HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-1-13, Page 5't. 4 DAX, erANlie .1-9Ae -,Peree. eee, .0 THE ExErrorl, Sne NOTTCLe 0141 nombn Sealed tenders will be received for $0 Oord 16-lueli wood, beach and maple, to be delivered at the Wine eleelem, School. Coritraet to be cone- plete On or eetere IVIarele $1, 19e1, Receiving oi! tender's to elose on January 22; 1921, Seety,-Treasurer, „ elLeleTeNee OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL:: The Connell af the'Corporation of the CountY of Huron will meet l&the Council, Chamber,-Goderichet theiee o'clock in the aftereocm of TuesdaYe the 25th day Of January, 1.021. All accdunte against the County Juliet be': in the hands a the Clerk not lateir than Monday preceding the meeting of the Council.. , GEO, W. HOLMAN, County Clerk. Goderich, January 7, 1921. TENDERS FOR WOOD Tenders for the supply of eight Or ten cords of hard wood, beech or maple, for S. S. No. 1, Usborne, will be received by the undersigned up to Thursday, JanuarY 27, 1921 - PETER 1VIOIR, Secretary. - R. R. No. 1, Hensall. Creditor] Mrs, C2ZWiekere elass No. 9, Me. RoSeell; aSet, Mrs.1. Hill and Mrs. Geo, Clark. Supt. • ote Home Depart- metn, Mrs, Janim Hodgine; asst,, Mu, Albert King, Mrs, Geo. elawhin, nee' end Mee, Hirtzell; Suet, oe Cradle roll, Mr. Grace Rill; grad - lug 01110ee. Mr, W, A, Sambrook, Dashwood 1y4, lot, one bank manage', has. receieved'e menre to Cayuga and leaves this week or that place, Mr. Rutherford, of Forest, will be the new 'Manager here. .. Mr. Louis Thorenz, of Borlingtpn, ,spent the week -end with his parents, here, . . • Our young people are enjoying the skating these days. , Mr. Walter Reichold of Cayuga, visited at the home of Mr. Ge Stire last week. „ Mr, Baumgarten is on the sick list. We hope for a speedy *recovery. • Mr. and Mrs-, G. Fisher have re- ceived. Word of the marriage of their son, Edgar, of Cupar, Sask., to IVIiss Eva M. Moke of Pease Sask on Deceenber 30, 1920. ^ Weyburn Mr. and Mrs. , Mike Diejaedine frm the Bee Line, visited at the • home of Mr. and Mrs. James Del- gaty last week. . Mrs. M. Turnbull with her two children, near Paelthill visited her ,.relatives of the Weyinien district d last 'week. The 'C.I.F.°. Club of -Grand Bend, met last Friday eight to hear the • excellent report of the Provincial U. F. Q. Convention, held at Toronto, • In December, given -by the delegate, a Mr. Norman. Turnbull. Mr. Turnbull e gave a good .outline. of the business done at the convention and answer - n ed the questions of the members .of the club. The president of the club u offered suggestions re the securing e of new members and outlined a s schedule of laisiness ' and topic els- e cusisons in the winter • months. A e lively discussion ensued, the presi- , cleat's address and many thoughful suggestions were. offered by the. - members. •. Our schoel is furuishing a concert t . for the public on Friday night Jan- uary 14th. A splendid prOgram is be- ing prepared by the 'pupils for the occasion. We are securing 'a violinist in the person of Mn. John Armstrong of Stanley, who is an expert in violin music. Addresses are expected tram Mr. Kent, manager of the Bank of Commerce, also Mr. George Howard, principal of the Dashwood echool, and others. Vocal and instrumental music will be given by outside.talent. Lunch will be steered by the' Memel girls. A small admission fee will be charged to be used inepaying. for an organ, bought by the pupils, for the use of the school. Program will be- gin at 7:3.0 sharp: Come and enjoy a good school 'concert. " The Mimes Lille and Cora Stahl are visiting relatives and friends in Head -leiter and Waterloo for a few weeks— • Alfred Wuerth is wearing a broa smile these days. Twins boys arriv ed at his home Thursday. , Mr. Nicholson was in ,Toronto ove the week -end. Mr. John Dyer is in St. Joseph' Hospital, London, and undeewent serious operation Tuesday.