed of milk producers in Ontarioa • It will have a .membership 01'.100,000. Sixty-eight' > Russian .radicals were deported from the United States on Tuesday' on the'steamer Esthonia. The dead body of •Charles Edwards, - a returned soldier, was• found lean- ing against the wall of. Windsor' Sta- tion,. Montreal: Miss Helen O'Neil, `aged 18, and Norman Rinkler, 30, were drowned 4yhen skating on the Welland river at Orchard Grove. In the first of a two -game series to decide the' group title, the De la Salle C. L O;H.A. team tied with University of '.Toronto, 3 to 3. Sir WYlliani 33uil, M.P. in the Brit- ish .House, said`" at the London Meat Traders' meeting Tuesday, that the embargo on Canadian cattle will soon be lifted. The Quebec Government refuses to reconsider its decision not to buy the liquor stocks' of the wholesale firms in that province. The dealers -have till May 1 to get rid of• their stock. THURSDAY. The Canadian curlers won two more matches in Scotland. The Willard -Dempsey bout, carded for March, has been'postponed. A remarkable revival spirit is shown in. Presbyterian. churches. Hamilton beat Canadiens" 6 to 5; Ottawa beat St. Patrick's 4 to 3. The Ontario Temperance Act was severely criticized in the Legi9iature. A meeting of radicals in 7 pronto stated their views as to ideal condi- tion. A drop in th'eprice of eggs', pota-.' g toed and Ilour will encotrra re house- wives, wives, Itatifiea,tions of the fia', allo Treaty y have been ext hanged by Italy aiid J,ugo-SI :a'via, Western Congregational Church and. Dale Presbyterian Church, To-. emito, will unite; b r'. Hon. Peter'YIcSweeri a � a Member'. e . �Y, of the Senate of Canada, died at, Moncton, in his 79t1i year. Win to the' prevalence scarlet O.valenee cE g1. e. •_ Catharines, fe r r,i 5t,• children un- der c,l 16r.theatres. are barred from thea a. kPtok- Putnam aged. 38,of , gDetroit, e shot himself on the tail of the ferry- boaty Sri expire and atonce. , , sank •A Gerinan film has been banned :by the new. Censor Board3 and it has , are tie. been Withdrawn byToronto fl a o Brig. -Gen. Williams G.O.C, says e in Mill- ,ht r e G i Po is tile nazn,E, of 14 men ary District No. 2 who are opeaty 1/reaching sedition. A Polish delegation, inch din Geis. h niludski, has arrived in Paris to dis, suss the probable Russian. offensive tgalnct Poland lir the spring, A British outpost in Persia, attack m by Red troops, defeated the inyad ing force and. in a counter-attack killed 12 Bolshevists and. captured 37, . The `Paris newspaper, the Temps, tdvoeates seizure of Germancustoms )n the left bank of the Rhine if B`er- Cin rejects the Paris program of tlte, Allies. FRIDAY. The new express rates may not be put into effect: for a week. Hamilton Tigers beat Granites in: in 0, H. A. senior game by a to 3, There is anroposal to unite all 'boy .work" organizations in To'onto. D. B. Hanna is firm in his ,decision' that discharged employes are out for keeps. F Judge Latchford in the timber` probe scores' Ontario colonization aeheme. In the fourth teat curling match, at Edinburgh, Canada defeated Scot- land 137 to 108. A Labor member made a bitter attack on Mr. M, M. MacBride in ,- the Legislature. Hon. W: A. Charlton, M.P., suc- ceeds the late, Sir Wm. Gage on the Sanitarium Board. Edward Hayden, of Brampton, 70 years old,' was instantly killed by a train at Brampton. St. Thomas Board of Education is in trouble over reducing i,ts estimates and threatened resignations. The Duchess of Marlborough, for- merly Consula Vanderbilt, is prepar- ing to leave England for good. A mine explosion at Mountain Park, near Edmonton, killed two Hien and