HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-1-20, Page 3I I . � I I 11 I I I ­ I W,,��­�.�10� , ­­­ ?, ., ­­­'.,_­ ,.,.�..".��,.--,..",""-,-,.� I I . I . . , , , . '', �­ 1.'"'.'',.-,�l'.1�-;",�:"",;",;t;,."""-�,��.-."-",.",�6-'-�".�'l-�-,-".,.��'.1--�,,�ll,�.�..'r�",�, _ , � _ , �� , _,�__ ­­­­­�_­ ,�'­­,__­._­, _­11"'..�. ­- "T .... ­­­ " - �, , , , � , I'll 11 ­ : . I ,;�.: � I , ,: �p , I " . I � V . . . . , I -11.11 1.1;- �11.111, ,; ... . ....... _1.11--2 ­­.­ 11 I I I . " . . 7­­� , , . . . I . . � � I 11 I � � I I - I I ,. �l . I I ­ .. , . . 1. � , . . � . .1 I . . I I I I � 11 1 I ­ -1 s 11 I 1 I . ,­ . I I I r " : I I I I ,I . I I I . I. . . . �. � I : 1, I � I I � I � . .1 � I f��" I I I I I . � . . I . I I I I . .. I . . I � � �, � I � I . I I I . . I . I I I . : . � I � . . I I . . . I . . . I I ,. 1. I I . I . I 11 . I I . . . I � , , . I . ­ - I . 11 . I . . . i I . I I . . � . I . I.. : . ,� . � . �. I : I I I . I I . I . . I . , . . . ,, . I . I I . I p . . . . , .1 � . . : . I 11 � I . . I . I . I . . . I I � . I . I .1 I I . . I 11 . I I � 11 . . I I I � I 11 I . - I 1� .1 , - '. . I 11 111. � _­��.��-t-tllt�-_11-- � �, , . . . I I � I . 1111. .t��"----� ... T��v"�- ,________,__,_, , , , , __1 I-. , ,, �, 'i ,-"-, " ­ I ­,�__:7_1 .. ., _1- '7.- ___-___-1__"1 I I � , I . , � I . I . .. , I - 11, � I 11 I - �� . I. �. � I 1�, A . . ._"---r �t­r.- 1; ...... � I .. - . I ____', ._______ ___ __ 1- I � . . � I I ...... �_ . I � I . . . .1 . V .,ill, ��­­­, I 11 7 :­ ­ ��, - 1. 1 11_7_11� 1 .­.. .�­­..d­;,:�_ I .., _., � �'. . .,..-, -1 - -�*�".;-� �� I I �_ . . ..... �_ 1�­ , . I I . .1 ­­ I It I . I � . I -11 _7 11, I I (1&%4oA: A 1-1 I I Ovort I � I Boy Scout Notes, � I � . . -_ � . . % 1-11 I _40too"* � I , Action, I I . . -"-�-,­e --��_-,­-,--� I ,� I I . VA"": WAM00. I I I . 4 Are ,bora to proficlogey badges will IT .1 � ,� 11 . '__M�-�_ � A morciful BUAAL, � - � . . 'Po . or tire th .1 I I DE E GUHS I act, Re, 9<� q , d feet- 9 i - , V R I . hti�, the ._CAR I .� W , tion I,$ Three new 1 F3, - 0 F .,, I '' , - � P ' I � I �.. - . 5, Vwsclulr- Though devoted to bullfig' , ,� Al�;X WAN7 ,is 14" 141 . . I 1 $, doriyati'ye, ATtT- Soon be avai -e I . �, P, , � " I" � * , 11 4 ogb . lable for Canada's BoY alk,d all day � I " I . �. IF,o�tudueoq ere unusually kind to a,nI­ . , ordinat, . - .1 W , - R-! I ., 1� X. �L P "a P11co, � , , 166y I 1:� � I'll, � E N U ;441,141 XuActl I They are the Athlete's, the R I I �bf:p p., ft.'' I I on, and our wh0le, Qrga'11001 Scout,$ ­ wo . �Powa v4ft�.. W:10 - , , ---I'---- Lord ma `ROK aftel? a t danced all night . '"M , � �;�� I m4lo. TO two thingst SAY* I " . C, do?., 0 llye� most -.5 , I - � __t___ I—— 1111,111'',_ ­­ ' I I I 1 I I is fr4m.ea to moye, t ., . CAA.-Qein;1 - 11 11 I . F14T ]RIr I . L. Al, Andthe Bookbiuder'o. , 1. . 11 ee4eii Asia `� t* I � ce p ntil I I 'IS r 0 I . I ,I I � I I , - ­,f44,1Qn-` I I ,a, Seem Irreconcilable, .4 you. � - . I I , I � r . ol, ur .ur :� uzz a d blur, wA$t0 111 8 uts throughout the province am ­ __ _ I An ImlWrtaa air.". 00, , . f , "' I � Y* . "I . I rrederick Hamilton tatils renlinise-00- . - I I , *1 * ` ` N1 Ev ,, �� I �, , - I . . I I of 4pp Act in tlnotivoly� act excessive 7, 0 h, FROM �KKP OV" . �. , I ovQment, waste 00' , I grasp the fact that a Fortugucoo. bull- ,h, Red lood, leeded to teeP � fatigue and ex- BA W .. i lurIA 10 . I L , . , b � " I . I : fOrcet waste 6'44,�XkY f . ' A I I Ri 1� . N. . making plans. to. eolebn�te Sir Robert - A era, was held In M0, 00A.1 ( , g th , N either �. I I I I . I :� . tight Is absolutely bloodless. I look about In a a,ixty-fiftb. birthday oil V_i Modern Life. - live . il i . _ . ,. . r,ocent qq�xhjbitl yox fomm, � ", . Up .Th * Vit ity. heL.ust ourselves, them on, of , ati . � bulls nor lioms.aro ldllodl the whole I . eir . . � , , ., . At l3adwa�Pq;well' I ,DO: YOU 11411) your Wife With the no L . � . .1 � vearl-npas, an reglot lOng effort ape F ebruarY 2�11d- Since the British . 6r,0 present . ,a I Dr,eaontAtAyea W , . trolA I :�� � - �i opeptacle Indeed Is more an exhibition wing g, OSoIe$S exertion ,, I disheo?" , -Eastern A-44 WeStpra Co4gdA and � 11 I If $To pis Are to become. well; for notbing And P14T Chief Scout, founded the Boy Scout. BENGUE 1. both L of hoTsemanshIP and Skill, I IT blood . . 1. . I I I I 4 O? . I i , I I developed, healthy wolnen the I gone p,stray. : I Movement In 1908 his citizenship e rellef. �%othing ,No. I I national organization, to VIA 004104, . . Are padded and pply, � must be carefully watched. 