HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-2-3, Page 6BRUAR, 1'9261 THE EXETER TIMES a�p The latest PrIee On the Canadian Fairbanks Morse Co. engines, Ili„ horse power $110.00 f} horse; power $175.00 6 horse power 4;285.00 These engines are equipped with the Bosch Magneto, the finest ic- ninon system known. Double gear pump jack $1.�r .00 Internal gear jack $50.00 FARM I i Tal•. V.' 1`0 7.2a, aryl 'Lights, 1/4fyu::5.00. Emery stands, saw arbors, pulleys, belting, hangers and shafting on short notice. THE CASE TRACTOR All makes of engines overhauled, cylinders re -bored. or ground, new pistons made to fit with rings. Oxy-Acetelyno welding done. Cochrane Machine Works Exeter, Ont. ARE :YOU A an or Wonian Brave enough to Face the Future? Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? Far-seeing enough to Prepare for Misfortune?. Ambitious ious enough to Increase your Estate Immediately. Patriotic enough to be making a Good Livelihood? Healthy enough to pass a Medical Examination? Then. clip this alvei'tisemeut. Fill in the coupon and send to S. C. „COOPER, Inspector, the Northern Life Assurance Company, EXETER: TIMES OFFIi77 Box AB. NAJLE ADDRESS Date Born, day of in the year Asthma Positive relief is sure, renewed health certain. Restores normal breath- ing, atone mucus -gather - Inge in . the bronchia�l1 tubes, gives long nights- of quiet sleep. A health -building remedy, put up in capsules, @ashy_ swallowed, prescribed flay doctors,: sold by druggists, $1.00 a bog. Ask our nearist agent or write us for a free trial package. Templetons, 142 King West, Toronto. Local Agent—Dr. J. W. Browning COUNTY "COUNCIL NOTES All of the members of " Huron County Council were present at the meeting in'Goderich last week. Warden. Doig in his opening re- marks said: In the matter of expen- ditures, the council had reached the peals, they had comae to the point where expenses were bound to go the other way. He hoped the year would be the "banner year of the banner county of Huron. Ar communication was received from .Messrs. Gladman & Stanbury, Exeter. with reference to the Reeder claim for $200 damages as the result of an accident on a county road. No action was taken. From the secretary of the continu- ation school at Dublin (Perth Coun- ty) asking for a grant from this county. No action. A,n pplications for%the positio . of co'iinty auditor from. D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; John Govenlock, Edmond- ville; Robert Higgins, Hensall; I. Hetherington, Colborne Township; AIex. PorterfieId, East - Wawanosh. Robert Higgins and Alex: Porter- field were appointed. Prom Bert Nott, of Lon deslivro, presenting a claiin of $150 for dam- ages frt5m, the placing of a stone critsher, belonging to the county, on his land.' Awarded $25.00. In reply to a question by M. Tre- trartha, County :Treasurer' Lane said all the municipalities had paid the coaniy rate in. 1920 with the excep- tion tion of Turnberry, Blyth, the town of (;acic,lloll, and Ilotivicle, thelast- named rnunicipality having $3,000. unpaid. Turnberry and .Blyth.: had paid their sincetiel . beginning of the year. Municipalities in arrears were charged six pet cent. interest, The treasurer s ' statin that,, the Corona" find borrowed $:1,00 f ` $ )o 0. and after- paying all accbunas tor 1920 had a balance of about $35,000 ln' the bank. He also stated that the grant from the Province on -last year's toad. expenditure, stilly to be received, would arnowIt, to` about 855,000, kloWover, there would be lIttl., other t rlca . nxo for tile county' ty treasury r L 5 uzitil next 17eceitxber, When the county .rates' would again be ' pay- able, and i e* p • lily, _xian .y E� gild 'have to be ',owed ,for this year's ex:Send• "x6arsk 1 is The standing committees- of the council" f or 1R21 will be as follows: Executive —,'N. W. Trewartha, J. C. Purdon, Jos. Hackett, John Doug- las, Dr. W. J. Milne. Special—T. M. Davis, Ainos Tip - ling, J. C. Porter. R. J. Miller, W. J. Spotton. Finance VV J -C*ars �; sae: Mc- Matta-:rJ. "-Sainieson, W. M Coates, "Ales. Neeb. Education—B. W. F. Beavers, E. Klopp, D. Webb, - A. Snaith, John McNaughton. - Road and Bridges—M. Elliot, W. Elston, A. E. Erwin, J. McNabb, J. Grieve. County Property—Gordon Young, M. Armstrong, Dr. Clark, S. T. Plain, Jas. F. Collins. House of Refuge.