HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-2-3, Page 1.'!FORT y t D No. 2278
laj1111111111111ff1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M111011HIMIli11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111MmOi Exeter SC:hoo1 Report 'ExEri.i.z...;_i=i1.1.:!,N GROUB
. • ...
A ',V
- 4-.- Report of ,xetei Public claool The Exeter -'Zurich team Won the
JO fjes Sz 'IVI ay ., , = the epidemic of inumps, many of 1,be I mediates when they won from God-
*--, pupils have missed a numbbr of 'px- i erich in that town on Friday night
s .
• =1 for December arid January. Owing to group-honcn.s in the O.H.A. inter-
aminations and as a result their per-{ last. The local team went to Goder-
centage is Zow. At present in Rotim I ich with a lead of eight •goals on
...-. 1, there are thirteen absent on ac- I home and home games. 'They sue-
= count of the rtiumps. iceeded iri beating the boys of the
ROOM i. . bounty town on their own ice by the
score of 4 to 1. At the end of the
second period the score was 2-0 in
Sr. 4-th, Honors. -Grant Coiling-
-- wood 86; Ella Kuntz 86; Dorothy ' favor of Exeter -Zurich. The bell was
Spring Goods
Lower Prices
It is with pleasure that we anounce stibstantial reduetiOns on nearly
all lines of Staring Merchandise. This is particularly' true in regard to cot-
ton staples, such as Ginghams, Flannelette, Shirtings, Tickings, Den-
ims, etc. We would advise an early purchase of your spring require-
ments as many lines'are scarce.
White Flannelette Specials
Heavy White Flannelette, regular 45c quality reduced to 35c; 50c
•quality reduced to 39c and 60e quality (extra heavy) reduced to 48c yd.
Wonderful Februarr Bargains in Silks
We place on sale for February, hundreds of yards of heavy dress
silks, at surprising price reductions. These include all popular colors, in-
cluding Black in Swiss Taffeta, Duchess, Pailette, Mesasline, etc. Don't
miss these bargains.
Silk Georgettes ad Crepe de Chenes reduced in price from $3.25
to $2.25 per yard. ' -
Shoes and Rubber Boots.
Our cut price sale of Shoes, Rubbers and Boots is still on.
Men'sFur Coats
Only two coats left, best quality clipped dog, to be cleared at cost.
Overalls and Smocks
All lines reduced in price, the best quality as well as the cheaper
Wall Papers
New Spring Wall Papers now in stock. Ccime 'and see .the
signs and colorings.
new de -
Remember. -Bargains in Every Department
for February
•=2- PHONE 32 e,
. mama.
yPHONE 32-
Snell 85; Vivian Collingwood
• handled bY Goldie Cochrane and but s1 83; . • .
• . tor Ins good work the game would
vFel sr e oc vWe ar :RS
Ge°1'ge" ;I have developed into rough house
08'ailhton 77. Pass-- .
Charlie Acheson 74; Wanda
scinski 70; Helen Wethey 70; Aljoel •
von Wa-
s69 69, Charlie Gladman 67.STRAT13'011D
Jr. 4th, Honors -Herman Gower 719rE
79; Bob Gambrill, 75; Meta Salter EXETER
. 75. Pass -Marion, Bissett 73; Mar -
With the group honors in the 0.
11. A. intermediate series safely tuck-
ed away, the Exeter -Zurich team
made a good bid for honors in the
N.H.L. senior group when it put a
stop to Stratford's whining streak
by defeating that team 6 to 4 ofl lo-
cal ice IVIonday night, The sudden
,halt to Stratford's chain of victories
-came as a surprise to the visitors,
who carne over with their best line-
up, determined to ivin. Stratford
Plays Kitchener on Wednesday night
to decide whether they win the group.
honors without a loss or tie-up,
which would necessitate another
round, They, are Scheduled to meet
Exeter on Thursday and a win on
Monday would make the going a lit-
tle less strenuous.
= garet Johns 69;.: lia,rry Snell 68; L.
- Foote 66; Margaret Harness 63; S.
= 'Reeder 61; Harry West 60.
-- 1 N raber enrolled 36; average at-
= ‘111. A. HORTON,
Reporttfor December and -`Janu-,,`.
Sr. 3rd. I-Ionors.-Eugene Howey
-- 83; Hugh Creech 79. Pass -Marjorie
= Clark 74; Frank Creech 73; Edna
= Russell, 72, Wallace Makihs 69;
= Kuntz 69; Florrie West 58.
