HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-1-27, Page 1• •- • FORTY-SE,CON D 'YEAR— No. 2278 • ".,40-F,#r••:1•,t11,",„, M 0 PI', r.T G , JANUARY 27, 1921 f-J111111111111111/111k11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111)11 EXETIPIR1'COUNCIL = ' MondaY,, jannarY 24, 421.. , . A regular meeting the Munici- 44 ones, s 'ay Connell, all the 'members pres- -.--1ent. The minutee'og the meeting held = f on January 10 were read and ap p r oLveet °te.rs were pead as follows: = .110.101=1 0.061001 !Mint 611611•111 ...1.111•11 011•111113S NOME 40111•10ME IMAM= .af MONO GOMM *MM. • ..4.1mola r•••••11. u.IMMOVI 00111. 011.1.111. .1•••••11 .111.1•1.111 .1.101•011 .••••111 monad JIMMY .•=0111B ufflIMMAI 401•1011 1•111111•1111 1111M111• 011111111 ...1131.0• .i.,•1111111 1•1111.1ill .121.1.81Ig u.111100111 • —, An appeal on behalf ot. the Cha- o_ = dren of Serbia through, the Canadi_ 0 . .. r .. - .. oc <in - 0 = au 13rotheithood l'ecleration Toronto. = A circulae letter from John S., 4 = Cre•Wder, secretary of a committee --- with a petition inclosed upon a ee_ Re.d ticing 'Sale' L_asts ' ...... ..... Only Tw- o Weeks Longer . ... Our Jannary S.`..e.cle-Reclucing Sale will continue for only ten days More. We have added many acrditionar bargains to our list of last week. Don't miss this opportunity. New Spring Goods Arriving Dress Gingharns at 35c Ia yd., Several new patterns of heavy dress ginghams in large plaids and': small checks and stripes, Very special at per yard 33c. • Men's ® Shirts at $1.45 Ten dozen Men's Heavy Work Shirt, sizes 141/2 to 17. Reduced 'in Prieeefroni $2.00 to $1.45 each. Men's Gloves & Mitts !EMI ••11! ..20111111.4 <I••••• 411111111111101 11•1•Mil 4•11111MIN arms. 0.1•1111 .31•01M SIMON SOW ramws 611M1.11 Greatly Reduced in Price Hundreds of Bargains port recommending more uniform prices for hydro -electric power. PliAecipetition ead, the same be- ing signed by 37i 'ratepayers of the village, showing that, the owners of -Lots 22 and .23, ancl the north halt of Lot 21 in thel'first concession of -the Township, of Vsborne and which • arWIMP. e included in. the Exeter School = 161•18 R▪ OMS MM. .113MMIK MEOW 1.0•••• 'Imam Section, and desiring, to withdraw therefrom and ,,to be transferred to No. 5, Usborne, Ask under authority of the School Act that this council appoint an ,arbitrator to act with others to hear and ;consider the prayer r,....1,1043. Per ElstonPenhale--That M. F. W. Gladma,n, chairman of the Board of Education for 1920, be appointed. Carried. A letterofrOm H. E. Huston desir- ing to be .relieved from the duties of an officer of the Board of Health'. 1tecinest.granted.on motion of Pen - hale and Davis'. carried. Per Snell—Elston—That Mr. S. Fitton be appointed as a member of the Board of"Health. Carried. - Councillor Penhale having inter- viewed Mr. R. le Murphy and had leased to him the weigh scales for the year.Rental -$10. Approved. Also, that he 'had arranged with =1,Mrs. Elizabeth Harness for the ring- ing of the bell at $65.00 for the year Approved., Per Snell—Elston—That the clerk procure one laimdred dog tags and theo'Sa,me be onieeale at the clerk' office, The Statutes of Ontario fox 1920 'States that,eVery owner of a ==" dog shall -procure a tag for each dog owned by him and keep such tag se- curely fixed to a collar on the clog at all times. The council directs that th'e tag shall be given on the pay- ment of the, clog tax as provided by the' Statutes. °Waxers of dogs who ilegleet ,tcs collinlY.'with the above = .regulations azeill*Ifle, to-penalties..of = not less than ten 1,dollars and -not = more than, tw,enty2-five dollars for — ▪ each offence. The annual tax saeci- fie(' in the act is $2,00 for a dog and $4.00 for each. additional dog, and $4.00 for a bitch and $6.00 for each additional bitch owned by the sane person. LaW collies into force on the first day of April,1921.. Carried. Commissioner Bissett was in- structed to procure 100 or more loads of gravel to be placed as di- rected. 