- We hop for his speedy recovery. Prayer services are being held i the Methodist Church this week. There passed awaY at her home o Monday, Mrs. Eva Wein, relict of th late MaethewWeire The funeral wa held from her late residence to th Crediton Cemetery, Wednesday. Sh leaves to mourn her los three eons and three daughters, • Mrs. John Sweitzer, of this village;• Mrs: Hay lock, of London,- ancl one daughter li Timmins, Ont.; Sam and Joe a home and John Wein. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved family. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hudginsand Mrs. James Hodgins went to Detroit 'Tuesday to atteed the funeral of' the latter's grandson, Golden Flannery. Mrs. Elmer Lawson is still confin- ed to ber home, having had an at- tack of pleurisy. Miss Finkbeiner, teacher of the junior room in the public school, has been on the sick list, but was able to be on duty Tuesday. ' Rev. Brook was in. Ailsa Craig last week assisting with the union rayer services. Zwicker motored to London • to see his ,mother, who .. is seeiousty ill. Telephone nn were in. town Time - ay installing telephones for Beaver Bros. and Otto Owald. • " Mr: Jack Mallett was in Strithrby Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Kent, of Dashwoed, 'spent Saturday with Mr. and Ales. Wilson. Mr. Wm. Reeder, a Crediton, met with a serious accident on Tuesday :when he became entagled in a. belt ;while sawing wood with a power out - t. His arm was fractured and he ;was otherwise badly injured. He was taken to London on Wednesday. • A 'meeting of the teachers and bilkers of the Methodist Sunday school was held in the basement on Friday evening to elect the Officers for the coining year. Supt., Mr. T. Trevethick; lst assit. suet. Mr. G. Mawhinney; 2nd assist. supt., Mr. A. Ilodgins; 3rd assist. supt., Mr. Ros- zeil; secretary, Edward Chambers; assist. secretary, I've.,n Hirtzel; treas. 'Mr. W. A. Sambrook; pianist, Miss Loeene Sambrobk; assist. pianist, 11/41-14.,' A. Baker; teacher of class No. 1, Mrs. Sambrook; assist. teacher, Mrs. A. Baker; teacher class No. 2, Mrs. A. Hodgins, assist; teacher, Mrs. Richard Hill; class No. 3, Mrs. Walker; assist., Mrs. T. Trevethick; 'class No. 4, Mr. George Mawhinney; !assist., Mr. Michael Finkbeiner;class 5, Mrs. F. Clark; assist., Miss M. Chambers; class No. 7, Mrs, Elmer Lawson; assist., Mrs. G. Hirtzel; ;class No, 8, Mrs. G. Nicholson; asst., Russeldale Mr. Wm. Hocking -has ,purchased the farm owned by Mr. Wilson Tra, meer. :4 Mr.. Joseph Elliott,' of Toronto, was a guest last 'week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John G. Roy. Mr. Gleen Facey returned to his home in Woodstock last -week after spending a few days with relatives here. Mrs. Will Cole, of Toronto, is the guest of her parents, Mr.. and Mrs. John Cole. • The Jack Canuck Club' will hold their monthly meeting at the home of the Misses Marjorie ane Beatrice Gollingse on Friday wee. • liuroadale The regular December meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. C. Pyle' on Wednes- day, December 29th. The attendance was large, thirty-seven being pres- ent. An excellent paper on, "Ho* to add 'clieer,end comfort to Our homes in winter," was given by Miss N. Keddy. Instrumeatal music' by Mise M. Morgan and eVliss- Helen Howe, and club swinging by Miss Andrews were interesting numbers of the af- ternoon's program. The special flow- er collection amounted to $4.41. The 'next meeting,will be -held in- the ,eve- ning at the home of the .president, Mrs-. 3. Morgan. ' ' 10, —the finest Christinas db play' of Phonograph cabinets in town? WS here! You .are cordially invited. Every New .Edison is a genuine period cabinet. Eaceietieeigreis takendirectly from Sorne masterpiece out (te7f/Z) of the Golden Age of Fur- niture. 