1 for quick and. sur . the. C I The bull's horns , , on Then -there are th people W119 hat's ".'There Isn't room lor bvffi Of us IA a I'! , covered with leather thongs The pi- h 0 . rde- , training plan has spread to almost and refm§hirig. .4naalan Vulr Breeders ASsOCIA- ..", - .Mothers should not Ignore t eir un-, OVO every civilized country, aj,� probably BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES i � tile kit0he-gette-" � tIon, was, formed,. it will halve maelk " .11 I . 4 to Act at, Alit Intelligence,. �. � . . ... � - I 01 � cador rides a reallY.900d, highly train- settled mpodo ,Or the .1yt1cal, dreads live ,to six million , boys aad o A . � � , � . various troubles ; volopod, grown Ove,r,ana Y u 9 $1,00 a tube. �- Me same relation to, the tox-farming I � ed bo�se. Should to allow the billii that tell of approaching Womanhood,' ads I 0 MILES CO, L713. � . : I , "� � to take An ill-considereld Step, (IM , men have come Into contact withi it, THE LEEMIN Wbere is thp.,410hthoiusel Industry a& tboseversi ,National Live .. ,. . . I .*. 1: ; * , * . MONTREAL ' - St 'k Associa, 0 ,,�,�. even to touch his horseWith his pad- it -should be. qonztantI7 -borne in mind to take ally Agents 10r Dr- JUICS )aenJ9ud e called In T. ereum to 7 -Our 44 " , � . ded horns., he will be morcilessly , step, whatever for fear it I * 1111v � tion have to their ro, ' 1. '', , . I , ,, , , that.pale, bloodlese girls need, ,plenty atould, be. lll�consldered.' 'Weigh Mb - , RE4IE-:VF_5 PAIN ­.�, I . . . The Ontario Provincial Council of I vertisement for a, inaldoerYe.-At." opective branches of animal huaban& I I hissed. The, eStaft is armed with a of - of sleep and consequenoes t eye trifling action# I _ . I I I I � nourishment Plenty 'L 0 11 the Boy ,Scouts Association will' thii, � .11:� ­ ,� ��­ . I I - ­ ,soh yea.111 1,leTyouglY aPsWeT,04 the r3% xationgl repord.0, for Pedllgraed,L � , A; 0 wooden Sword only, which he plants regular - open-air exercise. But 4 lack --.Vast they. ar,e� how far-reaching, � ' I 11 I . � . I I . k . .1 I . � , . I how . � I � � ish the first issue Of its new mlotr I . .., . I harmlessly on the neck Of the bull, . week pubi . foxes .will bo'kept In future by this. I , , � I , of, appetite, and, tired, aching ,limbs how freighted with horrible possibill- monthly Papor for ScoiltinAsters, As- I y Don't You?. I , ry well 4re0sedy Live Stow% ReoOrAs, Branch Of tba Do- I , . . and woe betide him Should the 0196T tend to hinder progress. To save the ty Cqp'thb most thoughtful Provision . Scoutins.sters and other Boy � I Wh. The �aller was ve , Lot A,gricultum . 1. I ._ . sistant ou. try'to be cheerful though perhaps she did not look very xntnlo�n Depairtment, eyes that watch him detect a devia" weak, thifi-blooded sufferer she, must , always avoid or avert them? it will be called "The Why don't y . . I I . ' * - 11 I s.�out workers. ' Mr., Fred L. Rogers of Alberton, PXI-1 1. ' I To look at the bright side of thin a-, strong for housework . tIon, of even one in,ob from the fatal have new, rich, re4 blood and nothing , And there Is, the fear of being re- Trail" An .119 "Do, you think you could do a lIttle is secrets. yoX the, new Association. . I , I I d will be the first publication ' I opot. Elq will be, hissed from the. ring,, raosts a case of this kind so well as ! AS I .. A 1. I I To think of the, cloud's silver lining. . , or 1� On the other hand, should he touch the ework?" asked the woman. ' _____,0.1_ �., � Spo Ible for Others or to othera�. of its .kind in Canada, Ito columns �­ '� Dr, Williams Pink pills. These pills man,s S-11ghtest w�rd or deed 'raaT at- will be devoted to general news of the I And not of the shadow It brings? hous ad the girl, "MY ... MONEY ORDERS. I , . I . . I � I fatal spot the,occupants of the ' gal- not only enrich find increase the blood foot the. welfare of souls I 5 Ontario and to special 1, it Isn't the man with the granible "Well, mum)" repal pay Your out-of-town accounts br 1. I .. I lerles shower small change and olgar- .. I . _, and a man is organization, I Who gets to the top all the While, health lo not too good, And I I thought I � ettes I - and sometime's supply, they help. the appetite. a -ad aid so utterly unfitted to have, such a bur- Articles Intended to help the Scout But the, man who'can laugh alt AlIsfor. I needed a little M6 air. Will YOU Dominion, Express Money Order. Five I I I I . into the ring digestion, relieve the weary back And den placed.upon himl. It 1.6 easier to of -floor in the efacient conduct of his . . � sts three cents, burl their hats Mere.as well. limbs, -thus promptly restoring health t coTAST and watch . . tune, . _­­ tell me where tho-lighthouse tat And Dollars co � _� .11,11, � I I I opada gazes At the. hundreds I I I sit back W a quie troop. It Is to be mailed free of charge And try once again with a smile. then we can see it I can do the 1O." . I .