HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-1-20, Page 8aF TH c E?(ETER' TIMES A STEART ONI16, BIG PHONE 16.. iUCTION.S Pure poI erg 5 Baer- cent. d iccu nt BI'g reductions in every line of Dry Goods We have afull range of Pure Wool Serges in. a fine Twill and a good weight in all the popular shades. Navy Blue, ' Brown, ' Green, Garnet, Grey and Black, at just halfprice. While they last: Our $4.50 Serge, now $2.25:: Our $3.50 Serge, now $1.75. Our $4.00 Serge, now $2.00. Our $3.00 Serge, now $1.50 LADIES: Dont miss this opportunity ofgetting, a nice serge dress or suit, for they are excellent values and are in the Pure Indigo Dyes. THE REMNANT COUNTER. We have just finished Stock Taking, and have a lot of nice ends of all kinds of staple dry goods, in all lengths at greatly re- duced prices. Be sure and look over this counter. THE ''HOOVER. t it the famous will HOOVER "ELECTRIC CLEAN- ER.'Call andesee work. Wedemonstrate here, or in your. home. IT BEATS -AS IT SWEEPS -AS IT CLEANS. Highest prices paid for goal try and all Produce. J. A. wart 1 1 inuedrarain.:,. ale Market Report: -The following. !a the reportof. the, Exeter' Market corrected every Wedneaday. Owing tb the great success of our price -reduction sale in Decem- ber, : we are going to continue it through January to give others a chance to get some bargains. Remember this is a real reduction sale and if you want to -be in on some of these bargains, -come early, as goods are going fast. , t .TE+RTAI;ING A SPECIALTY We have a fine motor hearse in connection with our business. Everything up-to-date. N. 3WEa Phone 20J and 20W. Wheat $2,00: Oats 50c. Barley 65 to 75e, Family flour $5,50. Shorts $2.25 per 100 lbs, Bran $2.00 per 100 lbs. Feed flour $3:00. New laid eggs 70e. Held eggs 550 Creamery butter 620. Dairy.,butter 50c to 53o. Lard 30e, Hogs $14.75. Potatoes $1.25. LOCAL • Clean` groceries are assured by our Sanitary Counter. Dirt, fiies, insects, animals or promiscuous handling may easily contaminate the purest food and make it unfit for eating.-. HARVEY & HARVEY. The Exeter Brass Band will be iii attendance at the Dome . Rink on Thursday night. Admission,' adults, 35; children 25c. Mrs. James Pickard is confined to her home thru illness. Mrs. Adam Case is improving nice- ly from: her. recent -illness. Mr. J. K. Baker, of Brussels, was a visitor with relatives during the week. Dr. Kinsman visited his : sister, Mrs, Nicklin, of Guelph, over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Elliott have returned after visiting relatives in Marlette, 1Vlich. Mr. S. E. Fisher, of Hamilton, vis- ited friends in town for a few days over the week -end. The_ U. F. Q. shipped three car- loads of cattle to the Toronto mar- ket on Friday last. Z MI'. James Gould, of Stratford, visited relatives and friends in this community last week - Miss Freda Hooper, of St. Marys, was the guest of Mr. 'and Mrs. Chas' Hooper over the week -end. Miss Vera Rowe pleasantly enter- '.tained "a number of ^ young lady friends on Monday evening. The annual meeting of the Exeter Agricultural Society is being held: to- day, Thursday, in the town li'all. Mr. George Hind has resumed-hi,s position at the Molsoiis` Bank after, being oil duty for a week owing to illness. bliss Gladys Harvey, of London Collegiate,, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Harvey, over the week -end. r' With the Churches CAVEN PRESBYTERRL'tN CiJRGT$ 'Rev, Janies Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a.m:,-Sunday School aid ,Bible classes, Regular . services next Sabbath at 11ain.and7pm Prayer service Thursday evening at 7.45. uini ire & Undertaking FINEST MOTOR AND HORSE EQI IPIV ENT. FACILITIES AND SERVICE UNSURPASSED. ° EVERYTHING UP-TO-DATE OPERA HOUSE BLOCI iner PHONES 74 W& 745. F. R. Howson, who was elected to the Wingham Council on January 3, has been unable to qualify on ac count of being a mouib,sr of he firm of Howson & llowson, flour millers, who contract with the town for wa- ter power each year. {'At- the inaugural meeting of the FUillarton ;;Township Council the fol- lowing officers were elected: Clerk, R. H. Pomeroy; treasttror, John Cole; assessor, I -T. W. Rogers; collector, A. I-lodgert; auditors, H. R. Greenwood. and. R. H. Cowie;';jan- itor, Jos. Ridge; Board 03 kle,ali:h, Sim 'Waiksom; sanitary inspector, Wrn. Steskopf bl TI,O.,. Dr. Camp- - boll; am'np--•liboll; sheep valita�tors, _Jos. Skinner, Jasper Pridhain, M. Staskopf, A. Watson, J. Rath and W. H. Cartel - ley.: - Mrs. John Dodds, of Saskatoon, visited at the home of Mr. - Thomas Laing, Andrew. 'street, during the past "•aveek. r1VIr. A. E. ' Etherington ha's ,re- turned home after taking a short course 'at the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph. Mr. W. A. Gilfillan has soul his 100 -acre farm in the Township of Usborne to Mr. Milton Squires, of Granton, for $9,200.. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Edwards, 'of Toronto, visited with the former's FOR SALE -A Ford ton truck,- sister,;•Mrs. E. Johns, in Usborne; 1920 model. Apply to S. .Martin & during the past week. • Mr. E. D. Armstrong, of the Exe- ter 'Creamery, won 7th place: for a 56 -pound box of butter at, Elie Wes- tern Ontario Dairymen's' Convention in London last week. - JAa1LES STREET METHODIST CHURCH Rev. M J. Wilson. B.A., castor.'. 11 /a.m.-"Our Father Who Art in Heaven." This begins a study of the Lord's Brayer. 3.00 p.m. -Sabbath School and Bible classes. .7 p.m. -"How To Retain Youth or Growing Old Successfully." A good choir --=A hearty welcome:_ MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Geo. • McAlister, M. A. (Phone 21, r3.)..: 11 a.in.-"Why Do We Go to Church?" 3.00 ' p.m. -Sunday School and Bible classes. 7 p;iii. Breakfast on the Beach." BETHANY 2:30'p.m.-"Four Carriers." The Y.P.C.A. rooms should be a great " attraction next Wednesday, night. Rev. A. A. Tramper will speak on"Men Who Missed the Trail,"using Sampson and Kaiser Wilhelm as i1- lustration8 and Mir. W. Cx ."Medd will speak 'on,"Sociallyand Morally Fit." ,Every finale member over fifteen years should hear these timely ad- dresses. Phone 55 Powellrs Phone 55 SAVE MONEY THIS MONTH BIG REDUCTIONS 1N MANY LINES THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1021. i II IIIIIIII11111111111IIIIIIIImI11111I1I1I1111111I111111111I111111111111IIIlII111III111111I1IIi11111111111111111111111,�... 1111111111UIIIII IIUII III I I II 1 SOUTHHCOTT MONK MOWN •,THREE.e'RU DRED Gold Fish want homes, and we need the coin... WATCH ,OUR WINDOWS DROP II+ OFTEN. POWELL'S BAZAAR. Phone 55. The Home of the New -Edison Mrs. D. Mack returnedhome on Saturday' from Toronto • where - slie underwent an operation fon nasal trouble. Her daughter, Mrs. McEwen and babe, returned with her. Eighty-four per cent of the busi ness failures of . the past year ogcur- red among -firms which did ..not ad- vertise. This is the assertion ;made by Bradstreet's Commercial Agency. The engagement is announced of 'Vera Agnes Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell, of Usborne, to Mr. William Brintnell, of "`Hibbert, the marriage to" -""take place this month_` . There have been several heavy snow storms during the past week ;and the streets of town are-driftet1 with snow. There is little or no sleighing on the country roads, the snow '-having'blown. off. Among those who attended 'the funeral of the late Mrs. Jas. Snell were: Mr:. and Mrs. E. Heywood and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Snell, of .To- ronto; Mrs. (Rev.) James Snell,' of Dutton; Miss Ward of St. 