17 models—English, French andltalian, See these ekingure aristocrats before you buy, J. wtritas kovv.LILL, NT.."riP,TZ , ONT PiziorzograFr2 t0t Soul " 4of• S. S. NO, 14, STEPHEN,. The follewing is blie revert of the standing of PaPile of school seCtion Ng. 14, Stephen, for the Christmas examinations. (Names in order of merit,) • Sr. 4th.—Fred Huxtable.., • 4th.—Harry 'Steels. Sr, 3r6. --Genevieve O'Brien; Hel- en Hicks*, Murray Ni!, .A.emond rrey and Harvey G•odeolt: Jr. 3rd.—John Smith. Sr, 2nd—Joseph F1yni, Gerfiele, Neil, Verne Smith. • • J r. 2nd—Hazel, Sniitli, Margret Hicks. Jr, 1st.—Nelsen Steels, Margatete STE/339LEN The newly elected council of the ,Township of Stephen convened in Township Hall, Crediton, on Mon- day, January 10, 1921, at 11 a.m. All members were present. After subscribing and taking the usitej deelarations, the minutes of the pre- vious meeting, were read and. adopt- ed. . Hays—Penhale—That, the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign and eubmit to the Minister of Public Works and Highways of the Prov - of 'Ontario, the petition of the Corporation of the Township of Ste- phen, showing that during the peri- od of January 1, 1920 to December 31, 1920, there has been expended upon the township roads the sum of $5,768.08 and pequesting the statutory grant -On that amount as provided by the Ontario Highways Act and amendments thereto. Car- ried. Neeb—SWeitzer---That the sum of ten dollars be granted to the Hos- pital for Sick Children and a fur- ther sum of ten dollars to the Chil- dren's Aid Society ia Goderich. Carried. Neeb--Penhale—That bealaw No. 77, of 1905, to provide for the pee- formance of statute labor be amend- ed by striking efit the sum of $1.00 wherever it apikars in the said by- law and substituting the sum of $1.50 in lieu thereof. Carried. Penhale—Sweitzer — That-. the caretaker .of the Town Hall be in- structed to charge in future the stem of three dollars per day to resi- dents of the Municipality of the Towiailiip of Stephen for use .of the hail where an admission fee is charged by persons renting the same and a sum of eight dollars per day to non-residents. Carried. Hayes—Penhale—That 'a by -law - be passed appointing the following persons to,the respective offices: Joseph Guinan—Assessor and preparing the truant school book records at a salaryof $150.00 Janie Hodgins—Caretaker. Sal- ary $25.00 and $1.00 extra for every concert held in the town hall for which an adraission is charged. Charles Zwicker. and , Tho Trevetheek—Auditors. at a salary o $8.00 each. Alonzo Hodgins—A member of the Board of Health' to he 'paid as fixed by the statutes. Henry F. Eilber—School attend- ence officer, concession 1 to eences- ion 11, inclusfrd. Reuben Goetz—School attendance fficer, concession 12 to concession 7, inclueive. . • • ,•• W. B. Oliver—School attendance ffieer, concession 18 to West bound- ry. Dr. H. A. Eckert — Smelter/ daith Inspector, concession_ 1, to oncession 11, inc. George 1VIerner—Sanitary Health Inspector, concession 12 to conces- ion 17, inc. W. B. Oliver—Sanitary.Health In- pector, con. 18 to 'eSsest boundary. Joseph Guinan—Distributor of og tags, who shall collect 25c for ach dog up to date he returns the all to the Township Clerk, April Oth. After which the Township lerk shall sell and dispose of them uring the balance of the year at ie same price of 25c. Said chargeee o be paid over to the Treasurer of he municipality and credited in the eneral ieceipes...Carried., WebbSeveitzer----That the fol- wieg persons be appointed path - asters, fence viewers and pound' eeoers. PatIrmasters—W. Robinson, Mur - ay Elliott, Henry Pfaff, Noble Scott, G 1 as eorge Walker, Wen. White, (2 div.) ohn Richards, Feed Ken: Riehard ill, le. Triebner, Jr., WM.' Sime, 'J. irteel Albert Fahner, John Mor - c3 eee John Roeszler, Pat. Careoll, obert Gower, George Piiakbeiner, acob Schwartz, Henry Martini, (2 'v), Edward Hall, Wm. Yearley, mild weethr nfean the saving of erge Mawhinney, John Regier, J. thousands of tons of coal to the estle, Jos. Glavin, Alonzo McCann, country. an