HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-2-10, Page 3CHANBERLAIii ANNOUNCES DISCO TINUANCE OF EXCESS PROFITS DUTY All Pre -War Businesses Will Pay Tax for Period of Seven Years, Says British Chancellor of the Exchequer --With. New Businesses Tax is to • Cease. A despatch from London says:— they fell Within the seepe of the tax. Chanceller of the Exchequer Chant- F 11 new businesses it will cease berlain, speaking in Birmingham on as from December 31 last. Thursday night, made an anmeence- • Furthee, he "iindertakee- to impose lnent, important to Englieh besines.s- no tiew tax in eubstitu.tion. There men, that the fisuchere,viled e:teess may, lie eaid, be some raw duties in profits duty will he discontinued this the Budget for anti -damning nurpoe•- year. The duty is charged en the am- es, but there clefinitelyr will not be any ount by which the profits frorn all new revenue-produeing impost upon trades and businesses exceed by more business. than £200 the pre-war standasal of He admitted the excess profits duty profits. The duty is equal to 60 pew W13,S open to great objection. It was cent. of excess profits. For the year to a large extcht, arbitrary in its in - 1919 -20 it brought £290,046,000 into ciclenee, tended to encourage extrava- the Exchequer, and revenue frern the glance in industry, and diseourage same_ source for the year ending enterprise, and the only justifiea,tion March 31 next is estimated is.t £220,- for it was to he found hi the crucial 000,000. need for rrsoeey and in the fact that, Mr. Chamberlain announced all pre- at the time when most people were war lausinesses will pay a tax for a tuffeeireg loss of incomee'leertain peo- period of seven years, dating from Pie, through the sante cameo; the war, the first accountancy period in wiicii were earning abnormal profits. TVVELVE MONTHS' IJNIIEST' CONTINUES NAVAL HOLIDAY IN BRITISI-I INDIA Abstention From Big Ship- Violent Campaign Against building Program Recom. Government Despite Pro - mended. Imsed Remedy. .--e 4 teak(' a IVIIUSHeaG BACK _ GermanY Has Lowest Per Capita Tax The Ina?, Markets. Toronto.' s• Manitoba wheat—No. 1 Northern, 1)1.75; No. 2 Northern, $1,72; No. 3 Nerthern, $1.671/2; No. 4 wheat, $1.62. Manitoba. oats ---No. 2 CW, 461/4e; No. 3 CW, 42%c; extra No. 1 feed, 42%c; No. 1 feed, 40%e; No. 2 feed, 361/2e. llitOb a b axe etr—N o 3 CW, 78% c ; No. 4 CW, 65c; rejected, 54c; feed, 54e. All above in store, Fort William. Ontario wheat—F.o.b. shipping . points, aecording to freights ceeteecle, No. 2 spring; $1.70 to $1.75; No. 2 winter, $1.80 to $1.85;- No. 2 goose wheat, $1,60 to $1.65. - Americanll—Prorript shipment, No. 2 yelloev, track, Toronto, 88e. Ontario oats ----No. 3 white, 47 to 50e, according to freights outside. Ontario floue—Winter, in jute bags, pronipt shipment, straight rim bilk, seaboard, $8. ' Barley—Malting, 80 to 85c, accord- ing to freights outside. Peas—No. 2, $1.50 to $1.60, outside. Manitoba flour—Track, Toronto: First patents, $10,70; second. patent, $10.20. Buekwheats---No. 2, $1 to $1.06. Rye—No. 2, amminal; No. 3, $1.55 to $1.60. Ilillfeecl--Carlots, delivered, Toron- to freights, bags included. Bran, per ton, $40, firm; shorts, per ton, $38; white middlings, $41; feed fieur, $2.40. , A despatch front London says:— A despatch fr°111 L°P--(1°'n says:— The draft of the report of the. Imper_ Unrest continues among the peasants ial Defence Sub -committee has been uf the united- Provinces of Agfa and ronwleted, and it reeernmends alaseen- Oudh, British India, according to a tion from a big shipbuilding program despatch to The London Tines from Allahabaci. Agitators are reported te for a period of twelve months. The object :tf the .delay, it is learn_ be carrying on a violent camealehl against the Government, despite the ed, is to give time for official nego- tiations among the United States, Ja- feet that legislation- has been prom - pan, and Gaeat Britain for a curtail- ised to remedy their grievancee. ment of their navies. In the latest instance of disorder a thousand 1)e -teens lay do- i' There will be no action on the re- . ' -' ern upon .ae port for several months yet, and at n-e-r°a track in order to halt a train any event the decision of the Govern - MT which they believed their leader, ment will need the ratification of the who had been arrested, was being Imperial Conference, which is to be transported. h,e1c1 in June. When nersuesibn failed the police were ordered to clear the track. The IVIeantime the First Lord of