- . . �L ! The e and strength and transforming anae- the. vwt, 'curious world rugh by And each month to all.reglatered officers. . I Irish Have Biggest Heads, - . 1. of hats reposing oil the'sund 'With the mlc� girls . and women into cheerf!4�1, attempt no movenient, that IS' Act 'Ab' I '* * * * Why don.1 you try to be hopefult The Reason Why. A London hatter says that Irishmen I . : I pres-slon that -a prImA donnu happy people. Among the thousands � ,�., same ex I sery to make that Quiet ' The a& adian General Council of To h'6p aged six, had bee], out OT haTe 11 solutely neces . A a is to,half win, the fight; the biggest heads., ,ScotchmeA . assumes when the flora ltributes are, who have obtained new 14ealth and - Ad tabitalyle. I . . ation has just IV& the star, w I hen there's naught else Tommn , C,Oniing A,ext and Englishmen third. I bows . corner a 0, a tji6 Boy Scouts. Associ . hallided"'moross t-116"foOtI19110. He - , a long walk, and on, his return was . Strength through the use of Dr. Wil o,u got drawn into that lab . � 1; i again and again; then, taking up EL hat, ,jams Pink Pills Is miss Violet -Booth, I Wheu� f Y� XPP-Dintod a PUblicstIOAS board con- to steer by, . I to speedily put to bed. 1 .14. � A � � � lie . rinth of endless -angled Analysis 0 Pos' sistinig of the following. W. J, Sykes, That leads from black darkabss I S - time later his mother, going Up Winard*5 LInIment.Pallevps Dlst"Pb*�­ I I ,�:,�, I ,glances at the galleries. Tip goes a Glonarm, Ont., who says­"Foir a . � 'Onle I I . � i � a hat hurtles aloft to its . I I albility, you are cut off from - actIOn Librarian, Gaxnegio Library, Ottawa; : light. to his bedroom found that he.X fond _'1_____0._ 11 hand, and th long time 1 Was In a badly ran down, edy Is to I Russell Paterson, Executive See I I WUn we ' ttat a man is doas*, S owner with unfailing accuracy. I al- .1 altogether, and the only rem rotary, Be hopeful, but still with yourhoping, 'offspring -bad gone Off to Sleep with say wivr SOW . � . , we do not mean that he is e! . 11 � dondition. I was pale, breathless .at ti I W_ go out' slid Act. ])us considera 'On I Mou�eal Boy Scout, Council, and also Leave nothing to chance ell the his f at Testing oil, that part of the bed I I.. I ways coxiiidered. the espada's featin the least. exertion, and -could hardly PTeSrAAb162 I a I or, deep. I 1, reasonable forethought, are 1Z of BGYV Stories; Gerald H. same; �.. I returning the hats as far more extT eVeryo' L -But you� . intended for his head% is- split into phon � , for ne, must reineq ' :�;n,� Editor of the BOY Scout Cona- For the hope that alone � . ­_.� 11 a- do Any housework without stopping to ,her I Ir brings yoci Bamboo 019fraph , ordinary than his. futile manipulation rest. 1 often had severe. headaches, I - John Dixon, Adver- She woke him tip, reversed him, and nee& es by Taachine-17 at a rate of ., - I r , 1. that perfect action is soldolli to be than Handbook# . heartache, ithen dememded. an explanation. .14 5 ot the 1noffens4ve wooden sword. and my appetite was poor and fickle, 10 000 needles an hQur and anothm I looked tOT'and never to be found. The * tising Manager for the Conservation. With action wins glory and tame. 11� - I . uli, meanwhile, after his imag- - . . - . Two chubby'little, gets Wiped the - - , I :'..." . The b and I would get up. In the morning WOTld1s work must be done. It will Commission, Ottawa; Harry Hereford, - � ;__�oiime, hito -which they are fed by '1.11� 'r" ­ - inary* ilsug�lite-r, has trotted home con- without feeling the least bit rested. J1 sleepiness from two little eyes., and liand, can 30,000 a day. "L" '. , I b6 done, Probably by some on's less �bidustrial Engineer, Ottawa; Lawrence W#y-don't you try to be thankful shampen , I r, `_ round quarters. 1_1 j_.A sev al medicines' but 'did, . _1- .1k -la, -A 0 *.­� replied.: !N tentedly to his undexg T�+­".I;4­1 Joint Fer!.all�tha good things that you then a plaintive voice mz__ _7 . Even if he has his h6rns bandaged. I " not got benefit from anything until I I competent tnan You. ,L � do it in the very . best wa7 You can, Burpgffi, e,cxe . � Oommission, Ottawa 1. Scoutmaster I hold; - "But, m-ammie, my head, wasWt . _­ while,in the arena, the bullfighters begin the use of Dr. Williams Pink . Others axe fallible, as you are- Others Frank B. L. Coombs, writer of short For the blessings that ever suwulld . I tlr0d*'and my feet wers�" . have to exercise their skill and'acrv- pills. When I had taken two boxes I ter I Ake mlst'akes' make M'5takos' All in I stories, SiAlcoe,.. . Out.; and Professor - you. Big Appetite Was 0 - batia agility to the full. Few Of us could see an Improvement, and, at Go and make them as other& do, then I Gill, Diriector of the Government For the love thars more precious ,Enough. no I -would care to stand in. the'path of a I ual�g