HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-2-3, Page 3740301, WX 3, 1921
Quite a WuIn_ber 4014. here at-
tended the hockey match in Exeter
on MondaY evening.
The • U.F.O. shipped tWo carloads
of cattle to TorontoSaturday. Mr.
Hawkins and Mr. Alvin Pym, were
in charge.
The contest that has- been going
on here for two months to see -which
side, could get the mostapeople to
come to church, a,nd league, closed on
Sunday. The side captained by Miss
Flossie Davey, won,
The young people of Centralia and
vicinity spent a pleasant evening at
the home of Mrs. Thos. Elston last
Mr. Gus Henessey has sold his two
hundred, acre farM to Mr, Shouldiee,
of McGillivray for the haudsome
sum of $20 000. Thi e is the farm
owned and oceumied by the late P.
Curtain when he lived in Ontario
Mr. Heneesey has •purchased "Mr.
Quinton'e hens+) in Centralia and,
will move in in May When Mr. Shout -
dice will take poSse,esion of the farm.
Mr. Wm. Colwellreturned from
New York on Tuesday and reports a
very slow cattle market,
Mr. Harry Lewis and sister of
Saskatchewan are visiting at the
home of theie unqle and aunt' Mr,
and Mrs. Thos.•Neil, Mre Le:vie vol-
unteered at the beginnign a the war
and was on the firing line when the
last gun was fired and the armistice
was signed. He was wounded three
$300 cash Reward to any Person
who is nearest right on 3 Guesses
Frankly, we want to draw your attention to the enormous imports of
United States goods in Canada.. We -want you to realize' what it all means
to every Canadian—to Labor especially. So we will Pay in Cash $300.00
First Prize, $100.00 Second Prize, $50.00,Third Prize—and the next elev-
en prizes of $5.00 each to'any person who makes and sends into us the
nearest guess toehe amount of mar ey in goods that will be imported in-
to Canada from the United States for FEBRUARY, 1921, as will be re-
ported in
Canada's Trade Returns for February, 1921
The figuree-for February, 1920, were $60,701,248.00; for February,
1919, they were $5e,255,909.00; for February, 1918, they were $41,-
185,814.00; February, 1917, were $53,578,027.0..0, and fora'eleruary, 1914
(before the war) they were only $23,286,731.00. Yo will see where wen.
are and what we are poming to in Canada! 'What will figures be for Feb-
ruary, 1921? Are you a good' guesser ? If so, win one of the prizes. ,
Get two ofeyour neighbors, to give you only ONE DOLLAR each for a
year's trial subscription to "11W CANADA" (regular price Two Dollars per
year), and send in the money with your three guesses. Each subscriber
is also allowed three guesses! Will you risk an hour of your time to Will
"MY 'CANADA" will be 'published monthly. It lives to help you and
Canada to better things. It goes without, saying that tlie more readers we
'have the better this National periodical will be. This is not only true
-commercially, but we feel that ever ye additional reader means so muck
added moral support.
•youreguess must be in by February 28th, 19 1.- •• s t. he old adage -
would say, obey: that impulse—obey it now.! Help us by. this•mea.as to re-
inforce our convictions, as toethe future and the present in Canada,, and
(I cif leading the way to better things for'your, and you're, amides. Addrees
"!enr guess and senddtibeeription to the publishers,. "MY ' 'CANADA,,"-
,alfes• 314-5, §tair'BIdg., Toronto.
• e
The N. E W ED'S°
"The Phonograph with a Soul"
What Edison did
during- the War
rrHE-official annOtmcernent is out.
Ask -65 for your copy of "What
Eton Did During the War." 'Write
firit if you can't call.
It- tells how 'Edison left his home and
'business' and went to sea, how Edison's
"Yankee magic" foiled the German
submari nes.
The bulletin tells many other things ,
Edison did -vvhile Chairman. of the Naval
Consulting Board. It explains how'
• Edison kept the price (Allis phonograph
• at bed rock durini an era of high costs
and soaring prices.- Since 1014 the New
Edison has advanced in price (in the
United States) less than 15%—and part
of this is war tax.