= Jr. 3rd. Honors.--Kathiceii
• man 77. Pass. -Muriel Howard 72;
= Marvin. Hovey 71; Marjorie Medd
69.; Muriel Lulter 68; Edward Ta- I
= man 67; Edith Walter 66; Viola
= Ford 65; Lyle Dinney 64; Garnet
•, Beaver 63; Vera MacDonald 60.
=1' No on. roll in December, 29; aver-
age attendance 21; January, 27; av-
erage attendance 23.
JEAN S. atlas/AY.
O NIM1111
Report for December and January.
Sr. 2nd. 'Honors. ---Vera Mooney
= 89; Irvin Ford 87; Greta Bloomfield
81; Donald Glaclman 7S; Jennie
='Passmore 77; .Clifford Hutchison 75.
Pass -Myrtle Beavers 74; Harold
Skinner 73; 'Doris Salter 71; Orval
Beavers 70;, Harry Jennings 68; H.
Laing 67; 'Baden Powell 62.
Jr. 2nd.. Catherine
Woods 79; Wm. Ellerington -77; L.
• =M. Payne 77-1,14,Ss=-J. Wainer 66; S.
= Walter 66; Cl'arefice Boyle 66; Roy
Sanders 64; Russell Snell 63• Doro-
Dinney 61; George Andrews 61;
Gladys Hunkin 60.
as zit
• '
1. The Satisfactory
Hardware -and Stove Store
. „
tJjse Royal Pui41)le Stock and Pit)tiltry 74,
))1Food. -All sized packages 111 stock
cut $115 11P 4
High oven ranges, one
only, at , $1115.00 •
JEWELL Ranges.... $120.00
Have you joined the Y. yet?
Pankake Social in Trivitt Memori-
al Parisb. Hail, Shrove Tuesday;Feb-
ruary•8, 1921, at 6 p.m. Admission
The Stratford sextette have been
in the lime -light owing to the big
noise they have been making in the,
district. The locals took the ice none I
too confident and for the first period1
they seemed qtenge-struck. The
torsstartedstarted off strong. They invaded
the local territory soon after the
face-off. Kelterbourne for Stratford,
is the'. speediest man seen on local
ice in many a season - Within a fes,v
minutes after the play commenced 1
he shot the rubber disc into the Exe-
ter nets. The first score was soon I
followed by a second when. Moore 1 ;
brought the- puck from behind the
nets and in the fumble'in front of
the goal he scored. It hooked like 1
easy victory for the visitors and thy
began to rake it easy and play on
the iiefensiye. The fans were feelbig Y
a little glum, but »they were n \
down -hearted. During the latter
part •of the first period the home
team began to get their stride and
A branch of "the U.F.O. has bee
organized in Exeter. A number o
the membgrs me* in •
on Tuesday afternoon and completed
the orgariization when the following
officers were elected: President J. A.
Yellow; vice -press 'Chas. Tuckey;
secretary, E. J Slsapton• direeton
Chester Rowe, Geo, Penahle, It. D.
Hunter and Ben Case. 'Several corn-
mittees were formed. The club will
meet on the 2nd and 4t1i, Wednes-
day evenings.
At the James Street Leagee on
Tuesday evening there was an inter
esting debate on "Resolved tha
choosing a wife is of more import-
ance to a young man than choosing
a profession." The affirmative was
ably taken by Miss Amy Shantou,
Miss H. Powe and Mr. H. ITones,
while the negative was stongly up-
held_ by Miss Fern Short, IVIiss E.
Fisher and Mr. George Hind. ; The
judges were Mr. W. H. Johnston, Mr.
Alawson and Mr. J. S. Hervey, The
decision was given in favor of the
DIED ----
Word was received in Exeter on
Tuesday that Mrs. Evan McDOnald
had departed Ll.:„ .
Monday, wirowing 6eilut.ta 1.11.1eSS
fr0111 pneumonia. Mrs. McDonald had
been in a critical connition rel. sev-
eral days and much anxiety .mtas felt
by her many friends of town. Her
maiden name was Susie Weekes.
She was a former resident of Exeter.
She is survived by her husband and
two children, one son, Evan, .and
one dausliies, Flora; potil nome,
Two brothers and three sisters also
survive: James of town and George
Calicinnatti; 'Mrs. spackrnan,
Misses Minnie and Annie, of Exeter.
The latter two have been in attend-
ance on their sister. The funeral was
held Wednesday, interment at
. •
n. The Alitchell Amateur l)ramatic
5 ,Citii) Win ni•esent
.-ln - , „...........•
ORANGE HALL, 1V001:11.L.1111
Undor the alispii.es of the C.O.C.F.
