HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-1-27, Page 8TH r EXETER TIMES A ® TLMAR' PHONE 16, PHONE 16. • The Bit e 'taints and Lasts . Days We will only attempt to mention a few of the rare bargains in this space. Ladies! Fill.Your. Needs from Our stock of Fresh .ries , Red Rose and Sal- ada Tea,per ib. 50c Lux, now 2 for 25c. Largest plug T & B. tobacco ..,..... 75c. Palmolive Soap, 3 large b :2 for 25c. 15c bottles of best extracts 10c Gillette's Lye, 2 for 25c Pearline, large pack- age, 3 for .,20c Jelly Powders, all flavors, 2 for 25c. Olipper Salmon, '7 cans for $1.00 Tomatoes 15e a can, 7 fur $1.00 O. meal, Sibs. for 25c Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes, two for 25c. Royal Yeast, per box, 5c. Large size Ammonia, 2 for 25c. Golden Table Syrup, per lb. 9c. Shredded Wheat, two packages for 25c. Corn Starch, per package 10e. Seedles Raisins, 15oz. package 30e. Best quality Seeded Raisins, 15- oz. package 30c. Stewartr Pulls SomeSurprises OPPOiTCNITY KNOCKS -RUT IT WILL NOT OPEN DOORS. Tor 3ItST COME TO THE SATen TO BENEFIT .MILITARY RUBBERS Men's Brown Military Rub- bers, just the thing for over heavy boots. To clear at $1:.00 per pair. RUBBER BOOTS Men's. Black RubberBoots, red sole and heel.Regular $6.00. Sale Price $4.90 SUGAR- Best UG Alin Best Pure Cane Sugar, $11.25 :per hundred. Sugar prices subject to mar- ket ii"uctuations .SPOOLS Coates' Best 200 yd. Spools, Black White or colored:. 3 for 25e. Boys' Sweaters Boys Pullover Sweaters, in Navy and Red and all Red, in a good weight, all sizes. ;; Sale Price $1. Highest prices paid for poultry and all Produce. A Ste art rte ,.' •na,.... ".2,,7.15, Market Report :''The followring is the report , of the alxeter Market. corrected every WedneiedaY. Wheat $1.90. Oats 50c. Barley 65 to 75c . Family flour $5.50. Shorts $2.25 per 100 11.1s. Bran $2.00 per 100 'lbs. Feed flour $3.00. New laid eggs 700. Heid eggs 55c Creamery butter 62e., Dairy Butter 47c to •50c. Lard 30c. Hogs $1.4.75. Potatoes $1.25. Owing Owing to the great success of our price -reduction sale in Decem- ber, we are going to continue it through January to give others a chance to get some bargains. Remember- this is a real reduction sale and if you want to be in on some of these bargains, come early, as goods are going fast. UNDERTAXINV A SPECIALTY our, We have a ,fine motor hearse in connection with. . b business. ss. Everything up-to-date. ,. nrarnanunommmeco Phone 20J and 20W. 44, "4..44 $50 to 15,00 A YEAR FOR LIFE I A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY PROVIDES IT 01. -No better life investment available -No better security obtainable -Cannot be seized or levied upon for any cause -Will be replaced if lost, stolen or destroyed og -Not affected by trade depression -Free from Dominion Income Tax ago -No medical examination required .g, Anyone over the age of 5 years resident or domiciled in Canada may: purchase. 4,Any two persons may purchase jointly. i it m Io ccs -school boards for may purchase for then e p y � Employers - . . ,<: r �• their teachers congregations for their ministers. 4. 4" " s.- - Pe. 4• aF 4" 4• 4. .g. >. 4J 's Apply to your postmaster; orevrite, postage fret, to S, T. Bastedo, Super- t, intendent of Annuities, Ottawa,- for new booklet and other information desired. State sex and egg last birthday, +s}+ s a 4ibk "3 ,.+4+t 4. 1 . £++3 "S+°S*"l4"1"+. i 41.� * 2 1+.84. !i 4"4 i +i "1 4+4+4. &4"** �kaema..wq" s fit e e FINEST MOTOR AND HORSE Ef,Qti IPMEN U. J'ACILITI..I+`S AND SERVICE` UNSURPASSED EVEIIYTI-IING 'UP-TO-DATE ?,IPERA II)USE 13 OCIJ 'I3OiQIJta re4J. sG®4,10®4............. LOCAL• • •...