six boxes I found ray healt ii fully them, forget them and act Technical Education Departmant, Ot- th= gold? - One day a ,man complained of not chargin- polled Angus bull, hornless . Ohe restored. I feel altogether different I correct again, Remember'that the greatest tawa. This Board will control the edi- I So take boart-make another begbir feeling fit, anda friend suggested that thougb be, The Portuguese bull- . I I sin the pilli t ' hat I strongly mo-st successful caroom of the torIal and business. Policies of the BOY ning- he take up exercise. fights are certai.nly fall O. -f life and �. advise them for all weak, ran down . I and AA are nothing but a tissue of,mla� Scout Magazine,. "Canadian Boy," and Go forth with a song to the fx%�y, "There's horsebeek ridtng," said the . :1'1 9 , � , . ��2 .. � , �'�i ��-: "I . I � , � . W I -A ­:,� �'111 � . � L I � . ;­ � , , ,; -�,� . . , I . color, though the Spaniards affect an people.".. � I . I . . - "corrected And forgotten 11 I under Its direction will be published For from those who axe cheerful Md friend. ,,r,, is one of the beat lorms . :,A immense contempt for them. I I In any takes., - . 11 � � .1 . , If you Are weak or ailing _ I I . a,li future editions ,of the BOY Scout hopeful, 11 Of exercise on. earth. � 1 .. I I . - -*.- way, avall yourself at once of the -*.- Handbook for Canada and of all other The cares of the world fan away. -1 know,- was the doubtful rejoinder . ASPIRIN . .1. -1, . Professor to Choose Film splendid home treatment Which Dr. ' In these, days of expensive tug. it oflioal books, booldets and pamphlets I O.:� * - -but I sm afraid I can�t afford. M" . ., � 1� ��; � I',- . .1 . ' ' I I . I I . Williams Pink Pills so easily afford, is W,6rth-while to Pay sttentiou.to a of the ASSOC]atiM Be Careful HowYou Turn. "Can!t afford IV" exclaimed' the . �1, I 11 . . staTs. . I and you will -be among those who r&- sour I ce that -19 too often neeeoted: tll6l .. I - 0.1. other. ,'you already -have a horse', Only "Bayer" is Genuille I I I �", ' A Significant development In the joice In regained health. These pills d. Xmt, if not en of An ancient belief exists in the viT- just Mink of the appetite it will : -_11 � , old .stump fi emd : . 1 � ,� I production of British films is 8,11- are, Sold by all dealers in medicine, or the coaifeTous trees..1mve no tapro0t,, WELL SATISF IED WITH tues of dancing or turning round in you.1 11 =­) �.11 I I the . . .1 L nounced by an advertisement In may be had by mail at 60 cents a. box with a I 11, LETS the direction Of the sun, SUA-dances g"VI"Y'es"11 responded the man, with a U�� � I I . I LGn.don'Times for a universitY profes- or six boxes for $2.60 by writing The but lay hold 11POn the 9TO=d and sigh, "and. just thinkof the appetite it /A\ . .,�, I I widespread 'network Of PuPerficin" L__N'� i �;,� I Spain, in which the turns, of the dance .. t sor of sociology psychology and sclen- Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville. roas, that P : BABY'S OWN TAB 9-3 Stu' held in mex'co, Chile, i $1 �'_ . . -lutrih the -soil likee. gigm- . - will give the horse I" m AV pq T-,,_� I.. 1, �, I � tific research to' assist the producer of I-0. I Tnany-fingered. hand. B�tlx,stunvli% - - - .. ,_ . - am arranged astronomically and the _,.�__ . � I -P) U-2,� LF,,� I I Canada is the United6tates' second tic e, Montpelier, movements,,of the I1e%VonIY bo4iese.re dip . in!" Corrects 4 I a well-known company In the castin I g anh Toots Are tilerdore easily blowl; -'Mrs. Emile Malatt - tollowed'In the danoo both as to time ape's Diapeps J �, ��, of photo -plays. bes,t oustojneT, being exceeded only by a used Bab s , fEl .. 1�',' outiby a, Shot or two Of dYmLmile," If Que., w.r1t6B:-"1 1 To am Stomach. I �- For some months past the Important GTes,t Britialn. -Canada's purchas-es of I v, d direction. � 1, they are the sthluPs and :roots =7 own Tablets for some time and an . ok a film play has from the U.S. bave reached $800,060,- of ,the pin,e trees, they am full 01 well satisfied. with thsnL They, are We are taught not to stir a pat the ,,Papels Diapepsin" is the Quickest, I [R..1-11, . ­�_ . ,� . � I been gradually pas -sing Into the hands 000 a -year. Pitch and. resin that lburii Witli a flame IS e. ,eS1 modiolne I know Of wrong way or the sugar In IDUT tOSs' . : . f'!