The Aliteliell Dramatic Club have
played to crowded houses on their
every appearance and "Tony the
Convict" is one of their bE.4'3i., plays. • '
Al)Tvii"Ssiussi 25c• ADULTS 50c.
Tielsets can lie _scured at 1Sillis'
Autornoloile 14icertses
to be issued in
Exeter soon
yours, you will have to equip your
car with the new lens to stop head-
1)PferrP yon can get the
, .
We have different kinds hi stock.
Look then, over and if you do not
need them now, ,leave -your order
and(we .will keel) them. for you.
A.full line of auto accessories in
stock. •
Try us z-tivliert you need anything
for Your car.• ,
(WillarSi Service.)
" 6
v tit A. 1.0's-01-11-40 It al
\/ a -e spa d'• st 7 gig poi ea
A ‘...9° Li A
um ei enrolled, December 34; the period ended 2-0. The second. { 4
January 37. Average attendancenDe- period left little to choose between1
cember 31; January 31.
H. M. KINSMAN. • their toes from the face-off. The
the two teams. Both teams were onl
home team was the first to lOcate1
Class I. Ildnors-Willie Sanders
83; Billy Balkwill 82; Dorothy -
their opponents nets, which was
middle about the of the period. The
thousand or more fans came to life ,
and the din started. A few minutes 'M
dy 79; Cecil Laing 77. Pass -Hazel
Bloomfield 69.
Class 3. Honors -Kathleen Reid
81; Hugh Wainer '79. , •
e Class 2. Honors -Loretta Little
91; Madeline Stewart 89; Grace
Christie 88.
Class 1. Honors. -Margaret Mar-
tin 88; Forbes Cho pman • 88; 'la
Whyte '75.
Number enrolled 35; average at-
tendance 31, ••"'
after, Stratford came back making
their third tally. The visitors work-
ed hard and the forwards came down
time after time but found the de-
fense impregnable. Meeting the local
backstops was like running up a- ,0
gainstea briclr wall and the light for- '04
wards soon found it out. Rush after #
rush ended in failure, With several 'N
minutes yet to go in the middle per- '01*
iod, on a nice shot from right wing, #
the puck landed in the Stratford nets v,
lust behind the post and. bounced
Leo ves Time.
EXETER 435 p.m.
HENSALL •. 450 p.m.
KIPPEN " ..,...4.58 p.m.
CLINTON 530 p.m.
SEAFORTI-1 .5.53
, 6.12 p.m.
ROOM V. out. The goal referee l_iftecl his hand DUBLIN
half way u. The r t i •
p. e eiee grimed it
. Raymond Pryde 90; Thelma Baker completely and. the play went on. M
85; Margaret Ellerington 85; Stella The crowd was indignant. Such a H
Little 83; Helen Salter -• 76. Pass- storm of protest was hurled at the ,
Helen Heywood 74. ', referees that it was a difficult matter V
Class 4. Honors. -Wallace Selden for one to hear his own voice. Prom'
96; Almer Nankin' 89; Mary Cann the press box, that wa,s one thing
88; Helen Stanbury 84; Harry Cole saw quite" distinctly and we :weren't v
80; Harold Appleton 79; Jean Pen- seeing "double either. H
hale 78; David Newell 75.
13- Class 3. Honors. -Ruth 13alkwill
At the regular meeting of the
Thames Road Farmers' Club, Febru-
ary 7th, a debate will be given by the
junior farmers, "The Tractor vs. the
Miss L. Johns returned home aSt
week after visiting in Sarnia.
Mr. Harris, of Stratford, visited
with Mr. Clyde Heaman over the
week -end
89 Teddy Wethey -75. Pass -fl
Collingwood 69; Viola Hodgson
Class 2. Honors. -Marion Davis
82; Chester Cornish 76. Pass -Doro-
thy Cox 64; Joey jackson 64.
Class 1. Honors. -Allan Quance
83; Vera Kestle 79,; -John Payne 76.
Pass.---Alcliu Appleton 72. -
December -Number enrolled 34;
average attendance 30. November-
. Number enrolled 3s; average at-
- 26.
- BORN • •
ituriN-At Dr. Hyadman,s Hos;i..,' On „ Sunday, while Mr. Leslie
ta,l, on January 26, 1921, to Mr.
Richards was driving home fron
and .1Virs. A. E. Kuhnsea, sOn. church, soine part of the harness
broke and he had a lively time for a
STANLAKE--In Exeter North, on few minutes. The buggy ran onto the
January 29, to Mr! and Mrs. Gar-
;$00 A
\ field Stanlake a son.