0•••0111 81101•111•1 01•14111 11122•1111 .13.0111111 611111111112 .11•11•••, "WPM nubs. PHONE 32 olio , I . ay PIIONE 32 - ---.7s" 1 . _ 111111T11191111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111911111111M111111111111111111111119111111141111111111111111111ii ....„.................,,.........,... 1.19.0.• pr, gems= P,L foii.-,____, 1/411 LI,W44.JUE:i1140414// II ' ' : 1.61111 I . put 11. 371,71gillkfil ' LI? '' lialltria1711:4 ale 0,1\V .,,o....... •ffiqcsmr.LEC90, n„..„ 1'0 '' krio • -^^ A il. 11 ''Irlinflaillillraillii 1 il if' .1 ,10111.0.... ...z....,....e,...- : : 1 ' 411111 ; ' r_ r 4 tat „co • The Successful Hardware Store A TIME SAVER F4, ELECTRIC WASHER pi MAKE IVASII DAYS A PLEASURE. t Regular $125.00 $110.00 Special. . . LIBERTY ELECTRIC $125 00 0 '20 00 Pg, GOLD MEDAL 'WASHER • /1 M LONDON IVASER .B • ..,.$4•00 11262111ENC.4811762.013646•151101101112161101111519•78•3.16,1M 'Have you joined the Y. yet? Word was recived in town on Mon- day that Mr. Ed. Maguire, a former resident of Exeter North, had died suddenly at Guelph. No Particulars have as yet been received. t 1 L BORN A tender for munieipal printing Was received from the Times office Held over. Councillor Penhale—Request that a bylaw be prepared granting, pay- ment to the members of the Munici- pal Council was discussed, the same held over- for further consideration. The following accounts were read and passed The Gfigg Stationery Co.,,books for Library 69.0 6 ; Henry J. Kuhn, tile, R.B., Ross -Taylor Co., lumber, cemetery acct„. 42.30 L Cecil Ford, labor cemetery 9.00; R. Mc- Kenzie & Sen, cotton, cemetery 6.60; W. S. Howey, Board o f Health acct. 12.00; Jones & May, supplies, ceme- tery 3:45, library 3.00, 6.45; George Sanders, snow ploughing 2.40; R. Luker, snow ploughing, 25.10; B: Makins, snow ploughing, 10.80; J. Gillespie, Jr. labor 3.50; R. E. Davis, earn labor 12,00; John Parsons, la - )Or, 5.25; Rd. Quailed, labor, 8.05; se WiTsol,, auto hire, 1.00; Thos. Houlden, horse hire and labor 2.00; Ontario Flax Co., snow ffloughing,1 3 DEEM—In Seaforth, on January 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Deem, a daughter,.(Iris Fay'). FORREST—In Tuckersmith, on Jan - 1 Jan - uary 5th., td Mr. L and Mrs. IVIEDD—In Constanceon January 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Medd, .a daughter. MARRIED Passed on motion of Elston and Penhale. Carried. \ Adjournment by Snell. Jos. Senior, Clerk PETER DOIG ELECTED WARDEN GODE,RICH, Jan. 25.—At the. Op- ening meeting of the County Council this afternoon the Liberals who con- trol the wardenship this year, select - 7 5;0 k/ MILLER—GILLEspIE__In Toronto. Neydarj(3-1,:refe.Pr etle9r21D.°1Tghie°re INIv°ewrieckiola4 WRINGERS PROM .. .. .. • ;,..A on January 15', 1921, Miss L. Gil- candidates in the running, including i 7 lespie,,Seaforth, to Mr, J. B. Mil- Gordon Young, of Colborne, Na t. Armstrong, of I-Tullett, and Dr. '' SCISSORS ... 35e up 4 Grieves, of Seaforth, The fight was a close one returning Doig with a SPEARS ... $1.25 up M Majority of one over Young. A HOUSTON—In Sacramento, Cal., on Sprinkling of 11, V. 0.. has made its .... $2.25 & $2.50 A. ,t,„„,aged 70 years, 3 months and first time, but not enough to con- 13A11.13Ela SHEARS-Decomber 2 0 , 1920, John a, Hou- appearance in tlieenouncil for the , 4. ''a 7 days; a:native of Tuckeremith trol, One well-known councillor from the North, a Strong TI.F,O. man, is '' 11 ., ,• COMPLETE STOCIi OP r', ' ' Nly.