�jy , - be surest relief for Indigestion, Gases. t , 11 �� ssucO would - of specialists, who have discarded the . -leaT as cdl. f . ittl� A(m" What Mrs. Malo,tte while n1aYommatflib I ,eT . ", I I old System of putting so-called stars Minard's Linimenj For Dandruff. as hot and,(, " C, SaY. �Tnjned if Stirred one way, and than the Flatulence, Heartburn, Sourness, r i � - ,__::����� I Says thousands %of other mothers . mantation. or Stomach Distress caused ess ou se6 the usine Ll:�', I ' . -1 � � Into leading parts, and leaving the �- I ____ - - - I once they. have used the Tablets for other. Scottish by acidity'. -4. few tablets give almost Warning! U ess ­ . dr children they would use nothing A story in told of ,some I tly IcBayor,, on package Or on tablets YOU � - Immediate stomach relief and Bhor I ; ,�, � . =1�; to can are not getting Aspirin at all. T&Itft I . i IL . ' ' 8 Tl� the stoma 11, � one. I . e's and Their Origin - -- 1 :: e all is corrected so you I ,. � �*__1<11 other cha-racters to be played by any- L . Sumam I a. Tablets 6" a, Tand but boatmen who considered It un� un- B ­ ,, I ' A year .ago it was commo,# for film I , . .. '. - 11 chor.o; xative; are absolutely tree Start on a, voyage, however short, Q O&t favorite foods without fear. Large Aspirin only as told in the a7`P-,r P=k-, . .,� I . � --.-----.- . . ligh, la tum.od their cratt To __-�-;i, for Colds, Head.acha, N,euralgla.: -L L . 1, producers , to give the lgading�Womali i. -.. .� .1 ... .1 I I Ible,for-a4reat. from opdates� ��'Otica or other harm- less tyeY me costs only 60 cents at drug avorr.- . ..� I . _�, . 0, ., - �,� '� �.L: I . . - . �, guage Which foriiSPOUS . . . Rb .a _­'­, I � I . COLLMS . times SUMAt, ArTZtffX011d_Lv1"__C -0 � , L",, Parts to iavor'it'es. L L L � deal of misunderstanding among us as ful drugs and nA:Y be given to the three . with the sun. Absolutely harmless ,and pleasant it , � . I .. � en In unsuitable Variations -Coll! son, Collett, Colet. � ' ' be asked why once or Woe Millions helped annually. Largest sell- bago and for P&i.n. Then you will bei . . I L n - p ea aY I . 1 -1i �il The result was - se . to the character oi the English public youni eat baby with perfect f5tY It 1A . �, ­ k. 1 1 ,, people in leading paxt& Often they OL acial 0 rig I n -Norman-French. They are sold by Vould not have answered luot as well. following the directions and dosage I L , .4. . in. medieval times, it is the word and good results. Ing stomach- correcter in world.-Ady. .1 . .. �, "'.'. LL t. . ItiSML Tile number three, however, Is one worked Out by phYsiclzms during . , '.,� , � . y mail at 25 � �L� were too old, too thin, or too tat, Or Source�A given name. - , t with constantly In medicine dealer, Or b -.*- L : 1:4�,", . . . LL "merry." e 0 rove , . , * were temperamentally unlike the oup of family where It really J)elongs, as cents a box from The Dr. Williams Upon which the SupeTStItIOUS get g1reat twenty-one years :and p d safe bF � , ': � . Here Is another gr fiction, e dam ut La Loutre Falls, : ��;; 0:; ,0--e.. 'some of the ancients regaxded The stoTag eted, be ins. of tweEve 1. ::.� . ., gt , _ th,ei millio Randy tin *boxes 11!�! I character they were . supposed t�o re- names derived from the given name Of lending local color to the olden daya, Medicine Co., Brookville, Out- . . .1, present. .. . I only this time more In So- - . e.. - It ao the perfect number, for it repre. Que., will, Wben c01AP1 1 BaYer Tablets of Aspirin cost few 4 -, . I , Nicholas, latorical relies Its kind in the -w-orld, ,at a gists also sell larger pack- "I" f (I ISO Ill h the middle, and larg,mrb -101 cents. Drug �� ,,, �'�', sented the beginning, "' ;..3t. Some went so far as- to ,"Make up" cordance With Norman than Anglo- Hhae misunderstanding qn our Part Dominion Registration for . $2L,000,Goo. it -%rMa be L __.. � . . .. . . , young women to look like old � . . the end; it was the Trinity. cost Of neafTly, ages. Made in Canada. Aspirin is the - : � : L �-� I , .1 W'qmen - .. arises from the fact tbLVtLthe woid had , , flow 01 - , � by process of -wigs and facial lines, all -Saxon custom . invaded Silver Foxes. So round went the canny ScGtaP beat 1,720 feet long 80�feet high, f trade mark (registered in Canada), . I �,� ,.�,L' Even before the Normans a very different meaning in I those . - - by 10 gntes. - � � , I . of which were mercilessly exposed by L the given silver fox ranches in Canada three times with th0 8113L Watex WIN -be regulated of Bayer manufacture Of Monoacett I I - L and conquered England days. The English of medieval times * Many C feet I Sali �, . I It vul store 160 000,000,000 CAM �, � the catnera. . . . name of ,,Cole?' or "Colin" was PoPu- were no more rollicking or boisterous axe SWI unaware that a step of para� ________44 ' eacide,ster of cylicaeld. - . . .t -in the United States;, where the atax lar an*d widespread among them- They thanthose-of.to-day. Theword,meant mount importance to their Industry ASWFI Leads In Surnames. ot waber, ar O,veT fouT times the quan' !: I'll � 61 11 I :"- . . JjL It egin "With ,tj�y Stored in the- Assouan Reservoir I L I '�,L� ,�L, ,�L, , system was oarried to,absurd lengths,- had to ed th -name of the famous ,'happy," -contented,?, "satisift,ed," has been carried through this year. More English surnames b . 