HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-2-10, Page 1ori k 3FO'RTY-SECON D o 2278. EXETER, ONT., T:IunsDAY IMMO 11:INu, .s'En LTAR'v 10, 102 IAIIIiIIIII!!u!!!lull IIiNIIIl1111lIl1111111111N1l111111111111i!!111 L STRATFOBD' e'trlNS N. H. L GROUP EXETER BOARD OF EDUCATION 1111111I1110IIIUiN111111111111111111111111111111111!11111111111111111111111111 .,, ,.:. j , .fir .... he Exetez Z rich hockey team The a•ecently ,elected and appointed = lost the N.H L, group to Stratford Board o,' Educ,a'tr'oai, •tor to 1 Eat( held pones Sz May G S SA Front Lacing Sup AnaMffil somas gammen MINNOW esmimi asoulme RININOM alaNISSE eta •. p11'' VV We continue to feature - these original front lacing corsets for the simple and Sufficient reason that they continue to give unquestioned satisfaction to our most exacting customers. We also carry NEMO, CROMI'IPT ON'S, LA GRACE and D. & A: brands of Corsets. Gossard Corsets are still nomi- nally priced'wit.'tin tie reach of every woman and you may bei every Gossard, with or assur- ance that it will be worth every. cent you pay for it -worth it in style, worth it in comfort, and worth it in weari1,g service. a Final Clearing of Ladies' and Misses' Winter Coats All Coats must go this month regardless of price.- We are actual- ly losing money on these coats. BLUE PLUSH COATS AS LOW AS $23.00. SALT'S BLACI. BABY LAMB AT $25.00. NEW MONARCH SWEATER YARN All the new Spring Colors in Monarch Down .and Monarch " Dove. Prices much cheaper: DOWN AT 50c A BALL DOVE AT 30c A BALL. ® PHONE 32 sereaw Jones May PHONE 32 E,ticon Thursday' la in St one of .. their . r 1 a ' , c. !first , f s 1St a t z rneetin , . , the office of !fit :1 est game • o hof' s f cice' g 1• y played on the Secreidr} (?n Feb.I'lilt! The following '' • Stratford rink this seasons, The members signed the declaration of of- ` -- score was 6---2, Stratford winning rice; -R, N. Creech, J. S. HarveY J., = t a c .two goals. J tYx}e t" , Rev, A: A, Trumper E The fans went, down from ' community by, sXlecial trails, about j • G. Alccld, Wm. Ziay. . • two hundred strong, going by xray ! G ;.eve—Harvey That F. W. Glad:- Dignan, lad:- I) , i aIL ' n G,Ste I h ,.1nbu F E ,`110• l` v i . rte this — of Clinton. it wits a lolly bunch of i inan being absent, R. N, Creech en -rooters that partd with a lot of , c.lia xtttcur Pro o sem. :The irri'nutes - . hard cash to met the Grand Trunk the ,p_evious meeting; tv,ere read an 'financial obligations but few re- `tt 'U*''vett. ocke: Match, r Ort r ' T T HERE! , s W.,. O S Y11J Rrielon uNER vs. Ex3ETIt:li . }xETER 1 IiIDtIY, I+'EBRUAIY 11, 1921. 'Ellis Is is a chance to :see a 'featl hockey match , as everybody knows what a wonderful team. Kitchener he hasp, They are known all over Can of ada as one of the best: Come and d help our boys set them back. Genie 1 called at S:15, • ADMISSION; 500 and $5c, gretted it.- Th s eciai arrived in sin . e-; H Btis!n.ess ttri t °' ou'u of the ,-tL tnittes and the fans went straight to the 1 tv;tl) as ,lollctus,— E rink where a seefion had been re -1 •i. H. Gr',eve Sol- the served for the. When the players Sanitary Conim.ttee, reported that the . appeared in their green and gold tin- ve:nil, ating syste,n was being completed .1.1•11 i£orm they were accorded a great re- that'Nr. A E. Fulee' was maikng plans Grounds re = ceptioai I i the f • t ( Malin NE▪ MO .10 M▪ ama M▪ IMS 116.11..1 Immo 10(210 Impaa