Barry, David Lippert, Ben Mc - aim, H. L. Kraft, Alex, McLelland, ewton Clark, Thomas Keys, Henry nk, Ed. Diejareene, John Hout- en, Elmer Pickering, Thos. Bayn- me John Dietrich, Ed. Lampert, oxide Diejardine, John Berney, J. llock, Geo. Mason, Earl Webb, g. Latta, Humphrey Webb, Adel - rt Webb, Wm. Disjardine, Elgin ebb, Ed. Gill, Sol. Pollock, Austin yter, Chidley Woodburn, Simpson eland, Peter Eisenbach. Fence Viewere—Daniel McCurdy, hn Morlock, Ezra I-laist, Peter Kenzie, Geo. Mawhinney, Eli ng, Wm. 3. Brown, George Down d Austiu Hayter. , POund Keepers—Win. Moffatt, H. apton, W. B. Gaesee, Theobold etrich, David Eagleson, G. Webb, via Baker, Arthur Amy, C. Fink- ner, Arthnr Baker, jos. Brenner. ed Preoter, Silas Stanlake, Ree - 1 Goetz, David Sleeper, Jeremiah °obey.' The following orders were pasescl: Hospital for Sick Childree, grant 0,00; Chas. Lochner, reeairs 'ie der 4.00; A. Hocigins Co., Ltd. acid. 11.00; Can. Exuress Co. ress charges .05; H. Felber, Sepi , Prey. roads for 19202 36.00; e Willieras. elothing for Alta Wil- es 30,90 : en age M. Ell; 01 e 10 (lb i 1 (Irene; „A 'el Somme' 60; Ge. Wed, etellite labor tee The eetineil adjeererel to meet ain in the Town Hell, Creclitoo, on nday, Matti' 7th, et 1 p.m. • Ilen,rY Either, Clerk. 9 di Li gh ha P1 Po Au be 'W Ha Ir 30 , Mc an Sli Di Al bei Fr bet Br $1 gra 'gee exp r. Tp 1101 r :10 . k Mo EtimviIle Tile young people are getting up a play to ee given at a fixture date, Rev. Perna.by and family were the gueste Of Bey, A, Ves, and 1VIrs. Brown. of Kirkton, on Monday eVening last. The annual Bible Cless banquet of Elleuville Methodist Church will be held on Thursday the 20(li inst. The Venal big elireed. and interesting program will he provided. Rey,, P. E. j'aines, of Woociliam, 'nreSented the EducatiOnal,• Depart, ment's work of the , Methodist Church to the conergeatione Zion and -Snie0iine en,Sunday lest and hie ministrations Were aleph a:01)1'194gal:- A Young Pepple's Social Fellow- ship Society has been oeganized in this community and they are to meet every ,Tuesday night from' 8.00 to 10:30 in the basement of, the church -which. was kindly offered them for theireuse. The membership fee is 50 cents per annum and everybody is in- vited to join. . The IVIethodist Church was crowd- ed to the doors on Sunday evening last when an augmented choir from Woodham gave a sacred contata en- titled, "The Nativity of Christ," un- der the direction of Rev, P. E, Janie, M.A., pastor of Woodhain Circuit. It is rarely that a work of such difficulty and compass is ren-• dered before a rural congregation. The rendition 'showed careful train- ing and reflects great credit upon all ',concerned. The solo Parts by Mrs. Urquhart and Mr. W. 1VIills were effectively rendered, and the piano was ably presided over by Miss Mills. ,Farquhar Miss Beta Pollen ie visiting this week in Exeter. Master Earl Allen is -very ill with pleurisy. Mr. H. Borland is visiting at pres- ent in St. Marys. Our school has reopened again af- ter the holidays, Miss Marquis 'hav- ing recovered from her recent ill- ness. Miss Millie Pollen is spending the 'Week at Staffa. Master Eric Campbell is ill with inflamatory rheumatism. Miss Hazel Hunkin visited the last •week -end at Geo. Coward's, Jr. Mr. Fred Seewaet and Mrs. Ar- thur Campbell have return.ed from Toronto after visiting their mother, . . whoenis beenevery all. G eenw- r 4 y Mrs. Will Hicke, has been very- ill but is recovering. e Mrs. Tiedeman and Mrs. Wilson Hicks visited their emotlaer, 1VIrs. W. Mellin, who has been ill with jauia- eice and pneumonia. Mr. Henry Eggert has the 'posi- tion of janitor in the Methodist church, Zion, Mr. Mellin having re- Pegned. ' Miss Marion Sherritt who is train- ing for a nurse in London, was home over. Sunday. ' • ; Quite a number frore here at- ten,ded the funeral of 'the 'late Mr. Mips: Mollerd at Grancleeleend ou Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Carrutheri