111- .1 ' I Tin I Of all, is no.w possible for any fox owner, If IWI then with Any other letter. inEgypt. Threehundxed.squaremiles . A , -1 �. I . . . I , there has been. a complete revolution. saint who was archbishop of Myra in ,,pleasant" and "Peaceful., be affected by the I . __,_', , I true typea, In- the fourth centu ' end who already 4 pure-15red pedigreed- 401 of teTrItoTy Vill e _,Z� I 0 , ... Producers AoW seek ry these meanings, that of "peaceful" is to Possesses ­ I : � 1� . I I . ,' I ate -ad of highly -paid, wqll-adver�ised had become the pairon saint of child- probably. the c . I -on of the Tile Japanese Navy, in Strength, undertalcing. - - . _., _ . , ,loseat,to it, L stock, to secure reglatmti . ve . I 1. : :: . ; L . stars. � ,� . . .Ten. .- There was nothing Incongruous, same with the CaliaMan National Ll Wmes tbird among the Powers. ... I - I , 01 . , I I ,, I I '1% 1. . . - . , L in the I . Aw,3rjoapo rioneer I)og Reinedl*a ; - 'L - , : � 4* , Incidentally, this tendency Among therefore, liwe of th�tj religious ,Stook'Records, Ottawa, This h" been - by his tail � I _ , , . I I , . The Origin of MeteOrS. the people �Of Europe in the L'earl7 Mid- Englishman of, those days for a I'mer-.1 brought about by.the formation of the A scruib sire its baciced Book on - � _ k, - I I 1. - . ,.�:�� I . . Fox Breederaf As- only a pure-bred by mtw?s tbought- 1. � - 11 I . .� , -Is Ages to take a sIngle given name rydeath," and. by that Asme tendency Canadian Silver ) a 000 DISEASE�S ___� . I I 11 L I ;� No question has been more disputed d - . - fu,l work foT genexatiGn - , I ,, and ip"lit it up into all. sorts of diminu which leads the human race, When not socia;tion, With headquarters At Sum and How to Feed :., - among witr6nomers than that , which tive,S,qi�d Variations 'was not due en- too bound up in conventions, meraide, P.E.I. Full Information. can . . I . 'Mgdled Free to anV A6� . ;� L- irs), . I by the dreen b; the Auther. /11' I � 1 .: concerns the �origin of "Shooting stl to teir its hopes. ancl as�lbe obtained by writing to the Secre- Canada% Tiew uav7, presented lover Co., =0. . I . I I I . tirely to the natural inclination its, children af I h ,4 1 1 1% cls' -TaOre property,called meteors. � . ernment, consists a the ns 4 I e . " . ;�, � I . .. . Tin A-Icknamea, but in large measure pi,atiom, "Ifferydeth" would often be taxy, E. H. MOnkleY­ Betish GOV � . to . L es .-Oyars Pa- 1i I 11 I-- - I L I :1 ' ' ' il - . 1. . . Laplace was of opinion that they was due to that same aeath of Insuf- added as a sobriquet to a child's- name, criii-mc Aurora and the d ta'. - � ­_ G -1 - L ' I , , 4 - X _ . � . 1, �, � I came froni'volcanoes an the moon. which, In- becoming a family name in, the course ' I S1 I . L:� - - . . I L ficieut names to go around an' ' Fr'end MrMORM - . ''. I recent authority, Sir Robert Ball, Lumberm s� I , tri(,t and .Pat"a- . M400"namramimam & 10 A A a � a -ape they were th tens4fled as populations, became larger, of time in a great many instances, � I I � Ph X, � thought th t pert n�wn finally grew into the formation Of 0 original and I Only 003LULIM0 Canada'a Population is estimated M, Lhunne-111 _. - .1 11. . .- The iamily name of Merriman Is. �ao- W21, I A, the . L A 91 ney Rem* 11 out from terrestral. volcanoes I I Id . 11 11 . . . tecl for quitesimilarl . A merry, little over two peraGns per square "I family names. coun. I Y ___­ I 11% �, I .1 distant past, �, r . The family of Collins-, when It is Dot I man in those days WAS-' a peaceful, I mile, as !against 80 in tfie, United; on L, 4% d_V. to I . . ; What we axe able to observe of I 1, � 10 ft i . States or over 200 in the Biitirsh Isles. Kidney troubles are frequ tly I's 0-1-way;5 r� - . ,�. � ' them from speolmend that faal,upon traceable to Irish sources, is sinlPly contented, happy man, not necessarily A, W - caused by badly digested food ai5q I 1 % Son," as Y.. " Aleumat"I.5m : I . =_- - . I 1 ' the Inqdern,form. of "Colin tLL laughing or nols .one. This sobri. N rtaken these organa to 1 49 . the earth would Seem to, Indicate that I I . .. G I . � 0 eliminate the irritant 1 66 AT the Ate, down . I ,�� also, Is the family name of Collin-sOnl' quet was oAq more lik Iy to be given 0 I " � acids ) very first twi I � they are debris of Some kind. They I . .. "DANDERI P . """ch -, a my bottle,oi Sloan's; . I er L The Norman.9 quite frequently to a man as an adult than as a child, V419G OF FAM" fcwmed. Help your vtornach to f, . L A come ,9V are plaW-17 fragmentary In. charact L. on names b I illef, quillhoul rvb6h. - . I I I ,,then quick re , and aca I and when not, of mere stony stuff are formed dimlnutivOsOf 9iT I Y but would have no less tendency to . 