the Ad- miralty -will request the 1-1,o•Us,e of crowd then made an attack with Commons te agree to a postponement atones, whereupon the police opeaed of the naval estimates. fire with buckshot . Australia and Canada are closely e warxhing• every move in the naval e • situation. Senator E. D. Millen, Act- Trade With Ru,ssia ing Premier of Australia, who left for Melbourne from London on Saturday, gave out a statement on Thursday, in which he expressed con- fidence that the Imperial statesmen will back Australia's immigration li • po cy. Austa' •alia wants a recognition of the status quo in the Southern aud Eastern Pacific, achieving such a community of hsterest that the mad naval race between the Occident and, the Orient would cease, but where this race proceeds it is vital to Aus- tralia that the British interests in the Pacific should be safeeuartled. BRITAIN HAS 50 -PASSENGER PLANE Thousand Horsepower Air- plane Motor is Most Powerful Known. A despatch from London says:— The successful testing of a i,opo- h ewer aero engine which is said to be the most powerful known, has opened up claims by experts of the possibility of a regulax London -New 'Y erial sea -vice and a e,omplete passage within 24 hours, either direct or by changing aircraft at the Azores Islands. It - b in recalled by the experts The Cub's 18 cylinders on a test, - indicated 1;057 horsepower in 20 bows of running. The engine weighs nearly I/ ton, and costs about 15,000. e - Sarah Bernhardt, the famous ac- 1,ress, has been made an officer of the Legion of Honor, of whom the num- ber is limited to 4,000. Offered to Canada, A despatch from London, Eng., saye:-e-Can.aslian xnanufa,ctueers are offered an opportunity to trade with Russia ender conditions guaranteed to be .absolutely sale bsr the Bribe - that Capt. John Alcock in 1919 few from Newfoundland to Ireland in less than 16 hours, using two, 375 -horse - pewee engines. The new engine is called the "Cub." It was ordered by the Royal Air Force. It is understood that the Titania, a flying -boat destroy- er which is to be used in long-distance patrols, will be equipped with two "Cubs," and have a range of 1,500 miles. For war time the crew will number ten, and for civilian use the craft can accommodate 50 passengers. Cheese—New, large, 30 to 31e; twins, 31 to 320; triplets, 31% to 321/2c; old, large, 32 to 35e; do, twins, 32% to 351/2e. Butter—Fresh dairy, choice, 49 to 50c; creamery, No. 1, 65 to 59c; fresh, 58 to 61c. Margarine -29 to 35c. Eggs—No. 1, 68 -to 70,c; new hada, 76 to 7&c; new laid, in cartons, 78 to 80e. Beans—Canadian, hand -Picked, bus., $3.75 to $4; primes, $3 to $3.50; Ja- pans, 8c; Limes, Madagascar, 101/2e; California Limas, 121/2c. ' Maple products—Syrup, per imp. gab. 33.40 to $3.50; per 5 imp. gals., $3:25 te $3.40. Maple sugar, lb., 27 to 30e. Honey -60 -30 -lb. tins, 22 to 24c per Ib. Ontario comb honey, at $7.50 per 16 -section case; 5-21/2-11a. tins, 23 to Baltic Association, which is an process 25e yer lb. Cnoice heavy steers, $9 to $10; of fort -nation Loeden, according to good _heavy steers, $8.5.0 to .5, 9; hut_ a statement made by the honorary chers7 cattle choice, $8.50 to $9.50; secretary of the association, Mr. G. I do, good, $7:50 to $8.50; do, med. $6 W. Mason. Representatives of over to $7; de. con.,$4 to $6; anitchers, one hundred important mercantile in- bulls, choice, $7 -to $; do, good; $6 to tere.sts are' connected evith this body, $7, 0- corn., $ 0, ahose effetts to re-establish British ch-cice, $7.50 to $8-50; do, g'ood, $6.26 to $8.75. do, 600 lbs.. $7.25 to $3.25; A despatch from Paris says: —A comparative table of taxa- tion in Germany, and three of the allied countries, Great Bri- tain, France and Italy, is used to show Germany's ability to bear a greater burden, in a, jOint statement issued by the various delegations of experts who par- ticipated in the Brussels con- ference. The per capita taxes, except local charges, for the current fis- cal year in Germany are 599 marks; in France, 390 francs; in Italy, 200 lire, and in Great Bri- tain, £22, the statement says. On the' basis of recent New York exchange rates the per capita tax in dollars in Germany is $700; in France, $28.08; in Italy, $7.34; and in Great Bri- tain, $83.87. FIVE: &CROWN FORCES IN COUNTY CORK ix Sinn Feiner:3 Killed and Twenty Weundeci—No Lasses Suffered by Crown Troops—Dublin is Now Storni Centre of Anclibuseacles. ` A despatch from Dublin eay:--A concentration., it is declared, was pitthed battle occurred