—Amos Tipilng, John Dougles, Alex. Neeb, S. T. Plum Warden's Committee.—Wax. Spot - ton, Jas. C. Purdon, A. E. Erwin, N. W. Trewartha, W. J. Currie. Mr. Lane pointed out that last year the levy for good roads con- struction were about $85,000, and over $200,000' actually was ex eiid- ed. The estimate at the June ses- sion was $230.000. The commision and engineer had kept within the limit. Engineer Patterson afterwards stated that, taking into, consideration the Provincial grant of $85,000 to be received, and the amount paid out to the village of Exeter for road con- struction, the expenditure would be a few hundred- dollars below the es- timate. 'Messrs. Douglas, Armstrong, Tip- ling, Spotton and Irwin were ap- pointed a committee to strike the standing committees for the ,year. Reeve • Neeb, of Stephen, hiou lt in a .motion for the appointing of one member of the council as gooti roads' commissioner_ Mr. Neeb thought one man would, do as well as three and the expense would be less. The coun- cil, however, adherred to the sys- tem of the last two years and ap- pointed a commission of three mem- bers, Messrs. Arinstrong, Spottdn and Beavers. Reeve e Youi x Clerk Young and elk 'I3o lnxati were appointed to the criminal audit board. The members repaired to the court house corridor, where ex - Warden Petty, at the reqttest of War- den Doig, unveiled a tablet in item ry of the late Donald Patterson, who was for years a valned me,mber of the council, was elected to the posi- tion of Warden; and afterwards was ,''for a long period the county engin- eer. Mr. Elliot brought nn the matter ..of electrification of. the London, Hu- ron & Brue e Railway and Mr. Bea- vers Exeter, spo e strongly m fav 1 of ! e' >L o act. The following t. I J resolu- tions were tion • ti e introduced bY Messrs. 13eii,vers and Tipling and was refer- red to the special committee: That a movement is now on to cieci.rft- the a Z kcitl �Iitl' & on Bruce,t ailtvw 't; e . ss as a eo�.tnci1 endorse the ap oilifing Lp � of a committee to meet with an,e committee which may be appointed to take up with l th tke Legislative As- sembly and the Ontario I,_.•. B n T ycl1 o -r lcc- Commission the matter- of got, tfiig estimates of coot of eollstructiou. and operation of suchroad,, alon,i with probable revenue. Matters relating to highway un- proven -lent carate in for considerable discussion, and a committee, com- posed of Messrs, N. W. Trewartha, Gordon Young and F. J. McQuaid, was appointed to draft regulations defining the duties and : remunera- tions of the good roads commission. Applications for increase of salary from nearly all the county officers were received and sent 'to the.exec- utive committee. Messrs. McNabb and Beavers mov- ed nowed that a gant of one mar on the dol- lar be made for hospital accoinoda- tion for the towns. of Seaforth, Wing ham and. Gdoericli, to bedivided as arranged byathe boards of ,these hos-: pitais, the town receiving such;,graut to supply the same amount of cash or its equivalent. Referred to the ex- ecutive committee... Alessrs. Beavers and Tipling mov- ed that a committee 'composed of Messrs. Young, Hackett, and Currie be appointed to wait on the Provin- cial Government asking that some action be taken to have jails estab- lished that will serve several coun- tives instead of the present system of one jail for each county. This was carried. The executive committee 'brought in recommendation that a grant of $1,000 be made to each of the hos- pitais of Goderici Clinton and Wing - ham, Messrs. W. G. Medd was appointed to the Exeter Board of Education for three years; H. T. Rowe