This bulletin also describes the Bud-
get Plan, which:makes it possible for
every home to enjoy the benefits of good --
music, without feeling the financial
eeer ,cl
,CY,A11 '0•;lc1R1'91.
Jr Le, ti* r k‘earelil!
Miss Verna Fitzgerald, of Port
Huron, Mich., is visiting at the home
of Miss IVIerle Clark.
Mr. and Mee, Fred gore spent the
latter part 'of last Week in Goderich
aud Ben Miller.
Mr. Albert Wolfe and Wm, Roez-
ler have bought the livery business
of Mr, Charles Wolfe and Kr. Geo.
MawhinneY, the property of Mr. Al -
00 WolXfht•
Mrs, Mitchell Willis and cbildrep
are visiting friends in the village.
Miss Ella' Link is reneeving old
ac,uaintances in the village.
"I`he Women's Instit.ute held a very
successful Meeting in the institute
hall, Tuesday evening. A debate,
"Resolved the school, has a greater
'influence op the child thau the
home," was taken by Miss Almeda
Finkbeiner and Miss Clara Oestrich-
er, resulting in favor of tire- affirma-
tive by one point. 'Another feature
of the evening was a cake contest by
the young lady members. At the
close of the meeting cake and coffee
were served.
Mr. Irving Stehle has purchased
from Albert .Morlock a 6 h.p. Canad-
ian Fairbanks -Morse gasolene en-
gine for the purpose of grinding and
pumping water.
,(Intencied for last week.)
There passed away in St. Joseph's'
Hospital, London On Thursady night,
one of our aged and most respected'
residents in the „persons of Mr. John'
Dyer; Sr. Deceased had .been ailing
for some time and in the hopes of
getting better, underweut an • oper-
ation from which he never recovered.
The remains were brought from Lon -
doe on Friday and the funeral was
held Monday afternoon. The remains
were interred in the Exeter Ceme-
tery. Deceased wasea most faithful
member of the Methodist Church. He
leaves to Mourn his loss two daugh-
ters, Mrs. Hawkins, of Wyoming;
Mrs. Walker, at home; three sods
Harry and Robert of Detroit and
;John, of Islay,. Alta. The sympathy
of the community is extended to the
bereaved family. .
Mrs. Hawkins, of Wyoming and
Messrs. Robert and Harry Dyer, of
Detroit, attended the funeral of their
'father, •Monday.
Mrs. Daniel Swantz and babe ' of
Benmiller, spent a few days last
'week with • her Another, Mrs. „George
Holtemann. •
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber spent a
couple o1. days last week in London'.
Beaver Bros.' opened their new
butcher shop on Saturday • with a
fine display of meat. "The Friendly
Bible Class_of the Evangelical church'
also -had, a home cooking 'sale in /.he
afternoon and evening in the butcher
and Mrs. Jackson af liVaeien
spent. 'the week end with, the formterte
moflier, Mrs. G. 'Kellerman.'
Miss G.race Kellerman left Monday
for Exe tier.
A coupe ca -so/ coal arrived in
toea this week.
ale, E. G, Kraft je attending the
auto ehow a London this week:-
- A school concert is in course of
preparatton, to be held Friday eveniog
Feb. 28. ;
Rev. Graupner ,was tn Lendon en
Sunday, taking the, services there in
the Lutheran Church, and so there was'
no service here. '
Miss' Fenny Free ter, is at present vis-
itant; in Exeter. -
A debate was held on Friday even-
ing jast on, the Black Bush School by
the U. F. 01. club. The subject was,'
Resoised, 'Thai the Horse is Better
than the Tractor," Both sides de-
bated ,we I, but the affirmative won.
:e.r.r. and Mrs, E. Gi Krait and Mrs.
F. Preeter, ji., are this week visieng
i relatives in Loadori.