in County Cork on Wednesday night in whieh five hundred Sinn Feiners fought with a coneingent of police and military. It is officially stated that the Crown fortes suffered -no losses and at is estimated that six Sian Feelers were killed and twenty wounded. The lat- ter removed their dead. and wounded in i30OtS, The Roscarberry police were informed on Wednesday night that a body of civilians had concentrated at Buiratia, a mile south of the former town. Twenty men were sent out to dis- perse them while another force was despatehed to the' scene from Clon- akilty. When the Roscarberry contingent arrived on the scene, they Were fired on from both sides of the .roads by the Republicans. The pelice took to cover and when the ClonakilitY party arrived the two forces closed in on the attackers from the northand east, driving them hack to their head- quarters. At least six Sinn Feiners fell in the course 6f. the engagement but the party mange to make its escape under cover of darkness. The Crown forces captured rifles'ammunition, an automobile; boxes of bombs and other equipment. This unpretendented Republican Small Hands of Mischief. noi,v small a matter maY kindle a great fire is again illustrated in the dispatch from Bombay which de- scribes the riot that ensued upon the killing of two pigeons by European boys. The pigeon is sacred among Mohammedans; and in the present in- flammable state of Indian feeling against the countries of the West it was not hard for the native agitators to- make political capital out of the incident. The Sepoy mutiny was pre- cipitated by the fact that Indian sol- diers were compelled to bite off the ends of bullets smeared with cow grease, and their religion forbade this defiling contact. Some years ago two little boys of Newfoundland, playing with matches, set fire to a forest tract whose des- truction meant a loss of millions of dollars. That child's play was costly, but the loss was material, determin- able and limited. In the present in- stance none ean say where the mis- chief ende, for en the wings of rumor a story is spread broadcast and a local misunderstanding is rehearsed and magnified until adt becomes a mon- st- as general grievance. The author- ities in India te-day are striving in all possible ways to reduce the temp- exature of the burning fever of the body politic. They have reason to rue the day that these two youngsters of alien breed in killing the birds roused the temper of the crowd to fighting fury and provided the seclitionists -with more campaign nsaterial. aro.- to $7; do, c,ons. $4 to $5; feeders, $7.75 lac:se with the Baltic States through them with Rusent, are ,at- tra.eting attention -in the British press. Coal Gas Ousts Gasoline. The use of coal gas' instead of gaso- line for motor fuel Is rapidly inereas- ing In 'English cities despite the fact that engines that are driven by it de- velop but 90 per cent. of the power obtainedtfrem gasoline, do. 800 lbs., $5.75 to $6.75; do, cons., $5 to 36; canners and cutters, $3 to 34.50; milkers, good to choice, $85 to 3150; do, cone to med., 350 to $60; lambs, yearling•8, $9 to $9.50; do, spriffg. $11.50 to $11.75; calves, good to choice, $16.50 to 317.50; sheep, 36 to 37.50; hogs, fed and svatered, 314.75 to 315.50; do, weighed off cars, 315 to $15.75; do, f.o.b., $13.75 to $14.50; do, country points, $13.50 to $14.26. Montreal. CIats—Can. West. No. 2, 66c. do, No. 3 62c. Flour, Awe, $10.70. iU tended for a rush on the ResearbearY barracks. For the twenty-four hours ending Thursday evening, despatches from various parts. of Ireland reported nine police and nine civilians killed and ten police and twenty-two civilians wounded. Two policeraen were shot at Bal- briggan, Ireland, 'Thursday night. One died in a hospital. Two lorries of pollee were asnlaueh- ed Thursday night between Deorekeen and Nevvpalas. One got through safe- ly but the other was riddled with ;bul- lets. Nine polie,esnen were killed and two wounded. At Linserick city. Thursday night the bridges over the Shannon River ieading to County Clare were held by the police and no one was allowed to pass over them. Dublin now is one of the storm centres for ambuscades. Attacks Cal the military and police are so fre- quent night and day that the nee -vs - papers have difficulty in reporting all of them. The object of the Sinn Fein activi- ties is said to be to force General MacRe•ady, the military commander in Ireland, for political effect, to ex- tend martial law to Dublin, Every police and