en- tertained a' few relatives and „friends last Wednesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley -Melilla who had just returned from their h,oneymoon. The presents to the bride were cost- ly and beautiful. Good -morning! Wonderful wea- ther we're having. The weather is usually ,a safe topic of conversation, but with such a spell of h ne weather as we have been enjoying lately, the sueect be- comes more interesting. .0ne year ago, January made a record of not even hving a January thaw. During the past week farmers have been plowing in the fields and the dust has been blo-wing on the roads. On Friday and Saturday last, Charles Dayrnan, Herman Kernick and Gord- on Heywood were all out.plowing. The latter plowed an acre and a quarter and said that the laud plow- ed dandy; as good as it ever did in the latter part of November or early. in December. There was littel or no frost in the groond. On the first Stinday in jannary a robin was seen in town. Last Sunday morning a but- terfly was captured by Trueman El- liott; in the basement of 'Main. Street Church. Several snakes have been n'eported. ,The fall wheat which got a good start, is liable to be damaged. feem sprouting awe freezing. The • eoe.ds ere in a fair conditien and Manitoba's two million dollar bond autemobiles are out every day. The issue sold at 101.11. 'Sir Donald Men/aster, the Anglo - Canadian M.P. for .Chertsey, is ill. Office supply, machine and hardware concerns report revival in business. A boy was badly injured by an automobile on Yonge street, Toronto. John Wickett, prominent Toronto contraetor, dies following operation. • Louis Deleary and his son escaped from the Chatham Isolation Hospital. a The Canadian Soo team beat the Michigan Soo by 3 to 1 'Wednesday. Automobile instirance °cements are feeling the effects of motor, thieves' activities. Fuether reduction in menu prices in C. N. R. dining cars and hotels is announced. Mrs. Isabella Adams of Toronto is acquitted on a charge of murdering her husband. The death of :Faederick Perdue, aged 94, recalls days of slave -running - on high seas. • The Allied Premien 'will Meet at Paris on January 19 to discuss Ger- man disarmament. The appeal of Sylvia Pankhurst against six months prison senten.ce hag been dismissed. Paul,Bower, of Toronto, employed on the leyerci canal at Niagara Fails, was instantlye'killed. A dietetic law has been promulgat- ed in Germany against strikee and was united in marriage to Mr. Al- ,lock -outs In lighting eetablishinents. bort leeys, of le.ev, A. Mac- In the hrst 0. H. A. intermediate Farlaue, ot Bayfield, Performed the game of the seaeon at CollingWOod ceremony. The beide was becomingly the home team beat Barrie by 14 to 1, attired in nigger brown satin with Mr. Justiee Lane of the Superior embroidered trimming. After the Court, Montreal, lies quashed the cer- wedding dinner the happy' touple tineate deelaeleg that Ste- leoee, Quo, left on a trip to Toronto and 1-Ismil- jiaticktunguils,ntd186371s6slez8. Grart,_ ton. • NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK IMportant Events ‘:IliCh HaY3 Occurred During the Week, Vh,e Busy World's Happenings, Care- fully Compiled andO'Ptit Into , Randy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper — A Solid Hour' Enjoyment. TUESDAY. Crown Attorney Corley of Toronto le Said to have 'resigned office, Four Sarnia Police officers have been given a chance to resign, Mrs. Ada Batten was electrocuted in her bath Monday, in Toronto. St. 