1-lerb _has returned from
a itelt jh Deitto:te.
Mr. and Mrs. All. Hunkin and
children visited the latter's parents,
near Cromarty, Sunday.
Miss Gertie Stewart vi -sited her
sister, Mrs. Will Stone, the first of
the week.
Miss Ara Bell Hunkin is visiting
with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Coward.,
D'cin't forget the old. time dance in
Farquhar, Friday night, but conae.
Mr. Tom Gillespie, of Seaforth,
visited at Mr. A. Ilodgert's the end
of last week.
Wre. Slavin lost two valuable
horses lest week.
Mr: Charles Purdy has purchased
the farm on the 10th concession of
Hibbert from Mr."'Sinclair. Mr.' T.
Patterson, who has been working
HOS farm, has purchased a farm near
Mitchell, ,Mr. -Purdy takes posseseion
first of March.. •-
A very pretty wedding was held
at the home of Me. and Mrs. R Bell,
Usborne, Wednesday afternoon, Jan-
uary 26, 1921, wilen their youngest
daughter, Mies Vera, Was united in
onarriage to Mr:. brintnell, of
Hibbert. "`+'"I'lle Rev. G. W. Rivers, of
Heiman, performed the _ceremony.
After congratulations :and a dainty
dinner, a teceptihn was held, about,
175•Invited guests being preseet. The
emele, was the recipient of a number
of lawful and costly presents, incited-
ime•ei fumed oak library table and a
leo tner couela h a nutneer of
frice-als. Mrand lVfle, lariirtnell will
resicla on 010'larn receetly purchae-
oci f'ani Mr. A! ea. S Wee:, 10 'Ribber le
1,,,';folies 0,1olver was tendered to
tbe britle-elenealise Vera Bela ether
honee in hoitbr of her aprit'oaclittig
Mr. and Mee. Pa,rnaby and family
'Were the guests of Mr. and Mrs,
Richard Johns at dinner on. Weclnee-
day last.
Mr. and Mrs, Wes. Heywood were
niade a present of a bouncing baby
girl aefew clays ago.
• Mrs. Glenn addressed the U. F. 0„
of Filienville on Wednesday lapt in.
'the interests of a community laun-
dry. Only a few ev?re preeent.
'Virg, Wm. Heywoed, of Winchelsea
has been 'on the sick list for several
days, but is inaPrOvina,
Mr. Wm. Wade has been very
poorly lately, but is now conaales
„ Skating and playing hockey afford
great pleasure for the boys and girls
of our school. The ice has been pret
tY favorable for the "past week.
Mr. Fergus Turnbull it at Present
taking a short course in the Agri-
cultural College, Ceuelph.
Do not forget the„ debate in Bren-
ner's Hall, Grand ,Bend, next Fri-
day night.
A very nice social evening was
spent at the horne of Mr. and 1Virs.
J. Schroeder lastaweek. A. musical
program was given by the local tal-
ent from the violin, mandolin, guitar
and Mania The music was excellent
and provided great delight to the few
who gathered tO cheer the hearts of
Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder and family.
Mr. and Mrs. 1)elgaty spent a very
pleasant evening in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. T. F. Turnbull last Friday.
The monthly ineollting of the 'W.• I.
took place at the home of the presi-
dent, Mrs, J. Morgan, ,en Friday ev-
ening, Jan. 28, ire the form of a social
evening. About 80 members and
friends were, in attendance, A short
business meeting wa,s conducted, after
which a most interesting program was
given. The debate„ rzsolved, "That
the Influence of Money is greater than
that of Abelity," was much enjoyed
by ell reresene. The- affirmative was
taken. fby Mess L. Jeckell, Mr. A. Mor-
g,aa andA, Dougall, the ne,eative was
suppoeted by -Mrs. M. Morgan and
Messrs. W. Ejleringtion. and B. Case;
The judges, ;Messrs. Strang, Roweliffe
and Rydall, decided -the negative had
won. in number of points, while the af-
firmative side was specially commend-
ed oa .the .presereatian of argun*nti
Both ieiclec showad careful preparation
of ,,maLeeial marked by hieh quality
la debate.The musical part of the,
proeram chnsisted of solos by hfli
jean Allierntra•duett by Miss A. Don -
gal and Sir. A., Ford, and a solo .by
A, Ford, all of which was inuch
enjoyed. Rereshments were served at
Lbe .elose of the meeting. The next
meet:jag well be held ait the home of
Al -aces taeldo.