115" ly digest the fooa by 0 it"s stimWatin _ tterd I I ' or . . I Lily. a relic a faMl,ly name. We have I ". . . . proi fMxtract %Oys use it fo? I the endings let" and "ot," and it Is develop into t.111.2 I 5,30 3 0 dropm 0 . of various metal% chiefly Iroa. It is - . M I I - Roota, cold as 510ther Seigel's I I congestion. The S Sally's .1 . ely conceivable that. they � entir . . t names of - Collett. -and Colet c weather (merywedyr) in ,the use of . " I CuragVe Syrup, and your Wdney 1?�O ,4i are from names so formed that the fa of the old-time use of merry- _ ( I GAS I Sm Your 1-1mr, I of stiff muscles, and it fie 6'me dOVIL - backaeles, too." 85c, C, $L40. ments of smashed -up -worlds, bu 4 1 1 VMW L frag . "fadr weather" in that song which be- All,aka It Abundantl , "'" will prompt'. - P10==WUnM� . . the theory that they axe debris Of to U'L . YARMOUTH, N.& . i.."I'lly 7 dis I - _ I �. i ' __ 1. .1 ­. � - _­­ coiY141% I that have gone'to pieces Is 11 9"Inst."It's alwsys fair weath0 when .____� ­ I t I . 1P ..-I. Got the genuine. J - ­_ L ;! �, . I MEREDITH. good' follows get together-." The Buildings on the SUn. I ,- L:.- &POICURMKIM 9 B �1; more plausible. . L I I .. � - MMMM"UMMOVORM - M"THER1 J Meteors enterting our atmoophere Varlations-Merldeth# Mered . eth, Mar-,Iamlly home Of Murray 111, of course, Well into last century it was be- ... .... ... .11 .. - __.. , . � V 0 L I I I ; 1� ­ . � I P . r1weather, Merriman, Murray. for the most part of Celtic origin, but lieved that the sun was inhabited, not ,. , .� , _ .�, travel through It at rates which seem, I . � .1 i I I . i � Raclal.Orlgln-Anglo-saxon. when It isnot, It Is'niorely a corrupted Mrs. A, *'rawf . I vp ' to -vary from ton to over one hundred with puny beings like ourselve% but � I I C ord 7 . i I Source --A sobriquet, or nickname. spelling of Merry, from the old forms, n a S up of F19S " -nines aLsecond. FriotAou rapidly bums . .. . .. with people weighing several to s and . I I Y�Caljfomi yr � . Thtres a -word In the English Ian- -such as "Richard le Mery.11 . I . ' Tells How Cuticura I so that probably , only the. ,. 1. � of proportionate strength. . i . them up, � I __ I - . . L ' - -_ . ChlITS'Best- Laxative'L Slow ones fire able to. re.a.ch the earth I I . The Sun, being a body' of most tro- .4 ­ I . . 1. . wi I I . . - "'St ne6ossarily ha,TO - . I I thout belng:;'OntirelY o0neumed. willitillillitillilliillillifililuillillillillillitilillifillilliillillillilitiliiuiiiiliiiiliiiiitipigig I nienclous. size, mu I %.. I Healed Little Gid , I . I L, 1. � L - 4% I - I .1 . I I I = inhabitants Worthy` of its grandeur. 1. I . .11 - I- -_ I � �.114 .., = I . . . , - . . .1 = , women aAd. children, 4 I- "My little girl's trouble started . .� = I I I 11 � And, having inen 1Z I Nature's. Gem Box. � = with an -ail pimpics on the back of I I .1 . . = to ' . ,. I ter head and they spread 1. I � The northwestern, Part ot, Urugu I =. . house them and to carr I I downherback. Thepini- 47 = A, R�ady-Cooked Food I it must hav& bil""Ingsy'noulthbloilrL in- , % % M _. , . - " I '\ L I .. % a nowly- discovered flold for the pro- � = dustries. . IL , � Q, " ' pies were bard and red � 'L �. -I = � I a . - '�* and they Itched and gion of amethysts which Occu, 11 = = . duo I For Breakfastbr Lunch ;�- Hance some observers, with an In , . 0400 , ;�, burned terribly. She I 1 des." The. geodes�,, so plentituI C= = genuity' which did. credit to their I , ) 4e . . JUL, the flelft '1L T Ut = . . P3V I . . 1,� 6at they are Picked Up, . Arl"t , = faculties-, were certain \ I �­ � I scratched and irritated � . Elk 5, = . imaginative "I .�, I are cartled.on mule -back or In Garts - 11ftl = that they had discovered buildings I on .. J ,� )11 I ( them and they lateg d6. I I I . � , to the neareoit ralwa;y.station ajid ral I I = tile dark, Solid body of the Sun, T a . tions. Her hair fell out and became L I .1 (j De 9 S = h I -i 10 veloped into core crup- I - � I . I .ghipped in barrels to Salto, ,whence L . . I . = buildings were not oltalmed to be ill N I r and Bello$ fQ11 off'60 L . __� ... ,. L - L L . they 'are transport I ad by, rtyot'boa . t . Ito � I M&- � regular forinatiOn, Such as a 1. vast city 'Immediately after' -s, "DanderMe' thin and dr5, I . I L ' I ­ Montevideo. .. I I Ch4sp granules of Wheat and = I takes on now. Iffe, her Clothing. L . elt - It = in, the sun might b6 Supposed to con- massage, your hair " I umd a free SarnPle Of CuticW'a � . I I - I I Naturallyo it will be asked, "What .. as a nut frOM = � lustTe and wondrous -beauty, appearing and the plinples. commenced to d . . . ed bafle�r Sweet . L I =_ tain, but wero 1AGTfAY "traoes." tiful, . W eft . ry . . I I . I I* a