'Thomas and, Mrs. , (Rev.). Combe, of Boman- ville. ) Discouraged, because of being un- able to make .satisfact=ory 'arrange- ments with the rink people for the use • of the ice, : the 0: H. A. Inter- mediates have thrown up the sponge. i good organization had been form- ed, plenty, of players were "available and certificates had been ,applied for, but at the last moment it was decid- ed to drop out. The gamescheduled to be played at Goderich last week was called ;off, St. Marys' Journal- .grouped The S t. Marys • team - was ,grouped with Goderich and Exeter - Zurich, Mr. Nelson Baker, of Fullerton,- was cutting wood in the bush when his and caught in a. 'limb over .his head and incoming' down struck him on the instep, making a nasty gash which required several stitches in order to.elose the ,woilnd, The late Mrs. .lames Turner, died at her Rome in Parkhill on Thurs day, January 0, 1921, in lier 77th year. She was married December 6, 1863, to James Cowan Turner, of Whitevale. Eleven children were born to them of which , seven are still living. Mr., and Mrs.' 7'urn<r' moved from Whitevale in 1876set- tling et-tling on the 1$t1h con., West McGilli- yr iy. In, 1892 they sold their farm and ino cci' to ; Parkhill where they: leave since resided. Mrs. Turner he- "It'is reported Jthat the two re - `tiring: ilcense inspectors of Huron 'County Fare': being , superannuated. May be according to law, but if so, the law should not have been passed -and -it should be repealed and amended. •Thereis"'something to be aid in favor of the superannuation Of' men Who for many Years have given their- wvholetime to public service, but this does Tot apply to the license inspector, who are free to engage in their work while still holding the office of inspector. Pub- lic`, .pillion is strong13 against this sort .of.`ihing;, and the Pravineial Government, Will have to moot aiieh Came i11 in 1891 andsince that trine' rritiesm sf :it continues such a poll - ha, b n invalid cy "--°•-Godericlr Signal f.: MEMO BRICK HOUSE FFR SALE -At, once, on the Delbrid•ge pasture farm, on the 11 concession of Usborne. Ap- ply to, Lewis E. Fanson. Notice in another - column the "Big Bargain Sale" at Mrs. W. D: Yeo's. ENFORCE HEAD LIGHT LAW. W. A. McLean, Deputy Minister of Highways, has stated "that the ,De- partment would be sending out no- tices»-as . soon as; possible to munici- pal authorities informing thein that the law with -respect to `headlights on motor vehicles is in effect • and should be enforced. -The law provides that every car operating op the pub- lic' highways must': have an approved form- of lieadlight.;`devicee PHONE 134. PHONE 134. ofl LADIES' & MISSES' COATS $25.00, $30.0'0 and $40.00 Ladies' Coats. • Sale Price $18.75. - FLANNELETTES Five hundred yards of /good Flannelettes: Regular 30c value. Sale Price 25c. 41.11.311 s COTTON SPOOLS Regular 12%c each. Sale Price rbc. GOOD GREY .FINGERING YARN Regular '$2.75 value. Sale Price per lb. $1.75. - TEA TOWELINGS Regular. 20c a yard. Sale, Price 1,5c. LINEN ROLLER TOWELINGS Regular- 40c a yard. Sale Price, per yard, 35c. RED LAT3EL STANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR Regular $3.50 value. Sale Price per garment $2.85 BLUE -LABEL STAN-' FIEID'S' NDERWEAR , -Regular'', $4.00 value. Sale Price per garment .$3.35• MEN'S ALL WOOL ALITTS Regular 85c.. a pair. Sale Price: per pair 5Qc. ALL WOOL SERGE'S. Regular value per yard, $3,00. Sale Price $2.35. MEN'S SWEATER COATS Regular $3.50 value. Sale. Price $2.98. 11.IEN'S WORE SHIRTS. Regular $2.25 values. Sale Price, each, $1.98. oijthcot ros. IMMO mart MEM onowla i. 11IIIilIII 11111111111111111111111111111111111IIIII1111111111111111111111111Milli E 111I1111111111111111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111111I11111r •a:• PR -EST -0= ,ITE Prest-O-Lite Batteries ' have dropped 20'per.cent.