Palms amen MINIM and i Irs..perlod the Exe- for the porch. Rev. A, A. Trutiiper ter -Zurich team struck a fast pace reported the purchase, of sixty chairs,' and time after tune they shot on 'the O ..g, t Stratfrod nets oil' ac..,,.as follows,— aside o -on ,for he, year then took Y to be turned pace as .1:o11:ows,— S1_. JG'SE.''Iy i\LIN FINED $1,,000 $1,,000 AND (;()STS. " Police Magistrate Andrews, of Clinton, imposed a fine of $1,000 and costs on A. Seryth Brisson of St. Joseph, at a trial that. was held in Exeter on Friday of last week ,,and adjourned until Tuesday, for viola- tion of the O.T.A. The evidence showed that 50 cases of liquor and two hundred barrels of 26 gallons each, were brought in from Mon- treal and hart grad:ually disappeared. Brisson claimed that the cases were taken away without his :I ewleclre and at. • stolen, Inspector Pe11ow laid the in- formation and. Crown Attorney See- ger prosecuted. The fine was paid with a merited clieoue. W Moir, of Dashwood, was charg- ed with violating the :0. ` T. A. In- spector Pelio'ty discovered $125 f worth oliquor stored in his barn, aside by Malone in goal, The first goal was scored' by Stratford and shortly after, the visiting team tied the score. • The second period Was a real bat- tle and the fans weer, treated to some brilliant hockey by both teams, The Exeter•-Zurich'gc4.1 keeper gave a good account of himself and.axtd his fast; and heady •worlr saved the lo- cals from a worse beating. Twice he•met-one of the Stratford forwards lone -handed and turned the puck after the defense had been passed. The second period ended with Strat- ford 2 up in the game : and the teams tied on the round. In this round Bertram was injured in the knee and was' forced to retire, Babe Siebert; taking:' ;leis place. The fans were at:'the. top':notcb of expecta- tion when the puck was faced in the period that w'.4 to decide the win- ner of the N.I.L. group. Both teams started strong .but the Stratford i'team showed,•up' to. the best advan- tage. Morenz' at centre for the home team, played. 'a . fast game and was easily the best roan on the Stratford team. He was a. recruit from the Juniors to strengthen the intermedi- ates and he scored three of the six =';goals scored :by Stratford, The fast pace set by the Exeter -Zurich team in the 'first two periods was not maintained in•the third. Mauna Women tloalnum IMMO Ream Immo say ,X11111111011111111111111101011 hili...su.uuu.....................,....,.,.................................................... _ The Satisfactory Hardware and Stove Store \4 1N P44 /A\ jai \ Use Royal Purple Stock and Poultry \ e ,r/ ;4 k/ BANQUET RANGES as ;•\ cut '(;lige upU 04 High oven ranges, »one 0 only, at 8115.00 b: JEWELL Ranges.... $120.00 `` r!% iii $00.00 1I ,c $58.00 tom^ -: - - ... .1€ DOHERT'Y Ranges 135.00% \ 111 Heaters from $10.00 up % /\ 7 e V \P/ 1, '4 e e :• as '' ar i,, %%3 27w I'HONES 27,4 / A/ r > -.;.r rte-: . .,. . - _. tri- ../ .. \,. .: ' \" !:44 \1/ Food. All sizedacka.es in stock p Epsom Salts, Sulphur and Saltpetre (Additional locals on page four.) Valentine Social at Thames Road Presbyterian Church, Monday, Feb- ruary 14th at 8 p.m. sharp. A good program, assisted by Mrs. Garnet Passmore: Lunch served. Admission -25c and 10c. BORN RIVERS—In Simcoe, ori January 30, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs: T. L. Rivers, a • daughter, (Margaret Elizabeth.) RIVERS—In 'Hale, Cheshire, Eng- land, on February 4, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. W, G. Rivers, a daugh- ter. DIED M IR.