military lorry here now carries a hostage. The University Professor. Oceaeionally there. are evidences that the ancient idea that a university professor works only about h,alf as long and half as hard as de other people is not yet entirely dead. This idea was based on the false assump- tion that the professor works only when he is before his classes and is actually engaged in teaching. Though traces ef the old notion still remain, Kidneys Trouiled Her ed oats, hag, 90 Ilse., $3.30. Bran„ BACK ACHE'S° SAD COULD NOT SLEEP. The epidemic of "Flu" has a great deal to be responsible for; n nearly every case it has left some bad after effects, and in a great many cases it is the kidneys that have suffered. When the kidneys have been left M weakened state, very often some serious kidney trouble will follow if not attended to. Bonn's Kidney Pills will prove to be just the remedy you require to streiagth- en them. Miss Florence Earnshaw, Apsley, Ont.; writess--"Last winter, after I had the. "Flu" 1 was troubled with my kidneys.' My back ached se I could not sleep, and my ankles were so swelled could not lk A neighbor told me about Doan's wo oxes an Mdn ------ 13 $40.25. Shorts, $38.25. Hay, Na. 2, ;;m ca.rlots, $27 to $28. Cheese, finest easterns, 27- te 273-4c; Butter, choicest ereamery, 54 to 55c. Eggs, fresh, 78e. _ Butcher steers, med. 37.50 to 38.501 butcher heifers, med., $7• to 37.50; but- cher cows, med., 35 to 37; canners, $3.25 to 33.50. Butcher bulls, cone, $5 te 37. Good veal, $13.50 to $16; med., 310 to $13; grassers, 35 to $6. Good lambs, $12.50; sheep, .36.50. Hogs, selects, $16.75 to 317, with 34 off for sows, Cold Wave Has Struck Newfoundland A despatch from St. John's, Nfld., says. --The Newfoundland, coast is ice- bound as a result of the severest cold before I had the -irsone taken felt a changete 1 cannot recommend your of thwinter. The northegn bays and e Conception Bay; ten miles north ef medicirienouh." Be sure an get IDtoan's Kidney ---his ty, are solidly -frozen over, and whenyou ask for them. An oblong gray the mail steamere have abandoned •box; a maple leaf the. trade mark; price their ,service. St. John's harbor lase a 60e. a box at all d.oslers, or mailed direct on receipt of 'rico by The T, thick crating ef iefa, which nia.kes the ALLIES STATE WHAT GERMANY MUST PAY TOtal Damages Collectable Be- tween 210 and 250 Billion Gold Marks. A clespateh from Paris says:—The Reparations Commission estimates that the,total damages of all the Al- RELIEVED It is lax o keep the children from catching cold, they will run out of doors not Properly wrapped, Or tikV0 tOff BAOC11 clothing. on and get overheated and cool off too suddenly, they 'get their feei wet, lick off the clothes st night. The mother cannot watch them the time so what is she going to do? Mothers must never neglect her children's coughs or colds, but moo* look for a remedy on the first sign. A great many mothers are now givinc their children Dr, Wood's Norway Pine' Syrup, as it is so pleasant and nice for thera to take, and relieves the cough or cold in a very abort time. Mrs,- 5. Crowe, R.R. No, Truro, writes:—"'W) years ago ray Tittle boy caught a severe cold which left him with a -very bad cough, Ile eould not rest at night, and became very thin and -weak. The prescription our physician gave me did not help and I did eot know what to do. My elatee, in Manitoba, vyrote me to try Dr. Wood s Norway Pine Syrup. I went right to town and purchaset1 two bottles, and before they were used my boy's cough had disappeared, and he biecarne strong and well again. We always know what, to use SOW /0 coughs and colds." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is 35e. and 60c, a bottle at all dealers. Manufactured only by The -T. Milbura Co. Limited Toronto Oat. ,emgdhhhttptt.ththhthhtthhhht.hhhh Winter. Winter, which is the seasen fos which city dwellers moat often com- miserate those who live in the, try, is is both more enjoyable and more widely enjoyed in the country than in the city. There the snow lies eletie for weeks, a mantle that not orily warms the things that the farmer knows should be kept warm, but elsa hides much that would be unsightly lies collectieble from Germany will be changes. if left exposed. The landecape itself anyone who knows a unavereity pro- between 210,000,000,000 and 250,000,- • When the leaves have fallen. seams fess•or of the twentieth century real- 000,000 gold marks,' according to an official announcement. The 1Vilnistry into unaceuetorned 