- Put in your order now. TAYLOR'S "TIRE SHOP GETS SIX MONTHS AT BUJiWASH FOR HOLD-UP. A hold-up occurred a few miles from Goderich on Wednesday- mor- ning of last week shortly after 9, o'clock, when a young man, appar- ently about ppar-ently-about 20 years old,',visitedthe home of J.. Lyditt. The affair' was apparently carefully timed as -Mr, Lyditt had left only a' short , time before to take ,:the children ,.to school. The intruder terrified Mrs. Lyditt, and got away with $25 and some articles from the house. After a long chase, W. Albright, was captured by Chief Whitesides and Constable Fitzsimmons. Albright appeared,before Judge Dickson on Friday and was sentenced to six months and .not more than 2 years at ' Burwash. The judge gave the lad a severe leett re on his crime and took into account the fact that he -had appear- ed once before on a' theft -charge. Mr. and. Mrs. John Grant Ander- son, of Blanshard, celebrated their golden wedding" on December 28th. The entire family of eight children were present for the occasion. Ti ollo s: ing are the Official:- re' teras of the municipal, elections field in 'Tucker suiit17, 1 2.' 3 x 0 2 0 29 20 !' 3-- ; 5 8 1IcNaught.om` 57 40.15 5/ 55 .1'1---271 For councillor,: T.G Crich 21 31 53 23'20 2 4--- X8,55 1 . 7(en,iedy 74 54 29 00 56 013-7-24,3 i `;i,1'oore 33 8513 28 32 47.--3,39: C. Riley 65 44 10 31 30 43------2'`23 Watson 36 37 27 46 28 33---.2' 2 I. R. 'CARLING O.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer.' Solicitor for the'Molsons Bank, etc. Invest your funds in Vic- tory, Dominion ` of Canada, Provincial and Municipal Bonds. j., Legal investment for Trust Funds. At existing prices, from 6 per cent to 7 'per cent can 'be' •obtained from 'these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest: OFFICE - Carling Block, Main . Street, EXETER, ONT. A. E. 'TENNANT' Veterinary Surgeon Office-MDonnell's Sales Stables on John . St. Phone calls receive prompt attention. Phone`26w DR. ,7OHN WARD .Chiropractor Willianr.and Sanders streets. Tues- days, Thursdays &, Saturdays, hours 10 a°in. to 4:30 p.m. Consultation and examination free at office. USE, "DIAM0,1\ND DYES" Dye riglitl Don't risk your material.. Each pack- age of Diamond Dyes ' con- tains directions -so simple that any woman can diamond -dye a new, rich color into old ,garments: draperies, coverings, • every - 'thing, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods. Buy "Diamond Dyes" -no other kind -then .perfect re riults are guaranteed even if you have never dyed before. Druggist has "Diamond Dyes Cc ..)r Card" -16 rich colors. RE -OPEN LIVERY STABLE. Mr. William Hodgert wishes to announce that he has re -opened his livery stable, for the winter.' Phone '117J or leave orders at the -Central Hotel. GIRL- WANTED -For general household purposes. Apply to Mrs. W. J. Heaman. TILE EXETER TIMES - Subscription rate $1.50 a year. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising -Made known on application. Stray Animals -One insertion 50o three insertions for $1.00 Farm or Real Estate for sale 50o each insertion for one month of four insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and found locals 25e. Local reading notices etc., 10c -pdr line per insertion. No ' 'notice; -, less than "25c. Card of Thanks 50c. 'Auction sales $ 3 for one, insertion and '$1.50for each subsequent' °in- sertion if 'under five inchesin length. Legal advertising - 10c and 5c a line. Saws , gummed.' , wood ".• turning, wood pumps repaired and, accessor- ies on hand. -S. J. V. Cann, Exeter, Phone 116. DON'T WORRY About the high price of suits. You won't need a new suit if you wilt let T., H. ELLIOTT do your Clean- ing, Pregsing and Repairing. Agent for The American Dyers' and Dry Cleaners, London,' Ont. T. El/14101'T SUDDEN SERVICE SHOP New ' NOTICE OF TENDER Sealed tenders will be received for 30 cord of 1G -inch wood, beach and maple, ,to be delivered' at the Win- chelsea School. Contract to be com- plete on or before March 31. 1921, Heceiving of tenders to close " on January 22, 1921'. , MEETING OF The Council eff the Corporation of the 0,ounty of Huron will meet iii,the Connell ,Chamber,.Go,deriche at three o'Clock in the aftermion of Tuesday, the 25th day of „January, 1921. All in 'the, hands of "the Clerk not later than -Monday preceding the meeting of the Council: ' County Clerk. Goderich, january 7, 1921. 