Mr. Nesbitt Woods, teacher ,of, S.
S. N� 3,- Hay, has recently had Itis
salary increased to $1,000:"This cer-
tainly is a credit to this section and
also Mr. Woods, as this his first year
at teaching. .
Mr. Faust, of Bay City, Mich., is
_visiting relatives here.
Mr. A. Klien, of Alymer, is visit-
ing at the home of Mr. Thomas John-
Mr. J. Hey, Jr., has purchased the
dwelling !property frcini Mr, Fred
.Hess, possession given on March 1st.
The annual meeting of themem-
bers of the Zurich Agricultural So-
ciety was held in the Town Hall,
Zurich., The financial statement, pre-
sented by the treasiirer, showed a
small balance to the credit of the so-
ciety with 77 paid-up members for
1921. It was ckecided to take advan-
tage of the Standing Field Crop and
Threshed Grain Comfietition if 15
entries or more can be secured. Gov -
eminent judges for horses, cattle,
and pultry will be secured thrn the
department. The election of officers
resulted as follows: President, E. F.
Klopp; lst vice-pree„ J. Decher, Jr.;
2nd vice-pres., H. H. Neale; directors,
• J. P. Rau, A. Reichert, H. Steinbach,
W. Decher, W. S. Johnston, J. A.
Smith, Zapfe, 0: Klopp, S.
Heitman. Auditors, Jacob • Haberbr
and Wendel Smith.Mr. A. F. Hess
was re -appointed secretary -treasurer
of the society.
At the annual meeting of the Mo-
therwell Presbyterian Chuidela Mr.
Wesley Brown was re-elected treas-
urer for the year 1921 and Miss Ver-
na Roger ask organist: Mr. Reg. Mar-
riott was appointed caretaker. Con-
tracts are being let for the decorat-
ing of the basement of the church.
The new members elected to take the
place of those retiring from the
Board of Management are Messre. G.
Parker and Roy Russell. The finan-
cial standing of the congregation was
foand to be very satisfactory. •
,Notice is hereby given. that the
Annual meeting of theemembers of
the Usbortie ttncj Hibbert •Mutual
Fir Insurance Company will be
held in, the hall, Farquhar, Monday,
Feheuary T, at 1 p.m; for the
purpose oreeoiving the 'reports ot
Directors -aed auditors ter the Past.
,year endlfor tbo electioti of two Di-
rectors anti two Auditcan and •for
'Other Inisinese.
The Direetottewlamee term of office
expiros, but 'who are eligible for re-
eleetien ere, Taea. Ryan and 'Williate,
' aerie -e --
Fr leak tan r. „: im t
• • • • - • ••
ItrpOrtant Events Which- Have
Occurred Outing the Week.
The Busy 'World's Happenings Care-
• fully Compiled and Put Into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers of Our paper -- A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment.
The Canadian curlers defeated
Manchester by 79 to 68.
Marine stewards have called off the
atrike in Australasian ports.
• Stanley Hallam is wanted at Coch-
rane to answer serious charge.
A stated case on race -track betting
is being argued at Osgoode Hall.
El. S. Estlin, Natural Gas Commis-
sioner for Ontario, has resigned.
Rev. Dr. F. L. Barber is appointed
Bursar of Victoria College, Toronto.
, Toronto and district Anglican yes:
try,' meetings a great record of pro-
gress. '
Labor members of Manitoba Legis-
lature are said to contemplate block-
ing proceedings.
Mrs. J, Sauleon of Jordan, near St.