*7))1°13.1;Itegdo towith ilaVteh Cs. 81.41f1LerdalSthilat't'thehir°. . ALL SIZES IIROM $2.00 11 IN lymmonieufvf carious this year, with the, under - TO $7.00. " ' standing that he would go with the ....1 PEeNi,,NeVI,AirRciDeDaiN. ,---wILII ainodviningethielir, rimorri CollServatives next Year. * 0 T W. H. Poliwarden, who entered ehailje billierflyVn10131.16telillileidn sotlaPleinegf thhig into rest One year ago January 29, HOCKEY STICKS work for the coming year. A brass ...30e, 50c to $1.50 ,, tablet, in, 1101101 of the late Donald ,../ , 0 Patterson, Who died last year, and Do not ask us if we miss her, 4 She has gone to brighten region8 Tri every grief and care; P r00 Ciro- t / And ,there he no parting there We shall ince agam in heaven, -leant an s lar ware , Peaceful be thy rest, dear Niother, ' It's Sweet to breathe thy naini; 27W PHONIDS 27J Inelife we loved. thee 'very dear, ,,..,/ Oh. Tis sue i a 'vacant place, WIIG 'w's for some 14 years engineer ' \ ' 1 ' " 1 • ' 11()CIWY' PUCICS' ' ' ' '''''' Oft in fancy lve li.ear lter footsteps, 4....vv8„tticile' coplionttte.y' ewrasHo,,11a.unveiled,i.1)e et° enx),:" ;., , en 150 `55c and 40e, + Or We See her sinfling face. ' . --- 41 , , ing the ceremony. The important bus:t0088 of the council today was the appointing of - r In death We de the Same.. band son a,net danglitel end engineer tonifidlt, 'Tuesday, following tendon Fair, Reevee Armstrong. 'Beavers and Spotion, as the good road conirnls- sion for the year, Tb e councillors weire entortailleS at a smoker by tee eleek, tree:love C1USHEI0 BY STONE. BANDITS 3,1Altc4 HAUL AT STRATFORD TO PLAY DOCKTY Mr.' Walter Cunningham is corlfin-1 L071)91)1' HlaIRE NEXT 1S101%1DAY., , , 1' L is expected t1iat th Steafford bockey teant ha Exeter Monday night: Th ,'Stratfo'd tern1 ed to his home as the result: of al All LjLt moier Severe inJurY to his leg. .While as- bandite wno at 1);0 on Saturday sisting to move a heavy stone at his evening last carried off a Strong - marble works here the stone in some box from the ' land Trunk Railroad way slipped and fell againat his leg depot at London, have so far failed. crushing it against a block of 'wood. The box,contained. abut $850 in. cash No bones were broken, but he will and various drafts and securities be confined to ilia home for some 'which arp estilnated '1,11) to $12,000. time, The strong -box was waiting on the platform, to be placed in the LEAGUID.ENTERTAINS GIRLS', AUXILIARY, The Epworth League of Main Street Methodist Church very Pleas- antly entertained the Girls' Auxiliary of, Trivitt Memorial Church on Tues- day evening. There was a good turn, - out of representatives from both, so-. cieties. The- visitors provided an ex- cellent program which included an amusing play, "In Want of A Ser- vant," Musical and other selections Were also given. At thetponclusion of the program, refreshments were served and a very sociable evening Was spent. DEAF MAN SIERUCK. BY ENGINE AT IIENSALL. 'William ,, Campbell, who works with -his brother, Chris. Campbell, of the Hensall planing Mills, .net with a Painful accident at the Grand Trunk tracks at Hensel]. on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Cain p bell, wlio is deaf and dumb, was 'getting- off the track with a load of shingles and did not notice a train backing down, though the engineer gave the usual warning. He was struck nbiyinitihjeer.,tenot- der. and injured about the head, his obtained' tin to $250,000. On account St11:3:1:;:p to shipment- in; • 7a2.:1:eki-lean7d- tteaectehbbeitgkecnu.tHaendis_uander thd doe- it Ny.e. very ,,27,......,11. tor's care. press car of the eastern express for tv "l'oronto. It was at the car door on a tn., ieeeenger Joseph T. 11.1cGinalb, of London, was Waiting to haul i in. when twibandits stepped out and grabbed it. The box weigh- ted anadbieoi,4 11.50 Rounds and had two The men started to run off with it and McGinnis went after then when a third man pressed a revolver against his forehead. McGinnis stop- pecL In their hurry the bandits let the. box fall. The man who was hold- ing the gun .9.7t head went to their assistance and McGinnis .started after the trio. He was stop- ped by the man with the gun, who Was helping the others to lift the box int-' 9.6:c1;7n. In a nie-Ment they wore messenger, came out of the car with his gun