'Patrick's beat Hamilton 5, to 4 and OttaWa won from Canadiens 8 to 2. E. F. Seagram of Waterloo Farm has imported seven English -bred yearlings. Judge Ruycke renders important deCision on income assessm,ent at Peterborok - Council of Women, Toronto, de- mands women jurors when women are on trial. Several 0. H. A. games scheduled for last night were postponed becipse- of lack of ice. Thomas R. Slaght, K.C., for 21 years County Crown Attorney'of Nor- folk, is dead. • D. S. C, R. wants sessional posi- tions at Parliament Buildings for crippled veterans. The French Government has abol- ishedthe 10 per cent. business tax an gavraow for export. Gigantic liquor sm,uggling opera- tions are reported between Compton county, Que., and Verracent State. A revolt in Guatemala City by ad- herents of former President Estrada, Was easily suppressed on Saturday. Samuel Barfoot, 130 years in the Dominion Civil Service and for many yean postmaster of Chatham, has re- tired. England's cricketers made another poor display against Australia' on the. second day of the second internation- al test match. - The Italian Government has offered to co-operate with the U. S. Govern- ment in restricting emigration to the United States. Ex -Mayor Marty Wright of Halley- bnry, and his neph.eva Chas. Wright, turned up at home -after a mon'th's absence; but Chris. McCool, missing Pembroke- lum.bermaii, has not been found. • • • WEDNESDAY. Prettier Drury spoke at Aylmer, Ontario. Canadian Tariff Commission con- cludes its hearings. Grenville county farmers have or- ganized politically. The Castle-Laggan highway, ea the Rockies, is completed. Sir William Peterson, fermerry head of McGill, is. dead.' The shore workers ihi the iron in- dustry of Hamburg are on strikee • The Aero Club -of Toronto will wel- come the U. S. navy balloon party. The first of the dairy short courses fat the 0. -A. 0., Guelph, has opened. Hamilton Presbytery decided to re- commend an indeterminate pastoral term. Persistence of auto thieving may result in law giving right of search any time. Flay Weese of Belleville was in- stantly killed at the Canada Ceinent Co.'s plant. . Canada has been invite( to 'enter a team in the internatioital hockey series at Stockholm. The Granites defeated the Argo- nauts in an 0., H. A. senior game on Tuesday night by 4 to 1. The. University of Toronto senior hockey team beat the 'Quaker City team of Philadelphia by 3 to 2. Nine heats were run before a win- ner lees declared in the 2.18 trot at Dufferin Park, Toronto, on Tuesday. A Toronto coroner's jury returned a verdict of "accidental death" in the - case of W. G. Adams, killed by his wifer Francisco Ville has taken the field, at the head of a federal force, against El Charro, one of 'his former fol- lowers. Owing to lack of ice the Majority of the 0. II. A. intermediate and jun- ior games carded for last eight weee os tponed. London butchers and meat men will protest against continuance or the embargo on. the importation cf Canadian cattle. THURSDAY. MARRIED HILL—CHRISTIE—At IVIadoce on January 52 1921, Miss' Verna Christie, to Mr. Neison M. Hill, of Niagara Palls, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jaanes Hill, of town. •DIED WEIN—In Stephen, on lot 13, con. S, on January 10, 1921, Eva Fah- ner, wife of Matthew Wein, aged .73 years, 4 months and 26 days. On Christnias Day, shortly' atter noon' a pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roney, "Fairview Farm," Imperial, Seek, When their eldest (laughter, Miss 'OliVe May, formerly of the T. S. Ford Co., staff, Mitehell, was unitenn marriage to Mr, George H. Parrish, Colonsay, Sask., and son of Mrs. James Parrish, of Mitchell. The bride was given away by her father, and the ceremony was performed by Rev. A. W. Ingram. A quiet wedding took place at the 'home oe the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Love, •Hillsgreen, en Wednesday, December 20, 1950, when their eldest (laughter, Anna M., dine, fe.rimere, were -entree -id to ileetti , 'When a epem fell wiie ea old -barn. - 'was being palled down. in South 1)un:14 Oleg' Toweehle, near Paris, FReleAY. Wiklefohig adolw-wanewarg re eieTn iteago are o str Stouffer/Ile men dies from, effects of frostbites of 40 'Years ago. , Thorium Poster, m,p, for East York, is to undergo an operation. Tee Ottawe, National .13.oelt Leagiffieteein beet