Catherinesp reports finding pansies
blooming beautifully in her garden.
A two-year-old daughter of Thos.
Roffey, Renfrew, died from eating
pills she found in a dresses drawer.
Secretary Daniels of the U. S.
navy denies that inspection, of U., S.
warship's is made by the eBritish
-Farmers are preparing to contest
the Medicine Hat .seat in the Coal;
mons, vacated by the death of Hon-.
A. L. Sifton.
Montreal gave snow -shovelling to
500 men yesterday, and ice -harvest-
ing has started, which employs 700
to 1,000 men.
Of a family of 14 in Brantford,
stricken wieli smallpox, seven vacci-
nated escaped, while the seven un -
Vaccinated were all taken ill.
Arrangements have been complet-
ed, Constantinople despatches say,
for a conference, in Moscow, on boun-
daries; by Turkey, Armenia and
Clare Matthews, seven years old,
was fatally injured When he fell un-
der the wheels of a freight car on
which he tried to climb at a Sarnia
A suitcase containing valuable furs
and jewelfe, given seven mn
oths ago
to the wreing passenger by a P
porter, and three times lost, has re-
turned to its owner, a Br
aCapt. W. J. Loudon is dead in
Canadian curlers beat Lancashire
by 93 to 63.
• Hon. H -ugh Guthrie is acting Sec-
retary of State.
Hugh A. Maeallum, M.D., M.R.C.P.,
LL.D., died at London.
Social service worker upholds kiss
Ing at Inglenook Farm
master 3, A. Daigle, at Fatiguier,
Ont., eyere loaned to death in their
herno, •
'rhe validity of the Saskatchewen
Temperance Act is to be tested in the
courts by a liquor firm and a drug
The SeViets in Erivarl, Armenia's
capital, are meeting with insuperable
obstacles in 'attempting to apply
Communism to the country.
Mise Grace Donovan of Winnipeg
has applied for a mandainus to com-
1 the Law Society to enroll her as
a barrister and solicitor, alleging
discrimination by exarniners.
The AlbertaLegislature will con-
vene on February 15,
Government's move may stop ac-
tivities In Arctic oil. fields
The Canadian curling team defeat-
ed England by 151 -to 101.
Quebec's, Provincial Treasurer an-
nounces a surplus of a million.
• Former -ICaiser Wilhelm obderved
his 62nd birthday on Thursday.
The Aura Lee senior team defeated
Argonauts oonauts 0. H. A. game by
Valera is reported to have gone to
Glasgow by 'plane after his visit to
The managers and superintendents
of the various Tiydro systeitas meet
in Toronto.
Skip Keene's rink ,of Loudon won
the Just -Wright Trophy at St.
Thomas Thursdaymnight.
"Speedwell," at Guelph, is again
being used as a prison, 40 trusties
having arrived from Burwash.
Frank Still, a farmer, was fined
o$1,500 at St. Catharines for breach of
.the Ontario Temperance. A_ct.
Gerinan steel products are said to
be iiinderselling the home manufac-
-Lured article in the U. S. market.
The Lindsay0. H. A. intermediate
team won • their group title, beating
Peterboro' on the rouncrby 14 goals.
Arthur Walter, eitor and reporter
of official debates '• the House of
Lords since 1893, died on Wednes-
Kenneth Symington of Camlachie,
Ont., 14 years old, was found dead
in the barn, hanging by a rope at-
tached to a ladder.
The Quebec Government • contem-
plates; by the Tascherea.0 bill, to pre-
vent exportation of liquor from Que-
bec to any other part of Canada.
Stanley Baldwin, 6 years old, and
Jack King, 9, were drowned at Port
Burwell, and Theodore Small may
die, as a result of breaking through
the ice when skating.
Leeb.eat Moose in an . H. A.
TorontO relief.cifficers etate distress
in that city is'ataite peak:
A father anti two children were
burned to death in ICingston.