•••. .11.0*** If you are particularyou will like buying your groceries from HAR- VEY'S Sanitary Food Counter. Band at the rink tonight, , (Wed- nesday). Admission 25c and 35c. With THURSDAY, JANUARY 1021 .,191 l 11111111 i 1111111 II I I I I, the C�� Lurches ° J ..�M 1,I . .IIS I � I L I I I1tIlIIIIIg1111Mlllllllllgltll111111qlltltill�l1111111t1111�h11p11111111111IINI111111111tlllllllllll0lllt CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN' CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a.m.-Sunday School and Bible classes. 11..00 a.m.-"Tempeance Study." The Minister'. ?.00 p:m.-"Overcoming Trouble." The Minister Prayer service Thursday evening. at 7.45. 1 Mr. C. Nestle has taken a position with Mr. H. T. Rowe as driver of the gasoline tankc„kruck. Mr, and Mrs. Austin Dialing and child, of Staffa, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, HM. Quance and other friends in Exeter. Miss Jean Allison sang a solo in Caven Presbyterian Church on Sab- bath morning last that was much ap- preciated by the congregation. Mr. John Delbridge will hold an auction sale of 'some of his pure-bred Hereford cattle on February' 10th, 1921. See advt. on page four. Mrs. ' (Rev.) Foote and little daughter, Elizabeth, returned home on Friday evening last after visiting with relatives in Windsor and De- troit for several weeks. On ladies' night at the Y.P.C.A. last Thursday evening, the ladies wbre made acquainted with the game Miss Amy wona of five pins.y box of chocolates for -making the highest score. The Huron County Council are meeting in Goderich this week. Reeve B. W. F. Beavers, of Exeter; Reeve Win. Coates, of Usborne, and Reeve H. Neeb and Deputy Reeve D. Webb; of Stephen, are in attendance. In last week's issueit was stated that Mrs. D. Mack had returned home from Toronto where she un- derwent ' an operation for nasal. trouble. This was an error as Mrs. Mack was in Toronto for treatment of trouble in connection with the jaw bone. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Thorn . and Mrs, Farrell, of Scarboro, visited their cousins, Miss Taylor and Mr. 4. Taylor of town. They left Tuesday to visit relatives at Zion., Mr. Thorn is ,greatly impressed- with this sec= tion of the country and may possibly locate on a "farm in the community. The mercury of` many a thermo- meter has been having its ups and downs ' the past week. A week ago Wednesday it had tumbled below the zero mark and on the following eve- ning a slight rain was falling. On account of the mild weather the re- turn hockey game scheduled with Goderich. on Friday night•was' *ith- drawn. - Mr.,A. Hooper; who has been laid up forsome time past, is now im- proving and it is hoped he will soon be quite himself again. During his illness' three of his brothers, at dif- ferent intervals, visited him, one from Exeter; one from London, and one from Alma, , Mich." -Clinton News -Record. The loss by fire in Canada during 1925 amounted to $27,371,574, and shows an increase of $4,000,000 corn - pared with the figures' for 1919. The figures are exceeded by the -loss dui- ing 1918, when the ° exceptionally high :'figure, of $31,815,844 was reached. The loss by fire during De- cember amounted „by $3,386,475, and exceeded any other months during the year. JAMES STREET METHODIST CHURCH Rev. M., J. Wilson, B.A., Pastor. Missionary Anniversary next Sun- day. The Rev., Judson Kelly, of Lon- don Colborne St. Methodist Church will preach. Everybody should hear. hint. 3.00 p.m. Sabbath School and Bible classes. - A good choir.. -A hearty welcome. OMEN MINIM poinis MIMEO SOMME MAIN ST. 1FIEbIODIST CHURCH Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. A. (Phone 21, r3.) 