for two years and Win. May for one year. ROOKEY NOTES (Continued from page one.) and plays a strong game, Hindmarsh and Dodo proved to be the, name stone -wall defence . Hind marsh in the second and third Peri- ods played the game of his life. Ile. showed the crowd -'some wonderful" stick handling. He sure is a mighty handy little fellow on that defence. Dodo, his pal, played a wonderful. game. He brought the crowd to their feet time and again with his great check; his long end to end" rushes and his great heacl work, He knows the game and as captain of the team keeps the boys on,their toes all the time. He has won the heart of every fan with his good natured smile, and as a"ean sport -and clever hockey playeelr, His brotliel'a Clarence,' at cen- ter is what we call the boy wonder and there is sure no mistake about it for he always fills the bill. Stratford cane to cls with two men that are counted the best in On- tario but when they were through with our little Dodo they did not look so fast.: He' showed them that he was just'as fast or a little faster than they were. He found little trouble in back -checking the great Kelterbourne and' he never lets up for one second. Bertram, on the left wing, played his same strong- game, and proved that he has more than his poke check lie,.held his man right in his ,hand all through the game and back - checked well. Robinson on right had a very busy night. •It always, falls 'to R'obbie's luclt to have the fastest man for his check and he sure ' deserves great News of the District credit for the game he is putting up: Grand Trunk earnings were a mil- lion dollars more in the last week of December,; 1920, than in the...,corre- ponding week in 1919: Mrs. F. D. Hutchison, of Mitchell, who broke her ankle a month nr so ago, is now able to be around With- out any, support. At the inaugural meeting of Perth County Council, Werner Krug, reeve of, South Easthope, was elected war- den of the county. The contest 'was between Mr. Krug and Mr. A. A. Coiquhonn of Hibbert. The' vote stood 11 to 4 in favor of Mr. Krug. Mr. T. D. Hutchison; ,Of MIrclieil>; has purchased the grocery business'. of Donald F. McKinnon, Seaforth, and has taken possession.' For: nxany. years Mr. Hutchison caiiied on a successful general store 'business at Staffa and for the past year 'he had been in charge of the staple depart- ment of the T. S. Ford Co.'s store. Mr. Hutchison's family will continue. to reside in Mitchell till after the school term closes. At the annual 'meeting `of the Ful - 'atoll, Logan and Hibbert Agricul- tural Society in Mitchell . the follow- ing officers were :ei," f d • President, Wt'_..MaRexicie; seri etary John Sum- mer; lst vice-pres., George Kemp; 2nd' vice-pres J. T. Malcolm;' audi- tors E_•.E. Letvthwa'te and W. Honey Directors, Fuilarton, Norman ,Heal, D. Roy, Alex. Cole. Logan;. B. Thiel, M. Hagarty, S. Mulholland, .0. Doug- las, T. Earl. %Hibbert, : R. Norris, R. Burchill, T. Mitchell. Mitchell, T. S. Ford, G. Graham, G. Perry, A. Mut- ton. The vice presidents were appointed delegates to attend the Provincial _Agricultural ' Convention to be held in Torontoon the 8th and 9th of February. Wm. Donagan, a Listowel busi- nessman, was fined $1,000 and $10. and costs for a breach of the O.T.A. The charge was laid by Inspector El- liott of Stratford. Mr. Donagan had received two shipments. and •, when the inspector went to inquire about there he found , that . one case was missing, and that three bottles were gone from another. Donagan told the inspector that liquor was in the. liay, and they started out to find it. Donagan then said he had disposed of it and taken it over to a neigh- bor's place. Magistarte Hamilton, in fining' Donagan, scored him severely declaring that he believed Donagan had been trafficking in liquor. Char- lie Lee, a Chinese laundryman; "also was fined $300 and $10 costs for an infraction of the 0.T.A. This charge was also laid by Inspector Elliott. THE MEASURE