'Tenders tor the supply of eight or ten cords'of hard WoOd, beech or be re6eived by the 'undersigned alp to, Th,nEsclay; ,:fanuary) 27; 1021: ess an ,out 'of' form 'That's -why it so ',often happens. The ,remecly is hero in good forM Ties,. Scarfs' and' Four-in-hands. ,Gloves,a.., Shirts, everyything in Men's Otakit- itings correct to the ABOLISH PROLONG g F ',;, YOUR LIFE FINANCIAL A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY WILL Do IT Gives a larger return for life than is obtainable from any other form of investment with absolute security. Free from Dominion Income Tax. Any person resident or domiciled in Canada over the age of 5 may purchase, to begin at once, or at any later, date desired, an Annuity of from $50 to $5,000, to be paid in monthly or quarterly instalments. Any two persons may purchase jointly. Employers may purchase for their employees. Apply to your postmaster, or write, postage free, to S. T. Bastedo, Superintendent of Annuities, Ottawa, for new booklet and other information required. Mention age last birthday. Wheat $2,00: Oats 50c. Barley 65 to 75e, Family flour $5,50. Shorts $2.25 per 100 lbs, Bran $2.00 per 100 lbs. Feed flour $3:00. New laid eggs 70e. Held eggs 550 Creamery butter 620. Dairy.,butter 50c to 53o. Lard 30e, Hogs $14.75. Potatoes $1.25. LOCAL • Clean` groceries are assured by our Sanitary Counter. Dirt, fiies, insects, animals or promiscuous handling may easily contaminate the purest food and make it unfit for eating.-. HARVEY & HARVEY. The Exeter Brass Band will be iii attendance at the Dome . Rink on Thursday night. Admission,' adults, 35; children 25c. Mrs. James Pickard is confined to her home thru illness. Mrs. Adam Case is improving nice- ly from: her. recent -illness. Mr. J. K. Baker, of Brussels, was a visitor with relatives during the week. Dr. Kinsman visited his : sister, Mrs, Nicklin, of Guelph, over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Elliott have returned after visiting relatives in Marlette, 1Vlich. Mr. S. E. Fisher, of Hamilton, vis- ited friends in town for a few days over the week -end. The_ U. F. Q. shipped three car- loads of cattle to the Toronto mar- ket on Friday last. Z MI'. James Gould, of Stratford, visited relatives and friends in this community last week - Miss Freda Hooper, of St. Marys, was the guest of Mr. 'and Mrs. Chas' Hooper over the week -end. Miss Vera Rowe pleasantly enter- '.tained "a number of ^ young lady friends on Monday evening. The annual meeting of the Exeter Agricultural Society is being held: to- day, Thursday, in the town li'all. Mr. George Hind has resumed-hi,s position at the Molsoiis` Bank after, being oil duty for a week owing to illness. bliss Gladys Harvey, of London Collegiate,, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Harvey, over the week -end. r' With the Churches CAVEN PRESBYTERRL'tN CiJRGT$ 'Rev, Janies Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a.m:,-Sunday School aid ,Bible classes, Regular . services next Sabbath at 11ain.and7pm Prayer service Thursday evening at 7.45. uini ire & Undertaking FINEST MOTOR AND HORSE EQI IPIV ENT. FACILITIES AND SERVICE UNSURPASSED. ° EVERYTHING UP-TO-DATE OPERA HOUSE BLOCI iner PHONES 74 W& 745. F. R. Howson, who was elected to the Wingham Council on January 3, has been unable to qualify on ac count of being a mouib,sr of he firm of Howson & llowson, flour millers, who contract with the town for wa- ter power each year. {'At- the inaugural meeting of the FUillarton ;;Township Council the fol- lowing officers were elected: Clerk, R. H. Pomeroy; treasttror, John Cole; assessor, I -T. W. Rogers; collector, A. I-lodgert; auditors, H. R. Greenwood. and. R. H. Cowie;';jan- itor, Jos. Ridge; Board 03 kle,ali:h, Sim 'Waiksom; sanitary inspector, Wrn. Steskopf bl TI,O.,. Dr. Camp- - boll; am'np--•liboll; sheep valita�tors, _Jos. Skinner, Jasper Pridhain, M. Staskopf, A. Watson, J. Rath and W. H. Cartel - ley.: - Mrs. John Dodds, of Saskatoon, visited at the home of Mr. - Thomas Laing, Andrew. 