and took -a shot at thecat, but missed. As there' was only one cartri.l., tine he could do nothi. Two •hours later the car in 1VhiCli the bandits 11.,1, a. Lula in tilt: ditch 21,4 miles south of the city. It was identified as one which had been stolen form Burlington re- cently. No trace of the safe has been discovered. Had the robbery occur- red oo any other night big Saturday llaye not been beaten this season'and. the local fana are looking for a fast game, In "-ease 'Ixeter-7,41rii-13 wtns the fans 'will want a special train to take then). to Stratford when the re - term ina,Lch conies off. TEACH MORE -AGRICULTURE I SCHOOLS Would it not bo advisable to Leech more ricinture in, our rural. schoole`: AL present too Imaged time q is allowed on our time' table for this important -subject. Less tiine giver to such sobjeets as Algebra, Geome- try, Science (theory) and Art:, could be afforded and surplus time allotted to pratical teaching for the needs of our farmer boy S and. girls. Anything Lo attract our mays from gming to the cities and, cause them to love the farm Would be a`step in the right di- rection. We would like to see the schedule of studies for our rural ,el-eriftea to a If our rural SC11001 board would enlarge the school grounds to 5 acres instead of One, acre, br, in many cases es it is 2,4 acre, a great deal of ex- perimental farmS on a smaledi°, could be accomplished by the leache Qr anti, pupil, thereby goalthe ' children interested in scientific me- thods of farming. Teachers' residen- ces should be erected, too, „thus af- fording a greater interest from teach- ers to school premises, Our rural school system tends too muoh along p.,rofcsT....ional lincc to collegiates and .finally to universities. Consolidation may Work" a change, 1.,t only whcn. the rural Will go to Goderich on Friday m listen and see that the schotil and CCHLTICII ' ought to be the community centre AVEN REPORTS The Exeter -Zurich hockey tea A SUCCESSFUL YEAR. " for the return game in the 0.13 A. night of our youth, then there will follow. for pratical ecliicatiOnal developrnent • series. Cavell Presbyterian Church. held ..c.......===m.r...==.=..=.. their annual congregational meeting on Monday evening when the reports .,...- -.---,- ----,- ---- ----- ---,-- ' — -.,--• ...,... ----- -.-...eetisee------ the church werei received. The dif- 1 ferent societies reported a prosper7 4 VT 01.1S year. The missionary contribu- IT 14 Y lair's tions for the year were the largest 1 1 44 in the history of the church. The ' elections of manage ersresulted 4.- : ' -, , r- , , . . .,. . Makins and Wm. SillerY. The chair 'litf Was ably filled by, Mr. .1. A. Stewart. 0 lit' . 9 A 1 , aing the ;ladies of. the ,eougregation .-,,,,. Followifig the business of the eve- ee 411 -14411 -1‘''' rP 'gib. ‘'Z' 4 IT...,,i. ill ,.... . , „g 0-0. , if i),,i '..,. VI liii, 1 CsUbt I uu a Ibiolho• II P- 7•••••• ' served a dainty luncheon and a so- ciable time was enjoyed. ANNUAL MEETING OE HIRKTON AGRIOULTUP.Ali SOCIETY. The annual meeting of the Kirk - ton Agricultural Society was held in 1•14 the hall on Wednesday afternoon of last week. There was a very good at- tendance. The president, Mr. Brea', occupied the chair. The treasurer's report showed a balance on hand of $235.00. The old officers Were all re- elected. President, Wni, larock; lst vice-pres., Sallies Stephens; 2nd vice - pros., R. N. Shier. Directors, William Robinson, wm. Atkinson, Joseph Creary, John Duncan, A. Brethour, David Roger, Richard Paynter, Robt. Berry, A. Berryhill, Edgar Hooper, Jas. Marc, Samuel Routley, John Morphet, John Roy. Honorary Direc- tors, Hon. Peter Smith. Dr. Steele, M. P., Andrew Hicks, M.P.P. J. J. Mer- ner, M.P. Auditors, A. M. Driver, M. Gregory. Secretary -treasurer, Amos T)oupe. The fall fair will be held on October 6th and 7tb. Expert judges will be employed for the light and heavy horses. The poultry has to be in the poultry