OF a SUCCESS It isn't the cut of the clothes`'that You wear, Nor the stuff out of which they are made,; Thouglr chosen with taste and fas- tidious care, And it isn't tlx" e -o price that y u paid; It isn't the 1 size of your pile in the bank, Nor the number of acresY ou, wit;; It isn't a question of prestige or rank, Nor of sinew and muscle and. bone; It isn't the servant that coaxes at, your Call, - It -isn't the things you possess, Whether many or little—or nothing at all, It's service that measures success: Itin' s t'. a question of name, or of length, Of an aneestraI edi res' p g. Nor +I r a question of mental vigor and strength, Nor a question of social degree; t` It isn't a question of city or town,' Piot° a nuestion of doctrine or creeds` t It isn't a question. ofan e or 1 L - aoeti .- Nur.a questioni f of valorous s deed, til v 7 ,, ] i, o who m�'i `.ti eS a021 e C i bo.. happy pls each clay, And d 1ce Who gives deed to distress, iFs3 t Willfind satisfaction sf tc-lcti o_i. the richest of pay; rr Froritssera.e' n n.. n. S;. u e tlirit n1Wa„tkie,� ��tc- -Boys' He has shown that he can stand all comers, and can hand it out with the best of them. The longer he goes the better we like 'Irina Seibert played sub and: had not much of a chance but Babe is going strong and is go- ing to make some one sit up and take notice t some of theseg ones. Babe is a dark horse arid we are going to spring something with him very soon. Line-up: Stratford Exeter Malone goal Harness Berger r, defence ..Hindinarsh Carroll..........'I. d. C. Hoffman B, Lavell centre C. Hoffman Moore r. w. Robinson Kelterbourne..1. w. Bertram Harris subs ................ Seibert Referee—Waldon'de London. - A number in town witnessed their first game of hockey .Monday night. But the noise. It was mostly noise,. then more noise, and lastly all noise. The heavy end fell on "Fergy.” He had to carry house the .gate receipts. Big "Dodo" Hoffman was almost carried off the ice by admiring fans. The Stratford, teamwas in good trim.and they were trimmed good. Colds are prevalent': in the com- munity but all the hoarseness on Tuesday was not due to colds. The latest epidemic in Exeter is the hockey fever. Everybody's 'get- ting it and the'. temperatu a is going up. Little news in town this week out- side of hockey. Nobody wilr talk to the news reporter on any other sub- ject. The Stratford -goal referee was an Exeter Old Boy, but he ,turned his old town down hard, and all they wanted was fair play. .ltev. James Foote, of Caven Pres- 'byterian Church, faced the puck in 'the first game of the Northern Hock- ey League in this district, It was the biggest crowd, the big- gest noise and the biggest surprise for Stratford. The Exeter Band enlivened the proceedings before the game and be- tween the periods: It was their con=, tributiou to theevening and was sure appreciated. Give to the citizens of Exeter and community anything that is worth while and there is little difficulty in- ducing them to part with -their hard- earned coin, j` The fact is emphasized that a rail- road running east and '.west,'. giving Exeteran outlet in these directions is what is needed to help put this town on the map. It is a difficult matter to get in and out of .`Exeter by Sail. The jain at the door from the time of opening was suchas has only been seen in this section at tea meetings and fowl suppers. Never saw such a crowd wanting 'to part with a half dollar without getting fed up afterwards. . The crowd was so• great that the management had to open a back door route thaongh' the Moving picture theatre. If there had been very in.any more, standing roomy would have been at a premium. CO-OPERATE If you would boost theg ame along---, Co-operatel • Even 'though YoUL, plans :go vLU g- - Co-operatel If perchance the other man WxJ , r,. . a tts to 'o i t u rc as per acs plizai Work 'his way+ -you surely coife-- Co,operatef There's just care wa .f •rise. • y .o adval 1 , Co-operate! Don't take time ` to eriticire; Co-operate! When tc,n thin ;; • g o li K t e other xray" After you have had < your ouur s< ay y .