Hamilton by 5 to John McClelland is elected chai man of the 'Arent° Board of Leduc Mrs. E, a, Cummings, active 419421Y Tore,4444 soCiAties, dies Sit Forty-nine ocean steamers are la • up at Rotterdam because of lack cargoes. Many tons of croal were Trashed, from the lake, helping out mallY T route homes. The heart attacks from which tl ex-kaiserin is Suffering are inereaSin111 . Sferneciuneenecsyw, tewere imposed in Torant Of five to ten years to check. crim wave in that city. eel Sixteen teams will compete for th Sifton Cup en the U. of T. interfaeulty basketball series., Mumma McMurray wee nominated candidate in West Peterber0 Federal by-election. A Grande prairie, Alta., ranchei has a cove which gave birth to font calves at a birth, all doing well. J. P. Bell, general manager of the Bank lot Hamilton, presentedea motor ear to Hamilton police department. Export of wheat from Moose Jaw to Minneapolis is increasing daily, 180 cars having gone south in the first three days this week. Jack Dempsey, world's heavy weight champion, plans to attaek the United States Federal enactment re--- lative to banning boxing films. Thomas E. Maher, who served in France with the lst Battalion, while returning from a hunting trip, was drowned.at Penetanguishene. Capt. McGregor Lambert, who per- Sonally saved twenty persons from drowning in Lake Huron, and was twenty -seen years lighthouse keeper at Chantry- Island, died at Southamp- ton. SATURDAY. ey 1. r- a- Iiensall , ;gra. Robert Jarrott left for 14.am- ilteh, where 1.w evill 'visit her de.h.g11.- ter, prs. Cook. Miss Mabel White, who ha e beeh visiting her parents, Mr. and eere. Wm. 'White, left ,to reeuine her peel - tion DOtroft" Miss Lily Mceeay, who has bee"), Igeteing eer ,pa,rextee, Mr. and Mi,WM, McKay, has returned to Wind- sor. Mr. and' Mrs, D. Me:Naughton of in Kiteheuer, visited Ur, and, Mrs. R. ci Cameron. Mr. Louis McKay, after spending id the holidays at his home liere, ro- of turned to Termite. - Mr. and Mrs. J. Wren of Toronto, in are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. 0- and Mrs, j. Taylor. I Miss Ethel Murdock was the te pleasant hostess to a number of ladies On. Friday evening last, among. whom, was Miss Hattie McQueen, the guest of honor, During' the evening e Miss McQueen 'was presented with a beautiful ivory clock by her lady e friends in memory of the very pleas- , ant years they have spent together. Miss IVIcQueen Waters nPori her pro- batiou in Victoria Hospital, Lonei,00, ' Mies McQueen has been assistant en Me. .4, W. E. Hemphill's drug store for the east eight years. • 1, Sterling exchange is quoted in New York at $3.63%. The first commercial consignment by airship reached Toronto on.Friday. • One man was killed and another injured at Streetsville power house. 001. McLeod, M.P. for York -Sud- bury, died at his home in Prederfc ton, N.B. • The establishment of a regular air service between, Britain and Egypt is being planned. • Priests of the Greek church in Montenegro have gone on strike for higher stipends. The University. of Ottawa will ap- peal to the Ontario Government for financial aseistance. Five Western Ontario high school runners, yet te be selected, will run at a relay carnival at Baltimore next oia The Canadian crealers reached Liverpool en route to Scotia -lid. Their schedule of games in that country is animuncede eluelge Landis went on record yes- terday as in favor of baseball players having a voice in the conduct of their own affairs. The President of Brazil has signed a decree prohibiting exportation for an indefinite period of gold, silver, copper, and other metals, J. D. Ellwood, a prominent Chat- hamite proposes a census of the city's workingmen, to protect them against outsiders securing jobs in preference ire local men. Wm. B. Robinson, for 27 years co- principal with the late J. W. John- son, M.P.P., of Ontario Business Col- lege, Belleville, died after one day's ee