HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-1-13, Page 8ez."'-:••eleseMeece-eletieWiiit48->=11rOMI-MeNeleMr-ajliteM-riMeetreYp sts.1 . P11 nal -to oLori 0 Draiwater from your radiators, test your storage batteries k ing every week if you are running your car; if -you are not using it, n your battery in and let us care for it until spring. Can you answer all the questions on your application form? r. b Come in and let us tell you the bdre of your cylinders„ no matter 30 what make of car you have. The two new questions dais year are -Is above described ve- . fi Mole equipped with. an approved device for the elimination of head- , light gIarel-Name of device. • 1- ,, 6. i 7% i il T passed by the Government and all W V We have in stock the Cla ert Lens g One of the heighest test er• sizes are the same price. 0,4 , $2,75 per pair If there is • any ether inake of lens that Stott Would like we fi win be glad. to get it for You. 4 / =M44tliftth,,mticieW=WCUteem=mWgriAMMAymbirtendowSeo=0.45mAtitm • fe4 .1(ell*le=etiti37:-.etraNYIMMita-ii-Mireie'AelelTerAlie.MITIC441etnirreeerieketeereeik A • 24100.-,•"q / ,•4 ; A " ' ' • • AD ST WART 1?IIONE 1.6. PHONE 16.- DUCTIONS in Pure Woo! Serges 50 per cent. discou Big reductions in every line of Dry Goods Wehave afull range of Pure Wool Serges in a fine Twill and a good Weight in all the popular shades, Navy Blue, Brown, Green, Garnet, Grey and Black, at just half price. While they last: Our $4.50 Serge, now $2.25. Our $3.50 Serge, now $1.'T5. Our 4,00 Serge, now $2.00. Our $3.00 Serge, now $1,50 LADIES: Dont miss this opportunity of getting a nice serge dress or suit, for they are excellent values and are in the Pure Indigo Dyes. .6...116,......1.1.410L11. THE REMNANT COUNTER. We have just finished Stock Taking, and have a lot of niee ends of all kinds of staple dry goods, in all lengths at greatly re- duced prices. Be sure and look over this counter. THE HOOVER. We are agents for the famous HOOVER "ELECTRIC CLEAN- ER." Call and see it work. We will demonstrate here, or in your home. IT BEATS -AS IT SWEEPS -AS IT CLEANS. S-191111.11.1111.1.2111191. Highest prices paid for poul try and all Produce. MaEEMP"" tin e a ain Sale Owing to the great success of our price:reduction. sale in Decem- ber, we are going to continue it through January to give others a chance to get some bargains. emember this a real reduc tion sale and if you want to be in on some of these bargains, come early, as goods are going fast. • UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY( We have a fine motor hearse in connection with our business. Everything up-to-date. Phone 203" and 20W. nitre & Undertaking FINEST MOTOR AND HORSE EQUIPMENT. FACILITIES AND SERVICE 'UNSURPASSED. EVERYTHING UP-TO-DATE ry • D.r I:VL0 u- a OPERA HOUSE BLOCK mer PHONES 74 W& et • PHONE 109. 077.71!';'`e41'.7.4 EXET4R TiMe THIMSDAYt JANARY 13, 1021. Market Report• -The following le the report of the Exeter Market cored every Weduesday.. Wheat $L90. Oats 50c. Earley 65 to 75e Family flour $5.50. Shorts $2.25 Per 100 lbs - Bran $4.00 per 100 lbs. Feed tour $3'.0ck. New laid eggs 72c. Feld eggs 55.0 Creamery butter 62c. Dairy Butter 54c to 67a Lard 30c. Hogs $14.25. Potatoes $L25. LOCAL • teteedleeetee ....wee 0 Notice R. N. Rowe's change of add, offering big reductions in furni- ture. /3UOCTEIIMMIC FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION AT CENTRALIA. CREAMERY JANUARY 15, 19,21. at 2 o'clock pan. ve For the year 1921. Buttermilk sold by cwt. for the day's make. Buyers can purchase to suit them- selves. FOR SALE -Durham grade bull calf, A good one. Born January 5. Apply to W. A. Balkwill, Phone 123. •Do you buy your groceries from Harvey's Sanitary Food counter? Ailsa Craig_ Hockey practice tonight, (Wednes- day.) Mr. Ed. French, of Toronto, is visiting his sister, Mrs. E. A. Follick. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elworthy left on Monday for California, on an ex- tended trip_ Miss Olive Allen of Edmonton, Alta.,is visiting her grandmother, Mrs.Allext, of town. • Mr. Aquilla Sheere returned to De- troit on Monday after visiting with his mother in town. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Boyle, of• To- ronto, are visiting with relatives and friends in. town. Mrs. J. Snell has returned to Windsor atter spending the New Years' holidays with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Fuke and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones ha.ve returned 4o Detroit after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elliott. Mr, W. G. Medd was in London this weelf attending a meeting ,of the Western. Ontario Dairymen's Associ- ation: Miss L. Walper and Dr. Kinsman sang a duet to the delight of Caven congregation at the evening service on Sunday last., The .scheduled hockey game be- tween Goderich and Exeter -Zurich team for Tuesday night, was indefin- ately postponed for lack of ice. • Mr. Nelson Hill and bride', •of Ni- agara Falls, are visiting the for- mer's parents, Mr.' and Mrs t James Hill, on their wedding trip. Mr. Walter Keddy is xnoving -to Eketer from Usborne, into the resi- dence formerly occupied by, Mr. and Mrs. Wickwire and Miss 'White. Miss L. Walper, who has been Visiting her parents for several weeks returned to Romeo, Mick., on Monday. • • • Mrs. D. Mack is in Toronto this week where she underwent an •opera- tion in connection with her mouth. She is expected home the lattef part of the week. In last week's Times it was re- ported that Cavell Sunday School had contributed $153.80 to the , China Famine Fund, The correct amount as reported in the Toronto Globe on Saturday was, $179.00 James strret. Mrs. 3. W. Powell entertained the • choir of • Main Street Methodist Church, on Wednesday evening of •last weak. On Friday evening Mrs. Powell entertained the Christmas staff of Powell's Bazaar to an oyster supper. A pleasant evening was spent - in games and amusements. E _AT Your Favorite Pictures - RG • those whicil cane out virw usually well and of which you are particularly fond • -would make beautiful framed enlargements in your home and express your OWn itlfliVid- tiality in a manner which no store, pictures" an. • Choo,5,e the,negativet, you like best-- brin4 tfiesi to us ---and we will tell you '''frankly what kind eal enlarge - 'vents they will Make. We use Cyke Paper, SENIOR'S STUDIO and Arl,T SCOW, •*, 13EAVY RIEIRVID COTTON ROSE. Regular value, 50c. Sale Price per pair, Mc-, PHONE 134' HYL1311111031110131111. IteliMeeenammatrompigmmeseee •UTHCOTT, riiient/T21A.ViRTM PHONE 134 Ma lour ()liars Count his COMM IN ANI) SEE OUR VALUES THIS 111011TH. ALL WINTER GOODS MUST BE CLEARED OUT, LOOK OVER. EVERY ITEM IN TOED'S ADD AND SEE WHERE YOU CAN SAVE MONEY. MANY OTHER, BARGAINS NOT ON THIS LIST. nth.,,: Sale lasts from Jan. 413th to Feby. 1st. LADIES' FUR SETS. Regular pries $47.501 Sale. price $37.50. BROWN WOLF SET, Regular Price $37.50. Sale Price $27.50. ALL WOOL SERGES. Blue, Brown and Black, 33 inches wide, regular price $3.00. Sale price $2.35. • FLANNELETTES. Thirty-five cent values. Sale price per yard 25e. COTTON BATS, ONE POUND Regular price 45c. Sale Price 40d" BLUE LABEL • STAMM:HID UNDERWEAR. Regular $4.00 a garxn en t. Sale Price $3.35. RED LABEL STANFIELI) UNDERWEAR. Regular Price $3,50. Sale Price $2.85. MEN'S FLIDECED-LINED . SHIRTS • AND DRAWERS. • • • Regular Price $1.25. Sale Price • 980. LINEN HAND TOWELING. Regular 30c a yard. • Sale Price 25e. TEA TOWELING. ' Regular 20c a yard. Sale Price )15e. • FIFTY PAIR MEN'S UltUS CALF HEAVY SHOES. Regular value $6.00. • Sale Price $4.98. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS . . IBEX _quality,. 12 x 4, largest size made, white Regular wind, $4.50. Sale Price, per, pair, $3.65. ' • -or grey. MEN'S worintp SUITS. All new models. •Regular $38.50 Values. Sale Price $29.50. - MEN'S GREY TWEED SUITS. • • Regular $30.00 value. Sale Pride FIFTY PAIRS OF MEN'S FINE • RUBBERS. Regular $1.75 value. Sale Price per pair, $1.35. MEN'S RUBBER ]300TS. Miner Brand„Regular $7,50 value. Sale Price, $6.75. MEN'S DOMINION RUBBER BOOTS .Regular $6.00 value. • Sale Price, $5.25. CHILDREN'S VEST & DRAWERS Regular 40c and 50c values, Sale Price,very' special, 25e. LADIES' AND MISSES' COATS • Regular $25.00, $30.00, $35.00 and $40.00 values. • choice of.au er coat. Sale -price, V18,75. 