'street, during the past "•aveek. r1VIr. A. E. ' Etherington ha's ,re- turned home after taking a short course 'at the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph. Mr. W. A. Gilfillan has soul his 100 -acre farm in the Township of Usborne to Mr. Milton Squires, of Granton, for $9,200.. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Edwards, 'of Toronto, visited with the former's FOR SALE -A Ford ton truck,- sister,;•Mrs. E. Johns, in Usborne; 1920 model. Apply to S. .Martin & during the past week. • Mr. E. D. Armstrong, of the Exe- ter 'Creamery, won 7th place: for a 56 -pound box of butter at, Elie Wes- tern Ontario Dairymen's' Convention in London last week. - JAa1LES STREET METHODIST CHURCH Rev. M J. Wilson. B.A., castor.'. 11 /a.m.-"Our Father Who Art in Heaven." This begins a study of the Lord's Brayer. 3.00 p.m. -Sabbath School and Bible classes. .7 p.m. -"How To Retain Youth or Growing Old Successfully." A good choir --=A hearty welcome:_ MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Geo. • McAlister, M. A. (Phone 21, r3.)..: 11 a.in.-"Why Do We Go to Church?" 3.00 ' p.m. -Sunday School and Bible classes. 7 p;iii. Breakfast on the Beach." BETHANY 2:30'p.m.-"Four Carriers." The Y.P.C.A. rooms should be a great " attraction next Wednesday, night. Rev. A. A. Tramper will speak on"Men Who Missed the Trail,"using Sampson and Kaiser Wilhelm as i1- lustration8 and Mir. W. Cx ."Medd will speak 'on,"Sociallyand Morally Fit." ,Every finale member over fifteen years should hear these timely ad- dresses. Phone 55 Powellrs Phone 55 SAVE MONEY THIS MONTH BIG REDUCTIONS 1N MANY LINES THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1021. i II IIIIIIII11111111111IIIIIIIImI11111I1I1I1111111I111111111I111111111111IIIlII111III111111I1IIi11111111111111111111111,�... 1111111111UIIIII IIUII III I I II 1 SOUTHHCOTT MONK MOWN •,THREE.e'RU DRED Gold Fish want homes, and we need the coin... WATCH ,OUR WINDOWS DROP II+ OFTEN. POWELL'S BAZAAR. Phone 55. The Home of the New -Edison Mrs. D. Mack returnedhome on Saturday' from Toronto • where - slie underwent an operation fon nasal trouble. Her daughter, Mrs. McEwen and babe, returned with her. Eighty-four per cent of the busi ness failures of . the past year ogcur- red among -firms which did ..not ad- vertise. This is the assertion ;made by Bradstreet's Commercial Agency. The engagement is announced of 'Vera Agnes Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell, of Usborne, to Mr. William Brintnell, of "`Hibbert, the marriage to" -""take place this month_` . There have been several heavy snow storms during the past week ;and the streets of town are-driftet1 with snow. There is little or no sleighing on the country roads, the snow '-having'blown. off. Among those who attended 'the funeral of the late Mrs. Jas. Snell were: Mr:. and Mrs. E. Heywood and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Snell, of .To- ronto; Mrs. (Rev.) James Snell,' of Dutton; Miss Ward of St. 'Thomas and, Mrs. , (Rev.). Combe, of Boman- ville. ) Discouraged, because of being un- able to make .satisfact=ory 'arrange- ments with the rink people for the use • of the ice, : the 0: H. A. Inter- mediates have thrown up the sponge. i good organization had been form- ed, plenty, of players were "available and certificates had been ,applied for, but at the last moment it was decid- ed to drop out. The gamescheduled to be played at Goderich last week was called ;off, St. Marys' Journal- .grouped The S t. Marys • team - was ,grouped with Goderich and Exeter - Zurich, Mr. Nelson Baker, of Fullerton,- was cutting wood in the bush when his and caught in a. 