seriously injured six others. Hamilton Library Board will ask the Minister of.;ducation for a thor- ough investigation of its affairs. McGill co-eds -defeated Queen's ladies' team 33 to 14 in the Inter- collegiate Girls' Basetball League. The 0. H. A.' has revised its sche- dule of second and third round games in the intermediate and junior series. The Irish Sinn Feiner, a Valera paper, claims that the: British sub- marine K-5 was sunk by an Irish device. SATURDAY. Aura Lee senior team deiieated Kitchener by 3 to - 2. A cargo of American coal has been unloaded in London harbor. Great Britain and Australia have challenged for the Davis Cup. 'Canadian curlers ..defeated Edin- burgh representatives by 102 to 98. For the past few months massacres in Moscow have been on the increase. A small swordfish is reported to have been speared in Burlington Bay, Hamilton. Sir .James Craig succeeds Sir Ed- ward Carson =as leader of the Ulster Unionists. , The iOntario Horticultural Society will raise a fuss over an attempt to import Dutch': bulbs. The British-Arperlcan Oil Co. an- nounced a further,: drop in the; price of gasoline 'at Montreal. ' Mexico's President is coming to the Canadian National Exhibition to court' trade with Canada. Mrs. Hugh Heggie, wife of the City Magistrate of Vernon, B.C., was suf- focated, with her babe, in a fire. German sailors thrown out of em- ployment by delivery of the merchant fleet to the 'Allies are to be re- imbursed. The standing "of the parties in the British Columbia Legislature now is: Liberals, 27; Conservatives, 13; In- dependents, 7. A Provincial Board of Conciliation for settlement of differences between teachers and school boards is to be tried .in, Alberta. De la .,Salle> won the title in "B" section of; the "prep" shhool group by beating :University of : Toronto 9 to 5 on the round. The' four-year-old son of Fred Ray of • Guelph' was drowned - in an old quarry behind the rubber factory, where others were skating. MONDAY. Scotland beat Wales in rugby, by 14 to 8. Sterling- is quoted at $3.821,lz in 'New YorYork.' 'The Burlirley, soccer team beat As- ton :villa by 7 'fog., In.' the fifth test curling match,. Scotland defeated Canada by 117 to 104. James G. Cane, Toronto, promin- ent in lumbering andpolitical circles, is dead. Toronto Communists demand the release: of comrades arrested in Hamilton. The debate on the address in the Legislature may last. throughout the present week.- Enid Pakenham was drowned while, skating on the Otonahee river at Peterboro. i Potatoes at Kalamazoo, Mien„ were'.,,being sold on Saturday at '25 cents per bushel. Oshawa,is damping ping skimmed milk into, the sewer after sending the cream to Toronto,, Germany has received officials air Ger. y y invitation to send delegates to the London conference. A deputation appealed to Premier Meighen 'for motional issi.statice to Chinese famine sufferers. Immigration restriction legislation is held up by' the Senate Committee of the, U. S. Cofigrees, Tho Irish Bishops• in their Lenten pastoral letters con`denin both the shooting of police and reprisals, Ten students at Victoria Hospital, London, Ont., offeredtheir blood to save E. Kitmaster, .ef Port Dover. National Hockey Leagi.le results on Saturday were; Ottawa 1; Hamil- ton 3 St. Patrick's 10; Gariadiens 6. University of Toronto senior team treat 1tSeGilt, TIM:Versify in alt Intei•- ro11e„ date .Hockey League garne, by • 9to3. London.. assessors start. out to -day on a new system, assessing 'bitildingi per amp, land vali.ies being fixed, in the AsSeSsment Chide. µ'4• a, ••.7.a .RF ll M foil r'ik�a" N( ,S \ - - �.