11.00 a.m.--"The Unlighted Lamp. 3.00 ,p.m. -Sunday School and Bible classes. 7.00 p.m. -"In- Chains, But Free;" 13ETITANY 2.45 p.m. -"Christ Among Common Things." the Good prices were realized. at Mr. Garnet Miners' auction sale of farm stock in Usbor ie,ldst week. The a- mount realized was a little short of $3,000. The cows sold well, going as high as $184.00. The young cattle were' alittle low.The pure-bred regis- tered Yorkshire hogs,'for which ` Mr. Miners has an' enviable reputation, sold well. The'young -sows sold from $76 to $111. Mr. Robinson :was the auctioneer._ new act that comes into *'force this year is that all dogs must wear tags. A violation of the act will sub- ject the owner of the dog to a fine of Ceti dollars. In some communities. a certain amount is collected by the- Sale hesale of tags in addition to .the cus- tomary dog tax. The Exeter Council has decided that instead of collecting the dog tax along with the other taxes in the fall; that the tax will be collected ..at thb time the trig is ap- plied, for and no additional charge will be made for., the tag. The assessors in, the different mu- nicinalities expect to start on their rounds during the eoning week, The iiew lists will be twice as large as in 1'.'reei415 years, as they Will contain the names of all women over twenty- co-o, wenty{nn r' Yrnars of.,age, :. es they .,are now entitled to vote ef, elections to the Legislative Assembly, Some years aar ilio voters' list was macle in three na1•t hart in,raaert veers there have only been parts one,and two. The rotor s' list now goes hack to the old: form in three part.$. ''F,tiJ P, cp9r 'c'TSikl. vi"-' 1rrr.t ha,v n".P$'ror1 'Whitefish, �Te rinc+l o ., T)4 rl,tr.a oral <,n1(11{:;;, also . )?,ieltlerl l,elco T7nrrho e in .10 lb.: pails. "Anyoli'e wanting to procure Her- " rlin sin 'Tineej ay e" arras 01' artY Other l?:irri of frh: cann 00 so by leaving 1 their order with tis, 1 iY. Phone .rti; At the Y. next Wednesday Rev. Wilson will give a 20 -minute address on "Moses and Lloyd George," and. Mr. F. Boyle will speak on the Benefits of the Game of Boxing in Character and Man -building." The committee in charge are arranging to secure the best talent in music andlectures, for special attractions. Th,ey hope to be, able to put on some of 'the best. talent -of Ontario during the next three `months. Everybody should join -up as quickly as possible.. Powell's Phone 55 Phone 55 Colds. Cough, Hoarseness, Among old.and Young are common these days. IIEMIEDY: Our NAMELESS. -r' the rh Remedy Syrup y P and Cough S is safe .and reli- able cure. Easily used and pleasant to take, and guaranteed relief. NAMELESS proved its worth in teh Great War, many tube 'was sent overseas and many a comment we re- ceived. for its great benficial results to the boys who struggled there for our comforts here. -65c for the two, or by mail, 75c. Watch this psace Weekly : for fur - flier announcements. DROP IN OFTEN. POWELL'S BAZAAR. Phone 55. The Horne of the New Edison HURON'S.