$5s.00 DIED
DOI-IERTY Ranges 4815.00
Heaters» front $10.00 up
SUIpliur and Saltpetre .1
:avian s ardware pi
271V PHONES 271
MeDONALD--In Guelph, on. Janua,ry
31, 1921, Susie Weekes,i beloved
wife of Evan McDonald.
• ,
CANN-1n loving Memory of our
"dear Wife and mother, Mrs. C.
• Cann, who entered. into rest one
Year ago, February 8, 1920.
Her hands were crossed tinort her
- breast •' •
We kissed her lovely brow .
And in our aching hearts we know
We loge no Linother „new,
• .
In the cemetery softly.,sleeping,
ere the Pine trees .gently aVe',
Lies the, One we love SO dearlys
In a cold
horses heels and caused it to kick.
He soon got the animal under con-
trol with -little damage 'being done.
Tho Huron C,ounty L.O.L,
their annual medting in the Orange
lodge rooms' on Monday. The meet-
ing was one of the largest that ha
been held, Sixty-one delegates' from
different parts of the count,'
,present. A monster county chttrcb
para,cle will be held in Trivitt, Mem-
orial Church the first Sunday in Jaly,
It was decided to bold the 12th of
July in Baylleal this year. The officers
'elected were as followS: W.1VI.,' J. B
Armitage; BM, C. W. Robinson:
rec. sec., B. Gantelon; county' treas..,
A. Cantelon; cliaplain, Rev, A. A.
Trimmer; lst leeturer,,R. Davis; 2nd
lecturer, W. Handley,. dircetor of
ceremonies, George Petty.
A, E. AI/111C/ND ,
Tho noted OVOL-Sight sPecialfst,01
1(11(11(11(1t Silent grave, Te'
ronte, will be at the Central Hotel
The year has gone we Oan't forget February11511 and 12th.
Her words of leve we hoar thein
Our hearts are sore with vies and
Blit know We all shall 111001;again.
-Husband, son an daubliters.
FR OSALID----MaSP•soV-HorriS cre
separator, 500 lbs, cap., nearly nern,4
t)Idiflhl 1)0115', Years 01(1. Alyn
butter and boils0 cider, Arno/. 4
Sylvanns J, Cann„iEsketer, Phone 11
Ot' •
MITCHELL , • 6.27• p.m.
SEBRINGVILLE ... 6.45 p,rn.
STRATFORI) (arrive) ...7.00 p.m.
RETURNING leaves' Stratford 11 pin.
, I
When.the goal referee lett-the
• he was nearly mobbed. He was re- ti Go with the Boys to Stratford an
placed in the third Period. In the
last period the locals started off
Cheer them on to
strong. They carried the rubber disc Victory
right' into the Stratford nets'at the H
first, draw. They were not long in Y.N
coming back with another goal and
tieing the score. In short order the
visitors were bewildered and worked
off their feet. The Exeter-Zui•ich
team outplayed the visitors froni all
angles. Only the spectacular -work laYilliMiliffillipilliMMERMIMMEIMMlliiilinniMMIIM111110
of Malone in goal saved the boys "
drubbing. Shot after shot 110 turned
aetcle. In the second period the lo-
cals shot many times from outside
the defense but Malone.clea,re,d them.
Twice in the last period the visitors
fell across. the puck when the puck.
Was close to the goal. The locals
came from behind and were leading
by two ghals when the visitors „scored
In this period the locals again scored
a goal that the other goal referee
was not certain about and, it was
not C011Dted. 'With one Minute to play
the Exeter -Zurich team scored their
sixth -goal and Stratford intermedi-
ates went down to their first defeat.
The game was the fastest ever
played on local ice. There were quite
a few penalties for minor Offences.
Ili the first period the locals drew
the big majority but towards the last
the visiors decorated the boards
pretty freely.
Harness in gaol had not many
shotk on him ha Dick is on the job
Continued on page thur)
4ithty: 111!
We hear a great deal these days
about "building up to a standard,
11,01: down to a prices" •
This 15 0111' policy a.nd you will •
find our Manitoba's -Best or Alodel
second to none for bnead-making.
= Nice flaky bread With the Nutty
onieea re
WM. HART in "
SQUARE 'MEAL .•i'A.NDE13.141)N -
Usual coMedy and valideville
, ' flii111111111111111111111113111111111111111111IF,11•111!ill1111!Illitillit,11,11111Wirfi
The ever increasing demand goes
50 prove oni. claim. Prove our state-
ment Bily a bag. •
You Will get a goad recludtion on
mama .
flour in large quantities, =