��:3,'"0 r' J iii ,L1i'SID�i,.,,,,L,,,,.'..; UWgWIUlUil6.�.-.�•r.N� �;C17J ITharoFietalyofratentVichlelif Ili ate 91.3:4 aa1t ti.• Aeticf b r ,' . by :11v1:7550,: . da oo.eT' y rttIrrsisxlitat.lit�heSl marks andi� still¢t Q 5 � _.~�... , $ ThefebyP oitn sti9E rIGlteerfutsressailttlZest�Ge e' � r' ,j! neither Opitim,ltei co 1 ! Mineral. rrcaTtt 1i Recipe0ft)1DA: irle Puntpk n ,5i'7? 9 5ennr� q %Ivchelt •Sr/i9 4pjsc Sift '1 ,rnu+aleBa(a 1 �rrbur+ !� rJ or,>? SrrrG Gl�r7ylrcdSn01' .rtf: aroY 11'rn,krgr' yyAItelpfitlReinedyfor tioastipl:evefnaiioll stinessr calli I' said 1✓1� ;I to Los o rest. in?refcoi,,;_`_ oa cy. �.� TdG$ithmiie Signature , HE, CIIi-ITASO CorrmQ y' ti mONTIt1;A1 �trA 'tt"�M1 �4sr�.N r+�l g >J� Nab, Exact Copy of Wrapper. For Infants and Children. 8others Know That:. Genuine Castoria Always Bears 'the Signature Use'e r Ove Thftty YearsC u STORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY,: NEW YORK CITY.. :i::G>;.:.. •_• - ' •vina3"ikkeyitPoY'zc..- BAND BY MAII.t Regular saving will soon- show a hand- some andsome balance in the depositor's account. It may be difficult for you to come to the bank always when you want to deposit. Send in deposits by mail -they will be as carefully handled as though you handed thein over the counter. 77A THE ' CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - $1 5,000,000 RESERVE FUND - $ 15,000,000 EXETER BRANCH, 1. A. Chapman, Manager. INCORPORATED 1855 OVER 130 BRANCHES THE M L N � O O S BANK CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,000. Farmers needing money while waiting to market crops or stock are invited to consult with the Manager at any of THE MOLSONS BANK Branches. Savings Departments at all-- Branches. "SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES AT THE EXETER BRANCH." T. 5, WOODS, MANAGER, EXETER BRANCH. CENTRALIA BRANCH OPEN FOR BUSINESS DAILY. TO@"G5I3OENE,AND HIBBERT • FARMER'S MUTi7AL FIRE INSUE ANCE COMPANY. Head Odic°, Farquhar. Ont. President, THOS. RYAN Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON DIRECTORS WM. BROCK J. L. RUSSELL ROBT. NORRIS, JAMES McKENZIE AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Hibbert. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fullarton and Logan. W. A. TURNBULL, Secretary -Treasurer R. R. No. 1, Woodham. GLADMAN T BUR & STANBURY olioftors Exeter. . DR, HENRY A. CORSAUT Veterinary Surgeon Office—Baker's Livery on James' St. Calls promptly attended to day or night. b Phone S. 1)11. A. ft. KINSMAN, Honor of Graduate o... -.. Toronto IJnitie- r sitp, AENTIST Offiets over Gladinan & Starrbury's o.glee, Main Street, Exeter. ' :"dvertis0 in filo "Tiinee, It 'loaf's: MONEY TO: LOAN" We have a Targe amount of private fund's to loan on farm and villager' properties, at lowest rates of in- terest. GL+ADMAN & STANBURY• j Barristers Solicitors, i. Main St. Exeter, Ontario PERRY F. DOUPE,,,Licensed Aue tioneer. Sales conducted in any loc- ality. Terms moderate, Orders left at Times Office will be promptly at- tended to. Phone 116, Kirkton, Address Kirkton P. 0. DR. G. F. ROULSTON, I,.D.S.,D.D.S,, DENTIST Office "over I. R. Carling's Law oMce. Closed every We n e day afternoon�; . E U. "DIAMOND DYES" S Dye right! ' Don't rids your material. Each pack- age of "Diamond Dyes" eon - tains. directions so impler that any woman cart' y diamond -dye a new, rich, aq ...color into oltig arnents, draperies, covcriags, every- thing, vei'y thing whether wool, silos linen, cotton or ridged goods- I3u,y"Mammal Dyes"---nou . other kind --then perfect re- sults are guaranteed evert if you Lave never dyed Tiefare. Druggist has "Diaindnd Dyes Color Card" ---16 rich colors.