- SUPREMACY. (Farmers' Sun.) Huron County has been taking stock of itself and discovers to its tneat satisfaction that it stands' well o the top in the ` list e of Ontario counties, standing 275.in' the point of production, and first in the item% of horses, beans, pasture, orchard and small fruits, cattle of all kinds, and live stock sold, and'kiiled. The quiet way that, Huron has gone about this question of establishing suprem- acy during the past few years- has prevented a ;proper:. appreciation of the fine points of the: county Lake Huron was named,after. Everybody knows about the ,Nia- ,gara fruit -but who' would think thatekI Iron was the second county fn all the province for fruit? Essex is knovii for its corn, Middlesex for its cattle, Grey .for its sweet„ clover, York for its "milk and honey,,','' but Huron seems to be content to sit back and saw wood, occasionally showing it was on the map by top- ping the market at Toronto with cat - .1110 Mena mimmi MINIM PHONE 134. SOV , T COT 'IIONT7 134.1 f Cotton -s, Sheetiligs Pillow Cottons Tare Advanta e'of These Special Offerings Fine Longcioth, 36 inches wide. Factory Cotton,, Heavy quality, 36 Regular 40c. Sale Price ,.'...,......35c. inches*wide. Regular price 50cSale ° Price 3:c. Fine Cambric, - 36 inches wide. Regular 350. Sale Price 30c. Nainsook, fine quality. Regular 50c. Sale Price 40e Blue Galateas Price Regular 50c. ' Sale • 350 PLAID GINGHAMS. Regular 50c value. Sale Price 35ca. 40 inch circular Pillow- Cotton. Regular 65c. Sale Price ..,........ 45c COTTON TEA TOWELING Regular 20c. Sale Price 150 MERSE GINGHAMS Regular price 50c. Sale Price 40c. All colored and white -Flannelettes at reduced prices. Bleached Sheeting, 72 inches wide. Regular $1.15. Sale Price S5c Cotton spools 10c: outhc"ott Bros.. atiolMO 6110.6111 �11111111I[Ilfllllll[IIII[Illllllllllf[Illllt[[IIII[I[�IIIIillilelllllllllllllllllllltilllllllll111I[Illilllll[INI111111H11111111Illllilll[IIIIII11111111"r The writer often thinks that we in Ontario are poor advertisers. We'are so modest that we do not tell others of our really remarkable excelIenciea'' and so each section goes on in its in- growing pride, without letting others in on the secret. Huron has set the pace by the remarkable discovery that it is "some, punkin," but what would happen if sonic other county Sh.ould'after all discover thatit Pro- duces' some elhoice records in itdown ;way, too, and challenge the -standing of Huron in the society life of this little, province? «3OO.0O CA514 174.TltZE•' CONTEST Three hundred dollars in cash lS being tiered as a prize to the cr.c who g+tosses 110.0.1'0S,Lt0,016' car t` ii€lnes of trade of the C1hlitea Stales with Cart a eta, for TTebruary. flee tine offer made by "M"4.' CANADA,r' en page five, "My Cai`ada " is .goon` to be is- sued ivdek by,Week lis i nxa:dz'a Nh- ilonal "\Veekly, to provide <.r, Canadian "Poets" for Canadians; for Canada,,, , C, °e. 1,24 C 1, A� •S.l Y F,�Y, L ;C� _N B A R. a �� � e o Barrister, Solicitor,: Notary Public, Conveyancer. , •- Solicitor for the Molsons Bank, etc. Invest your funds in Vic- tory, Dominion of • Canada, Provincial and Municipal Bonds., . Legal investment for Trust Funds. At existing. prices,' from '6 per cent to 7 per cent can be obtained from these 'bonds, Orders received by me. Money- to loan at' `lowest rates of inte'rest. OFFICE - Carling Block, Main. Street, EXETER, ONT. FOR SALE-Popular,Garland Range with reservoir and hih warm- ing closet in Al shape. Cheap. Apply to Powell's Bazaar, Phone 55. • TENNANT 4; , .:Veterinary. Surgeon i TOffice-McDonnell's'Sales'Stables on John St. Phone calls receive prompt attention. Phone 26w DR. JOHN WARD Chiropractor William and Sanders streets. Tues- days, Thursdays & Saturdays, hours 10 a.in..to 4.30 p.m. Consultation and examination free at office. r USE "DIAMOND DYES Dye- right! Don't risk' your material. Bach pack- age of "Diamond Dyes" con- tains directions so simple that any woman can diamond -dye a new, rich color into old garments, draperies, coverings, every- thing, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods. Buy "Diamond Dyes" -no other kind -then -perfect re sults are guaranteed even if you have never dyed before. Druggist has "Diamond Dyes Cc:Jr. Card".. -16 . rich colors. RE -OPEN LIVERY STABILE. Mr. William Ilodgert wishes to FOR SALE' -Peninsula coal : or announce that he has reopened his wood ran ini livery stable for the winter. Phone ge,good. condht on. Apply 117J or leave orders at the Central to Ernest Appleton. . `Hotel. 