Hastings County Council will urge
a duty of $5 a ton on Imports of
fluorspar. •
Speaker at manufacturers' conven-
tion in Toronto says tide of business
has turned. '
Mrs. G. M. Hill of Fruitland died
suddenly on a radial car on her way
_Mrs. Aldwarth has ieturoe4 lionie
after, it inontli's visit With. her (laugh.
•ter in Brantford,
,-drs. Rivers end Master Gray vhs
• ited friends in Petrolia.
Mre. T, Sherritt is reported "eery
ill at the home of her aunt, IVIrs,
The 1Vfissea Eva and Lonie Destan,
of Sarnia, vieited their uncle, Rev.
G. W. Rivers last week.
Mr. Sam 13uchanan, of Medicine
Hat, who spent the past few moaths
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex.
Buchanan, leftlast week for his
hoine in the West,
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold were in
London la,et week having been called
there owing to the illness of Mr, Ar-
nold's father.
Rev. A. B. Sneilie and sister, Mise
Emmeline, who have spent the past
seven years in India, are expected
home sornetiine itt March.
The annual meeting held in the
Presbyterian Church was one of the
best the church has had. All the re-
ports were in advance of last year
Receipts fee all purpose, about
$9,000. Twenty-six new members
were added to the church roll.
The manufaetbrers in covention to Hamilton. • • predict asmart business year. The York County
Ernergebno, Teter to vacate recut decupled. by them. for
Bill was begun in the.U. S. Senate.
Edmund Mundy, a prominent
Oshawa citizen, diea in his 84th year.
Speedwell Hospital at Guelph was
College Heights (Toronto) women
d over to the Ontario Govern-
mnprosbelneaintos; Lynce_e
form association to discuss, country's
taunton attacks
0. T. A. as on a par with "the tyranny
of the Stuarts."
The array of unemployed in the
United States is placed as nearly
4,000,000 persons. '
Granites defeated the University -of
Toronto team in an 0. H. A. senior
game by 4 to 2. •
Manitoba Government Telephone
Commission sustained a loss of
$390,000 in 1920.
Fire Chief Andrew Hart of Daw-
son, a pioneer Yukon miner, died
suddenly, aged 60.
The M.A.A.A. Revolver Club team
defeated the Toronto 11. G. team for
the 'third consecutive time.
.For the first time in Canada watch-
making may be taught in the Central
Technical School, Toronto.
The Grand Jury recommends that
the Mercer Reformatory in Toronto
be removed to wider space.
Montreal promoters have made an
offer of $700,000 to bring the Car -
_mender -Dempsey bout to the Quebec
The Loegue of Nations has ap-
pointed the Swiss Government's Fin-
ancial Department to act as auditors
of the League accounts.
A coroner's jury finds Dr. Fa.ed was
not given drug he asked for, but
brings in Verdict of "guilty of gross
carelesene.ss" against him, in inquest
into the deaths of two women fel-
lowing dra-g treatement:
St. Patrick's beat Hamilton by 10
to 3 in a N. H. L. game.
The Toronto detective office is to
be kept open day and night without
lapse. '
Sir Adam Beck, soon to return,
Will hurry along pewer clean-up arbi-
• `Mr. Howard Ferguson asks voltam-
inops returns from Lands and Forest
The allied troops have again taken
charge 'of Constantinople, the Turk-
• ish .capital.
Fire completely gutted the main
branch of the Royal Bank of Canada
at Hamilton.
The Balkan States are said to be
seeking loans from the banks in the
United States. •
Toronto detectives wounded taro
youthful date bahdits in wild chase
through city. _
The strike in 13otnbay Over the
killing of two pigeons by Ettropean
boys has been, called off.
The Quebec Government intends to
eetablieh a demonstration farm in
seventy years.
W. J. Moule, assistant comptroller
to the C. P. R., died of sleeping sick-
ness at Montreal.