geode?" OrIgInally, it was, a hole I 04 Ion$ b#T�g. M TbAt was how these observore, alo twice As heavy and Plea because . up. I ,-,Ought more and h I bad L I I Ock, Water poroolatilLg through speplal proce,,wing ., - - A - used one cakb of Cuticum Soskp and S� 11 . � in r L . .1 L I ­ I a lowed their imaginatIO' to run riot. each hair seems t6 fluft and thicken L j.L o rock doposlto& Silica, nisking a I . . � I =" fact, What L they actually S.a* Donot lot your h , I Accept ­CaliloiA P .1 I , " As� a (81gned)'Mrs. Alonzo only, th I I , , , - . I air stay life Ogg, color. one box of Cudcura Ointment Rho _look for, name C&Iif of,L Fitt,. I I , lining for the cavity. the lining grow I No need to sprinklO ��gar on.your � = Ot a dark body On the Sun A,t an'! less, plain at scraggly. YOU, too, Wa1A was bealed.11 Parker St., D'ango I r, tbk ortlo� � 00, ., I YPU USe. " , . , L - . . - VMS a , rong, beautiful hair- Crawford, 89 L .You axe sure your I I =L ' 0. .1 6d,M . I thicker aA(I thicker, aii4 after a )ong I e m fol- it posses"t n6ut, but dark open- i lots of long, at Mainei lab, 12, 192 the y ge, then l 6 . .= At bottle of delightful "DAn- -the beet and M.004 Z Ume, It th6 Took was- 'brohoh, Ot 1. Cerval when ,'rap tNUU In I A, 96-ce �or ovtrypilrpose Of the tollet'itid. child is havibe . .. . I I I I L . . I = Ing$ (caused by 1�prush�.s of g'AS) � checks r "weattered" to plezdo; a hard nodak . . � = the 8,1171's flaming envolope. Those derine" freshens Your SO61P, bath cuticuft soap, Ointrxient aria 1,11anwasiv phytac for th's U -we stomach, . , . ( � I U IQ\ _,>�>"� .1 * 15_�_ n1 Y , I -_ - - I I I . Would dTOPL O"L The noduU to - A 1 64 * , ' M op6niAgs we knOw as, sun-gpots, and dandruff and falling hair. , Thia,Wlnu- Ttilcum are wondeffully 900cL . �lj*er And boWels, 04II&OM lj�*e It'r, 'S Son I . I - . , - )do- and if, 6A 801adtim"bAPPOVA, ' . I I There ,� a Real ", "' . . - sli: ing of the lAtijag "beauty -tonic" gived to thin, �0*25c. QIvtminnt2%4nJsoc. Tm . kv6%96. S614; . fmitt takc AM di -To' atione on tuft , 90C 0 ., L 11 = the differences 1-11 41118, &d . ,�, , = I throughbuttheDorninion. Canadiahl)dodh the allidaL JIS19 f6rmo'd cryatw% Inelds I = be. dall, fading hair that "'h'il' r 'it^ sinal iorwZov I I '­___ ­­_­� L � . .. 14 - � I I , a ad* I ­ I Spots ware taken, to 13o buildings And abundant y* 0.14..1-1. . I *,s Umittil, 344 St. Petal St -v V = I t�hlc�ne"�'6'-L�'AU L ' W11 'T, .0 �. tin o, I --),q Oi* 111011 St. Paul's Cathedral would 'less � i�,F�b . of It, colored by m6t^W I I = , . 168up. No. a lo� I w I 1111flM side W � L . �� I PeodeL Ja S'. litt$0 JVW#1 b" 0Qnt&%*$ . . AM tO`7 . I i druggists I �­­­­_._ 1.111. �, I I I � I I I I . I be a 1 - � I . I ­ . . I imutoii,wlli"uilmillliiitiiiiiiti4touiitiluilluilliftilu.11111111lw 111.111111 ..., . . I I I . L I . I 11 I L I I I I .,l opeth ts� I , . I 1. . ; I 1� . I P� . L � I I . yo ....... _1_1. '­�­­­­­ � -". I- . . I . , I I I I 1_4� I .L I I . . I 1��, ";,� L I . � L . I I � . . I . .. I . .. . . I- . I � I i I I I . I . I . . L I . . 1. . ,,, �', . �. L I � L I I , I . . " I . � I I I . I � . � ,� I I . . � . I I I " 1, . �� lt;'�' . I . I . . � I I � I I I . I . I . " .1111 I .1 I I I � . . � ; . . 11 . . . . L . I I . 1.11 11 I 11 .. 1�1 . I I � I 1. . I.- 1. . .. I... I �, . I I I . . . I . � . I . . I .1. I � I I .. I 1 I . � I I . . � . I I I . ,� . I 11� . I I I I , ,�. . I . I . I I I � I . . I I I . I I I . � A . I.. 11 1: . � . . I I I . ; 11 . I 11 � I I I I . I �. . . , I . I . . , � . I . . . I I � ., 'IV . I I . I I , I I 1 � . � . . , 4 1 I . . . � . I I ­ . I I I , ", I I I I .11 L . I I I . .; �. T � I 411 I I : " . � I I , . I I � � . 1 .� I I I I ­ .. 1, ­ . ''. I I �"L I I—— -1 I I I .. . ,,� 1. --11--;1- 1-11 I I 11 I I, �, I 1, �, 1. j,"Z"..", . I I � � : ' :1 , " ", I , I I I ­ 1-1 - I . 1� ­ .I 1, I I I ! �, . ­ ,��;,�� ,_�, �, . . _,�_ ", .... .. . �­�, . �.� ... � .� ... .11, ­ 1� ,� .... .11 , I " ,L ,,,�!��,�� . � 1. I ­­­­ ­ " -!,.1 , 11 . ? I . I I : �� I I 1. I I . ,, ��,�,i I . 1-1 11 11 I I " � - � . "I _ ��', � �� � I . . i . . � I �' ��, 1,: �c� �, � 11 � � � ��',. 1, � � ". '�, .. �".,. �: "'l I � I I I : .1 � �, ", ''I . , , , , :, ,�r ,, , . �, I I . I I I � . I , � � I L ­ ­. Z , 1 " , '' . :.. , I � I I �' ��,�. -111.11111-- .;.� �. .1 I 11��-� � .li 1. I I 1. - � . I 11 I I k_ : -,� ...... . _ �1'41' . :.­ '11; . 1 "k, I 11 I ­�� . .." �",�, .1 ,.'!' �, � ` �.' Cj, , �,'3�p,� . , , . , , - I, � I 11 . - , � - � . I � � . 11 , I , , I., 1� 1. 11 I I 1. .11 I ­ ­,,��4i,'�*,,jffi%g;; Z,L�'114­1, --1111 � 1-1'.11 L �",.�, �.;�'_L._,6,,,�__,;! � �4 % , k, I , , li . I i �� ., I I I _1_11A ,,,,, " , , "" - �� " ,�� 1�_',." ,; L..L 11 . 4,1 , , - I- _. - � ... �,�,,�­,�­,-i - i'' . ��d t x� V! ��,� I