- 12you IE.n the 1;aixne to stay ---- Co-operate! Let,s 1ake our cornmon ai n, Co-(• ti! Let's be,sii, x , . r �l..i,y the Doe' L t. SOIneoilP, Laugh it, o.. ”, t r ave a rap— Boost - lacst rfega .11. overthe map! ! Co-opornic? N1.1CN(IE SAY OP AU. 410./4 WOrtOS i1P *MOS* M:4)4. 1VW- ti1.AA0004 Aft -mum, ogi. eW 11Ai 4100 WIVt.P1ND CNCAJOSet ttaMaQ%CFOR: 1414 PI►P .R WaR VE14R. 114r. Y UKt A % MR FROM NOMI ANO sme'e`A1.1S Do Va tti1O.1't ►t:`. 541E V$1W (MAO WORoeIN 'QMiD+kar; Mwrt. WMi'rWW Notice to Creditors In the matter -of the estate of Mary Snell, of the Village of Exe- ter, County of Huron, widow, de- ceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Statutes in that behalf. thatall cred- itors and others having - claims a- gainst the estate of the said Mary Snell, who died on, or'. about January 14, 1921, are required on"., or before the 10th day of February, 1921, to send by post prepaid or de- liver to Messrs. Gladman & Stanbury of the Village of ` Exeter, Solicitors for the Executors of the said < de- ceased, their christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the state tient of their accounts and the na-"` ture of the security, if -,any held by teem. And further take notice that after such last,,,mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among' the parties entitled thereto,. having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice; and that the Executors will not be liable for said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall nothave h ve been . received by them at the time of such distribution. GLADMAN & STAN710R Solicitors for the Executors Dated at Exeter this 18th day of January, 1921. Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK Mr. C. W. Robinson -has been in- structed by John Delbridge to sell by Public Auction on Lot 8, Con. 9, Usborne half mile south of Winchelsea on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1921, at one o'clock sharp the following: HORSES -Two registered fillies rising 2 years old, Princess Maud, (46412); Miss Pacific (46413). T�URE -BRED HEREFORD CAT- TLE—Nell 7th, (23318), age 4, with heifer calf at foot; Brendita (17092). 6 years old, due to calve in 'March; Violet (2277'8), 4 years old, due to calve in August; Valletta . (9861), 12 years old, due to calve in March; Majestic Queen (32456), rising 3 years, old, due before the sale; Ma- jestic Netta (32464),., rising three years old,,due in June; Miss Bonnie Fairfax, (35830), 2 years old; Prim- rose (35832), rising 2 years old; Princess Pearl (35831), rising two years old; Lady Banjo (40264),"9 months old. HIGH GRADE - HEREFORDS -1 cow 6 years old, due to calve at time of sale; 2 steers rising 3 years old; 5 steers rising2 years old; 4 heifers rising 1 year old. One Nanny goat. At the same time and place Wil- bert Batten will sell 6 steers rising 2 years old; 6 heifers rising 2 .,years old; 6 spring calves:. TERMS OF SALE -Ten months' credit on furnishing' approved joint notes or a •discountof'4 per cent, off for cash. • . C. W. Robinson, John Delbridge' Auctioneer Proprietor. Frank Coates, Clerk The fans ere W s i. Were qt, eeze d at • the door, touched at the wicket, but, they sure did let loose when the "count came. ONLY ONE SCHOOL -CLOSED 'There is no l arovince•or state be- tween the Atlantic.. and the 'Pacific`' so well provided with qualified teach- ers as the province ofOntario," stated D Dr: Waugh, chief inspector: of schools for Ontario, answering the statrnent of' a correspondent to the press that there exists today a short- age of 2,000 qualified' teachers ill .. .this province. Dr. Waugh, however, admits, that theI rovince requires ` a- bout 600 moreroperlqualified 1 L Y '' teachers but denies that a great num- ber of rural schools have been closed, for want,of teachers. The shortage g. Lias been overcome by the depart': '. ment of education -ranting tempor- ary g b 1 ary certificates to about 600 teachers. w ...i�.