1 n, BRICK: HOUSE FOR SALE --At once, on the Delbridge pasture farm, on the 11 'concession of Usborne. "Ap Ap- ply to Lewis E. Fanson. A" farmer frienddropped dPp o ed into the offibe of an. Ontario, weekly newspa- per:tlie other•,day and remarked that the auction sales, which were adver- tised in the •newspapers, ; were much better attended than those *here no such publicity was given. "The object of "having an auction sale," rhe said, "is to sell as many articles at as high prices as possible .and it stands to reason that the larger -the crowd the greater the competition and the mere articles brought under the hammer, and probably 100°persons will read the list of articles in' the paper, to one who reads the 'hills." Certainly one should' insert the salein the pa- per. It "does not need any agrurnent; and the money is wellispent if it only "attracts one ektra buyer.., - T1IEN AND NOW. . Year 1610. -Indians Sell Manhat- tan Island for case of whiskey. Year 1920r --Citizens offer to•swap back. -Ex." FOUR DAILY PAPERS Toronto Daily Globe .. $5.00 µToronto Daily World . $4:00 Toronto Daily Star. $3.00 London Daily Free Press . $5.00 London Daily Advertiser $5100 Family Herald & Weekly Star $1.50 Fanners' Advocate' .'.... .:$1.60. Canadian CountrymanCountryan ...... $1.00 Slontreal Weekly Witness World -Wide $2,00 Toronto Saturday Night $4.00 MacLean's Magazine $3,00 Rural Canada ... . , . $1.00 The Youth's Companion`. .. - $2.50', Phe Farmers' Sun . $1.50 Fanners' Magazine ..... .. $2.00 Christian Guardian $2.00 The Exeter Times has a clubbing, rite with most daily nnd weekly p;l Pers. To find the Clubbing rate' add the price of the papers you wish, to subscribe for and subtract 25c from a 3ai1y paper and l0c froth a w,.,ok and: the Empire. 'v paper, GIRL • :.WANTED -For general irot}sehold purposes. Apply to Mrs. W,.,: J. Neaman. Fittomwagew THE EXETER TOMS Subscription rate $1.50 a year. P ADVERTISING RATES , Display Advertising -,-Made knaavn on application. Stray' Animals One. insertion 500 three insertions for $1.00 Farm or Real Estate for sale 50o each insertion for one month of four insertion. Miscellaneous articles -of not more than five lines, 'For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion ^50c. Lost,and found locals 25e. Loca1.reading notices :etc.10c per line per insertion: No notice less. than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction sales $3 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length., Legal advertising 10c and 5c s line. �! Saws gummed, wood .turning, wood pumps repaired and accessor„t ies on hand. -S. J. V. Cann, Exeter, Phone 116. DON'T WORRY About the high, price of shits. You won't need a new suit if you will lets T. H. ELLIOTT do your Clean- ing, Pressing and Repairing. Agent for. The American Dyers::' and -Dry Cleaners, London, Ont. T. e ELLIOTT SUDDEN' SERVICE SHOP w Year C:w.i,m..x.s,�,i.r.m a It's easy to upset good form with an .out of form tie, That's why it . so •often ]happens. The remedy is here in good faritt Ties, Scarfs. and Four=in-hands. Gloves . Collars, - Shirts, everyytliinn ,n Men's Outfit- Rings correct to the rnipl.tte. OUR CHRISTMAS STOCK IS 7IERE P 0 .N i AN