—' R O CT EE — N A t the residence 01 the bre de'sareii p ts, '`,'Frogmore Farm," Hay, on February 2, 1921,. Ira Moir, to. Miss Vietta Pearl, daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. James Green. MORLOCK---WOLFE--In- Crediton, on February ruary 1, 1921, by Rey, Mr. Haugh, Mr. Simon John Morlock, of Grand Bend, to Miss Elizabeth Wolfe, daughter of Mr. Charles Wolfe, Crediton.: IN 1tiL6'1ldQ]Gi•IA11)1: GENTTNER--In loving memory of our clear father, Fred Genttner, who died two years ago, . Febt•u- ary 6, 1919. Ills hands were clasped upon his breast, , We kissed his Iovely brow; And in our aching hearts we know, We have no father now. In the cemetery gently sleeping, Where the pine 'trees gently wave, Lies the one we loved so dearly In -a cold and silent grave. V Two 'years have gone, We can't. for get The words of love, we hear thein yet; Our hearts are sore With grief and pain; Brit hope we all shall p s Il iieet again. ---Loving' \Vile Gild family Sicl Rankin, of London, a Strat ford Old Beere'handled the bell and he showed that... his heart was with. `lis old town, `-''Dxeter-Zurich drew the heavy end of the decisions. The tans were a little disappoint- ed but are far from down -hearted, The game was no disgrace to lose, The line-up was: • Stratford Exeter -Zurich Malone goal McGeough. Berger r. d.... Hindmarsh Carroll i d......... Hoffman 13. Lovell 1 w. Bertram Relterbourne centre Hoffman Morenz r. w. Robinson R. Lovell sub Seibert TEACHER ILL. Miss Horton, of the public school staff, is indisposed owing, to illness and her room at the public school is being taught by Miss Vosper. ICE HARVEST. Workmen have been harvesting the ice is not as thick as in other The ice is not as thick as' in other years, being only about nine or ten inches. The ice this year: is being cut by a circular saw, something new in this line of work. DIED IN 'WINNIPEG. • A former resident of Exeter died in Winnipeg on January 30, 1921, in the person of John Drew. The deceased was in his 78th year. Mr. -Drew was at one time a cabinet maker in Exeter, conducting a busi- ness in the building now occupied by Mr. R. N. Rowe. in 1881 he went West, and took up farming near Snowflake, Man., and later went into business with his son, retiring some years ago. Two months ago he (nine ',went to Winnipeg to reside with hi•s son, J. F. Drew. He died at St. Boniface Hospital. The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon of last , rweek from Thomson's Broadway Tt'u- neral Hometo Brookside o cool tsxde Cemetery. The widow of the deceased is a sister of Mrs: L. Hardy, of town. DIET) AT BRANDON There passed away at Brandon, Man., on February 2, 1921, Mrs. W. M. Baynham, whose maiden name was Miss Willmott Smith, daughter of -1\lr. and Mr's. S. Smith, London Road, south. Mrs. faynhan had been fit with appendicitis and under- went alt operation. The operation seemed successful but about a week after she expired quite caucldenly,Slie was in her 40th year. Mr. Baynham is station agent, at o i Brandon odor and they have been in"Manitoba for about 15 years. "Resides her bereaved dluS- band three children survive, two daughters and one son, the latter being about 5 years Old. She is also survived' try her .parents and three sisters and two brothers;. Mrs. e D. Richardson and. Mrs. W. H. Aitken, of 101011:6 ; Airs, P. Webber of the Latton Road,south; James 'inu111, of Washington, Penn., and W . J,,also of the Loudon :Plead, south, stir. 13atyiilian1 is a Ceit relic, Old I3oy. The £1111011a1 was Beed in: Toronto on Monday £rani the !gore of mr. \U. IT. Aitken, Among ih vvhi attended the funeral' from ..hero woe: .illi Mid 61rs, S. Smith;' :Vlr. W. I. Smith i t1h r and Mr. and Mrs,P. Webber. Chairmiui :F. W. Celadman; Vice -Chairman, lt. N. Creech; Sec.