ball at 11 a.111. second day of the fair. It was decided to take m with fall wheat and banner oats. The up the field crop competition as usual PHONE 109. oats shall be judged before they are ,11 cut and also in the bin. Registered - - seed must be sown. The president and secretary were appointed to at- tend the annual. convention of fairs --- - -- held in Toronto in February, '/-c until you Want to drive yont ear. The jobbers advise us that thee s going ti be a shortage of certain makes of the best lens, so just decide on the kind you want and let us know. We will get yours NOW and•keep them until you start your car in the Spring, In this ''y4 way you will not have to accept an inferior make at a higher price later on. r.. tCla ni e r ts at '$2.50; iloloplariNe!at -$4:50 Brill, in your application form and we will fill it in without pIac- \/ .e. .. ing you under any obligation whatever. ' - iii - -• Bat- teries, etC. Let us store your battery until Spring. .A_II kinds of automobile accessories, tires, VglIlard Stoeage Bat- W EXETER AbRI. SOCIETY. HOLD ANNUAL '3:METING The annual meeting of the Exeter Agricultural Society was held in the Town Ha,1,1; on Thursday afternoon of last Week and was fairly well attend- ed. The financial statement 'showed that the society had a , successful 1year. Considerable', improvements Were made during" the year to the grounds .aald: buildings: A founda- tion was put under the cattle shed, 40 reds of new fente were built and a new glass case for Showing home-. made 'cooking was purchased. After these had been paid for, a small bal- ance remained in ...the treasury. The question of holding a field crop. coin, petition was not dealt 'with but he token up at a meeting of the di- rector, At the election of officers Mee WM, Andrew, who has Been presi- dent 01 .the society Ter .tWO Years re- ba.111[10 1 CY it,: „,,,,,,,, kw... 1- tts.......... , WM'. 4,... ” /0.1rE9 0.114.1 Brad • • ith the ilutty.1Flavor FROM. That is what everybody wants. It's easy, 11Se ISLUIR leannall• W159.• !2!&., MT. 'a= It is generally admitted that blendid flour will 91.Ve,, , = you bread of betted flavor than any other, We have thet' ---- perfect blend. in MODEL. "To err is human," but you 11).a,150 110 mistake '4= Tilos. Plaultin was sleeted to the 611.131131g 1\1°D:11114' , fusel to stand for re-olection. and Mr. -.9viiicieinh-reqs'h,OG.0ti!leenrhoOiTc.0;18 are : parynevs Will help to create a better niarket f Or W311H , 1(1 Vice-pre,ter -wheat using a blended. nOltr. 13. Williams; secretary, R C I -"- don; treasurer, T. el, Woods; dire - tore, W."R. Elliott, If, Smith, A. l)oupe,. James Jeckeil, W. 1). San- ders, 1111Toi•ingtee, Win, Andrews, 4. TD. -Eltberington and 0, "W. Robe/l- en. 'Three la y dieectors 105510. also ,,titooluietl, Mrs. 11T, 11. Eitati, PEil • 'We lie,Ye lotie of Western wheat flour, Which. is, 'ee- = ond to 'none" of its Icitid. 'Tits Western lieur you want = ;i4=e4 try ivrANrroBws 13Es•r, 11 -Is a superior flour, • 4emp iri1?'74.0vor Miss ireeltell and, Mrs, 'It. 1). 111111- '' •k"..7,7,,t7 • 11[1 .,,,,. -,.,'Ifiri'14$.- • ::•- . - „' ,• ., ' z= ., • ter, l\lr, Hiriekin, avae elected dele- ''''''"'',' ' , ' - ' ' ,' ""1 /it V ni, '71,7 [7‘: ,''''' L'O 1 - • ' q•cit , t Lt.!, l tI - ;It,' - 4. • • ra. ' - ' f: ; ''' '''''',. y ' ''''' '''''' 11 ''.1 '''') ' ' .0. ,0 a, clic. le cts licl, aieetiiig , l'. '... ;., *•.a -,111:11,,. :i11, e . A,L, m ' -'3't Stratfoed, 'aud the meeting in To- ;a''.47- ; ''''' ; ' ,,1'''''. ' i& •L'''' ,..,. L ,. ' , . ,r= , „....„, ,c"? .111111111111.11111110111,111111111111'illilifill.;111111111110iii0111.1111.11111111110114 .'" ' ' . '..' ,' .L. .....LT '...;, .....,.,..;;,,if..:';',.:.T,,'.,,,:...,',';.,..,..:.,:. . .. .. - .. - .. , ..''. - .'. ,41,,,iititt, . ' ": ' ,,,I(1i,- ' ;',EV:,',:',':•. ; :• ; ',. ..: , ' - . • '' ' ; - ''' '' ' , .,.... ,, ., .!, eolith next Menne, The Exeter Fall lv will loo,beld, on th, und