'limb over .his head and incoming' down struck him on the instep, making a nasty gash which required several stitches in order to.elose the ,woilnd, The late Mrs. .lames Turner, died at her Rome in Parkhill on Thurs day, January 0, 1921, in lier 77th year. She was married December 6, 1863, to James Cowan Turner, of Whitevale. Eleven children were born to them of which , seven are still living. Mr., and Mrs.' 7'urn<r' moved from Whitevale in 1876set- tling et-tling on the 1$t1h con., West McGilli- yr iy. In, 1892 they sold their farm and ino cci' to ; Parkhill where they: leave since resided. Mrs. Turner he- "It'is reported Jthat the two re - `tiring: ilcense inspectors of Huron 'County Fare': being , superannuated. May be according to law, but if so, the law should not have been passed -and -it should be repealed and amended. •Thereis"'something to be aid in favor of the superannuation Of' men Who for many Years have given their- wvholetime to public service, but this does Tot apply to the license inspector, who are free to engage in their work while still holding the office of inspector. Pub- lic`, .pillion is strong13 against this sort .of.`ihing;, and the Pravineial Government, Will have to moot aiieh Came i11 in 1891 andsince that trine' rritiesm sf :it continues such a poll - ha, b n invalid cy "--°•-Godericlr Signal f.: MEMO BRICK HOUSE FFR SALE -At, once, on the Delbrid•ge pasture farm, on the 11 concession of Usborne. Ap- ply to, Lewis E. Fanson. Notice in another - column the "Big Bargain Sale" at Mrs. W. D: Yeo's. ENFORCE HEAD LIGHT LAW. W. A. McLean, Deputy Minister of Highways, has stated "that the ,De- partment would be sending out no- tices»-as . soon as; possible to munici- pal authorities informing thein that the law with -respect to `headlights on motor vehicles is in effect • and should be enforced. -The law provides that every car operating op the pub- lic' highways must': have an approved form- of lieadlight.;`devicee PHONE 134. PHONE 134. ofl LADIES' & MISSES' COATS $25.00, $30.0'0 and $40.00 Ladies' Coats. • Sale Price $18.75. - FLANNELETTES Five hundred yards of /good Flannelettes: Regular 30c value. Sale Price 25c. 41.11.311 s COTTON SPOOLS Regular 12%c each. Sale Price rbc. GOOD GREY .FINGERING YARN Regular '$2.75 value. Sale Price per lb. $1.75. - TEA TOWELINGS Regular. 20c a yard. Sale, Price 1,5c. LINEN ROLLER TOWELINGS Regular- 40c a yard. Sale Price, per yard, 35c. RED LAT3EL STANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR Regular $3.50 value. Sale Price per garment $2.85 BLUE -LABEL STAN-' FIEID'S' NDERWEAR , -Regular'', $4.00 value. Sale Price per garment .$3.35• MEN'S ALL WOOL ALITTS Regular 85c.. a pair. Sale Price: per pair 5Qc. ALL WOOL SERGE'S. Regular value per yard, $3,00. Sale Price $2.35. MEN'S SWEATER COATS Regular $3.50 value. Sale. Price $2.98. 11.IEN'S WORE SHIRTS. Regular $2.25 values. Sale Price, each, $1.98. oijthcot ros. IMMO mart MEM onowla i. 11IIIilIII 11111111111111111111111111111111111IIIII1111111111111111111111111Milli E 111I1111111111111111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111111I11111r •a:• PR -EST -0= ,ITE Prest-O-Lite Batteries ' have dropped 20'per.cent.- Put in your order now. TAYLOR'S "TIRE SHOP GETS SIX MONTHS AT BUJiWASH FOR HOLD-UP. A hold-up occurred a few miles from Goderich on Wednesday- mor- ning of last week shortly after 9, o'clock, when a young man, appar- ently about ppar-ently-about 20 years old,',visitedthe home of J.. Lyditt. The affair' was apparently carefully timed as -Mr, Lyditt had left only a' short , time before to take ,:the children ,.to school. The intruder terrified Mrs. Lyditt, and got away with $25 and some articles from the house. After a long chase, W. Albright, was captured by Chief Whitesides and Constable Fitzsimmons. Albright appeared,before Judge Dickson on Friday and was sentenced to six months and .not more than 2 years at ' Burwash. The judge gave the lad a severe leett re on his crime and took into account the fact that he -had appear- ed once before on a' theft -charge. Mr. and. Mrs. John Grant Ander- son, of Blanshard, celebrated their golden wedding" on December 28th. The entire family of eight children were present for the occasion. Ti ollo s: ing are the Official:- re' teras of the municipal, elections field in 'Tucker suiit17, 1 2.' 