-Treas.., Milss T{; MacF and Auditor, G. \iawson, salary $10. Representative, to Library Board, W S. Howey tor 1921; T. \1, Southcott The Chairman..n,ominated 5, G. Stan bury, W; G. Medd, and Rev. 'rrtirap•- er a stI f 'ng r'omnitttee, and their re, eo' l 91111 ng . #11e following Standing teoa miltee•s was adopted Insurance—J, H. Gr::eve, E. M. Dig - ran, H. T.:t owie, Fite!—EI. T. Rowe, J:' S. 'Harvey. Teachers ,n;nd other, Supplies, F. W. Gladman, R N, Creech, S. S. Harvey aid W. 0, Medd. Building and .Grounds—Rete; 1, A. Truniper. \AY. F. May, E.. M. Dignan, and J. H. Greve, Educat''on9e—R. N. Creech, Ref_ A A• Trumoer, 5. G. Stanhur•y. Scho,arsh'ps—W. G. Medd, J. G. Stanbury, W. F. clay and the prn- civai. The first !named on each cominruttee.. to ,be chairman, and the chairman of the 'Boa rd a member of all cDram itte;es i \\\/ by virtue of his office. d_5 1) gnan Trumner—That Mr. W. T Callingwood be truant officer. —Car - fled, brit aS t\'loir did not appei?r, the case eras adjourned. Lasrenea Clef), bins, of Grand Bernd, was fined $50 ne t4 and costs for giving ,linfito minor. • 3.111'.1,ES ,STItEE'll OFFICIAL 130_AR13 ItIEFIT A largely attended board ineetin,g of the James Street, Ilttetltadist Church filet Monday night toreview the conditions of the : various de- partments. The missionary commit- tee reported hating sent $1,040 al- ready to tleadqual tees and hope to exceed last year's givings. The ode-'` catronal and Social service Off'erings were very satisfactory. The Sabbath School reported; good aorit, as hay=• ing been done, but hope to have the help of the churcli•in an anniversary y appeal. The report " of the finance} committee was an exceptionally. sat- isfactory ittisfactory one, a nice balance being on hand Mr. J. S. 13arvey.reported the Y.P,C.,A.. had 160 t.aentbers andin- stead of being in .debt had a small surplus., :A unanimous invitation, coupled with words of appreciation, was extended the pasta • to i°et.urn" fora third year. hit Wilson in afew the hearty way the congregation and boards had co-operated with'; him during the two years, and expressed the belief beat a better year was yet to come. 'file board appreciated :Mr. Wilson's acceptance,:knowing that lie had, the opportunity, io i"neee to ,two larger charges. rA j'f eIe. "Z \ l/ \ WE \`lam..-.'' \t// \ '% ljiWeI "%\ _,%— 3.1tr Stanbu y—Rowe—That the chair -- mat or vote, chairman and the secret- ary -treasurer treasurer be ,erapow `red to sign all cilL'oucs and borrott any eecessary funds for she, school, during the year. C a: reed ,recd Dignin.'1 hat ni.ght,,,0r meet- ing :be fizsi Tuesday of" each month.- Carried. Ati expiring insurance policy was left with the Insurance Com mit te4, with o0\\rCr en act, vJ ss Ho t it's request for a neap of 'Europe •ttao1'e:'i w:.th the Supply conne. m.rHarvttee. ey —Medd—That the chairman,, F. W. Gladma.n; be nepreseata'tive to the Ontario Tru itees • Associat4;on Meeting in Toronto at Easter, Car'd. Txumper Grieve -That this .Board endorse the circular better re increas- ed Legisative Grants to Urban:schools and ;that seine be forwarded to the \I n:ste' tor.