'prominence, and the deciduous trees the tonifers ectrata than most business men and that his of Foreign Affairs calculates that the Supreme Council's fixed indemnities, eery 'sounds are those of ereateres new vistas open in the woods. rne izes that he works harder and longer hours of labor. are not fewer than if capitalized, should yield about '75,- that go about tbeir business undie- those of the farmer. Some . people 000,000000 gold inarks. • turbed by the seasons --the calling of winter; the farmer indig,n,antly de- mission, which jest have been totalled,. doge, the voices of cattle; and in the The figures of Reparations Cont- crows and blue jays, the barking et! . , say that the -farmer does. not work an nie.s this, and he is right. Some peo- .5how that France's damages amount clear cold of a Northern whiter they ple also say that the professor does to 110,000,000,000 gold marks of i have a woncierinl caaryine ettall.sy just as indignantly as does the farmer whiQh marks are charged to devastated se- As to winter sports, they are ell amount '7F; (.) • -,-00,000,000 gold. alia something of music. , no work in summer; he ,derlies this and he is equally right. gloms and 3,000,000,000 geld marks for' country holm and bred. Coast-eag down The professor's teaching is not even pensions. The estimate oi' 7E,000,- • en artificial chute on a toboggan 13 perform. Dealing always svith the skimming half of the work he is called upon to 000,000 gold Marks, as capital repre- tame -when compared with brightest of youtlifel intellects, he sented by the 226,000,000,000 irl marks fixed by the Supreme Calmed], full of boulders '..-tel bidden brefili go-- half a mile of cannot afford to fail in preparation of although anproximately only one-third tear,s; and skating, in a riak is like the minute- in, his information. Five 0.. the damages, -will be supplemented easing canned mushrooms or desiccate Ins work; he, must he always: up to a a A hours to twenty hours of preparation by the twelve per emit. German export tax. ed apples. The place to skate is oue frequently precede one hour of lectur- of doors on a liver -where tdoe. caa ing. Sunimers provide a time for At the ministry of foreign affairs, stretch away for miles and s,ee. some- . , Encouraging Symptom of France's Recovery A despatch froParis says: —For the first time, iwa number of years the population of France shows an.increase. Official figures prove that dur- ing the first quarter of 1920 there were 67,946 more births than deaths. The births num- bered 424,668; the deaths 356,- 722. These figures include the devasted region and Alsace-Lor- raine. The population of France is given as 41,476,000. - The Paris newspapers declare these figures the most encourag- ing symptom of the country's re- covery from the ravages of the war that has yet appeared. New German Steamer Yielded to Britain A despatch from London says:— The newly -completed. German steamer yen Tirpitz, a vessel of 19,200 tons, was surrendered at Imming,hain on Thursday in. accordanee with the movement, of shipping difficult. terMs of the Peace 'Treaty. Milburn Coe, Livened, oronto; Ont. it was explained. that the twelve per reading, for re,search, for advance- ment in knowledg-e. Then there is the reading and mark- ing of essays and exeecises—hundreds of them. Also the reading and valu- in,g of examination papers—again hundreds of them. Also connnittees for discussion and settlement of courses, of administrative details, of the hundred and one matters, large and ,small, that have to be considered in the work ef a great institution ,of learning. There is one art that the average university professor does not un,der- etancl-athe -art of self -advertisement. He does his work faithfully, works in, the evenings and often on into the mornings, works when. his neighbors think he is resting or holidaying, hut says little about it. .11e is oneof those who "do good by stealth." Perhaps this i•s -a mistake, because people.gen- erally are inelined to believe only what they actually see. 1 • • E‘,4E9.1111*.1,E, t LOOK AT -(ou CoSTs a. result is encouraging No: winter is nothing for whiell e 0 merttary elections. On the whole the, Milburn's-Lase-Liver Pills, and you will g to the more con- ] servative elements. Of 368 seethe the' have no constipation, no bilious or sick who kno-w it ask to be commiserated. headaches, or any other troubles arising It is virile, tonic, wholeseme. Let these ian Agrarians, who have been suspect -I writes:—"I „have Mrs G. Brown Lewisville, N.1:1 action of the liver or bowels. 