�hl,ttt the regulation qualifications, of whom about 200 have had at least oils ti.'.rin'o trainingmodel 1 ,,. in a de o I sC fool Dr. Waugh states there is only one, school closed at the present tune 10 Ontario for want of teachers. This school is in the county' .of Perscott. Children for Fletcher's Fletcher's Castoria 1i strictly a;remedyfor Infants and Children. Foods ''are specially, prep..,ared'„for, bac s., A babes; meds inn even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared: for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need , of a remedy for the, common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven. What is C`fi. .T R 1 Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. 1t' contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more tzar thirty years it ihas• been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; `allayink• Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving 'healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE ,CAST RIA , AL AYS Bears the Signature of Use dor Over,,30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY BANK BY y Regular savingwill.rsoon g show a hand- some balance ins` the depositor's • account. It may be difficult for you to come to the bank always when you want to deposit. Send in deposits by mail—they will be ' as carefully handled as though you handed them over the counter. 77A T ,�' HE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAIr $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - $15,000,000 EXETER BRANCH, P. A. Chapman, Manager. eMI•11110•1•1110.11111111MMIONNEININ, INCORPORATED 1855 OVER 130 'BRANCHES HE MOLSONS .BANK CAPITAL: AND RESERVE $9,000,000. Farmers needing moneywhile waiting ting to market crops or stock are invited to consult with the Manager at any of THE MOLSONS BANK Branches. Savings Departments, at all Branches. "SAFETY, DEPOSIT' BOXES AT THE EXETER BRANCH." T. S. WOODS, MANAGER, EXETER BRANCH. CENTRALIA BRANCH OPEN FOR BUSINESS DAILY. .0111111111.1110, TRU IISBORNE AND HIBBERT FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE NSU, .ANCE COMPANY. Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President, THOS. RYAN Vice -President, _JOHN ALLISON DIRECTORS - WM. BROCK J. L. RUSSELL ROBT. NORRIS JAMES McKENZIE AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Hibbert. - OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fullarton and Logan. W. A.TURNBULL; Secretary -Treasurer R. R. No. 1, Woodham. (MADMAN' & STANBURY • Solicitors, Exeter, DR. HENRY A. COBSAUT ary VeterinSurgeon g Oillce- Bakea r, s Liveryon James. St. Calls' prortiptly attended to day or night. Phone8. DR. A. R, KINSMAN 1V L.D. ' D Honor Graduate of Toronto e Un Iver Si t7. - DENTIST Officev o erladman �& Staub I• [� u y s 'office, MainStreet, Exeter. S l Advertise in the 7'irnes. It pays. MONEY TO LOAN," We hale a large amount of privets.• funds to loan on farm and village, properties, at lowest rates of in- terest. GLADMAN & STANBURY U X Barristers Solicitors, Main St. Exeter, Ontario PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Atte. tioneer. Sales conducted in any lee - Bitty. Terms moderate, Orders lett. at Times Office will be promptly at- tended to. Phone 116, Kirkt Address Kirkton P. 0. oaa� DR. G. F- ROULSTON, L.D.S., D.D.S,,,:.. DENTIST Office over L R. Carl Ing's Law office. Closed every Wednesday afternoon. USE "DIAMOND DYES” sp Dye right! Delft risit. your material. Each pack- age, of "Diamond Dyes" con- tains directions se sin ie•'- that any . '!t•onla n can ditniond-dyo 'a new, rich 3 color into old garments.. draperies, coverings • every - g t] iniy, abetlier wool, silk,. t :. rr .. 1 liielr'-co�on or mixed .00t..x.: nuy "I)iamoad I)yoi -no• other kind -then perfect re- sults arc guaranteed, even ifD you have, never dyed before,' Druggist 110E "Diamond Dyes, Color Card" ---16 rich colors,. 001,