• Education. A general discussion, took place as to the work of the various committees, and- .reports are to, be 'brought l;n at the )next meeting. A• number of accounts were paid. \IacFaul, Sec, Dr. Graham, of town, is away on a two weeks vacation and Dr. Lind- say is in charge of Isis practice. Dr. Graham has rented. the residence of the late Mrs. D. Johns and we un- derstand he will bring a bride home with him. The lady is Miss Grant, of Becher. CALL TO THAMES ROAD. Rev. 0. M. Chidley, B. A., of Mt. Brydges, has received a call .from :44 }Y, COMING, G, IN ALL . ITS GLORY STETSON'S MONSTER UNCLE TOM'S CABIN! ,ta4 J Opera House, Exeter, Tues,, Feby. 15th 7 9 This is. positively the Dig City CViL Your Vaii 1- Y/ j wuy' lie:e to see 25 — PEOPLE 25 UNCLE TOM'S CABIN played right" %\ BETTER TI -IAN A CIRCUS' DANCERS RLOOT)IIOi?NDS QrAIRTE`I TES CAKE WALKSERS, ETC. BAND ANR ORCHESTRA WATCH FOR PARADE Get Your Seats Now. 2•: pastor. The call will be submitted. to Thames Road and lsiikton. Presby tenon Churches to bedome their `+' 50c atzd 75c Children 85c, the T-Turon Presbytery, which meets \I/ in Hensel', on February 26th. ` s ek utt e ' %sem . - _ i •:: S NRVICF CONDUCTED BY GUILD. A very largely attended devotion - a,1 service under the auspices of the Guild, was held in Cavell Presbyter- ian Church on Sunday evening. The superintendent of the Sunday School, Mr. J, G. Stanbury, and Mrs. Thos. Cameron, gave two splendid address- es on Sunday School work. Two S0108 were sung by Mrs. Foote and Miss Cochrane' that were greatly ap- preciated Messrs. Will Strang and St PRICES uart Stanbury also assisted with the service. Miss L. Jeckell occupied the chair and the service was very inspiring. ra IIONOR•BI) 13Y HOME TOWN. A despatch in Wednesday's Globe from Kitchener says: "The friends of. Goldie Cochrane, coach of the Exeter intermediates, who play in Kitchener onight.; (Wednesday); in the first, of the seri es of second round games, will honor hull by presenting the former Kitchener hockeyist with a bouquet of flowei»s. The presentation will be made by MayorGreb.i" CRINESI FAMINE, FUND. Before`th s<c • r e 't i a nerxt last. ob- 1111 h iii the Ta,rnee St. Methodists Church., Rev, Wilson road an item 011 the Faa1line in China. front the Sunday 'School Ttl1lrs and also said that if any wished to help, they (mulct Sen1 'theirs nrith ity donation, on Monthly. As 'a resell./ $150 IvrtS ';twat on Monthly. This is the second .rfl'et(0., eeel In- the '1'1'101 St, '11401,110 - 01t. Congregation this year. - Ii19I1111611111111111111111111111191111111111111111611116►111111111111111111111111111111112 wea▪ neeni mu▪ m nctsmail 1Trannwit IVA paw. aiajy nn 'We hear a great deal these days ' about "building up to a standard, not down to a price"" - This is our poilcy and you will find our Manitoba's Best or Model second t`o none for bread -malting. ?'ice flaky bread with the Nutty Flavor, 144 The "veli increasing' 'demand! goes (0ro" p veourclaim. Prove our: state- ment. l3uy a bag. You will gena good reduction on flour in large quantities, v 001.0.1 41.5.011. 1011110111 MM.. 11.111.11. 11119111111111911I1I1 1111111111111 1uullllllall111111111 11111111111 III 11111111191