3 x 0 2 0 29 20 !' 3-- ; 5 8 1IcNaught.om` 57 40.15 5/ 55 .1'1---271 For councillor,: T.G Crich 21 31 53 23'20 2 4--- X8,55 1 . 7(en,iedy 74 54 29 00 56 013-7-24,3 i `;i,1'oore 33 8513 28 32 47.--3,39: C. Riley 65 44 10 31 30 43------2'`23 Watson 36 37 27 46 28 33---.2' 2 I. R. 'CARLING O.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer.' Solicitor for the'Molsons Bank, etc. Invest your funds in Vic- tory, Dominion ` of Canada, Provincial and Municipal Bonds. j., Legal investment for Trust Funds. At existing prices, from 6 per cent to 7 'per cent can 'be' •obtained from 'these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest: OFFICE - Carling Block, Main . Street, EXETER, ONT. A. E. 'TENNANT' Veterinary Surgeon Office-MDonnell's Sales Stables on John . St. Phone calls receive prompt attention. Phone`26w DR. ,7OHN WARD .Chiropractor Willianr.and Sanders streets. Tues- days, Thursdays &, Saturdays, hours 10 a°in. to 4:30 p.m. Consultation and examination free at office. USE, "DIAM0,1\ND DYES" Dye riglitl Don't risk your material.. Each pack- age of Diamond Dyes ' con- tains directions -so simple that any woman can diamond -dye a new, rich color into old ,garments: draperies, coverings, • every - 'thing, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods. Buy "Diamond Dyes" -no other kind -then .perfect re riults are guaranteed even if you have never dyed before. Druggist has "Diamond Dyes Cc ..)r Card" -16 rich colors. RE -OPEN LIVERY STABLE. Mr. William Hodgert wishes to announce that he has re -opened his livery stable, for the winter.' Phone '117J or leave orders at the -Central Hotel. GIRL- WANTED -For general household purposes. Apply to Mrs. W. J. Heaman. TILE EXETER TIMES - Subscription rate $1.50 a year. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising -Made known on application. Stray Animals -One insertion 50o three insertions for $1.00 Farm or Real Estate for sale 50o each insertion for one month of four insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and found locals 25e. Local reading notices etc., 10c -pdr line per insertion. No ' 'notice; -, less than "25c. Card of Thanks 50c. 'Auction sales $ 3 for one, insertion and '$1.50for each subsequent' °in- sertion if 'under five inchesin length. Legal advertising - 10c and 5c a line. Saws , gummed.' , wood ".• turning, wood pumps repaired and, accessor- ies on hand. -S. J. V. Cann, Exeter, Phone 116. DON'T WORRY About the high price of suits. You won't need a new suit if you wilt let T., H. ELLIOTT do your Clean- ing, Pregsing and Repairing. Agent for The American Dyers' and Dry Cleaners, London,' Ont. T. El/14101'T SUDDEN SERVICE SHOP New ' NOTICE OF TENDER Sealed tenders will be received for 30 cord of 1G -inch wood, beach and maple, ,to be delivered' at the Win- chelsea School. Contract to be com- plete on or before March 31. 1921, Heceiving of tenders to close " on January 22, 1921'. , MEETING OF The Council eff the Corporation of the 0,ounty of Huron will meet iii,the Connell ,Chamber,.Go,deriche at three o'Clock in the aftermion of Tuesday, the 25th day of „January, 1921. All in 'the, hands of "the Clerk not later than -Monday preceding the meeting of the Council: ' County Clerk. Goderich, january 7, 1921. 'Tenders tor the supply of eight or ten cords'of hard WoOd, beech or be re6eived by the 'undersigned alp to, Th,nEsclay; ,:fanuary) 27; 1021: ess an ,out 'of' form 'That's -why it so ',often happens. The ,remecly is hero in good forM Ties,. Scarfs' and' Four-in-hands. ,Gloves,a.., Shirts, everyything in Men's Otakit- itings correct to the