'been' troubled fe:r, who wish to seek the soft allureraents of the pomegranate arid the palm. We Communists won only 42; the Croat -1 from a wrong ed of extreme radical tendencies, have years • with s-constipaaen,--„ and trying prefer our annual bout with the vig- various, so-called. remedies, white' It id me orous old chap whose hair is as snow no good whatever, I was persuaded by a and his heard as iciclee, but who etill friend to try Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills. packs a wonderful wallop in his hard and the They have done me worlds of good. under Prince Alexander, They are indeed a splendid pill and I oalcir 11,',tesemee' ememmemeregge------------as seas are particularly strong among coaanffefariotly oroencostniteinadruthem 10 all wa10 6 1 • , f' FIRITIS" FOLLOWS cent. export tax was not intended. as thing new at every -turn, ei . en et lake Or, beet of all, in fleoded .wocels„ a direct tax. on ex. -ports to be applied whe-re you can glide into a ilmasard to each shipment out of Gexmany, but . t icy este,aries sheltered from the. edna. a figure that the Allies demand that and cut shinny sticks that Nature her - Germany shall pay in a lump sum in sets made in hex own -factory and bell& addition to the fixed indemnities. a -reeving fire -round which to gather in the dusk. The Complete Pessimist. - • The city man pities- his country "Father, what is thee?" cousin, -because he has to get en in a ' "Life, nay sen„ is a game—played cold room and stert the fire :and draw against an invisible oponeet, NVho in- variably wins!' Do YOUR BOWELS Regutatly, or no Thy BECOME CORSTIPATED? If the truth were only known it would be found that half the alls of life are caused by constipation, f or when the thing which a stove or a furnace ratal- bowels cease to work properly all the .ates. The ordinary country clevelie.r organs of the lao'dy become deranged. probably sits down to his 'breakfast A free motion of the bowels, every day, with a sense of physical weiteeeeeg era.ter from the well. His idea ef lie - Mg is to open the draft of the ±lirllaVe, the house has got warm. The poor hop back into bed and get up eaters fellow does not know that the eeerciga of -building the fire and drawing ine water and. doing the other morning chores would warm hint more quickly-. and mote thoroughly, and with, that eternal, self -engendered heat evhish bestows a corrifort greater than should be the rule of everyone wh° and contentment that the city men Jugo-Slavia has had its first parlia- Keep your boteels regular by the use o seldom has. aspires to perfect, health. 51. The other seats—except perhaps a few that are held by Mohammedans ----went to representatives who sup - pori the present monarchical regime e. THE FLU„ I them. The new Assembly, which holds Milburn's Laxa- iVer Pills are 25c. office for two years will 0-o to veork vial at all dealers ol! Mailed direct on receipt of price by'The T. Milburn 'Ihe epidemic of "flu" left in its irain Limited, Toronto. J22gat„ttt many weak hearts and serious nerve 1 - at once ort perme.nent constitution. .11.115..01=AMMIZMWS, Ws a Great Life If You Don't Weaken TOO ErT VAqfk, 4A NT kibkfrkEt ibu '014 VROSAM t14Aqt To SE V4E.t. *40Wrt° - ‘114e, 144E VT:t4 &PA. Wrto t4EgE t4ND Plgit OR,ACT% 11" 'S PA 4Red.N-r LAFE, .4*(C.1)0 WEPIkKg,;t4 Idtt, Mfiet Osfestaania, , troubles. Rabbit Mrs L. Wilson 63 Ridout 51, Kings, - stem Ont., writes: --"Over ta-o years ago I. ------ was 'taken very ill with anis • - followed by neuritis of the head, highr, blood pressure and congestion of the brafn, ' and I was left in a very weak. state. My heart and nerves were so terribly. bad I would have weak, fainting spelld, sometimes twice a day. It really seemed' to me my heart would atop beating. I doctored, and they seemed to do all they could for me, but I grew so bad, day after day, they -thought I could not get, better,. had given up itil hopes �f ever get,titg well, at 1 was failing very fast, it seemed to me it waa a God -send whoa I looked in the paper teed read about, Milburn's Heart, and Nerve rill. thought that, there was $1, little hope where there was a spark of life left. I commenced taking them eig,hit away and 1am,..naw on my fifth box, and ONO Safebr Say I am g lot better. I truly think that if It had not been tor your 'wonderful medielte I would not have beei here now." . Price 500. t box at all dealers, er mailed direct by 'rho T. Mdb Liroltedo ToteMo, Ont. e t