'COATES' COTTON SPOOLS. • Regular price .12 % c. Sale Price lee. . CHINTZ VOR COMFORTERS. Regular price per yard, 50c. Sale -.Price, 35c,, your • A.., C. A, TIOKING; • . 'R.egular price, 90e., Sale 4Ieriee. per yard, 75c. FINGERLN6 YARNS: • Grey and Black. Regular. fxrice, per pound, $2,25. Sale Trice, $1:75 • • SHIRTING. ' • • • - Ilegular value, 50c, • •Sale Price, •per yard 35c. , . • . LADIES' rratunitx, OR, WRITE VEST -AND DRAWERS. Rekular value, $1,25. Sale Price, • 080. AVALXind BIG BEN OVERAT.T.S-Regular Price, $3.75. Sale Price, $3.25. • All our new Spring Wall Papers at ten per cent. discount this month. tt ros. QUALITY GOODS ANDPLOW PRICES. a 0,7&,s,-ir.aP3MEKZEIMEMErnwfillagNSMEmmagEMEMMELIv.,;,,1 • With the Churches CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH •Rev. &trees FtootO, B. A., Minister 1-0 a.m.-Sunday School and. Bible classes. • Regular services next Sabbath at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. - Prayer service Thursday evening at 7.46. Executive of Guild at 8.30. • JAMES STREET METHODIST • - CHURCH Rev. M. J. Wilson, B.A., rastor. 11.00 a.m.-"A Text With a Strange 3.00 p.m, -Sabbath • School mid Bible classes. 7.00 pan. -"If I Were 21 Again." A. good choir -A hearty welcome. MAIN ST. 11.111T)IODIST CHURCH Rev. Geo. McAlister, 1E. A. ' (Phone 21, r3.) 11.00 aon.-"Our Corner." 3.00 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible classes. 7.0'0 Pari. -"A Brave iT,yrian Officer." • • BETIIANY 2.80 p.m. -"A. Hopeless Case." Phone 5 Pow 11's Phone 55 L R. C.VRL1NG B, A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor, for the Molsons Bank, Etc. Buy Province Of Ontario Gold Bonds $1,000 Bond due 1935 at $943.40. $500 Bond ,elne 1935 at $471.70. To yield 6.60 per cent interest, Interest half yearly at any Bank. BUY .VICTORY BONDS AT THE MARKET PRICE Orders received by me. ' • Money to loan at lowest rates, of • interest OFFICE :-Carling .Block Main St., Exeter A.. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon Offieg-IVIcDonnell's Sales Stables on John St. Phone calls receive prompt attention. Phone 26w DR. JOHN WARD Chiropractor William and Sanders Streets. Tues - clays, Thursdays & Satnrdays, hours 10 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Consultation 1 and examination free at office. SAVE MONEY THIS. MONTH , BIG REDUCTIONS IN MANY r..,mms „ THEEI6 IPLINDIIED Gold Fish want horneS, and vie need the coin. WATCH OUR 'WINDOWS • DROP IN OFIMII. POWELL'•S BAZAAR . Phone 55. The Retie Nevr Edison 4A, PREST=O-LIITE 1.14115.110, • NOTICE. • • 9 Having dissolved the partnership between C. L. Wilson and S. W. Sims all accounts are now due and must be•paitl at once. WILSON & SIMS - RE -OPEN LIVERY STABLE, Mr. Willie -M. Hodgert wishes, to announce that he has re -opened his livery stable for the winter., Phone 117J or leave orders at the 'Central Hotel. • GIRL WANTED -L -For general household purposes. Apply to Mrs. W. J. Heaman. AA, Saws gunamed, wood turning, wood pumps' repaired and accessor- ies• on hand. -S. J. V. Cann, Exeter, Phone 116. DON'T WORRY About the high price of suits. You. won't need a new suit if you will let T. H. ELLIOTT do your Clean., ing, Pressing and Repairing. • Agent for The American Dyers and Dry Cleaners, London, Ont. T. H. ELLIOTT SUDDEN SERVICE SHOP ' 11=11521ReelmemliMMEMEMEMe_ .rwau•smerrean.....anamarzeuriatFaistozaamovullatorgonsft, 2.X-' atilt Mr.M.; ay the Ne 4:4 Li - Prest-0-1-fite Batteries have dropped 20 per cent. Put in YeUr order now. • • TAYL011,13 TIM; S7c',0 4•;•• to-tritr...nriathm...v.1:03401.***7-4t5r4atzqs,,tut,.. • fr. • „ It's easy to upset good form with an out of form tie. That's why it so often happens. The reinedy is here in good form Ties, Scarfs and. Vour-in-hands, , Gloves, Collars, everyything th Men's Outfit- tingti correct to the minute, ' CHILISTMAS ,STOCI‹ i iiiERV 4 A Pit A. II 0 N 11 -At A 8 A 04^ manta