et pneumonia. John Corrigan of St. Patrick's de Beau Rivage, Lotbiniere, Que., has passed away at the age of 108 years, retaining- all his faculties to tbe end, and being in bed only a week. Kitchener beat Granites, 2 to 0; Cleveland downed Argos, 18 to 3; University of Toronto defeated Aura Lee, 4 to 2, and several intermediate and junior genies were played last might. . MONDAY. It is planned. to erect an artificial ice rink in Kitchener. Police vigor and severe sentences have reduced hold-ups in Toronto. A third murdee in the third suc- cessive week was recorded in Toronto. Taro women are dead in Toronto de a result of treatment by blood s9.1mj. Demobilization of the Armenian army is being carried out by the So- viet Of F,rivaa. Lord, Reading's, appointment as Viceroy of India, has received the royal sanction. The Danish brig Rosenbjun, which left St. John's, Nfld., two months ago, is posted as missing. Brockville water rates hare been increased 25 per cent. by the Public Utilities Commission. The Continental Baseball Associa- tion is strongly consideving the in- stallation of Cuban and negro teams. The University of Torente junior team woe the S. P. A. trophy by 4betaolg. De la Salle on Saturday by Games on Saturday in the National Hockey League resulted as follows: Canadiens 5, Ottawa 4; Hamilton 3, St. Patrick's 2. Romeo Mingeate, aged 25, of Longue Pointe, near 'Montreal, in en - ger smashed a glass door in a street car, and bled to death. • Rebell Tuite, Provineial Highway OVerseer of Bothwell, died as a re- sult of being struck by a train While in an auto at a crossing. A mysterious explosion on the feont veraadeli of the home of a newly-wed Italian couple in Guelph blew to pieces every window. John Hayes, a form laborer near Bowmanville, a former Barnardo boy, who died following an accident, leaves an estate of $15,000, HICCOUGH EPIDEMIC. The hiccough epidemic has not yet -reached Exeter, but if it does, it is said that one-half teaspoonfal of mustard in a cup of lukewarm water has stopped severe cases of hiccoughs. The first drink usually brings relief, but in some cases it acts as an emetic and the hiccough • returns, but if mustard water is con- tinued, however, relief will follow. The hiccough is a toxic condition of tile diaphragm where the nerves are attacked by a twitch or spasm. It takes, in the present attack, the nature of a half vomit. It is brought on by nervousness and worry It is not a contagious ailment Farmers Attetition NOTICE. I will be pleased to quote yon my best prices on. the following: Lumber, either rough or dressed, pine or hemlock. Best grade X.X.e= B. C. shingles. Asphalt slate surface twin shingles. Ready roofing in rolls. Cedar Fence' Posts and Anchor Posts. Frost Woven Wire Fence. Barb Wire Steel Gates. Fertilizer for land sake. Cement' and -.4-nehrateee PHONE 12. A. J. CLATWORTHY QRANTON CR -TRO ADY_Av The' Double Track Route BETWEEN Montreal Toronto Detroit and Chicago Unexcellecj dining car service: Sleeping cars on night trains and parlor cars on principal day trains. Pull information froin• any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Hor- ning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. ' N. J. DORE, Agent, Exeter; Phone 46w. SZSMIMM=R=CM3M,========p2SEAMISE:P. CENTRO 4gIrm,A. 'MAP, &MT" --ftio—por WESTERN ONTARIO'S REST COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Our winter term commences Tuesday, January 4th and students may register in our Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy depaatinente at any time. Our coarses are thorough and practical and we assist graduates to post- ticms. Get our tree cata- logue. D. A. Mc1.441.OHLAN, Prindipal C STOR IA For Infants and Children vea' 30 Years 11'1 USO,r Iroquois Falls leoard 0! Trade . urge% the Ontario Government to ap- elelweYe beeee' point a ceinmiselon to direct all pub-. • thc Ile works In that part of Northern Sigeature of Ontario,