Quebec Utilities Commidsion has
Permitted Sherbrooke Street Railway
to increase its fares. ,
Mrs. ,Thorneloe, wife of Arch" -
bishop Thorneloe of Algoma, died at
Sault Ste. Marie, aged 78. years. -
Azerbaigan has yielded to the ultie
Matum of Georgia demanding the re-
lease of prisoners and delivery of oil.
The British dirigtble R-34, which
drifted out to sea after an accident
in landing, returned later to her base.
Allies have agreed that Germany
must pay for 42 years and that her
export trade be taxed' at 121a per
The Turkish Government at Con-
stantinople has accepted the invita-
tion of the Allies to a conference in
The athletic directorate of the Uni-
versity of Toronto has decided to al-
low no more professional athletes to
train at Hart House.,
The M. A. A. Isit Revolver Club
team won the inter -city series with
the Toronto Club team, by capturing
the first four matches.
A central Labor union for
is being organized.
Miss Edesse Borron-, of Toronto,
has disappeared from her home.
A Toronto jeweler claims thugs
beat and robbed him in his store.
A largely attended confeeence of
Boys' Workers was held at Trenton.
Win. Armstrong, fruit grower of
Queenston, died suddenly in Florida.
In the third test curling naatch
Scotland defeated Canada by 129 to
The 20t1i Battalion will be re-
organized as the West Toronto Regi-
Russel Wheeler of, Montreal won
the Canadian speed skating cham-
Half a million soccer fans attended
the English Cup tie games played on
Albert Wiley, Hydro lineman, of
Hamilton, 25 ,years old, was electro-
Cuted at Galt.
A woman is charged in Toronto
with wounding a male in a week -end
shooting affray>.
Copenhagen cleepatebes from Riga
say a crisis has arisen in he Ruseo-
Polish peace tegotiatiOns.
The Ilodbarror iron ore mines in
Cumberland, England, he've closed,
throwing 2,000 men out of work.
Mrs. Ruby Cross, who was shot
during the straggle of the Hallam
brothers, is in a serious condition.
Harry D, Synames, widely known in
,oil, gas and mining circles, died at
Niagara Falls, Saturday, aged 51.
The British. National 1.1nien of
Journalists hastterned down the of-
fered wage increase by the London
, every county in the ineeeteete •I Ottawa Kiwanis Club protests
Cana la
Edward ',McGuire of Guelph sud- agialnopesterntlecveea, discolibankersntn Canadian establish
denly expired While walking up hill lig2
with frleade te a hockey match, ' OnorleY,
. Richard Kenapion„. rota William, al One Ottawa fireman was killed and
returned eolcliee. -gave, settle tyt his two other Were injured in it, fire 011 I
wood to save lac me or eel Aesteian. Queen street west When a wall was
',the two young children of Post. blown ou.
At a vestry meeting of St. Pauls
Church the folloWing officers were
appointed: Wardens, G.' F. Case, 3.
VarleY; sidesrnen, W. Fee, G. Arm-
strong; secretaryetreasurer, Miss M.
Fee; delegate to Synod, G. C. Petty;
sub delegate, Wm. • Pee; cemetery
board, G. C. Petty; clerk, A. Case;
organist, Miss G. Petty; choir leader,
W. 0. Goodwill; secretary of Ember
Penny Fund, Mrs. T. Simpson.,
"Will you have two pockets be-
hind, sir?"
"Most assuredly."
"For pints or quarts—which will
You have?"
I will be pleNaOseTdtE.
to quote you, lay
best prices on the following:
Lumber, either rojaih or dressed,
pine or hemlock.
Best grade XXXXX B. C. shingles.
Asphalt slate surface twin
Ready roofing in rolls.
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e All-t14,t1W-ree„--S_teel Gates.
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Double Track Route
Unexcelled dining car service.
Sleeping cars on 'night trains and
parlor cars on principal day trains.
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Hor-
ning, District Passenger Agent,
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Phone 46w.
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Our winter term commences
Tuesday, January 4th and
students may register in our
Commercial, Shorthand and
Telegraphy departments at
any time. Our courses are
therough and practical and
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